Chapter 13. Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

Inheriting from a class is a powerful mechanism, but the real power of inheritance comes from inheriting from an interface. An interface does not contain any code or data; it just specifies the methods and properties that a class that inherits from the interface must provide. Using an interface makes it possible for you to completely separate the names and signatures of the methods of a class from the method’s implementation.

Abstract classes are similar in many ways to interfaces except that they can contain code and data. However, you can specify that certain methods of an abstract class are virtual so that a class that inherits from the abstract class must provide its own implementation of these methods. You frequently use abstract classes with interfaces, and together they provide a key technique with which you can build extensible programming frameworks, as you will discover in this chapter.

Understanding interfaces

Suppose that you want to define a new class in which you can store collections of objects, a bit like an array. However, unlike using an array, you want to provide a method named RetrieveInOrder to enable applications to retrieve objects in a sequence that depends on the type of object the collection contains (with an ordinary array, you can iterate through its contents, and by default you retrieve items according to their index). For example, if the collection holds alphanumeric objects such as strings, the collection should enable an application to retrieve these strings in sequence according to the collating sequence of the computer, and if the collection holds numeric objects such as integers, the collection should enable the application to retrieve objects in numerical order.

When you define the collection class, you do not want to restrict the types of objects that it can hold (the objects can even be class or structure types), and consequently you don’t know how to order these objects. The question therefore is how do you provide a method in the collection class that sorts objects whose types you do not know when you actually write the collection class? At first glance, this problem seems similar to the ToString problem described in Chapter 12 which could be resolved by declaring a virtual method which subclasses of your collection class can override. However, this is not the case. There is no inheritance relationship between the collection class and the objects that it holds, so a virtual method would not be of much use. If you think for a moment, the problem is that the way in which the objects in the collection should be ordered is dependent on the type of the object in the collection, and not on the collection itself. The solution, therefore, is to require that all the objects provide a method, such as the CompareTo method shown in the following example that the RetrieveInOrder method of the collection can call, making it possible for the collection to compare these objects with one another:

int CompareTo(object obj)
    // return 0 if this instance is equal to obj
    // return < 0 if this instance is less than obj
    // return > 0 if this instance is greater than obj

You can define an interface for collectable objects that includes the CompareTo method and specify that the collection class can contain only classes that implement this interface. In this way, an interface is similar to a contract. If a class implements an interface, the interface guarantees that the class contains all the methods specified in the interface. This mechanism ensures that you will be able to call the CompareTo method on all objects in the collection and sort them.

Using interfaces, you can truly separate the “what” from the “how.” The interface gives you only the name, return type, and parameters of the method. Exactly how the method is implemented is not a concern of the interface. The interface describes the functionality that a class should provide but not how this functionality is implemented.

Defining an interface

Defining an interface is syntactically similar to defining a class, except that you use the interface keyword instead of the class keyword. Within the interface, you declare methods exactly as in a class or a structure, except that you never specify an access modifier (public, private, or protected). Additionally, the methods in an interface have no implementation; they are simply declarations, and all types that implement the interface must provide their own implementations. Consequently, you replace the method body with a semicolon. Here is an example:

interface IComparable
    int CompareTo(object obj);


The Microsoft .NET Framework documentation recommends that you preface the name of your interfaces with the capital letter I. This convention is the last vestige of Hungarian notation in C#. Incidentally, the System namespace already defines the IComparable interface as just shown.

An interface cannot contain any data; you cannot add fields (not even private ones) to an interface.

Implementing an interface

To implement an interface, you declare a class or structure that inherits from the interface and that implements all the methods specified by the interface. This is not really inheritance as such; although the syntax is the same and some of the semantics that you will see later in this chapter bear many of the hallmarks of inheritance. You should note that unlike class inheritance, a struct can implement an interface.

For example, suppose that you are defining the Mammal hierarchy described in Chapter 12, but you need to specify that land-bound mammals provide a method named NumberOfLegs that returns as an int the number of legs that a mammal has. (Sea-bound mammals do not implement this interface.) You could define the ILandBound interface that contains this method, as follows:

interface ILandBound
    int NumberOfLegs();

You could then implement this interface in the Horse class. You inherit from the interface and provide an implementation of every method defined by the interface (in this case, there is just the one method: NumberOfLegs).

class Horse : ILandBound
    public int NumberOfLegs()
        return 4;

When you implement an interface, you must ensure that each method matches its corresponding interface method exactly, according to the following rules:

  • The method names and return types match exactly.

  • Any parameters (including ref and out keyword modifiers) match exactly.

  • All methods implementing an interface must be publicly accessible. However, if you are using an explicit interface implementation, the method should not have an access qualifier.

If there is any difference between the interface definition and its declared implementation, the class will not compile.


The Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) can help reduce coding errors caused by failing to implement the methods in an interface. The Implement Interface Wizard can generate stubs for each item in an interface that a class implements. You then fill in these stubs with the appropriate code. You will see how to use this wizard in the exercises later in this chapter.

A class can inherit from another class and implement an interface at the same time. In this case, C# does not distinguish between the base class and the interface by using specific keywords as, for example, Java does. Instead, C# uses a positional notation. The base class is always named first, followed by a comma, followed by the interface. The following example defines Horse as a class that is a Mammal but that additionally implements the ILandBound interface:

interface ILandBound
class Mammal
class Horse : Mammal , ILandBound


An interface, InterfaceA, can inherit from another interface, InterfaceB. Technically, this is known as interface extension rather than inheritance. In this case, any class or struct that implements InterfaceA must provide implementations of all the methods in InterfaceB and InterfaceA.

Referencing a class through its interface

In the same way that you can reference an object by using a variable defined as a class that is higher up the hierarchy, you can reference an object by using a variable defined as an interface that its class implements. Taking the preceding example, you can reference a Horse object by using an ILandBound variable, as follows:

Horse myHorse = new Horse(...);
ILandBound iMyHorse = myHorse; // legal

This works because all horses are land-bound mammals, although the converse is not true—you cannot assign an ILandBound object to a Horse variable without casting it first to verify that it does actually reference a Horse object and not some other class that also happens to implement the ILandBound interface.

The technique of referencing an object through an interface is useful because you can use it to define methods that can take different types as parameters, as long as the types implement a specified interface. For example, the FindLandSpeed method shown here can take any argument that implements the ILandBound interface:

int FindLandSpeed(ILandBound landBoundMammal)

You can verify that an object is an instance of a class that implements a specific interface by using the is operator, which is demonstrated in Chapter 8. You use the is operator to determine whether an object has a specified type, and it works with interfaces as well as classes and structs. For example, the following block of code checks that the variable myHorse actually implements the ILandBound interface before attempting to assign it to an ILandBound variable:

if (myHorse is ILandBound)
    ILandBound iLandBoundAnimal = myHorse;

Note that when referencing an object through an interface, you can invoke only methods that are visible through the interface.

Working with multiple interfaces

A class can have at most one base class, but it is allowed to implement an unlimited number of interfaces. A class must implement all the methods declared by these interfaces.

If a structure or class implements more than one interface, you specify the interfaces as a comma-separated list. If a class also has a base class, the interfaces are listed after the base class. For example, suppose that you define another interface named IGrazable that contains the ChewGrass method for all grazing animals. You can define the Horse class like this:

class Horse : Mammal, ILandBound, IGrazable

Explicitly implementing an interface

The examples so far have shown classes that implicitly implement an interface. If you revisit the ILandBound interface and the Horse class (shown next), although the Horse class implements from the ILandBound interface, there is nothing in the implementation of the NumberOfLegs method in the Horse class that says it is part of the ILandBound interface:

interface ILandBound
    int NumberOfLegs();
class Horse : ILandBound
    public int NumberOfLegs()
        return 4;

This might not be an issue in a simple situation, but suppose the Horse class implemented multiple interfaces. There is nothing to prevent multiple interfaces from specifying a method with the same name, although they might have different semantics. For example, suppose that you wanted to implement a transportation system based on horse-drawn coaches. A lengthy journey might be broken down into several stages, or “legs.” If you wanted to keep track of how many legs each horse had pulled the coach for, you might define the following interface:

interface IJourney
    int NumberOfLegs();

Now, if you implement this interface in the Horse class, you have an interesting problem:

class Horse : ILandBound, IJourney
    public int NumberOfLegs()
        return 4;

This is legal code, but does the horse have four legs, or has it pulled the coach for four legs of the journey? The answer as far as C# is concerned is both of these! By default, C# does not distinguish which interface the method is implementing, so the same method actually implements both interfaces.

To solve this problem and disambiguate which method is part of which interface implementation, you can implement interfaces explicitly. To do this, you specify which interface a method belongs to when you implement it, like this:

class Horse : ILandBound, IJourney
    int ILandBound.NumberOfLegs()
        return 4;
    int IJourney.NumberOfLegs()
        return 3;

Now, you can see that the horse has four legs and has pulled the coach for three legs of the journey.

Apart from prefixing the name of the method with the interface name, there is one other subtle difference in this syntax: The methods are not marked as public. You cannot specify the protection for methods that are part of an explicit interface implementation. This leads to another interesting phenomenon. If you create a Horse variable in code, you cannot actually invoke either of the NumberOfLegs methods, because they are not visible. As far as the Horse class is concerned, they are both private. In fact, this makes sense. If the methods were visible through the Horse class, which method would the following code actually invoke, the one for the ILandBound interface or the one for the IJourney interface?

Horse horse = new Horse();
int legs = horse.NumberOfLegs();

So, how do you access these methods? The answer is that you reference the Horse object through the appropriate interface, like this:

Horse horse = new Horse();
IJourney journeyHorse = horse;
int legsInJourney = journeyHorse.NumberOfLegs();
ILandBound landBoundHorse = horse;
int legsOnHorse = landBoundHorse.NumberOfLegs();

I recommend explicitly implementing interfaces when possible.

Interface restrictions

The essential idea to remember is that an interface never contains any implementation. The following restrictions are natural consequences of this:

  • You’re not allowed to define any fields in an interface, not even static fields. A field is an implementation detail of a class or structure.

  • You’re not allowed to define any constructors in an interface. A constructor is also considered to be an implementation detail of a class or structure.

  • You’re not allowed to define a destructor in an interface. A destructor contains the statements used to destroy an object instance. (Destructors are described in Chapter 14.)

  • You cannot specify an access modifier for any method. All methods in an interface are implicitly public.

  • You cannot nest any types (such as enumerations, structures, classes, or interfaces) inside an interface.

  • An interface is not allowed to inherit from a structure or a class, although an interface can inherit from another interface. Structures and classes contain implementation; if an interface were allowed to inherit from either, it would be inheriting some implementation.

Defining and using interfaces

In the following exercises, you will define and implement interfaces that constitute part of a simple graphical drawing package. You will define two interfaces called IDraw and IColor, and then you will define classes that implement them. Each class will define a shape that can be drawn on a canvas on a form. (A canvas is a control that you can use to draw lines, text, and shapes on the screen.)

The IDraw interface defines the following methods:

  • SetLocation With this method, you can specify the position as x and y-coordinates of the shape on the canvas.

  • Draw This method actually draws the shape on the canvas at the location specified by using the SetLocation method.

The IColor interface defines the following method:

  • SetColor You use this method to specify the color of the shape. When the shape is drawn on the canvas, it will appear in this color.

Define the IDraw and IColor interfaces
  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 if it is not already running.

  2. Open the Drawing project, which is located in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 13Windows XDrawing folder in your Documents folder.

    The Drawing project is a graphical application. It contains a form called DrawingPad. This form contains a canvas control called drawingCanvas. You will use this form and canvas to test your code.

  3. In Solution Explorer, click the Drawing project. On the Project menu, click Add New Item.

    The Add New Item – Drawing dialog box opens.

  4. In the left pane of the Add New Item – Drawing dialog box, click Visual C#, and then click Code. In the middle pane, click the Interface template. In the Name box, type IDraw.cs, and then click Add.

    Visual Studio creates the IDraw.cs file and adds it to your project. The IDraw.cs file appears in the Code and Text Editor window, and should look like this:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Drawing
        interface IDraw
  5. In the IDraw.cs file, if you are using Windows 8.1, add the following using directive to the list at the top of the file:

    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, add this using directive, instead:

    using System.Windows.Controls;

    You will reference the Canvas class in this interface. The Canvas class is located in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls namespace for Windows Store apps and in the System.Windows.Controls namespace for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.

  6. Add the methods shown here in bold to the IDraw interface:

    interface IDraw
        void SetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord);
        void Draw(Canvas canvas);
  7. On the Project menu, click Add New Item again.

  8. In the Add New Item – Drawing dialog box, in the middle pane, click the Interface template. In the Name box, type IColor.cs, and then click Add.

    Visual Studio creates the IColor.cs file and adds it to your project. The IColor.cs file appears in the Code and Text Editor window.

  9. In the IColor.cs file, if you are using Windows 8.1, at the top of the file, add the following using directive to the list:

    using Windows.UI;

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, add this using directive:

    using System.Windows.Media;

    You will reference the Color class in this interface, which is located in the Windows.UI namespace for Windows Store apps and in the System.Windows.Media namespace for WPF applications.

  10. Add the following method shown in bold to the IColor interface definition:

    interface IColor
        void SetColor(Color color);

You have now defined the IDraw and IColor interfaces. The next step is to create some classes that implement them. In the following exercise, you will create two new shape classes called Square and Circle. These classes will implement both interfaces.

Create the Square and Circle classes, and implement the interfaces
  1. On the Project menu, click Add Class.

  2. In the Add New Item – Drawing dialog box, in the middle pane, verify that the Class template is selected. In the Name box, type Square.cs, and then click Add.

    Visual Studio creates the Square.cs file and displays it in the Code and Text Editor window.

  3. If you are using Windows 8.1, at the top of the Square.cs file, add the following using directives to the list:

    using Windows.UI;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, at the top of the Square.cs file, add these using directives:

    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
  4. Modify the definition of the Square class so that it implements the IDraw and IColor interfaces, as shown here in bold:

    class Square : IDraw, IColor
  5. Add the following private variables shown in bold to the Square class:

    class Square : IDraw, IColor
        private int sideLength;
        private int locX = 0, locY = 0;
        private Rectangle rect = null;

    These variables will hold the position and size of the Square object on the canvas. The Rectangle class is located in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes namespace for Windows Store apps and in the System.Windows.Shapes namespace for WPF applications. You will use this class to draw the square:

  6. Add the following constructor shown in bold to the Square class:

    class Square : IDraw, IColor
        public Square(int sideLength)
            this.sideLength = sideLength;

    This constructor initializes the sideLength field and specifies the length of each side of the square.

  7. In the definition of the Square class, right-click the IDraw interface. In the shortcut menu that appears, point to Implement Interface, and then click Implement Interface Explicitly, as shown in the following image:

    A screenshot of the Code and Text Editor window showing the Implement Interface Explicitly option on the shortcut menu for the IDraw interface.

    This feature causes Visual Studio to generate default implementations of the methods in the IDraw interface. You can also add the methods to the Square class manually if you prefer. The following example shows the code generated by Visual Studio:

    void IDraw.SetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    void IDraw.Draw(Canvas canvas)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    Each of these methods currently throws a NotImplementedException exception. You are expected to replace the body of these methods with your own code.

  8. In the IDraw.SetLocation method, replace the existing code that throws a NotImplementedException exception with the following statements shown in bold:

    void IDraw.SetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        this.locX = xCoord;
        this.locY = yCoord;

    This code stores the values passed in through the parameters in the locX and locY fields in the Square object.

  9. Replace the code generated in the IDraw.Draw method with the statements shown here in bold:

    void IDraw.Draw(Canvas canvas)
        if (this.rect != null)
            this.rect = new Rectangle();
        this.rect.Height = this.sideLength;
        this.rect.Width = this.sideLength;
        Canvas.SetTop(this.rect, this.locY);
        Canvas.SetLeft(this.rect, this.locX);

    This method renders the Square object by drawing a Rectangle shape on the canvas. (A square is simply a rectangle where all four sides have the same length.) If the Rectangle has been drawn previously (possibly at a different location and with a different color), it is removed from the canvas. The height and width of the Rectangle are set by using the value of the sideLength field. The position of the Rectangle on the canvas is set by using the static SetTop and SetLeft methods of the Canvas class, and then the Rectangle is added to the canvas. (This causes it to display.)

  10. Add the SetColor method from the IColor interface to the Square class, as shown here:

    void IColor.SetColor(Color color)
        if (this.rect != null)
            SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(color);
            this.rect.Fill = brush;

    This method checks that the Square object has actually been displayed. (The rect field will be null if it has not yet been rendered.) The code sets the Fill property of the rect field with the specified color by using a SolidColorBrush object. (The details of how the SolidColorBrush class works are beyond the scope of this discussion.)

  11. On the Project menu, click Add Class. In the Add New Item – Drawing dialog box, in the Name box, type Circle.cs, and then click Add.

    Visual Studio creates the Circle.cs file and displays it in the Code and Text Editor window.

  12. If you are using Windows 8.1, at the top of the Circle.cs file, add the following using directives to the list:

    using Windows.UI;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, at the top of the Circle.cs file, add these using directives:

    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
  13. Modify the definition of the Circle class so that it implements the IDraw and IColor interfaces as shown here in bold:

    class Circle : IDraw, IColor
  14. Add the following private variables shown in bold to the Circle class:

    class Circle : IDraw, IColor
        private int diameter;
        private int locX = 0, locY = 0;
        private Ellipse circle = null;

    These variables will hold the position and size of the Circle object on the canvas. The Ellipse class provides the functionality that you will use to draw the circle.

  15. Add the constructor shown here in bold to the Circle class:

    class Circle : IDraw, IColor
        public Circle(int diameter)
            this.diameter = diameter;

    This constructor initializes the diameter field.

  16. Add the following SetLocation method to the Circle class:

    void IDraw.SetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        this.locX = xCoord;
        this.locY = yCoord;

    This method implements part of the IDraw interface, and the code is exactly the same as that in the Square class.

  17. Add the Draw method shown here to the Circle class:

    void IDraw.Draw(Canvas canvas)
        if ( != null)
   = new Ellipse();
        } = this.diameter; = this.diameter;
        Canvas.SetTop(, this.locY);
        Canvas.SetLeft(, this.locX);

    This method is also part of the IDraw interface. It is is similar to the Draw method in the Square class, except that it renders the Circle object by drawing an Ellipse shape on the canvas. (A circle is an ellipse where the width and height are the same.)

  18. Add the following SetColor method to the Circle class:

    void IColor.SetColor(Color color)
        if ( != null)
            SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(color);
   = brush;

    This method is part of the IColor interface. As before, this method is similar to that of the Square class.

You have completed the Square and Circle classes. You can now use the form to test them.

Test the Square and Circle classes
  1. Display the DrawingPad.xaml file in the Design View window.

  2. In the middle of the form, click the shaded area.

    The shaded area of the form is the Canvas object, and this action sets the focus to this object.

  3. In Properties window, click the Event Handlers button. (This button has an icon that looks like a bolt of lightning.)

  4. If you are using Windows 8.1, in the list of events, locate the Tapped event, and then double-click it. If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, locate the MouseLeftButtonDown event, and then double-click it.

    Visual Studio creates a method called drawingCanvas_Tapped (Windows Store apps) or drawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown (WPF) for the DrawingPad class and displays it in the Code and Text Editor window. This is an event handler that runs when the user taps the canvas with a finger (Windows Store apps) or clicks the left mouse button over the canvas (WPF). You can learn more about event handlers in Chapter 20.


    If you are using a mouse with Windows 8.1, you can also click the left mouse button, which raises the same event as the tap gesture.

  5. If you are using Windows 8.1, at the top of the DrawingPad.xaml.cs file, add the following using directive to the list:

    using Windows.UI;

    The Windows.UI namespace contains the definition of the Colors enumeration which you will use when you set the color of a shape as it is drawn. In WPF, this enumeration is defined in the System.Windows.Media namespace, which is already referenced by the DrawingPad.xaml file.

  6. Add the following code shown in bold to the drawingCanvas_Tapped or drawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown method:

    private void drawingCanvas_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
    // If you are using WPF, the method is declared as:
    // private void drawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        Point mouseLocation = e.GetPosition(this.drawingCanvas);
        Square mySquare = new Square(100);
        if (mySquare is IDraw)
            IDraw drawSquare = mySquare;
            drawSquare.SetLocation((int)mouseLocation.X, (int)mouseLocation.Y);

    The TappedRoutedEventArgs parameter (Windows Store apps) or MouseButtonEventArgs parameter (WPF) to this method provides useful information about the position of the mouse. In particular, the GetPosition method returns a Point structure that contains the x and y-coordinates of the mouse. The code that you have added creates a new Square object. It then checks to verify that this object implements the IDraw interface (this is good practice and helps to ensure that your code will not fail at run time if you attempt to reference an object through an interface that it does not implement) and creates a reference to the object by using this interface. Remember that when you explicitly implement an interface, the methods defined by the interface are available only by creating a reference to that interface. (The SetLocation and Draw methods are private to the Square class and are available only through the IDraw interface.) The code then sets the location of the Square to the position of the user’s finger or mouse. Note that the x and y-coordinates in the Point structure are actually double values, so this code casts them to ints. The code then calls the Draw method to display the Square object.

  7. At the end of the drawingCanvas_Tapped or drawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown method, add the following code shown in bold:

    private void drawingCanvas_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
    // If you are using WPF, the method is declared as:
    // private void drawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        if (mySquare is IColor)
            IColor colorSquare = mySquare;

    This code tests the Square class to verify that it implements the IColor interface; if it does, it creates a reference to the Square class through this interface and calls the SetColor method to set the color of the Square object to Colors.BlueViolet. (The Colors enumeration is provided as part of the .NET Framework.)


    You must call Draw before you call SetColor. This is because the SetColor method sets the color of the Square only if it has already been rendered. If you invoke SetColor before Draw, the color will not be set and the Square object will not appear.

  8. Return to the DrawingPad.xaml file in the Design View window. In the middle of the form, click the Canvas object.

  9. If you are using Windows 8.1, in the list of events, locate the RightTapped event, and then double-click it. If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, locate the MouseRightButtonDown event, and then double-click it.

    These events occur when the user taps, holds, and then releases on the canvas using their finger (Windows Store apps) or the user clicks the right mouse button on the canvas (WPF).


    If you are using Windows 8.1 with a mouse, you can right-click or tap, hold, and release—both gestures raise the RightTapped event.

  10. Add the following code shown below in bold to the drawingCanvas_RightTapped method (Windows Store apps) or drawingCanvas_MouseRightButtonDown method (WPF):

    private void drawingCanvas_RightTapped(object sender, HoldingRoutedEventArgs e)
    // If you are using WPF, the method is declared as:
    // private void drawingCanvas_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        Point mouseLocation = e.GetPosition(this.drawingCanvas);
        Circle myCircle = new Circle(100);
        if (myCircle is IDraw)
            IDraw drawCircle = myCircle;
            drawCircle.SetLocation((int)mouseLocation.X, (int)mouseLocation.Y);
        if (myCircle is IColor)
            IColor colorCircle = myCircle;

    The logic in this code is similar to the method that handles the left mouse button, except that it displays a Circle object in HotPink. It is also very similar to that of the drawingCanvas_Tapped and drawingCanvas_MouseRightButtonDown methods, except that they draw and fill a circle on the canvas.

  11. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the application.

  12. When the Drawing Pad window opens, tap or click anywhere on the canvas displayed in the window. A violet square should appear.

  13. Tap, hold, and release, or right-click anywhere on the canvas. A pink circle should appear. You can click the left and right mouse buttons any number of times; each click will draw a square or circle at the mouse position. The following image shows the application running on Windows 8.1. The Windows 7 version of the application is similar:

    A screenshot of the DrawingPad application running on Windows 8.1.
  14. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Abstract classes

You can implement the ILandBound and IGrazable interfaces discussed before the previous set of exercises in many different classes, depending on how many different types of mammals you want to model in your C# application. In situations such as this, it’s quite common for parts of the derived classes to share common implementations. For example, the duplication in the following two classes is obvious:

class Horse : Mammal, ILandBound, IGrazable
    void IGrazable.ChewGrass()
        Console.WriteLine("Chewing grass");
        // code for chewing grass
class Sheep : Mammal, ILandBound, IGrazable
    void IGrazable.ChewGrass()
        Console.WriteLine("Chewing grass");
        // same code as horse for chewing grass

Duplication in code is a warning sign. If possible, you should refactor the code to avoid this duplication and reduce any associated maintenance costs. One way to achieve this refactoring is to put the common implementation into a new class created specifically for this purpose. In effect, you can insert a new class into the class hierarchy, as shown by the following code example:

class GrazingMammal : Mammal, IGrazable
    void IGrazable.ChewGrass()
        // common code for chewing grass
        Console.WriteLine("Chewing grass");
class Horse : GrazingMammal, ILandBound
class Sheep : GrazingMammal, ILandBound

This is a good solution, but there is one thing that is still not quite right: you can actually create instances of the GrazingMammal class (and the Mammal class, for that matter). This doesn’t really make sense. The GrazingMammal class exists to provide a common default implementation. Its sole purpose is to be a class from which to inherit. The GrazingMammal class is an abstraction of common functionality rather than an entity in its own right.

To declare that creating instances of a class is not allowed, you can declare that the class is abstract by using the abstract keyword, such as in the following example:

abstract class GrazingMammal : Mammal, IGrazable

If you now try to instantiate a GrazingMammal object, the code will not compile:

GrazingMammal myGrazingMammal = new GrazingMammal(...); // illegal

Abstract methods

An abstract class can contain abstract methods. An abstract method is similar in principle to a virtual method (which is covered in Chapter 12), except that it does not contain a method body. A derived class must override this method. The following example defines the DigestGrass method in the GrazingMammal class as an abstract method; grazing mammals might use the same code for chewing grass, but they must provide their own implementation of the DigestGrass method. An abstract method is useful if it does not make sense to provide a default implementation in the abstract class but you want to ensure that an inheriting class provides its own implementation of that method.

abstract class GrazingMammal : Mammal, IGrazable
    abstract void DigestGrass();

Sealed classes

Using inheritance is not always easy and requires forethought. If you create an interface or an abstract class, you are knowingly writing something that will be inherited from in the future. The trouble is that predicting the future is a difficult business. With practice and experience, you can develop the skills to craft a flexible, easy-to-use hierarchy of interfaces, abstract classes, and classes, but it takes effort and you also need a solid understanding of the problem that you are modeling. To put it another way, unless you consciously design a class with the intention of using it as a base class, it’s extremely unlikely that it will function well as a base class. With C#, you can use the sealed keyword to prevent a class from being used as a base class if you decide that it should not be. For example:

sealed class Horse : GrazingMammal, ILandBound

If any class attempts to use Horse as a base class, a compile-time error will be generated. Note that a sealed class cannot declare any virtual methods and that an abstract class cannot be sealed.

Sealed methods

You can also use the sealed keyword to declare that an individual method in an unsealed class is sealed. This means that a derived class cannot override this method. You can seal only an override method, and you declare the method as sealed override. You can think of the interface, virtual, override, and sealed keywords as follows:

  • An interface introduces the name of a method.

  • A virtual method is the first implementation of a method.

  • An override method is another implementation of a method.

  • A sealed method is the last implementation of a method.

Implementing and using an abstract class

The following exercises use an abstract class to rationalize some of the code that you developed in the previous exercise. The Square and Circle classes contain a high proportion of duplicate code. It makes sense to factor this code out into an abstract class called DrawingShape because this will help to ease maintenance of the Square and Circle classes in the future.

Create the DrawingShape abstract class
  1. Return to the Drawing project in Visual Studio.


    A finished working copy of the previous exercise is available in the Drawing project, which is located in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 13Windows XDrawing Using Interfaces folder in your Documents folder.

  2. In Solution Explorer, click the Drawing project in the Drawing solution. On the Project menu, click Add Class.

    The Add New Item – Drawing dialog box opens.

  3. In the Name box, type DrawingShape.cs, and then click Add.

    Visual Studio creates the class and displays it in the Code and Text Editor window.

  4. In the DrawingShape.cs file, if you are using Windows 8.1, at the list at the top of the file, add the following using directives:

    using Windows.UI;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, add these using directives:

    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.Windows.Controls;

    The purpose of this class is to contain the code common to the Circle and Square classes. A program should not be able to instantiate a DrawingShape object directly.

  5. Modify the definition of the DrawingShape class, and declare it as abstract, as shown here in bold:

    abstract class DrawingShape
  6. Add the following private variables shown in bold to the DrawingShape class:

    abstract class DrawingShape
        protected int size;
        protected int locX = 0, locY = 0;
        protected Shape shape = null;

    The Square and Circle classes both use the locX and locY fields to specify the location of the object on the canvas, so you can move these fields to the abstract class. Similarly, the Square and Circle classes both use a field to indicate the size of the object when it was rendered; although it has a different name in each class (sideLength and diameter), semantically the field performs the same task in both classes. The name size is a good abstraction of the purpose of this field.

    Internally, the Square class uses a Rectangle object to render itself on the canvas, and the Circle class uses an Ellipse object. Both of these classes are part of a hierarchy based on the abstract Shape class in the .NET Framework. The DrawingShape class uses a Shape field to represent both of these types.

  7. Add the following constructor to the DrawingShape class:

    abstract class DrawingShape
        public DrawingShape(int size)
            this.size = size;

    This code initializes the size field in the DrawingShape object.

  8. Add the SetLocation and SetColor methods to the DrawingShape class, as shown in bold in the code that follows. These methods provide implementations that are inherited by all classes that derive from the DrawingShape class. Notice that they are not marked as virtual, and a derived class is not expected to override them. Also, the DrawingShape class is not declared as implementing the IDraw or IColor interfaces (interface implementation is a feature of the Square and Circle classes and not this abstract class), so these methods are simply declared as public.

    abstract class DrawingShape
        public void SetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord)
            this.locX = xCoord;
            this.locY = yCoord;
        public void SetColor(Color color)
            if (this.shape != null)
                SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(color);
                this.shape.Fill = brush;
  9. Add the Draw method to the DrawingShape class. Unlike the previous methods, this method is declared as virtual, and any derived classes are expected to override it to extend the functionality. The code in this method verifies that the shape field is not null and then draws it on the canvas. The classes that inherit this method must provide their own code to instantiate the shape object. (Remember that the Square class creates a Rectangle object and the Circle class creates an Ellipse object.)

    abstract class DrawingShape
        public virtual void Draw(Canvas canvas)
            if (this.shape == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Shape is null");
            this.shape.Height = this.size;
            this.shape.Width = this.size;
            Canvas.SetTop(this.shape, this.locY);
            Canvas.SetLeft(this.shape, this.locX);

You have now completed the DrawingShape abstract class. The next step is to change the Square and Circle classes so that they inherit from this class, and then remove the duplicated code from the Square and Circle classes.

Modify the Square and Circle classes to inherit from the DrawingShape class
  1. Display the code for the Square class in the Code and Text Editor window.

  2. Modify the definition of the Square class so that it inherits from the DrawingShape class as well as implementing the IDraw and IColor interfaces.

    class Square : DrawingShape, IDraw, IColor

    Notice that you must specify the class that the Square class inherits from before any interfaces that it implements.

  3. In the Square class, remove the definitions of the sideLength, rect, locX, and locY fields. These fields are no longer necessary because they are now provided by the DrawingShape class.

  4. Replace the existing constructor with the following code, which calls the constructor in the base class:

    class Square : DrawingShape, IDraw, IColor
        public Square(int sideLength)
            : base(sideLength)

    Notice that the body of this constructor is empty because the base class constructor performs all the initialization required.

  5. Remove the IDraw.SetLocation and IColor.SetColor methods from the Square class. The DrawingShape class provides the implementation of these methods.

  6. Modify the definition of the Draw method. Declare it as public override, and remove the reference to the IDraw interface. Again, the DrawingShape class already provides the base functionality for this method, but you will extend it with specific code required by the Square class.

    public override void Draw(Canvas canvas)
  7. Replace the body of the Draw method with the code shown here in bold:

    public override void Draw(Canvas canvas)
        if (this.shape != null)
            this.shape = new Rectangle();

    These statements instantiate the shape field inherited from the DrawingShape class as a new instance of the Rectangle class if it has not already been instantiated, and then they call the Draw method in the DrawingShape class.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the Circle class, except that the constructor should be called Circle with a parameter called diameter, and in the Draw method you should instantiate the shape field as a new Ellipse object. The complete code for the Circle class should look like this:

    class Circle : DrawingShape, IDraw, IColor
        public Circle(int diameter)
            : base(diameter)
        public override void Draw(Canvas canvas)
            if (this.shape != null)
                this.shape = new Ellipse();
  9. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging. When the Drawing Pad window opens, verify that Square objects appear when you left-click in the window and Circle objects appear when you right-click in the window. The application should behave exactly the same as before.

  10. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.


In this chapter, you saw how to define and implement interfaces and abstract classes. The following table summarizes the various valid (yes), invalid (no), and mandatory (required) keyword combinations when defining methods for interfaces, classes, and structs.



Abstract class


Sealed class


















































[a] An interface can extend another interface and introduce a new method with the same signature.

[b] Structures do not support inheritance, so they cannot hide methods.

[c] Structures do not support inheritance, so they cannot override methods.

[d] Structures do not support inheritance; a structure is implicitly sealed and cannot be derived from.

  • If you want to continue to the next chapter, keep Visual Studio 2013 running, and turn to Chapter 14.

  • If you want to exit Visual Studio 2013 now, on the File menu, click Exit. If you see a Save dialog box, click Yes and save the project.

Quick reference


Do this

Declare an interface

Use the interface keyword. For example:

interface IDemo
    string GetName();
    string GetDescription();

Implement an interface

Declare a class by using the same syntax as class inheritance, and then implement all the member functions of the interface. For example:

class Test : IDemo
    public string IDemo.GetName()
    public string IDemo.GetDescription()

Create an abstract class that can be used only as a base class, containing abstract methods

Declare the class by using the abstract keyword. For each abstract method, declare the method with the abstract keyword and without a method body. For example:

abstract class GrazingMammal
    abstract void DigestGrass();

Create a sealed class that cannot be used as a base class

Declare the class by using the sealed keyword. For example:

sealed class Horse
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