Setting the MPU 6050 library in Energia

The interfacing code of Energia is discussed in this section. The interfacing code uses the library for interfacing MPU 6050.

Download the ZIP file from the preceding link and navigate to Preference from File | Preference in Energia, as shown in the following screenshot:

Interfacing MPU 6050 breakout board to Launchpad

Go to Sketchbook location under Preferences, as seen in the preceding screenshot, and create a folder called libraries. Extract the files inside the Arduino folder inside the ZIP file to the sketchbook/libraries location. The Arduino packages in this repository are also compatible with Launchpad. The extracted files contain the I2Cdev, Wire, and MPU6050 packages that are required for the interfacing of the MPU 6050 sensor. There are other sensor packages that are present in the libraries folder but we are not using them now.

The preceding procedure is done in Ubuntu, but it is the same for Windows and macOS X.

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