It's Not Music Until You Make It Musical

As you learned at the beginning of this book, music is a series of sounds that has pattern, repetition, and meaning. The projects in this book show you how to create all kinds of interesting sounds: tweets, blatts, pops, slides, bangs, buzzes, whistles, and pure ringing tones. But to make them musical, you have to shape and arrange them, to give them a form that listeners can recognize and understand.

This is what musical inventors have done since the first cave dweller blew into a hollow bone. And it is what musical inventors do today when they build instruments from found objects or create them using the latest technology.

As a musical inventor, you should always keep your eyes and ears open to find new ways to turn sounds into songs. Every artist needs inspiration. That can come from nature, from the things you use in your daily life, and from listening to the work of other creative people.

You’ve already met some amazing musical inventors in the pages of this book. Here are a few more musicians whose ideas may point you in new and different directions. Read about their instruments, watch their videos, and catch their performances and exhibits.

Also check out my Musical Inventions playlist on YouTube ( I’ll be adding to it as new videos pop up. If you’ve got one you’d like me to include, contact me at my website ( Good luck, and keep making music!

—Kathy Ceceri

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