Skill 33
Convert between Percents, Fractions, and Decimals

On the ASVAB you are likely to get at least one math question that requires some knowledge of this skill. Keep in mind that percent means “how many out of 100.” For example, if you took a test that had 100 questions and got 75 correct, you scored 75% (“75 out of 100”). Twenty-five percent (25 out of 100) of your answers were incorrect.

Converting a Percent to a Fraction. Imagine once again that you answered 75 out of 100 test questions correctly. How to you convert your 75% score to a fraction? By definition, a 75% score (75 correct out of 100) is the fraction Image But remember that on the ASVAB, if your answer is a fraction, it must be in lowest terms. You can see that for the fraction Image both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 5. So divide: 75 ÷ 5 = 15 and 100 ÷ 5 = 20, so Image But this fraction is still not in lowest terms. You can see that both 15 and 20 are again divisible by 5, so divide: 15 ÷ 5 = 3 and 20 ÷ 5 = 4. So Image Now your answer is finally in lowest terms.

Converting a Percent to a Decimal. This is easy. Remember that your 75% test score means that you answered 75 out of 100 questions correctly. By definition, “75 out of 100” is the decimal 0.75. A score of 63% would be the decimal 0.63.

Converting a Fraction to a Decimal. Now let’s convert your Image test score into a decimal. To do this, as you learned in Skill 29, you simply divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. Because Image you can use any one of these fractions for your division. You will get the same answer no matter which one you choose. So for Image That is the equivalent decimal. For the percent of questions you got wrong, the equivalent decimal is 0.25.

Converting a Decimal to a Fraction. Now let’s try going in the opposite direction. Convert the decimal 0.75 to a fraction. By definition, 0.75 means “seventy-five hundredths” or 75 out of 100, which makes it the fraction Image

For these kinds of questions on the ASVAB, you should be able to make certain percent, decimal, and fraction determinations quickly and by memory. A chart of the most common percent, fraction, and decimal equivalents is provided on page 184 of this book.

Test Yourself!

Image What is the decimal equivalent of 33%?


Image What is the decimal equivalent of 62.5%?


Image What is the fraction equivalent of 33%?


Image What is the fraction equivalent of 62.5%?


Image What is the fraction equivalent of 85%?


Image What is the percent equivalent of Image


Image What is the percent equivalent of Image


Image What is the percent equivalent of 1.2?


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