Chapter 13: Functional Programming

This chapter brings you into the world of functional programming. It explains what a functional interface is, provides an overview of the functional interfaces that come with JDK, and defines and demonstrates Lambda expressions and how to use them with functional interfaces, including using method reference.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • What is functional programming?
  • Standard functional interfaces
  • Functional pipelines
  • Lambda expression limitations
  • Method reference

By the end of the chapter, you will be able to write functions and use them for Lambda expressions in order to pass them as method parameters.

Technical requirements

To be able to execute the code examples provided in this chapter, you will need the following:

  • A computer with a Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, or Linux operating system
  • Java SE version 17 or later
  • An IDE or any code editor you prefer

The instructions for how to set up a Java SE and IntelliJ IDEA editor were provided in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17. The files with the code examples for this chapter are available on GitHub at in the examples/src/main/java/com/packt/learnjava/ch13_functional folder.

What is functional programming?

Before we provide the definition, let us revisit the code with elements of functional programming that we have used already in the preceding chapters. All these examples give you a pretty good idea of how a function can be constructed and passed around as a parameter.

In Chapter 6, Data Structures, Generics, and Popular Utilities, we talked about the Iterable interface and its default void forEach (Consumer<T> function) method, and provided the following example:

Iterable<String> list = List.of("s1", "s2", "s3");
System.out.println(list);                //prints: [s1, s2, s3]
list.forEach(e -> System.out.print(e + " "));//prints: s1 s2 s3

You can see how a Consumer e -> System.out.print(e + " ") function is passed into the forEach() method and applied to each element flowing into this method from the list. We will discuss the Consumer function shortly.

We also mentioned two methods of the Collection interface that accept a function as a parameter too:

  • The default boolean remove(Predicate<E> filter) method attempts to remove all the elements that satisfy the given predicate from the collection; a Predicate function accepts an element of the collection and returns a Boolean value.
  • The default T[] toArray(IntFunction<T[]> generator) method returns an array of all the elements of the collection, using the provided IntFunction generator function to allocate the returned array.

In the same chapter, we also mentioned the following method of the List interface:

  • default void replaceAll(UnaryOperator<E> operator): This replaces each element of the list with the result of applying the provided UnaryOperator to that element; UnaryOperator is one of the functions we are going to review in this chapter.

We described the Map interface, its default V merge(K key, V value, BiFunction<V,V,V> remappingFunction) method, and how it can be used for concatenating the String values: map.merge(key, value, String::concat). BiFunction<V,V,V> takes two parameters of the same type and returns the value of the same type as well. The String::concat construct is called a method reference and will be explained in the Method references section.

We provided the following example of passing a Comparator function:

  Comparator<String> cmp = 
               (s1, s2) -> s1 == null ? -1 : s1.compareTo(s2);

It takes two String parameters, then compares the first one to null. If the first parameter is null, the function returns -1; otherwise, it compares the first parameter and the second one using the compareTo() method.

In Chapter 11, Network Programming, we looked at the following code:

  HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
  HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
  try {
     HttpResponse<String> resp = 
                 httpClient.send(req, BodyHandlers.ofString());
     System.out.println("Response: " + 
                      resp.statusCode() + " : " + resp.body());
  } catch (Exception ex) {

The BodyHandler object (a function) is generated by the BodyHandlers.ofString() factory method and passed into the send() method as a parameter. Inside the method, the code calls its apply() method:

BodySubscriber<T> apply(ResponseInfo responseInfo)

Finally, in Chapter 12, Java GUI Programming, we used an EventHandler function as a parameter in the following code snippet:

  btn.setOnAction(e -> { 
                     System.out.println("Bye! See you later!");
     .setValue(e -> System.out.println("Bye! See you later!"));

The first function is EventHandler<ActionEvent>. This prints a message and forces the application to exit. The second is the EventHandler<WindowEvent> function. This just prints the message.

This ability to pass a function as a parameter constitutes functional programming. It is present in many programming languages and does not require the managing of object states. The function is stateless. Its result depends only on the input data, no matter how many times it is called. Such coding makes the outcome more predictable, which is the most attractive aspect of functional programming.

The area that benefits the most from such a design is parallel data processing. Functional programming allows for shifting the responsibility for parallelism from the client code to the library. Before that, in order to process elements of Java collections, the client code had to iterate over the collection and organize the processing. In Java 8, new (default) methods were added that accept a function as a parameter and then apply it to each element of the collection, in parallel or not, depending on the internal processing algorithm. So, it is the library’s responsibility to organize parallel processing.

What is a functional interface?

When we define a function, we provide an implementation of an interface that has only one abstract method. That is how the Java compiler knows where to put the provided functionality. The compiler looks at the interface (Consumer, Predicate, Comparator, IntFunction, UnaryOperator, BiFunction, BodyHandler, and EventHandler in the preceding examples), sees only one abstract method there, and uses the passed-in functionality as the method implementation. The only requirement is that the passed-in parameters must match the method signature. Otherwise, the compile-time error is generated.

That is why any interface that has only one abstract method is called a functional interface. Please note that the requirement of having only one abstract method includes the method inherited from the parent interface. For example, consider the following interfaces:

interface A {
    void method1();
    default void method2(){}
    static void method3(){}
interface B extends A {
    default void method4(){}
interface C extends B {
    void method1();
interface D extends C {
    void method5();

The A interface is a functional interface because it has only one abstract method, method1(). The B interface is a functional interface too because it has only one abstract method—the same one inherited from the A interface. The C interface is a functional interface because it has only one abstract method, method1(), which overrides the abstract method of the parent interface, A. The D interface cannot be a functional interface because it has two abstract methods—method1() from the parent interface, A, and method5().

To help avoid runtime errors, the @FunctionalInterface annotation was introduced in Java 8. It tells the compiler about the intent so the compiler can check and see whether there is truly only one abstract method in the annotated interface. This annotation also warns a programmer, who reads the code, that this interface has only one abstract method intentionally. Otherwise, a programmer may waste time adding another abstract method to the interface only to discover at runtime that it cannot be done.

For the same reason, the Runnable and Callable interfaces, which have existed in Java since its early versions, were annotated in Java 8 as @FunctionalInterface. This distinction is made explicit and serves as a reminder to users that these interfaces can be used to create a function:

interface Runnable {
    void run(); 
interface Callable<V> {
    V call() throws Exception;

As with any other interface, the functional interface can be implemented using the anonymous class:

Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

An object created this way can later be used as follows:;   //prints: Hello!

If we look closely at the preceding code, we notice that there is unnecessary overhead. First, there is no need to repeat the interface name, because we declared it already as the type for the object reference. And, second, in the case of a functional interface that has only one abstract method, there is no need to specify the method name that has to be implemented. The compiler and Java runtime can figure it out. All we need is to provide the new functionality. The Lambda expressions were introduced especially for this purpose.

What is a Lambda expression?

The term Lambda comes from lambda calculus—a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any Turing machine. It was introduced by mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s. A Lambda expression is a function, implemented in Java as an anonymous method. It also allows for the omitting of modifiers, return types, and parameter types. That makes for a very compact notation.

The syntax of the Lambda expression includes the list of parameters, an arrow token (->), and a body. The list of parameters can be empty, such as (), without parentheses (if there is only one parameter), or a comma-separated list of parameters surrounded by parentheses. The body can be a single expression or a statement block inside braces ({}). Let’s look at a few examples:

  • () -> 42; always returns 42.
  • x -> x*42 + 42; multiplies the x value by 42, then adds 42 to the result and returns it.
  • (x, y) -> x * y; multiplies the passed-in parameters and returns the result.
  • s -> "abc".equals(s); compares the value of the s variable and literal "abc"; it returns a Boolean result value.
  • s -> System.out.println("x=" + s); prints the s value with the prefix "x=".
  • (i, s) -> { i++; System.out.println(s + "=" + i); }; increments the input integer and prints the new value with the prefix s + "=", with s being the value of the second parameter.

Without functional programming, the only way to pass some functionality as a parameter in Java would be by writing a class that implements an interface, creating its object, and then passing it as a parameter. But even the least-involved style using an anonymous class requires writing too much boilerplate code. Using functional interfaces and Lambda expressions makes the code shorter, clearer, and more expressive.

For example, Lambda expressions allow us to reimplement our preceding example with the Runnable interface, as follows:

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("Hello!");

As you can see, creating a functional interface is easy, especially with Lambda expressions. But before doing that, consider using one of the 43 functional interfaces provided in the java.util.function package. This will not only allow you to write less code but will also help other programmers who are familiar with the standard interfaces to understand your code better.

The local variable syntax for Lambda parameters

Until the release of Java 11, there were two ways to declare parameter types—explicitly and implicitly. Here is an explicit version:

  BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f = 
                           (Double x, Integer y) -> x / y;
  System.out.println(f.apply(3., 2)); //prints: 1.5

The following is an implicit parameter type definition:

  BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f = (x, y) -> x / y;
  System.out.println(f.apply(3., 2));   //prints: 1.5

In the preceding code, the compiler infers the type of the parameters from the interface definition.

In Java 11, another method of parameter type declaration was introduced using the var type holder, which is similar to the var local variable type holder introduced in Java 10 (see Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17).

The following parameter declaration is syntactically exactly the same as the implicit one before Java 11:

  BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f = 
                                       (var x, var y) -> x / y;
  System.out.println(f.apply(3., 2));    //prints: 1.5

The new local variable-style syntax allows us to add annotations without defining the parameter type explicitly. Let’s add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:


It allows us to define passed-in variables as non-null:

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f =
                     (@NotNull var x, @NotNull var y) -> x / y;
System.out.println(f.apply(3., 2));    //prints: 1.5

An annotation communicates to the compiler the programmer’s intent, so it can warn the programmer during compilation or execution if the declared intent is violated. For example, we have tried to run the following code:

BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f = (x, y) -> x / y;
System.out.println(f.apply(null, 2));

It failed with NullPointerException at runtime. Then, we have added the annotation as follows:

BiFunction<Double, Integer, Double> f =
        (@NotNull var x, @NotNull var y) -> x / y;
System.out.println(f.apply(null, 2));

The result of running the preceding code looks like this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
Argument for @NotNull parameter 'x' of 
.lambda$localVariableSyntax$1 must not be null
at com.packt.learnjava.ch13_functional.LambdaExpressions
at com.packt.learnjava.ch13_functional.LambdaExpressions
at com.packt.learnjava.ch13_functional.LambdaExpressions
at com.packt.learnjava.ch13_functional.LambdaExpressions

The Lambda expression was not even executed.

The advantage of the local variable syntax in the case of Lambda parameters becomes clear if we need to use annotations when the parameters are the objects of a class with a really long name. Before Java 11, the code might have looked like the following:

AnotherReallyLongClassName, Double> f =
      (@NotNull SomeReallyLongClassName x,
    @NotNull AnotherReallyLongClassName y) -> x.doSomething(y);

We had to declare the type of the variable explicitly because we wanted to add annotations, and the following implicit version would not even compile:

AnotherReallyLongClassName, Double> f =
           (@NotNull x, @NotNull y) -> x.doSomething(y);

With Java 11, the new syntax allows us to use the implicit parameter type inference using the var type holder:

AnotherReallyLongClassName, Double> f =
          (@NotNull var x, @NotNull var y) -> x.doSomething(y);

That is the advantage of and the motivation behind introducing the local variable syntax for the Lambda parameter’s declaration. Otherwise, consider staying away from using var. If the type of the variable is short, using its actual type makes the code easier to understand.

Standard functional interfaces

Most of the interfaces provided in the java.util.function package are specializations of the following four interfaces: Consumer<T>, Predicate<T>, Supplier<T>, and Function<T,R>. Let’s review them and then look at a short overview of the other 39 standard functional interfaces.


By looking at the Consumer<T> interface definition, <indexentry content="standard functional interfaces:Consumer">, you can already guess that this interface has an abstract method that accepts a parameter of type T and does not return anything. Well, when only one type is listed, it may define the type of the return value, as in the case of the Supplier<T> interface. But the interface name serves as a clue: the consumer name indicates that the method of this interface just takes the value and returns nothing, while supplier returns the value. This clue is not precise but helps to jog the memory.

The best source of information about any functional interface is the java.util.function package API documentation ( If we read it, we learn that the Consumer<T> interface has one abstract and one default method:

  • void accept(T t): Applies the operation to the given argument
  • default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<T> after): Returns a composed Consumer function that performs, in sequence, the current operation followed by the after operation

It means that, for example, we can implement and then execute it as follows:

  Consumer<String> printResult = 
                       s -> System.out.println("Result: " + s);
  printResult.accept("10.0");   //prints: Result: 10.0

We can also have a factory method that creates the function, for example:

Consumer<String> printWithPrefixAndPostfix(String pref, String postf){
    return s -> System.out.println(pref + s + postf);

Now, we can use it as follows:

printWithPrefixAndPostfix("Result: ", 
                          " Great!").accept("10.0");            
                                  //prints: Result: 10.0 Great!

To demonstrate the andThen() method, let’s create the Person class:

public class Person {
    private int age;
    private String firstName, lastName, record;
    public Person(int age, String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.age = age;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.firstName = firstName;
    public int getAge() { return age; }
    public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
    public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
    public String getRecord() { return record; }
    public void setRecord(String fullId) { 
                                        this.record = record; }

You may have noticed that record is the only property that has a setting. We will use it to set a personal record in a consumer function:

String externalData = "external data";
Consumer<Person> setRecord =
    p -> p.setFullId(p.getFirstName() + " " +
    p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getAge() + ", " + externalData);

The setRecord function takes the values of the Person object properties and some data from an external source and sets the resulting value as the record property value. Obviously, it could be done in several other ways, but we do it for demo purposes. Let’s also create a function that prints the record property:

Consumer<Person> printRecord = p -> System.out.println(

The composition of these two functions can be created and executed as follows:

Consumer<Person> setRecordThenPrint = setRecord.
setRecordThenPrint.accept(new Person(42, "Nick", "Samoylov")); 
                 //prints: Nick Samoylov, age 42, external data

This way, it is possible to create a whole processing pipe of the operations that transform the properties of an object that is passed through the pipe.


This functional interface, Predicate<T>, has one abstract method, five defaults, and a static method that allows predicates chaining:

  • boolean test(T t): Evaluates the provided parameter to see whether it meets the criteria or not
  • default Predicate<T> negate(): Returns the negation of the current predicate
  • static <T> Predicate<T> not(Predicate<T> target): Returns the negation of the provided predicate
  • default Predicate<T> or(Predicate<T> other): Constructs a logical OR from this predicate and the provided one
  • default Predicate<T> and(Predicate<T> other): Constructs a logical AND from this predicate and the provided one
  • static <T> Predicate<T> isEqual(Object targetRef): Constructs a predicate that evaluates whether or not two arguments are equal according to Objects.equals(Object, Object)

The basic use of this interface is pretty straightforward:

Predicate<Integer> isLessThan10 = i -> i < 10;
System.out.println(isLessThan10.test(7));      //prints: true
System.out.println(isLessThan10.test(12));     //prints: false

We can also combine it with the previously created printWithPrefixAndPostfix(String pref, String postf) function:

int val = 7;
Consumer<String> printIsSmallerThan10 = 
printWithPrefixAndPostfix("Is " + val + " smaller than 10? ", 
                                                  "  Great!");
                    //prints: Is 7 smaller than 10? true Great!

The other methods (also called operations) can be used for creating operational chains (also called pipelines), and can be seen in the following examples:

Predicate<Integer> isEqualOrGreaterThan10 = isLessThan10.
                                                //prints: false
                                                 //prints: true
isEqualOrGreaterThan10 = Predicate.not(isLessThan10);
                                                //prints: false
                                                 //prints: true
Predicate<Integer> isGreaterThan10 = i -> i > 10;
Predicate<Integer> is_lessThan10_OR_greaterThan10 = 
                                                        // true
                                                       // false
Predicate<Integer> isGreaterThan5 = i -> i > 5;
Predicate<Integer> is_lessThan10_AND_greaterThan5 = 
                                                       // false
                                                        // true
Person nick = new Person(42, "Nick", "Samoylov");
Predicate<Person> isItNick = Predicate.isEqual(nick);
Person john = new Person(42, "John", "Smith");
Person person = new Person(42, "Nick", "Samoylov");
                                                //prints: false
                                                 //prints: true

The predicate objects can be chained into more complex logical statements and include all necessary external data, as was demonstrated before.


This functional interface, Supplier<T>, has only one abstract method, T get(), which returns a value. The basic usage can be seen as follows:

Supplier<Integer> supply42 = () -> 42;
System.out.println(supply42.get());  //prints: 42

It can be chained with the functions discussed in the preceding sections:

int input = 7;
int limit = 10;
Supplier<Integer> supply7 = () -> input;
Predicate<Integer> isLessThan10 = i -> i < limit;
Consumer<String> printResult = printWithPrefixAndPostfix("Is "
         + input + " smaller than " + limit + "? ", " Great!");
                    //prints: Is 7 smaller than 10? true Great!

The Supplier<T> function is typically used as an entry point of data going into a processing pipeline.

Function<T, R>

The notation of this and other functional interfaces that return values includes the listing of the return type as the last in the list of generics (R in this case) and the type of the input data in front of it (an input parameter of type T in this case). So, the Function<T, R> notation means that the only abstract method of this interface accepts an argument of type T and produces a result of type R. Let’s look at the online documentation (

The Function<T, R> interface has one abstract method, R apply(T), and two methods for operations chaining:

  • default <V> Function<T,V> andThen(Function<R, V> after): Returns a composed function that first applies the current function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result
  • default <V> Function<V,R> compose(Function<V, T> before): Returns a composed function that first applies the before function to its input, and then applies the current function to the result

There is also an identity() method:

  • static <T> Function<T,T> identity(): Returns a function that always returns its input argument

Let’s review all these methods and how they can be used. Here is an example of the basic usage of the Function<T,R> interface:

Function<Integer, Double> multiplyByTen = i -> i * 10.0;
System.out.println(multiplyByTen.apply(1));    //prints: 10.0

We can also chain it with all the functions we have discussed in the preceding sections:

Supplier<Integer> supply7 = () -> 7;
Function<Integer, Double> multiplyByFive = i -> i * 5.0;
Consumer<String> printResult = 
              printWithPrefixAndPostfix("Result: ", " Great!");
                                  //prints: Result: 35.0 Great!

The andThen() method allows constructing a complex function from simpler ones. Notice the divideByTwo.andThen() line in the following code:

Function<Double, Long> divideByTwo = 
                       d -> Double.valueOf(d / 2.).longValue();
Function<Long, String> incrementAndCreateString = 
                                    l -> String.valueOf(l + 1);
Function<Double, String> divideByTwoIncrementAndCreateString = 
                                     //prints: Result: 3 Great!

It describes the sequence of the operations applied to the input value. Notice how the return type of the divideByTwo() function (Long) matches the input type of the incrementAndCreateString() function.

The compose() method accomplishes the same result, but in reverse order:

Function<Double, String> divideByTwoIncrementAndCreateString =  
                                     //prints: Result: 3 Great!

Now, the sequence of composition of the complex function does not match the sequence of the execution. It may be very convenient in the case where the divideByTwo() function is not created yet and you would like to create it in-line. Then, the following construct will not compile:

Function<Double, String> divideByTwoIncrementAndCreateString =
       (d -> Double.valueOf(d / 2.).longValue())

The following line will compile just fine:

Function<Double, String> divideByTwoIncrementAndCreateString =
      .compose(d -> Double.valueOf(d / 2.).longValue());

It allows for more flexibility while constructing a functional pipeline, so you can build it in a fluent style without breaking the continuous line when creating the next operations.

The identity() method is useful when you need to pass in a function that matches the required function signature but does nothing. But, it can substitute only a function that returns the same type as the input type, as shown in this example:

Function<Double, Double> multiplyByTwo = d -> d * 2.0; 
System.out.println(multiplyByTwo.apply(2.));  //prints: 4.0
multiplyByTwo = Function.identity();
System.out.println(multiplyByTwo.apply(2.));  //prints: 2.0

To demonstrate its usability, let’s assume we have the following processing pipeline:

Function<Double, Double> multiplyByTwo = d -> d * 2.0;
System.out.println(multiplyByTwo.apply(2.));  //prints: 4.0
Function<Double, Long> subtract7 = d -> Math.round(d - 7);
System.out.println(subtract7.apply(11.0));   //prints: 4
long r = multiplyByTwo.andThen(subtract7).apply(2.);
System.out.println(r);                       //prints: -3

Then, we decide that, under certain circumstances, the multiplyByTwo() function should do nothing. We could add to it a conditional close that turns it on/off. But, if we want to keep the function intact or if this function is passed to us from third-party code, we can just do the following:

Function<Double, Double> multiplyByTwo = d -> d * 2.0;
System.out.println(multiplyByTwo.apply(2.));  //prints: 4.0
Function<Double, Long> subtract7 = d -> Math.round(d - 7);
System.out.println(subtract7.apply(11.0));   //prints: 4
long r = multiplyByTwo.andThen(subtract7).apply(2.);
System.out.println(r);                       //prints: -3 
multiplyByTwo = Function.identity();
System.out.println(multiplyByTwo.apply(2.)); //prints: 2.0;
r = multiplyByTwo.andThen(subtract7).apply(2.);
System.out.println(r);                      //prints: -5

As you can see, the multiplyByTwo() function now does nothing, and the final result is different.

Other standard functional interfaces

The other 39 functional interfaces in the java.util.function package are variations of the four interfaces we have just reviewed. These variations are created in order to achieve one or any combination of the following:

  • Better performance by avoiding autoboxing and unboxing via the explicit usage of int, double, or long primitives
  • Allowing two input parameters and/or a shorter notation

Here are just a few examples:

  • IntFunction<R> with the R apply(int) method provides a shorter notation (without generics for the input parameter type) and avoids autoboxing by requiring the primitive int as a parameter.
  • BiFunction<T,U,R> with the R apply(T,U) method allows two input parameters; BinaryOperator<T> with the T apply(T,T) method allows two input parameters of type T and returns a value of the same type, T.
  • IntBinaryOperator with the int applAsInt(int,int) method accepts two parameters of the int type and returns the value of the int type, too.

If you are going to use functional interfaces, we encourage you to study the API of the interfaces of the java.util.functional package (

Lambda expression limitations

There are two aspects of a Lambda expression that we would like to point out and clarify:

  • If a Lambda expression uses a local variable created outside it, this local variable has to be final or effectively final (not reassigned in the same context).
  • The this keyword in a Lambda expression refers to the enclosing context, not the Lambda expression itself.

As in an anonymous class, the variable created outside and used inside a Lambda expression becomes effectively final and cannot be modified. The following is an example of an error caused by the attempt to change the value of an initialized variable:

int x = 7;
//x = 3; //compilation error
Function<Integer, Integer> multiply = i -> i * x;

The reason for this restriction is that a function can be passed around and executed in different contexts (different threads, for example), and an attempt to synchronize these contexts would defeat the original idea of the stateless function and the evaluation of the expression, depending only on the input parameters, not on the context variables. That is why all the local variables used in the Lambda expression have to be effectively final, meaning that they can either be declared final explicitly or become final by virtue of not changing the value.

There is one possible workaround for this limitation though. If the local variable is of a reference type (but not a String or primitive wrapping type), it is possible to change its state, even if this local variable is used in the Lambda expression:

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList();
int x = list.get(0);
System.out.println(x);  // prints: 7
list.set(0, 3);
x = list.get(0);
System.out.println(x);  // prints: 3
Function<Integer, Integer> multiply = i -> i * list.get(0);

This workaround should be used with care because of the danger of unexpected side effects if this Lambda is executed in a different context.

The this keyword inside an anonymous class refers to the instance of the anonymous class. By contrast, inside the Lambda expression, the this keyword refers to the instance of the class that surrounds the expression, also called an enclosing instance, enclosing context, or enclosing scope.

Let’s create a ThisDemo class that illustrates the difference:

class ThisDemo {
    private String field = "ThisDemo.field";
    public void useAnonymousClass() {
        Consumer<String> consumer = new Consumer<>() {
            private String field = "Consumer.field";
            public void accept(String s) {
    public void useLambdaExpression() {
        Consumer<String> consumer = consumer = s -> {

If we execute the preceding methods, the output will be as shown in the following code comments:

ThisDemo d = new ThisDemo();
d.useAnonymousClass();      //prints: Consumer.field
d.useLambdaExpression();    //prints: ThisDemo.field

As you can see, the this keyword inside the anonymous class refers to the anonymous class instance, while this in a Lambda expression refers to the enclosing class instance. A Lambda expression just does not (and cannot) have a field. A Lambda expression is not a class instance and cannot be referred to by this. According to Java’s specifications, such an approach allows more flexibility for implementations by treating this the same as the surrounding context.

Method references

So far, all our functions were short one-liners. Here is another example:

Supplier<Integer> input = () -> 3;
Predicate<Integer> checkValue = d -> d < 5;
Function<Integer, Double> calculate = i -> i * 5.0;
Consumer<Double> printResult = d -> System.out.println(
                                               "Result: " + d);
} else {
    System.out.println("Input " + input.get() + 
                                             " is too small.");

If the function consists of two or more lines, we could implement them as follows:

Supplier<Integer> input = () -> {
     // as many line of code here as necessary
     return 3;
Predicate<Integer> checkValue = d -> {
    // as many line of code here as necessary
    return d < 5;
Function<Integer, Double> calculate = i -> {
    // as many lines of code here as necessary
    return i * 5.0;
Consumer<Double> printResult = d -> {
    // as many lines of code here as necessary
    System.out.println("Result: " + d);
} else {
    System.out.println("Input " + input.get() + 
                                             " is too small.");

When the size of a function implementation grows beyond several lines of code, such a code layout may not be easy to read. It may obscure the overall code structure. To avoid this issue, it is possible to move the function implementation into a method and then refer to this method in the Lambda expression. For example, let’s add one static and one instance method to the class where the Lambda expression is used:

private int generateInput(){
    // Maybe many lines of code here
    return 3;
private static boolean checkValue(double d){
    // Maybe many lines of code here
    return d < 5;

Also, to demonstrate the variety of possibilities, let’s create another class, with one static method and one instance method:

class Helper {
    public double calculate(int i){
        // Maybe many lines of code here
        return i* 5; 
    public static void printResult(double d){
        // Maybe many lines of code here
        System.out.println("Result: " + d);

Now, we can rewrite our last example as follows:

Supplier<Integer> input = () -> generateInput();
Predicate<Integer> checkValue = d -> checkValue(d);
Function<Integer, Double> calculate = i -> new Helper().calculate(i);
Consumer<Double> printResult = d -> Helper.printResult(d);
} else {
    System.out.println("Input " + input.get() + 
                                             " is too small.");

As you can see, even if each function consists of many lines of code, such a structure keeps the code easy to read. Yet, when a one-line Lambda expression consists of a reference to an existing method, it is possible to further simplify the notation by using a method reference without listing the parameters.

The syntax of the method reference is Location::methodName, where Location indicates in which object or class the methodName method belongs, and the two colons (::) serve as a separator between the location and the method name. Using method reference notation, the preceding example can be rewritten as follows:

Supplier<Integer> input = this::generateInput;
Predicate<Integer> checkValue = MethodReferenceDemo::checkValue;
Function<Integer, Double> calculate = new Helper()::calculate;
Consumer<Double> printResult = Helper::printResult;
} else {
    System.out.println("Input " + input.get() + 
                                             " is too small.");

You have probably noticed that we have intentionally used different locations, two instance methods, and two static methods in order to demonstrate the variety of possibilities. If it feels like too much to remember, the good news is that a modern IDE (IntelliJ IDEA is one example) can do it for you and convert the code you are writing to the most compact form. You just have to accept the IDE’s suggestion.


This chapter introduced you to functional programming by explaining and demonstrating the concept of functional interfaces and Lambda expressions. The overview of standard functional interfaces that comes with JDK helps you to avoid writing custom code, while the method reference notation allows you to write well-structured code that is easy to understand and maintain.

Now, you are able to write functions and use them for Lambda expressions in order to pass them as a method parameter.

In the next chapter, we will talk about data stream processing. We will define what data streams are, and look at how to process their data and how to chain stream operations in a pipeline. Specifically, we will discuss the streams’ initialization and operations (methods), how to connect them in a fluent style, and how to create parallel streams.


  1. What is a functional interface? Select all that apply:
    1. A collection of functions
    2. An interface that has only one method
    3. Any interface that has only one abstract method
    4. Any library written in Java
  2. What is a Lambda expression? Select all that apply:
    1. A function, implemented as an anonymous method without modifiers, return types, and parameter types
    2. A functional interface implementation
    3. Any implementation in a Lambda calculus style
    4. A notation that includes the list of parameters, an arrow token (->), and a body that consists of a single statement or a block of statements
  3. How many input parameters does the implementation of the Consumer<T> interface have?
  4. What is the type of the return value in the implementation of the Consumer<T> interface?
  5. How many input parameters does the implementation of the Predicate<T> interface have?
  6. What is the type of the return value in the implementation of the Predicate<T> interface?
  7. How many input parameters does the implementation of the Supplier<T> interface have?
  8. What is the type of the return value in the implementation of the Supplier<T> interface?
  9. How many input parameters does the implementation of the Function<T,R> interface have?
  10. What is the type of the return value in the implementation of the Function<T,R> interface?
  11. In a Lambda expression, what does the this keyword refer to?
  12. What is method reference syntax?
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