© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
A. YeModern Deep Learning Design and Application Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7413-2_5

5. Automating Model Design with Meta-optimization

Andre Ye1  
Redmond, WA, USA

Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.

—Tony Buzan, Writer and Educational Consultant

As the content we find we need to learn changes throughout life, we find new methods of learning that work for us. Through your education, you might have considered brute-force solving dozens of repetitive, minimally varying problems to be helpful when mastering the basics of algebra, active reading with a highlighter and notes on hand to help you succeed in more advanced English classes, and, later on with more advanced topics, understanding the conceptual framework and intuition more helpful than rotely solving a series of problems.

Ultimately, the task of learning is not just one of optimizing your mastery of the content within certain learning conditions but of optimizing those very learning conditions. To become efficient agents and designers of learning processes, we must recognize that learning is multi-tiered, controlled not only by our progress within the learning framework an agent may currently be operating in but also the learning framework itself.

This necessity applies to neural network design. Designing neural networks involves making many choices, and many of these can often feel arbitrary and therefore unoptimized or optimizable. While intuition is certainly a valuable guide in building model architectures, there are many aspects of neural network design that a human designer simply cannot effectively tune by hand, especially when multiple variables are involved.

Meta-optimization, also referred to in this context as meta-learning or auto-ML, is the process of “learning how to learn” – a meta-model (or “controller model”) finds the best parameters for the controlled model’s validation performance. With its tools and knowledge about its underlying dynamics and best use cases, meta-optimization is a valuable box of methods to aid you in developing more structured, efficient models.

Introduction to Meta-optimization

A deep learning model is already a learner itself, optimizing its designated weights to maximize its performance on the training data it is given. Meta-optimization involves another model on a higher level optimizing the “fixed” parameters in the first model such that the first model, when trained under the conditions of those fixed parameters, will learn weights that maximize its performance on the test dataset (Figure 5-1). In machine learning – a domain in which meta-optimization is frequently applied – these fixed parameters could be factors like the gamma parameter in support vector classifiers, the value of k in the k-nearest neighbors algorithm, or the number of trees in a gradient boosting model. In the context of deep learning – the focus of this book and thus the application of meta-optimization in this chapter – these include factors like the architecture of the model and elements of its training procedure, like the choice of optimizer or the learning rate.


Here, we use the terms “parameters” and “weights” selectively for the sake of clarity, even though the two are more or less synonymous. “Parameter” will refer to broader factors in the model’s fundamental structure that remain unchanged during training and influence the outcome of the learned knowledge. “Weight” refers to changeable, trainable values that are used in representing a model’s learned knowledge.

Figure 5-1

Relationship between controller model and controlled model in meta-optimization

So-called “naïve” meta-optimization algorithms use the following general structure:
  1. 1.

    Select structural parameters for a proposed controlled model.

  2. 2.

    Obtain the performance of a controlled model trained under those selected structural parameters.

  3. 3.


There are two generally recognized naïve meta-optimization algorithms used as a baseline against more sophisticated meta-optimization methods:
  • Grid search: In a grid search, every combination of a user-specified list of values for each parameter is tried and evaluated. Consider a hypothetical model with two structural parameters we would like to optimize, A and B. The user may specify the search space for A to be [1, 2, 3] and the search space for B to be [0.5, 1.2]. Here, “search space” indicates the values for each parameter that will be tested. A grid search would train six models for every combination of these parameters – A = 1 and B = 0.5, A = 1 and B = 1.2, A = 2 and B = 0.5, and so on.

  • Random search: In a random search, the user provides information about a feasible distribution of potential values that each structural parameter could take on. For instance, the search space for A may be a normal distribution with mean 2 and standard deviation 1, and the search space for B might be a uniform choice from the list of values [0.5, 1.2]. A random search would then randomly sample parameter values and return the best performing set of values.

Grid search and random search are considered to be naïve search algorithms because they do not incorporate the results from their previously selected structural parameters into how they select the next set of structural parameters; they simply repeatedly “query” structural parameters blindly and return the best performing set. While grid and random search have their place in certain meta-optimization problems – grid search suffices for small meta-optimization problems, and random search proves to be a surprisingly strong strategy for models that are relatively cheaper to train – they cannot produce consistently strong results for more complex models, like neural networks. The problem is not that these naïve methods inherently cannot produce good sets of parameters, but that they take too long to do so.

A key component of the unique character of meta-optimization that distinguishes it from other fields of optimization problems is the impact of the evaluation step in amplifying any inefficiencies in the meta-optimization system. Generally, to quantify how good certain selected structural parameters are, a model is fully trained under those structural parameters and its performance on the test set is used as the evaluation. (See the “Neural Architecture Search” section for proxy evaluation to learn about faster alternatives). In the context of neural networks, this evaluation step can take hours. Thus, an effective meta-optimization system should attempt to require as few models to be built and trained as possible before arriving at a good solution. (Compare this to standard neural network optimization, in which the model queries the loss function and updates its weights accordingly anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of times in the span of hours.)

To prevent inefficiency in the selection of new structural parameters to evaluate, successful meta-optimization methods used for models like neural networks include another step – incorporating knowledge from previous “experiments” into determining the next best set of parameters to select:
  1. 1.

    Select structural parameters for a proposed controlled model.

  2. 2.

    Obtain the performance of a controlled model trained under those selected structural parameters.

  3. 3.

    Incorporate knowledge about the relationship between selected structural parameters and the performance of a model trained under such parameters into the next selection.

  4. 4.



Even with these adaptations, meta-optimization methods are taxing on computational and time resources. A primary factor in the success of a meta-optimization campaign is how you define the search space – the feasible distribution of values the meta-optimization algorithm can draw from. Choosing the search space is another trade-off. Clearly, if you specify too large a search space, the meta-optimization algorithm will need to select and evaluate more structural parameters to arrive at a good solution. Each additional parameter enlarges the existing search space by a significant factor, so leaving too many parameters to be optimized by the meta-optimization algorithm will likely perform worse than user-specified values or a random search, which doesn’t need to deal with the complexities of navigating an incredibly sparse space.

Herein lies an important principle in meta-optimization design: be conservative in determining parameters to be optimized by meta-optimization as possible. If you know that batch normalization will benefit a network’s performance, for instance, it’s probably not worth it to use meta-optimization to determine if batch normalization should be included in the network architecture or not. Moreover, if you decide a certain parameter should be optimized via meta-optimization, attempt to decrease its “size.” For instance, this could be the number or range of possible values a parameter can take on, the range of possible values.

On the other hand, if you define too small a search space, you should ask yourself another question – is meta-optimization worth performing in the first place? A meta-optimization algorithm is likely to find the optimal set of parameters for a search space defined as {A: normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.001 and B: uniform distribution from 3.2 to 3.3} very efficiently, for instance, but it’s not useful. The user could have likely set A=1 and B=3.25 with no visible impact on the resulting model’s performance.


What is a “small” or “large” range is dependent on the nature of the parameter and the variation required to make visible change in the performance of the model. Parameters sampled from a normal distribution with mean 0.005 and standard deviation 0.001 may yield a very similar model if that parameter is the C parameter in a support vector machine. However, if the parameter is the learning rate of a deep learning model, it is likely that such a distribution would yield visible differences in model test performance.

Thus, the crucial balance in meta-optimization is that of engineering a search space conservative enough not to be redundant, but free and “open” enough to yield significant results.

This chapter will discuss two forms of meta-optimization as applicable to deep learning: general hyperparameter optimization and Neural Architecture Search (NAS), along with the Hyperopt, Hyperas, and Auto-Keras libraries.

General Hyperparameter Optimization

General hyperparameter optimization is a broad field within meta-optimization concerning general methods to optimize the parameters of a wide variety of models. These methods are not explicitly built for neural network designs, so additional work will be required for effective results.

In this section, we’ll discuss Bayesian optimization – the leading general hyperparameter optimization method for machine and deep learning, as well as the usage of the popular meta-optimization library Hyperopt and its accompanying Keras wrapper, Hyperas, to optimize neural network design.

Bayesian Optimization Intuition and Theory

Here’s a function: f(x). You only have access to its output given a certain input, and you know that it is expensive to calculate. Your task is to find the set of inputs that minimizes the output of the function as much as possible.

This sort of setup is known as a black-box optimization problem, because the algorithm or entity attempting to find a solution to the problem has access to very little information about the function (Figure 5-2). You have access only to the output of any input passed into the function, but not the derivative, barring the usage of gradient-based methods that have proved successful in the domain of neural networks. Moreover, because f(x) is expensive to evaluate (i.e., takes a significant amount of time to get the output of an input), we cannot employ a host of non-gradient optimization methods from the simple grid search to the more sophisticated simulated annealing. These methods require a large quantity of queries to the black-box function to discover reasonably well-performing results.
Figure 5-2

Objective functions to minimize. Top – black-box function; bottom – explicitly defined loss function (in this case MSE)

Bayesian optimization is often used in these sorts of black-box optimization problems because it succeeds in obtaining reliably good results with a relatively small number of required queries to the objective function f(x). Hyperopt, in addition to many other libraries, uses optimization algorithms built upon the fundamental model of Bayesian optimization. The spirit of Bayesian modeling is to begin with a set of prior beliefs and continually update that set of beliefs with new information to form posterior beliefs. It is this spirit of continuous update – searching for new information in places where it is needed – that makes Bayesian optimization a robust and versatile tool in black-box optimization problems.

Consider this hypothetical objective function, c(x) (Figure 5-3). In the context of meta-learning/meta-optimization, c(x) represents the loss or cost of a certain model and x represents the set of parameters used in the model that are being optimized.
Figure 5-3

Hypothetical cost function – the loss incurred by a model with some parameter x. For the sake of visualization, in this case we are optimizing only one parameter

Because this is a black-box function and the Bayesian optimization algorithm doesn’t “know” its full shape, it develops its own representations of what it “thinks” the objective function looks like via a surrogate function (Figure 5-4). The surrogate function approximates the objective function and represents the current set of beliefs on how the objective function behaves.
Figure 5-4

Example surrogate function and how the surrogate function informs the sampling of new points in the objective function

Note that the representation of the surrogate model here is deterministic, but in practice it is a probabilistic model that returns p(y| x) or the probability that the objective function’s output is y given an input x. Probabilistic surrogate models are easier and more natural to update in a Bayesian function.

Based on the surrogate function, the algorithm can identify which points look “promising” in addition to which areas need more exploration and samples from these promising regions accordingly (Figure 5-5). Note that there is an exploration-exploitation trade-off dynamic at play here: if the algorithm sampled only from regions immediately suggested to be minima (purely exploiting), it would completely overlook other promising minima that were not captured in the first round of sampling. Likewise, if the algorithm was purely explorative, it would behave little differently from a random search by not considering previous findings. The acquisition function is responsible for determining how surrogate functions are updated.
Figure 5-5

Updating the surrogate function with the new, second iteration of sampled points

After just a few number of iterations, there is a very high probability that the Bayesian optimization algorithm has obtained a relatively accurate representation of the minima within the black-box function.

Because a random or grid search does not take any of the previous results into consideration when determining the next sampled set of parameters, these “naïve” algorithms save time in calculating the next set of parameters to sample. However, the additional computation Bayesian optimization algorithms use to determine the next point to sample is used to construct a surrogate function more intelligently with fewer queries. Net-wise, the reduction in necessary queries to the objective function outweighs the increase in time to determine the next sampled point, making the Bayesian optimization method more efficient.

This process of optimization is known more abstractly as Sequential Model-Based Optimization (SMBO) . It operates as a central concept or template against which various model optimization strategies can be formulated and compared and contains one key feature: a surrogate function for the objective function that is updated with new information and used to determine new points to sample. Across various SMBO methods, the primary differentiators are the design of the acquisition function and the method of constructing the surrogate model. Hyperopt uses the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) surrogate model and acquisition strategy.

The expected improvement measurement quantifies the expected improvement with respect to the set of parameters to be optimized, x. For instance, if the surrogate model p(y| x) evaluates to zero for all values of y less than some threshold value y – that is, there is zero probability that the set of input parameters x could yield an output of the objective function less than y – there is likely little improvement.

The Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (Figure 5-6) is built to work toward a set of parameters x that maximizes expected improvement. Like all surrogate functions used in Bayesian optimization, it returns p(y| x) – the probability that the objective function’s output is y given an input x. Instead of directly obtaining this probability, it uses Bayes’ rule:
$$ p(x)=frac{p(y)cdotp p(y)}{p(x)} $$
The p(x| y) term represents the probability that the input to the objective function was x given an output y. To calculate this, two distribution functions are used: l(x) if the output y is less than some threshold y and g(x) if the output y is less than some threshold y. To sample values of x that yield objective function outputs less than the threshold, the strategy is to draw from l(x) rather than g(x). (The other terms, p(y) and p(x), can be easily calculated as they do not involve conditionals.) Sampled values with the highest expected improvement are evaluated through the objective function. The resulting value is used to update the probability distributions l(x) and g(x) for better prediction.
Figure 5-6

Visualizing where the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator strategy falls in relation to the Sequential Model-Based Optimization procedure

It’s a little bit math heavy, but ultimately the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator strategy attempts to find the best objective function inputs to sample by continually updating its two internal probability distributions to maximize the quality of prediction.


You may be wondering – what is tree-structured about the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator strategy? In the original TPE paper, the authors suggest that the “tree” component of the algorithm’s name is derived from the tree-like nature of the hyperparameter space: the value chosen for one hyperparameter determines the set of possible values for other parameters. For instance, if we are optimizing the architecture of a neural network, we first determine the number of layers before determining the number of nodes in the third layer.

Hyperopt Syntax, Concepts, and Usage

Hyperopt is a popular framework for Bayesian optimization. Its flexible syntax allows for you to test hyperparameter tuning on any framework and for any purpose. Using Hyperopt requires three key elements (Figure 5-7):
  • Objective function : This is a function that takes in a dictionary of hyperparameters (the inputs to the objective function) and outputs the “goodness” of those hyperparameters (the output of the objective function). In this context of meta-learning, the objective function takes in the hyperparameters, uses the hyperparameters to build a model, trains the model, and returns the performance of the model on validation/test data. “Better” is synonymous with “less” in Hyperopt, so make sure that metrics like accuracy are negated.

  • Search space : This is the space of parameters with which Hyperopt will search. It is implemented as a dictionary of parameters in which the key is the name of the parameter (for your own reference later) and the corresponding value is a Hyperopt search space objective defining the range and type of distribution to sample values for that parameter from.

  • Search : Once you have defined the objective function and the search space, you can initiate the actual search function, which will return the best set of parameters from the search.

Figure 5-7

Relationship between the search space, objective function, and search operation in the Hyperopt framework

Install Hyperopt with pip install hyperopt and import with import hyperopt.

Hyperopt Syntax Overview: Finding the Minimum of a Simple Objective Function

To illustrate the basic syntax and concepts in Hyperopt, we will use Hyperopt to solve a very simple problem: find the minimum of f(x) = (x − 1)2. Let’s first define the search space with hyperopt.hp (Listing 5-1).
from hyperopt import hp
space = {'x':hp.uniform('x',-1000,1000)}
Listing 5-1

Importing the Hyperopt library and defining the search space for a single parameter using hyperopt.hp

In this case, we are telling Hyperopt that the search space consists of one parameter with label “x”, which can reasonably be found from a uniform distribution from –1000 to 1000. However, from domain knowledge we know that it’s more likely that the optimal value of x that minimizes the objective function is more likely to be near zero than equally likely to be any value from –1000 to 1000. Ideally, we would like the optimizer to sample values of x near zero more often than values near 1000 or –1000. We can formulate this domain knowledge regarding the probability that the optimal value is near a certain value by using other spaces (see Figure 5-8):
  • hp.normal(label, mu, sigma): The distribution of the search space for this parameter is a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.

  • hp.lognormal(label, mu, sigma): The distribution of the search space for this parameter is a log-normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. It acts as a modification of hp.normal that returns only positive values. This is useful for parameters like the learning rate of a neural network that are continuous and contain a concentration of likelihood at some point, but require a positive value.

  • hp.qnormal(label, mu, sigma, q) and hp.qlognormal(label, mu, sigma, q): These act as distributions for quasi-continuous parameters, like the number of layers or number of nodes within a layer in a neural network – while these are not continuous (a network with 3.5 layers is invalid), they contain transitive relative relationships (a network with 4 layers is longer than a network with 3 layers). Correspondingly, we may want to formulate certain relationships, like wanting the number of layers to be shorter than longer. hp.qnormal and hp.qlognormal “quantize” the outputs of hp.normal and hp.lognormal by performing the following operation: $$ qcdotp roundleft(frac{o}{q}
ight) $$, where o is the output of the “unquantized” operation and q is the quantization factor. hp.qnormal('x', 5, 3, 1), for instance, defines a search space of “normally distributed” integers (q = 1) with mean 5 and standard deviation 3.

Figure 5-8

Visualizations of the normal and quantized normal distributions (top) and the log-normal and quantized log-normal distributions (bottom). The quantized distribution visualization is not completely faithful – values that fall into a sampled “segment” are assigned the same value

If the search space is not continuous or quasi-continuous, but instead a series of discrete, non-comparable choices, use hp.choice(), which takes in a list of possible choices.

In this case, we can use a standard normal distribution to more accurately describe where we think the optimal location of the parameter is (Listing 5-2).
from hyperopt import hp
space = {'x':hp.normal('x', mu=0, sigma=10)}
Listing 5-2

Defining a simple Hyperopt space

We can now define the objective function, which simply involves subtracting 1 from x and squaring: obj_func = lambda params: (params['x']-1)**2.

Only returning the associated output of the objective function is fine if the objective function always returns a valid output or you have configured the search space such that it is impossible for any invalid input to be passed into the objective function. If not, however, Hyperopt provides one additional feature that may be helpful if certain combinations of parameters may be invalid: a status. For instance, if we are trying to find the minimum of $$ f(x)=left|frac{1}{x}
ight|+{x}^2 $$, the input x = 0 would be invalid. There’s no easy way to restrict the search space to exclude x = 0, though. If x ≠ 0, the output of the objective function is {'loss':value, 'status':'ok'}. If the input parameter is equal to 0, though, the objective function returns {'status':'fail'}.

In the context of modeling, certain parameter constructions may not be valid. Given that restricting the search space is impossible or too difficult, you can construct your objective function with a try/except catching mechanism such that any error Keras throws when building the graph is communicated to Hyperopt in the form of a failed status (Listing 5-3).
def obj_func(params):
        model = build_model().train(data)
        loss = evaluate(model)
        return {'loss':loss, 'status':'ok'}
        return {'status':'fail'}
Listing 5-3

An objective function with ok/fail status

Now that the search space and the objective function have been defined, we can initiate a search to find the parameter values specified in the search space that minimize the objective function (Listing 5-4).
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe
best = fmin(obj_func, space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=500)
Listing 5-4

Hyperopt minimization procedure

Here, algo=tpe.suggest uses the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator optimization algorithm and max_evals=500 lets Hyperopt know that the code will tolerate a maximum 500 evaluations of the objective function. In the context of modeling, max_evals indicates the maximum number of models that will be built and trained, because each evaluation of the objective function requires building a new model architecture, training it, evaluating it, and returning its performance.

After the search completes, best is a dictionary of the best parameters found. best['x'] should contain a value very close to 1 (the true minimum).

Using Hyperopt to Optimize Training Procedure

Parameters involved in a model’s training procedure include the learning rate, the choice of optimizer, callbacks, and other parameters involved in how the model is trained rather than the architecture of the model. Let’s use Hyperopt to determine the optimal optimizer and learning rate for training. We’ll need to define specific search space types for these two parameters:
  • hp.choice('optimizer', ['adam', 'rmsprop', 'sgd']) for the optimizer: This will find the optimal optimizer to train the network on.

  • hp.lognormal('lr', mu=0.005, sigma=0.001) for the optimizer learning rate: The log-normal distribution is used here because the learning rate must be positive.

We can define these two spaces in a dictionary (Listing 5-5). Note that we import optimizer objects without actually instantiating them (i.e., keras.optimizers.Adam rather than keras.optimizers.Adam()). This is because we need to pass the learning rate as a parameter within the instantiation of the parameter object, which we’ll do when we’re building the model in the objective function.
from keras.optimizers import Adam, RMSprop, SGD
optimizers = [Adam, RMSprop, SGD]
space = {'optimizer':hp.choice('optimizer',optimizers),
         'lr':hp.lognormal('lr', mu=0.005, sigma=0.001)}
Listing 5-5

Defining a search space for model optimizer and learning rate

The objective function will take in a dictionary of parameters sampled from the search space and use them to train a model architecture (Listing 5-6). In this particular case, we will measure model performance by its accuracy on the test dataset. We perform the following operations in the objective function:
  1. 1.

    Build the model: We will use a simple sequential model with a convolutional and fully connected component. This can be built without accessing the params dictionary because we’re not tuning any hyperparameters that influence how the architecture is built.

  2. 2.

    Compile: This is the relevant component of the construction and training of the model because parameters we are tuning (optimizer and learning rate) are explicitly used in this step. We will instantiate the sampled optimizer with the sampled learning rate and then pass the optimizer object with that learning rate into model.compile(). We will also pass metrics=['accuracy'] into compiling such that we can access the accuracy of the model on the test data in evaluation as the output of the objective function.

  3. 3.

    Fit model: We fit the model as usual for some number of epochs.

  4. 4.

    Evaluate accuracy: We can call model.evaluate() to return a list of loss and metrics calculated on the test data. The first element is the loss, and the second is the accuracy; we index the output of evaluation accordingly to assess the accuracy.

  5. 5.

    Return negated accuracy on validation set: The accuracy is negated such that smaller is “better.”

from keras.models import Sequential
import keras.layers as L
def objective(params):
    # build model
    model = Sequential()
    for i in range(4):
        model.add(L.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
    model.add(L.Dense(64, activation='relu'))
    model.add(L.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
    # compile
    optimizer = params['optimizer'](lr=params['lr'])
    # fit
    model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=20, verbose=0)
    # evaluate accuracy (second elem. w/ .evaluate())
    acc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)[1]
    # return negative of acc such that smaller = better
    return -acc
Listing 5-6

Defining the objective function of a training procedure-optimizing operation

Note that we specify verbose=0 with both model.fit() and model.evaluate(), which prevents Keras from printing progress bars and metrics during training. While these progress bars are helpful when training a Keras model in isolation, in the context of hyperparameter optimization with Hyperopt, they interfere with Hyperopt’s own progress bar printing.

We can use the objective function and the search space, along with the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator and the maximum number of evaluations, into the fmin function: best = fmin(objective, space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=30).

After the search has completed, best should contain a dictionary of best performing values for each parameter specified in the search space. In order to use these best parameters in your model, you can rebuild the model as it is built in the objective function and replace the params dictionary with the best dictionary.

For even better performance, two adaptations should be made:
  • Early stopping callback: This stops training after performance plateaus to save as many resources (computational and time-wise) as possible, as meta-optimization is an inherently expensive operation. This can usually be coupled with a high number of epochs, such that each model design is trained toward fruition – its potential is extracted as much as reasonably possible, and training stops after there seems to be no more potential to extract.

  • Model checkpoint callback with weight reloading before evaluation: Rather than evaluating the state of the neural network after it has completed training, it is optimal to evaluate the best “version” of that neural network. This can be done via the model checkpoint callback, which saves the weights of the best performing model. Before evaluating the performance of the model, reload these weights.

These two measures will further increase the efficiency of the search.

Using Hyperopt to Optimize Model Architecture

Although Hyperopt is often used to tune parameters in the model’s training procedure, you can also use it to make fine-tuned optimizations to the model architecture. It’s important, though, to consider whether you should use a general meta-optimization method like Hyperopt or a more specialized architecture optimization method like Neural Architecture Search. If you want to optimize large changes in the model architecture, it’s best to use Neural Architecture Search via Auto-Keras (this is covered later in the chapter). On the other hand, if you want to optimize small changes, Auto-Keras may not offer you the level of precision you desire, and thus Hyperopt may be the better solution. Note that if the change in architecture you intend to optimize is very small (like finding the optimal number of neurons in a layer), it may not be fruitful to even optimize it at all, provided that you have set a reasonable default parameter.

Good architecture components to optimize with a general optimization framework like Hyperopt that are neither too large to optimize with a more specialized Neural Architecture Search method nor too small to be insignificant with respect to the model performance include
  • Number of layers in a certain block/component (provided the range is long enough): The number of layers is quite a significant factor in the model architecture, especially if it is compounded via a block/cell-based design.

  • Presence of batch normalization: Batch normalization is an important layer that aids in smoothing the loss space. However, it succeeds only if used in certain locations and with a certain frequency.

  • Presence and rate of dropout layer: Like batch normalization, dropout can be an incredibly powerful regularization method. Successful usage of dropout requires placement in certain locations, with a certain frequency, and a well-tuned dropout rate.

For this example, we’ll tune three general factors of the model architecture: the number of layers in the convolutional component, the number of layers in the dense component, and the dropout rate of a dropout layer inserted in between every layer. (You could also tune the dropout rate of all dropout layers, which offers less customizability but may be more successful in some circumstances.)

Because we are keeping track of the dropout rate of several dropout layers, we cannot merely define it as a single parameter in the search space. Rather, we will need to automate the storage and organization of several parameters in the search space corresponding to each dropout layer.

Let’s begin by defining some key variables that we’ll need to use repeatedly later (Listing 5-7). We’re willing to accept any number of convolutional layers from a minimum of 3 layers to a maximum of 8 layers and any number of dense layers from 2 to 5. (You can adjust this, of course, to your particular problem.)
min_num_convs = 3
max_num_convs = 8
min_num_dense = 2
max_num_dense = 5
Listing 5-7

Defining key parameters

Using this information, we will generate two lists, conv_drs and dense_drs, which contain a Hyperopt search space object for the dropout rate of each layer in the convolutional and dense components, respectively (Listing 5-8). This allows us to store multiple related but different search parameters efficiently; these can be accessed easily via indexing when constructing the model. We use string formatting to provide a unique string name to the Hyperopt search space. Note that while the name you provide to each search space parameter is arbitrary (the user accesses each parameter through other means), Hyperopt requires (a) string names and (b) unique names (i.e., no two parameters can have the same name).
conv_drs, dense_drs = [], []
for layer in range(max_num_convs):
    conv_drs.append(hp.normal(f'c{layer}', 0.15, 0.1))
for layer in range(max_num_dense):
    dense_drs.append(hp.normal(f'd{layer}', 0.2, 0.1))
Listing 5-8

Creating an organized list of dropout rates

Note that we are constructing as many search space variables as the maximum number of layers for the convolutional and fully connected components, which means that there will be redundancy if the number of layers sampled is less than the maximum number (i.e., some dropout rates will not be used). This is fine; Hyperopt will handle it and adapt to these relationships. Additionally, we are defining a normal search space for the dropout rate that could theoretically sample values less than 0 or larger than 1 (i.e., invalid dropout rates). We will adjust these within the objective function to demonstrate custom manipulation of the search space when Hyperopt does not provide a function that fits your particular needs (in this case, a normal-shaped distribution that is bounded on both ends).

We can use these parameters to create the search space (Listing 5-9). When defining the number of layers in the convolutional and dense components, we use a quantized uniform distribution with q=1 to sample all integers from min_num_convs/dense to max_num_convs/dense (inclusive). Additionally, note that we passed in lists for the 'conv_dr' and 'dense_dr' parameters. Hyperopt will interpret this (or any other data type that contains several Hyperopt search space objects) as a sub-class of parameters that will be tuned like any other parameter.
space = {'#convs':hp.quniform('#convs',
Listing 5-9

Defining the search space for optimizing neural network architecture

Building the objective function in this context is an elaborate process, so we’ll build it in multiple pieces.

Recall that the Hyperopt search space for the dropout rate was defined to be normally distributed, meaning that it is possible to sample invalid dropout rates (less than 0 or larger than 1). We can address sampled parameters that are invalid at the beginning of the objective function (Listing 5-10).

If the dropout rate is larger than 0.9, we set it to 0.9 (Keras does not accept a dropout rate equal to 1, and any dropout rate larger than 90% is unlikely to succeed anyways). On the other hand, if the dropout rate is less than 0, we set it to 0. Given the mean and standard deviation parameters defined in the search space, it is unlikely for either of these to be sampled, but it’s important to define these catch mechanisms to prevent errors that disrupt the optimization process. Note that another alternative would be to return {'status':'fail'} to indicate an invalid parameter(s). The Bayesian optimization algorithm will adapt to any of these measures.
def objective(params):
    # convert set of params to list for mutability
    conv_drs = list(params['conv_dr'])
    dense_drs = list(params['dense_dr'])
    # make sure dropout rate is 0 <= r < 1
    for ind in range(len(conv_drs)):
        if conv_drs[ind] > 0.9:
            conv_drs[ind] = 0.9
        if conv_drs[ind] < 0:
            conv_drs[ind] = 0
    for ind in range(len(dense_drs)):
        if dense_drs[ind] > 0.9:
            dense_drs[ind] = 0.9
        if dense_drs[ind] < 0:
            dense_drs[ind] = 0
Listing 5-10

Beginning to define the objective function – correcting for dropout rates sampled in an invalid domain

We can then build the model “template” (the Sequential base model) and attach an input to it (Listing 5-11).
# build model template + input
model = Sequential()
Listing 5-11

Defining the model template and input in the objective function

When building the convolutional component, we add however many convolutional layers specified in the input parameters via a for loop (Listing 5-12). Note that we wrap the sampled number of convolutional layers params['#convs'] in an int() function; the output of the quantized value will not technically be an integer (e.g., 3.0, 4.0), whereas Python requires an integer object input to the range() function . After each convolutional layer, we add a dropout layer with the dropout rate accessed by indexing the previously defined conv_drs list of dropout rates. By organizing dropout rates into the easily accessible and storable list format, we are able to integrate several parameters into the optimization procedure.
# build convolutional component
for ind in range(int(params['#convs'])):
    # add convolutional layer
    model.add(L.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
    # add corresponding dropout rate
# add flattening for dense component
Listing 5-12

Building the convolutional component in the objective function

Constructing the dense component follows the same logic (Listing 5-13).
# build dense component
for ind in range(int(params['#dense'])):
    # add dense layer
    model.add(L.Dense(32, activation='relu'))
    # add corresponding dropout rate
Listing 5-13

Building the dense component in the objective function

Afterward, append the model output and perform the previously discussed remaining steps of compiling, fitting, evaluating, and returning the output of the objective function.

As you can see, Hyperopt allows for a tremendous amount of control over specific elements of the model, even if it involves a little bit more work – your imagination (and your capability for organization) is the limit!

Hyperas Syntax, Concepts, and Usage

Hyperopt offers a tremendous amount of customizability and adaptability toward your particular optimization needs, but it can be a lot of work, especially for relatively simpler tasks. Hyperas is a wrapper that operates on Hyperopt but is specialized in syntax for meta-optimizing Keras models. The primary advantage of Hyperas is that you can define parameters to be optimized with much fewer code than Hyperopt syntax requires.


While Hyperas is a useful resource, it’s important to know how to use Hyperopt because (a) often, problems that require meta-optimization in the first place are complex enough to warrant using Hyperopt and (b) Hyperas is a less developed and stable package (it is currently archived by the owner). Additionally, be warned that there are complications with using Hyperas with Jupyter Notebooks in an environment like Kaggle or Colab – if you are working with these circumstances, it may be easier to use Hyperopt.

Install Hyperas with pip install hyperas and import with import hyperas.

Using Hyperas to Optimize Training Procedure

Let’s use Hyperas’ syntax to perform the same optimization of the model training procedure by finding the best combination of optimizer and learning rate. Hyperas has three primary components (Figure 5-9):
  • Data feeder function : A function must be defined to load data, perform any preprocessing, and return four sets of data: x train, y train, x test, and y test (in that order). By defining the data feeding process as a function, Hyperas can make shortcuts to prevent redundancy in data loading in training the model.

  • Objective function : This function takes in the four sets of data from the data feeder function. It builds the model with unique markers for parameters to be optimized, fits on the training data, and returns whatever loss is used for evaluation. The objective function should return a dictionary with three key-value pairs: the loss, the status, and the model the loss was evaluated on.

  • Minimization : This function takes in the objective function (model creating function) and the data feeder function, alongside the Tree-structured Parzen Estimators algorithm from Hyperopt and a max_evals parameter. Because Hyperas is implemented with lots of recording, the minimization procedure requires a hyperopt.Trials() object, which serves as an additional documentation/recording object. (You can also pass this into fmin() for Hyperopt, although it’s not required.)

Figure 5-9

Key components of the Hyperas framework – data feeder, objective function, and search operation

Assuming the data feeder function has already been created, we will create the objective function (Listing 5-14). It is almost identical to the objective function in Hyperopt, with two key differences: the objective function takes in the four sets of data rather than the parameters dictionary, and optimizable parameters are defined completely within the objective function and with as little user attachment and handling as necessary.

To specify an optimizable parameter, put double braces around a hyperas.distributions search space distribution object (e.g., {{hyperas.distributions.choice(['a','b','c'])}}). Hyperas contains all the distributions implemented in Hyperopt. Note that no label is required, which allows for easy definition of numerous optimizable parameters. The double-brace syntax can only be used in the context of the objective function, which Hyperas uses Jinja style for template replacement and temporary files. Note that because Hyperas is creating these models in separate “environments,” you may need to re-import certain models or layers again within the objective function. In this case, we import the Sequential model and the Keras layers.
from hyperas.distributions import choice, lognormal
from keras.optimizers import Adam, RMSprop, SGD
def obj_func(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
    # import keras layers and sequential model
    from keras.models import Sequential
    import keras.layers as L
    # define model
    model = Sequential()
    for i in range(4):
        model.add(L.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
    model.add(L.Dense(64, activation='relu'))
    model.add(L.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
    # sample lr and optimizer (not instantiated yet)
    lr = {{lognormal(mu=0.005, sigma=0.001)}}
    optimizer_obj = {{choice([Adam, RMSprop, SGD])}}
    # instantiate sampled optimizer with sampled lr
    optimizer = optimizer_obj(lr=lr)
    # compile with sampled parameters
    # fit and evaluate
    model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=1, verbose=0)
    acc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)[1]
    # return loss, OK status, and trained candidate model
    return {'loss':-acc, 'status':'ok', 'model':model}
Listing 5-14

Objective function for optimizing training procedure in Hyperas

To perform optimization, use the hyperas.optim.minimize function (Listing 5-15), which helpfully returns both the best parameters and the best model from the optimization procedure. (Recall that Hyperopt returns only the best set of parameters, which you need to store into a rebuilt model.) optim.minimize() takes in the user-specified objective function and the data feeder function, as well as the tpe.suggest and Trials() entities from Hyperopt. If you are working in Jupyter Notebooks, optim.minimize() also requires the name of your notebook.
from hyperas import optim
from hyperopt import tpe, Trials
best_pms, best_model = optim.minimize(model=obj_func,
Listing 5-15

Optimizing in Hyperas

After training, you can save the model and parameters for later usage.

Using Hyperas to Optimize Model Architecture

The true convenience of Hyperas is exposed when applied to a task like earlier of optimizing a host of parameters all at once. Rather than needing to create elaborate lists and organization structures for the search space, we can define parameters to optimize within the function itself (Listing 5-16). To prevent sampled parameters for the dropout rate from exceeding 0.9 or falling below 0, we can implement a custom rounding function, r, which takes in a parameter x_ (an underscore was added to distinguish it from x, which Hyperas uses internally and can cause problems) and either adjusts it if it is invalid or lets it pass. We wrap r around all sampled rates.
def obj_func(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
    # create rounding function
    import keras.layers as L
    r = lambda x_: 0 if x_<0 else (0.9 if x_>0.9 else x_)
    # import keras layers and sequential model
    from keras.models import Sequential
    import keras.layers as L
    # create model template and input
    model = keras.models.Sequential()
    # build convolutional component
    for ind in range(int({{quniform(3,8,1)}})):
        model.add(L.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
    # add flattening layer for FC component
    # build FC component
    for ind in range(int({{quniform(2,5,1)}})):
        model.add(L.Dense(32, activation='relu'))
    # add output layer
    model.add(L.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
    # compile, fit, evaluate, and return
    model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=1, verbose=0)
    acc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)[1]
    return {'loss':-acc, 'status':'ok', 'model':model}
Listing 5-16

Objective function for optimizing architecture in Hyperas

This objective function can then be used in hyperas.optim.minimize() as usual.

Making adaptations is simple too – if you want to have one dropout rate per component, for instance, just sample the dropout rate outside of the loop such that only one parameter is created for the entire component (Listing 5-17).
conv_comp_rate = r({{normal(0.2,0.1)}})
for ind in range(int({{quniform(3,8,1)}})):
    model.add(L.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation='relu'))
Listing 5-17

The same dropout rate is used in every added layer by defining only one dropout rate that is repeatedly used in each dropout layer

Neural Architecture Search

In our previous discussion of meta-optimization methods, we have used generalized frameworks for the optimization of parameters in all sorts of contexts that are also applicable to neural network architecture and training procedure optimization. While Bayesian optimization suffices for some relatively detailed or non-architectural parameter optimizations, in other cases we desire a meta-optimization method that is designed particularly for the task of optimizing the architecture of a neural network.

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is the process of automating the engineering of neural network architectures. Because NAS methods are designed specifically for the task of searching architectures, they are generally more efficient in finding high-performing architectures than more generalized optimization methods like Bayesian optimization. Moreover, because Neural Architecture Search often requires searching for practical, efficient architectures, many view NAS as a form of model compression – building an architecture that can effectively represent the same knowledge as a larger architecture more effectively.

NAS Intuition and Theory

Many of the well-known deep learning architectures – ResNet and Inception, for instance – are built with incredibly complex structures that require a team of deep learning engineers to conceive and experiment with. The process of building such structures, too, has never quite been a precise science, but instead a continual process of following hunches/intuition and experimentation. Deep learning is such a quickly evolving field that theoretical explanations for the success of a method almost always follow empirical evidence rather than vice versa.

Neural Architecture Search is a growing subfield of deep learning, attempting to develop structured and efficient searches for the most optimal neural network architectures. Although earlier work in Neural Architecture Search (early 2010s and before) used primarily Bayesian-based methods, modern NAS work involves the usage of deep learning structures to optimize deep learning architectures. That is, a neural network system is trained to “design” the best neural network architectures.

Modern Neural Architecture Search methods contain three key components: the search space, the search strategy, and the evaluation strategy (Figure 5-10).
Figure 5-10

Relationship between three key components of Neural Architecture Search – the search space, the search strategy, and evaluation strategy

This is a similar structure to how Bayesian optimization frameworks perform optimization. However, NAS systems are differentiated from general optimization frameworks in that they do not approach neural network architecture optimization as a black-box problem. Neural Architecture Search methods take advantage of domain knowledge about neural network architecture representation and optimization by building it into the design of all three components.

Representing the search space of neural network architectures is an interesting problem. The search space must not only be capable of representing a wide array of neural network architectures but also must be set up in a way that enables the search strategy to navigate the search space to sample new promising architectures – there must be some concept of distance (i.e., certain architectures are “closer” to others, Figure 5-11).
Figure 5-11

Left – a sequential topology; right – a more complex nonlinear topology

Moreover, the search space must be capable of representing both linear and nonlinear neural network topologies, which further complicates the organization of such a search space.

Note that Neural Architecture Search systems go to tremendous trouble to represent neural networks in seemingly contrived ways primarily for the purposes of the search strategy component , not the search space itself. If the only purpose of the search space component is to represent the model, current graph network implementations more than suffice. However, it’s incredibly difficult to create a search strategy that is able to effectively output and work with a neural network architecture in that exact format. The medium of the search space representation allows the search strategy to output a representation, which can be used to build and evaluate the corresponding model. Moreover, limiting the search space to only certain architecture designs likely to be successful forces the search strategy to sample from and explore more high-potential architectures.

Perhaps the most simple representation of neural network topologies is to represent them as a sequential string of structured information with many rules to encode and decode the representation (Figure 5-12). If a “block” of information indicates the existence of a convolutional layer, for instance, then other blocks must follow containing information regarding parameters in the convolutional layer, like the kernel size and number of filters.
Figure 5-12

Sequential representation of a linear neural network topology

Additional adaptations can be made to represent more complex nonlinear topologies and recurrent neural networks by incorporating indices and “anchor points” into the sequential string of information. Skip connections can be modeled via an attention-style mechanism, in which the modeling agent can add skip connections between any two anchor points. The sequential string representation is powerful in that any neural network architecture – regardless of how complex – can be represented in and rebuilt from this format, even if it takes a very long sequence of information.

This sort of sequential representation was used to represent the search spaces of earlier NAS work by Barret Zoph and Quoc V. Le in 2017. The sequential representation of the search space, while being powerful (i.e., it can model many neural network architectures), proved not to be very efficient. Because the search space is so large, however, sequential representations of neural networks proved to be inefficient to navigate.

Cell-based representations of the architecture search space (Figure 5-13) have decreased representative power (i.e., they cannot represent as many architectures as a sequential representation can), but they have proven to be more efficient to navigate. The Neural Architecture Search algorithm learns the architecture of a cell structure, for instance, by selecting operations to fill in a blank “template cell.” The cell structure is then repeated in the final neural network architecture. Multiple different types of cell types can be used, and cells can be stacked together in nonlinear ways.
Figure 5-13

Cell-based neural network architecture representation. See NASNet for an example of a cell-based space

While the representative power of cell-based search spaces is significantly smaller than that of sequential representations (a network must be built with repeated segments to be efficiently represented cell-wise), it has yielded better performing architectures with shorter resource investment. Moreover, these learned cells can be rearranged, selectively chosen, and transferred to other data contexts and tasks.

The search strategy operates within the search space to find the most optimal representation of the neural network. As discussed prior, the search strategy employed is dependent on the design of the search space representation. For instance, a sequential representation can be modeled with a recurrent based neural network, which takes in previous elements of the network and predicts the next corresponding piece of information (Figure 5-14).
Figure 5-14

Example recurrent neural network-based search strategy with a sequential information-based search space. This sort of design was used in early 2017 Neural Architecture Search work by Barret Zoph and Quoc. V. Le

Reinforcement learning is a commonly used search strategy for Neural Architecture Search. In the preceding example, for instance, the recurrent based neural network functions as the agent and its parameters function as the policy. The agent’s policy is iteratively updated to maximize the expected performance of the generated architecture.

Most search strategy methods face a problem: search space representations are discrete, not continuous, but gradient-based search strategies cannot operate on purely discrete problems. Thus, search strategies seeking to take advantage of gradients involve some operation to differentiate discrete operations.

For example, the Differentiable Architecture Search (DARTS) (Figure 5-15) search strategy uses continuous relaxation. Every potential operation (e.g., convolution, pooling, activation, etc.) that could be performed to link one “block” to another (think of these not as blocks of layers, but instead as network “anchor points”) is represented in a graph. Each operation is associated with a weight. The operation between any two blocks with the highest weight is built into the final model, and a gradient-based method is used to find the weight associations that lead to the selected model with the best performance.
Figure 5-15

Visualization of continuous relaxation in DARTS. Blue, green, and yellow connections represent potential operations that could be performed on blocks, like a convolution with a 5x5 filter size and 56 filters

Evolutionary search strategy methods don’t require this discrete-to-continuous mapping mechanism, however. Evolutionary algorithms repeatedly mutate, evaluate, and select models to obtain the best performing designs. While evolutionary search was one of the first proposed Neural Architecture Search designs in the early 2000s, genetic-based NAS methods continue to yield promising results in the modern context. Modern evolutionary search strategies generally use more specialized search spaces and mutation strategies to decrease the inefficiency often associated with evolution-based methods.

The simplest method to evaluate the performance of a search strategy is to train the proposed network architecture to completion and to evaluate the performance. This direct method of neural network evaluation suffices and is the most precise method of evaluation, but it is costly on computational and time resources. Unless the searching strategy requires relatively few models to be searched to arrive at a good solution, it’s usually infeasible to directly evaluate all proposed architectures.

A proxy evaluation method is a method used to indicate the direct evaluation performance. Several techniques exist:
  • Training on a smaller sampled dataset: Rather than training the model on the entire dataset, train proposed architectures on a smaller, sampled dataset. The dataset can be selected randomly or to be representative of different “components” of the data (e.g., equal/proportional quantities per label or data cluster).

  • Train a smaller-scaled version of the architecture: For architecture searching strategies involving predicting a cell-based architecture, the proposed architecture used for evaluation can be scaled down (i.e., fewer number of repeats or less complexity).

  • Predicting test performance curve: The proposed architecture is trained for a few epochs, and a time series regression model is trained to extrapolate out the expected future performance. The maximum of the extrapolated future performance is taken to be the predicted performance of the proposed architecture.

See different approaches toward the three components of Neural Architecture Search visually mapped in Figure 5-16.
Figure 5-16

Demonstration of methods discussed for the search space, search strategy, and evaluation strategy components of NAS. Note that the discussed methods, of course, only cover some of modern NAS research

For more information on advances in NAS, see this chapter’s case studies, which detail three key advances in Neural Architecture Search.

Neural Architecture Search is currently a quite cutting-edge area of deep learning research. Many of the NAS methods discussed still require massive quantities of time and computational resources and are not suitable for general usage in the same way architectures like convolutional neural networks are. We will use Auto-Keras – a library that efficiently adapts the Sequential Model-Based Optimization framework for architecture optimization – for NAS.


There are many auto-ML libraries like PyCaret, H2O, and Azure; for the purposes of this book, we use Auto-Keras, an auto-ML library built natively upon Keras. Auto-Keras demonstrates the progressive disclosure of complexity principle, meaning that users can both build incredibly simple searches and run more complex operations.

To install, use pip install auto-keras.

Auto-Keras System

The Auto-Keras Neural Architecture Search system is one of very few easily accessible NAS libraries, as of the writing of this book – even state-of-the-art NAS designs are still too computationally expensive and intricate to be feasibly written into an approachable package.

Auto-Keras uses Sequential Model-Based Optimization (SMBO) , which was earlier presented as a formal framework for understanding Bayesian optimization.1 However, while generalized SMBO is designed to solve black-box problems, like the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator strategy used in Hyperopt, Auto-Keras exploits domain knowledge about the problem domain – neural network architectures – to develop more efficient SMBO components.

While the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator strategy employs the TPE surrogate model, Auto-Keras utilizes another commonly used model, the Gaussian process. Like all surrogate models used in SMBO, the Gaussian process probabilistically represents knowledge about the true function. Unlike TPE, however, the Gaussian process does so by learning the probability distribution of functions that could feasibly represent the sampled data (Figure 5-17). A function that fits the sampled data well will be associated with a high probability, whereas a function that fits the data poorly is associated with a low probability. The mean of this probability distribution is the most representative function. (Note that there is an infinite quantity of existing functions, so few functions have significant probabilities.)
Figure 5-17

Simplified representation of the idea behind Gaussian processes – different fitted functions on sampled points and their associated probabilities. In practice, you probably won’t see a polynomial fit next to a sinusoidal fit in the same Gaussian process operation, but it is included for the sake of conceptual visualization

Gaussian processes require a probability distribution of functions in Euclidean space, but it is very difficult to map neural network architectures to vectors in the Euclidean space. To address this problem, Auto-Keras uses the edit distance neural network kernel (Figure 5-18), which quantifies the minimum number of edits required to morph some network fa into another network fb.
Figure 5-18

Figure showing morphing process used in the edit distance neural network kernel. First, the second and third layers in fa are widened to contain the same number of neurons as the corresponding layers in fb. Then, another layer is added to fa. Created by Auto-Keras authors

The edit distance neural network kernel allows for a quantification of similarity between neural network structures, which – roughly speaking – provides the necessary link from the discrete neural network architecture search space to the Euclidean space of the Gaussian process. Using the edit distance kernel and a correspondingly designed acquisition function, the Auto-Keras NAS algorithm is able to control the crucial exploit/explore dynamic – it samples network architectures with a low edit distance with respect to successful networks to exploit and samples network architectures with a high edit distance with respect to poorer performing networks to explore.

Auto-Keras trains each model to completion for some number of user-specified epochs (i.e., it uses a direct evaluation method rather than a proxy method), but its Bayesian character requires a fewer number of networks to be sampled and trained, provided the search space is well defined. In experiments carried out by Auto-Keras’ authors, Auto-Keras achieves a lower classification error than state-of-the-art network morphism and Bayesian-based approaches to Neural Architecture Search in the benchmark MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Fashion datasets.

The Auto-Keras API further employs the usage of parallelism between CPU and GPU; the GPU is used to train the generated model architectures, whereas the CPU is used to perform searching and updating (Figure 5-19). Moreover, Auto-Keras utilizes a memory estimation function to enable efficient GPU usage and to prevent GPU memory crashes (Figure 5-20).
Figure 5-19

Auto-Keras’ API task-level and search-level operations in hardware. Created by Auto-Keras authors

Figure 5-20

Auto-Keras’ system design – relationship between searcher, queue, GPU, and CPU usage. Proposed graphs are generated in CPU, kept in the queue, and trained in GPU

Both in its design and implementation, Auto-Keras is a key library in making Neural Architecture Search algorithms more efficient and accessible.

Simple NAS

The simplest form of Neural Architecture Search is to define the inputs and outputs and allow the NAS algorithm to automatically determine all processing layers to “connect” input to output. Let’s consider building a neural network for an image classification task. Auto-Keras follows a very similar syntax to the Keras Functional API. For this particular task, we need to define three key elements, linked together via function notation:
  1. 1.

    The input node : In this particular case, the input is an image input, so we use ak.ImageInput(), which accepts numpy arrays and TensorFlow datasets. For other input data types, use ak.StructuredDataInput() for tabular data (accepts pandas DataFrames in addition to numpy arrays and TensorFlow datasets), ak.TextInput() for text data (must be a numpy array or TensorFlow dataset of strings; Auto-Keras performs vectorization automatically), or ak.Input() as a general input method accepting tensor data from numpy arrays or TensorFlow datasets from all contexts. Using this last method comes at the cost of helpful preprocessing and linkage that Auto-Keras performs automatically when a context-specific data input is specified. These are known in Auto-Keras terminology as node objects. There is no need to specify the input shape; Auto-Keras automatically infers it from the passed data and constructs architectures that are valid with respect to the input data shape.

  2. 2.

    The processing block : You can think of blocks in Auto-Keras as supercharged clumps of Keras layers – they perform similar functions as groups of layers, but are integrated into the Auto-Keras NAS framework such that key parameters (e.g., number of layers in the block, which layers are in the block, parameters for each layer) can be left unspecified and are automatically tuned. For instance, the ak.ConvBlock() block consists of the standard “vanilla” series of convolutional, max pooling, dropout, and activation layers – the specific number, sequence, and types of layers can be left to the NAS algorithm. Other blocks, like ak.ResNetBlock(), generate a ResNet model; the NAS algorithm tunes factors like which version of the ResNet model to use and whether to enable pretrained ImageNet weights or not. Blocks represent the primary components of neural networks; Auto-Keras’ design is centered around manipulating blocks, which allows for more high-level manipulation of neural network structure. If you want to be even more general, you can use context-specific blocks like ak.ImageBlock(), which will automatically choose which image-based block to use (e.g., vanilla convolutional block, ResNet block, etc.).

  3. 3.

    The head/output block : Whereas the input node defines what Auto-Keras should expect to be passed into the input of the architecture, the head block defines what type of prediction task the architecture should be participating in by determining two key factors: the activation of the output layer and the loss function. For instance, in a classification task, ak.ClassificationHead() is used; this block automatically infers the nature of the classification head (binary or multiclass classification) and correspondingly imposes limits on the architecture (sigmoid and binary cross-entropy for binary classification vs. softmax and categorical cross-entropy for multiclass classification). If it detects “raw” labels (i.e., labels that have not been preprocessed), Auto-Keras will automatically perform binary encoding, one-hot encoding, or any other encoding procedure required to conform the data to the inferred prediction task. It’s usually best to make sure Auto-Keras does not need to make any drastic changes based on its inferences on your intent, however, as a precaution. Similarly, use ak.RegressionHead() for regression problems.

To build an incredibly simple and general image classification model, we can begin by importing Auto-Keras and defining the three key components of the neural network architecture in functional relation to one another (Listing 5-18).
import autokeras as ak
inp = ak.ImageInput()
imageblock = ak.ImageBlock()(inp)
output = ak.ClassificationHead()(imageblock)
Listing 5-18

Simple input-block-head Auto-Keras architecture


For text data, use ak.TextBlock(), which chooses from vanilla, transformer, or n-gram text-processing blocks. Auto-Keras will automatically choose a vectorizer based on the processing block used. For tabular/structured data, use ak.StructuredDataBlock(); Auto-Keras will automatically perform categorical encoding and normalization. This will need to be followed by a processing block like ak.DenseBlock(), which stacks FC layers together.

Just as in the Keras Functional API, these layers can be aggregated into a “model” by specifying the input and output layers (Listing 5-19). The max_trials parameter indicates the maximum number of different Keras models to try, although the search may conclude before reaching that quantity. The “model” can then be fitted on the data; the epochs parameter represents the number of epochs to train each candidate Keras model on.
search = ak.AutoModel(
    inputs=inp, outputs=output, max_trials=30
search.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10)
Listing 5-19

Aggregating defined components into an Auto-Model and fitting

During the search, Auto-Keras will not only automatically determine which type of image-based block to choose but also various normalization and augmentation methods to optimize model performance.

You may also see some error messages printed when working with Auto-Keras for debugging purposes – as long as the code keeps on running, it’s generally safe to ignore the warnings.

It’s important to realize that this “model” is not really a model, but a searching object that acts as a template upon which various model candidates are created and evaluated. In order to extract the best model after training, call best_model = search.export_model(). You can then use best_model.summary() or plot_model(best_model) to list or visualize the architecture of the best model from the search (Figure 5-21).
Figure 5-21

Example sampled architecture of Auto-Keras model search

Unfortunately, such an approach – simply defining the inputs and outputs and letting Neural Architecture Search figure out the rest – is unlikely to yield good results in a feasible amount of time. Recall that every parameter you leave untuned is another parameter the NAS algorithm must consider in its optimization, which expands the number of trials it needs.

NAS with Custom Search Space

We can design a more practical architecture in terms of time to reach a good solution and computational burden by providing certain limitations on the search space using strategies that we know work.

Recall that using Auto-Keras means playing with higher-level blocks or components. We know the following image recognition pipeline to be successful (see Chapter 2 on transfer learning and pretrained models, Figure 5-22).
Figure 5-22

General component-level design of image recognition models

We can build these blocks using Auto-Keras blocks:
  1. 1.

    ak.ImageInput(), as discussed prior, is the input node.

  2. 2.

    ak.ImageAugmentation() is an augmentation block that performs various image augmentation procedures, like random flipping, zooming, and rotating. Augmentation parameters, like whether to randomly perform horizontal flips or the range with which to select a factor to zoom or rotate, are automatically tuned by Auto-Keras if left unspecified.

  3. 3.

    ak.ResNetBlock(), as discussed prior, is a ResNet architecture with only two parameters – which version of ResNet to use (v1 or v2) and whether to initialize with ImageNet pretrained weights or not. This serves as the pretrained model component of our image model design.

  4. 4.

    ak.DenseBlock() is a block consisting of fully connected layers. If left unspecified, Auto-Keras tunes four parameters: the number of layers, whether or not to use batch normalization in between layers, the number of units in each layer, and the dropout rate to use (a rate of 0 indicates not to use dropout).

  5. 5.

    ak.ClassificationHead(), as discussed prior, is the head block specifying the loss function to use and the activation of the last output layer.

Let’s define these functionally in relation to one another and specify parameters which we have a good idea of what we want (Listing 5-20). For instance, in augmentation, we may know that we don’t want to flip vertically or horizontally (e.g., in the MNIST dataset, flipping some digits will necessitate changing their label). We also know that we want a translation factor of 10% the image width – not too large nor small. However, we’re not quite sure which zoom or contrast factor is best; these parameters can be left as None and will be automatically tuned by Auto-Keras. Similarly, we would like the ResNet block to use pretrained weights – enough to further process the output of the ResNet block, but not enough to cause network length and overfitting problems.
inp = ak.ImageInput()
aug = ak.ImageAugmentation(translation_factor=0.1,
resnetblock = ak.ResNetBlock(pretrained=True,
denseblock = ak.DenseBlock(num_layers=None,
output = ak.ClassificationHead()(xceptionblock)
Listing 5-20

Defining an architecture with more complex custom search space, with all parameters specified

Since Auto-Keras leaves all parameters at None by default, we can more compactly represent the same specified parameters by removing all parameters we set explicitly to None (Listing 5-21).
inp = ak.ImageInput()
aug = ak.ImageAugmentation(translation_factor=0.1,
resnetblock = ak.ResNetBlock(pretrained=True,
denseblock = ak.DenseBlock()(resnetblock)
output = ak.ClassificationHead()(xceptionblock)
Listing 5-21

Defining an architecture with more complex custom search space, with only relevant parameters specified

The layers can then be aggregated into an ak.AutoModel (visualized in Figure 5-23) and fitted accordingly. By specifying a custom search space, you dramatically increase the chance that you will arrive at a satisfactory solution in less chance.


For text data, use ak.TextBlock(), use ak.Embedding() for embedding (can use GloVe, fastText, or word2vec pretrained embeddings as pretraining), and use ak.RNNBlock() for recurrent layers. For tabular/structured data, use ak.CategoricalToNumerical() for numerical encoding of categorical features in addition to standard processing blocks, like ak.DenseBlock().

Figure 5-23

Example sampled architecture of Auto-Keras model search

NAS with Nonlinear Topology

Because Auto-Keras is built using Functional API-like syntax, we can also define broadly nonlinear topologies using components. For instance, rather than passing the input through only one pretrained model block, we could pass it through two pretrained models to obtain their “insights”/“perspectives” on the inputs and then merge and process the two together (Figure 5-24).
Figure 5-24

Component-wise plan for implementing a nonlinear topology in Auto-Keras

We can express this idea using Function API-like syntax, aggregating and fitting afterward (Listing 5-22, Figure 5-25).
inp = ak.ImageInput()
resnetblock = ak.ResNetBlock(pretrained=True)(inp)
xceptionblock = ak.XceptionBlock(pretrained=True)(inp)
merge = ak.Merge()([resnetblock, xceptionblock])
denseblock = ak.DenseBlock()(merge)
output = ak.ClassificationHead()(denseblock)
Listing 5-22

Building component-wise topologically nonlinear Auto-Keras designs

Figure 5-25

Example sampled architecture of Auto-Keras model search

Case Studies

These three case studies discuss three different approaches to developing more successful and efficient Neural Architecture Search systems, building upon topics discussed both in the NAS and the Bayesian optimization sections of this chapter. As pillars of the rapidly developing Neural Architecture Search research frontier, these case studies will themselves serve as the foundations upon future work in the automation of more powerful neural network architectures.


The NASNet search space , proposed by Barret Zoph, Vijay Vasudevan, Jonathon Shlens, and Quoc V. Le,2 is cell-based. The NAS algorithm learns two types of cells: normal and reduction cells. Normal cells make no change to the shape of the feature map (i.e., input and output feature maps have identical shapes), whereas reduction cells halve the width and height of the input feature map.

Cells are built as complex topological combinations of blocks, which are small, architecturally predefined “templates” that contain several “blank operation slots” that are learned by the NAS algorithm and are arranged together into a network cell. A cell is defined as a certain fixed number of these blocks B. (B=5 in the authors’ experiments.) These cells can then be sequentially stacked to form a neural network (Figure 5-26).
Figure 5-26

The generation of architectures via a recurrent model, which outputs hidden states, operations, and a merging method to select in the design of a cell

A recurrent neural network is used to iteratively generate these blocks by choosing two hidden states to combine in the operation, two operations to apply to the two hidden states individually, and one merging method. Operations include the identity operation, standard square kernel convolutions, rectangular kernel convolutions, dilated convolutions (the kernel is widened or “inflated” with empty spaces in between kernel weights), separable convolutions (convolutions that apply not only to spatial but also depth dimensions), pooling, and more. Two branches can be merged either through adding or concatenation. The network is trained via reinforcement learning methods to maximize the test performance of the resulting neural network architecture proposal (Figure 5-27).
Figure 5-27

Relationship between the recurrent based controller and the proposed architecture (the child network). The controller is updated to maximize the validation performance of the child network. Created by NASNet authors

Moreover, because the recurrent neural network is able to select which two outputs of previously constructed cell outputs to perform the cell operation on, it is able to construct incredibly elaborate architectures in an elegant, recursive manner (Figures 5-28 and 5-29).
Figure 5-28

Example selection of hidden states and operations via recurrent style generation. Created by NASNet authors

Figure 5-29

High-performing NASNet normal and reduction cell architectures on ImageNet. Created by NASNet authors

The derived normal and reduction cells can be stacked together in different lengths to suit different datasets (Figure 5-30). A network built for the CIFAR-10 dataset, for instance, with its incredibly small 32x32 resolution, uses fewer reduction cells than a network built for the ImageNet architecture. This sort of ease in transferring the results of an intensive Neural Architecture Search to all sorts of different contexts greatly increases its practicality.
Figure 5-30

Stacking normal and reduction cells to suit a certain dataset image size. Created by NASNet authors

The NASNet architecture family is constructed from the best performing normal and reduction cells. It manages to obtain better top 1 and top 5 accuracy in ImageNet classification against previous architectural giants like Inception and more recently proposed architectures with a fewer number of parameters (Table 5-1).
Table 5-1

Performance of various sizes of NASNet (sizes determined by stacking different combinations and lengths of normal and reduction cells) against similarly sized models


# Parameters


Top 1 Acc.

Top 5 Acc.

Small-sized models

– InceptionV2

Small NASNet

11.2 M

10.9 M





Medium-sized models

– InceptionV3

– Xception

– Inception ResNetV2

Medium NASNet

23.8 M

22.8 M

55.8 M

22.6 M









Large-sized models

– ResNeXt

– PolyNet


Large NASNet

83.6 M

92 M

79.5 M

88.9 M









The NASNet architecture (not the search process) with ImageNet weights is available in Keras. It comes in two versions, NASNet Large and NASNet Mobile, which are scaled versions of the best performing learned cell architectures from the NASNet search space. The architectures are available in keras.applications at
  • keras.applications.nasnet.NASNetMobile: 23 MB storage size with 5.3 m parameters.

  • keras.applications.nasnet.NASNetLarge: 343 MB storage size with 88.9 m parameters. (NASNet Large, as of the writing of this book, holds the highest ImageNet top 1 and top 5 accuracy of all keras.applications models with such reported metrics.)

See Chapter 2 on usage of pretrained models.

Even given NASNet’s advances in developing high-performing cell architectures, such results required hundreds of GPUs and 3–4 days of training in Google’s powerful laboratories. Other advances worked to build more computationally accessible search operations.

Progressive Neural Architecture Search

Chenxi Liu, along with other coauthors at Johns Hopkins University, Google AI, and Stanford University, proposes the Progressive Neural Architecture Search (PNAS).3 True to its naming, PNAS adopts a progressive approach to the building of neural network architectures from simple to complex. Moreover, PNAS interestingly combines many of the earlier discussed Neural Architecture Search methods into one cohesive, efficient approach: a cell-based search space, a Sequential Model-Based Optimization search strategy, and proxy evaluation.

The search space used by Progressive Neural Architecture Search is very similar to that of the NASNet design, with one key difference: rather than learning two different cells (a normal and reduction cell), PNAS only learns one type of “normal cell” (Figure 5-31). A “reduction cell” is formed by using a normal cell with a stride of 2. This slightly reduces the size of the search space relative to that of NASNet.
Figure 5-31

Progressive Neural Architecture Search cell design. Left – high-performing PNAS cell design. Right – examples of how PNAS cell architectures can be stacked with different stride lengths to adapt to datasets of different sizes. Created by PNAS authors

PNAS makes use of a Sequential Model-Based Optimization search strategy, in which the most “promising” model proposals are selected for evaluation, in conjunction with a proxy evaluator.

The proxy evaluator, an LSTM, is trained to read an information sequence representing the architecture of a proposed model and to predict the performance of the proposed model. A recurrent based model was chosen for its ability to handle variable length inputs. Note that the proxy evaluator is trained on a very small dataset (the label – the performance of a proposed model – is expensive to obtain), so an ensemble of LSTMs trained on a subset of the data is used to support generalization and decrease variation. An RNN-based method’s predicted performance of candidate model architectures can reach as high as 0.996 Spearman rank correlation with the true performance rank.

Progressive Neural Architecture Search (Figure 5-32) begins with the simplest cell architectures first, which consist of only one block. Then, each cell is expanded by adding another block to the cell architecture. As the number of blocks in the cell architecture increases, the number of candidates and the resources required to train grows exponentially, so these candidate models cannot all be trained. This is where the proxy evaluator comes in – the proxy evaluator evaluates hundreds of thousands of proposed architectures in negligible time, and the top K most promising architectures (highest performing according to the proxy evaluator) are sampled for direct evaluation. The results of these architectures are in turn used as additional training data to update the proxy evaluator. This is repeated until a satisfactory number of blocks per cell is reached.
Figure 5-32

Visualization of the PNAS search and evaluation process. From S1 to S2 trained cell architectures are expanded by one block. These generated cell architectures are evaluated via a proxy evaluator (labeled “predictor” in the visualization) and the top few are selected for training in S2. Created by PNAS authors. The performance of the generated architectures is used to update the proxy evaluator. The process repeats

The proxy evaluator functions as the surrogate function in Sequential Model-Based Optimization, used to perform sampling and updated using sampled results to be more accurate. Its progressive design allows for computational efficiency – if a smaller number of blocks per cell returns good performance, we have saved ourselves from needing to run through architectures with higher blocks per cell; even if a smaller number of blocks per cell does not yield good results, it functions as live training for the proxy evaluator.

This design allows Progressive Neural Architecture Search to yield significant speedups over previous NAS methods, reducing the number of models that need to be trained by the thousands while reaching the same accuracy. Moreover, its cell-based design, like NASNet, allows for transferability of the cell design across different datasets (Table 5-2).
Table 5-2

Performance of PNAS against earlier work by Barret and Zoph in 2017, in which reinforcement learning is used to optimize a RNN to generate sequential representations of CNN architectures. Note that this is different from the closely related work by Zoph, Vasudevan, Shlens, and Le in 2018 on NASNet, which uses a cell-based representation. “# models trained on <method>” indicates the number of models the method trains to reach the listed corresponding performance. PNAS can reach almost a fivefold decrease in the number of models trained

Cells per Block



# Models Trained by PNAS

# Models Trained by NAS
















Efficient Neural Architecture Search

While proxy evaluation in Progressive Neural Architecture Search allows for quick prediction on the potential of a proposed model architecture and thus decreases the number of models that needs to be trained for good performance, the computational and time bottleneck in the process still remains in the training stage. Hieu Pham and Melody Y. Guan, along with Barret Zoph, Quoc V. Le, and Jeff Dean, put forth the Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) 4 method, which attempts to decrease the time needed to obtain accurate measurements on the performance of a candidate model by forcing weight sharing across all candidate architectures during training.

ENAS uses a similar reinforcement learning and recurrent based architecture generation model as the NASNet creators use, with one key difference: rather than predefining the “template” or “slots” of the cell and training the architecture generation model to identify which operations to “fill in” the “slots” with, in ENAS the controller model not only identifies which operations to choose but also how operations are connected.

Candidate network architectures can be represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) or a graph with directions but no cycles (i.e., you cannot end up in a loop by following directed connections between nodes). A DAG with N nodes is initialized (Figure 5-33, N=4) in which each node is connected to every other node. This “fully connected” DAG represents the search space for that block, and architectures can be sampled by selecting sub-graphs within the full DAG. Nodes that are included in the sampled sub-graphs are attached to an operation, and all the “dead ends” of the graph are averaged and considered outputs of the cell.
Figure 5-33

Left: “Fully connected” DAG with selected sub-graph shown in red. Right: example selected architecture based on sampled sub-graph

These architectures are generated by an LSTM trained using reinforcement learning methods to maximize the validation performance of generated architectures (Figure 5-34). The LSTM selects sub-graphs by outputting the index of the node that the node being generated currently will be attached to. This sort of generation procedure can be applied both to generate cells that will be stacked into full architectures and to produce an entire architecture single handedly.
Figure 5-34

Recurrent model selection of sub-graphs from the “fully connected” DAG for the example model shown in Figure 5-30

The conceptual understanding of all sampled architectures as sub-graphs of the “super-graph,” “fully connected” DAG is crucial as the underlying basis of ENAS’ usage of weight sharing. The “fully connected” DAG represents a series of knowledge-based relationships between nodes; for maximum efficiency, the knowledge stored in the “fully connected” DAG’s connections should be transferred to selected sub-graphs. Thus, all proposed sub-graphs that contain the same connection will share the same value for that connection. Gradient updates performed on one proposed architecture’s connections are also performed identically on other proposed architectures with the same corresponding connections.

By sharing weights, proposed models can “learn from one another” by updating weights they have in common via the insights derived by another model architecture. Moreover, it serves as a rough approximation as to how models with similar architectures would have developed regardless under the same conditions.

This aggressive weight sharing “approximation” allows for massive quantities of proposed model architectures to be trained with much smaller computation and time consumption. Once the child models are trained, they are evaluated on a small batch of validation data and the most promising child model is trained from scratch.

With additional regularization, Efficient Neural Architecture Search allows for a tremendous speedup from several days to a fraction of a day with very few GPUs (Table 5-3). ENAS is a huge step toward making Neural Architecture Search a reality outside of high-computation laboratories.
Table 5-3

Performance of ENAS against the results of other Neural Architecture Search methods. CutOut is an image augmentation method for regularization in which square regions of the input are randomly masked during training. CutOut is applied to NASNet and ENAS to increase performance of final architecture



Time (Days)



Hierarchical NAS



61.3 m


Micro NAS with Q-Learning




Progressive NAS



3.2 m





3.3 m


NASNet-A + CutOut



3.3 m





4.6 m


ENAS + CutOut



4.6 m


Key Points

In this chapter, we discussed the intuition, theory, and implementation for general hyperparameter optimization and Neural Architecture Search and their implementations in Hyperopt, Hyperas, and Auto-Keras:
  • In meta-optimization, a controller model optimizes the structural parameters of a controlled model to maximize the controlled model’s performance. It allows for a more structured search for the best “type” of model to train. Meta-optimization methods repeatedly select structural parameters for a proposed controlled model and evaluate their performance. Meta-optimization algorithms used in practice incorporate information about the performance of previously selected structural parameters to inform how the next set of parameters is selected, unlike naïve methods like grid or random search.

  • A key balance in meta-optimization is that of the size of the search space. Defining search space to be larger than it needs to significantly expands the computational resources and time required to obtain a good solution, whereas defining too narrow a search space is likely to yield results no different from user-specified parameters (i.e., meta-optimization is not necessary). Be as conservative in determining parameters to be optimized by meta-optimization (i.e., do not be overly redundant in your search space), but ensure that parameters allocated for meta-optimization are “wide” enough to yield significant results.

  • Bayesian optimization is a meta-optimization method to address black-box problems in which the only information provided about the objective function is the corresponding output of an input (a “query”) and in which queries to the function are expensive to obtain. Bayesian optimization makes use of a surrogate function, which is a probabilistic representation of the objective function. The surrogate function determines how new inputs to the objective function are sampled. The results of these samples in turn affect how the surrogate function is updated. Over time, the surrogate function develops accurate representations of the objective function, from which the optimal set of parameters can be easily derived.
    • Sequential Model-Based Optimization (SMBO) is a formalization of Bayesian optimization and acts as a central component or template against which various model optimization strategies can be formulated and compared.

    • The Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) strategy is used by Hyperopt and represents the surrogate function via Bayes’ rule and a two-distribution threshold-based design. TPE samples from locations with lower objective function outputs.

    • Hyperopt usage consists of three key components: the objective function, the search space, and the search operation. In the context of meta-optimization, the model is built inside the objective function with the sampled parameters. The search space is defined via a dictionary containing hyperopt.hp distributions (normal, log-normal, quantized normal, choice, etc.). Hyperopt can be used to optimize the training procedure, as well as to make fine-tuned optimizations to the model architecture. Hyperas is a Hyperopt wrapper that makes using Hyperopt to optimize various components of neural network design more convenient by removing the need to define a separate search space and independent labels for each parameter.

  • Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is the process of automating the engineering of neural network architectures. NAS consists of three key components: the search space, the search strategy, and the evaluation strategy. The search space of a neural network can be represented most simply as a sequential sequence of operations, but it’s not as efficient as a cell-based design. Search strategies include reinforcement learning methods (a controller model is trained to find the optimal policy – the parameters of the controlled model) and evolutionary designs. Methods like DARTS map the discrete search space of the neural network into a continuous, differentiable one. Evaluation of sampled parameters can take the form of direct evaluation or via proxy evaluation, in which the performance of the parameters is estimated with fewer resources at the cost of precision.
    • The Auto-Keras system uses Sequential Model-Based Optimization, with a Gaussian process-based surrogate model design and the edit distance neural network kernel to quantify similarity between network structures. Moreover, Auto-Keras is built with GPU-CPU parallelism for optimal efficiency. In terms of user usage, Auto-Keras employs the progressive disclosure of complexity principle, allowing users to build both incredibly simple and more complex architectures with few lines of code. Moreover, because it follows Functional API-like syntax, users can build searchable architectures with nonlinear topologies.

In the next chapter, we will discuss patterns and concepts in the design of successful neural network architectures.

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