Introducing Bitcoin

Bitcoin was the first application of blockchain technology, and has started a revolution with the introduction of the very first fully decentralized digital currency. It has proven to be remarkably secure and valuable as a digital currency; however, it is quite unstable and highly volatile. The invention of Bitcoin has also sparked a great interest in academic and industrial research and opened up many new research areas. In this chapter, we shall introduce Bitcoin in detail.

Specifically, in this chapter, we will focus our attention upon the fundamentals of Bitcoin, how transactions are constructed and used, transaction structures, addresses, accounts, and mining, over the following topic areas:

  • Bitcoin—an overview
  • Cryptographic keys
  • Transactions
  • Blockchain
  • Mining

Let's begin with an overview of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin—an overview

Since its introduction in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has gained immense popularity and is currently the most successful digital currency in the world, with billions of dollars invested in it. The current market cap at the time of writing for this currency is 168,923,803,898 USD.

Its popularity is also evident from the high number of users and investors, the increasing price of Bitcoin, daily news related to Bitcoin, and the many start-ups and companies that are offering Bitcoin-based online exchanges. It is now also traded as Bitcoin futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Interested readers can read more about Bitcoin futures at http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/bitcoin-futures.html.

It is built on decades of research in the field of cryptography, digital cash, and distributed computing. In the following section, a brief history is presented to provide the background required to understand the foundations behind the invention of Bitcoin.

Digital currencies have always been an active area of research for many decades. Early proposals to create digital cash go as far back as the early 1980s. In 1982, David Chaum, a computer scientist and cryptographer, proposed a scheme that used blind signatures to build an untraceable digital currency. This research was published in a research paper entitled Blind signatures for untraceable payments. We covered this history in Chapter 1, Blockchain 101, which readers can review if required.

Interested readers can read the original research paper in which David Chaum invented the cryptographic primitive of blind signatures at http://www.hit.bme.hu/~buttyan/courses/BMEVIHIM219/2009/Chaum.BlindSigForPayment.1982.PDF.

In this scheme, a bank would issue digital money by signing a blind and random serial number presented to it by the user. The user could then use the digital token signed by the bank as currency. The limitation of this scheme was that the bank had to keep track of all used serial numbers. This was a centralized system by design and required a trusted party such as a bank to operate.

Later on, in 1988, David Chaum et al. proposed a refined version named eCash that not only used blind signatures, but also some private identification data to craft a message that was then sent to the bank.

The original research paper for this is available at http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

This scheme allowed the detection of double-spending, but did not prevent it. If the same token were used at two different locations, then the identity of the double-spender would be revealed. Also, this eCash scheme could only represent a fixed amount of money.

Adam Back, a cryptographer and current CEO of Blockstream, who is involved in Blockchain development, introduced hashcash in 1997. It was initially proposed to thwart email spam. The idea behind hashcash was to solve a computational puzzle that was easy to verify but comparatively difficult to compute. The idea was that for a single user and a single email, the extra computational effort was negligible, but someone sending a large number of spam emails would be discouraged as the time and resources required to run the spam campaign would increase prohibitively.

In 1998, Wei Dai, a computer engineer who used to work for Microsoft, proposed b-money, which introduced the idea of using Proof of Work (PoW) to create money. The term PoW emerged and got popular later with Bitcoin, but in Wei Dai's b-money, a scheme of creating money was introduced by providing a solution to a previously unsolved computational problem. This concept is similar to PoW, where the money is created by broadcasting the solution to a previously unsolved computational problem.

The original paper on b-money is available here: http://www.weidai.com/bmoney.txt.

A significant weakness in the system was that an adversary with higher computational power could generate unsolicited money without allowing the network to adjust to an appropriate difficulty level. The system lacked details on the consensus mechanism between nodes and some security issues such as Sybil attacks were also not addressed. At the same time, Nick Szabo, a computer scientist, introduced the concept of BitGold, which was also based on the PoW mechanism but had the same problems as b-money, with the exception that the network difficulty level was adjustable. Tomas Sander and Amnon Ta-Shma at the International Computer Science Institute, Berkley, introduced an e-cash scheme in a research paper named Auditable, Anonymous Electronic Cash in 1999. This scheme, for the first time, used Merkle trees to represent coins and zero-knowledge proofs to prove the possession of coins.

The original research paper, Auditable, Anonymous Electronic Cash, is available at http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~amnon/Papers/ST.crypto99.pdf.

In this scheme, a central bank was required that kept a record of all used serial numbers. This scheme allowed users to be fully anonymous. This was a theoretical design that was not practical to implement due to inefficient proof mechanisms.

RPOW (Reusable Proof of Work) was introduced in 2004 by Hal Finney, a computer scientist, developer, and the first person to receive Bitcoin from Satoshi Nakamoto. It used the hashcash scheme by Adam Back as a proof of computational resources spent to create the money. This was also a central system that kept a central database to keep track of all used PoW tokens. This was an online system that used remote attestation, made possible by a trusted computing platform (TPM hardware).

All the previously mentioned schemes are intelligently designed but had weaknesses in one aspect or another. Specifically, all these schemes rely on a central server that is required to be trusted by the users.

Having covered some of the fundamentals of Bitcoin, let's talk about how Bitcoin started.

The beginnings of Bitcoin

In 2008, Bitcoin was introduced in a paper called Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

This paper is available at https://Bitcoin.org/Bitcoin.pdf.

Satoshi Nakamoto wrote the Bitcoin paper. The name of the author is believed to be a pseudonym, as the true identity of the inventor of Bitcoin is unknown and is the subject of much speculation. The first key idea introduced in the paper was of a purely peer-to-peer electronic cash that does need an intermediary bank to transfer payments between peers.

Bitcoin is built on decades of research. Various ideas and techniques from cryptography and distributed computing such as Merkle trees, hash functions, and digital signatures were used to design Bitcoin. Other ideas such as BitGold, b-money, hashcash, and cryptographic time-stamping also provided some groundwork for the invention of Bitcoin. Ideas from many of these developments were ingeniously used in Bitcoin to create the first ever truly decentralized currency. Bitcoin solves a number of historically difficult problems related to electronic cash and distributed systems, including:

  • The Byzantine generals problem
  • The double-spending problem
  • Sybil attacks

Bitcoin is an elegant solution to the Byzantine generals problem and the double-spending problem. We examined both of these concepts in Chapter 1, Blockchain 101.

A Sybil attack is a type of attack where a single adversary creates a large number of nodes with fake identities on the network, which are used to gain influence over the network. This attack is also prevented in Bitcoin by using PoW, where miners are required to consume a considerable amount of computing power to earn rewards. If fake nodes try to add fake blocks to the Bitcoin blockchain, they will be rejected because those blocks will not have the required amount of work, that is, the PoW, associated with them. For an adversary to add a fake block, they will have to work at the same difficulty level as the other honest miners and compete honestly; otherwise, their work (as long as they do not control more than 51% of the network) will always be rejected by the network due to the insufficient amount of work performed to create blocks.

Bitcoin is currently the most valuable cryptocurrency. The value of Bitcoin fluctuates quite heavily but has increased quite significantly over time, as shown in the following graph:

Figure 6.1: Bitcoin price trend since mid-2017

Before we talk about the specifics of Bitcoin, let's briefly discuss the philosophy behind it, go over the official definition of Bitcoin, and consider Bitcoin from a user's perspective before delving deeper into the topic in later sections.

Egalitarianism versus authoritarianism

For people with a libertarian ideology, Bitcoin is a platform that can be used instead of banks. However, some think that due to regulations, Bitcoin may become another institution that cannot be trusted. The original idea behind Bitcoin was to develop an e-cash system, which requires no trusted third party and where users can be anonymous. If regulations require checks like Know Your Customer (KYC) and detailed information about business transactions to facilitate the regulatory process, then it might be too much information to share. As a result, Bitcoin may not remain attractive to some entities.

The regulation of Bitcoin is a controversial subject. As much as it is a libertarian's dream, law enforcement agencies, governments, and banks are proposing various regulations to control it. One prime example is the BitLicense, issued by New York State's Department of Financial Services, which is a permit issued to businesses that perform activities related to virtual currencies. Due to the high cost and stringent regulatory requirements to obtain a BitLicense, many companies have withdrawn their services from New York.

There are now many initiatives being taken to regulate Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and related activities such as Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently announced that digital tokens, coins, and relevant activities such as ICOs fall under the category of securities. This announcement means that any digital currency trading platforms will now need to be registered with the SEC and all relevant securities' laws and regulations will be applicable to them. This situation impacted the Bitcoin price directly, and it fell almost 10% on the day this announcement was made. Bitcoin has even been made illegal in some countries.

Interested readers can read more about the regulation of Bitcoin and other relevant activities at https://cointelegraph.com/tags/Bitcoin-regulation.

At this point, the question arises that if Bitcoin is under so much pressure from regulatory bodies, then how it has managed to grow so significantly? The simple answer is due to its decentralized and trustless nature. In this context, the term trustless refers to the distribution of trust between users, rather than a central entity. No single entity can control this network, and even if some entities try to enforce some regulations, they can only go so far because the network is owned collectively by its users instead of a single entity. It also protected by its PoW mechanism, which thwarts any adversarial attacks on the network.

The growth of Bitcoin is also due to the so-called network effect. Also called demand-side economies of scale, it is a concept that means that the more users use the network, the more valuable it becomes. Over time, an exponential increase has been seen in Bitcoin network growth. This increase in the number of users is mostly driven by financial incentives. Also, the scarcity of Bitcoin and its built-in inflation control mechanism gives it value, as there are only 21 million Bitcoins that can ever be mined. Also, the miner reward halves every four years, which increases scarcity, and consequently, the demand increases even more.

Bitcoin definition

Bitcoin can be defined in various ways; it's a protocol, a digital currency, and a platform. It is a combination of a peer-to-peer network, protocols, and software that facilitates the creation and usage of the digital currency. Nodes in this peer-to-peer network talk to each other using the Bitcoin protocol.

Decentralization of currency was made possible for the first time with the invention of Bitcoin. Moreover, the double-spending problem was solved in an elegant and ingenious way in Bitcoin. The double-spending problem arises when, for example, a user sends coins to two different users at the same time and they are verified independently as valid transactions. The double-spending problem is resolved in Bitcoin by using a distributed ledger (the blockchain) where every transaction is recorded permanently, and by implementing a transaction validation and confirmation mechanism. This process will be explained later in the chapter, in the Mining section.

Bitcoin—A user's perspective

In this section, we will see how the Bitcoin network looks from a user's point of view — how a transaction is made, how it propagates from the user to the network, and how transactions are verified and finally accumulated in blocks. We will look at the various actors and components of the Bitcoin network. Finally, some discussion on how all actors and components interact with each other to form the Bitcoin network will also be provided.

First, let's see that what the main components of a Bitcoin network are. Bitcoin is composed of the elements in the following list. We will further expand on these elements as we progress through the chapter:

  • Digital keys
  • Addresses
  • Transactions
  • Blockchain
  • Miners
  • The Bitcoin network
  • Wallets (client software)

Now, we will see how a user utilizes the Bitcoin network. The following example will help you to understand how the Bitcoin network looks from the end user's perspective. We will see what actors and components are involved in a Bitcoin transaction. One of the most common operations is sending funds to someone else; therefore, in the following example, we will see how a payment transaction can be sent from one user to another on the Bitcoin network.

Sending a payment

This example will demonstrate how money can be sent using the Bitcoin network from one user to another. There are several steps that are involved in this process. In this example, we are using the Blockchain wallet for mobile devices.

The steps are described as follows:

  1. First, either the payment is requested from a user who sends their Bitcoin address to the sender via email or some other means such as SMS, chat applications, or in fact any appropriate communication mechanism. The sender can also initiate a transfer to send money to another user. In both cases, the address of the beneficiary is required. As an example, the Blockchain wallet is shown in the following screenshot, where a payment request is being created:
    C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_02.png

    Figure 6.2: Bitcoin payment request (using the Blockchain wallet)

  2. The sender either enters the receiver's address or scans the QR code that has the Bitcoin address, amount, and an optional description encoded in it. The wallet application recognizes this QR code and decodes it into something like:
    "Please send <amount> BTC to address <receiver's Bitcoin address>".
  3. With actual values, this will look like the following:
    "Please send 0.00033324 BTC to address 1JzouJCVmMQBmTcd8K4Y5BP36gEFNn1ZJ3".
  4. This is also shown in the following screenshot:
    C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_03.png

    Figure 6.3: Bitcoin payment QR code

    The QR code shown in the preceding screenshot is decoded to: bitcoin://1JzouJCVmMQBmTcd8K4Y5BP36gEFNn1ZJ3?amount=0.00033324, which can be opened as a URL in a Bitcoin wallet.

  5. In the wallet application of the sender, this transaction is constructed by following some rules and is then broadcast to the Bitcoin network. This transaction is digitally signed using the private key of the sender before broadcasting it. How the transaction is created, digitally signed, broadcasted, validated, and added to the block will become clear in the following sections. From the user's point of view, once the QR code is decoded, the transaction will appear, similar to what is shown in the following screenshot:
    C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_04.png

    Figure 6.4: Sending BTC using the Blockchain wallet

    Note that in the preceding screenshot, there are a number of fields such as From, To, BTC, and Fee. While other fields are self-explanatory, it's worth noting that the fee is calculated based on size of the transaction and a fee rate, which is a value that depends on the volume of the transactions in the network at that time. This is measured in Satoshis per byte. Bitcoin network fees ensure that your transaction will be included by miners in the block.

    At times in the past, Bitcoin fees were so high that even for smaller transactions, a high fee was charged. This was due to the fact that miners are free to choose which transactions they pick to verify and add to a block, and they naturally select the ones with higher fees. A high number of users creating thousands of transactions also played a role in causing this situation of high fees because transactions were competing with each other to be picked up first and miners picked up the ones with the highest fees. This fee is also usually estimated and calculated by the Bitcoin wallet software automatically before sending the transaction. The higher the transaction fee, the greater the chances are that your transaction will be picked up as a priority and included in the block. This task is performed by the miners. Mining and miners are concepts that we will look at a bit later in this chapter in the section about Mining.

    Once the transaction is sent, it will appear in the wallet software as shown in the following screenshot:

    C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_05.png

    Figure 6.5: Transaction sent

  6. At this stage, the transaction has been constructed, signed, and sent out to the Bitcoin network. This transaction will be picked up by miners to be verified and included in the block. Also note that in the preceding screenshot, confirmation is pending for this transaction. These confirmations will start to appear as soon as the transaction is verified, included in the block, and mined. Also, the appropriate fee will be deducted from the original value to be transferred and will be paid to the miner who has included it in the block for mining.

The transaction flow described in the preceding list is illustrated in the following diagram, where a payment of 0.001267 BTC (approximately 11 USD) originated from the sender's address and has been paid to the receiver's address (starting with 1Jz). The fee of 0.00010622 (approximately 95 cents) has also been deducted from the transaction as a mining fee:

\ Blockchain GoldEdGraphicsChapter 4B09700_04_06.png

Figure 6.6: Transaction flow visualization (blockchain.info)

The preceding diagram visually shows how the transaction flowed on the network from the origin (the sender) to the receivers on the right-hand side.

A summary view of various attributes of the transaction is shown in the following screenshot:

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_07.png

Figure 6.7: Snapshot of the transaction taken from blockchain.info

Looking at the preceding screenshot, there are a number of fields that contain various values. Important fields are listed as follows with their purpose and explanation:

  • Size: This is the size of the transaction in bytes.
  • Weight: This is the new metric given for the block and transaction sizes since the introduction of the segregated witness (SegWit) soft fork version of Bitcoin. Please see Chapter 7, Bitcoin Network and Payments, for more information on SegWit.
  • Received time: This is the time when the transaction was received.
  • Included in blocks: This shows the block number on the blockchain in which the transaction is included.
  • Confirmations: This is the number of confirmations completed by miners for this transaction.
  • Total input: This is the number of total inputs in the transaction.
  • Total output: This is the number of total outputs from the transaction.
  • Fees: This is the total fee charged.
  • Fee per byte: This field represents the total fee divided by the number of bytes in the transaction; for example, 10 Satoshis per byte.
  • Fee per weight unit: For legacy transactions, this is calculated using the total number of bytes * 4. For SegWit transactions, it is calculated by combining a SegWit marker, flag, and witness field as one weight unit, and each byte of the other fields as four weight units.

The transaction ID of this transaction on the Bitcoin network is d28ca5a59b2239864eac1c96d3fd1c23b747f0ded8f5af0161bae8a616b56a1d. This can be further explored using the following link via the services provided by blockchain.info. This transaction ID is available in the wallet software after the transaction has been sent to the network. From there, it can be further explored using one of many Bitcoin blockchain explorers available online. We are using blockchain.info as an example, which can be found here:


Bitcoin transactions are serialized for transmission over the network and encoded in hex format. As an example, the transaction shown at the preceding URL is also shown in hex format as follows. We will see later, in the Transactions section, how this hex-encoded transaction can be decoded and which fields make up a transaction:

01000000017d3876b14a7ac16d8d550abc78345b6571134ff173918a096ef90ff0430 e12408b0000006b483045022100de6fd8120d9f142a82d5da9389e271caa3a757b017 57c8e4fa7afbf92e74257c02202a78d4fbd52ae9f3a0083760d76f84643cf8ab80f5e f971e3f98ccba2c71758d012102c16942555f5e633645895c9affcb994ea7910097b7 734a6c2d25468622f25e12ffffffff022c820000000000001976a914c568ffeb46c6a 9362e44a5a49deaa6eab05a619a88acc06c0100000000001976a9149386c8c880488e 80a6ce8f186f788f3585f74aee88ac00000000

In summary, a payment transaction in the Bitcoin network can be divided into the following steps:

  1. The transaction starts with a sender signing the transaction with their private key.
  2. The transaction is serialized so that it can be transmitted over the network.
  3. The transaction is broadcast to the network.
  4. Miners listening for transactions pick up the transaction.
  5. The transaction is verified for its legitimacy by the miners.
  6. The transaction is added to the candidate/proposed block for mining.
  7. Once mined, the result is broadcast to all nodes on the Bitcoin network.
  8. Usually, at this point, users wait for up to six confirmations to be received before a transaction is considered final; however, a transaction can be considered final at the previous step. Confirmations serve as an additional mechanism to ensure that there is probabilistically a very low chance for a transaction to be reverted, but otherwise, once a mined block is finalized and announced, the transactions within that block are final at that point.

Mining, transactions, and other relevant concepts will become clearer in the following sections in the chapter.

Bitcoin, being a digital currency, has various denominations, as shown in the following table. A sender or receiver can request any amount. The smallest Bitcoin denomination is the Satoshi. Bitcoin currency units are described as follows:

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_08.png

Figure 6.8: Bitcoin denominations

Now, we will introduce the building blocks of Bitcoin. First, we will look at the keys and addresses that are used to represent the ownership and transfer of value on the Bitcoin network.

Cryptographic keys

On the Bitcoin network, possession of Bitcoins and the transfer of value via transactions are reliant upon private keys, public keys, and addresses. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is used to generate public and private key pairs in the Bitcoin network. We have already covered these concepts in Chapter 4, Public Key Cryptography, and here we will see how private and public keys are used in the Bitcoin network.

Private keys in Bitcoin

Private keys are required to be kept safe and normally reside only on the owner's side. Private keys are used to digitally sign the transactions, proving ownership of the bitcoins.

Private keys are fundamentally 256-bit numbers randomly chosen in the range specified by the SECP256K1 ECDSA curve recommendation. Any randomly chosen 256-bit number from 0x1 to 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFE BAAE DCE6 AF48 A03B BFD2 5E8C D036 4140 is a valid private key.

Private keys are usually encoded using Wallet Import Format (WIF) in order to make them easier to copy and use. It is a way to represent the full-size private key in a different format. WIF can be converted into a private key and vice versa. The steps are described here.

For example, the consider the following private key:


When converted into WIF format, it looks as shown here:


Interested readers can do some experimentation using the tool available at http://gobittest.appspot.com/PrivateKey.

Also, mini private key format is sometimes used to create the private key with a maximum of 30 characters in order to allow storage where physical space is limited; for example, etching on physical coins or encoding in damage-resistant QR codes. The QR code is more damage resistant because more dots can be used for error correction and less for encoding the private key.

QR codes use Reed-Solomon error correction. Discussion on the error correction mechanism and its underlying details is out of the scope of this book, but interested readers can refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Error_correction for further information.

A private key encoded using mini private key format is also sometimes called a minikey. The first character of the mini private key is always the uppercase letter S. A mini private key can be converted into a normal-sized private key, but an existing normal-sized private key cannot be converted into a mini private key. This format was used in Casascius physical bitcoins.

Interested readers can find more information at https://en.Bitcoin.t/wiki/Casascius_physical_bitcoins.

Figure 6.9: A Casascius physical Bitcoin's security hologram paper with mini key and QR code

The Bitcoin core client also allows the encryption of the wallet that contains the private keys.

As we learned in Chapter 4, Public Key Cryptography, private keys have their own corresponding public keys. Public keys on their own are useless and private keys on their own are equally of no use. Pairs of public and private keys are required for the normal functioning of any public key cryptography-based systems such as the Bitcoin blockchain. In the next section, we introduce the usage of public keys in Bitcoin.

Public keys in Bitcoin

Public keys exist on the blockchain and all network participants can see them. Public keys are derived from private keys due to their special mathematical relationship with those private keys. Once a transaction signed with the private key is broadcast on the Bitcoin network, public keys are used by the nodes to verify that the transaction has indeed been signed with the corresponding private key. This process of verification proves the ownership of the bitcoin.

Bitcoin uses ECC based on the SECP256K1 standard. More specifically, it makes use of an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to ensure that funds remain secure and can only be spent by the legitimate owner. If you need to refresh the relevant cryptography concepts, you can refer to Chapter 4, Public Key Cryptography, where ECC was explained. Public keys can be represented in uncompressed or compressed format, and are fundamentally x and y coordinates on an elliptic curve. In uncompressed format, public keys are presented with a prefix of 0x4 in hexadecimal format. x and y coordinates are both 32 bytes in length. In total, a compressed public key is 33 bytes long, compared to the 65-byte uncompressed format. The compressed version of public keys include only the x part, since the y part can be derived from it.

The reason why the compressed version of public keys works is that if the ECC graph is visualized, it reveals that the y coordinate can be either below the x axis or above the x axis, and as the curve is symmetric, only the location in the prime field is required to be stored. If y is even then its value lies above the x axis, and if it is odd then it is below the x axis. This means that instead of storing both x and y as the public key, only x needs to be stored with the information about whether y is even or odd.

Initially, the Bitcoin client used uncompressed keys, but starting from Bitcoin Core client 0.6, compressed keys are used as standard. This resulted in an almost 50% reduction of space used to store public keys in the blockchain.

Keys are identified by various prefixes, described as follows:

  • Uncompressed public keys use 0x04 as the prefix. Uncompressed public keys are 65 bytes long. They are encoded as 256-bit unsigned big-endian integers (32 bytes), which are concatenated together and finally prefixed with a byte 0x04. This means 1 byte for the 0x04 prefix, 32 bytes for the x integer, and 32 bytes for y integer, which makes it 65 bytes in total.
  • Compressed public keys start with 0x03 if the y 32-byte (256-bit) part of the public key is odd. It is 33 bytes in length as 1 byte is used by the 0x03 prefix (depicting an odd y) and 32 bytes for storing the x coordinate.
  • Compressed public keys start with 0x02 if the y 32-byte (256-bit) part of the public key is even. It is 33 bytes in length as 1 byte is used by the 0x02 prefix (depicting an even y) and 32 bytes for storing the x coordinate.

Having talked about private and public keys, let's now move on to another important aspect of Bitcoin: addresses derived from public keys.

Addresses in Bitcoin

A Bitcoin address is created by taking the corresponding public key of a private key and hashing it twice, first with the SHA256 algorithm and then with RIPEMD160. The resultant 160-bit hash is then prefixed with a version number and finally encoded with a Base58Check encoding scheme. The Bitcoin addresses are 26-35 characters long and begin with digits 1 or 3.

A typical Bitcoin address looks like the string shown here:


Addresses are also commonly encoded in a QR code for easy distribution. The QR code of the preceding Bitcoin address is shown in the following image:

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_09.png

Figure 6.10: QR code of the Bitcoin address 1ANAguGG8bikEv2fYsTBnRUmx7QUcK58wt

Currently, there are two types of addresses, the commonly used P2PKH and another P2SH type, starting with numbers 1 and 3, respectively. In the early days, Bitcoin used direct Pay-to-Pubkey, which is now superseded by P2PKH. These types will be explained later in the chapter. However, direct Pay-to-Pubkey is still used in Bitcoin for coinbase addresses. Addresses should not be used more than once; otherwise, privacy and security issues can arise. Avoiding address reuse circumvents anonymity issues to an extent, but Bitcoin has some other security issues as well, such as transaction malleability, Sybil attacks, race attacks, and selfish mining, all of which require different approaches to resolve.

Transaction malleability has been resolved with the so-called SegWit soft-fork upgrade of the Bitcoin protocol. This concept will be explained later in the chapter.

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_10.jpg

Figure 6.11: From bitaddress.org, a private key and Bitcoin address in a paper wallet

Base58Check encoding

Bitcoin addresses are encoded using the Base58Check encoding. This encoding is used to limit the confusion between various characters, such as 0OIl, as they can look the same in different fonts. The encoding basically takes the binary byte arrays and converts them into human-readable strings. This string is composed by utilizing a set of 58 alphanumeric symbols. More explanation and logic can be found in the base58.h source file in the Bitcoin source code:

* Why base-58 instead of standard base-64 encoding?
* - Don't want 0OIl characters that look the same in some fonts and
*      could be used to create visually identical looking data.
* - A string with non-alphanumeric characters is not as easily accepted as input.
* - E-mail usually won't line-break if there's no punctuation to break at.
* - Double-clicking selects the whole string as one word if it's all alphanumeric.

This file is present in the Bitcoin source code and can be viewed at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/c8971547d9c9460fcbec6f54888df83f002c3dfd/src/base58.h.

Now that we have covered private keys, public keys, Base58 encoding, and addresses, with that knowledge we can now examine how a Bitcoin address is generated by using all these elements. We briefly touched on it when we introduced addresses in Bitcoin earlier, but now we will see this in more detail with a diagram.

The following diagram shows how an address is generated, from generating the private key to the final output of the Bitcoin address:

Figure 6.12: Address generation in Bitcoin

In the preceding diagram, there are several steps that we will now explain:

  1. In the first step, we have a randomly generated ECDSA private key.
  2. The public key is derived from the ECDSA private key.
  3. The public key is hashed using the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function.
  4. The hash generated in step 3 is hashed using the RIPEMD-160 hash function.
  5. The version number is prefixed to the RIPEMD-160 hash generated in step 4.
  6. The result produced in step 5 is hashed using the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function.
  7. SHA-256 is applied again.
  8. The first 4 bytes of the result produced from step 7 is the address checksum.
  9. This checksum is appended to the RIPEMD-160 hash generated in step 4.
  10. The resultant byte string is encoded into a Base58-encoded string by applying the Base58 encoding function.
  11. Finally, the result is a typical Bitcoin address.

In addition to common types of addresses in Bitcoin, there are some advanced types of addresses available in Bitcoin too. We discuss these next.

Vanity addresses

As Bitcoin addresses are based on Base58 encoding, it is possible to generate addresses that contain human-readable messages. An example is shown as follows—note that in the first line, the name BasHir appears:

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_12.jpg

Figure 6.13: Vanity public address encoded in QR

Vanity addresses are generated using a purely brute-force method. An example of a paper wallet with a vanity address is shown in the following screenshot:

C:UsersVijayashreeDesktop9700_graphics-20171204T085443Z-0019700_graphicsChapter 4B09700_04_13.jpg

Figure 6.14: Vanity address generated from https://bitcoinvanitygen.com/

In the preceding screenshot, on the right-hand bottom corner, the public vanity address is displayed with a QR code. The paper wallets can be stored physically as an alternative to the electronic storage of private keys.

Multi-signature addresses

As the name implies, these addresses require multiple private keys. In practical terms, this means that in order to release the coins, a certain set number of signatures is required. This is also known as M of N multisig. Here, M represents the threshold or minimum number of signatures required from N number of keys to release the Bitcoins.

Remember that we discussed this concept in Chapter 4, Public Key Cryptography.

With this section, we've finished our introduction to addresses in Bitcoin. In the next section, we will introduce Bitcoin transactions, which are the most fundamental and important aspect of Bitcoin.


Transactions are at the core of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Transactions can be as simple as just sending some bitcoins to a Bitcoin address, or can be quite complex, depending on the requirements. Each transaction is composed of at least one input and output. Inputs can be thought of as coins being spent that have been created in a previous transaction, and outputs as coins being created. If a transaction is minting new coins, then there is no input, and therefore no signature is needed. If a transaction should send coins to some other user (a Bitcoin address), then it needs to be signed by the sender with their private key. In this case, a reference is also required to the previous transaction to show the origin of the coins. Coins are unspent transaction outputs represented in Satoshis.

Transactions are not encrypted and are publicly visible on the blockchain. Blocks are made up of transactions, and these can be viewed using any online blockchain explorer.

The transaction lifecycle

Now, let's look at the lifecycle of a Bitcoin transaction. The steps of the process are as follows:

  1. A user/sender sends a transaction using wallet software or some other interface.
  2. The wallet software signs the transaction using the sender's private key.
  3. The transaction is broadcasted to the Bitcoin network using a flooding algorithm.
  4. Mining nodes (miners) who are listening for the transactions verify and include this transaction in the next block to be mined. Just before the transactions are placed in the block, they are placed in a special memory buffer called the transaction pool. The purpose of the transaction pool is explained in the next section.
  5. Next, the mining starts, which is the process through which the blockchain is secured and new coins are generated as a reward for the miners who spend appropriate computational resources. Once a miner solves the PoW problem, it broadcasts the newly mined block to the network. PoW is explained in detail in the Mining section. The nodes verify the block and propagate the block further, and confirmations start to generate.
  6. Finally, the confirmations start to appear in the receiver's wallet and after approximately three confirmations, the transaction is considered finalized and confirmed. However, three to six is just a recommended number; the transaction can be considered final even after the first confirmation. The key idea behind waiting for six confirmations is that the probability of double spending is virtually eliminated after six confirmations.

When a transaction is created by a user and sent to the network, it ends up in a special area on each Bitcoin software client. This special area is called the transaction pool or memory pool.

Transaction pool

Also known as memory pools, these pools are basically created in local memory (computer RAM) by nodes (Bitcoin clients) in order to maintain a temporary list of transactions that have not yet been added to a block. Miners pick up transactions from these memory pools to create candidate blocks. Miners select transactions from the pool after they pass the verification and validity checks. The selection of which transactions to choose is based on the fee and their place in the order of transactions in the pool. Miners prefer to pick up transactions with higher fees.

To send transactions on the Bitcoin network, the sender needs to pay a fee to the miners. This fee is an incentive mechanism for the miners.

Transaction fees

Transaction fees are charged by the miners. The fee charged is dependent upon the size and weight of the transaction. Transaction fees are calculated by subtracting the sum of the inputs from the sum of the outputs.

A simple formula can be used:

fee = sum(inputs) – sum(outputs)

The fees are used as an incentive for miners to encourage them to include users' transactions in the block the miners are creating. All transactions end up in the memory pool, from where miners pick up transactions based on their priority to include them in the proposed block. The calculation of priority is introduced later in this chapter; however, from a transaction fee point of view, a transaction with a higher fee will be picked up sooner by the miners. There are different rules based on which fee is calculated for various types of actions, such as sending transactions, inclusion in blocks, and relaying by nodes.

Fees are not fixed by the Bitcoin protocol and are not mandatory; even a transaction with no fee will be processed in due course, but may take a very long time. This is, however, no longer practical due to the high volume of transactions and competing investors on the Bitcoin network, therefore it is advisable to always provide a fee. The time for transaction confirmation usually ranges from 10 minutes to over 12 hours in some cases. Transaction time is dependent on transaction fees and network activity. If the network is very busy, then naturally, transactions will take longer to process, and if you pay a higher fee then your transaction is more likely to be picked by miners first due to the additional incentive of the higher fee.

A transaction on the Bitcoin network is represented by a data structure that consists of several fields. We will now introduce the transaction data structure.

The transaction data structure

A transaction at a high level contains metadata, inputs, and outputs. Transactions are combined to create a block's body.

The transaction data structure is shown in the following table:




Version number

4 bytes

Specifies the rules to be used by the miners and nodes for transaction processing. There are two versions of transactions, that is, 1 and 2.

Input counter

1–9 bytes

The number (a positive integer) of inputs included in the transaction.

List of inputs


Each input is composed of several fields. These include:

  • The previous transaction hash
  • The index of the previous transaction
  • Transaction script length
  • Transaction script
  • Sequence number

The first transaction in a block is also called a coinbase transaction. It specifies one or more transaction inputs. In summary, this field describes which Bitcoins are going to be spent.

Output counter

1–9 bytes

A positive integer representing the number of outputs.

List of outputs


Outputs included in the transaction. This field depicts the target recipient(s) of the Bitcoins.

Lock time

4 bytes

This field defines the earliest time when a transaction becomes valid. It is either a Unix timestamp or the block height.

The following sample transaction is the decoded transaction from the first example of a payment provided at the start of this chapter:

         "script_string":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 c568ffeb46c6a9362e44a5a49deaa6eab05a619a OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
         "script_string":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 9386c8c880488e80a6ce8f186f788f3585f74aee OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",

As shown in the preceding decoded transaction, there are a number of structures that make up the transaction. All these elements will be described now.


This part of the transaction contains values such as the size of the transaction, the number of inputs and outputs, the hash of the transaction, and a lock_time field. Every transaction has a prefix specifying the version number. These fields are shown in the preceding example as lock_time, size, and version.


Generally, each input spends a previous output. Each output is considered an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) until an input consumes it. A UTXO is an unspent transaction output that can be spent as an input to a new transaction.

The transaction input data structure is explained in the following table:




Transaction hash

32 bytes

The hash of the previous transaction with UTXO

Output index

4 bytes

This is the previous transaction's output index, such as UTXO to be spent

Script length

1-9 bytes

Size of the unlocking script

Unlocking script


Input script (ScriptSig), which satisfies the requirements of the locking script

Sequence number

4 bytes

Usually disabled or contains lock time — disabled is represented by 0xFFFFFFFF

In the previous sample decoded transaction, the inputs are defined under the "inputs" : [ section.


Outputs have three fields, and they contain instructions for sending bitcoins. The first field contains the amount of Satoshis, whereas the second field contains the size of the locking script. Finally, the third field contains a locking script that holds the conditions that need to be met in order for the output to be spent. More information on transaction spending using locking and unlocking scripts and producing outputs is discussed later in this section.

The transaction output data structure is explained in the following table:





8 bytes

The total number (in positive integers) of Satoshis to be transferred

Script size

1 – 9 bytes

Size of the locking script

Locking script


Output script (ScriptPubKey)

In the previous sample decoded transaction, two outputs are shown under the "out":[ section.


Verification is performed using Bitcoin's scripting language, which we will now describe in the next section in detail.

The Script language

Bitcoin uses a simple stack-based language called Script to describe how bitcoins can be spent and transferred. It is not Turing complete and has no loops to avoid any undesirable effects of long-running/hung scripts on the Bitcoin network. This scripting language is based on a Forth programming language-like syntax and uses a reverse polish notation in which every operand is followed by its operators. It is evaluated from left to right using a Last in, First Out (LIFO) stack.

Scripts are composed of two components, namely elements and operations. Scripts use various operations (opcodes) or instructions to define their operations. Elements simply represent data such as digital signatures. Opcodes are also known as words, commands, or functions. Earlier versions of the Bitcoin node software had a few opcodes that are no longer used due to bugs discovered in their design.

The various categories of the scripting opcodes are constants, flow control, stack, bitwise logic, splice, arithmetic, cryptography, and lock time.

A transaction script is evaluated by combining ScriptSig and ScriptPubKey. ScriptSig is the unlocking script, whereas ScriptPubKey is the locking script. We will now describe how a transaction is unlocked and spent:

  • ScriptSig is provided by the user who wishes to unlock the transaction
  • ScriptPubKey is part of the transaction output and specifies the conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to spend the output

In other words, outputs are locked by the ScriptPubKey (the locking script), which contains the conditions that when met, will unlock the output, and the coins can then be redeemed. We will see the script execution in detail shortly.

Commonly used opcodes

In a computer, an opcode is an instruction to perform some operation. For example, ADD is an opcode, which is used for integer addition in Intel CPUs and various other architectures. Similarly, in Bitcoin design, opcodes are introduced that perform several operations related to Bitcoin transaction verification.

All opcodes are declared in the script.h file in the Bitcoin reference client source code, available at https://github.com/Bitcoin/Bitcoin/blob/0cda5573405d75d695aba417e8f22f1301ded001/src/script/script.h#L53.

A description of some of the most commonly used opcodes is listed in the following table, extracted from the Bitcoin Developer's Guide:




This takes a public key and signature and validates the signature of the hash of the transaction. If it matches, then TRUE is pushed onto the stack; otherwise, FALSE is pushed.


This returns 1 if the inputs are exactly equal; otherwise, 0 is returned.


This duplicates the top item in the stack.


The input is hashed twice, first with SHA-256 and then with RIPEMD-160.


This marks the transaction as invalid if the top stack value is not true.


This is the same as OP_EQUAL, but it runs OP_VERIFY afterward.


This instruction takes the first signature and compares it against each public key until a match is found and repeats this process until all signatures are checked. If all signatures turn out to be valid, then a value of 1 is returned as a result; otherwise, 0 is returned.


The input is hashed twice with SHA-256.


This returns the larger value of two inputs.

There are many opcodes in the Bitcoin scripting language, and covering all of them is out of scope of this book. Interested readers can refer to the complete list and relevant details at https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script#Opcodes.

Now that we've covered the transaction life cycle and data structure, let's move on to talk about the types of scripts used to undertake these transactions.

Types of scripts

There are various standard scripts available in Bitcoin to handle the verification and value transfer from the source to the destination. These scripts range from very simple to quite complex depending upon the requirements of the transaction. Standard transaction types are discussed here. Standard transactions are evaluated using the IsStandard() and IsStandardTx() tests and only those transactions that pass the test are allowed to be broadcasted or mined on the Bitcoin network. However, nonstandard transactions are also allowed on the network, as long as they pass the validity checks:

  • Pay-to-Public-Key Hash (P2PKH): P2PKH is the most commonly used transaction type and is used to send transactions to Bitcoin addresses. The format of this type of transaction is shown as follows:
    ScriptSig: <sig> <pubKey>

    The ScriptPubKey and ScriptSig parameters are concatenated together and executed. An example will follow shortly in this section, where this is explained in more detail.

  • Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH): P2SH is used in order to send transactions to a script hash (that is, addresses starting with 3) and was standardized in BIP16. In addition to passing the script, the redeem script is also evaluated and must be valid. The template is shown as follows:
    ScriptPubKey: OP_HASH160 <redeemScriptHash> OP_EQUAL
    ScriptSig: [<sig>…<sign>] <redeemScript>
  • MultiSig (Pay to MultiSig): The M of N multisignature transaction script is a complex type of script where it is possible to construct a script that requires multiple signatures to be valid in order to redeem a transaction. Various complex transactions such as escrow and deposits can be built using this script. The template is shown here:
    ScriptPubKey: <m> <pubKey> [<pubKey> . . . ] <n> OP_CHECKMULTISIG
    ScriptSig: 0 [<sig > . . . <sign>]

    Raw multisig is obsolete, and multisig is now usually part of the P2SH redeem script, mentioned in the previous bullet point.

  • Pay to Pubkey: This script is a very simple script that is commonly used in coinbase transactions. It is now obsolete and was used in an old version of Bitcoin. The public key is stored within the script in this case, and the unlocking script is required to sign the transaction with the private key. The template is shown as follows:
    <PubKey> OP_CHECKSIG
  • Null data/OP_RETURN: This script is used to store arbitrary data on the blockchain for a fee. The limit of the message is 40 bytes. The output of this script is unredeemable because OP_RETURN will fail the validation in any case. ScriptSig is not required in this case. The template is very simple and is shown as follows:
    OP_RETURN <data>

The P2PKH script execution is shown in the following diagram:

Figure 6.15: P2PKH script execution

In the preceding diagram, we have a standard P2PKH script presented on top, which shows both the unlocking (ScriptSig) and locking (ScriptPubKey) parts of the script.

Recall that in the introduction of the Script language; we mentioned that a Bitcoin script is composed of two parts, an unlocking script and a locking script. The unlocking script is composed of <sig> and <pubkey> elements, which are part of all transaction inputs. The unlocking script satisfies the conditions that are required to consume the output. The locking script defines the conditions that are required to be met to spend the bitcoins. Transactions are authorized by executing both of these parts collectively.

In simple words, locking means providing Bitcoins to somebody, whereas unlocking means consuming the acquired Bitcoins.

Now focusing again on the previous diagram, we see that in the middle we have a visualization of the stack where the data elements are pushed and popped from. In the bottom section, we show the execution of the script. This diagram shows the step-by-step execution of the script with its outcome on the stack.

Now let's examine how this script is executed:

  1. In the first step of the data elements, <sig> and <pubkey> are placed on the stack.
  2. The stack item at the top <pubkey> is duplicated due to the OP_DUP instruction, which duplicates the top stack item.
  3. After this, the instruction OP_HASH160 executes, which produces the hash of <pubkey>, which is the top element in the stack.
  4. <pubkeyhash> is then pushed on to the stack. At this stage, we have two hashes on the stack: the one that is produced as a result of executing OP_HASH160 on <pubkey> from the unlocking script, and the other one provided by the locking script.
  5. Now the OP_EQUALVERIFY opcode instruction executes and checks that whether the top two elements (that is, the hashes) are equal or not. If they are equal, the script continues, otherwise it fails.
  6. Finally, OP_CHECKSIG executes to check the validity of the signatures of the top two elements of the stack. If the signature is valid then the stack will contain the value True that is, 1, otherwise False , that is, 0.

All transactions are encoded into hex format before being transmitted over the Bitcoin network. The following sample transaction is shown in hex format, and is retrieved using bitcoin-cli on the Bitcoin node running on mainnet by using the following command:

$ bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction "d28ca5a59b2239864eac1c96d3fd1c23b747f0ded8f5af0161bae8a616b56a1d"
  "result":"01000000017d3876b14a7ac16d8d550abc78345b6571134ff173918a096ef90ff043 0e12408b0000006b483045022100de6fd8120d9f142a82d5da9389e271caa3a757b01 757c8e4fa7afbf92e74257c02202a78d4fbd52ae9f3a0083760d76f84643cf8ab80f5 ef971e3f98ccba2c71758d012102c16942555f5e633645895c9affcb994ea7910097b 7734a6c2d25468622f25e12ffffffff022c820000000000001976a914c568ffeb46c6 a9362e44a5a49deaa6eab05a619a88acc06c0100000000001976a9149386c8c880488 e80a6ce8f186f788f3585f74aee88ac00000000", "error": null, "id": null }

Note that this is the same transaction that was presented as an example at the start of this chapter.

Scripting is quite limited and can only be used to program one thing—the transfer of bitcoins from one address to other addresses. However, there is some flexibility possible when creating these scripts, which allows for certain conditions to be put on the spending of the bitcoins. This set of conditions can be considered a basic form of a financial contract. In other words, we can say that there is a basic support for building contracts in Bitcoin. However, it is not same as smart contracts, which allow the writing of arbitrary programs on the blockchain.

We will discuss smart contracts in detail later in Chapter 10, Smart Contracts, but for now, we will introduce the concept of contracts in Bitcoin.


Contracts are Bitcoin scripts that use the Bitcoin blockchain to enforce a financial agreement. This is a simple definition but has far-reaching consequences as it allows users to programmatically create complex contracts that can be used in many real-world scenarios. Contracts allow the development of completely decentralized, independent, and reduced-risk platforms by programmatically enforcing different conditions for unlocking the money (bitcoins). With the security guarantees provided by the Bitcoin blockchain, it is almost impossible to circumvent these conditions.

Various contracts, such as escrow, arbitration, and micropayment channels, can be built using the Bitcoin scripting language. The current implementation of the script language is minimal, but it is still possible to develop various types of complex contracts. For example, we could set the release of funds to be allowed only when multiple parties sign the transaction, or release the funds only after a specific amount of time has elapsed. Both of these scenarios can be realized using the multisig and transaction lock time options.

Even though the scripting language in Bitcoin can be used to create complex contracts, it is quite limited and is not at all on par with the smart contracts, which are Turing complete constructs and allow arbitrary program development.

Recently, however, there has some more advancement in this area. A new smart contract language for Bitcoin has been announced, called Miniscript, which will be discussed next.


This language allows for a more structured approach to writing Bitcoin scripts. Even though Bitcoin Script supports combinations of different spending conditions, such as time and hash locks, it is not easy to analyze existing scripts or build new complex scripts. Miniscript makes it easier to write complex spending rules. It also makes it easier to ascertain the correctness of the script.

Currently, Miniscript supports P2WSH and P2SH-P2WSH, and offers limited support for P2SH.

More information on Miniscript is available at http://bitcoin.sipa.be/miniscript/.

Coinbase transactions

A coinbase transaction or generation transaction is always created by a miner and is the first transaction in a block. It is used to create new coins. It includes a special field, also called the coinbase, which acts as an input to the coinbase transaction. This transaction also allows up to 100 bytes of arbitrary data storage.

A coinbase transaction input has the same number of fields as a usual transaction input, but the structure contains the coinbase data size and fields instead of the unlocking script size and fields. Also, it does not have a reference pointer to the previous transaction. This structure is shown in the following table:




Transaction hash

32 bytes

Set to all zeroes as no hash reference is used

Output index

4 bytes


Coinbase data length

1-9 bytes

2-100 bytes



Any data

Sequence number

4 bytes


All transactions in the Bitcoin system go under a validation mechanism. We introduce how Bitcoin transactions are validated in the next section.

Transaction validation

This verification process is performed by Bitcoin nodes. There are three main things that nodes check when verifying a transaction:

  1. That transaction inputs are previously unspent. This validation step prevents double spending by verifying that the transaction inputs have not already been spent by someone else.
  2. That the sum of the transaction outputs is not more than the total sum of the transaction inputs. However, both input and output sums can be the same, or the sum of the input (total value) could be more than the total value of the outputs. This check ensures that no new bitcoins are created out of thin air.
  3. That the digital signatures are valid, which ensures that the script is valid.

Even though transaction construction and validation are generally a secure and sound process, some vulnerabilities exist in Bitcoin. We will now introduce some Bitcoin's infamous shortcomings.

Transaction bugs

The following are two major Bitcoin vulnerabilities that have been infamously exploited.

Transaction malleability

Transaction malleability is a Bitcoin attack that was introduced due to a bug in the Bitcoin implementation. Due to this bug, it became possible for an adversary to change the transaction ID of a transaction, thus resulting in a scenario where it would appear that a certain transaction has not been executed.

This can allow scenarios where double deposits or withdrawals can occur. In other words, this bug allows the changing of the unique ID of a Bitcoin transaction before it is confirmed. If the ID is changed before confirmation without making the transaction invalid, it would seem that the transaction did not occur at all, which can then give the false impression that the transaction has not been executed, thus allowing double-deposit or withdrawal attacks.

Value overflow

This incident is one of the most well-known events in Bitcoin history. On 15 August 2010, a transaction was discovered that created roughly 184 billion bitcoins. This problem occurred due to the integer overflow bug where the amount field in the Bitcoin code was defined as a signed integer instead of an unsigned integer. This bug means that the amount can also be negative, and resulted in a situation where the outputs were so large that the total value resulted in an overflow. To the validation logic in Bitcoin code, all appeared to be correct, and it looked like the fee was also positive (after the overflow). This bug was fixed via a soft fork (more on this in the Blockchain section) quickly after its discovery.

More information on this vulnerability is available at https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-5139.

Security research in general, and specifically in the world of Bitcoin (cryptocurrency/blockchain), is a fascinating subject; perhaps some readers will look at the vulnerability examples in the following links for inspiration and embark on a journey to discover some more vulnerabilities.

An example of a recently resolved critical problem in Bitcoin, which remained undiscovered for quite some time, can be found at https://Bitcoincore.org/en/2019/11/08/CVE-2017-18350/.

Another example of a critical inflation and denial-of-service bug, which was discovered on September 17, 2018 and fixed rapidly, is detailed at https://Bitcoincore.org/en/2018/09/20/notice/.

Perhaps there are still some bugs that are yet to be discovered!

Now that we understand the fundamentals of how Bitcoin transactions work, and we appreciate some of the security-related aspects of Bitcoin, let's now look at the Bitcoin blockchain, which is the foundation of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.


As we discussed in Chapter 1, Blockchain 101, a blockchain is a distributed ledger of transactions. Specifically, from Bitcoin's perspective, the blockchain can be defined as a public, distributed ledger holding a timestamped, ordered, and immutable record of all transactions on the Bitcoin network. Transactions are picked up by miners and bundled into blocks for mining. Each block is identified by a hash and is linked to its previous block by referencing the previous block's hash in its header.

The data structure of a Bitcoin block is shown in the following table:




Block size

4 bytes

The size of the block.

Block header

80 bytes

This includes fields from the block header described in the next section.

Transaction counter


The field contains the total number of transactions in the block, including the coinbase transaction. Size ranges from 1-9 bytes.



All transactions in the block.

The block header mentioned in the previous table is a data structure that contains several fields. This is shown in the following table:





4 bytes

The block version number that dictates the block validation rules to follow.

Previous block's header hash

32 bytes

This is a double SHA256 hash of the previous block's header.

Merkle root hash

32 bytes

This is a double SHA256 hash of the Merkle tree of all transactions included in the block.


4 bytes

This field contains the approximate creation time of the block in Unix-epoch time format. More precisely, this is the time when the miner started hashing the header (the time from the miner's location).

Difficulty target

4 bytes

This is the current difficulty target of the network/block.


4 bytes

This is an arbitrary number that miners change repeatedly to produce a hash that is lower than the difficulty target.

The following diagram provides a detailed view of the blockchain structure. As shown in the following diagram, blockchain is a chain of blocks where each block is linked to its previous block by referencing the previous block header's hash. This linking makes sure that no transaction can be modified unless the block that records it and all blocks that follow it are also modified. The first block is not linked to any previous block and is known as the genesis block:

Figure 6.16: A visualization of blockchain, block, block header, transactions, and scripts

The preceding diagram shows a high-level overview of the Bitcoin blockchain. On the left-hand side, blocks are shown starting from bottom to top. Each block contains transactions and block headers, which are further magnified on the right-hand side. At the top, first, the block header is enlarged to show various elements within the block header. Then on the right-hand side, the Merkle root element of the block header is shown in magnified view, which shows how Merkle root is constructed.

We have discussed Merkle trees in detail previously. You can refer to Chapter 4, Public Key Cryptography, if you need to revise the concept.

Further down the diagram, transactions are also magnified to show the structure of a transaction and the elements that it contains. Also, note that transactions are then further elaborated to show what locking and unlocking scripts look like. The size (in bytes) of each field of block, header and transaction is also shown as a number under the name of the field.

Let's move on to discuss the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain: the genesis block.

The genesis block

This is the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain. The genesis block was hardcoded in the Bitcoin core software. In the genesis block, the coinbase transaction included a comment taken from The Times newspaper:

"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"

This message is a proof that the first Bitcoin block (genesis block) was not mined earlier than January 3rd, 2009. This is because the genesis block was created on January 3rd, 2009 and this news excerpt was taken from that day's newspaper.

The following representation of the genesis block code can be found in the chainparams.cpp file available at https://github.com/Bitcoin/Bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp:

static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward)
    const char* pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
    const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
    return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward);

Bitcoin provides protection against double-spending by enforcing strict rules on transaction verification and via mining. Transactions and blocks are added to the blockchain only after the strict rule-checking explained in the Transaction validation section on successful PoW solutions.

Block height is the number of blocks before a particular block in the blockchain. PoW is used to secure the blockchain. Each block contains one or more transactions, out of which the first transaction is the coinbase transaction. There is a special condition for coinbase transactions that prevent them from being spent until at least 100 blocks have passed in order to avoid a situation where the block may be declared stale later on.

Stale and orphan blocks

Stale blocks are old blocks that have already been mined. Miners who keep working on these blocks due to a fork, where the longest chain (main chain) has already progressed beyond those blocks, are said to be working on a stale block. In other words, these blocks exist on a shorter chain, and will not provide any reward to their miners.

Orphan blocks are a slightly different concept. Their parent blocks are unknown. As their parents are unknown, they cannot be validated. This problem occurs when two or more miners discover a block at almost the same time. These are valid blocks and were correctly discovered at some point in the past but now they are no longer part of the main chain. The reason why this occurs is that if there are two blocks discovered at almost the same time, the one with a larger amount of PoW will be accepted and the one with the lower amount of work will be rejected. Similar to stale blocks, they do not provide any reward to their miners.

We can see this concept visually in the following diagram:

Figure 6.17: Orphan and stale blocks

In the preceding introduction to stale blocks, we introduced a new term, a fork. A fork is a condition that occurs when two different versions of the blockchain exist. It is acceptable in some conditions, and detrimental in a few others. There are different types of forks that can occur in a blockchain:

  • Temporary forks
  • Soft forks
  • Hard forks

Because of the distributed nature of Bitcoin, network forks can occur inherently. In cases where two nodes simultaneously announce a valid block, it can result in a situation where there are two blockchains with different transactions. This is an undesirable situation but can be addressed by the Bitcoin network only by accepting the longest chain. In this case, the smaller chain will be considered orphaned. If an adversary manages to gain control of 51% of the network hash rate (computational power), then they can impose their own version of the transaction history.

Forks in a blockchain can also occur with the introduction of changes to the Bitcoin protocol. In the case of a soft fork, a client that chooses not to upgrade to the latest version supporting the updated protocol will still be able to work and operate normally. In this case, new and previous blocks are both acceptable, thus making a soft fork backward compatible. Miners are only required to upgrade to the new soft fork client software in order to make use of the new protocol rules. Planned upgrades do not necessarily create forks because all users should have updated already.

A hard fork, on the other hand, invalidates previously valid blocks and requires all users to upgrade. New transaction types are sometimes added as a soft fork, and any changes such as block structure changes or major protocol changes result in a hard fork.

As Bitcoin evolves and new upgrades and innovations are introduced in it, the version associated with blocks also changes. These versions introduce various security parameters and new features. The latest Bitcoin block version is 4, which was proposed with BIP65 and has been used since Bitcoin Core client 0.11.2. Since the implementation of BIP9, bits in the nVersion field are used to indicate soft-fork changes.

Size of the blockchain

Bitcoin is an ever-growing chain of blocks and is increasing in size. The current size of the Bitcoin blockchain stands at approximately 269 GB. The following figure shows the increase in size of the blockchain over time:


Figure 6.18: Size of Bitcoin blockchain over time

As the chain grows and more miners are added to the network, the network difficulty also increases.

Network difficulty

Network difficulty refers to a measure of how difficult it is to find a new block, or in other words, how difficult it is to find a hash below the given target.

New blocks are added to the blockchain approximately every 10 minutes, and the network difficulty is adjusted dynamically every 2,016 blocks in order to maintain a steady addition of new blocks to the network.

Network difficulty is calculated using the following equation:

Target = Previous target * Time/2016 * 10 minutes

Difficulty and target are interchangeable and represent the same thing. The Previous target represents the old target value, and Time is the time spent to generate the previous 2,016 blocks. Network difficulty essentially means how hard it is for miners to find a new block; that is, how difficult the hashing puzzle is now.

In the next section, mining is discussed, which will explain how the hashing puzzle is solved.


Mining is a process by which new blocks are added to the blockchain. Blocks contain transactions that are validated via the mining process by mining nodes on the Bitcoin network. Blocks, once mined and verified, are added to the blockchain, which keeps the blockchain growing. This process is resource-intensive due to the requirements of PoW, where miners compete to find a number less than the difficulty target of the network. This difficulty in finding the correct value (also called sometimes the mathematical puzzle) is there to ensure that miners have spent the required resources before a new proposed block can be accepted. The miners mint new coins by solving the PoW problem, also known as the partial hash inversion problem. This process consumes a high amount of resources, including computing power and electricity. This process also secures the system against fraud and double-spending attacks while adding more virtual currency to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Roughly one new block is created (mined) every 10 minutes to control the frequency of generation of bitcoins. This frequency needs to be maintained by the Bitcoin network. It is encoded in the Bitcoin Core client to control the "money supply."

Approximately 144 blocks, that is, 1,728 bitcoins, are generated per day. The number of actual coins can vary per day; however, the number of blocks remains at an average of 144 per day. Bitcoin supply is also limited. In 2140, all 21 million bitcoins will be finally created, and no new bitcoins can be created after that. Bitcoin miners, however, will still be able to profit from the ecosystem by charging transaction fees.

Tasks of the miners

Once a node connects to the Bitcoin network, there are several tasks that a Bitcoin miner performs:

  1. Synching up with the network: Once a new node joins the Bitcoin network, it downloads the blockchain by requesting historical blocks from other nodes. This is mentioned here in the context of the Bitcoin miner; however, this not necessarily a task that only concerns miners.
  2. Transaction validation: Transactions broadcast on the network are validated by full nodes by verifying and validating signatures and outputs.
  3. Block validation: Miners and full nodes can start validating blocks received by them by evaluating them against certain rules. This includes the verification of each transaction in the block along with verification of the nonce value.
  4. Create a new block: Miners propose a new block by combining transactions broadcast on the network after validating them.
  5. Perform PoW: This task is the core of the mining process and this is where miners find a valid block by solving a computational puzzle. The block header contains a 32-bit nonce field and miners are required to repeatedly vary the nonce until the resultant hash is less than a predetermined target.
  6. Fetch reward: Once a node solves the hash puzzle (PoW), it immediately broadcasts the results, and other nodes verify it and accept the block. There is a slight chance that the newly minted block will not be accepted by other miners on the network due to a clash with another block found at roughly the same time, but once accepted, the miner is rewarded with 12.5 bitcoins and any associated transaction fees.

We've discussed the tasks—let's now consider the rewards for performing them.

Mining rewards

Miners are rewarded with new coins if and when they discover new blocks by solving the PoW. Miners are paid transaction fees in return, for the transactions in their proposed blocks. New blocks are created at an approximate fixed rate of every 10 minutes. The rate of creation of new bitcoins decreases by 50% every 210,000 blocks, which is roughly every 4 years. When Bitcoin started in 2009, the mining reward used to be 50 bitcoins. After every 210,000 blocks, the block reward halves. In November 2012 it halved down to 25 bitcoins. Currently, since May 2020, it is 6.25 bitcoins per block. This mechanism is hardcoded in Bitcoin to regulate and control inflation and limit the supply of bitcoins.

In order for miners to earn the reward, they have to show that they have solved the computational puzzle. This is called the PoW.

Proof of Work

This is a proof that enough computational resources have been spent in order to build a valid block. PoW is based on the idea that a random node is selected every time to create a new block. In this model, nodes compete with each other in proportion to their computing capacity, in order to be selected. The following equation sums up the PoW requirement in Bitcoin:

H ( N || P_hash || Tx || Tx || . . . Tx) < Target

Here, N is a nonce, P_hash is a hash of the previous block, Tx represents transactions in the block, and Target is the target network difficulty value. This means that the hash of the previously mentioned concatenated fields should be less than the target hash value.

The only way to find this nonce is the brute force method. Once a certain pattern of a certain number of zeroes is met by a miner, the block is immediately broadcast and accepted by other miners.

The mining algorithm

The mining algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. The previous block's header is retrieved from the Bitcoin network.
  2. Assemble a set of transactions broadcast on the network into a block to be proposed.
  3. Compute the double hash of the previous block's header, combined with a nonce and the newly proposed block, using the SHA256 algorithm.
  4. Check if the resulting hash is lower than the current difficulty level (the target), then PoW is solved. As a result of successful PoW, the discovered block is broadcasted to the network and miners fetch the reward.
  5. If the resultant hash is not less than the current difficulty level (target), then repeat the process after incrementing the nonce.

As the hash rate of the Bitcoin network increased, the total amount of the 32-bit nonce was exhausted too quickly. In order to address this issue, the extra nonce solution was implemented, whereby the coinbase transaction is used to provide a larger range of nonces to be searched by the miners.

This process is visualized in the following flowchart:

Figure 6.19: Mining process

Mining difficulty increases over time and bitcoins that could once be mined by a single-CPU laptop computer now require dedicated mining centers to solve the hash puzzle. The current difficulty level can be queried through the Bitcoin command-line interface using the following command:

$ bitcoin-cli getdifficulty 

This generates something like the following:


This number represents the difficulty level of the Bitcoin network. Recall from previous sections that miners compete to find a solution to a problem. This number, in fact, shows how difficult it is to find a hash lower than the network difficulty target. All successfully mined blocks must contain a hash that is less than this target number. This number is updated every 2 weeks or 2,016 blocks to ensure that on average, the 10-minute block generation time is maintained. Bitcoin network difficulty has increased in a roughly exponential fashion. The following graph shows this difficulty level over a period of one year:


Figure 6.20: Mining difficulty since late 2018

The preceding graph shows the difficulty of the Bitcoin network over last year, and it has increased quite significantly. The reason why mining difficulty increases is because, in Bitcoin, the block generation time always has to be around 10 minutes. This means that if blocks are being mined too quickly because of faster hardware, the difficulty increases accordingly so that the block generation time can remain at roughly 10 minutes per block. This phenomenon is also true in reverse. If blocks take longer than 10 minutes on average to mine, then the difficulty is decreased. The difficulty is calculated every 2,016 blocks (around two weeks) and adjusted accordingly. If the previous set of 2,016 blocks were mined in a period of less than two weeks, then the difficulty increases. Similarly, if 2,016 blocks were found in more than two weeks (bearing in mind that if blocks are mined every 10 minutes, then 2,016 blocks take 2 weeks to be mined), then the difficulty is decreased.

The Bitcoin miners have to calculate hashes to solve the PoW algorithm. If the difficulty goes up then a higher hash rate is required to find the blocks. The difficulty increases accordingly if more hashing power is added due to more miners joining the network. Now let's explain the hash rate in a bit more detail.

The hash rate

The hash rate basically represents the rate of hash calculation per second. In other words, this is the speed at which miners in the Bitcoin network are calculating hashes to find a block. In the early days of Bitcoin, it used to be quite small, as CPUs were used, which are relatively weak in mining terms. However, with dedicated mining pools and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) now, this has gone up exponentially in the last few years. This has resulted in increased difficulty in the Bitcoin network.

The following hash rate graph shows the hash rate increases over time and is currently measured in exa-hashes. This means that in 1 second, Bitcoin network miners are computing more than 24,000,000,000,000,000,000 hashes per second:


Figure 6.21: Hashing rate over time (measured in exa-hashes), shown over a period of 1 year

Mining systems

Over time, Bitcoin miners have used various methods to mine bitcoins. As the core principle behind mining is based on the double SHA256 algorithm, over time, experts have developed sophisticated systems to calculate the hash faster and faster. The following is a review of the different types of mining methods used in Bitcoin and how they evolved with time.


CPU mining was the first type of mining available in the original Bitcoin client. Users could even use laptop or desktop computers to mine bitcoins. CPU mining is no longer profitable and now more advanced mining methods such as ASIC-based mining are used. CPU mining only lasted for around a year from the introduction of Bitcoin, and soon other methods were explored and tried by the miners.


Due to the increased difficulty of the Bitcoin network and the general tendency of finding faster methods to mine, miners started to use the GPUs or graphics cards available in PCs to perform mining. GPUs support faster and parallelized calculations that are usually programmed using the OpenCL language.

This turned out to be a faster option as compared to CPUs. Users also used techniques such as overclocking to gain maximum benefit of the GPU power. Also, the possibility of using multiple graphics cards in parallel increased the popularity of graphics cards' usage for Bitcoin mining. GPU mining, however, has some limitations, such as overheating and the requirement for specialized motherboards and extra hardware to house multiple graphics cards. From another angle, graphics cards have become quite expensive due to increased demand and this has impacted gamers and graphics software users.


Even GPU mining did not last long, and soon miners found another way to perform mining using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). An FPGA is basically an integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform specific operations. FPGAs are usually programmed in hardware description languages (HDLs), such as Verilog and VHDL. Double SHA256 quickly became an attractive programming task for FPGA programmers and several open source projects were started too. FPGA offered much better performance compared to GPUs; however, issues such as accessibility, programming difficulty, and the requirement for specialized knowledge to program and configure FPGAs resulted in a short life for the FPGA era of Bitcoin mining.

Mining hardware such as the X6500 miner, Ztex, and Icarus were developed during the time when FPGA mining was profitable. Various FPGA manufacturers, such as Xilinx and Altera, produce FPGA hardware and development boards that can be used to program mining algorithms. The arrival of ASICs resulted in the quick phasing out of FPGA-based systems for mining. It should be noted that GPU mining is still profitable for some other cryptocurrencies to some extent, such as Zcoin (https://zcoin.io/guide-on-how-to-mine-zcoin-xzc/), but not Bitcoin, because the network difficulty of Bitcoin is so high that only ASICs (specialized hardware) running in parallel can produce reasonable profit.


ASICs were designed to perform SHA-256 operations. These special chips were sold by various manufacturers and offered a very high hashing rate. This worked for some time, but due to the quickly increasing mining difficulty level, single-unit ASICs are no longer profitable.

Currently, mining is out of the reach of individuals due to the vast amounts of energy and money needed to be spent in order to build a profitable mining platform. Now, professional mining centers using thousands of ASIC units in parallel are offering mining contracts to users to perform mining on their behalf. There is no technical limitation—a single user can run thousands of ASICs in parallel—but it will require dedicated data centers and hardware, therefore the cost for a single individual can become prohibitive.

Examples of these four types of hardware are shown in the following photographs:

Figure 6.22: Four types of mining hardware (from left to right: a CPU, GPU, FPGA, and an ASIC)

Mining pools

A mining pool forms when a group of miners work together to mine a block. The pool manager receives the coinbase transaction if the block is successfully mined, and is then responsible for distributing the reward to the group of miners who invested resources to mine the block. This is more profitable than solo mining, where only one sole miner is trying to solve the partial hash inversion function (hash puzzle) because, in mining pools, the reward is paid to each member of the pool regardless of whether they (or more specifically, their individual node) solved the puzzle or not.

There are various models that a mining pool manager can use to pay to the miners, such as the pay-per-share model and the proportional model. In the pay-per-share model, the mining pool manager pays a flat fee to all miners who participated in the mining exercise, whereas in the proportional model, the share is calculated based on the amount of computing resources spent to solve the hash puzzle.

Many commercial pools now exist and provide mining service contracts via the cloud and easy-to-use web interfaces. The most commonly used ones are AntPool (https://www.antpool.com), BTC (https://btc.com), and BTC.TOP (http://www.btc.top). A comparison of the hashing power of all major mining pools is shown in the following pie chart:

Figure 6.23: Mining pools and their hashing power (hash rate) as of late 2019. Source: https://blockchain.info/pools

Mining centralization can occur if a pool manages to control more than 51% of the network by generating more than 51% of the hash rate of the Bitcoin network.

As discussed earlier in the introduction section, a 51% attack can result in successful double-spending attacks, and it can impact consensus and in fact, even impose another version of the transaction history on the Bitcoin network.

This event has happened once in Bitcoin history when GHash.IO, a large mining pool, managed to acquire more than 51% of the network capacity. Theoretical solutions, such as two-phase PoW, have been proposed in academia to disincentivize large mining pools.

The following article describes a two-phase PoW proposal, in order to disincentivize large Bitcoin mining pools: http://hackingdistributed.com/2014/06/18/how-to-disincentivize-large-bitcoin-mining-pools/.

This scheme introduces a second cryptographic puzzle that results in mining pools either revealing their private keys or providing a considerable portion of the hash rate of their mining pool, thus reducing the overall hash rate of the pool.

Various types of hardware are commercially available for mining purposes. Currently, the most profitable one is ASIC mining, and specialized hardware is available from a number of vendors such as Antminer, AvalonMiner, and Whatsminer. Solo mining is not very profitable now, unless a vast amount of money and energy is spent to build your own mining rig or even a data center. With the current difficulty factor (as of June 2020), if a miner manages to produce a hash rate of 60 trillion hashes per second (TH/s), they can hope to make 0.000478 BTC (around $0.01) per day, and around $4 a year, which is extremely low compared to the investment required to source the equipment that can produce 60 TH/s. Including running costs such as electricity, this turns out to be not very profitable at all.

For example, the Antminer S9 is an efficient ASIC miner that produces a hash power of 13.5 TH/s and seems like it can produce some profit per day, which is true. However, a single Antminer S9 costs around 1,700 GBP, and when combined with the cost of electricity, the return on investment is only realized after almost a year's mining, when it produces around 0.3 BTC. It may still seem an OK investment, but also think about the fact that the Bitcoin network difficulty keeps going up with time, so over a year, it will become more difficult to mine and the mining hardware will expend its utility in a few months.

The race to build efficient miners is on and is only expected to grow. A recent addition to the ASIC miners' market is the DragonMint T1 miner (https://halongmining.com/shop/dragonmint-16t-miner/), which operates at 16 TH/s.


This chapter started with an introduction to Bitcoin and explained how a transaction works from the user's point of view. Then, an introduction to transactions from a technical point of view was presented. After this, the public and private keys used in Bitcoin were discussed. In the next section, we introduced addresses and their different types, followed by a discussion on transactions and their types and usage.

Following on from this, we looked at blockchain, with a detailed explanation of how blockchain works and the various components included in the Bitcoin blockchain. In the last few sections of the chapter, mining processes and relevant concepts such as hardware systems, their limitations, and bitcoin rewards were introduced.

In the next chapter, we will examine concepts related to the Bitcoin network, its elements, and client software tools.

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