
Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett are a philosophical match made in heaven.

I was overjoyed to be asked to write this foreword to their remarkable book because I passionately share their joint belief that the infusion of love is an essential, but oft overlooked, ingredient in any business organization that wants to be superlative for a long period of time, rather than just “successful” for a limited time.

Most people are looking not only for monetary security but also for psychic satisfaction in their work. That satisfaction is provided in our personal lives by the love and affection of family and friends. Why shouldn’t a business simply be an enlargement of our circle of family and friends?

For more than forty years, in her relationships with the People of Southwest Airlines, Colleen Barrett has lived the leadership principles extolled by Ken Blanchard. She has ensured that no grief goes unattended; that no joy goes unshared; that each achievement is celebrated; and that those requiring help receive it.

She has made successes of People who thought they were destined for failure and has administered necessary discipline with care, thoughtfulness, understanding, and, ultimately, pure and unflinching justice leavened by mercy. And, always, her unadulterated focus has fastened on what is good, egalitarian, and right for ALL of the People of Southwest Airlines, not just a favored few.

For those who might think that leading with love is simply “soft management,” review the record of Southwest Airlines over the last forty years. In a business so fraught with economic peril that the entire domestic airline industry has compiled a net loss since its inception, Southwest’s People have produced an unprecedented and unparalleled record of job security, Customer satisfaction, and Shareholder return. From these results, it can factually and logically be concluded that if you seek long continued success for your business organization, treat your People as family and


Herb Kelleher
Founder and Chairman Emeritus
Southwest Airlines Co.

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