Note: Page numbers with f indicate figures; those with t indicate tables.

Accenture, 59–60

Adobe Connect, 51

Adjourning stage, 21

Advantages of virtual teams, 3–4

in cost savings, 3–4

in decision making, 4

in employer/employee efficiencies, 4

in facility and environmental

benefits, 4

in labor pool enhancement, 4

age diversity, 11–14

Baby Boomers (or Boomers), 12

generational competence and, 13–14

Generation Xers, 12

Generation Z, 12–13

Matures (or seniors over 65), 11–12

Millennials (Generation Yers), 12

stereotyping according to age and, 14

Aon Hewitt, 47

AppendTo, 7–9

Asians, 16, 18, 42

asynchronous communications, 3, 5, 38

asynchronous exchanges, 3

Austrians, 18

Baby Boomers (or Boomers), 12

behavior, four Cs, 6

commitment, 6

communication, 6

contribution, 6

cooperation, 6

British, 17, 19

challenges of virtual teams, 4–7

See also diversity challenges

in behaviors, 6–7

in cohesion, 5–6

in coordination, 7

cultural complications, 6

in isolation, 5

in leadership, 7

in nonverbal cues, 5


People Pages, 59

TelePresence, 59

WebEx, 50

Citrix, 50–51

code of conduct, 36–37

cohesion, 5–6

collaboration, 28

executive support and, 28

HR practices and, 29

team formation/structure and, 29

team leaders and, 29

commitment, in four Cs of behavior, 6

communication. See under challenges

of virtual teams; see face-to-face interactions; technology-mediated communication

in four Cs of behavior, 6

computer-mediated communication (CMC), 15

concentration, gender differences in, 14

conflict. See diversity challenges

contribution, in four Cs of behavior, 6

cooperation, in four Cs of behavior, 6

coordination, lack of, 6

cost savings,3–4

cross-cultural awareness, 20

cross-cultural training, 20

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes Are High (Patterson), 38

cultural differences, 10, 15–21

conflict and, 18

consideration and, 20

cross-cultural awareness and, 20

cross-cultural training and, 20

groupthink and, 19

harmony and, 21

language training and, 20

leadership styles and, 18

overcoming (Johnson & Johnson case), 9–10

politeness and, 18

stages of team development and, 16–17

stereotypes and, 20

women and, status of, 18

decision making, 4

different time, different place

interactions, 2–3

different time, same place interactions, 3

diversity challenges, 11–24. See also cultural differences

age differences, 11–14

gender differences, 14–15

stages of team development and, 16–17, 16f

virtual team culture at Zapier, 23–24

documentation, 41–42

electronic communications. See technology-mediated communication

email, 39

creating, 39–40

emoticons in, 38

etiquette, 39

technology options, 38emoticons, 38

employer/employee efficiencies, 4

environmental benefits, 4

Facebook, 29, 51

face-to-face interactions

benefits of, 32

communication styles and, 14

gender differences in, 14–15

degree of “virtuality” in, 2

in first-year team strategies, 32

in team member preparation, 31–33

tone, delivery, and body language in, 40

vs. virtual interactions, 49

facility benefits, 4

Female Vision: Women’s Real Power at Work, The (Helgesen and Johnson), 14

first-year team strategies, 25–26

communication strategies in, 26

face-to-face meetings in, 25

performance monitoring in, 26

task accountability in, 26

team roles in, 25–26

focus, gender differences in, 14–15

forming stage, 16–17,16f

Foster, W., 23

gender differences, 14–15

in communication styles, 15

in focus and concentration, 14

in thinking, 14

generational competence, 13–14

Generation Xers, 12

Generation Yers (or Millennials), 12

Generation Z, 12–13

Germans, 16, 18

Google Docs, 51

Google Hangouts, 23, 51, 58

GoToMeeting (Citrix), 23, 50–51

groupthink, 19

harmony, cultural, 21

Helgesen, S., 14

Hewlett-Packard, 30

HR practices, 29

IBM, 45–46, 51

iMeet, 51

instant messaging, 15, 37

interactions, types of, 2–3

intercultural training, 42–43

isolation, 5

Italians, 19

Japanese, 17, 19

Jenson, M. A, 21

Johnson, J., 14

Johnson & Johnson, 9–10, 36

labor pool enhancement, 4

language barriers, 15

language training, 20

Latin Americans, 16, 20

leadership. See team leadership

Leonhard, W., 1

Lotus, 51

Lullabot employees, 57–58

maintenance goal, 5

Matures (or seniors over 65), 11–12

Meeting Burner, 51

meeting follow-up, 56–57

meeting minutes, 56–57

meetings. See virtual meetings

Microsoft Office, 50, 56

Millennials (or Generation Yers), 12

monochronic cultures, 18

mutual understanding, 20

nonverbal cues, 5

norming stage, 16f, 18–19

Patterson, K., 38

Pelino, D., 46

PeoplePages (Cisco), 59

performance monitoring, 26

performing stage, 16f, 19–21

phone calls, 40–41

Portuguese, 19

progress assessment, 44

questions, encouraging use of, 21

remote communications. See technology-mediated communication

Robbins, J., 49

Sabre, Inc., 21–23

Sametime (IBM/Lotus), 51

same time, different place interactions, 2–3

same time, same place interactions, 2

Skype (Microsoft), 51

Slack, 23

SocialBlue (IBM), 46

socializing virtual teams (IBM case), 45–46

social networking, 33, 46

software products. See technology and software products

Sorensen, Karan, 9, 36

Spaniards, 17

stages of team development, 16–17, 16f

adjourning stage, 21

forming stage, 16–17

norming stage, 18–19

performing stage, 19–21

storming stage, 17–18


according to age, 14

overcoming, 20

storming stage, 17–18

swift trust paradigm principle, 33–34

synchronous communications, 2, 5, 38

task accountability

in facilitation of meetings, 56

in first-year team strategies, 26

task goal, 5

team accomplishments, recognition of, 44–45

team cohesion, 25, 33, 34

team development

cultural differences in, 15–21

personal characteristics to promote, 1

stages of, 16–17

team leadership

assessment of, 27–28t, 45

for cultural harmony, 21

ineffective, 7

selection of, 26–29

styles, in storming stage, 18

team meeting assessment, 42–44

instrument for, 42, 43t

Virtual Team Progress Assessment exercise in, 42, 44

team member assessment, 30–31t

team member preparation, 31–33

face-to-face time in, 32

team scope and purpose in, 32

technological competence in, 32

virtual presence in, 32–33

team membership, 29–31

team roles in first-year team strategies, 25–26

team strategies, 25–48

documentation, 41–42

first-year, 25–26

intercultural training, 42–43

leadership selection, 26, 28–29

team accomplishments, recognition of, 44–45

team assessment, 42–44

team member preparation, 31–33

team membership, 29–31

trust building, 33–34

technology and software products, 51–52

for effective, 37–38

Sametime (IBM/Lotus), 51

Skype (Microsoft), 51

TelePresence (Cisco), 59

for telepresence virtual meetings, 50

for web-conferencing, 50–51

technology-mediated communication

code of conduct for, 36–37

collaborative skills and, 28

cultural and psychological hurdles of, 10

effective, 35–41

electronic meetings and, 15

e-mail and, 37–39

in first-year team strategies, 25–26

open and rich, 34

phone calls and, 40–41

practices, studies of, 29

rules of engagement in, 10, 36

schedule of contact for, 37

technology-mediated, 1, 32

trust and, 33–34

TelePresence (Cisco), 50

telepresence virtual meetings, 50

thinking, gender differences in, 14

Thompson, C., 47, 48


cross-cultural, 20

intercultural, 42–43

language, 20

transparency, 21

trust, 33–34

collaboration and, 28–29

communication and, 34–41

grounds for, 34

swift trust paradigm principle and, 33–34

team cohesion and, 33, 34

Tuckman, B., 15, 21

Twitter, 33

Underground Guide to Telecommuting, The (Leonhard), 1

videoconferencing, 1, 22, 25, 27, 30, 37, 50, 51

Virtual Meeting Evaluation, 43t

virtual meetings, 49–60

meeting follow-up, 56–57

technology and software productsin, 51–52

virtual meetings, facilitation of, 54–56

consensus, seeking frequently, 55

keeping everyone on task, 56

meeting evaluation, 56

moderator or facilitator, appointing, 55

speaking, control of, 55

starting, 54–55

virtual meetings, preparation for, 52–54

decision to meet and, 52, 52t

elements of meeting, becoming familiar with, 53

meeting agendas, sending, 53–54t

meeting attendance, overview of, 53, 54t

objective of meeting, identifying, 53

virtual presence, 32–33

Virtual Team Leadership Skills Assessment, 45

Virtual Team Progress Assessment exercise, 42, 44

virtual teams

advantages of, 3–4

challenges of, 4–7

degree of “virtuality” in, 2

diversity challenges in, 11–24

interactions in, types of, 2–3

meeting assessments in, 43

meetings, productive, 49–60

personal characteristics to promote development of, 1

popularity of, 1–10

role of, in global business environment, 1

size of, 3

strategies for success, 1, 25–48

terms for, 1

trend toward, 1

trust in, building, 21–23

virtual meetings and, 49–59

webcams, 5

web-conferencing software, 50–51, 59

WebEx, 50

When Generations Collide (Lancaster and Stillman), 13

women, cross-cultural differences in status of, 18

Zapier, 23–24

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