
I have several people to thank for this book. The Pearson team (including Trina MacDonald, Songlin Qiu, and Olivia Basegio) has been invaluable during the project. Their goal is to make one’s work that much more awesome, and I think they succeeded. Writing a book on a topic that’s evolving rapidly involves a certain measure of guessing where the market will go. I’m glad to have had technical reviewers (Romin Irani, Pascal Rettig, and Robert Schwentker) who shared my passion for the subject matter, gave me speedy and precise feedback, and validated my predictions when I was right, yet got me back on track when I veered slightly off course. And lastly, to my family and friends who listened patiently without judgment, let me off easy when I flaked, and other times forced me to take a break; thanks, I needed that.

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