
The depth and breadth of the SharePoint technology can be quite daunting to any executive who is managing a SharePoint technical team, or is facing the challenge of determining the next steps with an upcoming SharePoint deployment within their organization.

This book is structured to answer those initial questions and provide you with a roadmap to understand the SharePoint technology, as well answering questions that you should be asking or will be asked by other departments' managers or an executive board.

This book will demystify the planning and managing of the SharePoint technology and you will learn how to identify and implement high business-value projects with simple, non-technical answers.

Why this book

All six authors have participated in successful SharePoint deployments within different industries and on various scales. All have witnessed train-wreck deployments that could have been avoided if, at an executive level, there was a better understanding of the application and a wider awareness of the business impact of the product, installation, and development options prior to project kick-off meetings or even determining the locations of servers.

Although some of these so called "train wreck" projects had highly technical and experienced professionals making what appeared to be logical decisions with an approach that had worked on previous non-SharePoint IT project deployments, most processes fell short because of a lack of understanding of the product deployment approaches, capabilities, technical skills required, and the reactions and responses to SharePoint deployments by the business community.


Microsoft may promote SharePoint as putting the business in the driving seat of IT, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions and could be avoided, if there was a better understanding of the journey ahead.

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