
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


* (asterisk), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression
@ (at sign), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression
? (question mark), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression


accepting document changes, Accepting and rejecting changes
accounts, blog, Blogging with Word
activating apps, Using an app in a document
commands to the toolbar, Using the Quick Access Toolbar
comments, Adding comments
common misspellings to AutoCorrect, Adding common misspellings to AutoCorrect
rows and columns, Adding and deleting rows and columns
words to custom dictionaries, Add a word to the custom dictionary
adding to envelopes, Printing a single envelope
formatting on envelopes, Changing envelope address formatting
floating objects, Positioning pictures on the page
pictures and text, Choose the layout option
cells, Setting cell alignment and direction
guides, Positioning pictures on the page, Choose the layout option
paragraphs, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
tables, Setting table alignment
anchor, for picture, Choose the layout option
applying set styles, Apply a style set
from the Office Store, Adding an app from the Office Store
using in documents, Using an app in a document
art borders, Insert an art border
artistic effects in pictures, Applying special effects
asterisk (*), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression
at sign (@), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression
attachments, email, Sending a document by email
adding common misspellings, Adding common misspellings to AutoCorrect
using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts, Using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts
manual AutoFormat, Perform a manual AutoFormat
setting options for, Setting AutoFormat options
AutoRecover, Recovering lost work
AutoText, Create and save a building block


background for Office, Setting general options
backgrounds, removing from pictures, Removing the background from a picture
Backstage view
about, Opening documents
printing, Printing a document
templates, Start with a template
bibliographies, Creating a bibliography
Block Authors command, View changes made by other authors
blogging, Blogging with Word
blue squiggles
formatting, Add a word to the custom dictionary
grammar, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
bold, applying, Use keyboard shortcuts
booklets, printing, Printing a document
mail merge, Adding information with rules
using, Using bookmarks
applying around a page, Applying a border around a page
dragging row and column borders, Resizing rows and columns
styles, Adding borders and shading
Borders and Shading dialog box, Use the Borders And Shading dialog box
breaks (line and page), Controlling line and page breaks
Building Block Gallery content control, Select and insert a content control type
building blocks
creating, Creating your own building blocks
inserting, Inserting built-in building blocks
organizing, Managing building blocks
built-in footers, Inserting headers and footers
built-in headers, Inserting headers and footers
built-in page numbers, Inserting headers and footers
built-in themes, Using themes and style sets
built-in watermarks, Inserting a watermark
bulleted list styles, Building a bulleted or numbered list
business cards, Creating mailing labels and business cards
business documents, What do you want to do?


captions, inserting, Making tables of tables and tables of figures
categories for blog posts, Post a blog entry
alignment and direction, Setting cell alignment and direction
merging and splitting, Merging and splitting cells
setting tab stops in, Setting tab atops in table cells
center-align shortcut, Use keyboard shortcuts
accepting and rejecting document changes, Accepting and rejecting changes
tracking, Tracking changes
viewing changes made by coauthors, View changes made by other authors
bulleted or numbered lists, Changing the bullets or numbering
character formatting, Changing the character formatting of text
numbering values, Changing numbering values
character formatting, changing, Changing the character formatting of text
character styles
applying from the Styles gallery, Apply a character style from the Styles gallery
defined, Formatting with styles
allowed in path file names, Saving documents
Chart tool, Choosing illustration types
charts, building, Building charts to display data
Check Box content control, Select and insert a content control type
citation style, Creating a bibliography
pasting contents, Use keyboard shortcuts
using, Copying and moving Items
closing documents, Use keyboard shortcuts
cloud computing
logging on to Office with Microsoft Account, What’s new in Word 2013
communicating with, Talking to your coauthors
working with, Working with coauthors
collapsing headings, Organizing topics
color balance, pictures, Changing the appearance of a picture
font, Format text by using ribbon buttons
paragraph shading, Adding borders and shading
themes, Using themes and style sets, Modify a theme’s fonts, colors, and effects
transparent color in pictures, Setting a transparent color
adding and deleting, Adding and deleting rows and columns
changing number of, Changing the number of columns
multicolumn, Changing the number of columns
resizing, Resizing rows and columns
Combo Box content control, Select and insert a content control type
adding and removing from the toolbar, Using the Quick Access Toolbar
assigning keyboard shortcuts to, Customizing the keyboard
shortcuts for undo and redo, Use keyboard shortcuts
adding, Adding comments
replying to, Reply to a comment
showing and hiding, Showing and hiding comments
comparing reviewed document versions, Comparing reviewed versions
configuration, AutoRecover, Recovering lost work
content controls
grouping for a form, Grouping content controls for a form
inserting, Inserting content controls
inserting document property content controls, Using document properties
contextual errors, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
contextual tab, objects, Exploring the ribbon
converting text to a table and back again, Converting text to a table and back again
Excel tables into Word, Copying an Excel table into Word
formatting to another location, Using the Format Painter
items, Copying and moving Items
selections, Use keyboard shortcuts
windows, Inserting a screenshot
counting words, Counting words
cover pages, inserting, Inserting a cover page
cropping pictures, Cropping a picture
cross-references, Repeating information by using cross-references
Ctrl key (for discontinuous selection), Selecting text
custom dictionaries, adding a word to, Add a word to the custom dictionary
custom templates, basing a new document on, Basing a new document on a custom template
items, Copying and moving Items
selections, Use keyboard shortcuts


data, changing in diagrams, Change a diagram’s type or data
date fields
formatting, Format a date field
inserting using shortcuts, Inserting Page and Date fields by using shortcuts
Date Picker content control, Select and insert a content control type
AutoCorrect, Adding common misspellings to AutoCorrect
headers and footers, Making a different first page header or different odd and even pages header
spacing in Normal style, Changing line and paragraph spacing
views, Switching views
definitions, obtaining, Getting definitions and synonyms
deleting rows and columns, Adding and deleting rows and columns
deselecting, Selecting text
diagrams, SmartArt, Creating SmartArt diagrams
dialog boxes
creating new styles with, Create a new style by using a dialog box
modifying styles with, Modify an existing style by example
adding a word to custom dictionary, Add a word to the custom dictionary
custom, Add a custom dictionary
definitions, Getting definitions and synonyms
digital signatures
adding, Adding a digital signature
trusted locations and publishers, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers
discontinuous selection with Ctrl key, Selecting text
customizing, Customizing the screen
options, Controlling what is displayed and printed, Control screen and printing behavior
resolution, A few assumptions
Document Inspector, Using the Document Inspector
accepting and rejecting changes, Accepting and rejecting changes
adding comments to, Adding comments
adding envelopes to, Printing multiple copies of an envelope
apps, Using an app in a document
basing on a custom template, Basing a new document on a custom template
closing, Use keyboard shortcuts
comparing reviewed versions, Comparing reviewed versions
digital signatures, Adding a digital signature
exporting to other file types, Exporting a document to other file types
getting information about, Getting information about a document
headers, Making a different first page header or different odd and even pages header
linking to, Link to a different document or webpage
linking to locations within, Inserting hyperlinks
margins, Choosing page size and margins
merging reviewed versions, Merging reviewed versions
navigating, Navigating a document in the Navigation pane
opening, Use keyboard shortcuts, Opening documents, Open unsaved documents
passwords, Protecting a document by using a password
presenting online, Presenting a document online
printing, Printing a document
privacy settings, Change privacy settings for documents
properties, Using document properties
read-only or final, Marking a document as read-only or final
recovering, Recovering lost work
saving, Use keyboard shortcuts, Saving documents
sending by email, Sending a document by email
setting options for track changes, Setting options for Track Changes
sharing, Read in Word Web App, Sharing with SkyDrive
showing and hiding
comments, Showing and hiding comments
tracked changes, Showing and hiding tracked changes
a new document, Starting a new document
Word with an existing document, Starting the Word program
tracking changes, Tracking changes
Word Web App, Exploring Word Web App
proofing packages, Download a proofing package
templates, Finding and downloading templates
dragging row and column borders, Resizing rows and columns
drawing shapes, Inserting a shape
Drop-Down List content control, Select and insert a content control type


headers and footers, Edit an existing header or footer
in Word Web App, Edit in Word Web App
options, Working with advanced options
PDF documents, Editing a PDF document
security, Restricting editing and formatting
templates, Customizing an existing template
themes, Modify a theme’s fonts, colors, and effects
WordArt, Adding WordArt effects
email, sending documents, Sending a document by email
Encarta Dictionary, Getting definitions and synonyms
end points in shapes, Edit points in a shape
adding, Adding footnotes and endnotes
formatting, Change the format of footnotes and endnotes
entries (index), Indexing a document
address formatting, Changing envelope address formatting
printing multiple copies, Printing multiple copies of an envelope
printing single envelopes, Printing a single envelope
size and print options, Change envelope size and print options
even and odd headers and footers, Insert odd and even headers and footers
creating new styles with, Create a new style by example
modifying styles with, Creating and modifying styles
copying table into Word, Copying an Excel table into Word
data source for mail merge, Choosing the recipients
headings, Organizing topics
objects, Expand objects
exporting documents to other file types, Exporting a document to other file types
expressions, wildcard
in find expressions, Using wildcard find and replace
in replace expressions, Use wildcards in a Replace expression
Extend Mode, F8 key, Select by using the keyboard


F8 key (Extend Mode), Select by using the keyboard
Field dialog box, Using the Field dialog box
cross-reference fields, Repeating information by using cross-references
Field dialog box, Using the Field dialog box
formatting using switches, Controlling field formatting by using switches
inserting from the keyboard, Inserting fields from the keyboard
inserting page and date fields using shortcuts, Inserting Page and Date fields by using shortcuts
mail merge, Adding merge fields
options, Change options related to fields
StyleRef fields, inserting, Insert a StyleRef Field
table of contents, Use TC fields for special entries
toggling field codes and updating, Toggling field codes and updating fields
XE fields, Indexing a document
figures, tables of, Making tables of tables and tables of figures
File Block settings, Change the File Block settings
file types, exporting documents to, Exporting a document to other file types
default file format, Changing the default file format for saving documents
default location, Set default file locations
locations, Set file locations
path names, Saving documents
Protected View, Changing which files open in Protected View
SkyDrive, Sharing with SkyDrive
trusted locations, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers
filling shapes, Changing the appearance of a shape
final documents, Marking a document as read-only or final
Find dialog, Use the Advanced Find dialog
templates, Finding and downloading templates
using wildcards, Using wildcard find and replace
Flickr, inserting pictures from, Get a picture from SkyDrive or Flickr
folders, user templates, Locate the User Templates folder
character formats, Creating and modifying styles
themes, Using themes and style sets, Modify a theme’s fonts, colors, and effects
extracting text for, Extracting text for a header or footer from body text
inserting, Inserting headers and footers
odd and even, Insert odd and even headers and footers
unlinking, Unlinking a header
adding, Adding footnotes and endnotes
formatting, Change the format of footnotes and endnotes
changing character formatting, Changing the character formatting of text
copying to another location, Using the Format Painter
default file format, Changing the default file format for saving documents
diagrams, Format a diagram
envelope addresses, Changing envelope address formatting
fields using switches, Controlling field formatting by using switches
footnotes and endnotes, Change the format of footnotes and endnotes
Format Painter, Using the Format Painter
highlighting, Applying highlighting
replacing, Replacing existing text
revealing existing formatting styles, Revealing existing formatting
security, Restricting editing and formatting
setting AutoFormat options, Setting AutoFormat options
about, Formatting with styles
adding borders and shading, Adding borders and shading
bulleted or numbered lists, Building a bulleted or numbered list
changing character formatting, Changing the character formatting of text
changing line and paragraph spacing, Changing line and paragraph spacing
changing numbering values, Changing numbering values
changing paragraph alignment and indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
creating and modifying, Creating and modifying styles
kinds of, Formatting with styles, Recognize kinds of styles
line and page breaks, Controlling line and page breaks
using multilevel numbered headings, Using multilevel numbered headings
table of contents, Modifying table of contents styles
text entries in the AutoCorrect list, Using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts
WordArt, Format WordArt
forms, grouping content controls for, Grouping content controls for a form


galleries, selecting building blocks from, Inserting built-in building blocks
General tab, Setting general options
correcting, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
options, Setting spelling and grammar options
setting proofing language, Changing the proofing language of text
using the grammar pane, Running a manual spelling or grammar check
content controls for a form, Grouping content controls for a form
shapes, Add text to a shape
adding tools to, Adding tools to a custom group
creating on the ribbon, Creating a custom tab or group on the ribbon


illustrations, about, Choosing illustration types
indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
about, Indexing a document
multiple indexes, Using multiple indexes
Info page, Getting information about a document
art borders, Insert an art border
bibliographies, Insert a bibliography
blank pages at the end of a section, Inserting a section break
bookmarks, Using bookmarks
building blocks, Inserting built-in building blocks
built-in page numbers, Inserting headers and footers
charts, Building charts to display data
comments, Adding comments
content controls, Inserting content controls
cover pages, Inserting a cover page
cross-references, Repeating information by using cross-references
diagrams, Creating SmartArt diagrams
document property content controls, Using document properties
from the keyboard, Inserting fields from the keyboard
using the Field dialog box, Using the Field dialog box
group content controls, Grouping content controls for a form
headers and footers, Inserting headers and footers
hyperlinks, Inserting hyperlinks
indexes, Insert an index
odd and even headers and footers, Insert odd and even headers and footers
online video, Inserting online video
page and date fields using shortcuts, Inserting Page and Date fields by using shortcuts
pictures, Resizing a picture
from online, Inserting an online picture
from SkyDrive or Flickr, Get a picture from SkyDrive or Flickr
from your computer, Inserting a picture from your computer
screenshots, Inserting a screenshot
section breaks, Inserting a section break
shapes, Inserting a shape
StyleRef fields, Insert a StyleRef Field
tab stops on the ruler, Inserting tab stops on the ruler
table captions, Making tables of tables and tables of figures
table of contents, Insert a table of contents
table of tables or table of figures, Insert a table of tables or figures
tables, Inserting a simple table
text, Inserting and overtyping text
text boxes, Inserting text boxes
watermarks, Inserting a watermark
WordArt, Adding WordArt effects
inspecting, documents, Using the Document Inspector
installing, apps for Office, Install an App for Office
finding help on, Finding help on the Internet
security, Setting privacy options
invitations, sending, Presenting a document online
italics, applying, Use keyboard shortcuts


customizing, Customizing the keyboard
inserting fields from, Inserting fields from the keyboard
recording macros, Recording macros
selecting text, Select by using the keyboard
about, Using built-in keyboard shortcuts
assigning to a command, Customizing the keyboard
assigning to symbols, Assign a shortcut to a symbol
keytips, using with keyboard shortcuts, Using built-in keyboard shortcuts


mail merge to, Create the main document
mailing, Creating mailing labels and business cards
landscape pages, portrait headers, Create a portrait header on landscape pages
setting proofing language, Changing the proofing language of text
translations, Finding a translation
left-align, shortcut for, Use keyboard shortcuts
line borders, Applying a border around a page
line spacing, changing with styles, Changing line and paragraph spacing
linebreaks, Controlling line and page breaks
linked styles, Formatting with styles, Recognize kinds of styles
a chain of text boxes, Linking a chain of text boxes
to documents or webpages, Link to a different document or webpage
to Excel worksheets, Copying an Excel table into Word
to locations within your document, Inserting hyperlinks
bulleted or numbered lists with styles, Building a bulleted or numbered list
Drop-Down List content control, Select and insert a content control type
including unnumbered paragraphs in, Changing numbering values
multilevel list styles, Using multilevel numbered headings
sorting, Sorting a list
default file locations, Set default file locations
files, Set file locations
trusted, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers
Lock Tracking, Setting options for Track Changes
logon, to Office with Microsoft Account, What’s new in Word 2013
lost documents, recovering, Recovering lost work


macros, recording, Recording macros
mail merge
adding fields, Adding merge fields
finishing, Finishing the merge
recipients, Choosing the recipients
rules, Adding information with rules
starting, Starting a mail merge
mailing labels, Creating mailing labels and business cards
main header, creating, Making a different first page header or different odd and even pages header
manual AutoFormat, Perform a manual AutoFormat
manual spell check, Running a manual spelling or grammar check
choosing, Choosing page size and margins
mirror margins, Designing a template for two-sided printing
document for a table of contents, Using multiple tables of contents
index entries, Indexing a document
text for no proofing, Mark text for no proofing
markup, viewing, Showing and hiding comments, Showing and hiding tracked changes
cells, Merging and splitting cells
reviewed document versions, Merging reviewed versions
Microsoft Accounts
logging on to Office, What’s new in Word 2013
Office Store apps, Adding an app from the Office Store
setting up, A few assumptions
SkyDrive, Sharing with SkyDrive
Microsoft Excel 2013, charts, Building charts to display data
Microsoft Office
logging on with Microsoft Account, What’s new in Word 2013
Office clipboard, Managing the Office clipboard
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, charts, Building charts to display data
Microsoft SharePoint Workspace, Sharing with SkyDrive
Mini Translator, Use the Mini Translator
minimize, ribbon, Show or hide items on the status bar
mirror margins, Designing a template for two-sided printing
modifying, styles, Creating and modifying styles
mouse, selecting text, Selecting text


names, preparing a list of for sorting, Sorting a list
Navigation pane
about, Navigating a document in the Navigation pane
organizing topics, Organize in Outline view or in the Navigation pane
search feature, Navigating by using the search feature
Normal style
default spacing, Changing line and paragraph spacing
shortcut for applying, Use keyboard shortcuts
Normal template, using, Working with the Normal template
Normal.dotm, starting a new document, Starting a new document
built-in page numbers, Inserting headers and footers
changing values, Changing numbering values
headings, using multilevel numbered headings, Using multilevel numbered headings
numbered lists, styles, Building a bulleted or numbered list
Numbering Library, Select from the Numbering Library
numeric fields, formatting, Format a numeric field
numeric picture switch, Controlling field formatting by using switches


contextual tab, Exploring the ribbon
expanding, Expand objects
odd and even headers and footers, Insert odd and even headers and footers
Office Background, Setting general options
Office clipboard, Managing the Office clipboard
Office Store, apps, Adding an app from the Office Store, templates, Finding and downloading templates
OFFLINE, Finding help in Word
accounts, Managing your online accounts
pictures, inserting, Inserting an online picture
presentation of documents, Presenting a document online
video, inserting, Inserting online video
documents, Use keyboard shortcuts, Opening documents
in Word Web App, Exploring Word Web App
options for, Control opening and saving behavior
unsaved documents, Open unsaved documents
Word Web App in Word, Switch to Word on your computer
Advanced page, Working with advanced options
Display tab, Controlling what is displayed and printed
General tab, Setting general options
spelling and grammar, Setting spelling and grammar options
Organizer, Building Blocks, Managing building blocks
orientation of pages, Changing the page orientation
outline of shapes, Changing the appearance of a shape
Outline view
about, Switching views
organizing topics, Organize in Outline view or in the Navigation pane
switching between insert and overtyping, Inserting and overtyping text
text, Inserting and overtyping text


applying borders around, Applying a border around a page
fields, inserting using shortcuts, Inserting Page and Date fields by using shortcuts
inserting blank pages at the end of a section, Inserting a section break
inserting cover pages, Inserting a cover page
built-in, Inserting headers and footers
updating in the table of contents, Updating a table of contents
orientation of, Changing the page orientation
portrait headers on landscape pages, Create a portrait header on landscape pages
positioning pictures on, Positioning pictures on the page
size of, Choosing page size and margins
paragraph styles
applying from the Styles gallery, Apply a paragraph style from the Styles gallery
defined, Formatting with styles
breaks, Controlling line and page breaks
changing alignment and indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents, Change alignment and indents in the Paragraph dialog box
changing spacing with styles, Changing line and paragraph spacing
numbered lists, Changing numbering values
shortcuts for left-, right- and center-align, Use keyboard shortcuts
applying from Styles gallery, Apply a paragraph style from the Styles gallery
defined, Formatting with styles
passwords, documents, Protecting a document by using a password
a table from Excel, Copying an Excel table into Word
clipboard contents, Use keyboard shortcuts
from Office clipboard, Managing the Office clipboard
items, Paste an item
using Paste Special, Copying and moving Items, Paste an item
PDF documents
editing, Editing a PDF document
saving, Exporting a document to other file types
using, What’s new in Word 2013
aligning, Choose the layout option
blog posts, Set up a blog account
changing the appearance of, Changing the appearance of a picture
content control, Select and insert a content control type
cropping, Cropping a picture
from online, Inserting an online picture
from SkyDrive or Flickr, Get a picture from SkyDrive or Flickr
from your computer, Inserting a picture from your computer
options, Change options related to pictures
positioning on page, Positioning pictures on the page
recoloring, Recolor the picture
removing backgrounds, Removing the background from a picture
replacing, Replacing a picture
resizing, Resizing a picture
special effects, Removing the background from a picture, Applying special effects
transparent color, Setting a transparent color
watermarks, Add a custom picture watermark
bibliographies, Add a placeholder
text, content controls, Change the placeholder text for a content control
Plain Text content control, Select and insert a content control type
portrait headers, landscape pages, Create a portrait header on landscape pages
positioning, pictures on the page, Positioning pictures on the page
blog entries, Post a blog entry
invitations, Presenting a document online
presentations, Post or send invitations
Print Layout view
about, What’s new in Word 2013, Switching views
using, Switching views
business cards, Print a page of business cards
documents, Printing a document
envelopes, Print the envelope
labels, Creating mailing labels and business cards, Print a page of different labels
multiple copies of an envelope, Printing multiple copies of an envelope
options, Control screen and printing behavior
shortcut for, Use keyboard shortcuts
single envelopes, Printing a single envelope
templates for two-sided printing, Designing a template for two-sided printing
proofing, changing the proofing language of text, Changing the proofing language of text
content controls, Set the properties for a content control
documents, Getting information about a document, Using document properties
Protected View, Changing which files open in Protected View
publishers, trusted, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers


question mark (?), wildcard searches, Use wildcards in a Find expression
Quick Access Toolbar, Using the Quick Access Toolbar
customizing, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Quick Style gallery, Managing styles
Quick Tables building block gallery, Inserting a simple table


Read Mode
about, What’s new in Word 2013
optimization of, Switching views
using, Using the Read Mode
read-only documents, Marking a document as read-only or final
Reading view of Word Web App, Exploring Word Web App
recoloring, pictures, Recolor the picture
recording, macros, Recording macros
recovering, documents, Recovering lost work
red squiggles, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
redo, shortcut for, Use keyboard shortcuts
rejecting, document changes, Accepting and rejecting changes
backgrounds from pictures, Removing the background from a picture
commands from the toolbar, Using the Quick Access Toolbar
unwanted parts of pictures, Cropping a picture
Repeating Section content control, Select and insert a content control type
repeating, header rows, Repeating header rows
formatting, Replacing existing text
pictures, Replacing a picture
text, Replacing existing text
using wildcards, Using wildcard find and replace
wildcards in replace expressions, Use wildcards in a Replace expression
replying, to a comment, Reply to a comment
resizing, rows and columns, Resizing rows and columns
resolution, display, A few assumptions
restoring, using the Undo list, Undoing mistaken actions
revealing, existing formating, Revealing existing formatting
document versions and comparing, Comparing reviewed versions
merging reviewed document versions, Merging reviewed versions
about, Exploring the ribbon
adding a ribbon item to the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
adding borders and shading with, Adding borders and shading
formatting text with, Changing the character formatting of text
changing paragraph alignment and indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
hiding or showing, Use keyboard shortcuts, Show or hide items on the status bar
resizing pictures, Set the size numerically on the ribbon
tabs and groups, Creating a custom tab or group on the ribbon
Rich Text content control, Select and insert a content control type
right-align, shortcut for, Use keyboard shortcuts
pictures, Resizing a picture
text in table cells, Setting cell alignment and direction
adding and deleting, Adding and deleting rows and columns
repeating header rows, Repeating header rows
resizing, Resizing rows and columns
changing paragraph alignment and indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
tab stops, Inserting tab stops on the ruler
rules, mail merge, Adding information with rules


building blocks, Creating your own building blocks
documents, Use keyboard shortcuts, Saving documents
options for, Control opening and saving behavior
templates, Modify and save the template
screen, customizing, Customizing the screen
inserting, Inserting a screenshot
using, Choosing illustration types
ScreenTip Style list box, Setting general options
search, Navigation Pane, Navigating by using the search feature
breaks, inserting, Inserting a section break
headers, Making a different first page header or different odd and even pages header
inserting blank pages at the end of, Inserting a section break
digital signatures, Adding a digital signature
Document Inspector, Using the Document Inspector
document passwords, Protecting a document by using a password
editing and formatting, Restricting editing and formatting
marking documents read-only or final, Marking a document as read-only or final
privacy settings, Setting privacy options
Trust Center, Viewing the Word 2013 Trust Center
trusted locations and trusted publishers, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers
objects behind text, Choose the layout option
text, Selecting text
text that has the same style, Set the Styles pane options
copying, Use keyboard shortcuts
cutting, Use keyboard shortcuts
Borders and Shading dialog box, Use the Borders And Shading dialog box
styles, Adding borders and shading
changing appearance of, Changing the appearance of a shape
cropping to, Crop to a shape
gallery, Choosing illustration types
inserting, Inserting a shape
SharePoint server
opening documents from, Opening documents
SkyDrive, Sharing with SkyDrive
using SkyDrive, Sharing with SkyDrive
with Word Web App, Read in Word Web App
assigning, Customizing the keyboard
inserting page and date fields using, Inserting Page and Date fields by using shortcuts
obtaining synonyms, Get a synonym on the shortcut menu
starting Word, Starting the Word program
using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts, Using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts
show and hide codes, Toggling field codes and updating fields
Show/Hide button, revealing formatting, Revealing existing formatting
comments, Showing and hiding comments
ribbon, Use keyboard shortcuts
tracked changes, Showing and hiding tracked changes
Simple Markup view
showing and hiding comments, Showing and hiding comments
tracked changes, What’s new in Word 2013
inserting pictures from, Get a picture from SkyDrive or Flickr
opening documents from, Opening documents
sharing, Sharing with SkyDrive
SmartArt, Choosing illustration types
creating diagrams, Creating SmartArt diagrams
social networking, with SkyDrive, Share files in SkyDrive
sources, bibliographies, Add a source, Add a placeholder
spacing, changing line and paragraph spacing, Changing line and paragraph spacing
special effects, pictures, Applying special effects
adding common misspellings to AutoCorrect, Adding common misspellings to AutoCorrect
correcting, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
manual spell check, Running a manual spelling or grammar check
marking text to ignore spelling, Marking text to ignore spelling
options, Setting spelling and grammar options
setting proofing language, Changing the proofing language of text
using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts, Using AutoCorrect entries as shortcuts
splitting, cells, Merging and splitting cells
squiggles underlining text, Correcting a spelling or grammar error
starting the Word program, Starting the Word program
status bar
show or hide items, Customizing the screen
word count, Counting words
Style Inspector, Use the Style Inspector
StyleRef fields
headers and footers, Extracting text for a header or footer from body text
inserting, Insert a StyleRef Field
about, Formatting with styles
adding borders and shading, Adding borders and shading
bulleted or numbered lists, Building a bulleted or numbered list
character formatting, Changing the character formatting of text
line and paragraph spacing, Changing line and paragraph spacing
numbering values, Changing numbering values
paragraph alignment and indents, Changing paragraph alignment and indents
citations, Creating a bibliography
creating and modifying, Creating and modifying styles
custom styles, Extracting text for a header or footer from body text
envelope addresses, Modify the Envelope Address style
applying character styles, Apply a character style from the Styles gallery
applying paragraph styles, Apply a paragraph style from the Styles gallery
mail merge, Changing envelope address formatting
options, Managing styles
revealing existing formatting, Revealing existing formatting
security, Restricting editing and formatting
style sets, using, Using themes and style sets
Styles pane, Using the Styles pane
table of contents, Modifying table of contents styles
using multilevel numbered headings, Using multilevel numbered headings
using table styles for uniform appearance, Using table styles for uniform appearance
switches, formatting fields using, Controlling field formatting by using switches
switching, views, Switching views
symbols, assigning keyboard shortcuts to, Assign a shortcut to a symbol
synonyms, obtaining, Getting definitions and synonyms


tab stops
creating on the ribbon, Creating a custom tab or group on the ribbon
inserting on the ruler, Inserting tab stops on the ruler
table cells, Setting tab atops in table cells
table of contents
generating, Generating a table of contents
multiple table of contents, Using multiple tables of contents
styles, Modifying table of contents styles
updating, Updating a table of contents
table styles, Formatting with styles, Recognize kinds of styles, Using table styles for uniform appearance
adding and deleting rows and columns, Adding and deleting rows and columns
alignment, Setting table alignment
cell alignment and direction, Setting cell alignment and direction
converting text to a table and back again, Converting text to a table and back again
copying an Excel table into Word, Copying an Excel table into Word
inserting, Inserting a simple table
merging and splitting cells, Merging and splitting cells
repeating header rows, Repeating header rows
resizing rows and columns, Resizing rows and columns
setting tab stops in table cells, Setting tab atops in table cells
tables of tables and tables of figures, Making tables of tables and tables of figures
text wrapping, Setting table text wrapping
using table styles for uniform appearance, Using table styles for uniform appearance
basing a new document on a custom template, Basing a new document on a custom template
blog posts, Blogging with Word
customizing, Customizing an existing template
designing, Designing a template
finding and downloading, Finding and downloading templates
labels, Creating mailing labels and business cards
modifying and saving, Modify and save the template
Normal template, Working with the Normal template
saving changes, Managing building blocks
security, Restricting editing and formatting
starting documents with, Starting a new document
two-sided printing, Designing a template for two-sided printing
user templates folder, Locate the User Templates folder
adding to shapes, Add text to a shape
aligning, Choose the layout option
converting to a table and back again, Converting text to a table and back again
direction in cells, Setting cell alignment and direction
entering text in a new blank document, Starting a new document
extracting for headers and footers, Extracting text for a header or footer from body text
fields, formatting, Format a date field
headers and footers, Making a different first page header or different odd and even pages header
inserting and overtyping, Inserting and overtyping text
to ignore spelling, Marking text to ignore spelling, Mark text for no proofing
replacing, Replacing existing text
selecting, Selecting text
sorting selected list text, Sort the selected text
translations of selected text, Translate selected text
watermarks, Add a custom text watermark
text boxes
as a shape object, Inserting a shape
inserting, Inserting text boxes
linking a chain of text boxes, Linking a chain of text boxes
text wrapping
charts, Change a chart’s appearance
pictures, Positioning pictures on the page
tables, Setting table text wrapping
using, Using themes and style sets
using table styles for uniform appearance, Using table styles for uniform appearance
thesaurus, synonyms, Get a synonym from the Thesaurus
thumbnails, Navigation Pane, Navigating a document in the Navigation pane
toggling, field codes, Toggling field codes and updating fields
tools, adding to groups, Adding tools to a custom group
topics, organizing, Organizing topics
touchscreens, Adapting task procedures for touchscreens
tracking changes
setting options for track changes, Setting options for Track Changes
showing and hiding tracked changes, Showing and hiding tracked changes
Simple Markup view, What’s new in Word 2013
turning on track changes, Tracking changes
translations, Finding a translation
transparent color, pictures, Setting a transparent color
Trust Center, Viewing the Word 2013 Trust Center
trusted locations and trusted publishers, Adding trusted locations and trusted publishers
two-sided printing, templates, Designing a template for two-sided printing


underline, applying, Use keyboard shortcuts
shortcut for, Use keyboard shortcuts
using, Undoing mistaken actions
unlinking, headers and footers, Unlinking a header
unsaved documents, recovering, Open unsaved documents
fields, Toggling field codes and updating fields
table of contents, Updating a table of contents
user name and initials, Setting general options
user templates folder, Locate the User Templates folder


comparing reviewed document versions, Comparing reviewed versions
exporting to earlier Word file formats, Exporting a document to other file types
merging reviewed document versions, Merging reviewed versions
previous versions of Word
compatibility with Word 2012, A quick overview, Open a document from the Backstage view
saving new versions of documents, Save a new version
video, inserting online video, Inserting online video
viewing markup, Showing and hiding comments, Showing and hiding tracked changes
views, switching, Switching views


watermarks, inserting, Inserting a watermark
Web Layout view, about, Switching views
webpages, linking to, Link to a different document or webpage
what’s new, What’s new in Word 2013
white space, show or hide, Show or hide white space
find and replace, Using wildcard find and replace
replace expressions, Use wildcards in a Replace expression
Windows 8, Word shortcut, Use the Word shortcut in Windows 8
windows, copying, Inserting a screenshot
Word Web App, What’s new in Word 2013, Exploring Word Web App
WordArt, effects, Adding WordArt effects
words, counting, Counting words
worksheets, links to Excel worksheets, Copying an Excel table into Word
wrapping table text, Setting table text wrapping


XPS (XML Paper Specification), support for, Exporting a document to other file types
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