
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


32-bit integer type, Basic Data Types
64-bit floating point number type, Basic Data Types
64-bit integer type, Basic Data Types
$ (dollar sign) reserved character, Naming
in conditionals, Querying
key names and, Documents
in update modifiers, Using Modifiers
in update modifies
using to add, change, or remove key/value pairs, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
. (dot)
dot notation in queries for embedded keys, Querying on Embedded Documents
in namespaced subcollection names, Subcollections
key names and, Documents
(null character), Naming
" " (quotes, double), using in strings, Using Modifiers
' ' (quotes, single), using with strings, Using Modifiers
_ (underscore), key names starting with, Documents


addShard command, Adding a shard
$addToSet array modifier, Array modifiers
addUser( ) method, Authentication Basics
admin database, Databases
switching to, Stopping MongoDB
users as superusers, Authentication Basics
admin interface, Using the Admin Interface
administration, Simple Administration, AdministrationRepair
authentication basics, Authentication Basics
backup and repair, Backup and RepairRepair
repairing corrupted data files, Repair
slave backups, Slave Backups
using fsync and lock, fsync and Lock
using mongodump and mongorestore, mongodump and mongorestore
file-based configuration, File-Based Configuration
monitoring, MonitoringThird-Party Plug-Ins
of replication, Administration
authentication, Replication with Authentication
changing oplog size, Changing the Oplog Size
diagnostics, Diagnostics
security and authentication, Security and AuthenticationOther Security Considerations
how authentication works, How Authentication Works
other security considerations, Other Security Considerations
of sharding, Sharding AdministrationRemoving a shard
config collections, config Collections
printShardingStatus( ) function, Getting a summary
removeshard commands, Removing a shard
starting MongoDB from command line, Starting from the Command LineStarting from the Command Line
stopping MongoDB, Stopping MongoDB
age-out (automatic), of data in capped collections, Properties and Use Cases
aggregation, Tons of Features…
aggregation tools, AggregationGetting more output
count( ) function, count
distinct command, distinct
finalizers, Using a Finalizer
function as grouping key, Using a Function as a Key
group command, group
MapReduce, MapReduceGetting more output
categorizing web pages (example), Example 2: Categorizing Web Pages
finding all keys in collection (example), Example 1: Finding All Keys in a CollectionExample 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
MongoDB and MapReduce, MongoDB and MapReduce
$all conditional, $all, Issues
allowLocal key, Adding a shard
analytics application (real-time), using Python, Real-Time Analytics: PythonOther Considerations
application examples, Example ApplicationsOther Considerations
custom submission forms, using Ruby driver, Custom Submission Forms: RubyRuby Object Mappers and Using MongoDB with Rails
custom form submission, Custom Form Submission
installing Ruby driver, Installing the Ruby Driver
object mappers and MongoDB with Rails, Ruby Object Mappers and Using MongoDB with Rails
using Ruby driver, Using the Ruby Driver
news aggregator using PHP driver, News Aggregator: PHPVoting
designing news aggregator, Designing the News Aggregator
installing PHP driver, Installing the PHP Driver
trees of comments, Trees of Comments
using PHP driver, Using the PHP Driver
voting, Voting
real-time analytics using Python driver, Real-Time Analytics: Python
handling a request, Handling a Request
installing PyMongo, Installing PyMongo
other considerations, Other Considerations
schema, Schema
using analytics data, Using Analytics Data
using PyMongo, Using PyMongo
search engine for chemicals, using Java driver, Chemical Search Engine: JavaIssues
coding in Java, Writing This in Java
installing Java driver, Installing the Java Driver
issues with, Issues
schema design, Schema Design
using Java driver, Using the Java Driver
arbiter nodes, Nodes in a Replica Set
arbiterOnly key, Nodes in a Replica Set
array modifiers, Array modifiersArray modifiers
$ positional operator, Positional array modifications
$addToSet, Array modifiers
using with $each, Array modifiers
$ne, Array modifiers
$pop, Array modifiers
$pull, Array modifiers
$push, Array modifiers
positional array modifications, Positional array modifications
speed of, Modifier speed
array of ancestors tree, Trees of Comments
array type, Basic Data Types
ArrayList class (Java), Writing This in Java
arrays, Arrays
indexing of elements in MongoDB, Schema Design
querying, Querying ArraysThe $slice operator
$all conditional, $all
$size conditional, $size
$slice operator, The $slice operator
ascending sorts, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
authentication, Security and AuthenticationHow Authentication Works
basics of, Authentication Basics
how it works, How Authentication Works
replication with, Replication with Authentication
autosharding, Introduction to Sharding, Autosharding in MongoDB
(see also sharding)


background fsyncs, serverStatus
background option for building indexes, Changing Indexes
backups, Backup and RepairSlave Backups
restores from, using mongorestore, mongodump and mongorestore
slave server, Slave Backups
using fsync and lock commands, fsync and Lock
using mongodump, mongodump and mongorestore
BasicDBObject class (Java), Using the Java Driver
batch inserts, Batch Insert
binary data type, Basic Data Types
binary files, storing (see GridFS)
during index creation, Changing Indexes
for replication, Blocking for Replication
boolean type, Basic Data Types
$box option, finding points within rectangle, Geospatial Indexing
bson gem and bson_ext gem, Installing the Ruby Driver
buildInfo command, Command Reference


capped collections, Capped CollectionsTailable Cursors
creating, Creating Capped Collections
natural sorting, Sorting Au Naturel
properties and use cases, Properties and Use Cases
tailable cursors, Tailable Cursors
case-sensitivity in MongoDB, Documents
$center option, finding points within a circle, Geospatial Indexing
not allowed in database names, Databases
not allowed in keys, Documents
chunks, Autosharding in MongoDB
distribution over shards, Sharding an Existing Collection
information about, Chunks
splitting documents into (GridFS), Under the Hood
chunkSize key (GridFS), Under the Hood
client, shell as stand-alone MongoDB client, A MongoDB Client
$cmd collection, How Commands Work
code examples from this book, Using Code Examples
code type, Basic Data Types
collections, Getting Started, Collections
capped (see capped collections)
dropping all indexes on, Changing Indexes
enabling sharding on, Sharding Data
fetching collections with inconvenient names, Inconvenient collection names
fixed-size, Tons of Features…
fully qualified names (namespaces), Databases
grouped into databases by MongoDB, Databases
help for, Tips for Using the Shell
inserting documents into, Inserting and Saving Documents
MongoCollection, Using the PHP Driver
names of, and index name size, limiting for namespaces, Index Administration
naming, Naming
reasons for separate collections, Schema-Free
schema-free, Schema-Free
subcollections, Subcollections
system.indexes, Index Administration
collStats command, Command Reference
com.mongodb and com.mongodb.gridfs packages, Installing the Java Driver
com.mongodb.BasicDBObject class, Using the Java Driver
com.mongodb.Mongo class, Using the Java Driver
command line, starting MongoDB, Starting from the Command Line
command response, How Commands Work
commands (see database commands)
comparison operators, Query Conditionals
comparison order for types, Comparison order
compound geospatial indexes, Compound Geospatial Indexes
compound unique indexes, Compound Unique Indexes
condition, including for group command, group
conditionals, Query ConditionalsRules for Conditionals
$not metaconditional, $not
in OR queries, OR Queries
rules for, Rules for Conditionals
config database, Databases
config servers, Setting Up Sharding
setting up multiple, A Robust Config
starting, Starting the Servers
configuration file, File-Based Configuration
connect( ) method, mongo: The Shell
Connection class (PyMongo), Using PyMongo
Connection class (Ruby), Using the Ruby Driver
connection pooling, Requests and Connections
connections, client requests and, Requests and Connections
convertToCapped command, Creating Capped Collections
count( ) function, count
create operations, MongoDB shell, Create
createCollection command, Creating Capped Collections
Ctrl-C to stop MongoDB, Stopping MongoDB
currentOp command, fsync and Lock
cursor.hasNext( ) method, Cursors ) method, Cursors
cursors, CursorsCursor Internals
advanced query options, Advanced Query Options
avoiding large skips, Avoiding Large SkipsFinding a random document
client-side and database, Cursor Internals
death and cleanup of, Cursor Internals
getting consistent results, Getting Consistent Results
limits, skips, and sorts, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
tacking explain onto, Using explain and hint
tailable, Tailable Cursors


data directory, Getting and Starting MongoDB, Data File Backup
creating on Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
creating on Windows, Windows Install
data files, Data Files
data model, document-oriented, A Rich Data Model
data processing, using slave servers, Using Slaves for Data Processing
data types, Data TypesAutogeneration of _id
arrays, Arrays
basic, Basic Data Types
changing key type with $set update modifier, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
comparison order, Comparison order
dates, Dates
embedded documents, Embedded Documents
_id and ObjectIds, _id and ObjectIds
numbers, Numbers
type-sensitivity in MongoDB, Documents
type-specific queries, Type-Specific QueriesThe $slice operator
used by PHP driver, Using the PHP Driver
values in documents, Documents
database commands, Database CommandsCommand Reference
how they work in MongoDB, How Commands Work
listing commands supported by MongoDB server, Command Reference
most frequently used MongoDB commands, Command Reference
database references (DBRefs), Database ReferencesWhen Should DBRefs Be Used?
definition of DBRef, What Is a DBRef?
driver support for, Driver Support for DBRefs
example schema, Example Schema
when to use, When Should DBRefs Be Used?
enabling sharding on, Sharding Data
help for database-level commands, Tips for Using the Shell
listing for shards, Databases
MongoDB, Using the PHP Driver
in MongoDB, Databases
data types for, Dates
date type, Basic Data Types
db variable, A MongoDB Client
db.addUser( ) method, Authentication Basics
db.drop_collection( ) function, Remove Speed
db.eval( ) function, Server-Side Scripting
db.getCollection( ) function, Inconvenient collection names
db.listCommands( ) function, Command Reference
db.printReplicationInfo( ) function, Diagnostics
db.runCommand( ) function, Database Commands
db.version function, Inconvenient collection names
DBObject interface, Using the Java Driver
decrementing, using $inc update modifier, Incrementing and decrementing
all indexes on a collection, Changing Indexes
delete operations, MongoDB shell, Delete
descending sorts, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
diagnostic tools for replication, Diagnostics
dictionaries in Python, Using PyMongo
distinct command, distinct, Command Reference
listing unique filenames stored in GridFS, Under the Hood
document-oriented databases, A Rich Data Model
in Java, Using the Java Driver
in MongoDB, Documents
in PHP, Using the PHP Driver
in Python, Using PyMongo
real-time analytics application using PyMongo, Schema
removing outdated, in analytics application, Other Considerations
in Ruby, gotchas with, Using the Ruby Driver
dot notation (.), querying for embedded keys, Querying on Embedded Documents
doubles, representing numbers in MongoDB, Numbers
drop command, How Commands Work, Command Reference
dropDatabase command, Command Reference
dropIndexes command, Changing Indexes, Command Reference
drop_collection( ) function, Remove Speed
dropping when creating indexes, Dropping Duplicates
duplicate keys, not allowed in MongoDB, Documents
dynamic query optimizer (see query optimizer)


$each array modifier, Array modifiers
$elemMatch conditional, Querying on Embedded Documents
embedded document type, Basic Data Types
embedded documents, Embedded Documents
indexing keys in, Indexing Keys in Embedded Documents
querying on, Querying on Embedded Documents
emit function, Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
encrypting traffic between clients and server, Other Security Considerations
catching normal errors with safe operations, Catching “Normal” Errors
getLastError command, Updating Multiple Documents, Database Commands, Command Reference
escaping special characters, Using Modifiers
eval( ) function, db.eval
example applications (see application examples)
$exists conditional, null
explain tool, Using explain and hintUsing explain and hint
output from query using index on two keys, Using explain and hint
output from query with index on single key, Using explain and hint
output from simple query on database without indexes, Using explain and hint
extents, Namespaces and Extents


features in MongoDB, Tons of Features…
file storage, Tons of Features…
files, storing (see GridFS)
files_id keys, Under the Hood
finalizers, Using a Finalizer
passing finalize function to MapReduce, The finalize function
find( ) method, Create, Introduction to find
chaining limit( ) method to, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
chaining skip method to, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
geospatial queries, Geospatial Indexing
sorting returns, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
specifying keys to return, Specifying Which Keys to Return
findAndModify command, Returning Updated DocumentsReturning Updated Documents, Command Reference
values for keys, Returning Updated Documents
findOne( ) method, Read
fire-and-forget functions, The Fastest Write This Side of Mississippi
fixed-size collections, Tons of Features…
floating-point numbers, Basic Data Types
representation of integers as doubles in MongoDB, Numbers
forEach loop, using cursor class in, Cursors
fs.chunks collection, Under the Hood
fs.files collection, Under the Hood
fsync command, fsync and Lock
JavaScript, defining and calling, Running the Shell
printing JavaScript source code for, Tips for Using the Shell
using as keys, Using a Function as a Key


geoNear command, Geospatial Indexing
geospatial indexes, Geospatial IndexingThe Earth Is Not a 2D Plane
assumption of a flat plane, spherical earth and, The Earth Is Not a 2D Plane
compound, Compound Geospatial Indexes
values range, Geospatial Indexing
getLastError command, Updating Multiple Documents, Database Commands, Command Reference
Github, Windows install
gps key, Geospatial Indexing
GridFS, GridFS: Storing FilesServer-Side Scripting
file storage, GridFS: Storing Files
getting started with, using mongofiles, Getting Started with GridFS: mongofiles
how it works, Under the Hood
use of compound unique index, Compound Unique Indexes
working with, from MongoDB drivers, Working with GridFS from the MongoDB Drivers
group command, group
component keys, group
condition for documents to be processed, group
using a finalizer, Using a Finalizer
using function as key, Using a Function as a Key
$gt (greater than) conditional, Query Conditionals
$gte (greater than or equal to) conditional, Query Conditionals


_id keys, _id and ObjectIds
autogeneration of, Autogeneration of _id
DBRefs versus, When Should DBRefs Be Used?
GridFS, Under the Hood
unique indexes on, Unique Indexes
immortal function, Cursor Internals
importing data, using batch inserts, Batch Insert
$in conditional
type-specific queries, null
using in OR queries, OR Queries
$inc update modifier, Using Modifiers
incrementing a counter, MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics
incrementing and decrementing with, Incrementing and decrementing
administration of, Index Administration
adding, removing, and dropping all indexes, Changing Indexes
$all conditional and, Issues
for collections of documents in MongoDB, Schema-Free
compound geospatial indexes, Compound Geospatial Indexes
dropIndexes command, Command Reference
forcing Mongo to use indexes you want for a query, Using explain and hint
real-time analytics using PyMongo (example), Handling a Request
unique, Unique Indexes
compound unique indexes, Compound Unique Indexes
dropping duplicates, Dropping Duplicates
uniquely identifying, Uniquely Identifying Indexes
indexing, Tons of Features…, IndexingThe Earth Is Not a 2D Plane
on all keys in your query, Introduction to Indexing
arrays, selecting elements by index, Positional array modifications
chemical search engine using Java driver (example), Schema Design
creating compound index, Writing This in Java
disadvantage of indexes, Introduction to Indexing
geospatial, Geospatial IndexingThe Earth Is Not a 2D Plane
keys in embedded documents, Indexing Keys in Embedded Documents
on multiple keys, considering index direction, Introduction to Indexing
questions to consider when creating indexes, Scaling Indexes
scaling indexes, Scaling Indexes
on single key used in query, Introduction to Indexing
for sorts, Indexing for Sorts
using explain, Using explain and hintUsing explain and hint
using hint, Using explain and hint
insert( ) method, Create
inserts, Inserting and Saving Documents
batch inserts, Batch Insert
into capped collections, Properties and Use Cases
insert( ) method, Create
interleaved inserts/queries, Requests and Connections
internals and implications, Inserts: Internals and Implications
safe inserts for documents with duplicate value for unique key, Unique Indexes
safe operations, Safe Operations
upserts, Upserts
installation, MongoDB, Installing MongoDBInstalling from a Package Manager
choosing a version, Choosing a Version
POSIX install on Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
Windows install, Windows Install
32- and 64-bit, Basic Data Types
basic data types and, Basic Data Types
representation as floating-point numbers, Numbers
isMaster command, Command Reference


documentation for Java driver and articles, Using the Java Driver
search engine for chemical compounds, Chemical Search Engine: JavaIssues
java.util.ArrayList, Writing This in Java
Date class, Dates
executing as part of query with $where clause, $where Queries
MongoDB shell, Running the Shell
server-side execution, disallowing, Other Security Considerations
server-side scripting, Server-Side ScriptingDatabase References
db.eval( ) function, db.eval
security and, Security
stored JavaScript, Stored JavaScript
stored, in MongoDB, Tons of Features…
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Basic Data Types
data types, Basic Data Types


$keyf key, Using a Function as a Key
key/value pairs
functions as keys, Using a Function as a Key
keys in MapReduce operations, MongoDB and MapReduce
in MongoDB documents, Documents
specifying keys to return with find method, Specifying Which Keys to Return
removing with $unset update modifier, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
setting value with $set update modifier, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
kill command, Stopping MongoDB


latitude and longitude in geospatial indexing, Geospatial Indexing
length key (GridFS), Under the Hood
libraries (JavaScript), leveraging in MongoDB shell, Running the Shell
limits for query results, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
installing MongoDB, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
installing PHP driver, Linux and Unix install
listCommands command, Command Reference, Command Reference
listDatabases command, Command Reference
local database, Databases, Replication State and the Local Database
user for slave and master server, Replication with Authentication
local.system.replset namespace, Initializing a Set
local.system.users namespace, Replication with Authentication
localhost, running shard on, Adding a shard
fsync command, holding a lock, fsync and Lock
information about, serverStatus
creating function for JavaScript code, Stored JavaScript
inspecting MongoDB log after installation, Starting from the Command Line
use of capped collections for, Properties and Use Cases
$lt (less than) conditional, Query Conditionals


Mac OS X
installing MongoDB, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
installing PHP driver, Mac OS X Install
manual sharding, Introduction to Sharding
map collection, finding all documents in order by distance from a point, Geospatial Indexing
map step (MapReduce), MapReduce
getting all keys of all documents in collection, Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
MapReduce, Tons of Features…, MapReduceGetting more output
finalize function passed to, The finalize function
finding all keys in a collection, Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
MapReduce function in MongoDB, Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
metainformation in document returned, Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
getting more output from, Getting more output
keeping output collections from, Keeping output collections
optional keys that can be passed to, MongoDB and MapReduce
running on subset of documents, MapReduce on a subset of documents
using scope with, Using a scope
master-slave replication, Master-Slave ReplicationAdding and Removing Sources
adding and removing sources, Adding and Removing Sources
options, Options
Math.random function, Finding a random document
maximum value type, Basic Data Types
md5 key (GridFS), Under the Hood
memory management, …Without Sacrificing Speed
information on memory from serverStatus, serverStatus
keeping index in memory, Scaling Indexes
memory-mapped storage engine, Memory-Mapped Storage Engine
metadata for namespaces, Namespaces and Extents
minimum value type, Basic Data Types
modifiers, update (see update modifiers)
mongo (shell), mongo: The ShellShell Utilities, mongo: The Shell
(see also shell)
--nodb option, mongo: The Shell
utilities, Shell Utilities
Mongo class (Java), Using the Java Driver
mongo gem, installing, Installing the Ruby Driver
Mongo::Connection class (Ruby), Using the Ruby Driver
mongod executable
--master option, Master-Slave Replication
--replSet option, Initializing a Set
--rest option, Using the Admin Interface
running, Getting and Starting MongoDB
--slave option, Master-Slave Replication
startup options, Starting from the Command Line
--bindip, Other Security Considerations
--config, Starting from the Command Line
--dbpath, Starting from the Command Line, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
--fork, Starting from the Command Line
--logpath, Starting from the Command Line
--nohttpinterface, Using the Admin Interface
--noscripting, Other Security Considerations
--oplogSize, The Oplog
--port, Starting from the Command Line, Using the Admin Interface
--repair, Repair
stopping, Getting and Starting MongoDB, Stopping MongoDB
mongod.exe, installation options, Windows Install
advantages offered by, IntroductionBut Wait, That’s Not All…
data types, Data Types
getting and starting, Getting and Starting MongoDB
installing, Installing MongoDBInstalling from a Package Manager
shell, MongoDB ShellData Types
MongoDB Java Language Center, Using the Java Driver
mongodump utility, mongodump and mongorestore
mongofiles utility, Getting Started with GridFS: mongofiles
mongorestore utility, mongodump and mongorestore
mongos routing process, Autosharding in MongoDB, Setting Up Sharding
connecting to, Adding a shard
running multiple, Many mongos
mongostat utility, mongostat
monitoring, MonitoringThird-Party Plug-Ins
server health and performance, using serverStatus, serverStatus
third-party plug-ins for, Third-Party Plug-Ins
using admin interface, Using the Admin Interface
using mongostat for serverStatus output, mongostat


namespaced subcollections, Subcollections
namespaces, Databases
and extents, Namespaces and Extents
for indexes, Index Administration
collections, Naming
databases, Databases
indexes, Uniquely Identifying Indexes
natural sorts, Sorting Au Naturel
$ne (not equal) conditional, Query Conditionals
$near conditional, Geospatial Indexing
news aggregator using PHP (example), News Aggregator: PHPVoting
next( ) method, using on cursor, Cursors
$nin (not in) conditional, OR Queries
master and slave (see master-slave replication)
types in replica sets, Nodes in a Replica Set
$not conditional, $not
null character (), Naming
null type, Basic Data Types
queries for, null
numbers, data types for, Numbers


object id type, Basic Data Types
ObjectIds, _id and ObjectIdsAutogeneration of _id
oplog, Properties and Use Cases, The Oplog
changing size of, Changing the Oplog Size
getting information about, Diagnostics
OR queries, OR Queries
org.bson.DBObject interface, Using the Java Driver


package manager, installing MongoDB from, Installing from a Package Manager
combining find, limit, and sort methods for, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
query results without skip, Paginating results without skip
partitioning, Introduction to Sharding
passive nodes, Nodes in a Replica Set
performance, …Without Sacrificing Speed
index creation and, Changing Indexes
indexes and, Introduction to Indexing
price of safe operations, Safe Operations
speed of update modifiers, Modifier speed
$ (dollar sign) in MongoDB update modifiers, Using Modifiers
Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library, Regular Expressions
$ (dollar sign) in MongoDB update modifiers, Using Modifiers
news aggregator application (example), News Aggregator: PHPVoting
using tailable cursor in, Tailable Cursors
PID (process identifier) for ObjectId-generating process, ObjectIds
ping command, Command Reference
plain queries, Advanced Query Options
point-in-time data snapshots, fsync and Lock
finding document in map collection by order of distance from, Geospatial Indexing
finding in a shape, Geospatial Indexing
$pop array modifier, Array modifiers
positional operator ($), Positional array modifications
POSIX install (MongoDB), POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
preallocation of data files, Data Files
primary, Replica Sets
primary node, Nodes in a Replica Set
failure of, and election of new primary, Failover and Primary Election
printReplicationInfo( ) function, Diagnostics
printShardingStatus( ) function, Getting a summary
priority key, Nodes in a Replica Set
PID for ObjectId-generating process, ObjectIds
status of, Returning Updated Documents
$pull array modifier, Array modifiers
$push array modifier, Array modifiers
DBRef type, Driver Support for DBRefs
real-time analytics application (example), Real-Time Analytics: PythonOther Considerations
pymongo.connection.Connection class, Using PyMongo
Python Package Index, Installing PyMongo


queries, QueryingCursor Internals
commands implemented as, How Commands Work
cursors, CursorsCursor Internals
advanced query options, Advanced Query Options
avoiding large skips, Avoiding Large SkipsFinding a random document
getting consistent results, Getting Consistent Results
limits, skips, and sorts, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
find( ) method, Introduction to find
specifying keys to return, Specifying Which Keys to Return
geospatial, Geospatial IndexingThe Earth Is Not a 2D Plane
handling on slave servers, Read Scaling
matching more complex criteria, Query Criteria
conditionals, Query Conditionals
$not conditional, $not
OR queries, OR Queries
rules for conditionals, Rules for Conditionals
querying on embedded documents, Querying on Embedded Documents
restrictions on, Limitations
type-specific, Type-Specific QueriesThe $slice operator
arrays, Querying ArraysThe $slice operator
null type, null
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
$where clauses in, $where Queries
query optimizer, …Without Sacrificing Speed
choosing index to use, Using explain and hint
reordering query terms to take advantage of indexes, Introduction to Indexing
quotation marks in strings, Using Modifiers


random function, Finding a random document
range queries, using conditionals, Query Conditionals
read scaling with slave servers, Read Scaling
real-time analytics, MongoDB for, MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics
reduce step (MapReduce), MapReduce
calling reduce in MongoDB (example), Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
references to documents, uniquely identifying (see database references)
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
MongoRegex, Using the PHP Driver
regular expression type, Basic Data Types
relational databases
document-oriented databases versus, A Rich Data Model
features not available in MongoDB, Tons of Features…
remove( ) function, Delete
query document as parameter, Removing Documents
removes, Removing Documents
safe operations, Safe Operations
speed of, Remove Speed
removeshard command, Removing a shard
renameCollection command, Command Reference
repair of corrupt data files, Repair
repairDatabase command, Command Reference
repairDatabase( ) method, Repair
replica sets, Replica Sets
failover and primary election, Failover and Primary Election
initializing, Initializing a Set
keys in initialization document, Initializing a Set
nodes in, Nodes in a Replica Set
shards as, A Sturdy Shard
replication, ReplicationReplication with Authentication
administration of, Administration
authentication, Replication with Authentication
changing oplog size, Changing the Oplog Size
diagnostics, Diagnostics
blocking for, Blocking for Replication
master-slave, Master-Slave ReplicationAdding and Removing Sources
oplog, The Oplog
performing operations on a slave, Performing Operations on a Slave
replica sets (see replica sets)
replication state and local database, Replication State and the Local Database
syncing slave to master node, Syncing
replSetInitiate command, Initializing a Set
batch inserts and, Batch Insert
connections and, Requests and Connections
reserved database names, Databases
REST support, Using the Admin Interface
restores, Backup and Repair
(see also administration, backup and repair)
using mongorestore utility, mongodump and mongorestore
resync command, Syncing
retrieve operations, MongoDB shell, Read
routing process (mongos), Autosharding in MongoDB, Setting Up Sharding, Starting the Servers
custom submission forms application (example), Custom Submission Forms: RubyRuby Object Mappers and Using MongoDB with Rails
object mappers and using MongoDB with Rails, Ruby Object Mappers and Using MongoDB with Rails
RubyGems, Installing the Ruby Driver
runCommand( ) function, Database Commands


safe operations, Safe Operations
catching normal errors, Catching “Normal” Errors
save function, The save Shell Helper
scaling with MongoDB, Easy Scaling
schema-free collections, Schema-Free
schema-free MongoDB, A Rich Data Model
chemical search engine using Java driver (example), Schema Design
example schema using DBRefs, Example Schema
real-time analytics application using PyMongo, Schema
scope, using with MapReduce, Using a scope
search engine for chemicals, using Java driver (example), Chemical Search Engine: JavaIssues
secondaries, Replica Sets
secondary nodes, Nodes in a Replica Set
authentication, Security and AuthenticationHow Authentication Works
execution of server-side JavaScript, Security
other considerations, Other Security Considerations
server-side scripting, Server-Side ScriptingDatabase References
disallowing server-side JavaScript execution, Other Security Considerations
database server offloading processing and logic to client side, …Without Sacrificing Speed
for production sharding, Physical Servers
serverStatus command, Command Reference, serverStatusmongostat
information from, printing with mongostat, mongostat
$set update modifier, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
shapes, finding all documents within, Geospatial Indexing
shardCollection command, Sharding Data
sharding, ShardingRemoving a shard
administration, Sharding AdministrationRemoving a shard
config collections, config Collections
printShardingStatus command, Getting a summary
removeshard command, Removing a shard
autosharding in MongoDB, Autosharding in MongoDB
database variable pointing to config database, Shell Utilities
defined, Introduction to Sharding
production configuration, Production Configuration
setting up, Setting Up Sharding
sharding data, Sharding Data
starting servers, Starting the Servers
shard keys, The Key to Sharding: Shard Keys
effects of shard keys on operations, How Shard Keys Affect Operations
existing collection, Sharding an Existing Collection
incrementing, versus random shard keys, Incrementing Shard Keys Versus Random Shard Keys
when to shard, When to Shard
shards, Autosharding in MongoDB
adding a shard, Adding a shard
defined, Setting Up Sharding
listing in shards collection, Shards
replica sets as, A Sturdy Shard
shell, Getting Started, MongoDB ShellData Types, mongo: The ShellShell Utilities
connecting to database, mongo: The Shell
create operations, Basic Operations with the Shell
creating a cursor, Cursors
delete operations, Delete
figuring out what functions are doing, Tips for Using the Shell
help with, Tips for Using the Shell
JavaScript functions provided by, autogenerated API, Tips for Using the Shell
MongoDB client, A MongoDB Client
repairing single database on running server, Repair
retrieve operations, Read
running, Running the Shell
running scripts, Upserts
save function, The save Shell Helper
starting without connecting to database, mongo: The Shell
update operations, Update
utilities, Shell Utilities
shutdown command, Stopping MongoDB
SIGINT or SIGTERM signal, Stopping MongoDB
avoiding large skips, Avoiding Large SkipsFinding a random document
finding a random document, Finding a random document
skipping query results, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
slave nodes
adding and removing sources, Adding and Removing Sources
secondaries, in replica sets, Replica Sets
setting up, Master-Slave Replication
syncing to master node, Syncing
slave servers
backups, Slave Backups
performing operations on, Performing Operations on a Slave
$slice operator, The $slice operator
snapshots of data, fsync and Lock
Solaris, installing MongoDB, POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
find( ) method results, Limits, Skips, and Sorts
indexing for, Indexing for Sorts
natural sorts, Sorting Au Naturel
sources collection, Replication State and the Local Database
sources for slave nodes, Adding and Removing Sources
standard nodes, Nodes in a Replica Set
starting MongoDB, Starting and Stopping MongoDBStarting from the Command Line
file-based configuration, File-Based Configuration
from command line, Starting from the Command Line
status of processes, Returning Updated Documents
stopping MongoDB, Stopping MongoDB
storage engine, Starting from the Command Line, Memory-Mapped Storage Engine
matching with regular expressions, Regular Expressions
string type, Basic Data Types
subcollections, Subcollections
accessing using variables, Inconvenient collection names
submission forms (custom), using Ruby, Custom Submission Forms: RubyRuby Object Mappers and Using MongoDB with Rails
symbol type, Basic Data Types
syncedTo, Replication State and the Local Database
syncing slave to master node, Syncing
system prefix, collection names, Naming
system.indexes collection, Index Administration
system.js collection, Stored JavaScript
system.namespaces collection, lists of index names, Index Administration


table scans, Introduction to Indexing
tailable cursors, Tailable Cursors
third-party plug-ins for monitoring, Third-Party Plug-Ins
in ObjectIds, ObjectIds
stored in syncedTo, Replication State and the Local Database
uploadDate in GridFS, Under the Hood
trees of comments (news aggregator example), Trees of Comments
type-sensitivity in MongoDB, Documents


undefined type, Basic Data Types
Unix, installing PHP driver, Linux and Unix install
update modifiers, Using ModifiersModifier speed
$ positional operator, Positional array modifications
$inc, Using Modifiers, Incrementing and decrementing
$set, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
$unset, Getting started with the “$set” modifier
array modifiers, Array modifiersArray modifiers
$addToSet, Array modifiers
$ne, Array modifiers
$pop, Array modifiers
$pull, Array modifiers
$push, Array modifiers
speed of, Modifier speed
updates, Updating Documents
replacing a document, Document Replacement
returning updated documents, Returning Updated DocumentsReturning Updated Documents
safe operations, Safe Operations
update operations, MongoDB shell, Update
updating multiple documents, Updating Multiple Documents
upserts, Upserts
using modifiers, Using ModifiersModifier speed
uploadDate key (GridFS), Under the Hood
real-time analytics application (example), Handling a Request
real-time analytics using MongoDB, MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics
save shell helper function, The save Shell Helper


values in documents, Documents
JavaScript, in shell, A MongoDB Client
using to access subcollections, Inconvenient collection names
versions, MongoDB, Choosing a Version
voting, implementing, Voting


web page for this book, How to Contact Us
web pages
categorizing, using MapReduce, Example 2: Categorizing Web Pages
tracking views with analytics application, Real-Time Analytics: PythonUsing Analytics Data
$where clauses in queries, $where Queries
Windows systems
installing MongoDB, Windows Install
installing PHP driver, Windows install
running mongod executable, Getting and Starting MongoDB
wire protocol, Wire Protocol
$within conditional, Geospatial Indexing
wrapped queries, Advanced Query Options
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