Chapter 26. Displaying and searching for data in a Windows Store app

After completing the chapter, you will be able to:

Chapter 25 demonstrates how to design a user interface (UI) for a Microsoft Windows Store app that could adapt to the different device form factors, orientations, and views that a customer running your app might use. The app that is developed in that chapter is a simple one for displaying and editing the details of customers.

In this chapter, you will see how to display data in the UI and the features that Microsoft Windows 8.1 provides with which you can search for data in an app. In performing these tasks, you will also learn about the way in which you can structure a Windows Store app. This chapter covers a lot of ground; in particular, you will look at how to use data-binding to connect the UI to the data that it displays and how to create a ViewModel that makes it possible for you to separate the user interface logic from the data model and business logic for an app. You will also see how to use contracts to implement a search feature that integrates into the Windows 8.1 operating system. While building this application, you will learn a lot more about the templates that Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 provides for helping you to build Windows Store apps.

Implementing the Model-View-ViewModel pattern

A well-structured Windows Store app separates the design of the user interface from the data that the application uses and the business logic that comprises the functionality of the app. This separation helps to remove the dependencies between the various components, clearing the way for the different elements to be designed and implemented by individuals who have the appropriate specialist skills. For example, a graphic artist can focus attention on designing an appealing and intuitive UI, a database specialist can concentrate on implementing an optimized set of data structures for storing and accessing the data, and a C# developer can direct her efforts toward implementing the business logic for the app. This is a common goal that has been the aim of many development approaches, not just for Windows Store apps, and over the past few years many techniques have been devised to help structure an app in this way. Arguably, the most popular approach is to follow the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern. In this design pattern, the model provides the data used by the app, the view represents the way in which the data is displayed in the UI, and the ViewModel contains the logic that connects the two, taking the user input and converting it into commands that perform business operations on the model, and also taking the data from the model and formatting it in the manner expected by the view. The following diagram shows a simplified relationship between the elements of the MVVM pattern. Note that an app might provide multiple views of the same data. In a Windows Store app, for example, you might implement different view states, which can present information by using different screen layouts. One job of the ViewModel is to ensure that the data from the same model can be displayed and manipulated by many different views. In a Windows Store app, the view can configure data-binding to connect to the data presented by the ViewModel. Additionally, the view can request that the ViewModel update data in the model or perform business tasks by invoking commands implemented by the ViewModel.

A diagram showing the relationship between the elements of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern.

Displaying data by using data binding

Before you get started implementing a ViewModel for the Customers app, it helps to understand a little more about data binding and how you can apply this technique to display data in a UI. Using data binding, you can link a property of a control to a property of an object; if the value of the specified property of the object changes, the property in the control that links to the object also changes. In addition, data-binding can be bidirectional: if the value of a property in a control that uses data binding changes, the modification is propagated to the object to which it is linked. The following exercise provides a quick introduction to using data-binding to display data. It is based on the Customers app from Chapter 25.

Use data-binding to display Customer information
  1. Start Visual Studio 2013 if it is not already running.

  2. Open the Customers project, which is located in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 26Data Binding folder in your Documents folder. This is a version of the Customers app developed in Chapter 25, but the layout of the UI has been modified slightly—the controls are displayed on a blue background, which makes them stand out more easily.


    The blue background was created by using a Rectangle control that spans the same rows and columns as the TextBlock and TextBox controls that display the headings and data. The rectangle is filled by using a LinearGradientBrush that gradually changes the color of the rectangle from a medium blue at the top to a very dark blue at the bottom. The XAML markup for the Rectangle control displayed in the customersTabularView Grid control views looks like this (the XAML markup for the customersColumnarView Grid control includes a similar Rectangle control, spanning the rows and columns used by that layout):

    <Rectangle Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="6" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="7" ...>
            <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
                <GradientStop Color="#FF0E3895"/>
                <GradientStop Color="#FF141415" Offset="0.929"/>
  3. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Customers project, select Add, and then click Class.

  4. In the Add New Items – Customers dialog box, ensure that the Class template is selected, in the Name box type Customer.cs, and then click Add.

    You will use this class to implement the Customer data type, and then implement data-binding to display the details of Customer objects in the UI.

  5. In the Code and Text Editor window displaying the Customer.cs file, make the Customer class public, and add the following private fields and properties shown in bold to the Customer class:

    public class Customer
        public int _customerID;
        public int CustomerID
            get { return this._customerID; }
            set { this._customerID = value; }
        public string _title;
        public string Title
            get { return this._title; }
            set { this._title = value; }
        public string _firstName;
        public string FirstName
            get { return this._firstName; }
            set { this._firstName = value; }
        public string _lastName;
        public string LastName
            get { return this._lastName; }
            set { this._lastName = value; }
        public string _emailAddress;
        public string EmailAddress
            get { return this._emailAddress; }
            set { this._emailAddress = value; }
        public string _phone;
        public string Phone
            get { return this._phone; }
            set { this._phone = value; }


    You might be wondering why these properties are not implemented as automatic properties because all they do is get and set the value in a private field. You will add additional code to these properties in a later exercise.

  6. In Solution Explorer, in the Customers project, double-click the MainPage.xaml file to display the user interface for the application in the Design View window.

  7. In the XAML pane, locate the markup for the id TextBox control. Modify the XAML markup that sets the Text property for this control, as shown here in bold:

    <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="id" ...
    Text="{Binding CustomerID}" .../>

    The syntax Text=”{Binding Path}” specifies that the value of the Text property will be provided by the value of the Path expression at run time. In this case, Path is set to CustomerID, so the value held in the CustomerID expression will be displayed by this control. However, you need to provide a bit more information to indicate that CustomerID is actually a property of a Customer object. To do this, you can set the DataContext property of the control, which you will do shortly.

  8. Add the following binding expressions for each of the other text controls on the form. Apply data-binding to the TextBox controls in the customersTabularView and customersColumnView Grid controls, as shown in bold in the following code (the ComboBox controls require slightly different handling, which you will address in the section Using data-binding with a ComboBox control later in this chapter):

    <Grid x:Name="customersTabularView" ...>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="id" ...
    Text="{Binding CustomerID}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="5" x:Name="firstName" ...
    Text="{Binding FirstName}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="7" x:Name="lastName" ...
    Text="{Binding LastName}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
    x:Name="email" ... Text="{Binding EmailAddress}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
    x:Name="phone" ... Text="{Binding Phone}" ..."/>
    <Grid x:Name="customersColumnarView" Margin="20,10,20,110"
        <TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cId" ...
    Text="{Binding CustomerID}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cFirstName" ...
    Text="{Binding FirstName}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cLastName" ...
    Text="{Binding LastName}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cEmail" ...
    Text="{Binding EmailAddress}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cPhone" ...
    Text="{Binding Phone}" .../>
  9. In Solution Explorer, expand the MainPage.xaml file, and then double-click the MainPage.xaml.cs file to display the code for the MainPage.xaml form in the Code and Text Editor window. Add the statement shown in the following code in bold to the MainPage constructor.

    public MainPage()
        Window.Current.SizeChanged += WindowSizeChanged;
        Customer customer = new Customer
            CustomerID = 1,
            Title = "Mr",
            FirstName = "John",
            LastName = "Sharp",
            EmailAddress = "[email protected]",
            Phone = "111-1111"

    This code creates a new instance of the Customer class and populates it with some sample data.

  10. After the code that creates the new Customer object, add the following statement shown in bold:

    Customer customer = new Customer
    this.DataContext = customer;

    This statement specifies the object to which controls on the MainPage form should bind. In each of the controls, the XAML markup Text=”{Binding Path}” will be resolved against this object. For example, the id TextBox and cId TextBox controls both specify Text=”{Binding CustomerID}”, and so they will display the value found in the CustomerID property of the Customer object to which the form is bound.


    In this example, you have set the DataContext property of the form, so the same data-binding automatically applies to all the controls on the form. You can also set the DataContext property for individual controls if you need to bind the different controls to different objects.

  11. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the app.

    Verify that the form occupies the full screen and displays the details for the customer John Sharp, as shown in the following image:

    A screen shot of the Customers app, displaying the data for customer John Sharp.
  12. Resize the app window and display it in the narrow view. Verify that it displays the same data, as illustrated here:

    A screenshot of the Customers app displayed in the narrow view, still showing the data for customer John Sharp.

    The controls displayed in the narrow view are bound to the same data as the controls displayed in the full-screen view.

  13. In the narrow view, change the email address to .

  14. Expand the app window to occupy the full screen.

    Notice that the email address displayed in this view has not changed.

  15. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

  16. In Visual Studio, display the code for the Customer class in the Code and Text Editor window and set a breakpoint in the set property accessor for the EmailAddress property.

  17. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the application again.

  18. When the debugger reaches the breakpoint for the first time, press F5 to continue running the app.

  19. When the UI for the Customers app appears, resize the application window to display the narrow view and change the email address to .

  20. Expand the app window back to full-screen view.

    Notice that the debugger does not reach the breakpoint in the set accessor for the EmailAddress property; the updated value is not written back to the Customer object when the email TextBox loses the focus.

  21. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

  22. Remove the breakpoint in the set accessor of the EmailAddress property in the Customer class.

Modifying data by using data binding

In the previous exercise, you saw how easy it is to display the data in an object by using data binding. However, by default, data-binding is a one-way operation, and any changes you make to the displayed data are not copied back to the data source. In the exercise, you saw this when you changed the email address displayed in the narrow view; when you switched back to the full-screen view, the data had not changed. You can implement bidirectional data-binding by modifying the Mode parameter of the Binding specification in the XAML markup for a control. The Mode parameter indicates whether the data-binding is one-way (the default) or two-way. This is what you will do next.

Implement TwoWay data binding to modify Customer information
  1. Display the MainPage.xaml file in the Design View window and modify the XAML markup for each of the TextBox controls, as shown in bold in the following code:

    <Grid x:Name="customersTabularView" ...>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="id" ...
    Text="{Binding CustomerID, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="5" x:Name="firstName" ...
    Text="{Binding FirstName, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="7" x:Name="lastName" ...
    Text="{Binding LastName, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
    x:Name="email" ... Text="{Binding EmailAddress, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
    x:Name="phone" ... Text="{Binding Phone, Mode=TwoWay}" ..."/>
    <Grid x:Name="customersColumnarView" Margin="20,10,20,110" ...>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cId" ...
    Text="{Binding CustomerID, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cFirstName" ...
    Text="{Binding FirstName, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cLastName" ...
    Text="{Binding LastName, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cEmail" ...
    Text="{Binding EmailAddress, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cPhone" ...
    Text="{Binding Phone, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>

    The Mode parameter to the Binding specification indicates whether the data-binding is one-way (the default) or two-way. Setting Mode to TwoWay causes any changes made by the user to be passed back to the object to which a control is bound.

  2. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the app again.

  3. While the app is displayed in the full-screen view, change the email address to , and then resize the window to display the app in the narrow view.

    Notice that, despite changing the data-binding to TwoWay mode, the email address displayed in the narrow view has not been updated—it is still .

  4. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Clearly, something is not working correctly! The problem now is not that the data has not been updated, but rather that the view is not displaying the latest version of the data (if you reinstate the breakpoint in the set accessor for the EmailAddress property of the Customer class again and run the app in the debugger, you will see the debugger reach the breakpoint whenever you change the value of the email address and move the focus away from the TextBox control). Despite appearances, the data-binding process is not magic, and a data-binding does not know when the data to which it is bound has been changed; the object needs to inform the data-binding of any modifications by sending a PropertyChanged event to the UI. This event is part of an interface called INotifyPropertyChanged, and all objects that support two-way data-binding should implement this interface. You will implement this interface in the next exercise.

Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in the Customer class
  1. In Visual Studio, display the Customer.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  2. Add the following using directive to the list at the top of the file:

    using System.ComponentModel;

    The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is defined in this namespace.

  3. Modify the definition of the Customer class to specify that it implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, as follows in bold:

    class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
  4. Add the PropertyChanged event shown in bold in the following code to the Customer class, after the Phone property:

    class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public string _phone;
        public string Phone {
            get { return this._phone; }
            set { this._phone = value; }
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    This is the only item that the INotifyPropertyChanged interface defines. All objects that implement this interface must provide this event, and they should raise this event whenever they wish to notify the outside world of a change to a property value.

  5. Add the following method to the Customer class, after the PropertyChanged event:

    class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    The OnPropertyChanged method raises the PropertyChanged event. The PropertyChangedEventArgs parameter to the PropertyChanged event should specify the name of the property that has changed. This value is passed in as a parameter to the OnPropertyChanged method.

  6. Modify the property set accessors for each of the properties in the Customer class to call the OnPropertyChanged method whenever the value that they contain is modified, as shown in bold here:

    class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public int _customerID;
        public int CustomerID
            get { return this._customerID; }
                this._customerID = value;
        public string _title;
        public string Title
            get { return this._title; }
                this._title = value;
        public string _firstName;
        public string FirstName
            get { return this._firstName; }
                this._firstName = value;
        public string _lastName;
        public string LastName
            get { return this._lastName; }
                this._lastName = value;
        public string _emailAddress;
        public string EmailAddress
            get { return this._emailAddress; }
                this._emailAddress = value;
        public string _phone;
        public string Phone
            get { return this._phone; }
                this._phone = value;
  7. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the app again.

  8. When the Customers form appears, change the email address to , and change the phone number to 222-2222.

  9. Resize the window to display the app in the narrow view and verify that the email address and phone number have changed.

  10. Change the first name to James, expand the window to display the full-screen view, and verify that the first name has changed.

  11. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Using data-binding with a ComboBox control

Using data-binding with a control such as a TextBox or TextBlock is a relatively straightforward matter. On the other hand, ComboBox controls require a little more attention. The issue is that a ComboBox control actually displays two things: a list of values in the drop-down list from which the user can select an item, and the value of the currently selected item. You can implement data-binding to display a list of items in the drop-down list of a ComboBox control, and the value that the user selects must be a member of this list. In the Customers app, you can configure the data binding for the selected value in the title ComboBox control by setting the SelectedValue property, like this:

<ComboBox ... x:Name="title" ... SelectedValue="{Binding Title}" ... />

However, remember that the list of values for the drop-down list is hard-coded into the XAML markup, like this:

<ComboBox ... x:Name="title" ... >
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Mr"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Mrs"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Ms"/>
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Miss"/>

This markup is not applied until the control has been created, so the value specified by the data-binding is not found in the list because the list does not yet exist when the data-binding is constructed. The result is that the value is not displayed. You can try this if you like—configure the binding for the SelectedValue property as just shown and run the app. The title ComboBox will be empty when it is initially displayed, despite the fact that the customer has the title of Mr.

There are several solutions to this problem, but the simplest is to create a data source that contains the list of valid values, and then specify that the ComboBox control should use this list as its set of values for the drop-down. You also need to do this before the data-binding for the ComboBox is applied.

Implement data-binding for the title ComboBox controls
  1. In Visual Studio, display the MainPage.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  2. Add the following code shown in bold to the MainPage constructor:

    public MainPage()
        Window.Current.SizeChanged += WindowSizeChanged;
        List<string> titles = new List<string>
            "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss"
        this.title.ItemsSource = titles;
        this.cTitle.ItemsSource = titles;
        Customer customer = new Customer
        this.DataContext = customer;

    This code creates a list of strings containing the valid titles that customers can have. The code then sets the ItemsSource property of both title ComboBox controls to reference this list (remember that there is a ComboBox control for each view).


    In a commercial app, you would most likely retrieve the list of values displayed by a ComboBox control from a database or some other data source rather than using a hard-coded list, as shown in this example.

    The placement of this code is important. It must run before the statement that sets the DataContext property of the MainPage form because this is when the data-binding to the controls on the form occurs.

  3. Display the MainPage.xaml file in the Design View window.

  4. Modify the XAML markup for the title and cTitle ComboBox controls, as shown here in bold:

    <Grid x:Name="customersTabularView" ...>
        <ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" x:Name="title" ...
    SelectedValue="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay}">
    <Grid x:Name="customersColumnarView" ...>
        <ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cTitle" ...
    SelectedValue="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay}">

    Notice that the list of ComboBoxItem elements for each control has been removed, and that the SelectedValue property is configured to use data-binding with the Title field in the Customer object.

  5. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the application.

  6. Verify that the value of the customer’s title is displayed correctly (it should be Mr). Click the drop-down arrow for the ComboBox control and verify that it contains the values Mr, Mrs, Ms, and Miss.

  7. Resize the window to display the app in the narrow view and perform the same checks. Note that you can change the title, and when you switch back to the full-screen view, the new title is displayed.

  8. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Creating a ViewModel

You have now seen how to configure data-binding to connect a data source to the controls in a user interface, but the data source that you have been using is very simple, consisting of a single customer. In the real world, the data source is likely to be much more complex, comprising collections of different types of objects. Remember that in MVVM terms, the data source is often provided by the model, and the UI (the view) only communicates with the model indirectly, through a ViewModel object. The rationale behind this approach is that the model and the views that display the data provided by this model should be independent of each other; you should not have to change the model if the user interface is modified, nor should you be required to adjust the UI if the underlying model changes.

The ViewModel provides the connection between the view and the model, and it also implements the business logic for the app. Again, this business logic should be independent of the view and the model. The ViewModel exposes the business logic to the view by implementing a collection of commands. The UI can trigger these commands based on the way in which the user navigates through the app. In the following exercise, you will extend the Customers app. You will implement a model that contains a list of Customer objects, and you will create a ViewModel that provides commands with which the view can move between customers.

Create a ViewModel for managing Customer information
  1. Open the Customers project, which is located in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 26ViewModel folder in your Documents folder. This project contains a completed version of the Customers app from the previous set of exercises; if you prefer, you can continue to use your own version of the project.

  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Customers project, point to Add, and then click Class.

  3. In the Add New Items – Customers dialog box, in the Name box, type ViewModel.cs, and then click Add.

    This class provides a basic ViewModel that contains a collection of Customer objects. The user interface will bind to the data exposed by this ViewModel.

  4. In the Code and Text Editor window displaying the ViewModel.cs file, mark the class as public, and add the code shown in the following example in bold to the ViewModel class:

    public class ViewModel
        private List<Customer> customers;
        public ViewModel()
            this.customers = new List<Customer>
                new Customer
                    CustomerID = 1,
                    Title = "Mr",
                    EmailAddress="[email protected]",
                new Customer
                    CustomerID = 2,
                    Title = "Mrs",
                    EmailAddress="[email protected]",
                new Customer
                    CustomerID = 3,
                    Title = "Ms",
                    EmailAddress="[email protected]",

    The ViewModel class uses a List<Customer> object as its model, and the constructor populates this list with some sample data.

  5. Add the private variable currentCustomer shown in bold in the following code to the ViewModel class, and initialize this variable to zero in the constructor:

    class ViewModel
        private List<Customer> customers;
        private int currentCustomer;
        public ViewModel()
            this.currentCustomer = 0;
            this.customers = new List<Customer>

    The ViewModel class will use this variable to track which Customer object the view is currently displaying.

  6. Add the Current property shown here in bold to the ViewModel class, after the constructor:

    class ViewModel
        public ViewModel()
        public Customer Current
            get { return this.customers[currentCustomer]; }

    The Current property provides access to the current Customer object in the model.


    It is good practice to provide controlled access to a data model; only the ViewModel should be able to modify the model. However, this restriction does not prevent the view from being able to update the data presented by the ViewModel—it just cannot change the model and make it refer to a different data source.

  7. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  8. In the MainPage constructor, remove the code that creates the Customer object and replace it with a statement that creates an instance of the ViewModel class. Change the statement that sets the DataContext property of the MainPage object to reference the new ViewModel object, as shown here in bold:

    public MainPage()
        this.cTitle.ItemsSource = titles;
        ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
        this.DataContext = viewModel;
  9. Open the MainPage.xaml file in the Design View window.

  10. In the XAML pane, modify the data bindings for the TextBox and ComboBox controls to reference properties through the Current object presented by the ViewModel, as shown in bold in the following code:

    <Grid x:Name="customersTabularView" ...>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="id" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.CustomerID, Mode=TwoWay}" .../>
        <ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" x:Name="title" ...
    SelectedValue="{Binding Current.Title, Mode=TwoWay}">
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="5" x:Name="firstName" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.FirstName, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="7" x:Name="lastName" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.LastName, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3" ... x:Name="email" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.EmailAddress, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="3" ... x:Name="phone" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.Phone, Mode=TwoWay }" ..."/>
    <Grid x:Name="customersColumnarView" Margin="20,10,20,110" ...>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cId" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.CustomerID, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cTitle" ...
    SelectedValue="{Binding Current.Title, Mode=TwoWay}">
        <TextBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cFirstName" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.FirstName, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cLastName" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.LastName, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cEmail" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.EmailAddress, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cPhone" ...
    Text="{Binding Current.Phone, Mode=TwoWay }" .../>
  11. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the app.

  12. Verify that the app displays the details of John Sharp (the first customer in the customers list).

  13. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

The ViewModel provides access to customer information through the Current property, but currently it does not supply any way to navigate between customers. You can implement methods that increment and decrement the currentCustomer variable so that the Current property retrieves different customers, but you should do so in a manner that does not tie the view to the ViewModel. The most commonly accepted technique is to use the Command pattern. In this pattern, the ViewModel exposes methods in the form of commands that the view can invoke. The trick is to avoid explicitly referencing these methods by name in the code for the view. To do this, XAML makes it possible for you to declaratively bind commands to the actions triggered by controls in the UI, as you will see in the exercises in the next section.

Adding commands to a ViewModel

The XAML markup that binds the action of a control to a command requires that commands exposed by a ViewModel implement the ICommand interface. This interface defines the following items:

  • CanExecute. This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the command can run. Using this method, a ViewModel can enable or disable a command depending on the context. For example, a command that fetches the next customer from a list should be able to run only if there is a next customer to fetch; if there are no more customers, the command should be disabled.

  • ExecuteThis method runs when the command is invoked.

  • CanExecuteChanged. This event is triggered when the state of the ViewModel changes. Under these circumstances, commands that could previously run might now be disabled, and vice versa. For example, if the UI invokes a command that fetches the next customer from a list, if this is the last customer, then subsequent calls to CanExecute should return false. In these circumstances, the CanExecuteChanged event should fire to indicate that the command has been disabled.

In the next exercise, you will create a generic class that implements the ICommand interface.

Implement the Command class
  1. In Visual Studio, right-click the Customers project, point to Add, and then click Class.

  2. In the Add New Item – Customers dialog box, select the Class template, in the Name box, type Command.cs, and then click Add.

  3. In the Code and Text Editor window displaying the Command.cs file, add the following using directive to the list at the top of the file:

    using System.Windows.Input;

    The ICommand interface is defined in this namespace.

  4. Make the Command class public and specify that it implement the ICommand interface, as follows in bold:

    public class Command : ICommand
  5. Add the following private fields to the Command class:

    public class Command : ICommand
        private Action methodToExecute = null;
        private Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute = null;

    The Action and Func types are briefly described in Chapter 20. The Action type is a delegate that you can use to reference a method that takes no parameters and does not return a value, and the Func<T> type is also a delegate that can reference a method that takes no parameters but returns a value of the type specified by the type-parameter T. In this class, you will use the methodToExecute field to reference the code that the Command object will run when it is invoked by the view. The methodToDetectCanExecute field will be used to reference the method that detects whether the command can run (it may be disabled for some reason, depending on the state of the app or the data).

  6. Add a constructor to the Command class. This constructor should take two parameters, an Action object and a Func<T> object, and assign these parameters to the methodToExecute and methodToDetectCanExecute fields, as shown in bold here:

    public Command : ICommand
        public Command(Action methodToExecute,
            Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute)
            this.methodToExecute = methodToExecute;
            this.methodToDetectCanExecute =

    The ViewModel will create an instance of this class for each command. The ViewModel will supply the method to run the command, and the method to detect whether the command should be enabled when it calls the constructor.

  7. Implement the Execute and CanExecute methods of the Command class by using the methods referenced by the methodToExecute and methodToDetectCanExecute fields, as follows:

    public Command : ICommand
        public Command(Action methodToExecute,
            Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute)
        public void Execute(object parameter)
        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            if (this.methodToDetectCanExecute == null)
                return true;
                return this.methodToDetectCanExecute();

    Notice that if the ViewModel provides a null reference for the methodToDetectCanExecute parameter of the constructor, the default action is to assume that the command can run, and the CanExecute method returns true.

  8. Add the public CanExecuteChanged event to the Command class:

    public Command : ICommand
        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;

    When you bind a command to a control, the control automatically subscribes to this event. This event should be raised by the Command object if the state of the ViewModel is updated and the value returned by the CanExecute changes. In previous versions of Windows, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provided the CommandManager object to detect a change in state and raise the CanExecuteChanged event, but the CommandManager object is not available to Windows Store apps. Consequently, you must implement this feature manually. The simplest strategy is to use a timer to periodically raise the CanExecuteChanged event once a second or so.

  9. Add the using directive shown here to the list at the top of the file:

    using Windows.UI.Xaml;
  10. Above the constructor, add the following field to the Command class:

    public class Command : ICommand
        private Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute = null;
        private DispatcherTimer canExecuteChangedEventTimer = null;
        public Command(Action methodToExecute,
            Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute)

    The DispatcherTimer class, defined in the Windows.UI.Xaml namespace, implements a timer that can raise an event at specified intervals. You will use the canExecuteChangedEventTimer field to trigger the CanExecuteChanged event at 1-second intervals.

  11. Add the canExecuteChangedEventTimer_Click method shown in bold in the following code to the end of the Command class:

    public class Command : ICommand
        public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
        void canExecuteChangedEventTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            if (this.CanExecuteChanged != null)
                this.CanExecuteChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    This method simply raises the CanExecuteChanged event if at least one control is bound to the command. Strictly speaking, this method should also check whether the state of the object has changed before raising the event. However, you will set the timer interval to a lengthy period (in processing terms) so that any inefficiencies in not checking for a change in state are minimized.

  12. In the Command constructor, add the following statements shown in bold.

    public class Command : ICommand
        public Command(Action methodToExecute,
            Func<bool> methodToDetectCanExecute)
            this.methodToExecute = methodToExecute;
            this.methodToDetectCanExecute = methodToDetectCanExecute;
            this.canExecuteChangedEventTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            this.canExecuteChangedEventTimer.Tick +=
            this.canExecuteChangedEventTimer.Interval =
                new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

    This code initiates the DispatcherTimer object and sets the interval for timer events to 1 second before starting the timer running.

  13. On the Build menu, click Build Solution and verify that your app builds without errors.

You can now use the Command class to add commands to the ViewModel class. In the next exercise, you will define commands with which a view can move between customers.

Add NextCustomer and PreviousCustomer commands to the ViewModel class
  1. In Visual Studio, display the ViewModel.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  2. Add the following using directive to the top of the file and modify the definition of the ViewModel class to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

    using System.ComponentModel;
    namespace Customers
        public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
  3. Add the PropertyChanged event and OnPropertyChanged method to the end of the ViewModel class. This is the same code that you included in the Customer class.

    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    Remember that the view references data through the Current property in the data-binding expressions for the various controls that it contains. When the ViewModel class moves to a different customer, it must raise the PropertyChanged event to notify the view that the data to be displayed has changed.

  4. After the constructor, add the following fields and properties to the ViewModel class:

    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public ViewModel()
        private bool _isAtStart;
        public bool IsAtStart
            get { return this._isAtStart; }
                this._isAtStart = value;
        private bool _isAtEnd;
        public bool IsAtEnd
            get { return this._isAtEnd; }
                this._isAtEnd = value;

    You will use these two properties to track the state of the ViewModel. The IsAtStart property will be set to true when the currentCustomer field in the ViewModel is positioned at the start of the customers collection, and the IsAtEnd property will be set to true when the ViewModel is positioned at the end of the customers collection.

  5. Modify the constructor to set the IsAtStart and IsAtEnd properties, as follows in bold:

    public ViewModel()
        this.currentCustomer = 0;
        this.IsAtStart = true;
        this.IsAtEnd = false;
  6. After the Current property, add the Next and Previous private methods shown here in bold to the ViewModel class:

    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public Customer Current
            get { return this.customers[currentCustomer]; }
        private void Next()
            if (this.customers.Count - 1 > this.currentCustomer)
                this.IsAtStart = false;
                this.IsAtEnd =
                  (this.customers.Count - 1 == this.currentCustomer);
        private void Previous()
            if (this.currentCustomer > 0)
                this.IsAtEnd = false;
                this.IsAtStart = (this.currentCustomer == 0);


    The Count property returns the number of items in a collection, but remember that the items in a collection are numbered from 0 to Count – 1.

    These methods update the currentCustomer variable to refer to the next (or previous) customer in the customers list. Notice that these methods maintain the values for the IsAtStart and IsAtEnd properties, and indicate that the current customer has changed by raising the PropertyChanged event for the Current property. These methods are private because they should not be accessible from outside the ViewModel class. External classes will run these methods by using commands, which you will add in the following steps.

  7. Add the NextCustomer and PreviousCustomer automatic properties shown here to the ViewModel class.

    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private List<Customer> customers;
        private int currentCustomer;
        public Command NextCustomer { get; private set; }
        public Command PreviousCustomer { get; private set; }

    The view will bind to these Command objects so that the user can navigate between customers.

  8. In the ViewModel constructor, set the NextCustomer and PreviousCustomer properties to refer to new Command objects, as follows:

    public ViewModel()
        this.currentCustomer = 0;
        this.IsAtStart = true;
        this.IsAtEnd = false;
        this.NextCustomer = new Command(this.Next, () =>
            { return this.customers.Count > 0 && !this.IsAtEnd; });
        this.PreviousCustomer = new Command(this.Previous, () =>
            { return this.customers.Count > 0 && !this.IsAtStart; });

    The NextCustomer Command specifies the Next method as the operation to perform when the Execute method is invoked. The lambda expression () => { return this.customers.Count > 0 && !this.IsAtEnd; } is specified as the function to call when the CanExecuteMethod runs. This expression returns true as long as the customers list contains at least one customer and the ViewModel is not positioned on the final customer in this list. The PreviousCustomer Command follows the same pattern: it invokes the Previous method to retrieve the previous customer from the list, and the CanExecuteMethod references the expression () => { return this.customers.Count > 0 && !this.IsAtStart; }, which returns true as long as the customers list contains at least one customer and the ViewModel is not positioned on the first customer in this list.

  9. On the Build menu, click Build Solution and verify that your app builds without errors.

Now that you have added the NextCustomer and PreviousCustomer commands to the ViewModel, you can bind these commands to buttons in the view. When the user clicks a button, the appropriate command will run.

Microsoft publishes guidelines for adding buttons to views in Windows Store apps, and the general recommendation is that buttons that invoke commands should be placed on the app bar. Windows Store apps provide two app bars: one appears at the top of the form and the other appears at the bottom. Buttons that navigate through an app or data are commonly placed on the top app bar, and this is the approach that you will adopt in the next exercise.


You can find the Microsoft guidelines for implementing app bars at

Add Next and Previous buttons to the Customers form
  1. Open the MainPage.xaml file in the Design View window.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the XAML pane and add the following markup shown in bold, immediately above the closing </Page> tag:

        <Page.TopAppBar >
            <AppBar IsSticky="True">
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
                    <AppBarButton x:Name="previousCustomer" Icon="Back"
    Command="{Binding Path=PreviousCustomer}"/>
                    <AppBarButton x:Name="nextCustomer" Icon="Forward"
    Command="{Binding Path=NextCustomer}"/>

    There are several points to notice in this fragment of XAML markup:

    • By default, the app bar appears when the user right-clicks the form, presses Windows Key+Z, or swipes from the top or bottom edge of the form. The app bar remains open until the user performs another action in the form, at which point it disappears again. You can prevent an app bar from disappearing automatically by setting the IsSticky property to true, as shown in this markup. In this case, the app bar remains open until the user right-clicks the form, presses Windows Key+Z, or swipes the app bar off the top edge of the form. By applying this setting, the user can quickly move between customers without having to repeat the gesture to display the app bar each time.

    • The AppBar control contains a StackPanel control. Like many controls, an AppBar can contain only a single piece of content. If you need to display several items in a control, you must use a container control such as a Grid or a StackPanel. In this case, a StackPanel is the most convenient, and the items it displays will be laid out horizontally.

    • The AppBar control uses AppBarButton controls. These are stylized versions of the standard Button controls, designed specifically for use on an app bar (they are circular, and respond with highlighting when the user hovers the pointer over them or clicks them, although you can override this behavior by defining your own layouts, transformations, and transitions as part of the properties of the control). You can display an icon that indicates the purpose of the AppBarButton control. The Windows App Store templates include a variety of stock icons (such as Back and Forward shown in the sample code above), and you can also define your own custom icons and bitmaps.


      You can browse the full set of stock icons available by using the Properties window. In the Icon section, click Symbol icon. The available stock icons appear in the list box control that appears. You can also add a text caption to an AppBarButton control by setting the Label property. However, you should be wary of doing this, especially if you are designing an application that could be used in foreign cultures. Instead, you should simply stick with the icons, which have been designed to be recognized internationally and language independent.

    • Each button has a Command property. This is the property that you can bind to an object that implements the ICommand interface. In this application, you have bound the buttons to the PreviousCustomer and NextCustomer commands in the ViewModel class. When the user clicks either of these buttons at run time, the corresponding command will run.

  3. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging.

    The Customers form should appear and display the details for John Sharp.

  4. Right-click anywhere on the background of the form.

    The app bar should appear at the top of the form and display the Next and Previous buttons, as shown in the following image:

    A screenshot of the Customers form with the top app bar visible. The Previous button is disabled.

    Notice that the Previous button is not available. This is because the IsAtStart property of the ViewModel is true, and the CanExecute method of the Command object referenced by the Previous button indicates that the command cannot run.

  5. On the app bar, click Next.

    The details for customer 2, Diana Sharp, should appear, and after a short delay of up to 1 second, the Previous button should become available. The IsAtStart property is no longer true, so the CanExecute method of the command returns true. However, the button is not notified of this change in state until the timer object in the command expires and triggers the CanExecuteChanged event, which might take up to a second to occur.


    If you require a more instantaneous reaction to the change in state of commands, you can arrange for the timer in the Command class to expire more frequently. However, avoid reducing the time too much, because raising the CanExecuteChanged event too frequently can impact the performance of the UI.

  6. On the app bar, click Next again.

  7. The details for customer 3, Francesca Sharp, should appear, and after a short delay of up to 1 second, the Next button should no longer be available. This time, the IsAtEnd property of the ViewModel is true, so the CanExecute method of the Command object for the Next button returns false and the command is disabled.

  8. Resize the window to display the app in the narrow view and verify that the app continues to function correctly. The Next and Previous buttons should step forward and backward through the list of customers.

  9. Right-click anywhere on the background of the form. The app bar should disappear.

  10. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Windows 8.1 contracts

Chapter 25 briefly mentions that a Windows Store app can implement one or more Windows 8.1 contracts. A contract defines a Windows 8.1 interface with which an application can implement or consume an operating system–defined feature such as searching for information, sharing data, or acting as a resource for picking files. A contract provides a standard mechanism that is shared by other Windows Store apps; users running an application that implements a contract do not have to learn any application-specific procedures to perform the tasks that the contract provides. In essence, contracts make it possible for Windows Store apps to work together seamlessly.

The most commonly used contracts are as follows:

  • Share Target contract. With this contract, a Windows Store app can integrate with the Share charm and act as a destination for shared data.

    There are actually two sides to sharing: a Windows Store app can register as a sharing source to specify which data it wishes to share and in what formats. A target application that can consume shared data must implement the Share Target contract. After a source app has registered that it can share data, the user can use the Share charm to display a list of apps that implement the Share Target contract and select an app from this list. The Share Target contract defines events to which the target app must respond; the target app uses these events to request and receive the data from the source.

  • File Open Picker contract. With this contract, a Windows Store app can respond to requests from the Windows 8.1 file picker. Using this contract, a Windows Store app can provide users and other apps with access to the data that it manages in a controlled way. This contract effectively makes it possiblr for a Windows Store app to become a peer of local storage. A Windows Store app that implements the contract is in total control of the data and the views of this data that it presents to the file picker. Windows 8.1 also provides the File Save Picker contract with which an application can control the way in which data it manages is stored.

  • Search contractWith this contract, users can search for the data exposed by your app by using the Windows 8.1 Search charm—this is a standard mechanism used by other Windows 8.1 apps. Implementing the Search contract means that users do not have to learn any special procedures specific to your app to search for data. Windows 8.1 provides the basic plumbing for performing a search, and all you have to do is supply the logic that takes a search request and finds the appropriate data.


For more information on Windows 8.1 contracts as well as examples of how to implement them, visit the “App contracts and extensions” page on the Microsoft website at

Implementing the Search contract

The Customers app works well if you have a small number of records, and you can use the Next and Previous buttons to browse for customer information. However, in a business environment, it is unlikely that you will have such a small number of customers (unless your business is particularly unsuccessful!). Using Next and Previous functionality to browse through a list of hundreds of records to find the details of a specific customer is time consuming and inefficient. To make the app more usable, you should offer a search facility and implement the Search contract.

Visual Studio 2013 includes the Search Contract template. This template generates the code that integrates with the Search charm. When the user selects this charm, apps that implement the Search contract are listed, together with a data-entry box in which the user can specify the data for which to search. If the user chooses to search your app, the search terms or criteria that the user types are passed to your app. You use this information to filter the data in your app and determine which items match the search terms. Your app can then display a list of all matching records by using a page provided as part of the Search Contract template. This all sounds quite complicated, but in truth, much of the complexity is implemented by the Search Contract template. All apps that provide a Search contract should operate in the same way; as such, Microsoft was able to factor out much of the code into the template, as you will see in the following exercises. In this exercise, you will add a Search contract to the Customers app by which a user can search for customers by first name or last name.

Implement the Search contract in the Customers app
  1. In Visual Studio, open the Customers project, which is located in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 26Search folder in your Documents folder.

    This version of the Customers app has the same ViewModel that you created in the previous exercise, but the data source contains details for many more customers. The customer information is still held in a List<Customer> object, but this object is now created by the DataSource class in the DataSource.cs file. The ViewModel class references this list instead of creating the small collection of three customers used by the previous exercise.

  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Customers project, point to Add, and then click New Item.

  3. In the Add New Item – Customers dialog box, in the left pane, click Windows Store. In the middle pane, select the Search Results Page template. In the Name box, enter SearchResultsPage.xaml, and then click Add, as shown in the following image:

    A screenshot of the Add New Item dialog box showing the Search Contract template.

    Visual Studio displays a message box with the text “This addition depends on files that are missing from your project. Without these files you must resolve dependencies on the Common namespace manually. Add the missing files automatically?”

    A screenshot of the message displayed when you add a Search contract to an application created by using the Blank App template.

    This message occurs because the Customers app was originally created by using the Blank App template, and this template does not include all of the code and other elements required by the Search Contract template. Click Yes to allow the Search Contract template to add these items.

    The Search Contract template generates a new XAML page called SearchResultsPage.xaml, together with a code file called SearchResultsPage.xaml.cs, which is displayed in the Code and Text Editor window. A number of new files are added to the Common folder. These files contain code and data types required by the SearchResultsPage.xaml page.


    Visual Studio might also report some errors in the SearchResultsPage.xaml file. These errors occur because the SearchResultsPage.xaml file is created before the required files are added to the Common folder. They will disappear the next time you build the application.

  4. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.

  5. In Solution Explorer, double-click the SearchResultsPage.xaml file to display it in the Design View window. The page should look like this:

    A screenshot of the SearchResultsPage.xaml file in the Design View window.

    If you examine the XAML markup for this page, you will see that most of the content is laid out by using a Grid control called resultsPanel, which contains another Grid control called typicalPanel. The typicalPanel Grid control contains the following items:

    • An ItemsControl control named filtersItemsControl. At run time, this control displays a list of filters with which the user can specify how to apply the search criteria that they entered. In the Customers app, you will define filters so that the user can apply the search to the first name or last name of customers.

    • A GridView control named resultsGridView. The customers that match the search criteria are displayed in this control, and the customers are formatted by using a template called StandardSmallicon300x70ItemTemplate. You can find this template in the StandardStyles.xaml file in the Common folder, and you will modify it to display customer data.

    Below the resultsPanel Grid control is another Grid control that contains the titles and buttons that appear at the top of the page, followed by a TextBlock control called noResultsTextBlock. This TextBlock control is displayed if the search term entered by the user does not match any customers.

    At the end of the SearchResultsPage.xaml file are the visual state groups used by the Visual State Manager to switch the layout of the controls when the user changes between views.


    You can modify the styles used by the elements on this page to give them the same look and feel as the rest of your app, but you should not attempt to change the layout of the page or add or remove controls. To function properly, the Search contract depends on the correct definitions of these controls.

  6. In the <Page.Resources> section near the top of the SearchResultsPage.xaml file, change the value of the AppName string resource to Customers, as shown here in bold:

        <!-- TODO: Update the following string to be the name of your app -->
        <x:String x:Key="AppName">Customers</x:String>

    The title displayed in the Design View window changes to Customers.

  7. In Solution Explorer, expand SearchResultsPage.xaml, and then double-click the SearchResultsPage.xaml.cs file to display it in the Code and Text Editor window.

    This file contains the code for the SearchResultsPage class. This class defines the following methods:

    • navigationHelper_LoadState. This method runs when the user enters a search term into the Search charm and selects the Customers app. The criteria provided by the user are passed into this method in the LoadStateEventArgs parameter, and the code generated for this method extracts this information and saves it in a local variable called queryText. The purpose of this method is to find all items that match the search term and add them as collections (referred to as filters) to the ViewModel implemented by this page. The code generated by the template creates a default filter called All, which you can populate with the details of every customer, although in this app you will remove the All filter and create filters that contain the details of customers with first names or last names that match the value in the queryText variable.


      The SearchResultsPage class uses its own ViewModel, called DefaultViewModel, defined as a public member of the class. You should not confuse this ViewModel with the one that you created earlier for the Customers app.

    • Filter_Checked. This method runs when the user selects a filter. The details of the filter are provided in the RoutedEventArgs parameter, and the code generated for this method retrieves this value and stores it in the selectedFilter local variable. In this method, you should update the ViewModel to display the data specified by this filter.

    This file also contains the definition of the Filter class used by the SearchResultsPage class. You should not change the code in this class.

  8. In Solution Explorer, expand App.xaml, and then double-click App.xaml.cs to display the file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  9. Add the private _mainPageViewModel field and public MainViewModel property to the start of the App class, as follows in bold:

    sealed partial class App : Application
        private ViewModel _mainViewModel = null;
        public ViewModel MainViewModel
            get { return this._mainViewModel; }
            set { this._mainViewModel = value; }

    You will use the MainViewModel property to enable the SearchResultsPage page to access to the ViewModel of the MainPage form.

  10. In Solution Explorer, expand MainPage.xaml, and then double-click MainPage.xaml.cs to display the file in the Code and Text Editor window.

  11. In the MainPage constructor, add the statement shown here in bold:

    public MainPage()
        ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
        (Application.Current as App).MainViewModel = viewModel;
        this.DataContext = viewModel;

    This statement makes the ViewModel for the MainPage form available through the MainViewModel property of the App class. Notice that you can access the App object of the currently running app by using the Application.Current static property and casting the result as the App type.

  12. In Solution Explorer, double-click the ViewModel.cs file to display it in the Code and Text Editor window.

  13. In the ViewModel class, add the AllCustomers public property shown in bold in the following code:

    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private List<Customer> customers;
        public List<Customer> AllCustomers
            get { return this.customers; }

    This property makes the customers collection used by the ViewModel class available to other classes; you will require access to this collection in the SearchResultsPage class.

  14. Display the SearchPageResults.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window. Add the following private field shown in bold to the start of the SearchResultsPage class:

    public sealed partial class SearchResultsPage : ...
        private Dictionary<string, List<Customer>> searchResults =
            new Dictionary<string, List<Customer>>();

    This Dictionary collection will contain the lists of customers that match the search term specified by the user. There will be two lists in this collection: one for customers with a matching first name, and another for customers with a matching last name.

  15. In the navigationHelper_LoadState method, add the statement shown below in bold immediately after the TODO comment:

    protected override void navigationHelper_LoadState(object sender, LoadStateEventArgs e)
        var queryText = navigationParameter as String;
        // TODO: Application-specific searching logic...
        // ...
        List<Customer> allCustomers =
            (Application.Current as App).MainViewModel.AllCustomers;
  16. In the navigationHelper_LoadState method, comment out the following statement highlighted in bold:

    var filterList = new List<Filter>();
    // filterList.Add(new Filter("All", 0, true));

    The Search contract implemented by the Customers app will not support the All option.

  17. After this statement, add the following block of code shown in bold:

    var filterList = new List<Filter>();
    // filterList.Add(new Filter("All", 0, true));
    // Find all customers where the first name
    // or last name matches the query text
    queryText = queryText.ToLower();
    List<Customer> matchingFirstNames = new List<Customer>();
    List<Customer> matchingLastNames = new List<Customer>();
    foreach (Customer customer in allCustomers)
        string firstName = customer.FirstName.ToLower();
        string lastName = customer.LastName.ToLower();
        if (firstName.Contains(queryText))
        if (lastName.Contains(queryText))

    This code is the crux of the Search contract. It iterates through the allCustomers collection looking for customers that have a value in the FirstName or LastName property that match the value in the queryText variable. The comparison mechanism eliminates any case-sensitivity by converting all data to lowercase. The code adds a reference for each matching customer to the matchingFirstNames and matchingLastNames collections.

  18. After the previous block, add the following code shown in bold to the navigationHelper_ LoadState method:

    filterList.Add(new Filter(
            "Matching First Names", matchingFirstNames.Count, false));
    filterList.Add(new Filter(
            "Matching Last Names", matchingLastNames.Count, false));
    searchResults.Add("Matching First Names", matchingFirstNames);
    searchResults.Add("Matching Last Names", matchingLastNames);
    // Communicate results through the view model
    this.DefaultViewModel["QueryText"] = 'u201c' + queryText + 'u201d';

    This code adds the details of the matchingFirstNames and matchingLastNames collections to the list of filters that will be displayed by the search results page. This information consists of a name, together with a count of the number of matches. The collections themselves are added to the searchResults collection. The name of each list of customers added to the searchResults collection must match the name of each filter specified in the filterList collection.

  19. In the Filter_Checked method, immediately after the TODO comment, add the statement shown here in bold:

    // TODO: Respond to the change in active filter ...
    // ...
    this.DefaultViewModel["Results"] =

    This statement causes the list of customers specified by the selected filter to be displayed on the search results page. The list of customers is retrieved from the searchResults collection by using the name of the filter (it will either be “Matching First Names” or “Matching Last Names,” as defined when you added the filters to the filterList collection in the previous step).

  20. In Solution Explorer, double-click SearchResultsPage.xaml to display it in the Code and Text Editor window.

  21. Find the <DataTemplate> section in the resultsGridView GridView control. This control defines the template that the SearchResultsPage uses to display the details of each matching customer. The Image and TextBlock controls in this DataTemplate control use data-binding to display the properties of an object.

        <Grid Width="294" Margin="6">
            <Border ...>
                <Image Source="{Binding Image}" .../>
            <StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,-10,0,0">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" .../>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Subtitle}" .../>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" .../>

    The Customer class has a Title property, but it doesn’t have Image, Subtitle, or Description properties. Remove the Border control and its associated Image control, and change the data bindings for the Subtitle and Description TextBlock controls to show the FirstName and LastName properties, instead:

        <Grid Width="294" Margin="6">
            <StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,-10,0,0">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" .../>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding FirstName}" .../>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding LastName}" .../>

The next step is to register the fact that the Customers app now implements the Search contract with the operating system. While you are at it, you can also change the icons that appear for the app on the Windows Start screen, and add a splash screen that appears when the app first starts running.

Register the Customers app with Windows Search
  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click the Package.appxmanifest file to display the app manifest in the manifest editor.

  2. In the manifest editor, click the Declarations tab.

  3. In the Available Declarations list, select Search, and then click Add.

    This action registers the Customers app as a search provider with Windows Search.

  4. In Visual Studio, open the App.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window. At the end of the App class, add the OnSearchActivated method shown here.

    protected override void OnSearchActivated(
        Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.SearchActivatedEventArgs args)
        var previousContent = Window.Current.Content;
        var frame = previousContent as Frame;
        frame.Navigate(typeof(SearchResultsPage), args.QueryText);
        Window.Current.Content = frame;

    The SearchActivated event is raised when the user searches for data in the app by using the Search charm. The OnSearchActivated method for the App object runs when this event is raised. The code in this method obtains a reference to the Windows Frame object currently displaying the app (the Frame object represents the area of the screen currently displaying the app) and then creates an instance of the SearchResultsPage class which it displays in this frame, passing the query criteria (available in the QueryText property of the args parameter) that the user has entered in the Search charm to this page.

  5. In Solution Explorer, expand the Assets folder.

    This folder contains several graphics images: the default images displayed by the splash screen when the app starts running, the icon that appears if you pin the app to the Start screen, and the small icon that appears in the list of installed apps on the Start menu or when the user invokes the Search charm (there is also an image file that you can attach to the app when it is uploaded to the Windows Store). Each image has a specific size: the logo image that appears on the Start screen must be 150 × 150 pixels; the small logo image that appears with the Search charm must be 30 × 30 pixels; and the logo used by the splash screen must be 620 × 300 pixels.

  6. Right-click the Assets folder, point to Add, and then click Existing Item.

  7. In the Add Existing Item – Customers dialog box, move to the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step By StepChapter 26Resources folder in your Documents folder, select all three files in this folder, and then click Add.

    These new graphics files contain more colorful images than the stock gray and white ones provided by the Blank App template.

  8. In Solution Explorer, double-click the Package.appxmanifest file, and then click the Visual Assets tab.

    Using this tab, you can specify the way in which your app presents itself to the user, including the logos that are displayed.

  9. In the All Image Assets box, click Square 150x150 Logo. In the Square 150x150 logo text box, type AssetsAdventureWorksLogo150x150.png.

  10. In the All Image Assets box, click Square 30x30 Logo. In the Square 30x30 logo text box, type AssetsAdventureWorksLogo30x30.png.

  11. In the All Image Assets box, click Splash Screen. In the Splash screen text box, type AssetsAdventureWorksLogo620x300.png.

  12. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.

You can now test the Search contract and verify that it works as expected.

Test the Search contract
  1. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to run the app. Notice that the Splash screen now appears briefly when the app starts, before the Adventure Works Customers window appears.

    When the app appears, it should display the details for customer 1, Orlando Gee.

  2. Press Windows Key+C to display the Charms bar and then click Search.

  3. The Search pane should appear. Click the drop-down list, and the Customers app should appear (together with the small logo), as shown in the following image:

    A screenshot of the Search charm listing the Customers application.
  4. Click the Customers app, type G into the text box, and then click the Search icon.

    The search results page should appear, displaying the number of matches for customers whose first or last name contains the letter G. Notice that the name that you specified when you added the filter to the filterList collection is displayed at the top of the page, together with the number of matches.

    A screenshot of the search results page for the Customers app.
  5. Click Matching First Names.

    The data identified by the Matching First Names filter appears.

    A screenshot of the search results page showing the list of customers that contain the letter G in their first name.
  6. Click Matching Last Names.

    The list of customers whose last name contains the letter G should appear.

  7. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.

Adding basic search functionality is relatively straightforward, but you can add a number of features to make this functionality more useful. The most important is the ability to click a customer name in the search results page and go directly to that customer in the Customers app. This is what you will do in the final exercise in this chapter.

Display the selected customer from the search results page
  1. In Visual Studio, open the ViewModel.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window and then, between the Current property and the Next method add the GoTo method shown in bold in the following code to the ViewModel class:

    public Customer Current
    public void GoTo(Customer customer)
        this.currentCustomer = this.customers.IndexOf(customer);
        this.IsAtStart = (this.currentCustomer == 0);
        this.IsAtEnd = (this.customers.Count - 1 == this.currentCustomer);
    private void Next()

    The GoTo method takes a Customer object as a parameter and uses the IndexOf method to find which customer this is in the customers collection. It then sets this customer to be the currently displayed customer.

  2. Open the SearchResultsPage.xaml file in the Design View window.

  3. In the XAML pane, find the markup for the resultsGridView GridView control and add the ItemClick property between the IsItemClickEnabled and ItemsSource properties, as shown here in bold:

        ItemsSource="{Binding Source={...}}"

    The ItemClick property specifies the name of the event-handling method to run when the user clicks an item in the GridView control. You will write this method shortly.

  4. Open the SearchPageResults.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window and then, after the constructor, add the OnItemClick method shown in the following code to the SearchResultsPage class:

  5. Add the OnItemClick method shown in the following code to theSearchResultsPage class:

    public sealed partial class SearchResultsPage : ...
        public SearchResultsPage()
            this.navigationHelper = new NavigationHelper(this);
            this.navigationHelper.LoadState += navigationHelper_LoadState;
        private void OnItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), e.ClickedItem);

    The OnItemClick method uses the Frame.Navigate method to display the MainPage form. The value in e.ClickedItem passed as a parameter to the Navigate method is a reference to the customer whose name the user clicked in the search results page. The Navigate method causes the OnNavigatedTo method in the target page (in this case, the MainPage form) to run, and the item passed as the parameter to the Navigate method is forwarded on to the OnNavigatedTo method.

  6. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file in the Code and Text Editor window and then, after the WindowSizeChanged method, add the OnNavigatedTo method shown here to the end of the MainPage class:

    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
        Customer selectedCustomer = e.Parameter as Customer;
        // If the Customer passed in as the parameter is not null
        // then go to that customer
        if (selectedCustomer != null)
            ViewModel viewModel =
                (Application.Current as App).MainViewModel;
        this.WindowSizeChanged(this, null);

    This code uses the GoTo method of the ViewModel class to navigate to the specified customer, which will then be displayed on the MainPage form.

  7. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging to build and run the application.

  8. When the application appears, press Windows key+C to display the charms, and then click Search.

  9. Type G in the text box, and then click the icon for the Customers app.

  10. On the search results page, click one of the customers, such as Gary Vargas. The MainPage form should reappear, displaying the details of the customer:

    The Customers app displaying the details for Gary Vargas.
  11. Return to Visual Studio and stop debugging.


In this chapter, you learned how to display data on a form by using data binding. You saw how to set the data context for a form and how to create a data source that supports data binding by implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. You learned how to use the Model-View-ViewModel pattern to create a Windows Store app. You saw how to create a ViewModel with which a view can interact with a data source by using commands. Finally, you learned how to implement the Search contract so that a Windows Store app can integrate search functionality into the features provided by Windows 8.1.


This chapter and Chapter 25 used the Blank App template as the vehicle for showing you how to create a Windows Store app. Visual Studio 2013 provides three other templates that provide a more comprehensive starting point for building Windows Store apps: the Grid App template, the Split App template, and the Hub App Template.

You can use the Grid App template to display and edit hierarchical data that is organized into groups. This template generates an app that has three pages: a top-level page called the Grouped Items page displays a list of groups, a second-level page referred to as the Group Detail page displays the detailed information for a group, and a third-level page known as the Item Detail page displays the items in a group.

A diagram showing the pages of an application generated by using the Grid App template.

The template uses GridView and ListView controls to display information by using data binding, and the pages adapt to different views by using the Visual State Manager. Data is formatted and styled by using styles and data templates in the same manner that you have employed in this chapter and Chapter 25. The template also includes a sample data source and a simple ViewModel. You can replace the sample data source with your own business data and modify the ViewModel to handle your own data structures. The intention is that you use the pages and ViewModel as a starting point for your own app and augment them with any additional pages and logic that your app requires. You can employ the same techniques and strategies that you have learned in this chapter.

The Split App template is similar in concept and structure to the Grid App template, except that it generates only two pages: a top-level page called the Items page that displays a list of groups, and a second-level page called the Split page that displays a list of items in a group on the left side and the details of a selected item on the right side.

A diagram showing the pages of an application generated by using the Split App template.

Finally, the Hub App template provides hub-style navigation. A top-level page makes it possible for the user to scroll between different groups of data items. The user can select a group to display a list of items in that group, and the user can click an item to view its details. As with the Grid App and Split App templates, the Hub App template illustrates best practices for structuring this type of app, and you can customize the various views and view model to match specific business requirements.

A diagram showing the pages of an application generated by using the Split App template.
  • If you want to continue to the next chapter, keep Visual Studio 2013 running, and turn to Chapter 27.

  • If you want to exit Visual Studio 2013 now, on the File menu, click Exit. If you see a Save dialog box, click Yes and save the project.

Quick reference


Do this

Bind the property of a control to the property of an object

Use a data-binding expression in the XAML markup of the control. For example:

<TextBox ...  Text="{Binding FirstName}" .../>

Enable an object to notify a binding of a change in a data value

Implement the INotifyPropetyChanged interface in the class that defines the object and raise the PropertyChanged event each time a property value changes. For example:

class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler
  protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(
    string propertyName)
    if (PropertyChanged != null)
           new PropertyChangedEventArgs(

Enable a control that uses data-binding to update the value of the property to which it is bound

Configure the data-binding as two-way. For example:

<TextBox ... Text="{Binding FirstName, Mode=TwoWay}"

Separate the business logic that runs when the user clicks a Button control from the user interface that contains the Button control

Use a ViewModel that provides commands implemented by using the ICommand interface, and bind the Button control to one of these commands. For example:

<Button x:Name="nextCustomer" ...
  Command="{Binding Path=NextCustomer}"/>

Enable an application to support searching by using the Search charm

Implement the Search contract by using the Search Contract template. In the navigationHelper_LoadState method of the search page, add code to find all data that matches the search term entered by the user and create search filters that contain this data. In the Filter_Checked method, switch to the search filter specified by the user. Handle the ItemClick event on the search page to navigate to the item selected by the user on the search page and display it in your application.

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