

Front matter




about this book

about the authors


  1 Before you begin

  1.1   Why data professionals can’t afford to ignore PowerShell

A SQL Server DBA first win with PowerShell

  1.2   Automate it

  1.3   What is dbatools?

  1.4   Is this book for you?

  1.5   How to use this book

The main chapters

Hands-on labs

Supplementary materials

Further exploration

  1.6   Contacting us

  1.7   Being immediately effective with dbatools

  2 Installing dbatools

  2.1   Minimum requirements




Execution policy

  2.2   Signed software

  2.3   Understanding installation paths

  2.4   Installation methods

The PowerShell Gallery

Trusting the PowerShell Gallery

Installing dbatools using the PowerShell Gallery, all users

PowerShell Gallery, local user

PowerShell Gallery, offline install

  2.5   PowerShell Gallery alternatives

Downloading a zipped archive

Additional methods

  2.6   How to find and use commands, the help system, and




  2.7   Updating

PowerShell Gallery

Alternative methods

  2.8   Hands-on lab

  3 The dbatools lab

  3.1   Why is a lab included in this book?

  3.2   Two options for building a dbatools lab environment

  3.3   Option 1: Windows lab

Installation media for our lab

Building the lab

Configuration scripts

Windows lab is ready for action

  3.4   Option 2: Quick demo environments using containers

Running SQL Server in a container

  4 A gentle introduction to dbatools commands

  4.1   Getting started

  4.2   Checking the SQL connection

  4.3   First, getting help

  4.4   Running your first dbatools command

  4.5   The -SqlInstance parameter

Single instances

Multiple instances

  4.6   The -SqlCredential parameter

Connecting to instances with SQL Server Authentication

Saving the credential to use SQL Server Authentication with multiple commands

Other methods of using credentials for SQL Server Authentication

Connecting to instances with a different Windows account

  4.7   The ComputerName parameter

Methods of listing the SQL services on multiple servers

  4.8   The -Credential parameter

Listing services on a server using a different account at the command line

Listing services on a server using a different account with a credential variable

Listing SQL services by type

  4.9   Bonus parameter: EnableException

  4.10 Hands-on lab

  5 Writing to SQL Server

  5.1   Piping commands

  5.2   Writing to a database

Importing from a CSV file to a database table

Importing to a database table from a dbatools command

Creating the database table first and then importing from a CSV file

Writing the results of other commands to a table

Writing the results of other commands to an Azure SQL Database

  5.3   Copying tables, including their data

PowerShell splatting

  5.4   Hands-on lab

  6 Finding SQL Server instances on your network

  6.1   Background

Finding an instance

Finding instances using a list of targets

Finding SQL Servers in an Active Directory domain

Finding SQL Servers in your surrounding network

  6.2   Working with detailed results

  6.3   OS support

  6.4   Hands-on lab

  7 Inventorying your SQL estate

  7.1   SQL features

  7.2   Build

  7.3   Host information

  7.4   Databases

Filtering databases returned from Get-DbaDatabase

Filtering databases returned from Get-DbaDatabase by last backup time

  7.5   Putting it all together into a database

  7.6   Hands-on lab

  8 Registered Servers

  8.1   Local Server Groups

Version-specific RegSrvr.xml files

  8.2   Azure Data Studio

  8.3   Central Management Server

  8.4   Inventory organization

Importing advanced environment folder structures

  8.5   Further integration

Adding new Registered Servers

Copy, Export, Import

Moving Registered Servers

Removing Registered Servers

  8.6   Registered Server groups

  8.7   Hands-on lab

  9 Logins and users

  9.1   Failed logins

  9.2   Preventing login issues

  9.3   Logins, users, and permissions source control

  9.4   How was access gained?

Finding nested Active Directory group access

  9.5   Hands-on lab

10 Backups

10.1   Creating backups



10.2   Reading backup files

10.3   Backup history

10.4   Pruning old backup files

10.5   Testing your backups

10.6   Hands-on lab

11 Restore

11.1   Limitations and considerations

11.2   Restore scenarios



Output T-SQL restore scripts

11.3   Restoring to custom data and log directories

No recovery

Renaming a database

Point-in-time restores

Restoring to a marked transaction

Recovering a corrupt database

11.4   Azure

Shared access signatures

Access keys

11.5   Hands-on lab

12 Snapshots

12.1   Snapshots and SSMS

12.2   Application upgrade

12.3   When to use snapshots

12.4   Creating a snapshot

12.5   Upgrading

12.6   Rolling back the entire database from a snapshot

12.7   Restoring certain objects or data from a snapshot

12.8   Cleaning up

12.9   Reporting

12.10 Hands-on lab

13 Install and update SQL Server

13.1   Installing

Benefits of automated installs

Local installs

Remote installs

Customizing installation options

ConfigurationFile and Configuration

Built-in parameters

13.2   Updating

13.3   The importance of patching

Fear of breaking everything

Burdensome process leads to procrastination

13.4   How we make it easier

13.5   Hands-on lab

14 Preparing for disaster

14.1   Exporting an entire instance

Scripting options

Setting scripting options

Excluding objects

14.2   Granular exports

Using Export-DbaScript

14.3   Special commands

14.4   Exporting server configurations (sp_configure)

14.5   Hands-on lab

15 Performing your first advanced SQL Server instance migration, part 1

15.1   Databases

Backup and restore

Detach and attach

Staging large databases for migration

Other database migration options

15.2   Hands-on lab

16 Performing your first advanced SQL Server instance migration, part 2

16.1   Logins and groups

Which logins/groups are still needed?

16.2   SQL Agent objects: Jobs, operators, and more!

16.3   Linked servers

16.4   More migration fun

16.5   Hands-on lab

17 High availability and disaster recovery

17.1   Log shipping

Configuring log shipping with dbatools

When log shipping goes bad: Gathering errors with dbatools

Cutting over to a log shipped secondary database

17.2   Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)

17.3   Availability groups

Creating an availability group with dbatools

Explore existing availability groups

Managing existing AGs

17.4   Hands-on lab

18 PowerShell and SQL Server Agent

18.1   Which to choose, CmdExec or PowerShell job steps?

18.2   Creating Agent jobs to run PowerShell and dbatools

Creating a SQL Server credential

Creating a SQL Server Agent proxy

The PowerShell file

18.3   Creating the SQL Server Agent job with a CmdExec job step

18.4   Tips

Using default parameter values

Ensuring that the Agent job fails when the PowerShell fails


Execution policies

18.5   Hands-on lab

19 SQL Server Agent administration

19.1   Listing SQL Server Agent information

SQL Server Agent jobs

SQL Server Agent alerts

Finding specific Agent jobs

19.2   Agent job results and history

Agent job results

Time line

19.3   Hands-on lab

20 Creating and working with SQL Server Agent objects

20.1   SQL Server Agent job creation

Creating categories

New schedule

New proxy

Create a new operator

Create a new Agent job

The job step

20.2   Bonus Agent job commands




20.3   Hands-on lab

21 Data masking

21.1   Getting started

21.2   A common approach

21.3   The better approach

Generating random data

21.4   The process

Finding potential PII data

Generating a configuration file for masking

Applying static data masking

Validating a data masking configuration file

21.5   Hands-on lab

22 DevOps automation

22.1   When should you use dbatools in DevOps?

22.2   DACPAC

Exporting a DACPAC from an existing database

Publishing a DACPAC

DACPAC options

22.3   Running dbatools (and PowerShell) on a CI/CD system

Creating a task

Ensuring the dbatools module is available

Understanding how to add parameters to the script

22.4   Hands-on lab

23 Tracing SQL Server activity

23.1   SQL Server Trace and SQL Profiler

Converting traces to Extended Events

23.2   Extended Events

SSMS support

dbatools support

Finding Extended Events

Using templates

Starting and stopping Extended Event sessions

Reading data

Replicating Extended Event sessions to multiple instances


23.3   Hands-on lab

24 Security and encryption

24.1   Encrypting network connections


Forcing encryption

24.2   Extended protection for authentication

24.3   Hide an instance

24.4   Transparent data encryption (TDE)

Encrypting databases

Decrypting databases

24.5   Database backup encryption


Backing up the database with a certificate

Checking encryption information from the backup

24.6   Multilayered security

24.7   Hands-on lab

25 Data compression

25.1   Types of compression

25.2   How does rowstore data compression work?

25.3   Why use data compression?

25.4   It can’t all be rainbows and unicorns: Compression drawbacks

25.5   What’s compressed?

25.6   What should we compress?

25.7   What makes a good candidate for compression?

25.8   dbatools, what should I compress?

25.9   Compressing objects the old-fashioned way

25.10 dbatools to the rescue!

25.11 Specifying the compression level

25.12 Advanced settings

25.13 Hands-on lab

26 Validating your estate with dbachecks

26.1   What dbachecks and dbatools have in common

26.2   Our first check

26.3   Viewing all available checks

26.4   Configuring the check parameters

26.5   Storing the output data in a database

Storing data

Power BI dashboard

Configuring the connection

26.6   Hands-on lab

27 Working in the cloud

27.1   Connecting to Azure

27.2   Service principals and access tokens

Using Az.Accounts

27.3   Supported commands

27.4   The future

27.5   Hands-on lab

28 dbatools configurations and logging

28.1   Working with the configuration system

Checking existing configurations

Getting a specific configuration

Getting just the value

Changing a configuration value

Resetting to default configuration values

28.2   Taking the configs with you

28.3   Using the logging system

28.4   Exploring logged activity

Ongoing logging

28.5   Hands-on lab

29 Never the end

29.1   Use dbatools

29.2   More PowerShell

29.3   Contribute to dbatools

29.4   Farewell




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