Chapter 3: Java Fundamentals

This chapter presents to you a more detailed view of Java as a language. It starts with code organization in packages and a description of accessibility levels of classes (interfaces) and their methods and properties (fields). Reference types, as the main types of a Java object-oriented nature, are also presented in detail, followed by a list of reserved and restricted keywords and a discussion of their usage. The chapter ends with the methods of conversion between different primitive types and from a primitive type to a corresponding reference type and back.

These are the fundamental terms and features of the Java language. The importance of understanding them cannot be overstated. Without them, you cannot write any Java program. So, try not to rush through this chapter and make sure you understand everything presented.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Packages, importing, and access
  • Java reference types
  • Reserved and restricted keywords
  • Usage of the this and super keywords
  • Converting between primitive types
  • Converting between primitive and reference types

Technical requirements

To be able to execute the code examples provided in this chapter, you will need the following:

  • A computer with a Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, or Linux operating system
  • Java SE version 17 or later
  • An IDE or a code editor you prefer

The instructions for how to set up a Java SE and an IntelliJ IDEA editor were provided in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17, of this book. The files with the code examples for this chapter are available in the GitHub repository at in the examples/src/main/java/com/packt/learnjava/ch03_fundamentals folder.

Packages, importing, and access

As you already know, a package name reflects a directory structure, starting with the project directory that contains the .java files. The name of each .java file has to be the same as the name of the top-level class declared in it (this class can contain other classes). The first line of the .java file is the package statement that starts with the package keyword, followed by the actual package name – the directory path to this file in which slashes are replaced with dots.

A package name and the class name together compose a fully qualified class name. It uniquely identifies the class but tends to be too long and inconvenient to use. This is when importing comes to the rescue by allowing specification of the fully qualified name only once, and then referring to the class only by the class name.

Invoking a method of a class from the method of another class is possible only if a caller has access to that class and its methods. The public, protected, and private access modifiers define the level of accessibility and allow (or disallow) some methods, properties, or even the class itself to be visible to other classes.

All these aspects will be discussed in detail in the current section.


Let’s look at the class we called Packages:

package com.packt.learnjava.ch03_fundamentals;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.C;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.D;
public class Packages {
    public void method(){
        C c = new C();
        D d = new D();

The first line in the Packages class is a package declaration that identifies the class location on the source tree or, in other words, the .java file location in a filesystem. When the class is compiled and its .class file with bytecode is generated, the package name also reflects the .class file location in the filesystem.


After the package declaration, the import statements follow. As you can see from the previous example, they allow you to avoid using the fully qualified class (or interface) name anywhere else in the current class (or interface). When many classes (or interfaces) from the same package are imported, it is possible to import all classes and interfaces from the same package as a group, using the * symbol. In our example, it would look as follows:

import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.*;

But that is not a recommended practice as it hides away the imported class (or interface) location when several packages are imported as a group. For example, look at this code snippet:

package com.packt.learnjava.ch03_fundamentals;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.*;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.*;
public class Packages {
    public void method(){
        C c = new C();
        D d = new D();

In the preceding code, can you guess the package to which class C or class D belongs? Also, it is possible that two classes in different packages have the same name. If that is the case, group importing can create a degree of confusion or even a problem that’s difficult to nail down.

It is also possible to import an individual static class (or interface) members. For example, if SomeInterface has a NAME property (as a reminder, interface properties are public and static by default), you can typically refer to it as follows:

package com.packt.learnjava.ch03_fundamentals;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.SomeInterface;
public class Packages {
    public void method(){

To avoid using even the interface name, you can use a static import:

package com.packt.learnjava.ch03_fundamentals;
import static com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.SomeInterface.NAME;
public class Packages {
    public void method(){

Similarly, if SomeClass has a public static property, someProperty, and a public static method, someMethod(), it is possible to import them statically too:

package com.packt.learnjava.ch03_fundamentals;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.StaticMembers.SomeClass;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.C;
import com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.hiding.D;
import static com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.StaticMembers
import static com.packt.learnjava.ch02_oop.StaticMembers
public class Packages {
    public static void main(String... args){
        C c = new C();
        D d = new D();
        SomeClass obj = new SomeClass();
        System.out.println(SOME_PROPERTY);    //prints: abc

But this technique should be used wisely, since it may create the impression that a statically imported method or property belongs to the current class.

Access modifiers

We have already used in our examples the three access modifiers –public, protected, and private – which regulate access to the classes, interfaces, and their members from outside – from other classes or interfaces. There is also a fourth implicit one (also called the default modifier package-private) that is applied when none of the three explicit access modifiers is specified.

The effect of their usage is pretty straightforward:

  • public: Accessible to other classes and interfaces of the current and other packages
  • protected: Accessible only to other members of the same package and children of the class
  • no access modifier: Accessible only to other members of the same package
  • private: Accessible only to members of the same class

From inside the class or an interface, all the class or interface members are always accessible. Besides, as we have stated several times already, all interface members are public by default, unless declared as private.

Also, please note that class accessibility supersedes the class members’ accessibility because, if the class itself is not accessible from somewhere, no change in the accessibility of its methods or properties can make them accessible.

When people talk about access modifiers for classes and interfaces, they mean the classes and interfaces that are declared inside other classes or interfaces. The encompassing class or interface is called a top-level class or interface, while those inside them are called inner classes or interfaces. The static inner classes are also called static nested classes.

It does not make sense to declare a top-level class or interface private because it will not be accessible from anywhere. And the Java authors decided against allowing the top-level class or interface to be declared protected too. It is possible, though, to have a class without an explicit access modifier, thus making it accessible only to members of the same package.

Here is an example:

public class AccessModifiers {
    String prop1;
    private String prop2;
    protected String prop3;
    public String prop4;
    void method1(){ }
    private void method2(){ }
    protected void method3(){ }
    public void method4(){ }
    class A1{ }
    private class A2{ }
    protected class A3{ }
    public class A4{ }
    interface I1 {}
    private interface I2 {}
    protected interface I3 {}
    public interface I4 {}

Please note that static nested classes do not have access to other members of the top-level class.

Another particular feature of an inner class is that it has access to all, even private members, of the top-level class, and vice versa. To demonstrate this feature, let’s create the following private properties and methods in the top-level class and in a private inner class:

public class AccessModifiers {
    private String topLevelPrivateProperty = 
                                     "Top-level private value";
    private void topLevelPrivateMethod(){
        var inner = new InnerClass();
    private class InnerClass {
        //private static String PROP = "Inner static"; //error
        private String innerPrivateProperty = 
                                         "Inner private value";
        private void innerPrivateMethod(){
    private static class InnerStaticClass {
        private static String PROP = "Inner private static";
        private String innerPrivateProperty = 
                                         "Inner private value";
        private void innerPrivateMethod(){
            var top = new AccessModifiers();

As you can see, all the methods and properties in the previous classes are private, which means that normally, they are not accessible from outside the class. And that is true for the AccessModifiers class – its private methods and properties are not accessible for other classes that are declared outside of it. But the InnerClass class can access the private members of the top-level class, while the top-level class can access the private members of its inner classes. The only limitation is that a non-static inner class cannot have static members. By contrast, a static nested class can have both static and non-static members, which makes a static nested class much more usable.

To demonstrate all the possibilities described, we will add the following main() method to the AccessModifiers class:

public static void main(String... args){
    var top = new AccessModifiers();
    //var inner = new InnerClass();  //compiler error
    var inner = new InnerStaticClass();

Naturally, a non-static inner class cannot be accessed from a static context of the top-level class, hence the compiler error comment in the preceding code. If we run it, the result will be as follows:

The first two lines of the output come from topLevelPrivateMethod(), and the rest from the main() method. As you can see, an inner- and a top-level class can access each other’s private state, inaccessible from outside.

Java reference types

A new operator creates an object of a class and returns the reference to the memory where the object resides. From a practical standpoint, the variable that holds this reference is treated in the code as if it is the object itself. Such a variable can be a class, an interface, an array, or a null literal that indicates that no memory reference is assigned to the variable. If the type of reference is an interface, it can be assigned either null or a reference to the object of the class that implements this interface because the interface itself cannot be instantiated.

A JVM watches for all the created objects and checks whether there are references to each of them in the currently executed code. If there is an object without any reference to it, JVM removes it from the memory in a process called garbage collection. We will describe this process in Chapter 9, JVM Structure and Garbage Collection. For example, an object was created during a method execution and was referred to by the local variable. This reference will disappear as soon as the method finishes its execution.

You have seen the examples of custom classes and interfaces, and we have talked about the String class already (see Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17). In this section, we will also describe two other Java reference types – array and enum – and demonstrate how to use them.

Class and interface

A variable of a class type is declared using the corresponding class name:

<Class name> identifier;

The value that can be assigned to such a variable can be one of the following:

  • A null literal reference type (which means the variable can be used but does not refer to any object)
  • A reference to an object of the same class or any of its descendants (because a descendant inherits the types of all of its ancestors)

This last type of assignment is called a widening assignment because it forces a specialized reference to become less specialized. For example, since every Java class is a subclass of java.lang.Object, the following assignment can be done for any class:

Object obj = new AnyClassName();

Such an assignment is also called an upcasting because it moves the type of the variable up on the line of inheritance (which, like any family tree, is usually presented with the oldest ancestor at the top).

After such an upcasting, it is possible to make a narrowing assignment using a (type) cast operator:

AnyClassName anyClassName = (AnyClassName)obj;

Such an assignment is also called downcasting and allows you to restore the descendant type. To apply this operation, you have to be sure that the identifier in fact refers to a descendant type. If in doubt, you can use the instanceof operator (see Chapter 2, Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)) to check the reference type.

Similarly, if a class implements a certain interface, its object reference can be assigned to this interface or any ancestor of the interface:

interface C {}
interface B extends C {}
class A implements B { }
B b = new A();
C c = new A();
A a1 = (A)b;
A a2 = (A)c;

As you can see, as in the case with class reference upcasting and downcasting, it is possible to recover the original type of the object after its reference was assigned to a variable of one of the implemented interface types.

The material of this section can also be viewed as another demonstration of Java polymorphism in action.


An array is a reference type and, as such, extends the java.lang.Object class too. The array elements have the same type as the declared array type. The number of elements may be zero, in which case the array is said to be an empty array. Each element can be accessed by an index, which is a positive integer or zero. The first element has an index of zero. The number of elements is called an array length. Once an array is created, its length never changes.

The following are examples of an array declaration:

int[] intArray;
float[][] floatArray;
String[] stringArray;
SomeClass[][][] arr;

Each bracket pair indicates another dimension. The number of bracket pairs is the nesting depth of the array:

int[] intArray = new int[10];
float[][] floatArray = new float[3][4];
String[] stringArray = new String[2];
SomeClass[][][] arr = new SomeClass[3][5][2];

The new operator allocates memory for each element that can be assigned (filled with) a value later. But in my case, the elements of an array are initialized to the default values at creation time, as the following example demonstrates:

System.out.println(intArray[3]);      //prints: 0
System.out.println(floatArray[2][2]); //prints: 0.0
System.out.println(stringArray[1]);   //prints: null

Another way to create an array is to use an array initializer – a comma-separated list of values enclosed in braces for each dimension, such as the following:

int[] intArray = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
float[][] floatArray ={{1.1f,2.2f,3,2},{10,20.f,30.f,5},{1,2,3,4}};
String[] stringArray = {"abc", "a23"};
System.out.println(intArray[3]);      //prints: 4
System.out.println(floatArray[2][2]); //prints: 3.0
System.out.println(stringArray[1]);   //prints: a23

A multidimensional array can be created without declaring the length of each dimension. Only the first dimension has to have the length specified:

float[][] floatArray = new float[3][];
System.out.println(floatArray.length);  //prints: 3
System.out.println(floatArray[0]);      //prints: null
System.out.println(floatArray[1]);      //prints: null
System.out.println(floatArray[2]);      //prints: null
//System.out.println(floatArray[3]);    //error
//System.out.println(floatArray[2][2]); //error

The missing length of other dimensions can be specified later:

float[][] floatArray = new float[3][];
floatArray[0] = new float[4];
floatArray[1] = new float[3];
floatArray[2] = new float[7];
System.out.println(floatArray[2][5]);   //prints: 0.0

This way, it is possible to assign a different length to different dimensions. Using the array initializer, it is also possible to create dimensions of different lengths:

float[][] floatArray ={{1.1f},{10,5},{1,2,3,4}};

The only requirement is that a dimension has to be initialized before it can be used.


The enum reference type class extends the java.lang.Enum class, which, in turn, extends java.lang.Object. It allows the specification of a limited set of constants, each of them an instance of the same type. The declaration of such a set starts with the enum keyword. Here is an example:


Each of the listed items – SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, and WINTER – is an instance of a Season type. They are the only four instances the Season class can have. They are created in advance and can be used everywhere as a value of a Season type. No other instance of the Season class can be created, and that is the reason for the creation of the enum type – it can be used for cases when the list of instances of a class has to be limited to the fixed set.

The enum declaration can also be written in title case:

enum Season { Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter }

However, the all-capitals style is used more often because, as we mentioned earlier, there is a convention to express the static final constant’s identifier in a capital case. It helps to distinguish constants from variables. The enum constants are implicitly static and final.

Because the enum values are constants, they exist uniquely in a JVM and can be compared by reference:

Season season = Season.WINTER;
boolean b = season == Season.WINTER;
System.out.println(b);   //prints: true

The following are the most frequently used methods of the java.lang.Enum class:

  • name(): Returns the enum constant’s identifier as it is spelled when declared (WINTER, for example).
  • toString(): Returns the same value as the name() method by default but can be overridden to return any other String value.
  • ordinal(): Returns the position of the enum constant when declared (the first in the list has a 0 ordinal value).
  • valueOf(Class enumType, String name): Returns the enum constant object by its name, expressed as a String literal.
  • values(): A static method, described in the documentation of the valueOff() method as follows: “All the constants of an enum class can be obtained by calling the implicit public static T[] values() method of that class.”

To demonstrate the preceding methods, we are going to use the already familiar enum, Season:


And here is the demo code:

System.out.println(;      //prints: SPRING
System.out.println(Season.WINTER.toString());  //prints: WINTER
System.out.println(Season.SUMMER.ordinal());        //prints: 1
Season season = Enum.valueOf(Season.class, "AUTUMN");
System.out.println(season == Season.AUTUMN);     //prints: true
for(Season s: Season.values()){
    System.out.print( + " "); 
                          //prints: SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER

To override the toString() method, let’s create the Season1 enum:

enum Season1 {
    public String toString() {
        return + 

Here is how it works:

for(Season1 s: Season1.values()){
    System.out.print(s.toString() + " "); 
                          //prints: Spring Summer Autumn Winter

It is possible to add any other property to each enum constant. For example, let’s add an average temperature value to each enum instance:

Enum Season2 {
    SPRING(42), SUMMER(67), AUTUMN(32), WINTER(20);
    private int temperature;
    Season2(int temperature){
    this.temperature = temperature;
    public int getTemperature(){
        return this.temperature;
    public String toString() {
        return +
                "(" + this.temperature + ")";

If we iterate over values of the Season2 enum, the result will be as follows:

for(Season2 s: Season2.values()){
    System.out.print(s.toString() + " "); 
          //prints: Spring(42) Summer(67) Autumn(32) Winter(20)

In the standard Java libraries, there are several enum classes – for example, java.time.Month, java.time.DayOfWeek, and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.

Default values and literals

As we have already seen, the default value of a reference type is null. Some sources call it a special type null, but the Java language specification qualifies it as a literal. When an instance property or an array of a reference type is initialized automatically (when a value is not assigned explicitly), the assigned value is null.

The only reference type that has a literal other than the null literal is the String class. We discussed strings in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17.

A reference type as a method parameter

When a primitive type value is passed into a method, we use it. If we do not like the value passed into the method, we change it as we see fit and do not think twice about it:

void modifyParameter(int x){
    x = 2;

We have no concerns that the variable value outside the method may change:

int x = 1;
System.out.println(x);  //prints: 1

It is not possible to change the parameter value of a primitive type outside the method because a primitive type parameter is passed into the method by value. This means that the copy of the value is passed into the method, so even if the code inside the method assigns a different value to it, the original value is not affected.

Another issue with a reference type is that even though the reference itself is passed by value, it still points to the same original object in the memory, so the code inside the method can access the object and modify it. To demonstrate it, let’s create a DemoClass and the method that uses it:

class DemoClass{
    private String prop;
    public DemoClass(String prop) { this.prop = prop; }
    public String getProp() { return prop; }
    public void setProp(String prop) { this.prop = prop; }
void modifyParameter(DemoClass obj){
    obj.setProp("Changed inside the method");

If we use the preceding method, the result will be as follows:

DemoClass obj = new DemoClass("Is not changed");
                            //prints: Changed inside the method

That’s a big difference, isn’t it? So, you have to be careful not to modify the passed-in object in order to avoid an undesirable effect. However, this effect is occasionally used to return the result. But it does not belong to the list of best practices because it makes code less readable. Changing the passed-in object is like using a secret tunnel that is difficult to notice. So, use it only when you have to.

Even if the passed-in object is a class that wraps a primitive value, this effect still holds (we will talk about the primitive values wrapping type in the Converting between primitive and reference types section). Here is DemoClass1 and an overloaded version of the modifyParameter() method:

class DemoClass1{
    private Integer prop;
    public DemoClass1(Integer prop) { this.prop = prop; }
    public Integer getProp() { return prop; }
    public void setProp(Integer prop) { this.prop = prop; }
void modifyParameter(DemoClass1 obj){

If we use the preceding method, the result will be as follows:

DemoClass1 obj = new DemoClass1(Integer.valueOf(1));
System.out.println(obj.getProp());  //prints: 2

The only exception to this behavior of reference types is an object of the String class. Here is another overloaded version of the modifyParameter() method:

void modifyParameter(String obj){
    obj = "Changed inside the method";

If we use the preceding method, the result will be as follows:

String obj = "Is not changed";
System.out.println(obj); //prints: Is not changed
obj = new String("Is not changed");
System.out.println(obj); //prints: Is not changed

As you can see, whether we use a literal or a new String object, the result remains the same – the original String value is not changed after the method that assigns another value to it. That is exactly the purpose of the String value immutability feature we discussed in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17.

equals() method

The equality operator (==), when applied to the variables of reference types, compares the references themselves, not the content (the state) of the objects. But two objects always have different memory references even if they have identical content. Even when used for String objects, the operator (==) returns false if at least one of them is created using a new operator (see the discussion about String value immutability in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Java 17).

To compare content, you can use the equals() method. Its implementation in the String class and numerical type wrapper classes (Integer, Float, and so on) does exactly that – compare the content of the objects.

However, the equals() method implementation in the java.lang.Object class compares only references, which is understandable because the variety of possible content the descendants can have is huge, and the implementation of the generic content comparison is just not feasible. This means that every Java object that needs to have the equals() method comparing the object’s content – not just references – has to re-implement the equals() method and, thus, override its implementation in the java.lang.Object class, which appears as follows:

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
       return (this == obj);

By contrast, look at how the same method is implemented in the Integer class:

private final int value;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj instanceof Integer) {
        return value == ((Integer)obj).intValue();
    return false;

As you can see, it extracts the primitive int value from the input object and compares it to the primitive value of the current object. It does not compare object references at all.

The String class, on the other hand, compares the references first and, if the references are not the same value, compares the content of the objects:

private final byte[] value;
public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
      if (this == anObject) {
            return true;
      if (anObject instanceof String) {
         String aString = (String)anObject;
         if (coder() == aString.coder()) {
           return isLatin1() ? StringLatin1.equals(value, 
                             : StringUTF16.equals(value, 
      return false;

The StringLatin1.equals() and StringUTF16.equals() methods compare the values character by character, not just references.

Similarly, if the application code needs to compare two objects by their content, the equals() method in the corresponding class has to be overridden. For example, let’s look at the familiar DemoClass class:

class DemoClass{
    private String prop;
    public DemoClass(String prop) { this.prop = prop; }
    public String getProp() { return prop; }
    public void setProp(String prop) { this.prop = prop; }

We can add to it the equals() method manually, but the IDE can help us to do this, as follows:

  1. Right-click inside the class just before the closing brace (}).
  2. Select Generate and then follow the prompts.

Eventually, two methods will be generated and added to the class:

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (!(o instanceof DemoClass)) return false;
    DemoClass demoClass = (DemoClass) o;
    return Objects.equals(getProp(), demoClass.getProp());
public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(getProp());

Looking at the generated code, focus your attention on the following points:

  • The usage of the @Override annotation – this ensures that the method does override a method (with the same signature) in one of the ancestors. With this annotation in place, if you modify the method and change the signature (by mistake or intentionally), the compiler (and your IDE) will immediately raise an error, telling you that there is no method with such a signature in any of the ancestor classes. So, it helps to detect an error early.
  • The usage of the java.util.Objects class – this has quite a few very helpful methods, including the equals() static method that not only compares references but also uses the equals() method:

         public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {

             return (a == b) || (a != null && a.equals(b));


As we have demonstrated earlier, the equals() method, implemented in the String class, compares strings by their content and serves this purpose because the getProp() method of DemoClass returns a string.

The hashCode() method – the integer returned by this method uniquely identifies this particular object (but please do not expect it to be the same between different runs of the application). It is not necessary to have this method implemented if the only method needed is equals(). Nevertheless, it is recommended to have it just in case the object of this class is going to be collected in Set or another collection based on a hash code (we are going to talk about Java collections in Chapter 6, Data Structures, Generics, and Popular Utilities).

Both these methods are implemented in Object because many algorithms use the equals() and hashCode() methods, and your application may not work without these methods implemented. Meanwhile, your objects may not need them in your application. However, once you decide to implement the equals() method, it is a good idea to implement the hasCode() method too. Besides, as you have seen, an IDE can do this without any overhead.

Reserved and restricted keywords

The keywords are the words that have particular meaning for a compiler and cannot be used as identifiers. As of Java 17, there are 52 reserved keywords, 5 reserved identifiers, 3 reserved words, and 10 restricted keywords. The reserved keywords cannot be used as identifiers anywhere in the Java code, while the restricted keywords cannot be used as identifiers only in the context of a module declaration.

Reserved keywords

The following is a list of all Java-reserved keywords:

By now, you should feel at home with most of the preceding keywords. By way of an exercise, you can go through the list and check how many of them you remember. Up until now, we have not discussed the following eight keywords:

  • const and goto are reserved but not used, so far.
  • The assert keyword is used in an assert statement (we will talk about this in Chapter 4, Exception Handling).
  • The synchronized keyword is used in concurrent programming (we will talk about this in Chapter 8, Multithreading and Concurrent Processing).
  • The volatile keyword makes the value of a variable uncacheable.
  • The transient keyword makes the value of a variable not serializable.
  • The strictfp keyword restricts floating-point calculations, making it the same result on every platform while performing operations in the floating-point variable.
  • The native keyword declares a method implemented in platform-dependent code, such as C or C++.

Reserved identifiers

The five reserved identifiers in Java are as follows:

  • permits
  • record
  • sealed
  • var
  • yield

Reserved words for literal values

The three reserved words in Java are as follows:

  • true
  • false
  • null

Restricted keywords

The 10 restricted keywords in Java are as follows:

  • open
  • module
  • requires
  • transitive
  • exports
  • opens
  • to
  • uses
  • provides
  • with

They are called restricted because they cannot be identifiers in the context of a module declaration, which we will not discuss in this book. In all other places, it is possible to use them as identifiers, such as the following:

String to = "To";
String with = "abc";

Although you can, it is a good practice not to use them as identifiers, even outside module declaration.

Usage of the this and super keywords

The this keyword provides a reference to the current object. The super keyword refers to the parent class object. These keywords allow us to refer to a variable or method that has the same name in the current context and the parent object.

Usage of the this keyword

Here is the most popular example:

class A {
    private int count;
    public void setCount(int count) {
        count = count;         // 1
    public int getCount(){
        return count;          // 2

The first line looks ambiguous, but, in fact, it is not – the local variable, int count, hides the int count private property instance. We can demonstrate this by running the following code:

A a = new A();
System.out.println(a.getCount());     //prints: 0

Using the this keyword fixes the problem:

class A {
    private int count;
    public void setCount(int count) {
        this.count = count;         // 1
    public int getCount(){
        return this.count;          // 2

Adding this to line 1 allows the value to be assigned the instance property. Adding this to line 2 does not make a difference, but it is good practice to use the this keyword every time with the instance property. It makes the code more readable and helps avoid difficult-to-trace errors, such as the one we have just demonstrated.

We have also seen the this keyword usage in the equals() method:

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (!(o instanceof DemoClass)) return false;
    DemoClass demoClass = (DemoClass) o;
    return Objects.equals(getProp(), demoClass.getProp());

And, just to remind you, here are the examples of a constructor that we presented in Chapter 2, Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

class TheChildClass extends TheParentClass{
    private int x;
    private String prop;
    private String anotherProp = "abc";
    public TheChildClass(String prop){
        this.prop = prop;
    public TheChildClass(int arg1, String arg2){
        this.prop = arg2;
    // methods follow

In the preceding code, you can see not only the this keyword but also the usage of the super keyword, which we are going to discuss next.

Usage of the super keyword

The super keyword refers to the parent object. We saw its usage in the Usage of the this keyword section in a constructor already, where it has to be used only in the first line because the parent class object has to be created before the current object can be created. If the first line of the constructor is not super(), this means the parent class has a constructor without parameters.

The super keyword is especially helpful when a method is overridden and the method of the parent class has to be called:

class B  {
    public void someMethod() {
        System.out.println("Method of B class");
class C extends B {
    public void someMethod() {
        System.out.println("Method of C class");
    public void anotherMethod() {
        this.someMethod();    //prints: Method of C class
        super.someMethod();   //prints: Method of B class

As we progress through this book, we will see more examples of using the this and super keywords.

Converting between primitive types

The maximum numeric value that a numeric type can hold depends on the number of bits allocated to it. The following are the number of bits for each numeric type of representation:

  • byte: 8 bits
  • char: 16 bits
  • short: 16 bits
  • int: 32 bits
  • long: 64 bits
  • float: 32 bits
  • double: 64 bits

When a value of one numeric type is assigned to a variable of another numeric type and the new type can hold a bigger number, such a conversion is called a widening conversion. Otherwise, it is a narrowing conversion, which usually requires typecasting, using a cast operator.

Widening conversion

According to the Java Language Specification, there are 19 widening primitive type conversions:

  • byte to short, int, long, float, or double
  • short to int, long, float, or double
  • char to int, long, float, or double
  • int to long, float, or double
  • long to float or double
  • float to double

During widening conversion between integral types, and from some integral types to a floating-point type, the resulting value matches the original one exactly. However, conversion from int to float, from long to float, or from long to double may result in a loss of precision. The resulting floating-point value may be correctly rounded using IEEE 754 round-to-nearest mode, according to the Java Language Specification. Here are a few examples that demonstrate the loss of precision:

int i = 123456789;
double d = (double)i;
System.out.println(i - (int)d);       //prints: 0
long l1 = 12345678L;
float f1 = (float)l1;
System.out.println(l1 - (long)f1);    //prints: 0
long l2 = 123456789L;
float f2 = (float)l2;
System.out.println(l2 - (long)f2);    //prints: -3
long l3 = 1234567891111111L;
double d3 = (double)l3;
System.out.println(l3 - (long)d3);    //prints: 0
long l4 = 12345678999999999L;
double d4 = (double)l4;
System.out.println(l4 - (long)d4);    //prints: -1 

As you can see, conversion from int to double preserves the value, but long to float, or long to double, may lose precision. It depends on how big the value is. So, be aware and allow for some loss of precision if it is important for your calculations.

Narrowing conversion

The Java Language Specification identifies 22 narrowing primitive conversions:

  • short to byte or char
  • char to byte or short
  • int to byte, short, or char
  • long to byte, short, char, or int
  • float to byte, short, char, int, or long
  • double to byte, short, char, int, long, or float

Similar to the widening conversion, a narrowing conversion may result in a loss of precision, or even in a loss of the value magnitude. The narrowing conversion is more complicated than a widening one, and we are not going to discuss it in this book. It is important to remember that before performing a narrowing, you must make sure that the original value is smaller than the maximum value of the target type. Otherwise, you can get a completely different value (with lost magnitude). Look at the following example:

System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE); //prints: 2147483647
double d1 = 1234567890.0;
System.out.println((int)d1);           //prints: 1234567890
double d2 = 12345678909999999999999.0;
System.out.println((int)d2);           //prints: 2147483647

As you can see from the examples, without checking first whether the target type can accommodate the value, you can get the result just equal to the maximum value of the target type. The rest will be just lost, no matter how big the difference is.

Important Note

Before performing a narrowing conversion, check whether the maximum value of the target type can hold the original value.

Please note that the conversion between the char type and the byte or short types is an even more complicated procedure because the char type is an unsigned numeric type, while the byte and short types are signed numeric types, so some loss of information is possible even when a value may look as though it fits in the target type.

Methods of conversion

In addition to the casting, each primitive type has a corresponding reference type (called a wrapper class) that has methods that convert the value of this type to any other primitive type, except boolean and char. All the wrapper classes belong to the java.lang package:

  • java.lang.Boolean
  • java.lang.Byte
  • java.lang.Character
  • java.lang.Short
  • java.lang.Integer
  • java.lang.Long
  • java.lang.Float
  • java.lang.Double

Each of them – except the Boolean and Character classes – extends the java.lang.Number abstract class, which has the following abstract methods:

  • byteValue()
  • shortValue()
  • intValue()
  • longValue()
  • floatValue()
  • doubleValue()

Such design forces the descendants of the Number class to implement all of them. The results they produce are the same as the cast operator in the previous examples:

int i = 123456789;
double d = Integer.valueOf(i).doubleValue();
System.out.println(i - (int)d);          //prints: 0
long l1 = 12345678L;
float f1 = Long.valueOf(l1).floatValue();
System.out.println(l1 - (long)f1);       //prints: 0
long l2 = 123456789L;
float f2 = Long.valueOf(l2).floatValue();
System.out.println(l2 - (long)f2);       //prints: -3
long l3 = 1234567891111111L;
double d3 = Long.valueOf(l3).doubleValue();
System.out.println(l3 - (long)d3);       //prints: 0
long l4 = 12345678999999999L;
double d4 = Long.valueOf(l4).doubleValue();
System.out.println(l4 - (long)d4);       //prints: -1
double d1 = 1234567890.0;
                         .intValue());   //prints: 1234567890
double d2 = 12345678909999999999999.0;
                         .intValue());   //prints: 2147483647

In addition, each of the wrapper classes has methods that allow the conversion of the String representation of a numeric value to the corresponding primitive numeric type or reference type, such as the following:

byte b1 = Byte.parseByte("42");
System.out.println(b1);             //prints: 42
Byte b2 = Byte.decode("42");
System.out.println(b2);             //prints: 42
boolean b3 = Boolean.getBoolean("property");
System.out.println(b3);            //prints: false
Boolean b4 = Boolean.valueOf("false");
System.out.println(b4);            //prints: false
int i1 = Integer.parseInt("42");
System.out.println(i1);            //prints: 42
Integer i2 = Integer.getInteger("property");
System.out.println(i2);            //prints: null
double d1 = Double.parseDouble("3.14");
System.out.println(d1);            //prints: 3.14
Double d2 = Double.valueOf("3.14");
System.out.println(d2);            //prints: 3.14

In the examples, please note the two methods that accept the property parameter. These two and similar methods of other wrapper classes convert a system property (if one exists) to the corresponding primitive type.

Each of the wrapper classes has the toString(primitive value) static method to convert the primitive type value to its String representation, such as the following:

String s1 = Integer.toString(42);
System.out.println(s1);            //prints: 42
String s2 = Double.toString(3.14);
System.out.println(s2);            //prints: 3.14

The wrapper classes have many other useful methods of conversion from one primitive type to another and to different formats. So, if you need to do something such as that, look into the corresponding wrapper class first.

Converting between primitive and reference types

The conversion of a primitive type value to an object of the corresponding wrapper class is called boxing. Also, the conversion from an object of a wrapper class to the corresponding primitive type value is called unboxing.


The boxing of a primitive type can be done either automatically (called autoboxing) or explicitly using the valueOf() method available in each wrapper type:

int i1 = 42;
Integer i2 = i1;              //autoboxing
//Long l2 = i1;               //error
System.out.println(i2);       //prints: 42
i2 = Integer.valueOf(i1);
System.out.println(i2);       //prints: 42
Byte b = Byte.valueOf((byte)i1);
System.out.println(b);       //prints: 42
Short s = Short.valueOf((short)i1);
System.out.println(s);       //prints: 42
Long l = Long.valueOf(i1);
System.out.println(l);       //prints: 42
Float f = Float.valueOf(i1);
System.out.println(f);       //prints: 42.0
Double d = Double.valueOf(i1);
System.out.println(d);       //prints: 42.0 

Note that autoboxing is only possible in relation to a corresponding wrapper type. Otherwise, the compiler generates an error.

The input value of the valueOf() method of the Byte and Short wrappers required casting because it was a narrowing of a primitive type we discussed in the previous section.


Unboxing can be accomplished using methods of the Number class implemented in each wrapper class:

Integer i1 = Integer.valueOf(42);
int i2 = i1.intValue();
System.out.println(i2);      //prints: 42
byte b = i1.byteValue();
System.out.println(b);       //prints: 42
short s = i1.shortValue();
System.out.println(s);       //prints: 42
long l = i1.longValue();
System.out.println(l);       //prints: 42
float f = i1.floatValue();
System.out.println(f);       //prints: 42.0
double d = i1.doubleValue();
System.out.println(d);       //prints: 42.0
Long l1 = Long.valueOf(42L);
long l2 = l1;                //implicit unboxing
System.out.println(l2);      //prints: 42
double d2 = l1;              //implicit unboxing
System.out.println(d2);      //prints: 42.0
long l3 = i1;                //implicit unboxing
System.out.println(l3);      //prints: 42
double d3 = i1;              //implicit unboxing
System.out.println(d3);      //prints: 42.0

As you can see from the comment in the example, the conversion from a wrapper type to the corresponding primitive type is not called auto-unboxing; it is called implicit unboxing instead. In contrast to autoboxing, it is possible to use implicit unboxing even between wrapping and primitive types that do not match.


In this chapter, you learned what Java packages are and the role they play in organizing code and class accessibility, including the import statement and access modifiers. You also became familiar with reference types – classes, interfaces, arrays, and enums. The default value of any reference type is null, including the String type.

You should now understand that the reference type is passed into a method by reference and how the equals() method is used and can be overridden. You also had an opportunity to study the full list of reserved and restricted keywords and learned the meaning and usage of the this and super keywords.

The chapter concluded by describing the process and methods of conversion between primitive types, wrapping types, and String literals.

In the next chapter, we will talk about the Java exceptions framework, checked and unchecked (runtime) exceptions, try-catch-finally blocks, throws and throw statements, and the best practices of exception handling.


  1. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. The Package statement describes the class or interface location.
    2. The Package statement describes the class or interface name.
    3. Package is a fully qualified name.
    4. The Package name and class name compose a fully qualified name of the class.
  2. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. The Import statement allows the use of the fully qualified name.
    2. The Import statement has to be the first in the .java file.
    3. The Group import statement brings in the classes (and interfaces) of one package only.
    4. The Import statement allows the use of the fully qualified name to be avoided.
  3. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Without an access modifier, the class is accessible only by other classes and interfaces of the same package.
    2. The private method of a private class is accessible to other classes declared in the same .java file.
    3. The public method of a private class is accessible to other classes not declared in the same .java file but from the same package.
    4. The protected method is accessible only to the descendants of the class.
  4. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Private methods can be overloaded but not overridden.
    2. Protected methods can be overridden but not overloaded.
    3. Methods without an access modifier can be both overridden and overloaded.
    4. Private methods can access private properties of the same class.
  5. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Narrowing and downcasting are synonyms.
    2. Widening and downcasting are synonyms.
    3. Widening and upcasting are synonyms.
    4. Widening and narrowing have nothing in common with upcasting and downcasting.
  6. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Array is an object.
    2. Array has a length that is a number of the elements it can hold.
    3. The first element of an array has the index 1.
    4. The second element of an array has the index 1.
  7. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Enum contains constants.
    2. Enum always has a constructor, either default or explicit.
    3. An enum constant can have properties.
    4. Enum can have constants of any reference type.
  8. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Any reference type passed in as a parameter can be modified.
    2. A new String() object passed in as a parameter can be modified.
    3. An object reference value passed in as a parameter cannot be modified.
    4. An array passed in as a parameter can have elements assigned to different values.
  9. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Reserved keywords cannot be used.
    2. Restricted keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
    3. A reserved identifier keyword cannot be used as an identifier.
    4. A reserved keyword cannot be used as an identifier.
  10. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. The this keyword refers to the current class.
    2. The super keyword refers to the super class.
    3. The this and super keywords refer to objects.
    4. The this and super keywords refer to methods.
  11. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. The widening of a primitive type makes the value bigger.
    2. The narrowing of a primitive type always changes the type of the value.
    3. The widening of a primitive type can be done only after narrowing a conversion.
    4. Narrowing makes the value smaller.
  12. Select all the statements that are correct:
    1. Boxing puts a limit on the value.
    2. Unboxing creates a new value.
    3. Boxing creates a reference-type object.
    4. Unboxing deletes a reference-type object.
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