Chapter 10. Developing Microservices

Let’s put some of the techniques we’ve been discussing to work, and implement a sample multi-microservices project. The implementation of the microservices, in this sample project, will be greatly simplified. We will show just enough code to suffice for the demonstration purposes, but the steps and approaches we’ll discuss can be directly applied on much larger, real projects.

We will start by identifying fitting candidates for microservices, based on a bounded contexts analysis, using Event Storming, similar to the process described in Chapter 7. Next we will go through the 7 steps of the SEED(s) design methodology that we discussed in Chapter 6: Designing Microservices, culminating in writing the code for both of the sample microservices. In the implementation of these services we will employ the data-modelling guidance from Chapter 8. And last, but not least we will show how a user-friendly development environment for the microservices is properly set up and configured, applying many of the recommendations from Chapter 9, including the setup of creating an umbrella project - a way to execute multiple microservices together, in a developer workspace.

Designing Microservice Endpoints

Let’s assume that an Event Storming session that you conducted for a flights management software identified two major bounded contexts:

  • Flights Management, and

  • Reservations Management.

As we’ve discussed in Chapter 7, Rightsizing Your Microservices, in the initial stages it pays off to design microservices coarse-grained. Specifically, we often align them with bounded contexts i.e. our first two microservices can be: ms-flights and ms-reservations!

Now that we have the target microservices identified, we need to use the SEED(S) design process, introduced in Chapter 6, for them. In step one, of the SEED(s) methodology, we need to identify various actors. For our purposes, we’ll assume following actors:

  • Customer trying to book the flight

  • Airline’s consumer application - the App (web, mobile, etc.)

  • Web APIs that the app interacts with. In Chapter 6 we mentioned some people may call these “Backends For Front-ends or BFF APIs”.

  • Flights Management Microservice: ms-flights

  • Reservations Management Microservice: ms-reservations

Let’s look at some sample Jobs To Be Done (JTBDs) that our product team may have collected from customer interviews and business analysis research.

  1. When a customer is interacting with the user-interface, app needs to render a seating chart with occupied and available seats, so customer can choose a seat from the available ones.

  2. When a customer is finalizing a booking, web app needs to reserve a seat for the customer, so the app can avoid accidental seat reservation conflicts.

Remember from Chapter 6 that we have recommended BFF APIs to be a very thin layer with no business logic implementation. They mostly just orchestrate microservices. So there are usually jobs that a BFF API needs microservices to get done. Following is a list of such jobs, the more technical JTBDs describing needs between the BFF APIs and microservices:

  1. When API is asked to provide seating chart, API needs ms-flights to provide a seating setup of the flight, so the API can retrieve availabilities and render the final result.

  2. When API needs to render seating chart, API needs ms-reservations to provide a list of already reserved seats so the API can add that data to the seating setup and return the seating chart.

  3. When API is asked to reserve a seat, API needs ms-reservations to fulfill the reservation, so the API can reserve the seat.

Please note that we do not let ms-flights call ms-reservations directly to assemble the seating chart. Rather we have BFF API orchestrate the interaction. This approach goes back to the recommendation in Chapter 6 to avoid direct microservice-to-microservice calls.

Following the SEED(s) methodology, next we describe the interactions represented by various jobs, using UML Sequence Diagrams in PlantUML format:


actor Customer as cust
participant "Web App" as app
participant "BFF API" as api
participant "ms-flights" as msf
participant "ms-reservations" as msr

cust -[#blue]-> app ++: "Flight Seats Page"
app -[#blue]-> api ++ : flight.getSeatingSituation()
api -[#blue]-> api: auth
api -> msf ++ : getFlightId()
msf --> api: flight_id
api -> msf: getFlightSeating()
return []flightSeating
api -> msr ++ : getReservedSeats()
return []reservedSeats
return []SeatingSituation
return "Seats Selection Page"
cust -[#blue]->app ++: "Choose a seat & checkout"
app-[#blue]->app: "checkout workflow"
app-[#blue]->api ++: "book the seat"
api -[#blue]->api: auth
api->msr ++: "reserveSeat()"
return "success"
return "success"
return "Success Page"

which can be rendered (e.g. using into the UML diagram shown on Figure 10-1:

ch developing microservices sequence uml
Figure 10-1. Sequence Diagram Represengting Interactions Of Various Jobs To Be Done

As you can clearly visualize on this diagram, the first job to be done is to present a customer with a “seats on the flight” page. To fulfill this job, an app (or a website) will need to call a frontend (BFF) API that returns seating “situation”: list of seats with indicators for which ones are occupied or vacant. The API will first authenticate the call to ensure the app is authorized to ask such questions. If the auth passes, it will first try to get a flightId from the ms-flights microservice. This is necessary because customers usually just enter the non-unique Flight Number (identifying a route more than a specific flight on a specific date) and flight date. With the unique flight_id returned the API will then get the list of seats off of ms-flights. To make sure we can show occupied seats, it will separately query ms-reservations for existing reservations on the flight.

Please note how we are practicing the principle described in the Chapter 6 regarding microservices not calling each other directly and being orchestrated by a thin API layer, instead. This is entirely why ms-flights is not querying the list of reserved seats off of ms-reservations directly. Once the API collects all of the required information it can return the rich data to the app/website so the latter can render the desired screen for the customer.

In the second part of the interaction diagram, we describe the second job to be done for the customer: once they see the current seating situation, they want to pick a specific (available) seat and reserve it. To fulfill this task, API will again need to auth and then call a microservice: ms-reservations, returning the status, success or failure to the app, based on the result of the booking attempt. This allows the app to let the customer know whether their request could be completed or not.

Once we have the Jobs To Be Done, and understand the interactions, we can translate them into queries and actions. We will do this for both ms-flights and ms-reservations. In Chapter 6 we explained that you should also design actions and queries for the BFF API, not just microservices, but we will leave that task as an exercise to the reader.

Flights Microservice

Get flight details
  • Input: flight_no, departure_local_date_time (ISO8601 format, and in local time zone)

  • Response: unique flight_id identifying a specific flight on a specific date. In practice, this endpoint will very likely return other flight-related fields, but those are irrelevant for our context, so we are skipping over them.

Get flight seating: a diagram of seats on a flight
  • Input: flight_id

  • Response: SeatMap object in JSON format 1

Reservations Microservice

Query Already reserved Seats on a Flight
  • Input: flight_id

  • Response: list of already-taken seat numbers, each seat number is in format like “2A”

Reserve a seat on a flight
  • Input: flight_id, customer_id, seat_num

  • Expected Outcome: seat is reserved and unavailable to others, or an error fired if the seat was unavailable

  • Response: Success (200 Success) or Failure (403 Forbidden)

As discussed in Chapter 6, the beauty of writing-out actions and queries is that they bring us much closer to being able to create technical specs of the services than when jobs are presented in their business-oriented, jobs (JTBD) format.

Now that we have the actions and queries for our microservices, we can proceed with describing the microservices we intend to build in a standard format. In our case we build RESTful microservices and describe them with an Open API Spec. Let’s see, in the next section, what this spec for our two microservices could look like.

Designing Open API Spec

Based on the query and commands spec we just designed, translating it into an Open API spec is not a big deal and it would probably look something like the following for the flights microservice endpoints:

  openapi: 3.0.0
    title: Flights Management Microservice API
    description: |
      API Spec for Fight Management System
    version: 1.0.1
    - url:
      description: Production Server
        summary: Look Up Flight Details with Flight No and Departure Date
        description: |
          Lookup flight details, such as: the unique flight_id used by the
          rest of the Flights management endpoints, flight departure and
          arrival airports.

          Example request:
          - name: flight_no
            in: query
            required: true
            description: Flight Number.
              type : string
            example: AA2532
          - name: departure_date_time
            in: query
            required: true
            description: Date and time (in ISO8601)
              type : string
            example: 2020-05-17T13:20

          '200':    # success response
            description: Successful Response
                  type: array
                    type: object
                        type: string
                        example: "edcc03a4-7f4e-40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9"
                        type: string
                        example: "LAX"
                        type: string
                        example: "DCA"

                    flight_id: "edcc03a4-7f4e-40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9"
                    origin_code: "LAX"
                    destination_code: "DCA"

        summary: Get a seat map for a flight
        description: |
          Example request:
          - name: flight_no
            in: path
            required: true
            description: Unique Flight Identifier
              type : string
            example: "edcc03a4-7f4e-40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9"

          '200':    # success response
            description: Successful Response
                  type: object
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            type: number
                            example: 8
                            type: number
                            example: 23
                            type: object
                                type: number
                                example: 14
                                type: number
                                example: 22
                            type: object
                                type: string
                                example: Economy
                            type: array
                              type: object
                                  type: string
                                  example: A
                                  type: array
                                    - Window
                                    type: string
                            type: array
                              type: object
                                  type: number
                                  example: 8
                                  type: array
                                    type: object
                                        type: boolean
                                        example: false
                                        type: boolean
                                        example: false
                                        type: boolean
                                        example: false
                                        type: boolean
                                        example: false
                                        type: string
                                        example: A
                                        type: array
                                          type: object
                                              type: object
                                                  type: string
                                                  example: LegSpaceSeat

You can render the Open API Spec with a number of editors, for instance Swagger Editor-rendering of the above spec looks like Figure 10-2

ch developing microservices query apis rendered
Figure 10-2. Open API Spec for ms-flights rendered with Swagger Editor

Please note that for demonstration purposes, here we are using SeatMap object structure that mimics the one in Sabre’s SeatMap API – the gold standard of the industry. If you were really building a commercial API, you would design your own implementation or acquire a permission for reuse from the original author of the design.

Similarly to the Open API Spec of the flights microservice, the designs for the endpoints of the reservation system would be something along the lines of:

  openapi: 3.0.0
    title: Seat Reservation System API
    description: |
      API Spec for Fight Management System
    version: 1.0.1
    - url:
      description: Production Server
        summary: Get Reservations for a flight
        description: |
          Get all reservations for a specific flight
          - name: flight_id
            in: query
            required: true
              type: string
          '200':    # success response
            description: Successful Response
                  type: array
                    type: object
                        type: string
                        example: "18F"
                    - { seat_no: "18F" }
                    - { seat_no: "18D" }
                    - { seat_no: "15A" }
                    - { seat_no: "15B" }
                    - { seat_no: "7A" }
        summary: Reserve or cancel a seat
        description: |
          Reserves a seat or removes a seat reservation
          required: true
                  type: object
                      description: Flight's Unique Identifier.
                      type : string
                      example: "edcc03a4-7f4e-40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9"
                      description: Registered Customer's Unique Identifier
                      type : string
                      example: "2e850e2f-f81d-44fd-bef8-3bb5e90791ff"
                      description: seat number
                      type: string
                  flight_id: "edcc03a4-7f4e-40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9"
                  customer_id: "2e850e2f-f81d-44fd-bef8-3bb5e90791ff"
                  seat_num: "8D"
            description: |
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      enum: ["success", "error"]
            description: seat(s) unavailable. Booking failed.
                  type: object
                      type: string
                      type: string
                    error: "Could not complete reservation"
                    description: "Seat already reserved. Cannot double-book"

Now that we have our service designs and the corresponding Open API specs, it is time to proceed to the last step in the SEED(S) process: writing the code for the microservices.

As we implement the Flights and Reservations microservices, we will practice the principles discussed earlier in this book. Specifically: we will use different tech stacks for these services, so we can demonstrate our ability of supporting heterogeneous implementation. Reservations microservice will be implemented in Python and Flask, while Flights microservice will be implemented in Node/Express.js.

Implementing the Data For a Microservice

To emphasize the need for data independence, that we discussed at length in Chapter 8, not only will we ensure the two microservices do not share any data space, but we will intentionally implement them using entirely different back-end data systems: Redis for the Reservations and MySQL for Flights. We will also explain how each of these microservices benefits from their choice of the data storage mechanism. Let’s start with the data for the reservations system microservice.

Redis For the Reservations Data Model

In the reservations system, we need to be able to capture a set of seat reservations for a flight, and reserve a seat if it is not already reserved. Redis has a perfect, simple data-structure that fits very well the use-case: Hashes. We can have a hash for each flight_id (specific flight) where keys of the hash are the seat numbers on the flight and the value is the customer_id that seat is already reserved for. Redis has commands to set a new value in a hash, get all set values (for when we need to know all reserved seats), and very conveniently: a command that allows us to set value only if the value for the same key (seat) is not already set. That’s perfect for us since we typically do not want to allow double-booking a seat on a flight.

Let’s see an example of reserving several seats on a flight uniquely identified with the flight id: 40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9:

> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 12B b4cdf96e-a24a-a09a-87fb1c47567c
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 12C e0392920-a24a-b6e3-8b4ebcbe7d5c
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 11A f4892d9e-a24a-8ed1-2397df0ddba7
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 3A 017d40c6-a24b-b6d7-4bb15d04a10b
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 3B 0c27f7c8-a24b-9556-fb37c840de89
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 22A 0c27f7c8-a24b-9556-fb37c840de89
(integer) 1
> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 22B 24ae6f02-a24b-a149-53d7a72f10c0
(integer) 1

Let’s see how we would get all of the occupied seats:

> HKEYS flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9
1) "12B"
2) "12C"
3) "11A"
4) "3A"
5) "3B"
6) "22A"
7) "22B"

If we wanted to get both keys and values, we can also do that:

> HGETALL flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9
 1) "12B"
 2) "b4cdf96e-a24a-a09a-87fb1c47567c"
 3) "12C"
 4) "e0392920-a24a-b6e3-8b4ebcbe7d5c"
 5) "11A"
 6) "f4892d9e-a24a-8ed1-2397df0ddba7"
 7) "3A"
 8) "017d40c6-a24b-b6d7-4bb15d04a10b"
 9) "3B"
10) "0c27f7c8-a24b-9556-fb37c840de89"
11) "22A"
12) "0c27f7c8-a24b-9556-fb37c840de89"
13) "22B"
14) "24ae6f02-a24b-a149-53d7a72f10c0"

Let’s now see what happens if we try to double-book an already reserved seat, such as 12C:

> HSETNX flight:40d1-898d-bf84a266f1b9 12C 083a6fc2-a24d-889b-6fc480858a38
(integer) 0

Please notice how the response to this command is (integer) 0 instead of the (integer) 1 we had gotten for earlier HSETNX commands. This indicates that zero fields were actually updated and that is because 12C had already been reserved.

As you can see, choosing Redis as the data store for ms-reservations has made the implementation easy and natural. We were able to use well-fitting data structures, such as HSET, that meet our needs effortlessly and elegantly. The HSETNX command allowed us to avoid accidental double-bookings in a way that is reliable and straightforward.

Redis is a fantastic key/value store and it can be used in a wide variety of use-cases. Which is why it has a huge fan base among programmers, however it is not going to be the perfect database for every single use-case we run into. Sometimes we may have data needs that are better met by other, popular databases.

To demonstrate this, in the next section, we will implement the data for the ms-flights microservice using a traditional, SQL database.

MySQL Data Model for the Flights Microservice

The first data-model we need here should contain seat maps. As we saw in the OpenAPI spec for the Flights microservice, the seat map is a complex JSON object. MySQL can be a better storage for such data than standard Redis. As of MySQL 5.7.8, MySQL has a robust, native support for JSON data types. This support has expanded and improved in the latest, 8.x version of MySQL. It now also supports in-place, atomic updates of JSON values and JSON Merge Patch syntax. In comparison, Redis only supports JSON with a RedisJSON module that doesn’t come pre-built with the standard Redis distribution.

A well-implemented JSON data type provides tangible advantages compared to storing JSON data in a string column: validation of JSON documents during inserts, internally-optimized binary storage, ability to look up sub-objects and nested values directly by a key, etc.

Additionally, in the lookup endpoint we need to query data by two fields: flight_no and datetime. A relational database is more natural structure for such queries. In Redis, we would probably need to create a compound field to achieve the same. All-in-all, while technically we could implement this service with Redis as well, there are reasons to choose MySQL over it and it also helps us demonstrate usage of different databases for different services. Real-life situations will obviously be more complex, with more aspects to consider.

Let’s look at the seat_maps table:

CREATE TABLE `seat_maps`  (
  `flight_no` varchar(10) NULL,
  `seat_map` json NULL,
  `origin_code` varchar(10) NULL,
  `destination_code` varchar(10) NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY(`flight_no`)

Another table we need is the mapping of flight_ids with flight_no’s and datetimes. Creation script for this table may look something like the following:

CREATE TABLE `flights`  (
  `flight_id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  `flight_no` varchar(10) NULL,
  `flight_date` datetime(0) NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`flight_id`),
  INDEX `idx_flight_date`(`flight_no`, `flight_date`)

  FOREIGN KEY(flight_no)
    REFERENCES seat_maps(flight_no)

Let’s insert our first sample seat map:

INSERT INTO `seat_maps`(`flight_no`, `seat_map`, `origin_code`, `destination_code`) VALUES ('AA2532', '{"Cabin": [{"Row": [{"Seat": [{"Number": "A", "Facilities": [{"Detail": {"content": "LegSpaceSeat"}}], "exitRowInd": false, "premiumInd": false, "noInfantInd": false, "restrictedReclineInd": false}], "RowNumber": 8}], "Wing": {"lastRow": 22, "firstRow": 14}, "Column": [{"Column": "A", "Characteristics": ["Window"]}], "lastRow": 23, "firstRow": 8, "CabinClass": {"CabinType": "Economy"}}]}', 'LAX', 'DCA');

Once we have the proper JSON value in the database, we can easily, select specific values in it or filter by specific values. For instance:

select seat_map->>"$.Cabin[0].firstRow" from seat_maps

Now that we have a working data model for both of our microservices, we can dive deeper into the implementation of the code for them.

Implementing Code for a Microservice

We are going to follow the second goal that is the foundation of the “10 Workspace Guidelines for a Superior Developer Experience”, and start new microservices quickly, using well-tested templates for each relevant tech stack. For the Node.js-implemented Flights microservice we are using a popular bootstrapper Node Bootstrap, and for the Python-based Reservation microservice we are going to use a Github template repository that contains most of the boilerplate code that we are going to need:

Based on the 10 guidelines, using any templates assumes that you have a working Docker installation and the GNU Make, since we make use of both of them. There are no other expectations, however.

The Code Behind the Flights Microservice

To use Nodebootstrap for jump-starting a Node/Express microservice, you can either install its bootstraper with node install -g nodebootstrap, if you already have Node available on your system, or just clone the provided Github template repository at:

While the former may be somewhat easier, we will do the latter since we do not want to assume that you had to set up Node on your system. Go ahead and click on “Use Template” at the nodebootstrap-microservice’s main repo page:

ch developing microservices use template

Once you have created a new repo for ms-flights microservice, at the destination of your choosing, let’s check it out on your developer machine and start modifying things, writing code.

One of the nice things about the Nodebootstrap template is that it comes with full support for an Open API Spec of the microservices. Let’s take the spec we designed earlier and put it into docs/api.yml file, replacing the sample spec we already find there. Make sure you are in the docs sub-folder and run make start:

→ make start
docker run -d --rm --name ms-nb-docs -p 3939:80 -v 
-e SPEC_URL=swagger.yaml redocly/redoc:v2.0.0-rc.8-1
server started at:

which will render the spec to a beautiful HTML template and make it available at The rendering will probably look like something at the following screenshot:

ch developing microservices openapi rendered

Nodebootstrap microservice comes with a sample “users” module. It’s located under lib/users folder. Since we don’t need a user management module and need a flights management one, let’s rename that folder to “flights” and delete another default module: lib/homedoc as we are not going to need that one, as well. When you remove the lib/homedoc folder you need to also remove its plug from the appConfig.js in the root folder, around line 24 that reads something like:

  app.use('/',      require('homedoc')); // attach to root route

Likewise, change the hookup for flights module, in the same file so that line .. reads like:

app.use('/flights', require('flights')); // attach to sub-route

Once you are done making these modifications, edit the lib/flights/controllers/mappings.js file so it reads like the following:

const {spieler, check, matchedData, sanitize} = require('spieler')();

const router      = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
const actions     = require('./actions');

const log = require("metalogger")();

const flightNoValidation = check('flight_no',
  'flight_no must be at least 3 chars long and contain letters and numbers')
  .isLength({ min: 3 })

const dateTimeValidation = check('departure_date_time',
  'departure_date_time must be in YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm format')

const flightsValidator = spieler([
const seatmapsValidator = spieler([

router.get('/', flightsValidator, actions.getFlightInfo);
router.get('/:flight_no/seat_map', seatmapsValidator, actions.getSeatMap);

module.exports = router;

As you can see, in this file we are setting up routes for our two main endpoints and validators that ensure that our input parameters are present, as well as properly formatted. When they are not, Nodebootstrap also has standard error messaging to let the client know.

Let’s now implement some logic. First we need to create MySQL tables and some sample data. As you may guess Nodebootstrap provides an easy solution for this as well, in the form of database migrations - scripts that codify database modifications and allows you to apply them in any environment, later.

We can create several database migrations with some make commands, as follows:

→ make migration-create name=seat-maps
docker-compose -p msupandrunning up -d
ms-flights-db is up-to-date
Starting ms-flights ... done
docker-compose -p msupandrunning exec ms-flights
  ./node_modules/db-migrate/bin/db-migrate create seat-maps --sql-file
[INFO] Created migration at /opt/app/migrations/20200602055112-seat-maps.js
[INFO] Created migration up sql file at
[INFO] Created migration down sql file at
sudo chown -R $USER ./migrations/sqls/
[sudo] password for irakli:

→ make migration-create name=flights
docker-compose -p msupandrunning up -d
ms-flights-db is up-to-date
ms-flights is up-to-date
docker-compose -p msupandrunning exec ms-flights
  ./node_modules/db-migrate/bin/db-migrate create flights --sql-file
[INFO] Created migration at /opt/app/migrations/20200602055121-flights.js
[INFO] Created migration up sql file
  at /opt/app/migrations/sqls/20200602055121-flights-up.sql
[INFO] Created migration down sql file
  at /opt/app/migrations/sqls/20200602055121-flights-down.sql
sudo chown -R $USER ./migrations/sqls/

→ make migration-create name=sample-data
docker-compose -p msupandrunning up -d
ms-flights-db is up-to-date
ms-flights is up-to-date
docker-compose -p msupandrunning exec ms-flights
  ./node_modules/db-migrate/bin/db-migrate create sample-data --sql-file
[INFO] Created migration at
[INFO] Created migration up sql file at
[INFO] Created migration down sql file at
sudo chown -R $USER ./migrations/sqls/

After which we should open the the corresponding sql files and insert following content into each one of them:

CREATE TABLE `seat_maps` (
  `flight_no` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `seat_map` json NOT NULL,
  `origin_code` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `destination_code` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`flight_no`)
CREATE TABLE `flights`  (
  `flight_id` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  `flight_no` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `flight_date` datetime(0) NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`flight_id`),

  FOREIGN KEY(`flight_no`)
        REFERENCES seat_maps(`flight_no`)
INSERT INTO `seat_maps`
VALUES ('AA2532', '{"Cabin": [{"Row": [{"Seat": [{"Number": "A",
        "Facilities": [{"Detail": {"content": "LegSpaceSeat"}}],
        "exitRowInd": false, "premiumInd": false, "noInfantInd": false,
        "restrictedReclineInd": false}], "RowNumber": 8}],
        "Wing": {"lastRow": 22, "firstRow": 14},
        "Column": [{"Column": "A", "Characteristics": ["Window"]}],
        "lastRow": 23, "firstRow": 8,
        "CabinClass": {"CabinType": "Economy"}}]}', 'LAX', 'DCA');

Once you have these files, you can either just restart the project with make restart and the migrations will be automatically applied (the new ones get applied at every project start to keep various installation consistent), or you can explicitly run a task to apply migrations with: make migrate

For the rest of the modifications, you will want to:

  1. Change ms-nodebootstrap-example with ms-flights in a variety of files, if you didn’t install the project with the nodebootstrap utility and just cloned the repo (former approach does renaming for you)

  2. Modify the rest of the source code to implement the flights and seat_maps endpoints and hook them up with the database.

You can also see a working version of the sample ms-flights at:

When everything is working you should be able to access your /flights endpoint locally at a URL like:

and the seat_maps endpoint at a URL like:

Please check-out all of the makefile targets, such as testing one to get a sense of the user experience provided by the template project and what kind of facilities you should strive to provide to your developers with your templates. For the make test to work there’re additional modifications required, related to us deleting functionality from the sample project. We aren’t covering those changes, in detail, here, so it’s the best to just check out the repo, which has every modification required. Feel free to submit bug requests, if you run into any problems.


To manage the lifecycle of the containers that the app will be deployed into, most container-management solutions (e.g. Kubernetes, which we will use later in this book) need a service to expose a health endpoint. In case of Kubernetes, you should generally provide liveness and readiness endpoints.

To implement a health-check endpoint, we are going use the draft RFC authored by Irakli, and a Node.js implementation of it: The Node Bootstrap template already has a sample implementation for it, we just need to modify it for ms-flights codebase.

Let’s start by replacing lines 13-17 in appConfig.js, with code that looks like the following:

// For Liveness Probe, defaults may be all you need.
const livenessCheck = healthcheck({"path" : "/ping"});

// For readiness check, let's also test the DB
const check = healthcheck();
const AdvancedHealthcheckers = require('healthchecks-advanced');
const advCheckers = new AdvancedHealthcheckers();
// Database health check is cached for 10000ms = 10 seconds!
check.addCheck('db', 'dbQuery', advCheckers.dbCheck,
  {minCacheMs: 10000});

This will create a simple “am I live?” check at /ping (known as “liveness probe” in Kubernetes) and a more advanced “is database also ready? Can I actually do useful things” check (known as “readiness probe” in Kubernetes) at /health. Using two probes for overall health is very convenient since a microservice being up doesn’t always mean that it is fully functional. If its dependency, such as a database, is not up yet or is down - it won’t be actually ready for useful work.

Please note the fourth argument {minCacheMs: 10000} in the .addCheck() call. It sets minimal cache duration server-side, indicated in milliseconds. Meaning: you can tell the health check middleware (the module we use) to only run an expensive, database-querying health-check probe against MySQL every 10 seconds (10,000 milliseconds), at most!

Even if your health probing infrastructure (e.g. Kubernetes) calls your health check endpoint very frequently, the middleware will only trigger the calls you deemed light enough. For more heavy calls (e.g. DB calls like the one to MySQL), the middleware (Maikai module) will serve cached values, avoiding stress on downstream systems like the database.

To complete the setup, you should also edit libs/healthchecks-advanced/index.js file and rename the function to dbCheck
update the SQL query, so that lines 7 through 11 now read:

async dbCheck() {
  const start = new Date();
  const conn = await db.conn();
  const query = 'select count(1) from seat_maps';

If you now run curl and if everything was done correctly, and the microservice is up and running healthily, you should get a health endpoint output that looks like the following:

  "details": {
    "db:dbQuery": {
      "status": "pass",
      "metricValue": 15,
      "metricUnit": "ms",
      "time": "2020-06-28T22:32:46.167Z"
  "status": "pass"

If you run curl instead, you should get a simpler output:

{ "status": "pass" }

You can see the full implementation of the microservice at if you run into any issues, while modifying code yourself.

Now that we have a fully-functioning ms-flights microservice, implemented with Node.js and MySQL, let us switch to the code behind the ms-reservations microservice.

Introducing a Second Microservice to the Project

We are going to implement the second, ms-reservations microservice in Python and Flask using Redis data store. Once again following the second goal from “10 Workspace Guidelines for a Superior Developer Experience”, we are going to use a template Github repository for a Python/Flask stack available at:

As you can see, this template has a lot of the same characteristics as the Nodebootstrap one we just used for ms-flights: it only requires working Docker and Make, has all of the Make targets to support smooth development experience, just like Nodebootstrap, and has working setup for common tasks such as testing, linting etc. One thing it is missing, however, is the support for database migrations. Unlike MySQL, Redis doesn’t really use database schemas so there’s no burning need to codify various data definitions for “table” creations. You could still use migrations to create test data in various environments, but we will leave that task to the reader, to figure out and have fun with. It is one way this template is different from the ones you would see that do use SQL databases.

Just like in case of ms-flights, let’s start our code modifications by placing the proper Open API Spec we developed earlier in this chapter into docs/api.yml of the new ms-reservations repo. After running make start in the docs folder (please note: this is a separate Makefile from the main one!), you should see the API spec for reservations rendered at

ch developing microservices reservations apidoc

We will start modifying our template microservice by implementing the reservation creation endpoint.

Open and replace the mapping for the update_user POST /users endpoint with the one for PUT /reservations that like this:

@app.route('/reservations', methods=['PUT'])
def reserve():
    """Endpoint that reserves a seat for a customer"""
    json_body = request.get_json(force=True)
    resp = handlers.reserve(json_body)
    if (resp.get("status") == "success"):
        return jsonify(resp)
        return Response(

As you can see, based on the result of the reservation, we output a success or an error and provide corresponding HTTP error code.

To fully implement this endpoint we also need to create a handler for the mapping (usually tasked with error validation, but for brevity we will skip it) in src/ by replacing the save_user user creation handler with the following:

def reserve(json_body):
    """Save reservation callback"""
    return model.save_reservation(json_body)

and, most importantly, we need to implement the actual save to the database in src/, by replacing the save_user function there with something like the following:

def save_reservation(reservation):
    """Saves reservation into Redis database"""

    seat_num = reservation['seat_num']
        result = this.redis_conn.hsetnx(
            this.tblprefix + reservation['flight_id'],
    except redis.RedisError:
        response = {
            "error" : f"Unexpected error reserving {seat_num}"
        log.error(f"Unexpected error reserving {seat_num}", exc_info=True)
        if result == 1:
            response = {
                "status": "success",
            response = {
                "error" : f"Could not complete reservation for {seat_num}",
                "description" : "Seat already reserved. Cannot double-book"

    return response

Please note that we are calling Redis’s hsetnx method, which only sets the value if one is not already set. This is how we reliably avoid accidental double-booking. When hsetnx is rejected due to already set key, it returns “0” (as in: “0 records modified”), otherwise it returns “1”, letting us know if a conflict occurred or not.

You should also declare the table-level prefix for reservations in the module scope by adding the following code around line 19th of src/, right after the this = sys.modules[__name__] declaration:

this = sys.modules[__name__] # Existing line
this.tblprefix = "flights:" # New line

Since the template microservice already contained all of the code required to connect to a Redis database and to grab database credentials from the environment, in the 12 Factor App-fashion (which we described in Chapter 2) – we don’t have to write or debug any of that code. This again demonstrates the significant benefits of maintaining templates for microservices.

Once you make all the required changes, the endpoint should work. You should be able to run make from the top level of the source code, which will build and run the project at

If you encounter any issues at any point or would like to check-out the application logs for some reason, you can do this using the logs-app make target:

→ make logs-app
docker-compose -p ms-workspace-demo logs -f ms-template-microservice
Attaching to ms-template-microservice
ms-template-microservice    | [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4
ms-template-microservice    | [INFO] Listening at: (1)
ms-template-microservice    | [INFO] Using worker: sync
ms-template-microservice    | [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15

Please note that the logs say service is running on port 5000, but that is true inside the Docker container. We map the standard Flask port 5000 to 7701 on the host machine (your machine). You can also see combined app and db logs by running make logs or just the database logs by running make logs-db.

Now let’s run several CURL commands to insert couple of reservations:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
  --request PUT 
  --data '{"seat_num":"12B","flight_id":"werty", "customer_id": "dfgh"}'

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
  --request PUT 
  --data '{"seat_num":"12C","flight_id":"werty", "customer_id": "jkfl"}'

We can also test that our protection against the accidental double-bookings works. Let’s verify it by attempting to reserve an already reserved seat (e.g. 12C):

curl -v --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
  --request PUT 
  --data '{"seat_num":"12C","flight_id":"werty", "customer_id": "another"}'

It will respond with HTTP 403 and an error message:

→ curl -v --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
>   --request PUT 
>   --data '{"seat_num":"12C","flight_id":"werty", "customer_id": "another"}' 
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 7701 (#0)
> PUT /reservations HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 64
< Server: gunicorn/20.0.4
< Connection: close
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 111
* Closing connection 0
{"error": "Could not complete reservation for 12C",
"description": "Seat already reserved. Cannot double-book"}


Since we now have some data in the Redis store, we can proceed to implementing the reservation retrieval endpoint, as well. Again, we will start with the mapping definition in, replacing the default /hello/<name> greeter endpoint with the following:

@app.route('/reservations', methods=['GET'])
def reservations():
    """ Get Reservations Endpoint"""
    flight_id = request.args.get('flight_id')
    resp = handlers.get_reservations(flight_id)
    return jsonify(resp)

The implementation of the handler in src/ will again be simple since we are skipping input validation, for he sake of brevity:

def get_reservations(flight_id):
    """Get reservations callback"""
    return model.get_reservations(flight_id)

and the model code will look like the following:

def get_reservations (flight_id):
    """List of reservations for a flight, from Redis database"""
        key = this.tblprefix + flight_id
        reservations = this.redis_conn.hgetall(key)
    except redis.RedisError:
        response = {
            "error" : "Cannot retrieve reservations"
        log.error("Error retrieving reservations from Redis",
        response = reservations

    return response

To test this endpoint we can issue a curl command and verify that we receive the expected JSON response:

 curl -v
*   Trying
> GET /reservations?flight_id=werty HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: gunicorn/20.0.4
< Connection: close
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 90
  "12B": "dfgh",
  "12C": "jkfl",
* Closing connection 0

The full source code of this microservice is available at:

Please take a look and try to use various make targets available in the repository to get a better feeling of what is all that you get from the template this code was bootstrapped from.

You should also use this opportunity to take a break and pat yourself on the back - you just created and executed two perfectly-sized and impeccably implemented, beautifully separate-stack microservices! Hooray!

Now what we need to do is figure-out a way of executing these two microservices (and any additional future components you may create) as a single unit. For this, we will introduce a notion of an “umbrella project” and explain how to develop one.

Hooking Services Up With an Umbrella Project

Developing individual microservices is what teams should be spending most of their time on. It’s essential for providing team autonomy, that leads to the ever-important coordination minimizations, and most of our system design work in the microservices style should be indeed targeted at minimizing coordination needs. That said, at some point we do need to try the entire project – all microservices working together. Even if this need is relatively rare, it is very important to make doing so easy. Which is why principle 4 of the “10 Workspace Guidelines for a Superior Developer Experience” states: “Running a single microservice and/or a subsystem of several ones should be equally easy”.

We need an easy to use “umbrella project” - the one that can launch all of our microservice-specific sub-projects in one simple command and make them all work together nicely, until such time as we decided to shut the umbrella project with all of its components down. Which obviously should also be very easy to do. Everything we want our developers to do without mistakes, should be easy!

To deploy an easy-to-use “umbrella project”, we are going to use the microservices workspace template available at: and start a workspace for us at instead.

We will start by indicating the two repos we have just created as the components of the new workspace, by editing the fgs.json file and making it look something like the following:

  "ms-flights" : {
    "url"  : ""

  "ms-reservations" : {
    "url" : ""

This configuration is using an open-source project known as Faux Git Submodules. The idea is to allow placing nested sub-repos under the umbrella workspace, such that you could descend into a subfolder of your workspace repo, containing a microservice and treat it as a fully-functioning repo, which you could update, commit code in and push. So, basically like the intent behind the regular git submodules, except anybody who has used them knows that the actual ones can behave in unpredictable ways and be major pain in the neck. Faux ones, in our opinion are much simpler and work more predictably. But we digress.

In the configuration above we indicated ms-flights and ms-reservations using the read-only “http://” protocol. This is so that you can follow the example. In real projects you would want to pull your repos with rear/write `git:// protocol so you can modify them, not just try.

Now that we have configured the repos.json, let’s pull the ms-flights and ms-reservations microservices into the workspace:

→ make update
git clone -b master ms-flights
Cloning into 'ms-flights'...

git clone -b master ms-reservations
Cloning into 'ms-reservations'...

This operation also helpfully adds the checked-out repost to .gitignore of the parent folder to prevent the parent repo trying to double-commit them into the wrong place.

We do, however need to edit bin/ and bin/ scripts to make the changes from the default:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=msupandrunning

export wkdr=$PWD
cd $wkdr/ms-flights && make start
cd $wkdr/ms-reservations && make start

cd $wkdr
make proxystart

unset wkdr
#!/usr/bin/env bash

export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=msupandrunning

export wkdr=$PWD
cd $wkdr/ms-flights && make stop
cd $wkdr/ms-reservations && make stop

cd $wkdr
make proxystop
unset wkdr

To keep things simple, yet powerfully automated, our workspace setup is using the Traefik edge router for seamless routing to the microservices. Please note that we had to add Traefik-related labels to the docker-compose of both microservices, to ensure proper routing of those services:

    container_name: ms-flights
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "`/reservations`)"
    container_name: ms-reservations
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "`/reservations`)"

We also need to update the umbrella project’s name (which serves as the namespace and network name for all services) in the workspace’s Makefile, so that instead of project:=ms-workspace-demo it says:


Once you bring-up the workspace, by running make start at the workspace level, you will be able to access both microservices in their attached-to-workspace form. We mounted Traefik to local port 9080, making our base URI. Therefore, the below two commands are querying reservations and ms-flights systems

> curl
> curl

You can see the full source of the umbrella project at:


In this chapter we brought together a lot of system design and code implementation guidance that we had been teasing-out, to provide an end-to-end implementation of couple of powerful microservices, together with an umbrella workspace that allows us to work on these services either individually, or as a unified project. We saw through a step-by-step implementation of the powerful SEED(s) methodology, the design of individual data-models, and learned how to quickly jump-start code implementations off of robust template projects.

These skills, ability to put together well-modularized components quickly and efficiently can make a material difference in your ability to execute microservice projects successfully. The difference between what you were able to achieve, in this chapter, and somebody spending weeks figuring-out the basic boilerplate, or going down the rabbithole of wrong decisions can be tremendous. The difference can be that of a success or a failure of the entire initiative.

1 For demonstration purposes we are using the seatmap object structure from Sabre’s SeatMap Restful API - a gold standard of the industry:

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