About the Author

Kathy Ceceri is the author of STEAM activity books for kids and beginners of all ages, including Edible Inventions, Paper Inventions, and Making Simple Robots from Maker Media. Her other titles include Robotics: Discover the Science and Technology of the Future and Video Games: Design and Code Your Own Adventure from Nomad Press. She helped create the GeekMom blog and book, was a top contributor to Wired.com’s GeekDad blog, and created more than a dozen projects for the best-selling Geek Dad series of books. A retired homeschooling parent, she was also the Homeschooling Expert at About.com. In addition to her writings, Kathy presents hands-on learning workshops for students and educators at schools, museums, libraries, and Makerspaces throughout the Northeast and speaks at Maker Faires around the country. Her website is craftsforlearning.com.

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