
This chapter has addressed important questions and answers and analyzed key SharePoint trends to arm you with more information about why and how SharePoint can be a good investment. You went beyond simple industry adoption statistics and took a deep dive into how, when implemented and approached correctly, SharePoint delivers compounded return or value with each new version.

Remember to keep a sharp eye out for some of the current challenges SharePoint 2010 has when it comes to mobile, tablet devices, and usability so that you can control and set the right expectations with your business. SharePoint's breadth is also one of its weaknesses as it's a "Jack of all trades".

In the next few chapters, you will dig into how to develop internal resources and grow SharePoint talent and capacity within the organization. As you read these chapters, remember that industry trends go beyond SharePoint features and usage. Considerations like growth in jobs ( shows a 900 percent growth rate in SharePoint jobs over the last five years) and an evolving body of knowledge (there are over 400 SharePoint 2010 books on Amazon as of March 2012) require careful consideration and planning when making decisions on how and where to invest in your SharePoint implementation.

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