Chapter 11. Networking and I/O

In this chapter, we continue our exploration of the Java API by looking at many of the classes in the and java.nio packages. These packages offer a rich set of tools for basic I/O (input/output) and also provide the framework on which all file and network communication in Java is built. Figure 11-1 shows the class hierarchy of these packages. We’ll only cover a selection of this hierarchy, but you can see that it is quite broad. Once you have a handle on local file I/O, we’ll add the package and look at some basic networking concepts. (We’ll tackle the most popular of networking environments—the web—in Chapter 12.)

We’ll start by looking at the stream classes in, which are subclasses of the basic InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, and Writer classes. Then we’ll examine the File class and discuss how you can read and write files using classes in We also take a quick look at data compression and serialization. Along the way, we’ll also introduce the java.nio package. The NIO package (or “new” I/O) adds significant functionality tailored for building high-performance services and in some cases simply provides newer, better APIs that can be used in place of some features.1


Most fundamental I/O in Java is based on streams. A stream represents a flow of data with (at least conceptually) a writer at one end and a reader at the other. When you are working with the package to perform terminal input and output, reading or writing files, or communicating through sockets in Java, you are using various types of streams. Later in this chapter, we’ll look at the NIO package, which introduces a similar concept called a channel. One difference betwen the two is that streams are oriented around bytes or characters while channels are oriented around “buffers” containing those data types—yet they perform roughly the same job. Let’s start by summarizing the available types of streams:

InputStream, OutputStream

Abstract classes that define the basic functionality for reading or writing an unstructured sequence of bytes. All other byte streams in Java are built on top of the basic InputStream and OutputStream.

Reader, Writer

Abstract classes that define the basic functionality for reading or writing a sequence of character data, with support for Unicode. All other character streams in Java are built on top of Reader and Writer.

InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter

Classes that bridge byte and character streams by converting according to a specific character encoding scheme. (Remember: in Unicode, a character is not necessarily one byte!)

DataInputStream, DataOutputStream

Specialized stream filters that add the ability to read and write multibyte data types, such as numeric primitives and String objects in a universal format.

ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream

Specialized stream filters that are capable of writing whole groups of serialized Java objects and reconstructing them.

BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter

Specialized stream filters that add buffering for additional efficiency. For real-world I/O, a buffer is almost always used.

PrintStream, PrintWriter

Specialized streams that simplify printing text.

PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream, PipedReader, PipedWriter

“Loopback” streams that can be used in pairs to move data within an application. Data written into a PipedOutputStream or PipedWriter is read from its corresponding PipedInputStream or PipedReader.

FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, FileWriter

Implementations of InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, and Writer that read from and write to files on the local filesystem.

Streams in Java are one-way streets. The input and output classes represent the ends of a simple stream, as shown in Figure 11-1. For bidirectional conversations, you’ll use one of each type of stream.

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Figure 11-1. Basic input and output stream functionality

InputStream and OutputStream are abstract classes that define the lowest-level interface for all byte streams. They contain methods for reading or writing an unstructured flow of byte-level data. Because these classes are abstract, you can’t create a generic input or output stream. Java implements subclasses of these for activities such as reading from and writing to files and communicating with sockets. Because all byte streams inherit the structure of InputStream or OutputStream, the various kinds of byte streams can be used interchangeably. A method specifying an InputStream as an argument can accept any subclass of InputStream. Specialized types of streams can also be layered or wrapped around basic streams to add features such as buffering, filtering, or handling higher-level data types.

Reader and Writer are very much like InputStream and OutputStream, except that they deal with characters instead of bytes. As true character streams, these classes correctly handle Unicode characters, which is not always the case with byte streams. Often, a bridge is needed between these character streams and the byte streams of physical devices, such as disks and networks. InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter are special classes that use a character-encoding scheme to translate between character and byte streams.

This section describes all the interesting stream types with the exception of FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, and FileWriter. We postpone the discussion of file streams until the next section, where we cover issues involved with accessing the filesystem in Java.

Basic I/O

The prototypical example of an InputStream object is the standard input of a Java application. Like stdin in C or cin in C++, this is the source of input to a command-line (non-GUI) program. It is an input stream from the environment—usually a terminal window or possibly the output of another command. The java.lang.System class, a general repository for system-related resources, provides a reference to the standard input stream in the static variable It also provides a standard output stream and a standard error stream in the out and err variables, respectively.2 The following example shows the correspondence:

    InputStream stdin =;
    OutputStream stdout = System.out;
    OutputStream stderr = System.err;

This snippet hides the fact that System.out and System.err aren’t just OutputStream objects, but more specialized and useful PrintStream objects. We’ll explain these later in “PrintWriter and PrintStream”, but for now we can reference out and err as OutputStream objects because they are derived from OutputStream.

We can read a single byte at a time from standard input with the InputStream’s read() method. If you look closely at the API, you’ll see that the read() method of the base InputStream class is an abstract method. What lies behind is a particular implementation of InputStream that provides the real implementation of the read() method:

    try {
        int val =;
    } catch ( IOException e ) {

Although we said that the read() method reads a byte value, the return type in the example is int, not byte. That’s because the read() method of basic input streams in Java uses a convention carried over from the C language to indicate the end of a stream with a special value. Data byte values are returned as unsigned integers in the range 0 to 255 and the special value of -1 is used to indicate that end of stream has been reached. You’ll need to test for this condition when using the simple read() method. You can then cast the value to a byte if needed. The following example reads each byte from an input stream and prints its value:

    try {
        int val;
        while( ( != -1 )
    } catch ( IOException e ) { ... }

As we’ve shown in the examples, the read() method can also throw an IOException if there is an error reading from the underlying stream source. Various subclasses of IOException may indicate that a source such as a file or network connection has had an error. Additionally, higher-level streams that read data types more complex than a single byte may throw EOFException (“end of file”), which indicates an unexpected or premature end of stream.

An overloaded form of read() fills a byte array with as much data as possible up to the capacity of the array and returns the number of bytes read:

    byte [] buff = new byte [1024];
    int got = buff );

In theory, we can also check the number of bytes available for reading at a given time on an InputStream using the available() method. With that information, we could create an array of exactly the right size:

    int waiting =;
    if ( waiting > 0 ) {
        byte [] data = new byte [ waiting ]; data );

However, the reliability of this technique depends on the ability of the underlying stream implementation to detect how much data can be retrieved. It generally works for files but should not be relied upon for all types of streams.

These read() methods block until at least some data is read (at least one byte). You must, in general, check the returned value to determine how much data you got and if you need to read more. (We look at nonblocking I/O later in this chapter.) The skip() method of InputStream provides a way of jumping over a number of bytes. Depending on the implementation of the stream, skipping bytes may be more efficient than reading them.

The close() method shuts down the stream and frees up any associated system resources. It’s important for performance to remember to close most types of streams when you are finished using them. In some cases, streams may be closed automatically when objects are garbage-collected, but it is not a good idea to rely on this behavior. In Java 7, the try-with-resources language feature was added to make automatically closing streams and other closeable entities easier. We’ll see some examples of that in “File Streams”. The flag interface identifies all types of stream, channel, and related utility classes that can be closed.

Finally, we should mention that in addition to the and System.out standard streams, Java provides the API through System.console(). You can use the Console to read passwords without echoing them to the screen.

Character Streams

In early versions of Java, some InputStream and OutputStream types included methods for reading and writing strings, but most of them operated by naively assuming that a 16-bit Unicode character was equivalent to an 8-bit byte in the stream. This works only for Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) characters and not for the world of other encodings that are used with different languages. In Chapter 8, we saw that the java.lang.String class has a byte array constructor and a corresponding getBytes() method that each accept character encoding as an argument. In theory, we could use these as tools to transform arrays of bytes to and from Unicode characters so that we could work with byte streams that represent character data in any encoding format. Fortunately, however, we don’t have to rely on this because Java has streams that handle this for us.

The Reader and Writer character stream classes were introduced as streams that handle character data only. When you use these classes, you think only in terms of characters and string data and allow the underlying implementation to handle the conversion of bytes to a specific character encoding. As we’ll see, some direct implementations of Reader and Writer exist, for example, for reading and writing files. But more generally, two special classes, InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter, bridge the gap between the world of character streams and the world of byte streams. These are, respectively, a Reader and a Writer that can be wrapped around any underlying byte stream to make it a character stream. An encoding scheme is used to convert between possible multibyte encoded values and Java Unicode characters. An encoding scheme can be specified by name in the constructor of InputStreamReader or OutputStreamWriter. For convenience, the default constructor uses the system’s default encoding scheme.

For example, let’s parse a human-readable string from the standard input into an integer. We’ll assume that the bytes coming from use the system’s default encoding scheme:

    try {
        InputStream in =;
        InputStreamReader charsIn = new InputStreamReader( in );
        BufferedReader bufferedCharsIn = new BufferedReader( inReader );

        String line = bufferedCharsIn.readLine();
        int i = NumberFormat.getInstance().parse( line ).intValue();
    } catch ( IOException e ) {
    } catch ( ParseException pe ) { }

First, we wrap an InputStreamReader around This reader converts the incoming bytes of to characters using the default encoding scheme. Then, we wrap a BufferedReader around the InputStreamReader. BufferedReader adds the readLine() method, which we can use to grab a full line of text (up to a platform-specific, line-terminator character combination) into a String. The string is then parsed into an integer using the techniques described in Chapter 8.

The important thing to note is that we have taken a byte-oriented input stream,, and safely converted it to a Reader for reading characters. If we wished to use an encoding other than the system default, we could have specified it in the InputStreamReader’s constructor like so:

    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8" );

For each character that is read from the reader, the InputStreamReader reads one or more bytes and performs the necessary conversion to Unicode.

We return to the topic of character encodings when we discuss the java.nio.charset API, which allows you to query for and use encoders and decoders explicitly on buffers of characters and bytes. Both InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter can accept a Charset codec object as well as a character encoding name.

Stream Wrappers

What if we want to do more than read and write a sequence of bytes or characters? We can use a “filter” stream, which is a type of InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, or Writer that wraps another stream and adds new features. A filter stream takes the target stream as an argument in its constructor and delegates calls to it after doing some additional processing of its own. For example, we can construct a BufferedInputStream to wrap the system standard input:

    InputStream bufferedIn = new BufferedInputStream( );

The BufferedInputStream is a type of filter stream that reads ahead and buffers a certain amount of data. The BufferedInputStream wraps an additional layer of functionality around the underlying stream. Figure 11-2 shows this arrangement for a DataInputStream, which is a type of stream that can read higher-level data types, such as Java primitives and strings.

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Figure 11-2. Layered streams

As you can see from the previous code snippet, the BufferedInputStream filter is a type of InputStream. Because filter streams are themselves subclasses of the basic stream types, they can be used as arguments to the construction of other filter streams. This allows filter streams to be layered on top of one another to provide different combinations of features. For example, we could first wrap our with a BufferedInputStream and then wrap the BufferedInputStream with a DataInputStream for reading special data types with buffering.

Java provides base classes for creating new types of filter streams: FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream, FilterReader, and FilterWriter. These superclasses provide the basic machinery for a “no op” filter (a filter that doesn’t do anything) by delegating all their method calls to their underlying stream. Real filter streams subclass these and override various methods to add their additional processing. We’ll make an example filter stream later in this chapter.

Data streams

DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are filter streams that let you read or write strings and primitive data types composed of more than a single byte. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream implement the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces, respectively. These interfaces define methods for reading or writing strings and all of the Java primitive types, including numbers and Boolean values. DataOutputStream encodes these values in a machine-independent manner and then writes them to its underlying byte stream. DataInputStream does the converse.

You can construct a DataInputStream from an InputStream and then use a method such as readDouble() to read a primitive data type:

    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream( );
    double d = dis.readDouble();

This example wraps the standard input stream in a DataInputStream and uses it to read a double value. The readDouble() method reads bytes from the stream and constructs a double from them. The DataInputStream methods expect the bytes of numeric data types to be in network byte order, a standard that specifies that the high-order bytes are sent first (also known as “big endian,” as we discuss later).

The DataOutputStream class provides write methods that correspond to the read methods in DataInputStream. For example, writeInt() writes an integer in binary format to the underlying output stream.

The readUTF() and writeUTF() methods of DataInputStream and DataOutputStream read and write a Java String of Unicode characters using the UTF-8 “transformation format” character encoding. UTF-8 is an ASCII-compatible encoding of Unicode characters that is very widely used. Not all encodings are guaranteed to preserve all Unicode characters, but UTF-8 does. You can also use UTF-8 with Reader and Writer streams by specifying it as the encoding name.

Buffered streams

The BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, BufferedReader, and BufferedWriter classes add a data buffer of a specified size to the stream path. A buffer can increase efficiency by reducing the number of physical read or write operations that correspond to read() or write() method calls. You create a buffered stream with an appropriate input or output stream and a buffer size. (You can also wrap another stream around a buffered stream so that it benefits from the buffering.) Here’s a simple buffered input stream called bis:

    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(myInputStream, 32768);

In this example, we specify a buffer size of 32 KB. If we leave off the size of the buffer in the constructor, a reasonably sized one is chosen for us. (Currently the default is 8 KB.) On our first call to read(), bis tries to fill our entire 32 KB buffer with data, if it’s available. Thereafter, calls to read() retrieve data from the buffer, which is refilled as necessary.

A BufferedOutputStream works in a similar way. Calls to write() store the data in a buffer; data is actually written only when the buffer fills up. You can also use the flush() method to wring out the contents of a BufferedOutputStream at any time. The flush() method is actually a method of the OutputStream class itself. It’s important because it allows you to be sure that all data in any underlying streams and filter streams has been sent (before, for example, you wait for a response).

Some input streams such as BufferedInputStream support the ability to mark a location in the data and later reset the stream to that position. The mark() method sets the return point in the stream. It takes an integer value that specifies the number of bytes that can be read before the stream gives up and forgets about the mark. The reset() method returns the stream to the marked point; any data read after the call to mark() is read again.

This functionality could be useful when you are reading the stream in a parser. You may occasionally fail to parse a structure and so must try something else. In this situation, you can have your parser generate an error and then reset the stream to the point before it began parsing the structure:

    BufferedInputStream input;
    try {
        input.mark( MAX_DATA_STRUCTURE_SIZE );
        return( parseDataStructure( input ) );
    catch ( ParseException e ) {

The BufferedReader and BufferedWriter classes work just like their byte-based counterparts, except that they operate on characters instead of bytes.

PrintWriter and PrintStream

Another useful wrapper stream is This class provides a suite of overloaded print() methods that turn their arguments into strings and push them out the stream. A complementary set of println() convenience methods appends a new line to the end of the strings. For formatted text output, printf() and the identical format() methods allow you to write printf-style formatted text to the stream.

PrintWriter is an unusual character stream because it can wrap either an OutputStream or another Writer. PrintWriter is the more capable big brother of the legacy PrintStream byte stream. The System.out and System.err streams are PrintStream objects; you have already seen such streams strewn throughout this book:

    System.out.print("Hello, world...
    System.out.println("Hello, world...");
    System.out.printf("The answer is %d", 17 );
    System.out.println( 3.14 );

Early versions of Java did not have the Reader and Writer classes and used PrintStream, which converted bytes to characters by simply making assumptions about the character encoding. You should use a PrintWriter for all new development.

When you create a PrintWriter object, you can pass an additional Boolean value to the constructor, specifying whether it should “auto-flush.” If this value is true, the PrintWriter automatically performs a flush() on the underlying OutputStream or Writer each time it sends a newline:

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( myOutputStream, true /*autoFlush*/ );
    pw.println("Hello!"); // Stream is automatically flushed by the newline.

When this technique is used with a buffered output stream, it corresponds to the behavior of terminals that send data line by line.

The other big advantage that PrintStream and PrintWriter have over regular character streams is that they shield you from exceptions thrown by the underlying streams. Unlike methods in other stream classes, the methods of PrintWriter and PrintStream do not throw IOExceptions. Instead, they provide a method to explicitly check for errors if required. This makes life a lot easier for printing text, which is a very common operation. You can check for errors with the checkError() method:

    System.out.println( reallyLongString );
    if ( System.out.checkError() ){ ...  // uh oh

The Class

The class encapsulates access to information about a file or directory. It can be used to get attribute information about a file, list the entries in a directory, and perform basic filesystem operations, such as removing a file or making a directory. While the File object handles these “meta” operations, it doesn’t provide the API for reading and writing file data; there are file streams for that purpose.

File constructors

You can create an instance of ++File++ from a ++String++ pathname:
    File fooFile = new File( "/tmp/foo.txt" );
    File barDir = new File( "/tmp/bar" );

You can also create a file with a relative path:

    File f = new File( "foo" );

In this case, Java works relative to the “current working directory” of the Java interpreter. You can determine the current working directory by reading the user.dir property in the System Properties list:

    System.getProperty("user.dir"); // e.g.,"/Users/pat"

An overloaded version of the File constructor lets you specify the directory path and filename as separate String objects:

    File fooFile = new File( "/tmp", "foo.txt" );

With yet another variation, you can specify the directory with a File object and the filename with a String:

    File tmpDir = new File( "/tmp" ); // File for directory /tmp
    File fooFile = new File ( tmpDir, "foo.txt" );

None of these File constructors actually creates a file or directory, and it is not an error to create a File object for a nonexistent file. The File object is just a handle for a file or directory whose properties you may wish to read, write, or test. For example, you can use the exists() instance method to learn whether the file or directory exists.

Path localization

One issue with working with files in Java is that pathnames are expected to follow the conventions of the local filesystem. Two differences are that the Windows filesystem uses “roots” or drive letters (for example, C:) and a backslash () instead of the forward slash (/) path separator that is used in other systems.

Java tries to compensate for the differences. For example, on Windows platforms, Java accepts paths with either forward slashes or backslashes. (On others, however, it only accepts forward slashes.)

Your best bet is to make sure you follow the filename conventions of the host filesystem. If your application has a GUI that is opening and saving files at the user’s request, you should be able to handle that functionality with the Swing JFileChooser class. This class encapsulates a graphical file-selection dialog box. The methods of the JFileChooser take care of system-dependent filename features for you.

If your application needs to deal with files on its own behalf, however, things get a little more complicated. The File class contains a few static variables to make this task possible. File.separator defines a String that specifies the file separator on the local host (e.g., / on Unix and Macintosh systems and on Windows systems); File.separatorChar provides the same information as a char.

You can use this system-dependent information in several ways. Probably the simplest way to localize pathnames is to pick a convention that you use internally, such as the forward slash (/), and do a String replace to substitute for the localized separator character:

    // we'll use forward slash as our standard
    String path = "mail/2004/june/merle";
    path = path.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
    File mailbox = new File( path );

Alternatively, you could work with the components of a pathname and build the local pathname when you need it:

    String [] path = { "mail", "2004", "june", "merle" };

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(path[0]);
    for (int i=1; i< path.length; i++) {
        sb.append( File.separator + path[i] );
    File mailbox = new File( sb.toString() );

One thing to remember is that Java interprets a literal backslash character () in source code as an escape character when used in a String. To get a backslash in a String, you have to use \.

To grapple with the issue of filesystems with multiple “roots” (for example, C: on Windows), the File class provides the static method listRoots(), which returns an array of File objects corresponding to the filesystem root directories. Again, in a GUI application, a graphical file chooser dialog shields you from this problem entirely.

File operations

Once we have a File object, we can use it to ask for information about and perform standard operations on the file or directory it represents. A number of methods let us ask questions about the File. For example, isFile() returns true if the File represents a regular file, while isDirectory() returns true if it’s a directory. isAbsolute() indicates whether the File encapsulates an absolute path or relative path specification. An absolute path is a system-dependent notion that means that the path doesn’t depend on the application’s working directory or any concept of a working root or drive (e.g., in Windows, it is a full path including the drive letter: c:\Userspatfoo.txt).

Components of the File pathname are available through the following methods: getName(), getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getParent(). getName() returns a String for the filename without any directory information. If the File has an absolute path specification, getAbsolutePath() returns that path. Otherwise, it returns the relative path appended to the current working directory (attempting to make it an absolute path). getParent() returns the parent directory of the file or directory.

The string returned by getPath() or getAbsolutePath() may not follow the same case conventions as the underlying filesystem. You can retrieve the filesystem’s own or “canonical” version of the file’s path by using the method getCanonicalPath(). In Windows, for example, you can create a File object whose getAbsolutePath() is C:Autoexec.bat but whose getCanonicalPath() is C:AUTOEXEC.BAT; both actually point to the same file. This is useful for comparing filenames that may have been supplied with different case conventions or for showing them to the user.

You can get or set the modification time of a file or directory with lastModified() and setLastModified() methods. The value is a long that is the number of milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT). We can also get the size of the file in bytes with length().

Here’s a fragment of code that prints some information about a file:

    File fooFile = new File( "/tmp/boofa" );

    String type = fooFile.isFile() ? "File " : "Directory ";
    String name = fooFile.getName();
    long len = fooFile.length();
    System.out.println( type + name + ", " + len + " bytes " );

If the File object corresponds to a directory, we can list the files in the directory with the list() method or the listFiles() method:

    File tmpDir = new File("/tmp" );
    String [] fileNames = tmpDir.list();
    File [] files = tmpDir.listFiles();

list() returns an array of String objects that contains filenames. listFiles() returns an array of File objects. Note that in neither case are the files guaranteed to be in any kind of order (alphabetical, for example). You can use the Collections API to sort strings alphabetically like so:

    List list = Arrays.asList( fileNames );

If the File refers to a nonexistent directory, we can create the directory with mkdir() or mkdirs(). The mkdir() method creates at most a single directory level, so any intervening directories in the path must already exist. mkdirs() creates all directory levels necessary to create the full path of the File specification. In either case, if the directory cannot be created, the method returns false. Use renameTo() to rename a file or directory and delete() to delete a file or directory.

Although we can create a directory using the File object, this isn’t the most common way to create a file; that’s normally done implicitly when we intend to write data to it with a FileOutputStream or FileWriter, as we’ll discuss in a moment. The exception is the createNewFile() method, which can be used to attempt to create a new zero-length file at the location pointed to by the File object. The useful thing about this method is that the operation is guaranteed to be “atomic” with respect to all other file creation in the filesystem. createNewFile() returns a Boolean value that tells you whether the file was created or not. This is sometimes used as a primitive locking feature—whoever creates the file first “wins.” (The NIO package supports true file locks, as we’ll see later.) This is useful in combination deleteOnExit(), which flags the file to be automatically removed when the Java VM exits. This combination allows you to guard resources or make an application that can only be run in a single instance at a time. Another file creation method that is related to the File class itself is the static method createTempFile(), which creates a file in a specified location using an automatically generated unique name. This, too, is useful in combination with deleteOnExit().

The toURL() method converts a file path to a file: URL object. URLs are an abstraction that allows you to point to any kind of object anywhere on the Net. Converting a File reference to a URL may be useful for consistency with more general utilities that deal with URLs. File URLs also come into greater use with the NIO File API where they can be used to reference new types of filesystems that are implemented directly in Java code.

Table 11-1 summarizes the methods provided by the File class.

Table 11-1. File methods
Method Return type Description



Is the file executable?



Is the file (or directory) readable?



Is the file (or directory) writable?



Creates a new file.

createTempFile (String pfx, Stringsfx)


Static method to create a new file, with the specified prefix and suffix, in the default temp file directory.



Deletes the file (or directory).



When it exits, Java runtime system deletes the file.



Does the file (or directory) exist?



Returns the absolute path of the file (or directory).



Returns the absolute, case-correct and relative-element-resolved path of the file (or directory).



Get the number of bytes of unallocated space on the partition holding this path or 0 if the path is invalid.



Returns the name of the file (or directory).



Returns the name of the parent directory of the file (or directory).



Returns the path of the file (or directory). (Not to be confused with toPath()).



Get the size of the partition that contains the file path in bytes or 0 if the path is invalid.



Get the number of bytes of user-accessible unallocated space on the partition holding this path or 0 if the path is invalid. This method attempts to take into account user write permissions.



Is the filename (or directory name) absolute?



Is the item a directory?



Is the item a file?



Is the item hidden? (System-dependent.)



Returns the last modification time of the file (or directory).



Returns the length of the file.


String []

Returns a list of files in the directory.



Returns the contents of the directory as an array of File objects.



Returns array of root filesystems if any (e.g., C:/, D:/).



Creates the directory.



Creates all directories in the path.

renameTo(File dest )


Renames the file (or directory).



Sets execute permissions for the file.



Sets the last-modified time of the file (or directory).



Sets read permissions for the file.



Sets the file to read-only status.



Sets the write permissions for the file.



Convert the File to an NIO File Path (see the NIO File API). (Not to be confused with getPath().)


Generates a URL object for the file (or directory).

File Streams

OK, you’re probably sick of hearing about files already and we haven’t even written a byte yet! Well, now the fun begins. Java provides two fundamental streams for reading from and writing to files: FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. These streams provide the basic byte-oriented InputStream and OutputStream functionality that is applied to reading and writing files. They can be combined with the filter streams described earlier to work with files in the same way as other stream communications.

You can create a FileInputStream from a String pathname or a File object:

    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream( "/etc/passwd" );

When you create a FileInputStream, the Java runtime system attempts to open the specified file. Thus, the FileInputStream constructors can throw a FileNotFoundException if the specified file doesn’t exist or an IOException if some other I/O error occurs. You must catch these exceptions in your code. Wherever possible, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of using the Java 7 try-with-resources construct to automatically close files for you when you are finished with them:

try ( FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream( "/etc/passwd" ) ) {
    // fin will be closed automatically if needed upon exiting the try clause.

When the stream is first created, its available() method and the File object’s length() method should return the same value.

To read characters from a file as a Reader, you can wrap an InputStreamReader around a FileInputStream. You can also use the FileReader class instead, which is provided as a convenience. FileReader is just a FileInputStream wrapped in an InputStreamReader with some defaults.

The following class, ListIt , is a small utility that sends the contents of a file or directory to standard output:


    class ListIt {
        public static void main ( String args[] ) throws Exception {
            File file =  new File( args[0] );

            if ( !file.exists() || !file.canRead() ) {
                System.out.println( "Can't read " + file );

            if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
                String [] files = file.list();
                for ( String file : files )
                    System.out.println( file );
            } else
                try {
                    Reader ir = new InputStreamReader(
                        new FileInputStream( file ) );

                    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( ir );
                    String line;
                    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
                catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
                    System.out.println( "File Disappeared" );

ListIt constructs a File object from its first command-line argument and tests the File to see whether it exists and is readable. If the File is a directory, ListIt outputs the names of the files in the directory. Otherwise, ListIt reads and outputs the file, line by line.

For writing files, you can create a FileOutputStream from a String pathname or a File object. Unlike FileInputStream, however, the FileOutputStream constructors don’t throw a FileNotFoundException. If the specified file doesn’t exist, the FileOutputStream creates the file. The FileOutputStream constructors can throw an IOException if some other I/O error occurs, so you still need to handle this exception.

If the specified file does exist, the FileOutputStream opens it for writing. When you subsequently call the write() method, the new data overwrites the current contents of the file. If you need to append data to an existing file, you can use a form of the constructor that accepts a Boolean append flag:

    FileInputStream fooOut =
        new FileOutputStream( fooFile ); // overwrite fooFile
    FileInputStream pwdOut =
        new FileOutputStream( "/etc/passwd", true ); // append

Another way to append data to files is with RandomAccessFile, which we’ll discuss shortly.

Just as with reading, to write characters (instead of bytes) to a file, you can wrap an OutputStreamWriter around a FileOutputStream. If you want to use the default character-encoding scheme, you can use the FileWriter class instead, which is provided as a convenience.

The following example reads a line of data from standard input and writes it to the file /tmp/foo.txt:

    String s = new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader( ) ).readLine();
    File out = new File( "/tmp/foo.txt" );
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( out );
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( fw )
    pw.println( s );pw.close();

Notice how we wrapped the FileWriter in a PrintWriter to facilitate writing the data. Also, to be a good filesystem citizen, we called the close() method when we’re done with the FileWriter. Here, closing the PrintWriter closes the underlying Writer for us. We also could have used try-with-resources here.


The class provides the ability to read and write data at a specified location in a file. RandomAccessFile implements both the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces, so you can use it to read and write strings and primitive types at locations in the file just as if it were a DataInputStream and DataOutputStream. However, because the class provides random, rather than sequential, access to file data, it’s not a subclass of either InputStream or OutputStream.

You can create a RandomAccessFile from a String pathname or a File object. The constructor also takes a second String argument that specifies the mode of the file. Use the string r for a read-only file or rw for a read/write file.

    try {
        RandomAccessFile users = new RandomAccessFile( "Users", "rw" )
     } catch (IOException e) { ... }

When you create a RandomAccessFile in read-only mode, Java tries to open the specified file. If the file doesn’t exist, RandomAccessFile throws an IOException. If, however, you’re creating a RandomAccessFile in read/write mode, the object creates the file if it doesn’t exist. The constructor can still throw an IOException if another I/O error occurs, so you still need to handle this exception.

After you have created a RandomAccessFile, call any of the normal reading and writing methods, just as you would with a DataInputStream or DataOutputStream. If you try to write to a read-only file, the write method throws an IOException.

What makes a RandomAccessFile special is the seek() method. This method takes a long value and uses it to set the byte offset location for reading and writing in the file. You can use the getFilePointer() method to get the current location. If you need to append data to the end of the file, use length() to determine that location, then seek() to it. You can write or seek beyond the end of a file, but you can’t read beyond the end of a file. The read() method throws an EOFException if you try to do this.

Here’s an example of writing data for a simplistic database: userNum * RECORDSIZE );
    users.writeUTF( userName );
    users.writeInt( userID );

In this snippet, we assume that the String length for userName, along with any data that comes after it, fits within the specified record size.

The NIO File API

We are now going to turn our attention from the original, “classic” Java File API to the new, NIO, File API introduced with Java 7. As we mentioned earlier, the NIO File API can be thought of as either a replacement for or a complement to the classic API. Included in the NIO package, the new API is nominally part of an effort to move Java toward a higher performance and more flexible style of I/O supporting selectable and asynchronously interruptable channels. However, in the context of working with files, the new API’s strength is that it provides a fuller abstraction of the filesystem in Java.

In addition to better support for existing, real world, filesystem types—including for the first time the ability to copy and move files, manage links, and get detailed file attributes like owners and permissions—the new File API allows entirely new types of filesystems to be implemented directly in Java. The best example of this is the new ZIP filesystem provider that makes it possible to “mount” a ZIP archive file as a filesystem and work with the files within it directly using the standard APIs, just like any other filesystem. Additionally, the NIO File package provides some utilities that would have saved Java developers a lot of repeated code over the years, including directory tree change monitoring, filesystem traversal (a visitor pattern), filename “globbing,” and convenience methods to read entire files directly into memory.

We’ll cover the basic NIO File API in this section and return to the topic of buffers and channels at the end of the chapter. In particular, we’ll talk about ByteChannels and FileChannel, which you can think of as alternate, buffer-oriented streams for reading and writing files and other types of data.

FileSystem and Path

The main players in the java.nio.file package are: the FileSystem, which represents an underlying storage mechanism and serves as a factory for Path objects; the Path, which represents a file or directory within the filesystem; and the Files utility, which contains a rich set of static methods for manipulating Path objects to perform all of the basic file operations analogous to the classic API.

The FileSystems (plural) class is our starting point. It is a factory for a FileSystem object:

// The default host computer filesystem
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();

// A custom filesystem for ZIP files, no special properties
Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<>();
URI zipURI = URI.create("jar:file:/Users/pat/tmp/");
FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem( zipURI, props ) );

As shown in this snippet, often we’ll simply ask for the default filesystem to manipulate files in the host computer’s environment, as with the classic API. But the FileSystems class can also construct a FileSystem by taking a URI (a special identifier similar to a URL) that references a custom filesystem type. Here we use jar:file as our URI protocol to indicate we are working with a JAR or ZIP file. We pass the URI along with We’ll show an example of working with the ZIP filesystem provider later in this chapter when we discuss data compression.

FileSystem implements Closeable and when a FileSystem is closed, all open file channels and other streaming objects associated with it are closed as well. Attempting to read or write to those channels will throw an exception at that point. Note that the default filesystem (associated with the host computer) cannot be closed.

Once we have a FileSystem, we can use it as a factory for Path objects that represent files or directories. A Path can be constructed using a string representation just like the classic File, and subsequently used with methods of the Files utility to create, read, write, or delete the item.

Path fooPath = fs.getPath( "/tmp/foo.txt" );
OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream( fooPath );

This example opens an OutputStream to write to the file foo.txt. By default, if the file does not exist, it will be created and if it does exist, it will be truncated (set to zero length) before new data is written—but you can change these results using options. We’ll talk more about Files methods in the next section.

The Path object implements the java.lang.Iterable interface, which can be used to iterate through its literal path components (e.g., the slash separated “tmp” and “foo.txt” in the preceding snippet). Although if you want to traverse the path to find other files or directories, you might be more interested in the DirectoryStream and FileVisitor that we’ll discuss later. Path also implements the java.nio.file.Watchable interface, which allows it to be monitored for changes. We’ll also discuss watching file trees for changes in an upcoming section.

Path has convenience methods for resolving paths relative to a file or directory.

Path patPath =  fs.getPath( "/User/pat/" );

Path patTmp = patPath.resolve("tmp" ); // "/User/pat/tmp"

// Same as above, using a Path
Path tmpPath = fs.getPath( "tmp" );
Path patTmp = patPath.resolve( tmpPath ); // "/User/pat/tmp"

// Resolving a given absolute path against any path just yields given path
Path absPath = patPath.resolve( "/tmp" ); // "/tmp"

// Resolve sibling to Pat (same parent)
Path danPath = patPath.resolveSibling( "dan" ); // "/Users/dan"

In this snippet, we’ve shown the Pathresolve() and resolveSibling() methods used to find files or directories relative to a given Path object. The resolve() method is generally used to append a relative path to an existing Path representing a directory. If the argument provided to the resolve() method is an absolute path, it will just yield the absolute path (it acts kind of like the Unix or DOS “cd” command). The resolveSibling() method works the same way, but it is relative to the parent of the target Path; this method is useful for describing the target of a move() operation.

Path to classic file and back

To bridge the old and new APIs, corresponding toPath() and toFile() methods have been provided in and java.nio.file.Path, respectively, to convert to the other form. Of course, the only types of Paths that can be produced from File are paths representing files and directories in the default host filesystem.

Path tmpPath = fs.getPath( "/tmp" );
File file = tmpPath.toFile();
File tmpFile = new File( "/tmp" );
Path path = tmpFile.toPath();

NIO File Operations

Once we have a Path, we can operate on it with static methods of the Files utility to create the path as a file or directory, read and write to it, and interrogate and set its properties. We’ll list the bulk of them and then discuss some of the more important ones as we proceed.

Table 11-2 summarizes these methods of the java.nio.file.Files class. As you might expect, because the Files class handles all types of file operations, it contains a large number of methods. To make the table more readable, we have elided overloaded forms of the same method (those taking different kinds of arguments) and grouped corresponding and related types of methods together.

Table 11-2. NIO Files methods
Method Return type Description


long or Path

Copy a stream to a file path, file path to stream, or path to path. Returns the number of bytes copied or the target Path. A target file may optionally be replaced if it exists (the default is to fail if the target exists). Copying a directory results in an empty directory at the target (the contents are not copied). Copying a symbolic link copies the linked file’s data (producing a regular file copy).

createDirectory(), createDirectories()


Create a single directory or all directories in a specified path. createDirectory() throws an exception if the directory already exists, whereas createDirectories() will ignore existing directories and only create as needed.



Creates an empty file. The operation is atomic and will only succeed if the file does not exist. (This property can be used to create flag files to guard resources, etc.)

createTempDirectory(), createTempFile()


Create a temporary, guaranteed, uniquely named directory or file with the specified prefix. Optionally place it in the system default temp directory.

delete(), deleteIfExists()


Delete a file or an empty directory. deleteIfExists() will not throw an exception if the file does not exist.

exists(), notExists()


Determine whether the file exists (notExists() simply returns the opposite). Optionally specify whether links should be followed (by default they are).

exists(), isDirectory(), isExecutable(), isHidden(), isReadable(), isRegularFile(), isWriteable()


Tests basic file features: whether the path exists, is a directory, and other basic attributes.

createLink(), createSymbolicLink(), isSymbolicLink(), readSymbolicLink(), createLink()

boolean or Path

Create a hard or symbolic link, test to see if a file is a symbolic link, or read the target file pointed to by the symbolic link. Symbolic links are files that reference other files. Regular (“hard”) links are low-level mirrors of a file where two filenames point to the same underlying data. If you don’t know which to use, use a symbolic link.

getAttribute(), setAttribute(), getFileAttributeView(), readAttributes()

Object, Map, or FileAttributeView

Get or set filesystem-specific file attributes such as access and update times, detailed permissions, and owner information using implementation-specific names.



Get a FileStore object that represents the device, volume, or other type of partition of the filesystem on which the path resides.

getLastModifiedTime(), setLastModifiedTime()

FileTime or Path

Get or set the last modified time of a file or directory.

getOwner(), setOwner()


Get or set a UserPrincipal object representing the owner of the file. Use toString() or getName() to get a string representation of the user name.

getPosixFilePermissions(), setPosixFilePermissions()

Set or Path

Get or set the full POSIX user-group-other style read and write permissions for the path as a Set of PosixFilePermission enum values.



Test to see whether the two paths reference the same file (which may potentially be true even if the paths are not identical).



Move a file or directory by renaming or copying it, optionally specifying whether to replace any existing target. Rename will be used unless a copy is required to move a file across file stores or filesystems. Directories can be moved using this method only if the simple rename is possible or if the directory is empty. If a directory move requires copying files across file stores or filesystems, the method throws an IOException. (In this case, you must copy the files yourself. See walkFileTree().)

newBufferedReader(), newBufferedWriter()

BufferedReader or BufferedWriter

Open a file for reading via a BufferedReader, or create and open a file for writing via a BufferedWriter. In both cases, a character encoding is specified.



Create a new file or open an existing file as a seekable byte channel. (See the full discussion of NIO later in this chapter.) Consider using FileChannelopen() as an alternative.



Return a DirectoryStream for iterating over a directory hierarchy. Optionally, supply a glob pattern or filter object to match files.

newInputStream(), newOutputStream()

InputStream or OutputStream

Open a file for reading via an InputStream or create and open a file for writing via an OuputStream. Optionally, specify file truncation for the output stream; the default is to create a truncate on write.



Returns the MIME type of the file if it can be determined by installed FileTypeDetector services or null if unknown.

readAllBytes(), readAllLines()

byte[] or List<String>

Read all data from the file as a byte [] or all characters as a list of strings using a specified character encoding.



Get the size in bytes of the file at the specified path.



Apply a FileVisitor to the specified directory tree, optionally specifying whether to follow links and a maximum depths of traversal.



Write an array of bytes or a collection of strings (with a specified character encoding) to the file at the specified path and close the file, optionally specifying append and truncation behavior. The default is to truncate and write the data.

With the preceding methods, we can fetch input or output streams or buffered readers and writers to a given file. We can also create paths as files and dirctories and iterate through file hierarchies. We’ll discuss directory operations in the next section.

As a reminder, the resolve() and resolveSibling() methods of Path are useful for constructing targets for the copy() and move() operations.

// Move the file /tmp/foo.txt to /tmp/bar.txt
Path foo = fs.getPath("/tmp/foo.txt" );
Files.move( foo, foo.resolveSibling("bar.txt") );

For quickly reading and writing the contents of files without streaming, we can use the various readAll… and write methods that move byte arrays or strings in and out of files in a single operation. These are very convenient for files that easily fit into memory.

// Read and write collection of String (e.g. lines of text)
Charset asciiCharset = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
List<String> csvData = Files.readAllLines( csvPath, asciiCharset );
Files.write( newCSVPath, csvData, asciiCharset );

// Read and write bytes
byte [] data = Files.readAllBytes( dataPath );
Files.write( newDataPath, data );

The NIO Package

We are now going to complete our introduction to core Java I/O facilities by returning to the java.nio package. As previously mentioned, the name NIO stands for “New I/O” and, as we saw earlier in this chapter in our discussion of java.nio.file, one aspect of NIO is simply to update and enhance features of the legacy package. Much of the general NIO functionality does indeed overlap with existing APIs. However, NIO was first introduced to address specific issues of scalability for large systems, especially in networked applications. The following section outlines the basic elements of NIO, which center on working with buffers and channels.

Asynchronous I/O

Most of the need for the NIO package was driven by the desire to add nonblocking and selectable I/O to Java. Prior to NIO, most read and write operations in Java were bound to threads and were forced to block for unpredictable amounts of time. Although certain APIs such as Sockets (which we’ll see in “Sockets”) provided specific means to limit how long an I/O call could take, this was a workaround to compensate for the lack of a more general mechanism. In many languages, even those without threading, I/O could still be done efficiently by setting I/O streams to a nonblocking mode and testing them for their readiness to send or receive data. In a nonblocking mode, a read or write does only as much work as can be done immediately—filling or emptying a buffer and then returning. Combined with the ability to test for readiness, this allows a single-threaded application to continuously service many channels efficiently. The main thread “selects” a stream that is ready and works with it until it blocks and then moves on to another. On a single-processor system, this is fundamentally equivalent to using multiple threads. It turns out that this style of processing has scalability advantages even when using a pool of threads (rather than just one). We’ll discuss this in detail in Chapter 12 when we discuss web programming and building servers that can handle many clients simultaneously.

In addition to nonblocking and selectable I/O, the NIO package enables closing and interrupting I/O operations asynchronously. As discussed in Chapter 9, prior to NIO there was no reliable way to stop or wake up a thread blocked in an I/O operation. With NIO, threads blocked in I/O operations always wake up when interrupted or when the channel is closed by anyone. Additionally, if you interrupt a thread while it is blocked in an NIO operation, its channel is automatically closed. (Closing the channel because the thread is interrupted might seem too strong, but usually it’s the right thing to do. Leaving it open could result in unexpected behavior or subject the channel to unwanted manipulation.)


Channel I/O is designed around the concept of buffers, which are a sophisticated form of array, tailored to working with communications. The NIO package supports the concept of direct buffers—buffers that maintain their memory outside the Java VM in the host operating system. Because all real I/O operations ultimately have to work with the host OS by maintaining the buffer space there, some operations can be made much more efficient. Data moving between two external endpoints can be transferred without first copying it into Java and back out.

Mapped and Locked Files

NIO provides two general-purpose file-related features not found in memory-mapped files and file locking. We’ll discuss memory-mapped files later, but suffice it to say that they allow you to work with file data as if it were all magically resident in memory. File locking supports the concept of shared and exclusive locks on regions of files—useful for concurrent access by multiple applications.


While deals with streams, java.nio works with channels. A channel is an endpoint for communication. Although in practice channels are similar to streams, the underlying notion of a channel is more abstract and primitive. Whereas streams in are defined in terms of input or output with methods to read and write bytes, the basic channel interface says nothing about how communications happen. It simply has the notion of being open or closed, supported via the methods isOpen() and close(). Implementations of channels for files, network sockets, or arbitrary devices then add their own methods for operations, such as reading, writing, or transferring data. The following channels are provided by NIO:

  • FileChannel

  • Pipe.SinkChannel, Pipe.SourceChannel

  • SocketChannel, ServerSocketChannel, DatagramChannel

We’ll cover FileChannel in this chapter. The Pipe channels are simply the channel equivalents of the Pipe facilities. Additionally, in Java 7 there are now asynchronous versions of both the file and socket channels: AsynchronousFileChannel, AsynchronousSocketChannel, AsynchronousServerSocketChannel, and AsynchronousDatagramChannel. These asynchronous versions essentially buffer all of their operations through a thread pool and report results back through an asynchronous API. We’ll talk about the asynchronous file channel later in this chapter.

All these basic channels implement the ByteChannel interface, designed for channels that have read and write methods like I/O streams. ByteChannels read and write ByteBuffers, however, as opposed to plain byte arrays.

In addition to these channel implementations, you can bridge channels with I/O streams and readers and writers for interoperability. However, if you mix these features, you may not get the full benefits and performance offered by the NIO package.


Most of the utilities of the and packages operate on byte arrays. The corresponding tools of the NIO package are built around ByteBuffers (with character-based buffer CharBuffer for text). Byte arrays are simple, so why are buffers necessary? They serve several purposes:

  • They formalize the usage patterns for buffered data, provide for things like read-only buffers, and keep track of read/write positions and limits within a large buffer space. They also provide a mark/reset facility like that of

  • They provide additional APIs for working with raw data representing primitive types. You can create buffers that “view” your byte data as a series of larger primitives, such as shorts, ints, or floats. The most general type of data buffer, ByteBuffer, includes methods that let you read and write all primitive types just like DataOutputStream does for streams.

  • They abstract the underlying storage of the data, allowing for special optimizations by Java. Specifically, buffers may be allocated as direct buffers that use native buffers of the host operating system instead of arrays in Java’s memory. The NIO Channel facilities that work with buffers can recognize direct buffers automatically and try to optimize I/O to use them. For example, a read from a file channel into a Java byte array normally requires Java to copy the data for the read from the host operating system into Java’s memory. With a direct buffer, the data can remain in the host operating system, outside Java’s normal memory space until and unless it is needed.

Buffer operations

A buffer is a subclass of a java.nio.Buffer object. The base Buffer class is something like an array with state. It does not specify what type of elements it holds (that is for subtypes to decide), but it does define functionality that is common to all data buffers. A Buffer has a fixed size called its capacity. Although all the standard Buffers provide “random access” to their contents, a Buffer generally expects to be read and written sequentially, so Buffers maintain the notion of a position where the next element is read or written. In addition to position, a Buffer can maintain two other pieces of state information: a limit, which is a position that is a “soft” limit to the extent of a read or write, and a mark, which can be used to remember an earlier position for future recall.

Implementations of Buffer add specific, typed get and put methods that read and write the buffer contents. For example, ByteBuffer is a buffer of bytes and it has get() and put() methods that read and write bytes and arrays of bytes (along with many other useful methods we’ll discuss later). Getting from and putting to the Buffer changes the position marker, so the Buffer keeps track of its contents somewhat like a stream. Attempting to read or write past the limit marker generates a BufferUnderflowException or BufferOverflowException, respectively.

The mark, position, limit, and capacity values always obey the following formula:

    mark <= position <= limit <= capacity

The position for reading and writing the Buffer is always between the mark, which serves as a lower bound, and the limit, which serves as an upper bound. The capacity represents the physical extent of the buffer space.

You can set the position and limit markers explicitly with the position() and limit() methods. Several convenience methods are provided for common usage patterns. The reset() method sets the position back to the mark. If no mark has been set, an InvalidMarkException is thrown. The clear() method resets the position to 0 and makes the limit the capacity, readying the buffer for new data (the mark is discarded). Note that the clear() method does not actually do anything to the data in the buffer; it simply changes the position markers.

The flip() method is used for the common pattern of writing data into the buffer and then reading it back out. flip makes the current position the limit and then resets the current position to 0 (any mark is thrown away), which saves having to keep track of how much data was read. Another method, rewind(), simply resets the position to 0, leaving the limit alone. You might use it to write the same size data again. Here is a snippet of code that uses these methods to read data from a channel and write it to two channels:

    ByteBuffer buff = ...
    while ( buff ) > 0 ) { // position = ?
        buff.flip();    // limit = position; position = 0;
        outChannel.write( buff );
        buff.rewind();  // position = 0
        outChannel2.write( buff );
        buff.clear();   // position = 0; limit = capacity

This might be confusing the first time you look at it because here, the read from the Channel is actually a write to the Buffer and vice versa. Because this example writes all the available data up to the limit, either flip() or rewind() have the same effect in this case.

Buffer types

As stated earlier, various buffer types add get and put methods for reading and writing specific data types. Each of the Java primitive types has an associated buffer type: ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, ShortBuffer, IntBuffer, LongBuffer, FloatBuffer, and DoubleBuffer. Each provides get and put methods for reading and writing its type and arrays of its type. Of these, ByteBuffer is the most flexible. Because it has the “finest grain” of all the buffers, it has been given a full complement of get and put methods for reading and writing all the other data types as well as byte. Here are some ByteBuffer methods:

    byte get()
    char getChar()
    short getShort()
    int getInt()
    long getLong()
    float getFloat()
    double getDouble()

    void put(byte b)
    void put(ByteBuffer src)
    void put(byte[] src, int offset, int length)
    void put(byte[] src)
    void putChar(char value)
    void putShort(short value)
    void putInt(int value)
    void putLong(long value)
    void putFloat(float value)
    void putDouble(double value)

As we said, all the standard buffers also support random access. For each of the aforementioned methods of ByteBuffer, an additional form takes an index; for example:

    getLong( int index )
    putLong( int index, long value )

But that’s not all. ByteBuffer can also provide “views” of itself as any of the coarse-grained types. For example, you can fetch a ShortBuffer view of a ByteBuffer with the asShortBuffer() method. The ShortBuffer view is backed by the ByteBuffer, which means that they work on the same data, and changes to either one affect the other. The view buffer’s extent starts at the ByteBuffer’s current position, and its capacity is a function of the remaining number of bytes, divided by the new type’s size. (For example, shorts consume two bytes each, floats four, and longs and doubles take eight.) View buffers are convenient for reading and writing large blocks of a contiguous type within a ByteBuffer.

CharBuffers are interesting as well, primarily because of their integration with Strings. Both CharBuffers and Strings implement the java.lang.CharSequence interface. This is the interface that provides the standard charAt() and length() methods. Because of this, newer APIs (such as the java.util.regex package) allow you to use a CharBuffer or a String interchangeably. In this case, the CharBuffer acts like a modifiable String with user-configurable, logical start and end positions.

Byte order

Because we’re talking about reading and writing types larger than a byte, the question arises: in what order do the bytes of multibyte values (e.g., shorts and ints) get written? There are two camps in this world: “big endian” and “little endian.”3 Big endian means that the most significant bytes come first; little endian is the reverse. If you’re writing binary data for consumption by some native application, this is important. Intel-compatible computers use little endian, and many workstations that run Unix use big endian. The ByteOrder class encapsulates the choice. You can specify the byte order to use with the ByteBuffer order() method, using the identifiers ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN and ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN like so:

    byteArray.order( ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN );

You can retrieve the native ordering for your platform using the static ByteOrder.nativeOrder() method. (We know you’re curious.)

Allocating buffers

You can create a buffer either by allocating it explicitly using allocate() or by wrapping an existing plain Java array type. Each buffer type has a static allocate() method that takes a capacity (size) and also a wrap() method that takes an existing array:

    CharBuffer cbuf = CharBuffer.allocate( 64*1024 );
    ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.wrap( someExistingArray );

A direct buffer is allocated in the same way, with the allocateDirect() method:

    ByteBuffer bbuf2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( 64*1024 );

As we described earlier, direct buffers can use operating system memory structures that are optimized for use with some kinds of I/O operations. The tradeoff is that allocating a direct buffer is a little slower and heavier weight operation than a plain buffer, so you should try to use them for longer-term buffers.

Character Encoders and Decoders

Character encoders and decoders turn characters into raw bytes and vice versa, mapping from the Unicode standard to particular encoding schemes. Encoders and decoders have long existed in Java for use by Reader and Writer streams and in the methods of the String class that work with byte arrays. However, early on there was no API for working with encoding explicitly; you simply referred to encoders and decoders wherever necessary by name as a String. The java.nio.charset package formalized the idea of a Unicode character set encoding with the Charset class.

The Charset class is a factory for Charset instances, which know how to encode character buffers to byte buffers and decode byte buffers to character buffers. You can look up a character set by name with the static Charset.forName() method and use it in conversions:

    Charset charset = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
    CharBuffer charBuff = charset.decode( byteBuff );  // to ascii
    ByteBuffer byteBuff = charset.encode( charBuff );  // and back

You can also test to see if an encoding is available with the static Charset.isSupported() method.

The following character sets are guaranteed to be supplied:


  • ISO-8859-1

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16BE

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-16

You can list all the encoders available on your platform using the static availableCharsets() method:

    Map map = Charset.availableCharsets();
    Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator();
    while ( it.hasNext() )
        System.out.println( );

The result of availableCharsets() is a map because character sets may have “aliases” and appear under more than one name.

In addition to the buffer-oriented classes of the java.nio package, the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter bridge classes of the package have been updated to work with Charset as well. You can specify the encoding as a Charset object or by name.

CharsetEncoder and CharsetDecoder

You can get more control over the encoding and decoding process by creating an instance of CharsetEncoder or CharsetDecoder (a codec) with the Charset newEncoder() and newDecoder() methods. In the previous snippet, we assumed that all the data was available in a single buffer. More often, however, we might have to process data as it arrives in chunks. The encoder/decoder API allows for this by providing more general encode() and decode() methods that take a flag specifying whether more data is expected. The codec needs to know this because it might have been left hanging in the middle of a multibyte character conversion when the data ran out. If it knows that more data is coming, it does not throw an error on this incomplete conversion. In the following snippet, we use a decoder to read from a ByteBuffer bbuff and accumulate character data into a CharBuffer cbuff:

    CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newDecoder();

    boolean done = false;
    while ( !done ) {
        done = ( bbuff ) == -1 );
        decoder.decode( bbuff, cbuff, done );
    // use cbuff. . .

Here, we look for the end of input condition on the in channel to set the flag done. Note that we take advantage of the flip() method on ByteBuffer to set the limit to the amount of data read and reset the position, setting us up for the decode operation in one step. The encode() and decode() methods also return a result object, CoderResult, that can determine the progress of encoding (we do not use it in the previous snippet). The methods isError(), isUnderflow(), and isOverflow() on the CoderResult specify why encoding stopped: for an error, a lack of bytes on the input buffer, or a full output buffer, respectively.


Now that we’ve covered the basics of channels and buffers, it’s time to look at a real channel type. The FileChannel is the NIO equivalent of the , but it provides several core new features in addition to some performance optimizations. In particular, use a FileChannel in place of a plain file stream if you wish to use file locking, memory-mapped file access, or highly optimized data transfer between files or between file and network channels.

A FileChannel can be created for a Path using the static FileChannel open() method.

    FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
    Path p = fs.getPath( "/tmp/foo.txt" );

    // Open default for reading
    try ( FileChannel channel = p ) {

    // Open with options for writing
    import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;

    try ( FileChannel channel = p, WRITE, APPEND, ... ) ) {

By default, open() creates a read-only channel for the file. We can open a channel for writing or appending and control other more advanced features such as atomic create and data syncing by passing additional options as shown in the second part of the previous example. Table 11-3 summarizes these options.

Table 11-3. java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption
Option Description


Open the file for read-only or write-only (default is read-only). Use both for read-write.


Open the file for writing; all writes are positioned at the end of the file.


Use with WRITE to open the file and create it if needed.


Use with WRITE to create a file atomically; failing if the file already exists.


Attempt to delete the file when it is closed or, if open, when the VM exits.


Wherever possible, guarantee that write operations block until all data is written to storage. SYNC does this for all file changes including data and metadata (attributes) whereas DSYNC only adds this requirement for the data content of the file.


Use when creating a new file, requests the file be sparse. On filesystems where this is supported, a sparse file handles very large, mostly empty files without allocating as much real storage for empty portions.


Use WRITE on an existing file, set the file length to zero upon opening it.

A FileChannel can also be constructed from a classic FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, or RandomAccessFile:

    FileChannel readOnlyFc = new FileInputStream("file.txt").getChannel();
    FileChannel readWriteFc = new RandomAccessFile("file.txt", "rw")

FileChannels created from these file input and output streams are read-only or write-only, respectively. To get a read/write FileChannel, you must construct a RandomAccessFile with read/write options, as in the previous example.

Using a FileChannel is just like a RandomAccessFile, but it works with a ByteBuffer instead of byte arrays:

    ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate( ... );
    readOnlyFc.position( index ); bbuf );
    readWriteFc.write( bbuf );

You can control how much data is read and written either by setting buffer position and limit markers or using another form of read/write that takes a buffer starting position and length. You can also read and write to a random position by supplying indexes with the read and write methods: bbuf, index )
    readWriteFc.write( bbuf, index2 );

In each case, the actual number of bytes read or written depends on several factors. The operation tries to read or write to the limit of the buffer, and the vast majority of the time that is what happens with local file access. The operation is guaranteed to block only until at least one byte has been processed. Whatever happens, the number of bytes processed is returned, and the buffer position is updated accordingly, preparing you to repeat the operation until it is complete if needed. This is one of the conveniences of working with buffers; they can manage the count for you. Like standard streams, the channel read() method returns -1 upon reaching the end of input.

The size of the file is always available with the size() method. It can change if you write past the end of the file. Conversely, you can truncate the file to a specified length with the truncate() method.

Concurrent access

FileChannels are safe for use by multiple threads and guarantee that data “viewed” by them is consistent across channels in the same VM. Unless you specify the SYNC or DSYNC options, no guarantees are made about how quickly writes are propagated to the storage mechanism. If you only intermittently need to be sure that data is safe before moving on, you can use the force() method to flush changes to disk. The force() method takes a Boolean argument indicating whether or not file metadata, including timestamp and permissions, must be written (sync or dsync). Some systems keep track of reads on files as well as writes, so you can save a lot of updates if you set the flag to false, which indicates that you don’t care about syncing that data immediately.

As with all Channels, a FileChannel may be closed by any thread. Once closed, all its read/write and position-related methods throw a ClosedChannelException.

File locking

FileChannels support exclusive and shared locks on regions of files through the lock() method:

    FileLock fileLock = fileChannel.lock();
    int start = 0, len = fileChannel2.size();
    FileLock readLock = fileChannel2.lock( start, len, true );

Locks may be either shared or exclusive. An exclusive lock prevents others from acquiring a lock of any kind on the specified file or file region. A shared lock allows others to acquire overlapping shared locks but not exclusive locks. These are useful as write and read locks, respectively. When you are writing, you don’t want others to be able to write until you’re done, but when reading, you need only to block others from writing, not reading concurrently.

The no-args lock() method in the previous example attempts to acquire an exclusive lock for the whole file. The second form accepts a starting and length parameter as well as a flag indicating whether the lock should be shared (or exclusive). The FileLock object returned by the lock() method can be used to release the lock:


Note that file locks are only guaranteed be a cooperative API; they do not necessarily prevent anyone from reading or writing to the locked file contents. In general, the only way to guarantee that locks are obeyed is for both parties to attempt to acquire the lock and use it. Also, shared locks are not implemented on some systems, in which case all requested locks are exclusive. You can test whether a lock is shared with the isShared() method.

FileChannel locks are held until the channel is closed or interrupted, so performing locks within a try-with-resources statement will help ensure that locks are released more robustly.

try ( FileChannel channel = p, WRITE ) ) {

Network Programming

The network is the soul of Java. Most of what is interesting about Java centers on the potential for dynamic, networked applications. As Java’s networking APIs have matured, Java has also become the language of choice for implementing traditional client/server applications and services. In this section, we start our discussion of the package, which contains the fundamental classes for communications and working with networked resources. Networking is a big topic, though! Chapter 12 will cover more networking goodies, focusing on Internet-related topics.

The classes of fall into two general categories: the Sockets API for working with low-level Internet protocols and higher-level, web-oriented APIs that work with uniform resource locators (URLs). Figure 11-3 shows the package.

Java’s Sockets API provides access to the standard network protocols used for communications between hosts on the Internet. Sockets are the mechanism underlying all other kinds of portable networked communications. Sockets are the lowest-level tool in the general networking toolbox—you can use sockets for any kind of communications between client and server or peer applications on the Net, but you have to implement your own application-level protocols for handling and interpreting the data. Higher-level networking tools, such as remote method invocation, HTTP, and web services are implemented on top of sockets.

lj5e 1103
Figure 11-3. The package

These days, web services is the term for the more general technology that provides platform-independent, loosely coupled invocation of services on remote servers using web standards such as HTTP and JSON. We talk about web services in Chapter Chapter 12 when we discuss programming for the web.

In this chapter, we’ll provide some simple, practical examples of both high- and low-level Java network programming using sockets. In Chapter 12, we’ll look at the other half of the package, which lets clients work with web servers and services via URLs. It also introduces Java servlets and the tools that allow you to write your own web applications and services.


Sockets are a low-level programming interface for networked communications. They send streams of data between applications that may or may not be on the same host.

Sockets originated in BSD Unix and are, in some programming languages, hairy, complicated things with lots of small parts that can break off and endanger little children. The reason for this is that most socket APIs can be used with almost any kind of underlying network protocol. Since the protocols that transport data across the network can have radically different features, the socket interface can be quite complex.4

The package supports a simplified, object-oriented socket interface that makes network communications considerably easier. If you’ve done network programming using sockets in other languages, you should be pleasantly surprised at how simple things can be when objects encapsulate the gory details. If this is the first time you’ve come across sockets, you’ll find that talking to another application over the network can be as simple as reading a file or getting user input. Most forms of I/O in Java, including most network I/O, use the stream classes described in “Streams”. Streams provide a unified I/O interface so that reading or writing across the Internet is similar to reading or writing on the local system. In addition to the stream-oriented interfaces, the Java networking APIs can work with the Java NIO buffer-oriented API for highly scalable applications. We’ll see both in this chapter.

Java provides sockets to support three distinct classes of underlying protocols: Sockets, DatagramSockets, and MulticastSockets. In this section, we look at Java’s basic Socket class, which uses a connection-oriented and reliable protocol. A connection-oriented protocol provides the equivalent of a telephone conversation. After establishing a connection, two applications can send streams of data back and forth and the connection stays in place even when no one is talking. Because the protocol is reliable, it also ensures that no data is lost (resending data as necessary) and that whatever you send always arrives in the order in which you sent it.

We’ll have to leave the DatagramSocket class, which uses a connectionless, unreliable protocol, for you to explore on your own. (You could start with Java Network Programming by Elliotte Rusty Harold, O’Reilly.) A connectionless protocol is like the postal service. Applications can send short messages to each other, but no end-to-end connection is set up in advance and no attempt is made to keep the messages in order. It’s not even guaranteed that the messages will arrive at all. A MulticastSocket is a variation of a DatagramSocket that performs multicasting—simultaneously sending data to multiple recipients. Working with multicast sockets is very much like working with datagram sockets.

In theory, just about any protocol can be used underneath the socket layer (old-schoolers will remember things like Novell’s IPX, Apple’s AppleTalk, etc.). But in practice, there’s only one important protocol family used on the Internet, and only one protocol family that Java supports: the Internet Protocol (IP). The Socket class speaks TCP, the connection-oriented flavor of IP, and the DatagramSocket class speaks UDP, the connectionless kind.

Clients and Servers

When writing network applications, it’s common to talk about clients and servers. The distinction is increasingly vague, but the side that initiates the conversation is usually considered the client. The side that accepts the request is usually the server. In the case where two peer applications use sockets to talk, the distinction is less important, but for simplicity we’ll use this definition.

For our purposes, the most important difference between a client and a server is that a client can create a socket to initiate a conversation with a server application at any time, while a server must be prepared in advance to listen for incoming conversations. The class represents one side of an individual socket connection on both the client and server. In addition, the server uses the class to listen for new connections from clients. In most cases, an application acting as a server creates a ServerSocket object and waits, blocked in a call to its accept() method, until a connection arrives. When it arrives, the accept() method creates a Socket object that the server uses to communicate with the client. A server may carry on conversations with multiple clients at once; in this case, there is still only a single ServerSocket, but the server has multiple Socket objects—one associated with each client, as shown in Figure 11-4.

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Figure 11-4. Clients and servers, Sockets and ServerSockets

At the socket level, a client needs two pieces of information to locate and connect to a server on the Internet: a hostname (used to find the host computer’s network address) and a port number. The port number is an identifier that differentiates between multiple clients or servers on the same host. A server application listens on a prearranged port while waiting for connections. Clients use the port number assigned to the service they want to access. If you think of the host computers as hotels and the applications as guests, the ports are like the guests’ room numbers. For one person to call another, he or she must know the other party’s hotel name and room number.


A client application opens a connection to a server by constructing a Socket that specifies the hostname and port number of the desired server:

    try {
        Socket sock = new Socket("", 25);
    } catch ( UnknownHostException e ) {
        System.out.println("Can't find host.");
    } catch ( IOException e ) {
        System.out.println("Error connecting to host.");

This code fragment attempts to connect a Socket to port 25 (the SMTP mail service) of the host The client handles the possibility that the hostname can’t be resolved (UnknownHostException) and that it might not be able to connect to it (IOException). In the preceding case, Java used DNS, the standard Domain Name Service, to resolve the hostname to an IP address for us. The constructor can also accept a string containing the host’s raw IP address:

    Socket sock = new Socket("", 25);

After a connection is made, input and output streams can be retrieved with the Socket getInputStream() and getOutputStream() methods. The following (rather arbitrary) code sends and receives some data with the streams:

    try {
        Socket server = new Socket("", 1234);
        InputStream in = server.getInputStream();
        OutputStream out = server.getOutputStream();

        // write a byte

        // write a newline or carriage return delimited string
        PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter( out, true );

        // read a byte
        byte back = (byte);

        // read a newline or carriage return delimited string
        BufferedReader bin =
          new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) );
        String response = bin.readLine();

    catch (IOException e ) { ... }

In this exchange, the client first creates a Socket for communicating with the server. The Socket constructor specifies the server’s hostname ( and a prearranged port number (1234). Once the connection is established, the client writes a single byte to the server using the OutputStream’s write() method. To send a string of text more easily, it then wraps a PrintWriter around the OutputStream. Next, it performs the complementary operations: reading a byte back from the server using InputStream’s read() method and then creating a BufferedReader from which to get a full string of text. The client then terminates the connection with the close() method. All these operations have the potential to generate IOExceptions; our application will deal with these using the catch clause.


After a connection is established, a server application uses the same kind of Socket object for its side of the communications. However, to accept a connection from a client, it must first create a ServerSocket, bound to the correct port. Let’s recreate the previous conversation from the server’s point of view:

    // Meanwhile, on
    try {
        ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket( 1234 );

        while ( !finished ) {
            Socket client = listener.accept();  // wait for connection

            InputStream in = client.getInputStream();
            OutputStream out = client.getOutputStream();

            // read a byte
            byte someByte = (byte);

            // read a newline or carriage-return-delimited string
            BufferedReader bin =
              new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) );
            String someString = bin.readLine();

            // write a byte

            // say goodbye
            PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter( out, true );

    catch (IOException e ) { ... }

First, our server creates a ServerSocket attached to port 1234. On some systems, there are rules about which ports an application can use. Port numbers below 1024 are usually reserved for system processes and standard, well-known services, so we pick a port number outside of this range. The ServerSocket is created only once; thereafter, we can accept as many connections as arrive.

Next, we enter a loop, waiting for the accept() method of the ServerSocket to return an active Socket connection from a client. When a connection has been established, we perform the server side of our dialog, then close the connection and return to the top of the loop to wait for another connection. Finally, when the server application wants to stop listening for connections altogether, it calls the close() method of the ServerSocket.

This server is single-threaded; it handles one connection at a time, not calling accept() to listen for a new connection until it’s finished with the current connection. A more realistic server would have a loop that accepts connections concurrently and passes them off to their own threads for processing or perhaps use a non-blocking ServerSocketChannel.

Sockets and security

The previous examples presuppose that the client has permission to connect to the server and that the server is allowed to listen on the specified socket. If you’re writing a general, standalone application, this is normally the case (and you can probably skip this section). However, untrusted applications run under the auspices of a security policy that can impose arbitrary restrictions on what hosts they may or may not talk to and whether or not they can listen for connections.

If you are going to run your own application under a security manager, you should be aware that the default security manager dissallows all network access. So in order to make network connections, you would have to modify your policy file to grant the appropriate permissions to your code (see Chapter 3 for details). The following policy file fragment sets the socket permissions to allow connections to or from any host on any nonprivileged port:

    grant {
        "*:1024-", "listen,accept,connect";

When starting the Java runtime, you can install the security manager and use this file (call it mysecurity.policy):

% java MyApplication

The DateAtHost Client

In the past, many networked computers ran a simple time service that dispensed their clock’s local time on a well-known port. This was a precursor of NTP, the more general Network Time Protocol.5 The next example, DateAtHost, includes a subclass of java.util.Date that fetches the time from a remote host instead of initializing itself from the local clock. (See Chapter 8 for a discussion of the Date class which is still good for some uses but has been largely replaced by its newer, more flexible cousins, LocalDate and LocalTime.)

DateAtHost connects to the time service (port 37) and reads four bytes representing the time on the remote host. These four bytes have a peculiar specification that we decode to get the time. Here’s the code:

    public class DateAtHost extends java.util.Date {
        static int timePort = 37;
        // seconds from start of 20th century to Jan 1, 1970 00:00 GMT
        static final long offset = 2208988800L;

        public DateAtHost( String host ) throws IOException {
            this( host, timePort );
        public DateAtHost( String host, int port ) throws IOException {
            Socket server = new Socket( host, port );
            DataInputStream din =
              new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() );
            int time = din.readInt();

            setTime( (((1L << 32) + time) - offset) * 1000 );

That’s all there is to it. It’s not very long, even with a few frills. We have supplied two possible constructors for DateAtHost. Normally we’d expect to use the first, which simply takes the name of the remote host as an argument. The second constructor specifies the hostname and the port number of the remote time service. (If the time service were running on a nonstandard port, we would use the second constructor to specify the alternate port number.) This second constructor does the work of making the connection and setting the time. The first constructor simply invokes the second (using the this() construct) with the default port as an argument. Supplying simplified constructors that invoke their siblings with default arguments is a common and useful pattern in Java; that is the main reason we’ve shown it here.

The second constructor opens a socket to the specified port on the remote host. It creates a DataInputStream to wrap the input stream and then reads a four-byte integer using the readInt() method. It’s no coincidence that the bytes are in the right order. Java’s DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes work with the bytes of integer types in network byte order (most significant to least significant). The time protocol (and other standard network protocols that deal with binary data) also uses the network byte order, so we don’t need to call any conversion routines. Explicit data conversions would probably be necessary if we were using a nonstandard protocol, especially when talking to a non-Java client or server. In that case, we’d have to read byte by byte and do some rearranging to get our four-byte value. After reading the data, we’re finished with the socket, so we close it, terminating the connection to the server. Finally, the constructor initializes the rest of the object by calling Date’s setTime() method with the calculated time value.

The four bytes of the time value are interpreted as an integer representing the number of seconds since the beginning of the 20th century. DateAtHost converts this to Java’s notion of absolute time—the count of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (an arbitrary date standardized by C and Unix). The conversion first creates a long value, which is the unsigned equivalent of the integer time. It subtracts an offset to make the time relative to the epoch (January 1, 1970) rather than the century, and multiplies by 1,000 to convert to milliseconds. The converted time is used to initialize the object.

The DateAtHost class can work with a time retrieved from a remote host almost as easily as Date is used with the time on the local host. The only additional overhead is dealing with the possible IOException that can be thrown by the DateAtHost constructor:

    try {
        Date d = new DateAtHost( "" );
        System.out.println( "The time over there is: " + d );
    catch ( IOException e ) { ... }

This example fetches the time at the host and prints its value.

A Distributed Game

We can use our newfound networking skills to extend our apple tossing game and go multiplayer. We’ll have to keep this foray simple, but you might be surprised how quickly we can get a proof of concept off the ground. While there are several mechanisms two players could use to get connected for a shared experience, our example will use the basic client/server model we’ve been discussing in this chapter. One user will start the server and the second user will be able to contact that server as the client to “join”. Once both players are connected, they’ll race to see who can clear their trees the fastest!

Setting up the UI

Let’s start by adding a menu to our game. Recall from “Menus” that menus live in a menubar and work with ActionEvent objects much like standard buttons. We need an option for starting a server and another for joining a game at a server someone has already started. The core code for these menu items is straightforward; we can use another helper method in the AppleToss class:

    private void setupNetworkMenu() {
        JMenu netMenu = new JMenu("Multiplayer");
        multiplayerHelper = new Multiplayer();

        JMenuItem startItem = new JMenuItem("Start Server");
        startItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        JMenuItem joinItem = new JMenuItem("Join Game...");
        joinItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                String otherServer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(AppleToss.this,
                        "Enter server name or address:");

        JMenuItem quitItem = new JMenuItem("Disconnect");
        quitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        // build a JMenuBar for the application
        JMenuBar mainBar = new JMenuBar();

The use of anonymous inner classes for each menu’ ActionListener should look familiar. (Or pop ahead to “Method References” and read about how you could use a feature introduced in Java 8 for a more compact setup.) We also use the JOptionPane discussed in “Input dialogs” to ask the second player for the name or IP address of the server where the first player is waiting. The networking logic is handled in a separate class. We’ll look at the Mutliplayer class in more detail in the coming sections, but you can see the methods we’ll be implementing.6

The Game Server

As before in “Servers”, we need to pick a port and set up a socket that is listening for an incoming connection. We’ll use port 8677—“TOSS” on a phone number pad. We can create a Server inner class in our Multiplayer class to drive a thread ready for network communications. Hopefully the other bits in the snippet below look familiar. The reader and writer variables will be used to send and receive the actual game data; more on that in “The Game Protocol”.

    class Server implements Runnable {
        ServerSocket listener;

        public void run() {
            Socket socket = null;
            try {
                listener = new ServerSocket(gamePort);
                while (keepListening) {
                    socket = listener.accept();  // wait for connection

                    InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(in) );
                    OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
                    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out, true);

                    // ... game protocol logic starts here

We setup our ServerSocket and then wait for a new client inside a loop. While we only plan to play one opponent at a time, this allows us to accept subsequent clients without going through all the network setup again. To actually start the server listening the first time, we just need a new thread that uses our Server class.

    // from Multiplayer
    Server server;

    // ...

    public void startServer() {
        keepListening = true;
        // ... other game state can go here
        server = new Server();
        serverThread = new Thread(server);

We keep a reference to the instance of Server in our Multiplayer class so that we have ready access to shutting down the connections if the user selects the “disconnect” option from the menu like so:

    // from Multiplayer
    public void disconnect() {
        disconnecting = true;
        keepListening = false;
        // Are we in the middle of a game and regularly checking these flags?
        // If not, just close the server socket to interrupt the blocking accept() method.
        if (server != null && keepPlaying == false) {

        // ... clean up other game state here

The keepPlaying flag is mainly used once we’re in our game loop, but it comes in handy above, too. If we have a valid server reference but we’re not currently playing a game (so keepPlaying is false) we know to shut down the listener socket. The stopListening() method in the Server inner class is straightforward:

    public void stopListening() {
        if (listener != null && !listener.isClosed()) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                System.err.println("Error disconnecting listener: " + ioe.getMessage());

The Game Client

The setup and teardown of the client side is similar—without the listening ServerSocket of course. We’ll mirror the Server inner class with a Client inner class and build a smart run() method to implement our client logic.

    class Client implements Runnable {
        String gameHost;
        boolean startNewGame;

        public Client(String host) {
            gameHost = host;
            keepPlaying = false;
            startNewGame = false;

        public void run() {
            try (Socket socket = new Socket(gameHost, gamePort)) {

                InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) );
                OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
                PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( out, true );

                // ... game protocol logic starts here

We use a constructor for Client to pass the name of the server we will connect to and rely on the common gamePort variable used by Server to setup the listening socket. We use the “try with resource” technique discussed in “Try with Resources” to create our socket and make sure it gets cleaned up when we’re done. Inside that resource try block, we create our reader and writer instances for the client’s half of the conversation as shown in Figure 11-5.

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Figure 11-5. Game client and server connections

To get this all going, we’ll add another handy method to our Multiplayer helper class.

    // from Multiplayer

    public void joinGame(String otherServer) {
        clientThread = new Thread(new Client(otherServer));

There’s no need for a separate disconnect() method as the state variables used by the server can also drive the polite shutdown of the client. For the client, the server reference will be null so there won’t be any attempt to shutdown a nonexistant listener.

The Game Protocol

You likely noticed we left out the bulk of the run() method for both the Server and Client classes. After we build and connect our data streams, the remaining work is all about collaboratively sending and receiving information about the state of our game. This structured communication is the game’s protocol. Every network service has some protocol or other. Think of the “P” in HTTP. Even our simple DateAtHost example uses a (very simple) protocol so that clients and servers know who is expected to talk and who must listen at any given moment. If each of the two sides end up waiting for the other side to say something (e.g. both the server and the client are blocking on a reader.readLine() call) then the connection will appear to hang.

Managing those communication expectations is the core of any protocol, but what to say and how to respond are also important. Indeed, this portion of a protocol often requires the most work on the part of the developer. Part of the difficulty is that you really need both sides to test your work as you go. You can’t test a server without a client and vice versa. Building up both sides as you go can feel tedious but it is worth the extra effort. As with other debugging advice, fixing a small incremental change is much simpler than figuring out what might be wrong with a large block of code.

In our example, we will have the server steer the conversation. This choice is arbitrary—we could have used the client or we could have built a fancier foundation and allowed both the client and the server to be in charge of certain things simultaneously. But with the “server in charge” decision made, we can try a very simple first step in our protocol. We will have the server send a “NEW_GAME” command and then wait for the client to respond with an “OK” answer. The server side code might look like so:

    // Create a new game with the client

    // If the client agrees, send over the location of the trees
    String response = reader.readLine();
    if (response != null && response.equals("OK")) {
        System.out.println("Starting a new game!")
        // ... write tree data here
    } else {
        System.err.println("Unexpected start response: " + response);
        System.err.println("Skipping game and waiting again.");
        keepPlaying = false;

If we get the expected “OK” response, we can proceed with setting up a new game and sharing the tree locations with our opponent—but more on that in a minute. The corresponding client-side code for this first step flows similarly:

    // We expect to see the NEW_GAME command first
    String response = reader.readLine();

    // If we don't see that command, disconnect and quit
    if (response == null || !response.equals("NEW_GAME")) {
        System.err.println("Unexpected initial command: " + response);
    // Yay! We're going to play a game. Acknowledge this command

If you compile and run the game at this point, you could start your server from one system and then join that game from a second system. (You could also just launch a second copy of the game from a separate terminal window. In that case, the “other host” would be the networking keyword localhost.) Almost immediately after joining from the second game instance, you should see the “Starting a new game!” confirmation printed in the terminal of the first game. Congratulations! You’re on your way to designing a game protocol. Let’s keep going.

Once we know we’re starting a new game, we need to even the playing field—quite literally. The server will tell the game to build a new field and then it can ship the coordinates of all the new trees to the client. The client, in turn, can accept all the incoming trees and place them on a clean field. Once the server has sent all of the trees, it can send a “START” command and play can begin. We’ll stick to using strings to communicate our messages. Here’s one way we can pass our tree details to the client:

    for (Tree tree : gameField.trees) {
        writer.println("TREE " + tree.getPositionX() + " " + tree.getPositionY());

    // ...

    // Start the action!
    response = reader.readLine();
    keepPlaying = response.equals("OK");

On the client side, we can call readLine() in a loop for “TREE” lines until we see the “START” line like so (with a little error handling thrown in):

    // And now gather the trees and set up our field
    response = reader.readLine();
    while (response.startsWith("TREE")) {
        String[] parts = response.split(" ");
        int x = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
        int y = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
        Tree tree = new Tree();
        tree.setPosition(x, y);
        response = reader.readLine();
    if (!response.equals("START")) {
        // Hmm, we should have ended the list of trees with a START,
        // but didn't. Bail out.
        System.err.println("Unexpected start to the game: " + response);
    } else {
        // Yay again! We're starting a game. Acknowledge this command
        keepPlaying = true;

At this point both games should have the same trees and can begin playing to clear them. The server will enter a polling loop and send the current score twice a second. The client will reply with its current score. Note that there are certainly other options for how to share changes in the score. While polling is straightforward, more advanced games or games that require more immediate feedback regarding remote players will likely use more direct communication options. For now, we mainly want to concentrate on a good network back-and-forth so polling keeps our code simpler.

The server should keep sending the current score until the local player has cleared out all of the trees or we see a game-ending response from the client. We’ll need to parse the client’s response to update the other player’s score and watch for them ending the game or simply disconnecting. That loop would look something like this:

    while (keepPlaying) {
        try {
            if (gameField.trees.size() > 0) {
                writer.print("SCORE ");
            } else {
                writer.print("END ");
                keepPlaying = false;
            response = reader.readLine();
            if (response == null) {
                keepPlaying = false;
                disconnecting = true;
            } else {
                String parts[] = response.split(" ");
                switch (parts[0]) {
                    case "END":
                        keepPlaying = false;
                    case "SCORE":
                        gameField.setScore(2, parts[1]);
                    case "DISCONNECT":
                        disconnecting = true;
                        keepPlaying = false;
                        System.err.println("Warning. Unexpected command: " +
                        parts[0] + ". Ignoring.");
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {
            System.err.println("Interrupted while polling. Ignoring.");

And again, the client will mirror these actions. Fortunately for the client, it is just reacting to the commands coming from the server. We don’t need a separate polling mechanism here. We block waiting to read a line, parse it, and then build our response.

    while (keepPlaying) {
        response = reader.readLine();
        String[] parts = response.split(" ");
        switch (parts[0]) {
            case "END":
                keepPlaying = false;
            case "SCORE":
                gameField.setScore(2, parts[1]);
            case "DISCONNECT":
                disconnecting = true;
                keepPlaying = false;
                System.err.println("Unexpected game command: " +
                response + ". Ignoring.");
        if (disconnecting) {
            // We're disconnecting or they are. Acknowledge and quit.
        } else {
            // If we're not disconnecting, reply with our current score
            if (gameField.trees.size() > 0) {
                writer.print("SCORE ");
            } else {
                keepPlaying = false;
                writer.print("END ");

When a player has cleared all of their trees, they send (or respond with) an “END” command that includes their final score. At that point, we ask if the same two players want to play again. If so, we can continue using the same reader and writer instances for both the server and the client. If not, we’ll let the client disconnect and the server will go back to listening for another player to join.

    // If we're not disconnecting, ask about playing again with the same player
    if (!disconnecting) {
        String message = gameField.getWinner() +
            " Would you like to ask them to play again?";
        int myPlayAgain = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(gameField, message,
            "Play Again?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

        if (myPlayAgain == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
            // If they haven't disconnected, ask if they want to play again
            String playAgain = reader.readLine();
            if (playAgain != null) {
                switch (playAgain) {
                    case "YES":
                        startNewGame = true;
                    case "DISCONNECT":
                        keepPlaying = false;
                        startNewGame = false;
                        disconnecting = true;
                        System.err.println("Warning. Unexpected response: "
                            + playAgain + ". Not playing again.");

And one last reciprocal bit of code for the client:

    if (!disconnecting) {
        // Check to see if they want to play again
        response = reader.readLine();
        if (response != null && response.equals("PLAY_AGAIN")) {
            // Do we want to play again?
            String message = gameField.getWinner() +
                    " Would you like to play again?";
            int myPlayAgain = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(gameField, message,
                    "Play Again?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
            if (myPlayAgain == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
                startNewGame = true;
            } else {
                // Not playing again so disconnect.
                disconnecting = true;

Table 11-4 summarizes our simple protocol.

Table 11-4. AppleToss game protocol
Server Command Args (optional) Client Response Args (optional)




x y














We could spend much more time on our game. We could expand the protocol to allow multiple opponents. We could change the objective to clear the trees and destroy your opponent. We could make the protocol more bidirectional allowing the client to initiate some of the updates. We could use alternate lower-level protocols supported by Java such as UDP rather than TCP. Indeed, there are entire books devoted to games, or to network programming, or to programming networked games!

More to explore

As always we have to leave those explorations to you, but hopefully you have a sense of Java’s strong support for networked applications. If you do explore some of those advanced topics, you’ll undoubtedly start with a web search. The World Wide Web is perhaps the greatest example of a networked environment. Given Java’s broad support for networking, it should come as no surprise that Java has some great features devoted to working with the web. The next chapter introduces some of those features for both the client or front end and the server or back end.

1 While NIO was introduced with Java 1.4—so not very new anymore—it was newer than the original, basic package and the name has stuck.

2 Standard error is a stream that is usually reserved for error-related text messages that should be shown to the user of a command-line application. It is differentiated from the standard output, which often might be redirected to a file or another application and not seen by the user.

3 The terms big endian and little endian come from Jonathan Swift’s novel Gulliver’s Travels, where it denoted two camps of Lilliputians: those who eat their eggs from the big end and those who eat them from the little end.

4 For a discussion of sockets in general, see Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens (Prentice-Hall).

5 Indeed, the publically available site we use from NIST strongly encourages users to upgrade. See the introductory notes at for more information.

6 The game code for this chapter (in the ch11/game folder) contains the setupNetworkMenu() method but the anonymous inner action listeners just pop up an info dialog to indicate which menu item was selected. You get to build the Multiplayer class and call the actual multiplayer methods! But do feel free to check out the completed game—including the networking parts— in the top-level game folder of the examples for the book.

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