Appendix A. Places to Buy Stuff or Find Information

This appendix lists sources of materials or information you need to make rockets.

Model Rocket Parts and Supplies

Here are some suppliers you’ll find useful.

Aero Pack, Inc.

Aero Pack is best known for a full line of motor retainers like the ones seen on every rocket in this book. These are available from many rocket part companies, as well as directly from Aero Pack. They also supply a number of hard-to-find items, like swivels and other recovery hardware, tail cones, and minimum diameter retainers.

AeroTech Consumer Aerospace

AeroTech manufactures rocket motors and reloads. While the company makes some of its own motors, it actually concentrates more on the reloads for reloadable motors. Many of the motors people refer to as AeroTech reloadable motors were originally built by a partner company called Rouse-Tech, which AeroTech later acquired.

“Building the AeroTech H128W-M” describes how to prepare and fly one of AeroTech’s motors.

Altus Metrum

Altus Metrum makes a series of altimeters, including the TeleMega 2 with GPS featured in “GPS”. Their website has free software and information about their offerings. The altimeters are available through other retailers, such as Apogee Components.

Apogee Components

Apogee Components sells both low- and high-power rocketry supplies, kits, and motors. They are a great resource for parts and kits and have a fantastic collection of technical reports and how-to guides. When you place a qualifying order, they send you CDs chock-full of them.

Apogee Components also markets RockSim, the most popular rocket simulator for model rocketry.

Balsa Machining Service

Balsa Machining Service has a number of kits and hard-to-find parts, mostly for low-power rocketry. This is also a great place to buy AeroTech motors and reloads.

Cesaroni Technology Incorporated

CTI makes rocket motors, both for the high-power rocket community and for professional and military use. Their Pro-X® line of rocket motors appear throughout the book. You can find a detailed tear down of their H163-14A in “Building the Cesaroni H163-14A”.

Estes Industries

The 800-pound gorilla of the low-power model rocket world, Estes Industries has been around since the dawn of model rocketry.

While you might think of Estes as only a low-power rocketry company, their Pro Series line of rockets work quite well with smaller high-power motors. Some of their kits would work well for a Level 1 certification flight.

You can frequently find Estes parts discounted through other retailers like Amazon. Their Pro Series kits are also available from some local retailers.

Featherweight Altimeters LLC

Featherweight Altimeters makes the Raven altimeter seen in Chapter 7.

Fruity Chutes

Fruity Chutes specializes in making parachutes of all sizes, including ones that are rather large. They also have a selection of parachute deployment gear.

Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby is one of the more reliable suppliers of rocketry supplies you are likely to find in your local area. While specialized hobby stores are great, they aren’t in smaller cities, and even in large ones they may be fairly far away. Hobby Lobby has a nice selection of rocket motors, launchers, igniters, recovery wadding, and rocket kits. While they mostly cater to low-power rocketry, they do carry the Estes Pro Series, which fly well on small H motors.

Best of all, they frequently offer 40% off coupons for a single item. Do a web search for “hobby lobby 40 off” to find the coupons.

LOC Precision

LOC Precision has a great selection of kits and supplies. It is one of the better places to look for heavy fiber (paper) body tubes. While most fliers switch to fiberglass for supersonic flight, these inexpensive, light tubes are great for most high-power rocketry.

LOC Precision was selected as the supplier for Callisto in Chapter 3.

Madcow Rocketry

Madcow Rocketry offers a wide selection of kits and parts for high-power rocketry. They have an especially good selection of fiberglass body tubes, couplers, and bulk plates.

Madcow Rocketry was selected as the supplier for Ganymede in Chapter 13.

Missile Works

Missile Works specializes in building altimeters, including the RRC3 and RRC2+ that are featured in Chapters 7 and 8. They have a wide selection of rugged altimeters, from budget units through GPS systems.


PerfectFlite makes several altimeters, timers, and accessories. Their StratoLogger is shown in Chapter 8.

Prairie Twister Rocketry

Prairie Twister Rocketry builds and sells the cable cutter used for dual deployment in Chapter 7.

Pratt Hobbies, Inc.

Pratt Hobbies offers a selection of hobby products that are difficult to find from other sources, like launch controllers, ejection canisters, and the Microbeacon seen in Chapter 10.

Public Missiles Ltd.

PML provides a lot of basic rocketry supplies and kits, but they also create a wide selection of custom parts and accessories for high-power rocketry. It’s worth stopping by their site for both the common items and their unique ones.

PML is the supplier selected for Deimos in Chapter 6.

Quest Aerospace

One of the few competitors for Estes in the low-power model rocket arena, Quest has a nice online store featuring motors, parts, and kits. They are frequently less expensive than the Estes parts, and the quality is just as good. Estes has a better selection for most items, though.

Wildman Rocketry

Wildman Rocketry is one of the larger online retailers for high-power rocketry. You can find practically anything you need on their site, from fiberglass parts to motor reloads.

Wildman Rocketry is the supplier selected for Phobos in Chapter 6.

Clubs and Information Websites

Here are some websites for various clubs and other resources.

Author’s Website

Rocket simulation files for the rockets in this book are available from my website.


OpenRocket is a free rocket simulator that runs on Linux, macOS, or Windows. It started life as a thesis project. This website is the place to go for downloads, further information, or, if you are a programmer and inclined to help, to join the project team.

Rocket Reviews

This site is dedicated to customer reviews of rocketry-related products. It’s a good place to browse to find out what is new and what other model rocket scientists think about various products.

The Rocketry Forum

This is a great place for research and getting your questions answered by experienced model rocket scientists. It’s the next best thing to a 24/7 model rocket club!

This site provides thrust curves for most commercially available motors. You can check plots of the thrust curves right on the site, allowing you to pick appropriate motors for a given liftoff weight. You can also download the motor data in common formats suitable for most rocket simulators. These formats use ASCII files to store the data, so you can open the files in any text editor to look at the raw data yourself.

General Supplies and Hardware

These companies can supply you with various tools and other items you’ll need.

Ace Hardware

Ace Hardware has both an online presence and brick-and-mortar stores in many areas. It’s a favorite haunt of mine because of the great selection of nuts, bolts, and other small hardware items, all available in loose bins so you can buy exactly the number of parts you need.

Bolt Depot

This online store specializes in bolts and other fasteners. Look around on their site if you can’t find a bolt locally.

Country Brook Design

These folks sell nylon straps in all sorts of sizes and colors. They are a great source when you want to order larger quantities, and tend to be less expensive than other sources.

Home Depot

Home Depot is a big-box hardware store that probably has an outlet near you, and also has an online store. It’s a good source for general hardware parts like brass, paint, and other supplies.


Lowes is a big-box hardware store, but you can also order online. It’s a good source for brass, paint, and various other supplies.

JoAnn Fabric Store

This is a great place to pick up all sorts of supplies for model rocketry, from cutting boards to elastic for shock cords to nylon for heavy-duty parachutes. JoAnn’s regularly has coupons for 40% off. Check online by searching for “joann coupon” before making your purchase.

Some metal parts, like brass tubes, may be difficult to find locally. This online store has a great selection of brass tubes and other metal parts, and they can be ordered in small quantities.

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