

$datatable variable 72

$instances variable 60

$options object 186

$securepass variable 324

$server object 351


Action=RunDiscovery flag 92

Active Directory

finding nested Active Directory Group access 131132

finding SQL Server instances on network 8586

AdminAccount 171

ADS (Azure Data Studio) 33, 45, 105107, 183, 287, 350

AgentCredential 169

AGs (availability groups) 222228

creating 222224

based on containers 224

based on WSFC 222224

exploring existing 225227

managing existing 227228

All 87

AllDatabases switch 196

Allowed value 317

ALTER INDEX statement 335

ALTER PROCEDURE statement 159

AutoCreateTable 67

AvailabilityGroup 226


Az.Accounts 353

backups 137139

access keys 138139

shared access signatures 137138

connecting to 350352

restores 154155

access keys 154155

shared access signatures 154

service principals and access tokens 352353

writing results of commands to 7475

AzureCredential 154


backup compression 329

Backup-Dbadatabase 325

BackupRestore 196197


creating 134140

Azure 137139

Docker 139140

encryption 323326

backing up database with certificate 325

checking encryption information from backup 325326

prerequisites for 324325

history 141142

instance migration 195197

pruning old files 142

reading files 140141

testing 142144


catch block 242

Category 252

CategoryType 263

Central Management Server. See CMS

certificates 311315

listing of certificates that SQL Server can use 313

obtaining and installing 312313

setting 313315

Check 341

ChecksResultDBName value 348

Chocolatey 22

CI/CD systems, running dbatools and PowerShell on 294297

adding parameters to script 295297

creating tasks 295

ensuring module is available 295

clip 62

cloud database services

Az.Accounts 353

connecting to Azure 350352

future of 355

service principals and access tokens 352353

supported 353355


creating jobs with 238240

PowerShell Agent job steps vs. 231232

CMS (Central Management Server)

getting Registered Servers in both Local Server Groups and 111

overview 107109

Column 279

columnstore compression 329

CompressBackup 135, 329

CompressionType 337

ComputerName 10, 5456, 93, 220

Config property 344

Configuration 171173

configuration system 356359

changing values 359

checking existing configurations 356357

getting specific configurations 357358

getting values 358359

importing configurations 359

resetting to default values 359

ConfigurationFile 171173

ConfigurationFile.ini template 165

Connect-DbaInstance 37, 50

ConnectedAs property 51

ConnectSuccess property 43


creating availability groups based on 224

demo environments using 3539

overview 39

running SQL Server in 3639

Continue 151

Convert-DbcResult 347

ConvertTo-DbaDataTable 72

ConvertTo-DbaXESession 300

Copy 210

Copy commands

Copy-DbaAgentAlert 206

Copy-DbaAgentJob 211

Copy-DbaAgentOperator 205

Copy-DbaCredential 213

Copy-DbaCustomError 206

Copy-DbaDatabase 195

Copy-DbaDbTableData 76, 155

Copy-DbaLinkedServer 213

Copy-DbaLogin 207

Copy-DbaRegServer 109

Copy-DbaXESession 302

COPY_ONLY flag 199

Credential 5556, 58, 220

listing services

by type 58

using different account at command line 56

using different account with credential variables 57

CSR (Certificate Signing Request) 312

CSV files, importing from 6468

creating table first 7073

Import-Csv with Write-DbaDataTable 6668

Import-DbaCsv 6465


DAC (dedicated administrative connection) 213

DACPAC 287294

exporting from existing database 287289

options 290294

publishing 289290

data compression

advanced settings 338339

dbatools 336337

drawbacks of 330331

good candidates for 333

reasons for using 330

rowstore data compression 329330

specifying compression level 337338

types of 328329

what is compressed 331332

what should be compressed 332335

data masking

common approach 275276

generating random data 276277

process for 277283

applying static data masking 282283

defining deterministic columns 281282

finding potential PII data 277279

generating configuration file 279282

validating data masking configuration file 283

Database 97, 135, 252

DatabaseName 151

DataPath 171

datatable object 72

Datatype 277

DateTime 254

datetime format 152

dba operator 211


compared to dbatools 340341

configuring parameters 343346

making checks 341343

storing output data in databases 346348

configuring connection 348

Power BI dashboard 348

storing data 347348

viewing all available checks 343

dbatools 25

Extended Events 302

help system 2324


installation paths 1516

minimum requirements 813

signed software 1314

via Chocolatey 22

via PowerShell Gallery 1621

via zipped archive 2122

logging system 360

exploring activity 360361

ongoing logging 360361

purpose of book 56

running on CI/CD system 294297

adding parameters to script 295297

creating tasks 295

ensuring module is available 295

shared access signatures 45

updating 2526

via alternative methods 26

via PowerShell Gallery 2526

when to use in DevOps 286

dbatools commands

checking SQL connections 41

ComputerName 5456

Credential 5658

listing services using different account at command line 56

listing services using different account with credential variables 57

listing SQL services by type 58

EnableException 59

finding 2325

Find-DbaCommand 23

Get-Command 23

Get-Help 4143

importing from 6870

running 4345

SqlCredential 4853

connecting to instances with different Windows accounts 5253

SQL Server Authentication 4952

SqlInstance 4548

multiple instances 4648

single instances 4546

writing results of other commands to Azure SQL Database 7475

writing results of other commands to tables 73

dbatools lab

demo environments using containers 3539

options for building 28

reason for 2728

Windows lab 2935

building 3032

configuration scripts 3334

installation media 29

dedicated administrative connection (DAC) 213

Desired State Configuration (DSC) 164

Destination 192

DestinationDataDirectory 150

DestinationLogDirectory 150

detach and attach migration option 197198

DetachAttach 198

DetachAttach switch 197

Deterministic property 281

Deterministic value 281

DevOps automation

DACPAC 287294

exporting from existing database 287289

options 290294

publishing 289290

running dbatools and PowerShell on CI/CD system 294297

adding parameters to script 295297

creating tasks 295

ensuring module is available 295

when to use dbatools in DevOps 286

Disable-DbaDbEncryption 322

disaster recovery

availability groups 222228

creating 222224

exploring existing 225227

managing existing 227228

exporting entire instance 180187

excluding objects 187

scripting options 184185

setting scripting options 186

exporting server configurations 191192

granular exports 187190

log shipping 215219

configuring 216217

gathering errors 217218

secondary databases 218219

special commands 190191

WSFC 219221

discovery types 81

docker run 37

Docker, creating backups 139140 25

Domain discovery type 85

DSC (Desired State Configuration) 164


EKM (Extensible Key Management) 320

Enable-DbaAgHadr 222

EnableException 59, 242, 361

Encrypted 321


authentication 316318

database backups encryption 323326

backing up database with certificate 325

checking encryption information from backup 325326

prerequisites for 324325

hiding instances 318319

network connections 310316

certificates 311315

force encryption 315316

transparent data encryption 319322

decrypting databases 321322

encrypting databases 319321

EncryptionAlgorithm 325

EndDate 259

EngineCredential 169

Enter-PSSession 12

Errors 361

event_file type 308

Exclude 187

ExcludeDatabase 332

ExcludeLogin 208

ExcludeObjectTypes option 291

ExcludeSystem switch 98

ExcludeUser switch 98

Export commands

Export-DbaDacPackage 281283

Export-DbaInstance 181

Export-DbaLogin 128

Export-DbaRegServer 110

Export-DbaScript 188190

Export-DbaSpConfigure 191

Export-DbatoolsConfig 359

Extended Events 301308

cleanup 308

converting traces to 300301

dbatools support 302

finding 302303

reading data 306308

postmortem analysis 308

watching live data 307308

replicating sessions to multiple instances 308

SSMS support 301302

starting and stopping sessions 305306

templates 303305

Extensible Key Management (EKM) 320


FailoverCluster module 219

Fallback 359

File 239

Find-DbaAgentJob 256

Find-DbaCommand 23, 251, 261

Flag 270

Force 52, 208, 227

force encryption 315316

FrequencySubdayInterval 264

FrequencySubdayType 264

FTCredential 169

Full 126

FullName 359

FullName property 359


GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 350

Get commands 225

Get-AzVM 74

Get-Command 23, 214, 251, 261

Get-Content 63

Get-Credential 51, 324

Get-DbaAgentJob 251

Get-DbaAgentJob-Category 252

Get-DbaAgentJobHistory 273

Get-DbaComputer-Certificate 313


filtering results returned by last backup time 98100

filtering results returned from 9798

Get-DbaDbCompression 332

Get-DBaDbOrphanUser 123

Get-DbaDbTable 68

Get-DbaDiskSpace 9

Get-DbaErrorLog 64

Get-DbaFeature 93

Get-DbaOperatingSystem 96

Get-DbaRandomizedType 277

Get-DbaRandomized-Value 277

Get-DbaRegServer 112

Get-DbaRunningJob 272

Get-DbaService 55

Get-DbatoolsConfig 356

Get-DbaWsfcResource 221

Get-Help 2324, 4143

Get-Member 70, 190


HADR (high availability and disaster recovery)

availability groups 222228

creating 222224

exploring existing 225227

managing existing 227228

log shipping 215219

configuring 216217

gathering errors 217218

secondary databases 218219

WSFC 219221

help resources 25

Get-Help 2324, 4143

Hicks, Jeff 7

Holmes, Lee 364


IAC (Infrastructure as Code) 124, 285

IF NOT EXISTS statement 186, 189

IFI (instant file initialization) 320

Import commands

Import-Csv 6668

Import-DbaCsv 6465

Import-DbaRegServer 102, 110

Import-DbaSpConfigure 185186

Import-DbatoolsConfig 359

Import-DbaXESessionTemplate 304

Import-Module 16

IncludeIfNotExists property 186

IncludeSelf 114

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) 124, 285

Install-DbaInstance 165

installing dbatools

installation paths 1516

minimum requirements 813

execution policy 1213

ports 1012

server 9

workstation 910

signed software 1314

via Chocolatey 22

via PowerShell Gallery 1621

all users 18

local user 19

offline install 2021

overview 1617

trusting PowerShell Gallery 17

via zipped archive 2122

invalidated digital signature 22

offline install 22

renaming directory 22

InstanceName 58, 177

instant file initialization (IFI) 320

Invoke commands

Invoke-Command 12

Invoke-DbaDbDataMasking 282

Invoke-DbaDbLogShipRecovery 218

Invoke-DbaQuery 143

Invoke-DbcCheck 341

IpAddress 87


Job 210

Jones, Don 7


LastError 361

LastFullBackup value 341

LastRaised property 254

Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches (Jones and Hicks) 7

linked servers 213214

Local Server Groups 104105

getting Registered Servers in both CMS and 111

version-specific RegSrvr.xml files 105

log shipping 215219

configuring 216217

gathering errors 217218

secondary databases 218219

Login Tracker Extended Event template 209


failed logins 120124

finding nested Active Directory Group access 131132

identifying how access was gained 128132

preventing issues 124126

source control 126128

LogPath 171


MAPS (Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit) 81

Message property 259

Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools module 170

migration, SQL Server instance 194214

MinimumConfidence 84

Module 357

Module switch 261

MSX (master servers) 262


Name 159, 305

New commands

New-DbaAgentSchedule 266

New-DbaAvailability-Group 223

New-DbaAzAccessToken 352

New-DbaComputer-Certificate 312

New-DbaDacOption 291

New-DbaDbCertificate 324

New-DbaDbMasking-Config 279

New-DbaDbSnapshot 162

New-DbaLogin 120

New-DbaScriptingOption 184

New-DbaXESession 305

NoClobber 246

NoCopyOnly 203

NoFullBackup 98

nonrecovered databases 150151

NoRecovery 150, 199

NotNull 359

NoTypeInformation 63

Noun switch 261

NT SERVICE service accounts 173

NumberFiles 196


Off value 317

OnFailAction 269

Online 25

OnSuccessAction 269

Out-GridView 170

OutputScriptOnly 136, 149

OutVariable 207


PageRestore 153

Param block 296

PassThru 130

Passthru 161, 212

Password property 320

Path 159

PATH variables 15

Payette, Bruce 364

permissions 126128

PII (personally identifiable information) 274, 277279

pipeline 60

point-in-time restores 152

Power BI 348


automation 34

learning more about 364

running on CI/CD system 294297

adding parameters to script 295297

creating tasks 295

ensuring module is available 295

SQL Server Agent

CmdExec vs. PowerShell job steps 231232

creating jobs to run 232238

ensuring job fails when PowerShell fails 241244

story of SQL Server DBA 23

why data professionals can't afford to ignore 13

PowerShell Cookbook (Holmes) 364

PowerShell Desired State Configuration 164

PowerShell Gallery, installing dbatools via 1621

all users 18

local user 19

offline install 2021

overview 1617

trusting PowerShell Gallery 17

PowerShell in Action (Payette and Siddaway) 364

PowerShell splatting 7678

PSCredential object 5152

Publish-DbaDacPackage 289


RandomizerSubType 277

RandomizerType 277

RDP (Remote Desktop) 43

RDS (Relational Database Service) 350

Read-DbaXEFile 306

Reattach 198

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 180

Registered Servers

adding new 112114

Azure Data Studio 105107

Central Management Server 107109

copying 115116

exporting 115116

groups 117118

importing 115116

inventory organization 109111

Local Server Groups 104105

moving 116117

removing 117

RegSrvr.xml files 105

Remove-DbaXESession 308

Repair-DbaDbOrphanUser 124

ReplaceDbNameInFile 151

Required value 317

Reset-DbatoolsConfig 359


Azure 154155

access keys 154155

shared access signatures 154

considerations regarding 145146

instance migration 195197

limitations of 145146

restoring to custom data and log directories 149154

nonrecovered databases 150151

point-in-time restores 152

recovering corrupt databases 153154

renaming databases 151152

restoring to marked transactions 152153

scenarios for 146149

directories 147149

single files 147

T-SQL restore scripts 149


cleaning up 162

creating 158159

reporting 162163

restoring certain objects or data from 161

rolling back entire database from 160161

upgrading 159160

when to use 158

RestoreTime 152

rowstore data compression 328330

RTO (Recovery Time Objective) 180


SampleCount 279

SASs (shared access signatures) 154

scan types 81

ScriptingOptions 184

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 311



authentication 316318

database backups encryption 323326

hiding instances 318319

network connections 310316

transparent data encryption 319322

multilayered security 327

Select-Object 307

Set 153, 337

Set commands

Set-DbaDbCompression 337

Set-DbaExtended-Protection 317

Set-DbaNetwork-Certificate 314

Set-DbaSpConfigure 214

Set-DbaSpn 318

Set-DbatoolsConfig 359

Set-PSRepository 17

SetSourceOffline 197

setspn.exe 85

setup.exe 165

shared access signatures (SASs) 154

Show 345

SID (Security Identifier) 123

Siddaway, Richard 364

signed software 1314

Since 258

SMO (SQL Management Object) 184


application upgrade 157158

cleaning up 162

creating 158159

reporting 162163

restoring certain objects or data from 161

rolling back entire database from 160161

SSMS and 156157

upgrading 159160

when to use 158

Source 192

sp_configure values 34

Split 344

SPN (service principal names) 85

SQL Management Object (SMO) 184

SQL Profiler 299301

SQL Server

activity tracing

Extended Events 301308

SQL Server Trace and SQL Profiler 299301

checking connection 41

instances from separate sources 4748

instances stored in variables 47

multiple instances passed as array 46

piping in instance names 47

to single local default instance 46

to single local named instance 46

to single remote default instance 45

to single remote named instance 45

using nondefault port number 48

connecting to instances with different Windows accounts 5253

copying tables 7578

finding instances on network 8188

detailed results 8890

in Active Directory domain 8586

in surrounding network 8688

OS support 90

overview 81

using list of targets 8285

using SQL Server Browser 8285

installing 164175

benefits of automated installs 165166

built-in parameters 173175

ConfigurationFile and Configuration parameters 171173

customizing installation options 171

local installs 167

postinstall actions 175

remote installs 168170


build information 9495

databases 96100

feature usage 9293

gathering information into database 100101

host information 9596

Registered Servers 104118

listing services

by type 58

on multiple servers 56

using different account at command line 56

using different account with credential variables 57

patching 176177

fear of breaking everything 176

procrastination 177

piping commands 6064

SQL Server Authentication

connecting to instances with 4950

using credentials for 5052

updating 175176

writing to databases 6475

importing from CSV files 6468, 7073

importing from dbatools commands 6870

writing results of other commands 7375

SQL Server Agent 235236, 253, 255, 264266

alerts 253255

bonus job commands 270273

Get-DbaAgentJob-History 273

Get-DbaRunningJob 272

Start-DbaAgentJob 271

CmdExec vs. PowerShell job steps 231232

instance migration 209212

job creation 232238, 261270

creating categories 262263

creating jobs 266269

creating operators 266

creating proxies 264266

creating schedules 263264

PowerShell file 237238

running files 269270

SQL Server Agent proxies 235236

SQL Server credentials 234235

with CmdExec job step 238240

job history 259260

job results 258259

listing information 250257

finding specific jobs 256257

SQL Server Agent alerts 253255

SQL Server Agent jobs 250252

proxies 235236, 255, 264266

tips for 240248

default parameter values 240

ensuring job fails when PowerShell fails 241244

execution policies 248

logging 244247

SQL Server Browser 8285

SQL Server credentials 234235

SQL Server instance migration

databases 194204

backup and restore 195197

detach and attach 197198

staging large databases 198203

groups 206209

linked servers 213214

logins 206209

SQL Agent objects 209212

SQL Server operators 255, 266

SQL Server SysPrep 165

SQL Server Trace 299301


sqladmin login 186

SqlCredential 37, 4853, 225, 240

connecting to instances with different Windows accounts 5253

SQL Server Authentication 4952

SqlInstance 37, 4548, 60, 106, 109, 263, 319, 348, 352

multiple instances 4648

single instances 4546

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 311

SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) 2, 31, 41, 102, 120, 145, 156, 183, 205, 215, 229, 249, 287, 298, 311, 335, 350

Extended Events 301302

snapshots and 156157

staging large databases for migration 198203

applying changes and bringing destination online 201203

staging full backup 199201

Start-DbaAgentJob 271

Start-DbaDbEncryption 319

Start-DbcPowerBi 348

Start-Transcript 246247

StartDate 259

StartTime 263

Status 306

StepId 269

Stop-DbaAgentJob 272

StopAt 306


T-SQL restore scripts 149

Table 279, 337

Tag 23

TDE (transparent data encryption) 319322

decrypting databases 321322

encrypting databases 319321

Test commands

Test-DbaBackup-Encypted 325326

Test-DbaBuild 9495

Test-DbaComputerCertificate-Expiration 313

Test-DbaConnection 24, 4346, 61

Test-DbaDbCompression 333337

Test-DbaDbDataMasking-Config 277

Test-DbaLastBackup 136138, 143

Test-DbaMaxMemory 49

Test-DbaSpn 317318

Throttle 168

Time type 264

TLS (Transport Layer Security) 311

TSX (target servers) 262

Type 58, 177


Update 94

users 126128


Value 359

Verb switch 261

Version 177

VMs (virtual machines) 35


Watch-DbaXESession 306

WHERE clause 159, 258

Where-Object 307308

Windows dbatools lab 2935

building 3032

configuration scripts 3334

installation media 29

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) 253

Write-DbaDataTable 6668, 71, 143

WS-Management 12

WSFC (Windows Server Failover Cluster) 219224

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