Augmented reality, 54–55

Barcodes, 20

Beacons, 49–51

Blog, 36

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), 51

Brand engagement, 10–11

Browsers, 47

Burke, R., 53

Business-to-business revenues, 18

Cannibalization, 11–12

Chandon, P., 27

Christensen, C.M., 43

Content, 24–25

Conventional mobile phones, 5

Customer service, 11

Digital commerce

beacons, 49–51

brand engagement, 10–11

customer service, 11

3D printers, 58–59

e-commerce (see Electronic commerce)

electronic commerce, 1

gamification, 57–58

internet of things (IOT), 56–57

loyalty programs, 11

marketing strategies, 9

m-commerce (see Mobile commerce)

multichannel marketing, 43–45

omnichannel marketing, 45–46

online shopping, 53

three dimensionality

augmented reality, 54–55

metaverse retailing, 54

shopping experience, 55–56

virtual reality, 54, 55


blogs, 36

e-mail, 35–36

interactions, 33

loyalty programs, 37

Search Engine Optimization, 42

shopping carts, 37–38

text messages, 38

videos, 41

website, 34–35

3D printers, 58–59

Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

challenges, 62

communications, 61–62

connectivity, 61

consolidation, 62

content, 25

convenience, 61

definition, 1

globalization, 17–18

in-store tablets, 48–49

as a marketing strategy

cannibalization, 11–12

internet’s potential, 12

physical retailers advantages, 12

retailers opportunities, 12

social touchpoints, 40–41

supply chain integration, 18–20

touchpoints, 38–39

E-mail, 35

Facebook, 40

Free riders, 47

Gamification, 57–58

Global e-commerce strategy, 17–18

Grewal, D., 44

Griffith, D.A., 44

Hoffman, D.L., 28

Internet of things (IOT), 56–57

Internet service providers (ISPs), 38–39

Kaufman-Scarborough, C., 44

Lee, K.S., 44

Lindquist, J.D., 44

LinkedIn, 40–41

Loyalty programs, 11, 37

Mobile commerce (m-commerce)

advantage, 53


Apple and Android platforms, 29

mobile web, 29

problems, 29–30

responsive design, 31–32

Starbucks customers, 29

uses for, 30

challenges, 62

communications, 61–62

consolidation, 62

consumer considerations, 7–8

content, 25

customers, 61

e-commerce, 1

high level of ownership, 3

individualized devices, 3–4

in-store tablets, 48–49

location of the customer, 3

marketing mix

consumer’s location, 13–14

price, 13

product information, 13

promoting products, 14

mobile phones, 5–6

social touchpoints, 39–41

tablets, 6–7

time-conscious shoppers, 24

ubiquity, 2–3

virtual transactions, 1–2


atmospherics, 28

challenges, 27–28

quality and satisfaction, 28

small screens, 27

usability and interactivity, 26

Montoya-Weiss, M.M., 44

Morwitz, V.G., 27

Multichannel marketing, 43–45

Near field communications (NFC), 14, 50–51

Noble, S.M., 44

Novak, T.P., 28

Omnichannel marketing, 45–46

Product information, 13

Quick response codes (QR), 20

Radio frequency ID tags (RFID), 20

Reinartz, W.J., 27

Research shopper, 47

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 42

Shopping carts, 37–38

Showrooming, 47–48

Smartphones, 5, 39

Social commerce, 10

Storytelling, 41

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, 9–10

Tablets, 6–7

Tan, S.J., 44

Tedlow, R.S., 44

Text messages, 38


blogs, 36

e-mail, 35–36

interactions, 33

loyalty programs, 37

Search Engine Optimization, 42

shopping carts, 37–38

text messages, 38

videos, 41

website, 34–35

Twitter, 40

Virtual reality, 54

Virtual transactions, 1–2

Voss, G.B., 44

Watches and wristbands, 56

Website, 34–35

atmospherics, 28

challenges, 27–28

quality and satisfaction, 28

small screens, 27

usability and interactivity, 26

Weinberger, M.G., 44

Wi-Fi coverage, 39

Wireless networks, 5

YouTube, 41

Yung, Y., 28

Zettelmeyer (2000), 44

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