
Only part of the material in this book has been extracted from or based on several of the public deliverables of the European Celtic project WINNER+. The completion of this project was supported by substantial additional material, which was originally not planned in the consortium. We would therefore like to thank all the colleagues involved in the project for their support and the good cooperation that made the book possible.

We aremost grateful to the co-authors of this manuscript. They have shown incredible commitment and dedication during the writing process. Many were working in their free time, during evenings and week-ends. They have demonstrated an exemplary spirit of collaboration, always being available while dealing with professional and private constraints. During the period in which the book was being written we experienced the birth of at least three kids. We hope that the personal relationships forged during this project will continue and that there will be the potential for future collaboration.

We wish to thank those who reviewed the various chapters in this book. Most co-authors participated in that process. In particular, we are indebted to Mr. Petri Komulainen for his scrutiny and review of Chapter 6. We are thankful to Mr. Peter J. Larsson, as an external reviewer, for his review of Chapter 8.

We express our gratitude to Dr. Andrew Logothetis. His encouragement at the outset was significant in prompting us to start the work and to submit the book proposal.

Dr. Osseiran would like, in particular, to acknowledge Ericsson's generosity, through the persons of Dr. Magnus Frodigh, Dr. Claes Tidestav and Dr. Gunnar Bark, for giving ample resources to write the book. In addition, Dr. Göran Klang and Mr. Johan Lundsjö believed in the project and encouraged it from its inception.

We would like to thank Mr. Mark Hammond, Mrs. Sophia Travis and Mrs. Susan Barclay from JohnWiley & Sons for their help to finalize this book. Mr. Hammond encouraged endlessly to initiate the proposal. Mrs. Travis has been always available, efficiently reacting to queries, and with a great sense of humor. We show our appreciations to the antonymous type editors, type setters, designers and proof readers. Finally, Mrs. Shirine Osseiran is greatly thanked for carefully designing the book front cover.

Afif Osseiran
Jose F. Monserrat
Werner Mohr

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