

3-string strummer, making, 1522

4/4 time signature, xxviii


acoustic instruments, 112

ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, release), 119

aerophones. See also Drinking Straw Aerophones

changing notes on, 2324

explained, xxxiii, 2

making, 2527

AM radio, making, 190196

amplifier, controlling, 119


sound waves, xxxiii

waveforms, xxvi

antinodes, standing wave patterns, 56

Arduino microcontroller board, 120

atom, defined, xxiiii

audio jacks, using with earbuds, 173


Bach, J. S., 113

Balloon Drum

described, 70

making, 7172

materials, 70

Bart Hopkin website, 200

bass drum, making, 6769

bass violin, string vibration, 8

Bastien, Pierre, musical inventors, 109

Beach Boys, 122

Beat Machines, 93


defined, xxviii

number of, 4142

bells, xxxiii

Blue Man Group website, 200

bobby pins, using for thumb piano, 7980

Bowie, David, 117


making, 3133

materials, 31

safety warning, 31


C, frequency, xxxii

capacitor, 185

Carlos, Wendy, 113

cat’s whisker, 186

CBG (cigar box guitar), 16

Chamber Music Piano software, 145

charge, defined, xxiiii


changing notes on, 79

explained, xxxiii

vibrations, 24

chromatic scale, xxx

Chrome Music Lab, 129

cigar box, using for music box, 96

circuit, defined, xxiiii

circuit bending

explained, xxiiii

making, 148153

trial and error, xxiiii

clothespins, Experimental Music Box, 99

coffee stirrers, Experimental Music Box, 98

comb, using in jug band, 14

Compact Washtub Bass

making, 1113

materials and tools, 10

safety warning, 11

Cookie Tin Steel Drum

described, 59

making, 6061

materials and tools, 59

safety warning, 59

copper tape, working with, 175, 180

crystal radios, 186187, 196

cucumber, using for ocarina, 3438

Cup Song

described, 54

making, 5558

materials and tools, 54

Curie, Pierre and Jacques, 169

current, measure of, 167

cycle, defined, xxv

cymbals, xxxiii


didgeridoo, 24

DIY Theremin

described, 124

making, 125128

materials and tools, 124

safety warning, 125

Do, Re, Mi, xxx

dollar stores, talking toy phone, 152153

Donati, Giuseppe, 34

Drinking Straw Aerophones. See also aerophones

making, 2527

materials and tools, 25

drums, xxxiii

Duncan, Alec, 67


earbuds, audio jacks, 173

Edison, Thomas, 160

Eine Kliene Kiddiemusik, 30

electric ukelele, xxiiii

electrical energy, creating, 167168

electricity, science of, xxiiiixxiiii, 114

electromagnet, 168

electronic instruments, 112, 114. See also Makey Makey Musical Surface


explained, xxiiiixxiiii

oscillation, 114

electrophones, xxxiii

energy, science of, xxiiiixxiiii

envelope generator, 119

Experimental Music Box

cigar box, 96

drum placement, 100102

making, 96103

materials and tools, 94

playing, 103

prototype, 95

safety warning, 94

Experimental Musical Instruments website, 200

Exp.Inst.Textile, 119120


filters and synthesizers, 118

fipple, making for ocarina, 37

Flapping Paper Strips

making, 108

materials and tools, 108

safety warning, 108

flat notes, xxix

flowerpot resonator, 80

flutes, xxiiii, xxxiii, 2324. Seealso ocarina

Franklin, Benjamin, 48

Freakenspeak circuit, 147


adding together, xxxii

C, xxxii

middle C, xxxixxxii

sound, xxxi

speed of waves, 2

wavelength, 2

waves, 3, xxvxxvi

fundamental tone, xxxi


G clef, xxviii

Galilei, Vincenzo, 9

The Garbage-Men website, 200

gauge and mass, 89

Ghazala, Reed, 146

Giant Corrugated Singing Tube

making, 2930

materials and tools, 28

safety warning, 28

“Good Vibrations,” 122

“Grand Wizzard,” 166

Grande, Ariana, 137

greeting card, 149153

guitars, xxxiii. See also Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer; string instruments


half notes, xxviii

Handy, Keith, xxiiii


defined, xxxi, 3

producing, 6

ratios, 7

standing wave pattern, 5

and wavelengths, 6

harps, xxxiii

Hax, Dave, 34, 182

Heap, Imogen, 137, 147

hertz, measurement of, xxv

Hopkin, Bart, 200

horns, xxxiii

hose, using for singing tube, 2930

hot glue, removing, 87


idiophones, xxxiii, 4041, 43

inductor, 185


acoustic, 112

chordophones, 79

electronic, 112

families, xxxiii, 2

jug band, 14

vibrations, xxxi

interference, 4

interval of music, xxviiixxix, xxxi


Barnes, Dave, 147

Bastien, Pierre, 109

Curie, Pierre and Jacques, 169

Edison, Thomas, 160

Franklin, Benjamin, 48

Galilei, Vincenzo, 9

“Grand Wizzard,” 166

Heap, Imogen, 137

Livingston, Theodore, 166

Marconi, Guglielmo, 187

Molin, Martin, 83

Moog, Robert, 113

Nikoladze, Koka, 93

P.D.Q. Bach, 30

Pythagoras, 9

Soto, Balam, 119120

Tesla, Nikola, 187

Theremin, Leon, 122


Jarvis, Brian, 117

jug band instruments, 14


kalimba, 77

kazoos, xxxiii, 42

kits and parts bundles, xxiiii

Koyama, Junji, 34


lamellophone, 77

lasso d’amore, 30

LEGOs, marble music machine, 83

littleBits Synth Glove

described, 130131

making, 131136

materials and tools, 130

Micro Sequencer module, 131

Livingston, Theodore, musical inventors, 166

longitudinal wave, xxiv

LPs (long-playing) records, 162

lute, 9


“magical musical gloves,” 137

magnet wire, wrapping for speaker, 174

Makey Makey Harp software, 145

Makey Makey Musical Surface. See also electronic instruments

described, 138139

making, 139145

materials and tools, 138

music software, 145


DIY (Do-It-Yourself), 40

Tunable Water Glasses, 47

Wrenchophone, 65

Manila Record Player

described, 161

making, 162165

materials and tools, 161

warning, 161

marble run, making, 8291

Marconi, Guglielmo, 187

marimba, 43

mass and gauge, 89

materials and tools

art stores, xxiiii

Balloon Drum, 70

bullroarer, 31

Compact Washtub Bass, 10

Cookie Tin Steel Drum, 59

Cup Song, 54

discount department stores, xxiiii

DIY Theremin, 124

dollar stores, xxiiii

Drinking Straw Aerophones, 25

electronics parts and kits, xxiiii

Experimental Music Box, 94

Flapping Paper Strips, 108

Giant Corrugated Singing Tube, 28

hardware stores, xxiiiixxiiii

littleBits Synth Glove, 130

Makey Makey Musical Surface, 138

Manila Record Player, 161

mp3 player, xxiiii

Musical Marble Run, 82

office supply stores, xxiiiixxiiii

Origami Paper Popper, 104

Packing Tape Bass Drum, 67

The Pickle-O, a Vegetable Ocarina, 34

Pizza Box Radio, 188

Plain Pencil Microphone, 181

Rainstick, 50

recycling bin, xxiiii

Simple Circuit Bending, 148

Singing Bowl, 44

Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer, 15

supermarkets, xxiiiixxiiii

Super-Simple Speaker, 170

thrift shops, xxiiii

Thumb Piano, 76

transistor radio, xxiiii

Tunable Water Glasses, 46

Wrenchophone, 62

matter, science of, xxiiiixxiiii

mbira, 77

measures, explained, xxviii, 4142

melody, explained, 40

membranophones, xxxiii, 4043, 6769

meter, explained, xxviii, 4142


making, 181184

and speakers, 167169

middle C, frequency, xxxixxxii

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 118 musical gloves, 137

MK-1 app, 143, 145


defined, xxiiii

in longitudinal sound wave, xxiv

Molin, Martin, 83

mono and stereophonic speakers, 171, 178179

Moog, Robert, 113

Moog Synthesizer, 129

Moog Theramini, 121


beats, xxviii

chromatic scale, xxx

intervals, xxviiixxix, xxxi

making from noise, 88

measures, xxviii

meters, xxviii

and notes, xxvii

octave, xxviiixxix

pentatonic scale, xxx

pitch, xxvii

staff, xxviii

music boxes

described, 9293

making, 94103

music synthesizers

described, 112

electronic components, 118119

electrophones, xxxiii

playing around with, 129

sound production, 114116

musical greeting card, 149153

musical inventors

Barnes, Dave, 147

Bastien, Pierre, 109

Curie, Pierre and Jacques, 169

Edison, Thomas, 160

Franklin, Benjamin, 48

Galilei, Vincenzo, 9

“Grand Wizzard,” 166

Heap, Imogen, 137

Livingston, Theodore, 166

Marconi, Guglielmo, 187

Molin, Martin, 83

Moog, Robert, 113

Nikoladze, Koka, 93

P.D.Q. Bach, 30

Pythagoras, 9

Soto, Balam, 119120

Tesla, Nikola, 187

Theremin, Leon, 122

Musical Marble Run

described, 8283

making, 8491

materials and tools, 82

safety warning, 83


natural frequency, xxxi, xxxii

Nikoladze, Koka, 93

nodes, standing wave patterns, 56

noise, making music from, 88

noise waveform, 116


Musical Marble Run, 91

Rainstick, 53

notes. See also pitch

A-G, xxix

aerophones, 2324

chordophones, 79

explained, xxvii

music staff, xxviii

ratio, xxxii

timbre, xxx

nucleus, xxiiii


ocarina, making, 3438. See also flutes


explained, xxviiixxix, 9

between notes, 9

OddMusic website, 200

Online Tone Generator, 129

Origami Paper Popper

described, 104

making, 104107

materials and tools, 104

oscillation, defined, 114

oscillators, 118

oscilloscope, xxv

overtones, xxxi, 43


Packing Tape Bass Drum

described, 67

making, 6769

materials and tools, 67

paint stirrers, using for bullroarer, 32

paper speaker, making, 175179

paper strips, making, 108

parts and kits bundles, xxiiii

P.D.Q. Bach, 30


mallets, 40

microphone, 181184

pentatonic scale, xxx

percussion instruments, 4243


invention, 160

mechanics, 158160

and radios, 156157, 167

piano keyboard, xxix

pianos. See Scratch Piano software; Thumb Piano

The Pickle-O, a Vegetable Ocarina

making, 3538

materials, 34

safety warning, 35

pitch. See also notes

changing, 2

explained, xxvii

and frequency of sound wave, xxxi

and tension of strings, 9

Pizza Box Radio

described, 188189

making, 190196

materials and tools, 188

safety warning, 189

troubleshooting, 196198

Plain Pencil Microphone

described, 181182

making, 182184

materials and tools, 181

safety warning, 182

Porter, Chuck, 185

pressure wave, xxiv

pressure waves, creating, 104


3-string strummer, 1522

aerophones, 2527

balloon drum, 7072

bass drum, 6769

Bullroarer, 3133

circuit bending, 148153

cup song, 5458

Makey Makey musical surface, 138145

marble run, 8291

microphone, 181184

music box, 94103

ocarina, 3438

Origami Paper Popper, 104107

paper strips, 108

radio, 188198

Rainstick, 5053

record player, 161165

singing bowl, 4445

singing tube, 2830

speaker, 170179

steel drum, 5961

synth glove, 130136

theremin, 124128

thumb piano, 7681

washtub bass, 1014

water glasses, 4649

Wrenchophone, 6266

pulse waveform, 116

pushpin, using with Rainstick, 5153

Pythagoras, 9


quarter notes, xxviii


radio waves, 185


mechanics, 185187

and phonographs, 156157, 167

projects, 188198

using for theremin, 125128


described, 50

making, 5053

materials and tools, 50

ratio of frequency, xxxixxxii, 7


harmonics, 7

of notes, xxxii

record player

making, 161165

mechanics, 158160

reed, using with wind instruments, 24

resistance, xxiii. See also variable resistor

resonance and timbre, 75

resonator, 80


Cup Song, 57

explained, 4041

Rockmore, Clara, 122, 129

Rosenbaum, Eric, 138, 143, 145


Sachs-Hornbostel system, xxxiii

sampling, explained, 146

sawtooth waveform, 115

scales, xxx

Schickele, Peter, 30

Schulkin, Jay, xxiiii

science of sound, xxiiiixxiiii

Science-Wiz Sound kit, 158

Scratch Piano software, 143, 145. See also Thumb Piano

scratching, 166

sharp notes, xxix

Simple Circuit Bending

described, 149

making, 149153

materials and tools, 148

safety warning, 149

sine wave, 115

Singing Bowl

making, 4445

materials, 44

stick-slip motion, 4445

singing tube, making, 2830

Soto, Balam, 119120


defined, xxiiiixxvi

frequency, xxxi

and music, xxxixxxiii

vibrations and energy, xxiv

volume, xxx

Sound Plant software, 145

sound vibrations

feeling in metal bowls, 45

frequencies, xxxi, 3

sound creation, xxiiii

transport through air, xxiiiixxiv

sound waves. See also waves

converting energy of, 167

explained, xxiv, xxxiii

frequency, 3


making, 170179

and microphones, 167169

mono and stereophonic, 171, 178179

speed of waves

explained, xxvi

and frequency, 2

spoons, using in jug band, 14

springs, Experimental Music Box, 95, 97, 99

square waveform, 116

standing wave pattern, 45

steel drum, making, 5961

stereophonic and mono speakers, 171, 178179

Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer. See also guitars; string instruments

making, 1621

materials and tools, 15

tuning, 22

stick-slip motion, 4445

string instruments, xxxiii. See also guitars; Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer

string length, changing, 7


thickness and heaviness, 8

tightening and loosening, 78

stripping wires, 172

Stylophone, 117

Super-Simple Speaker

making, 174179

materials and tools, 170

safety warning, 173

“Switched on Bach,” 113

syncopated rhythm, 42

synth glove, making, 130136


described, 112

electronic components, 118119

electrophones, xxxiii

playing around with, 129

sound production, 114116


tempo, explained, 41

tension of strings, 89

Tesla, Nikola, 187


making, 124128

overview, 121123

Theremin, Leon, 122

Thumb Piano. See also Scratch Piano software

described, 7778

making, 7681

materials and tools, 76

origin, 75, 77

safety warning, 78


explained, xxx

natural frequency, xxxii

resonance, 75

time signature, xxviii

tines, choosing for thumb piano, 78, 80

tissue paper, using in jug band, 14

tools and materials

art stores, xxiiii

Balloon Drum, 70

bullroarer, 31

Compact Washtub Bass, 10

Cookie Tin Steel Drum, 59

Cup Song, 54

discount department stores, xxiiii

DIY Theremin, 124

dollar stores, xxiiii

Drinking Straw Aerophones, 25

electronics parts and kits, xxiiii

Experimental Music Box, 94

Flapping Paper Strips, 108

Giant Corrugated Singing Tube, 28

hardware stores, xxiiiixxiiii

littleBits Synth Glove, 130

Makey Makey Musical Surface, 138

Manila Record Player, 161

mp3 player, xxiiii

Musical Marble Run, 82

office supply stores, xxiiiixxiiii

Origami Paper Popper, 104

Packing Tape Bass Drum, 67

The Pickle-O, a Vegetable Ocarina, 34

Pizza Box Radio, 188

Plain Pencil Microphone, 181

Rainstick, 50

recycling bin, xxiiii

Simple Circuit Bending, 148

Singing Bowl, 44

Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer, 15

supermarkets, xxiiiixxiiii

Super-Simple Speaker, 170

thrift shops, xxiiii

Thumb Piano, 76

transistor radio, xxiiii

Tunable Water Glasses, 46

Wrenchophone, 62

triangle waveform, 115

trumpet, 24

tuba, 24

Tunable Water Glasses

making, 4649

materials and tools, 46


Stick-on-Top 3-String Strummer, 22

violins, 8

turntablism, 166


ukelele, electric, xxiiii


variable capacitor, 185

variable resistor, making, 151. See also resistance

Vegetable Orchestra of Vienna, 34

vessel flute, 34


feeling in metal bowls, 45

frequencies, xxxi, 3

sound creation, xxiiii

transport through air, xxiiiixxiv

vinyl records

grooves in, 159

sizes, 162

violins, tuning, 8

The Virtual Museum of Music Inventions website, 200

voltage, defined, 114

volume, explained, xxx


waltz, beats of, 42

washboard, using in jug band, 14

washtub bass, making, 1014

water glasses, making, 4649


defined, xxivxxv

noise, 116

pulse, 116

speed and amplitude, xxvi

square, 116

triangle and sawtooth, 115


charge, defined, 2

defined, xxv

and frequency, 2

and harmonics, 6

waves. See also sound waves

characteristics, 2

combining, 34

frequency of, 3

sine, 115


Bart Hopkin, 200

Blue Man Group, 200

Chamber Music Piano software, 145

Chrome Music Lab, 129

Clara Rockmore Google Doodle, 129

Experimental Musical Instruments, 200

The Garbage-Men, 200

Makey Makey Harp software, 145

MK-1 app, 143, 145

Moog Synthesizer Google Doodle, 129

OddMusic, 200

Online Tone Generator, 129

Science-Wiz Sound kit, 158

Scratch Piano software, 143, 145

Sound Plant software, 145

The Virtual Museum of Music Inventions, 200

whole note, xxviii

wind instruments, using reeds with, 24

Wintergatan, 83

wire speaker, making, 174179

wires, stripping, 172

World Maker Faire 2016, 120


described, 62

making, 6266

materials and tools, 62


xylophone, 43, 64, 120

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