gray areas
analytical techniques applied
to, 3–4, 11–12, 36–37, 121
avoiding assumptions about, 25
challenge of facing, 1, 2–6
consideration of net, net
consequences in, 13–14, 15, 38
core human obligations and, 44,
49, 51
emotional reactions to, 23, 29
experience of “the other”
considered in, 66–68
experts and, 31
focus on process in, 26–29
guidance based on five
questions about, 1–2, 7–9
moral imagination used with,
54, 60–63
as organizational versions of
Gordian knot, 5–6
personal responsibility of
choices in dealing with, 4
shared norms and values and,
simple decision trees to consider
options in, 31, 34
trade-offs in decisions in, 32,
69–70, 134
understanding economic
realities of, 55–57
working philosophy
of management for
understanding, 10–12
working through as a manager
and then resolving as a
human being, 6–7
Greece, ancient, 47, 73, 128, 148
groupthink, 36–37, 105–106
gun-control debate, 69–70
Hampshire, Stuart, 62, 80–81
happiness, Bentham’s emphasis on,
in making decisions, 16, 18
hardball tactics, 89–91
Harvard Business School, 10, 71,
85, 109
Hemingway, Ernest, 127–128,
Henderson, Fritz, 10
Hillel the Elder, 66–67
Hinduism, 46, 78, 100, 174n8
Hitler, Adolf, 127
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr.,
Holmes, Sherlock (fictional
character), 108
HR issues
Friedman-Fletcher case
study on performance
evaluation, 74–76, 81, 82,
83, 85, 86–87, 90, 91, 92, 93,
114–115, 122
Thompson-Wilson case study
on termination, 60–61, 62, 65,
68, 85, 135–136
overview of, 147–151
questions asked in, 11
tradition of, 11
humanist philosophy of
management, 10–12
Index.indd 186 11/06/16 9:36 AM
management as “humanist art,”
personal judgments combined
with, 12
human nature
evolution and, 8, 48, 101–102,
views of, 76–80
Hume, David, 21, 175n13
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 130
“I Have a Dream Speech”
(King), 28
inclusive care, 20
intelligence, analytical, 109
interest, understanding force field
of, 82–84
intuition, in decision making,
25–26, 126, 127, 130, 131
Islam, 46, 177n5
James, William, 8, 53, 132–133
Jefferson, Thomas, 9, 72
Judaism, 46, 66–67
judges, parole decisions by,
judgment and character, in
decision making,
Kant, Immanuel, 46, 169n33
King, Martin Luther Jr., 28,
leaders, 28
focus on process by, 27–28
Machiavelli’s perspective on,
preoccupation with managers
versus, 28, 161n18
Letter from the Birmingham Jail
(King), 101
Lilienthal, David, 144–145
Lincoln, Abraham, 37, 99
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 72
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 131–132
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 9, 70, 72–73,
74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
84, 85–86, 89, 91, 92, 109, 147,
148, 170n5, 172n18
Maimonides, 125
Malden Mills. See Feuerstein,
Aaron, and Malden Mills
case study
approach gray areas using, 5
core work of, 11
focus on process in, 26–29
force field of power and interest
and, 82
getting right people involved
and, 29–31
as “humanist art,” 145
philosophy of. See humanist
philosophy of management
profit maximization and, 55,
56–57, 58, 167n17
resiliency in, 85–86
Index.indd 187 11/06/16 9:36 AM
consequences of managerial
decisions of. See net, net
consequences question
Friedman-Fletcher case
study on performance
evaluation and, 74–76, 81, 82,
83, 85, 86–87, 90, 91, 92, 93,
114–115, 122
importance of considering
impact of decisions of, 13
life in organizations for, 95–96
Lilienthal on demands and
rewards of job of, 144–145
living with decisions and
character and judgment of,
managing perceptions and, 91
need for playing hardball by,
preoccupation with leaders
versus, 28, 161n18
resolving gray areas as part of
job of, 141, 143–144
sensitivity to human concerns
by, 142–143
shared norms and values and,
104–105, 107
Thompson-Wilson HR
case study of termination
and, 60–61, 62, 65, 68, 85,
understanding self-interest of,
what will work in the world as
it is question and, 76
Mandela, Nelson, 28
Marcus Aurelius, 137–138
Marine Corps, 13
McCullough, David, 140
Measure for Measure
(Shakespeare), 129
Medici family, 72, 92
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 137
memory, and communities and
mystic chords of, 99, 118
Merton, Robert, 22
Merton’s Law, 22
“middle way” (Buddha), 124
Mill, John Stuart, 17–20, 36, 39,
72, 159n4, 159n5
mission statements, 1, 7, 111–112
Mohammed, 125
monitoring of private phone calls,
debate over, 69
Montaigne, Michel de, 85, 106,
147, 148
moral imagination, 143, 168n24
background to concept of, 54,
60–63, 68
Golden Rule and, 67–68
obstacles to using, 63–66
Thompson-Wilson HR case
study and, 60–61, 62
moral obligations, 46. See also core
Morgenthau, Hans, 172n18
Mozi, 20, 23, 36, 39
Mullen, Jim, and Tysabri drug
case study, 92, 141
background and overview of,
Index.indd 188 11/06/16 9:36 AM
clear, overriding duty to focus
on patients in, 63
core obligations question and,
50–52, 54, 55, 59–60, 62, 63, 67
duties and, 51–52, 54, 59–60,
63, 67
family demands for new drug
and, 83
Food and Drug Administration
and, 82–83
legal and ethical obligations in,
51–52, 60
managers’ duties to sharehold-
ers and, 55–56
side effects and risks from new
drug in, 51, 52, 85, 88–89, 94
simplistic approach to gains and
losses in, 110
mutuality, network of, 100–102
My Years with General Motors
(Sloan), 125–126
Native American adage, 67
natural duties to each other as
human beings, 46–49, 107,
natural selection, 155–156
Nazism, 40, 106, 175n17
net, net consequences question, 8,
13–41, 107
belief in one’s own abilities in, 26
core obligations and, 44
decisions of managers and,
devil’s advocate tactic in, 37
duties to family members and, 98
Feuerstein and Malden Mills
case study on, 14–15, 22–23,
25, 30–34, 35, 36
focus on process in, 26–29
Friedman-Fletcher HR case
study and, 93
full human consequences
considered in, 20–21
getting right people involved in
debating, 29–31
gray area problems and
consideration of, 13–14, 15, 38
groupthink and bossthink
problems in, 36–37
human decision-making
process in, 23–24
importance of considering
impact of decisions in, 13
next steps needed after, 39–41
“plain English” approach in, 38
practical challenges in, 22–24
practical guidance in, 24–38
pushback and, 36–38
putting aside initial intuitions
about, 25–26
simple decision trees to consider
options in, 31–36
steps to getting process right
in, 24
thinking broadly about, 16–18
thinking deeply about, 18–20
unintended, secondary
consequences and, 22–23
using with other questions,
Index.indd 189 11/06/16 9:36 AM
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 9, 107, 125,
norms, and communities, 103,
104–107, 133, 140
nurses, decision-making skills of, 30
Nye, Joseph, 172n18
obligations question. See core
obligations question
Old Testament, 78
“On Duties” (Cicero), 47
Oracle of Delphi, 128
Organization Man, The (Whyte),
95, 116
consequences of managerial
decisions on. See net, net
consequences question
credos and mission statements
of, 111–112
Friedman-Fletcher HR case
study and story of, 114–115
importance of considering
impact of decisions on, 13
managerial life in, 95–96
norms and values of, 103,
104–105, 107, 133, 140
understanding story of,
parole decisions by judges, 23–24
patient health
case study on. See Mullen, Jim,
and Tysabri drug case study
clear, overriding duty to focus
on, 63
family demands for new drug
for, 83
legal and ethical duties to,
51–52, 60
side effects and risks from new
drug for, 51, 52, 85, 88–89, 94
perceptions, managing, 91
performance evaluation,
Friedman-Fletcher case study
on, 74–76, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86–87,
90, 91, 92, 93, 114–115, 122
performance improvement plan
(PIP), 75, 86, 90
pharmaceutical industry
case study with. See Mullen,
Jim, and Tysabri drug case
Food and Drug Administration
and, 82–83
side effects and risks from new
drug in, 51, 52, 85, 88–89, 94
philosophy of management, five
questions approach as, 10–12
phone-call monitoring, debate
over, 69
“plain English” approach, 38
Poor Richard’s Almanac
(Franklin), 128
federal, in Mullen and Tysabri
drug case study, 82–83
importance of thinking about
your situation and, 84
perceptions of, 91
Index.indd 190 11/06/16 9:36 AM
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