Chapter 4. Bit Twiddling

In this chapter we’ll make a cylon-eye-type LED back-and-forth scanner. Everyone needs one. Scanning lights were the only thing, besides maybe menace, that gave the cylons their personality. Would KITT have been half as useful to David Hasselhoff without his scrolling red lights? I think not. And now you can build your very own.

But I won’t lie to you. We’re building cylon eyes in order to learn a fundamental concept in microcontroller-specific programming: how to flip individual bits on and off inside a hardware register. And while that may not sound sexy, you’ll be using the ideas from this chapter in every AVR or microcontroller project you ever make from here on out. Flipping bits is just that important in embedded devices.

If you don’t believe me yet, think back on how we turned on LED3. We wrote something like:

PORTB = 0b00001000;

And that worked, as long as we knew for sure that we wanted all of the other LEDs turned off. But what if you need to turn on or off a particular LED without disturbing any of the others? Bitwise logical operations—“bit twiddling”—lets us modify any one bit out of the register byte without having to think explicitly about the others. Because we’ll be setting bits in registers to configure nearly every aspect of the AVR hardware, we’ll get a lot of mileage out of this investment.

Because this chapter is mostly theory, let’s get the project up and running so you have something pretty to look at. Assuming that you still have all the LEDs hooked up as in Chapter 3, all you have to do is enter the cylonEyes directory, open up cylonEyes.c in your editor, and run make to compile the firmware and upload it to the chip.

If you have trouble uploading the program to the chip, please double-check the ISP connectors according to Figure 3-4 and make sure you’ve got the MOSFET set up right. If in doubt about the MOSFET part of the circuit, go back to the wire between the top ground rail to the bottom ground rail to double-check that’s the problem.

Working Through the Code: Cylon Eyes

You got it running? Great! Now let’s look at the code in Example 4-1 and see what makes it tick. Essentially, it’s the same as with the one-LED blinker code, only instead of switching on and off only one of the bits in the PORTB register, we can toggle eight of them.

Example 4-1. cylonEyes.c listing
                                                         /* Cylon Eyes */

// ------- Preamble -------- //
#include <avr/io.h>                        /* Defines pins, ports, etc */
#include <util/delay.h>                     /* Functions to waste time */

#define DELAYTIME 85                                   /* milliseconds */
#define LED_PORT                PORTB
#define LED_PIN                 PINB
#define LED_DDR                 DDRB

int main(void) {

  // -------- Inits --------- //
  uint8_t i;
  LED_DDR = 0xff;               /* Data Direction Register B:
                                   all set up for output */

  // ------ Event loop ------ //
  while (1) {

    while (i < 7) {
      LED_PORT = (1 << i);                 /* illuminate only i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
      i = i + 1;                               /* move to the next LED */

    while (i > 0) {
      LED_PORT = (1 << i);                 /* illuminate only i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
      i = i - 1;                           /* move to the previous LED */

  }                                                  /* End event loop */
  return (0);

You should recognize the general form of the code from blinkLED.c. In fact, the only big differences are that we have loops inside our event loop, and we have the cryptic PORTB = (1 << i); statement—our first introduction to bit twiddling! Before we get on to the main course, though, I’ll introduce our first #define statement (C Asides: #defines). Feel free to skim through if you’re already comfortable with C.

Bit Twiddling and Cylon Eyes

Looking back briefly at how we implemented blinkLED.c and even povToy.c, you’ll see that the code turns on and off the bit that controls our LED quite directly: PORTB = 0b0000001;. We could make a cylon eyes animation in the same way. To make the traditional back-and-forth scanner, we hook up eight LEDs to the same port, and light them up one at a time, moving from right to left and left to right. Our naive code might look something like this:

DDRB  = 0b11111111;     // enable all pins for output

        PORTB = 0b00000001;     // set the 0th pin in PORT B high
        PORTB = 0b00000010;     // set the 1st pin in PORT B high
        PORTB = 0b00000100;     // set the 2nd pin in PORT B high

As you can see, that’s going to involve a lot of typing, and in the end the code is going to be difficult to maintain, tweak, and extend. So we’re going to need a better way. Enter bit twiddling! The C programming language allows the user to access bits individually, and the AVR libc (the microcontroller-specific library routines) helps even more, but it’s going to take a little getting used to.

Bit Shifting

Wouldn’t it be nice, instead of having to write out 0b00001000, if we could just say “give me a number with a 1 in bit number three”? (If you thought that one was in bit number four, see Bits, Numbering, and Significance.) That way we could code our cylon eyes by incrementing or decrementing a variable and then putting a 1 in the corresponding bit’s place.

It turns out that the technique known as bit shifting will do exactly that for us. You’re going to be surprised at how often we use bit shifting in microprocessor-style C code.

Bit shifts have the effect of rolling all the bits’ n positions to the left or right, depending on your command. Bits that fall off either end just disappear, and any new bits added are all zeros. The C language instruction for shifting all the bits in a number to the left or right is << or >>, respectively. Now let’s see how they’re used.

image with no caption

Bit shift examples:

  0b00001110 >> 3
= 0b00000001  (Three new zeros were added to the left,
               and the bits on the right just rolled off the edge.)

  0b00001110 << 2
= 0b00111000  (Two new bits, both zeros, are rolled in from the right.)

What this means to you as a programmer is that if you want a single 1 bit in position number three, say, you can start off with the number that has a 1 bit in position zero, and roll it to the left three spaces.

The bit-shift roll:

1        =  0b00000001
(1 << 0) =  0b00000001
(1 << 1) =  0b00000010
(1 << 3) =  0b00001000
(1 << 7) =  0b10000000

Take a minute to make sure you’ve got the logic of the bit-shift roll down. It’s a standard idiom in microcontroller coding, and you’ll be using it in nearly every program you write. Any time you want to set the nth bit to a 1, you’ll shift the value 1 over to the left n times.

Now you’re starting to see how the cylon eyes work: start off with the number 1, roll the bit one position, and then write that to an output hardware register, rinse, and repeat. Shift bits left until you end up at LED7, then switch to shifting bits right until you hit LED0.

So before we leave this section, let’s recap the meat of the cylon eyes code. Make sure that it makes sense to you, because we’ll be using the bit-shift roll extensively from here on out:

while(i < 7){
   LED_PORT = (1 << i);     /* illuminate only i'th pin */
   _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);     /* wait */
   i = i + 1;                /* increase shift amount */
while(i > 0){
   LED_PORT = (1 << i);      /* illuminate only i'th pin */
   _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);     /* wait */
   i = i - 1;                /* decrease shift amount */

There are two while loops, driving the variable i up to seven and back down to zero. Inside each loop there is a delay, which is fairly self-explanatory. All the action that matters is in the LED_PORT = (1 << i); command. We want a binary number with a 1 in the ith place, which will turn on only the ith LED in our series. We implement it by starting with a 1 in the zeroth position and rolling it over i times to the left.

Advanced Bit Twiddling: Above and Beyond Cylon Eyes

So that’s all there is to making cylon eyes: just shifting a bit to the left or right as appropriate, and waiting. But what if we wanted to make an even more interesting pattern? Multiple lights on at once? Or random toggling? Or maybe we just need to control one bit out of a byte, without changing any of the others.

The serious limitation in the preceding code is that each time through the while() loop, we’re writing a whole byte to the LED port. This works in cylon eyes because we know that we’d only like one LED on at a time. But what about the case where we’ve already got a few LEDs lit up, and we’d like to add another? Say just LED1? If we wrote LED_PORT = (1<<1);, we’d turn on LED1 all right, but in the process, we’ll have turned off all the rest.

In this section, we’re going to learn some essential bit-twiddling techniques that will allow us to manipulate single bits easily without clobbering the rest of the contents of the register. Think of each byte in the AVR’s hardware registers as being a row of eight little switches; in this section, we’re going to use bitwise logic functions to set or toggle each switch individually without modifying the rest.

Even if you’ve programmed C since you were seven years old, it’s quite possible that you haven’t spent much time on bit-level manipulations. If you’ve ever learned a little bit about logic, digital or otherwise, the bitwise operators will seem familiar to you, but the context may be brand new. For some of you, this is all going to be brand new. Hold on to your hats.

Bitwise logical operators take full bytes as their input. They do logical operations on those bytes one bit at a time, hence the name. This makes the bitwise operators an absolutely perfect match for manipulating the individual bits inside a register byte.

To give you a bit of the flavor, the bitwise operator NOT takes each bit in the byte and toggles, or flips, it. A 1 becomes a 0, and a 0 becomes a 1: 10001110 turns into 01110001. The operation happens all at once inside the AVR chip, but you can think of it as reading bit 0 and then writing the logical opposite to bit 0 of the result byte. This same operation repeats seven more times, bitwise, for each bit in the byte.

There are four bitwise logical operators in total, so let’s work through each with an example. I find it helpful to think of the two input bytes stacked on top of each other so that the bits being compared are aligned vertically. Work through the following sidebar and make sure that you see how the logical operation is being applied, bitwise down the columns, to get the final result.

Bitwise logic definitions are all well and good, and you may have seen all this already. It’s how bitwise logic is used in microcontroller coding that’s interesting, especially when combined with the side effects of setting, clearing, and testing bits in hardware registers. In short, we care about twiddling bits inside bytes a lot more in AVR programming than in most other computer programming, because bitwise logic allows us to configure the AVR’s internal hardware and to read and write from and to individual pins.

Stupid Bitwise Tricks

As a quick demo of the utility of bitwise logical operators, you can convert the Cylon Eyes demo into Inverse-Video Cylon Eyes with the NOT operator. Just replace each:

LED_PORT = (1 << i);


LED_PORT = ~(1 << i);

Every LED that was previously on will be off, and vice versa.

For a different display that uses tools you’ll learn in the remainder of this section, change the first LED_PORT line into LED_PORT |= (1 << i); and the second into LED_PORT &= ~(1 << i); See what you get!

So let’s get down to the business at hand: manipulating individual bits within a byte. For concreteness, take the eight LEDs and suppose that we already have a few LEDs lit: LEDs zero, one, six, and seven. If we looked at the value currently stored in PORTB, it would read 0b11000011. Now say we want to turn on and off LED2 without changing the states of any of the other LEDs. Or maybe we want to turn on or off LEDs two and four at the same time. How can we do this?

Setting Bits with OR

For our first trick, let’s learn how to set an individual bit in a register, leaving all the other bits as they were. Thinking back on the bitwise logical operators, let’s revisit the way the OR operator works. In particular, let’s think about ORing some bit with either a fixed 0 or a fixed 1.

Consider ORing a bit with zero. If you OR a 1 with a 0, the result is 1. If you OR a 0 with a 0, the result is 0. That is, ORing a bit with 0 doesn’t change the initial logical bit at all. But ORing with a 1 always yields a 1. This behavior lays the groundwork for using OR to turn bits on using bitmasks:

OR with 0:
 0 | 0 -> 0
 1 | 0 -> 1

OR with 1:
 0 | 1 -> 1
 1 | 1 -> 1

A bitmask is just a normal old byte, but we’re thinking of it as being made up of ones and zeros in particular places that we specify rather than representing a numerical value. We use a bitmask, along with a bitwise logical operator, to change some bits in a target byte.

I like to think of bitmasks almost like stencils used for spray painting. You cut away parts of the stencil where you want to change (paint) the underlying surface, and you leave the stencil intact where you don’t want paint to go.

In particular, if we want to turn on some bits in PORTB while leaving the others untouched, we’ll create a bitmask with ones in the bit locations we’d like turned on. This works because a one ORed with anything will return a one. So we read in PORTB and OR it with the bitmask. The result should be the unaltered contents of PORTB everywhere that we had a zero, and ones everywhere our bitmask had a one. If we write this back out to PORTB, we’re set—PORTB has all its old bits intact, except those where there was a 1 in the bitmask have been turned on. I’ve worked this all through in detail in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Using OR to set bits

If LED2 is initially off:

  PORTB  : 0b11000011  // the current LED state
(1 << 2) = 0b00000100  // the LED we want to turn on
    |    = 0b11000111  // hooray!

LED2 is turned on, and none of the others are changed.

If LED2 is initially on:

  PORTB  : 0b11000111  // the current LED state
(1 << 2) = 0b00000100  // the LED we want to turn on
    |    = 0b11000111  // hooray!

LED2 is still on, and none of the others are changed.

We can also set multiple bits at once. All we have to do is create a bitmask with the two bits (say LED2 and LED4) that we’d like to turn on. Since:

0b00010100      // the desired bitmask
 = (0b00000100 | 0b00010000)
 = ( (1 << 2) | (1 << 4) )


       PORTB          = 0b11000011  // the current LED state
((1 << 2) | (1 << 4)) = 0b00010100  // bits two and four
         |            = 0b11010111  // turned both on!

We’ve just seen how to get a copy of the byte currently in PORTB, and how to turn on LED2 and LED4 using OR and a bitmask. That gives us a new byte, which we just write out to PORTB, and we’re done:

PORTB = PORTB | (1 << 2);

This type of operation is so common that there’s a shorthand for it in C:

PORTB |= (1 << 2);

Either way you write it, the code ends up the same after compilation, so pick a style that makes you happy. Both of them have the effect of turning on LED2 and leaving the other bits as they were.

Toggling Bits with XOR

Now imagine that you want to flip a bit or two. You don’t really care if it’s on or off right now, you just want it in the other state, whatever that is. Imagine that you want to blink LED2 while leaving the rest of the LEDs unchanged. To do this, you’d toggle the bit that corresponds to LED2, delay a while, and then toggle it again, etc. To toggle a bit, you’ll use a bitmask and the XOR operator.

Let’s look at XOR again. If you XOR any bit with a fixed 0, you get a 1 if that bit is a 1 and a 0 if that bit is 0. (Remember, this is the “exclusive” or and is only true if one or the other is true, but not both.) So XORing with a zero gives you the input back again.

If you XOR with a 1, what happens? Starting with a 0 and XORing 1 returns a 1, and starting with a 1 and XORing 1 yields 0. XORing with a 1 seems a good way to toggle bits!

XOR with 0:
 0 ^ 0 -> 0
 1 ^ 0 -> 1

XOR with 1:
 0 ^ 1 -> 1
 1 ^ 1 -> 0

As we did with OR for setting bits, we’ll make a bitmask with a 1 where we want to toggle a bit and zeros everywhere else. To toggle a bit in a register, we XOR the current register value with the bitmask, and write it back into the register. Boom. For more detail, see Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. Using XOR to toggle a bit

If LED2 is initially off:

  PORTB  : 0b11000011  // the current LED state
(1 << 2) = 0b00000100  // bitmask LED2
    |    = 0b11000111  // LED2 bit flipped on

After the XOR, LED2 is turned on, and none of the others are changed.

And if LED2 is initially on:

  PORTB  : 0b11000111  // the current LED state
(1 << 2) = 0b00000100  // bitmask LED2
    |    = 0b11000011  // LED2 bit flipped off

After the XOR, LED2 is turned off, and none of the others are changed.

So to toggle a bit, we create a bitmask for the bit we’d like to toggle, XOR it with the contents of our register, and write the result back out to the register. In one line:

PORTB = PORTB ^ (1 << 2);


PORTB ^= (1 << 2);

for short. You can, of course, toggle more than one bit at once with something like:

PORTB ^= ((1 << 2) | (1 << 4));

Clearing a Bit with AND and NOT

Clearing a bit (setting it to zero) is just inconvenient, but you’ll have to do it so often that you’ll eventually find it second nature. So far, we’ve used OR to set bits and XOR to toggle them. You may not be entirely surprised that we’re going to use AND to clear bits. Let’s run through the usual analysis.

If we AND any bit with 0, the result is guaranteed to be 0. There’s no way they can both be 1 if one of them was a 0 to start with. This is how we’ll turn bits off:

AND with 0:
 0 & 0 -> 0
 1 & 0 -> 0

AND with 1:
 0 & 1 -> 0
 1 & 1 -> 1

This suggests using a bitmask with AND to turn bits off. The bitmask we’ll have to use should have a 1 where we want to keep the old data and a 0 where we want to clear a bit. That is, to turn off LED2, we’ll use an AND bitmask that looks like 0b11111011.

But wait a minute! That bitmask is the exact opposite of the bitmasks we’ve used before—it has ones where the others had zeros and vice versa. There’s a million stupid ways to create such a mask, but the easy way is to first create the mask with a 1 where we want it, and then use NOT to flip all the bits.

So to make a bitmask to turn off LED2, we’ll first shift a 1 over into the right spot and then NOT the whole mask:

 (1 << 2) -> 0b00000100
~(1 << 2) -> 0b11111011

Now we AND that with the original value and we’re home free. I work through all of the steps for you in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4. Using AND and NOT to clear a bit

If LED2 is initially off:

   PORTB  =  0b11000011
~(1 << 2) =  0b11111011
     &    =  0b11000011

LED2 stays off, and none of the others are changed.

And if LED2 is initially on:

   PORTB  = 0b11000111
~(1 << 2) = 0b11111011
     &    = 0b11000011

LED2 is turned off, and none of the others are changed.

Reassigning to PORTB and writing these as one-liners, we get:

PORTB = PORTB & ~(1 << 2);


PORTB &= ~(1 <<2);

And as with the other examples, you can of course turn off multiple bits in one statement:

PORTB &= ~((1 << 2) | (1 << 4));

being careful with the NOT outside the parentheses, because you want to have two zeros in your bitmask.

Showing Off

Now that we’ve got all this bit-level manipulation under our belts, let’s make some demo code to show off a little bit. Being able to set, clear, and toggle individual bits allows a little more flexibility than cylon eyes code had, and it should give you enough basis to start experimenting. Let’s work through Example 4-5.

Example 4-5. showingOffBits.c listing
            /* Showing off some patterns to practice our bit-twiddling */

// ------- Preamble -------- //
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/power.h>

#define DELAYTIME 85                                   /* milliseconds */
#define LED_PORT                PORTB
#define LED_DDR                 DDRB

int main(void) {

  uint8_t i;
  uint8_t repetitions;
  uint8_t whichLED;
  uint16_t randomNumber = 0x1234;

  // -------- Inits --------- //
  LED_DDR = 0xff;                    /* all LEDs configured for output */
  // ------ Event loop ------ //
  while (1) {
                                                            /* Go Left */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      LED_PORT |= (1 << i);                    /* turn on the i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      LED_PORT &= ~(1 << i);                  /* turn off the i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
    _delay_ms(5 * DELAYTIME);                                 /* pause */

                                                           /* Go Right */
    for (i = 7; i < 255; i--) {
      LED_PORT |= (1 << i);                    /* turn on the i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
    for (i = 7; i < 255; i--) {
      LED_PORT &= ~(1 << i);                  /* turn off the i'th pin */
      _delay_ms(DELAYTIME);                                    /* wait */
    _delay_ms(5 * DELAYTIME);                                 /* pause */

                                   /* Toggle "random" bits for a while */
    for (repetitions = 0; repetitions < 75; repetitions++) {
                                          /* "random" number generator */
      randomNumber = 2053 * randomNumber + 13849;
                                      /* low three bits from high byte */
      whichLED = (randomNumber >> 8) & 0b00000111;
      LED_PORT ^= (1 << whichLED);                   /* toggle our LED */
    LED_PORT = 0;                                      /* all LEDs off */
    _delay_ms(5 * DELAYTIME);                                 /* pause */

  }                                                  /* End event loop */
  return (0);                            /* This line is never reached */

Reading down from the top, I include the standard avr/io.h file, which includes all the DDR and PORT macros and AVR part definitions, and then the delay utilities. Next, a delay time and the pinouts are defined in case you want to play around with them later on.

Down in the main() routine, there’s not much to do for initialization. A few variables that we’ll be needing are defined, and then the DDRB is configured for output on all of the pins. (0xFF is 255 in hexadecimal, and is equivalent to 0b11111111.)

The event loop (while(1){...) is divided into three different “animations”: one that turns on all the LEDs starting from LED0, and then turns them all off starting from LED0; one that does the same thing in reverse; and one that “randomly” toggles individual LEDs on and off.

The “go left” routine is a lot like cylon eyes, except that it doesn’t turn off any LEDs until they’re all on, and it uses a for() loop. Turning on each LED one at a time, without turning them back off, ends up with all eight LEDs on. The next for() loop in the “go left” section turns off the LEDs one at a time, from right to left. This makes it look like a block of LEDs, eight wide, passes through our viewing range.

For Loops

You’ll be seeing a lot more for() loops in this book, but this one’s the first one. So make sure you know what’s going on inside the loop’s parentheses.

First, a loop variable is initialized (i=0). Then a test is done on that variable (i<8). If the test is true, the rest of the code in curly brackets is run. If not, the loop is over and the code moves on. Finally, each time it’s done with a loop, the third argument in the for() parentheses is run. In our case, we’re adding one (i++) to the variable.

The “go right” code is a little bit more interesting, and here’s a potential trap when coding for microcontrollers. Conceptually, it’s easiest to think of starting with i=7 and subtracting one until it’s reached zero. The problem with this is how we test for the end condition. We want to run the for loop when i=0 and turn off LED0.

If you set up the loop like this:

for (i=7; i>0; i--){}

it will stop as soon as i is zero, so it will never set or unset LED0. You might try to fix this by comparing with a greater-than-or-equal-to:

for (i=7; i>=0; i--){}

then you end up with a surprising infinite loop! The reason for this gotcha is that i is defined as an unsigned integer, which counts from 0 to 255—it’s only defined for positive numbers. When you subtract one from zero, it rolls back around to the maximum value, which is 255 in the 8-bit case. This means the condition i>=0; is always true.

Because we want the for loop to run when i is 0, and then stop afterwards when i equals 255, we can test for i < 255, which is exactly what the code, as written, does.

Finally, have a brief look at the “random toggling” section of the code. The “random number” isn’t really random at all, but it looks pretty close, so it is good enough. You can see how I used bit-masking to take a 16-bit random number and turn it into a number in the range zero to seven, to match up with our LED numbers. You’ll end up seeing these tricks again, so I’ll at least introduce them here.

First, we convert the 16-bit randomNumber variable into an 8-bit number by bit shifting the randomNumber over eight times: whichLED = (randomNumber >> 8);. This keeps the most significant eight bits, which are the most “random” using this quick-and-dirty algorithm.

Next, we need to limit the random number to the range zero through seven. And what’s the largest number you can count to with three bits? Seven. So the trick is to keep only the lowest three bits, zeroing out the upper five. And the quickest and easiest way to do this is using AND and a bitmask: whichLED = whichLED & 0b00000111;. Now our variable whichLED will be in the range of the number of LEDs we actually have.

Finally, if whichLED contains a number like zero or three or seven, all that’s left for us to do is use XOR and a bit-shift roll to toggle the randomly selected bit. Voila! A random blinker, powered by bit twiddling.


You learned a lot about bit twiddling in this chapter, so we should probably recap. Last chapter you saw how to set up the data-direction registers to enable any given pin for output, and then how writing a logical one or zero to the same bit number in another register set the output voltage on that pin to 5 V or 0 V, respectively.

And because digital output is all about controlling individual bits, you dove head-first into more advanced bit twiddling. First, using the bit-shift roll, you saw how to get a one bit in any given position. Then you saw how to use the various bitwise logical operations (OR, XOR, AND, and NOT) to set, toggle, or clear bits in a byte singly or in groups. Here, I also introduced the idea of a bitmask that’s used with the logical operations to tweak specific bits singly or together:

Set a bit
BYTE |= (1 << i);
Clear a bit
BYTE &= ~(1 << i);
Toggle a bit
BYTE ^= (1 << i);

And that’s a lot of bit twiddling for one chapter, but the groundwork we’ve laid here will serve you throughout the rest of the book and for the rest of your life with microcontrollers.

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