Johnny Rungtusanatham, The Ohio State University and Joy M. Field, Boston College, Editors

  • RFID for the Supply Chain and Operations Professional by Pamela Zelbst and Victor Sower
  • Insightful Quality: Beyond Continuous Improvement by Victor Sower and Frank Fair
  • Sustainability Delivered: Designing Socially and Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains by Madeleine Pullman and Margaret Sauter
  • Sustainable Operations and Closed-Loop Supply Chains by Gilvan Souza
  • Mapping Workflows and Managing Knowledge: Capturing Formal and Tacit Knowledge to Improve Performance by John Kmetz
  • Supply Chain Planning: Practical Frameworks for Superior Performance by Matthew Liberatore and Tan Miller
  • Understanding the Dynamics of the Value Chain by William Presutti and John Mawhinney
  • An Introduction to Supply Chain Management: A Global Supply Chain Support Perspective by Edmund Prater and Kim Whitehead
  • Production Line Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers, Second Edition by Sabry Shaaban and Sarah Hudson
  • Sourcing to Support the Green Initiative by Lisa Ellram and Wendy Tate
  • Designing Supply Chains for New Product Development by Antonio Arreola-Risa and Barry Keys
  • Metric Dashboards for Operations and Supply Chain Excellence by Jaideep Motwani and Rob Ptacek
  • Statistical Process Control for Managers by Victor E. Sower
  • Supply Chain Information Technology, Second Edition by David L. Olson
  • Supply Chain Risk Management: Tools for Analysis, Second Edition by David L. Olson
  • International Operations: How Multiple International Environments Impact Productivity and Location Decisions by Harm-Jan Steenhuis
  • Better Business Decisions Using Cost Modeling, Second Edition by Victor Sower and Christopher Sower
  • Improving Business Performance with Lean, Second Edition by James R. Bradley
  • Lean Communication: Applications for Continuous Process Improvement by Sam Yankelevitch and Claire F. Kuhl

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