Appendix A. Personal Productivity Resources

The subject of how increasing personal productivity can work to enhance work/life balance is, to say the least, a big one, and this book on becoming more productive with Microsoft Outlook only begins to scratch its surface. To help you delve a little more deeply into this important topic, I list some of my favorite print and online personal productivity resources in this appendix.

Print Resources

The books in the following list can help you deepen your understanding of many productivity principles and ideas, not to mention Outlook features that I've only been able to briefly touch upon in this book:

  • Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies by Karen Fredricks and Lon Orenstein (Wiley Publishing). This is the book to have if you're using Outlook 2007 and you want more information about its basic features.

  • Outlook 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies by Jennifer Fulton and Karen S. Fredricks (Wiley Publishing). If you're using Outlook 2007 and you want to have a more complete understanding of the full range of its features, then this is definitely the book to have.

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (Free Press). This is Stephen Covey's classic text on the seven basic behaviors that, in his estimation, all people need to cultivate in order to be truly successful.

  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen (Penguin Books). This is David Allen's classic text on what it takes for you to cultivate what he calls the "art of stress-free productivity."

  • Ready For Anything: 52 Productivity Principles For Work and Life by David Allen (Viking). In this book, David Allen reiterates the principles of personal productivity he first introduces in his book Getting Things Done, here presenting them in 52 short and to-the-point chapters.

  • Take Back Your Life: Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to Get Organized and Stay Organized by Sally McGhee and John Wittry (Microsoft Press). This is the updated edition for Outlook 2007 of Sally McGhee's original title on using Microsoft Outlook to organize your life and become more productive. In it, she shows you how to use Outlook 2007 to create what she calls her Integrated Management Productivity system that you can use to stay on top of your workload.

  • Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook, 2nd Edition, by Michael Linenberger (New Academy Publishers). This is the updated version of Michael Linenberger's original book (entitled Seize the Workday) on developing what he calls the best task and e-mail practices using Microsoft Outlook.

  • Leave the Office Earlier by Laura Stack (Broadway Books). This book covers the ten key factors that personal productivity expert and motivational speaker, Laura Stack, considers to be essential in order to improve productivity, reduce stress, and help you achieve work/life balance.

  • Organizing For Success by Kenneth Zeigler (McGraw-Hill). This book is a compilation of the habits, strategies, and practices that time management consultant, Ken Zeigler, feels are essential to taking control of your workday and being both professionally and personally successful.

  • Order From Chaos: A 6-Step Plan for Organizing Yourself, Your Office, and Your Life by Liz Davenport (Three Rivers Press). This book gives you organization consultant Liz Davenport's step-by-step plan for becoming more organized and using the newfound freedom it brings to be more productive and successful in all aspects of life.

  • The Time Trap: The Classic Book on Time Managment, 3rd Edition by Alec Mackenzie (AMACOM, American Management Association). This book is the latest edition of time management consultant Alec Mackenzie's classic work on how to effectively avoid all the time traps that tend to stand in the way of true personal productivity.

  • Streetwise Time Management: Get More Done with Less Stress by Efficiently Managing Your Time by Marshall Cook (Adams Media). In this book, Marshall Cook, Professor of Journalism and Communications at the University of Wisconsin, guides you through the steps necessary to reduce stress and become more productive by effectively managing your time.

Online Resources

The Internet is a great resource for information on personal productivity. The online resources listed here include companion Web sites for many of the productivity titles listed in the preceding "Print Resource" section. I also include a Lifehack Web page dedicated to personal productivity. Visit these Web sites to find up-to-date information on the authors, books, and the principles of personal productivity.

  • Dr. Greg's Stress-Free Productivity and Collaboration Strategies at This is my companion Web site for Manage Your Life with Outlook For Dummies. Visit this site to get more information about personal productivity and team collaboration as well as to give me your feedback about the book.

  • FranklinCovey at This is the place to go for FranklinCovey items of any type, including day planners and planning software. It's also an excellent resource for more information about the FranklinCovey Planning System.

  • David Allen at This is David Allen's official Web site as well as the companion site for his bestselling book, Getting Things Done. Visit this Web site to get more information about David Allen's philosophy and principles of productivity as well as to order any of the many productivity products he offers for sale.

  • McGhee Productivity Solutions at This is Sally McGhee's official Web site as well as the companion site for her book, Take Back Your Life. Visit this site to get more information about her Integrated Management Productivity system and various consulting services.

  • Workday Control at This is New Academy Publisher's companion Web site for Michael Linenberger's book, Total Workday Control. Visit this Web site to get more information about Linenberger's principles for efficient task and e-mail management and to sign up for a free Outlook Productivity E-Mail Newsletter.

  • Productivity: Stepcase Lifehack at This is the productivity page of the blog site that features all sorts of articles and posts following the latest ideas and trends in personal productivity. If you're using Outlook 2007, you can subscribe to the posts from this blog as an RSS feed and have the articles automatically delivered to your Outlook Inbox. (Click the RSS Feeds folder in the Outlook Navigation Pane in the Mail module to display instructions on how to subscribe to an RSS feed.)

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