
There are many individuals and organizations that I have worked with over the years, so thank you to everyone involved with small firms and health and safety. I would like to thank the following people for their feedback during preparation of the book and those who kindly let me use their photographs to illustrate certain hazards:

Thanks to Christine Saaler of Total Facilities Management, and Kathryn Mathias, for their positive feedback on the draft version; individuals who worked at Carmichael’s Fire and Bulk for their photographs; Karen Manuel from KDM Photography for images of the farrier; Carole King of Nant designs for images of printmaking studio; the tree-feller and car-wash owner who gave permission for me to photograph them at work.

Thanks also to Nigel Wyatt of Magenta Network and Scott Isenberg from Business Expert Press for their support. And, of course, to my husband Leslie for his continued patience while I am writing!

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