


Part I. Forging Ahead: The Quest for Knowledge

Chapter 1. Intelligence on Intelligence and the Development of Intellectual Capital
by Tony Buzan

Intellectual Capital and Mental Literacy

The Awakening of a Sleeping Giant

Chapter 2. Organizational Renewal: Overcoming Mental Blind Spots
by Paul J. H. Schoemaker, Ph.D.

Mental Blind Spots

Overcoming Mental Blind Spots


Chapter 3. The Creativity and Commitment Connection
by Amarjit Chopra

Unblocking Innovation

The Power of Bad Ideas

A Quick Overview of the Process

The Morals of the Story

Chapter 4. The Negotiation Revolution
by William Ury

Negotiation Is a Growth Industry

Negotiation: A Core Competency

Chapter 5. The Role of Chaos in the Creation of Change
by John J. Scherer

Pain: The Father of Change

Possibility: The Mother of Change

What Blocks Possibility?

Chaos: The Birth Passage for Creative Change

Chapter 6. Fundamentalism and Panaceas
by Russell L. Ackoff



Part II. Facilitating Change: the Leader's Role

Chapter 7. Leadership in the Networked Economy
by Albert A. Vicere

The Changing Leadership Landscape

The Next Wave

The Leadership Challenge

New Leadership Mindsets

Meeting the Challenge


Chapter 8. The Organizational Change Leader
by W. Warner Burke

Four Phases of Organizational Change and the Leader's Roles


Chapter 9. Entrepreneurial Leadership: Building Capacity for Speed, Risk, and Continuous Innovation
by Joel R. DeLuca

Historical Background



The Emerging Convergence of Two Ships

Dynamic Stability: A Basis for Entrepreneurial Leadership

A Working Model of Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Potential Value of the Model as a Working Guide

Key Counterintuitive Behaviors of Entrepreneurial Leaders

Smart Moves

How the Business Playing Field Is Shifting


Chapter 10. Leadership: Reflections and Learnings
by Robert Terry

A Consciousness-Competence Frame

Core Versus Shared Values


Mission Statements

Core Competencies

Best Practices

Vision Statements


Coaching and Mentoring

Team and Group Building

Beyond Spirituality in the Workplace

Leadership Education


Chapter 11. Experience Is Still the Best Teacher
by Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. Eichinger

The Nature of the Experience

The Experience Catalog

True Development

Chapter 12. Polarity Management: One Tool for Managing Complexity and Ambiguity
by Barry Johnson

Effective Leaders Manage Complexity and Ambiguity

A Multipurpose Swiss Army Knife for the Leader's Toolbox

How Is this Tool Used? Two Application Stories

Polarity Management—A Summary Introduction


Chapter 13. Facing the Paradoxes of Leadership: Eight Rules
by Peter Koestenbaum

Experience Life as Paradox

Do Not Rationalize but Feel the Pain

Polarities Need Each Other

Alternation Beats Prioritizing

There Is Power in Dialogue

Paradoxes Provoke the Mind to Breakthroughs

Each Choice Changes Your Environment

Practice Democracy


Chapter 14. Human Influence
by Charles E. Dwyer



Changing Self

Perception and Anticipation

The Mosaic

Filters and Data Fragments


Values, Perceptions, and Behavior

Problems with the Negative Approach

Application of the Five-Step Model

Dealing With Groups

Part III. Making the Grade: New Leadership Skills

Chapter 15. Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go:A Development Edge Gives Retention Results
by Beverly L. Kaye

A Pop Quiz

Level About Their Strengths and Development Needs

Look Ahead at Trends, Business Needs, and Company Culture

Development Pays Off

Chapter 16. The Newest Leadership Skills
by Randall P. White and Philip Hodgson

Identifying New Leaders

The Task and the People

Command and Control

I Have a Dream...

Learning Leadership

A Final Word

Chapter 17. When Good People Do Bad Things: The Anatomy of a Corporate Disaster
by Ronald M. Green

The Parable of the Sadhu

Firestone and Ford on the Mountainside


Chapter 18. Recruiting Supportive Coaches: A Key to Achieving Positive Behavioral Change
by Marshall Goldsmith

Following Up with Your Coaches

Chapter 19. Global Leadership and Global Emotional Intelligence
by Stephen H. Rhinesmith

The Need for Global Leadership

The Need for Leaders with Global Mindsets and Skills

Global Emotional Intelligence

Developing Global Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 20. Is Your Organization Driven by Dynamic Leaders?
by Larraine Segil

First: The Alliance Issue

Second: The Leadership Issue


Chapter 21. Effective Crisis Management: Now More Than Ever
by Idalene Kesner

What Is a Crisis?

Crisis Prevention

Crisis Preparation and Crisis Response

Crisis Communications


Part IV. Creating Competitive Advantage: Strategies for Success

Chapter 22. Marketing Through Reconciliation: Global Brand, Local Touch
by Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams

Universal or Particular?

Individualism or Communitarianism?

Specific or Diffuse?

Neutral or Affective?

Achievement or Ascription?

Internal or External Control?

Time: Sequential or Synchronic?


Chapter 23. The Effective Use of Scenario Analysis to Support Research and Development
by Peter Schwartz and Gerald Harris


Using Scenario Analysis to Guide R&D Planning


Chapter 24. Morphing Marketing: Dissolving Decisions
by James M. Hulbert and Pierre Berthon

From Material to Information

The Dissolution of Divisions

Morphing Marketing


Chapter 25. Creating Obnoxiously Devoted Customers
by Chip R. Bell

Seeing Through the Eye of the Beholder

Chapter 26. The Strategy of Bundling
by Barry Nalebuff


Part V. Taking the Lead: Organizations of the New Millennium

Chapter 27. Anatomy of an Innovation Machine: Cisco Systems
by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble


Innovation Nomenclature

Why Study Cisco?

Unbundling Cisco's Innovation Machine

Learning from the Cisco Experience

Conclusion: So You Want to Be Like Cisco?

Chapter 28. Achieving Best Fit
by Judith M. Bardwick, Ph.D

Stable and Borderless

Best Fit

Chapter 29. Strategy for the 21st Century: Portfolio Is Back
by Maurice Saias and Olivier Tabatoni

What Is Strategy Today?

Where Are the Major Discontinuities?

What Kinds of Strategic Responses?


Chapter 30. Organizing for Strategic Flexibility
by Homa Bahrami and Stuart Evan

The Building Blocks

Designing a Versatile Federation

Chapter 31. Competitive Dynamics, Strategy, and Competence Development: The Rise of Value Confederations in Fast-Change Industries
by David Lei

Characteristics of the Emerging Value Confederation

Competing on the Cutting-Edge: Renewing Advantage via Learning

Chapter 32. New Measures of Prosperity
by Thomas Monahan and Stephen A. Stumpf

Defining and Measuring Economic Value

Toward Interdisciplinary and Integrated Measures

Learning and Unlearning: The Need for Both

Functional or Interdisciplinary: A Time for Change

Performance Measurement Programs for Today (the Future Is Too Late)

Chapter 33. A World of Fleas and Elephants
by Charles Handy

The Characteristics of Creative Fleas

Can Elephants Harbor Fleas?

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