About the Author

James L. Williams is a developer based in Silicon Valley and frequent conference speaker, domestically and internationally. He was a successful participant in the 2007 Google Summer of Code, working to bring easy access to SwingLabs UI components to Groovy. He is a co-creator of the Griffon project, a rich desktop framework for Java applications. He and his team, WalkIN, created a product on a coach bus while riding to SXSW and were crowned winners of StartupBus 2011. His first video game was Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom on the Coleco Adam, a beast of a machine with a blistering 3.58MHz CPU, a high-speed tape drive, and a propensity to erase floppy disks at bootup. He blogs at http://jameswilliams.be/blog and tweets as @ecspike.

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