Chapter 6

Metrology for Lithography 1

6.1. Introduction

This chapter is intended to present the implications, problems and existing or potential solutions relating to the critical dimension (CD) measurement stage of lithography, for either R&D or industrial processes.

During the fabrication of electronic devices, CD measurement occurs after each technological step that may induce a topological change to the surface. As the dimensions of electronic devices get smaller, the metrological steps get more critical and accuracy of measurement is all the more necessary. Consequently, the intrinsic limits of each metrological technique, likely to provide dimensional information for manufactured patterns, must be known.

First, the needs of lithography (in terms of dimensional characterization and what is at stake with these needs in the short/long term future) are defined. Secondly, each of the traditional measurement techniques commonly used after lithography, to measure fabricated patterns and guarantee the dimensions initially desired, will be presented. Hence three categories of characterization techniques are presented: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 3D atomic force microscopy (AFM 3D) and scatterometry.

6.2. The concept of CD in metrology

6.2.1. CD measurement after a lithography stage: definitions

CD is the Critical Dimension of an object made on a given substrate (a silicon wafer, for example). As shown in Figure 6.1, theoretical CD corresponds to the dimensions of a pattern measured at the interface between it and the layer underneath. We talk of CD1 for object no. 1, CD2 for object no. 2, etc.

Readers should be careful not to extrapolate the remarks above to other kinds of dimensional control specific to other technological steps (such as gate, or interconnect plasma etching, etc.). Indeed, one must keep in mind that the performances of each characterization technique presented here strongly depend on the type of equipment, the kind of material used as a substrate, and on the environment (hygrometry, temperature, vibrations, etc.).

Figure 6.1. CD term definition


Too often, metrology equipment users regard the Figures obtained after a characterization step as true. Yet the "true" value is very difficult to obtain in a standard environment (such as a research lab or industrial site) compared to a metrology center where the entire environment and the metrological chain are known and totally under control. Nevertheless, with a few precautions and by always keeping in mind the measurement's purpose, it is still possible to get close to the "true" or "absolute" values so desired by technologists every day.

In addition to traditional CD measurement, it may be very useful to have access to the following data: pattern height, pattern sidewall angle (SWA) and also sidewall roughness along resist lines (measuring line edge roughness (LER) and line width roughness (LWR); see Figure 6.2). The last two parameters are critical, because they directly affect the electrical performance of CMOS transistors, for example when gate width is no more negligible than LER/LWR values.

Figure 6.2. LER and LWR definition, representing sidewall roughness along patterns


6.2.2. What are the metrological needs during a lithography step? Notions of accuracy and reproducibility during measurement

Depending on the working environment (R&D or production), the person working with a given CD metrological technique will have different expectations. Indeed, for R&D needs, a predictive technique is required, that is to say one which gives "true" measures. The notion of accuracy is thus introduced. Measurement accuracy

Accuracy error is the global error resulting from all the possible causes for each measurement result taken separately. Consequently, it is the ability of the tool to give error-free results.

Conversely, from a production point of view, the fabrication process or the technological step are supposed to be perfectly under control, and the CD metrology step is only there to regularly control the process. A very reproducible technique would then be favored; thus, the notion of measurement reproducibility is introduced. Measure reproducibility

Reproducibility is the ability of a measurement tool to give measurements free from accidental error. Accuracy defines result dispersion. If only one measurement is made, accuracy represents the probability that this measure represents the average result ("probability" from the latin word "probare" meaning "to prove or to test", and referring to "something that may happen"); the latter (the average result) being obtained after an infinity of measurements. As shown in Figure 6.3, if one considers measurement repartition as a dartboard, accuracy is the ability to hit the middle and reproducibility is the spread of the results.

Figure 6.3. Schematic view of measure reproducibility and accuracy


Figure 6.4. Schematic view of local measurement, averaged local measurement and variability

1-235.gif Notions of local measurement, average local measurement and variability

Depending on the technological needs and requirements of the process to be developed, a metrologist may only be interested in a local measurement, an average measurement or several measurements local and/or averaged, so as to know the variability of a process across a given surface (see Figure 6.4). Local measurement

A local measurement gives access to the CD value for a given couple of coordinates (X,Y). There is no notion of integration of the measurement over a certain length of the structure (local variability). Averaged local measurement

An averaged local measurement is a CD measurement for a given couple of coordinates (X,Y) taking into account the local variability of the structure dimensions (e.g. sidewall roughness). Variability

The notion of variability must be introduced when looking at the homogeneity or uniformity of a fabrication process across a given surface (for example a 300 mm wafer for the semiconductor industry). The term CDU (CD uniformity) is employed and always refers to 3σ (three times the standard deviation of the measured values).

Figure 6.5. SEM images of a resist pattern: a) overall SEM image; b) side view; (c) top view


To illustrate the subject, consider Figure 6.5(a) representing a resist pattern obtained after a lithography step. For a local (cross) measurement, the substrate has to be cut, then characterized from the cross section (Figure 6.5(b), local information in two dimensions (CD and height of the structure) is obtained. Considering an averaged local measurement (rectangle), the line will only be imaged from above but the measurement will be integrated over a given length (Figure 6.5(c)). Information is averaged but only in one dimension. We have access to the variability of the average CD along the line but there is no information on the height. Images were obtained by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); this technique is detailed in section 6.3. By repeating these measurements over a whole wafer, we can easily deduce the uniformity of a given lithography process.

6.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Scanning electron microscopy is a powerful technique to observe surface topography. It is mainly based on detection of secondary electrons emerging from the surface being studied when a very narrow beam of primary electrons scans it. Images with resolution usually smaller than 3 nm and a large depth of field may be obtained [PAQ 06, REI 93].

6.3.1. SEM principle

In a lithography context, SEMs are tools dedicated to observation and/or measurement of patterns resulting from lithography processes. A focused electron beam scans a sample surface step by step. Primary electrons are accelerated from the source to the sample thanks to an accelerating voltage ranging from 0.2 kV to 30 kV, depending on the sample material and the SEM tool.

As the beam goes down in the vacuum column, it is focused and the beam diameter is reduced from several micrometers down to a few nanometers, thanks to condensing lenses. According to applications and the required magnification and resolution, the manipulator adjusts the accelerating voltage and the beam diameter to improve the image. A detector collects the emitted secondary electrons coming from the sample and records the signal as an (x,y) function. The general scheme of such a tool is presented in Figure 6.6.

A scanning electron microscope usually comprises the following elements:

– an electronic column comprising an electron gun, several electromagnetic lenses ("condensers"), some alignment and adjustment electric coils, and a electronic beam scanning system. This column is kept under vacuum, at least 10–3 Pa. In standard microscopes, the vacuum required is obtained thanks to a rotary vane pump coupled with a secondary pumping device, such as an oil diffusion pump (sometimes with two of them in series), or a turbomolecular pump;

– an "object room" where the sample is introduced (either via an airlock or not);

– a detector to detect secondary electrons (in our specific case). It must be said that for other kind of applications (not detailed here), detectors sensitive to other kind of electronic or electromagnetic emissions can be implemented;

– an image visualization system and a data exploitation system to process information coming from the sample.

Two kinds of tools are encountered. In a microelectronic industry production environment, CD-SEM are usually used, whereas X-SEM (or cross-section SEM, because the sample is cleaved) is used for R&D purposes.

Figure 6.6. General layout of a scanning electron microscope

1-237.gif X-SEM imaging (cross-section)

X-SEM imaging is totally manually operated. First, the sample must be cleaved precisely at the place where the measurement is to be made. Cleaving can be done manually thanks to a diamond scribe and a dedicated clip, or automated thanks to a tool comprising a cleaving machine coupled with a microscope. In both cases, the sample is ruined and the measurement location is not as precise as the one obtained with CD-SEM. In the best cases, precision is to a few hundred micrometers with an X-SEM whereas measurement can be made as close as 50 nm of the desired spot with a CD-SEM.

Working voltage is usually between 5 keV and 30 keV.

The main asset of X-SEM is its ability to observe patterns in 3D (see Figure 6.7) and to measure patterns in two dimensions (height and CD). Indeed, even if observation is in 3D, we can only get 2D measurements and only in a single spot (there is no possible integration of measurements along the line and, hence, no possibility to quantify dimension variability along it). CD-SEM imaging

The CD-SEM principle is to automatically introduce a wafer in the vacuum chamber and to observe patterns only from the top (there is no wafer cleaving; see Figure 6.8). Due to this non-destructive method, CD-SEM is compatible with the production environment and with an in-line fabrication process control. Automated measurements coupled with powerful signal processing algorithms (detailed below) contribute to make CD-SEM a robust, fast (< (s/measurement) and very reproducible technique.

In a microelectronic production environment, CD-SEM usually works between 300 V and 1000 V. For lithography applications, depending on the operator skill, working voltage is between 300 V and 500 V.

With CD-SEM, measurement is fully automated, hence reducing operator errors. It uses specific recognition patterns to locate the patterns to be measured and to position the system precisely and repeatedly. It also has automated autofocus. Its beam controlling system is very stable so as to reduce measurement errors.

The electromagnetic field created has a lower energy hence reducing pattern deterioration and limiting charging phenomenon. Image distortion is then often reduced and better quality images are obtained, especially with low atomic number elements and when working with silicon or photosensitive resists.

Figure 6.7. Typical X-SEM image of resist lines


Figure 6.8. Typical CD-SEM image of resist lines


Limited 1D vision of the fabricated structures is the main drawback of this technique. Consequently, it is impossible to get information on resist height, sidewall angle, and possible presence of footing, etc.

6.3.2. Matter–electron interaction

When an electronic beam with an energy level Eo penetrates inside a solid material, elastic and inelastic interactions with the material occur. During inelastic interactions, electrons gradually lose their energy, which is mostly transferred to electrons of the atomic orbital. To a lesser extent this energy can vanish through radiative emissions, during interaction with nuclei. These radiations compose the so-called bremsstrahlung emissions.

Elastic interactions, mostly with nuclei, modify incident electrons’ trajectories, hence leading to their scattering. These interactions may induce the following phenomena (see Figure 6.9):

– backscattered electronic emission, made of primary electrons coming back out of the surface after (almost) elastic shock and leaving the target with an energy more or less close to E0;

– secondary electron emission, with low energy (usually around 10 eV) resulting either from primary electrons strongly slowed down by inelastic shocks, or more often by primary electron ejection (mainly valence electrons) snatched from the atoms by ionization;

– Auger electron (element specific) emission, coming from the target atom deexitation process after ionization;

– absorbed electron current, mainly composed of primary electrons that did not manage to get away and that are usually evacuated towards the mass, and also induced current in semi-conductors. This absorbed current triggers charge phenomena in insulation materials;

– visible (or near visible) electromagnetic radiation emission;

– highly energetic photons (X-ray) emission. On the one hand they form the continuous spectrum coming from the slowing motion of incident electrons in the magnetic field of the nuclei and, on the other hand, a specific emission of each atom species, resulting from their ionization by incident electrons.

Broadly speaking, the level of each emission depends on the incident beam energy E0, on the nature of the scanned atoms (their atomic number Z), and on the incident angle of the beam at the surface.

Figure 6.9. Main electronic and electromagnetic emissions resulting from interaction between sample and electron beam

1-240.jpg Emission and spatial resolution

The more the electrons are accelerated and the less dense the matter, the deeper they penetrate within the material. Average penetration depth z may be approximated considering the energy E0 and the specific mass ρ of the target impact area, by a simplified law such as [CAZ 01a, CAZ 01b, FIT 74, REI 85]:


where zM (m) is penetration depth, E0 (keV) the electrons’ energy, and ρ (g/cm3) the specific mass.

Various electronic and electromagnetic emissions come from interaction zones, more or less deep and more or less wide, depending on the incident beam impact (see Figure 6.10). Secondary electronic emission comes from a narrow zone of a few nm3 around the electronic beam impact. Back scattered emission comes from a deeper zone of few hundred nanometers (104 to 106 nm3).

Figure 6.10. Electronic and electromagnetic emission zones

1-242.jpg Secondary electrons

Here we focus on secondary electrons which are the basis of SEM imaging for lithography applications. They result from inelastic interactions between primary electrons and valence electrons. They have energy of a few electron-volts (typically between 5 and 10 eV).

Some electrons resulting from interactions with deeper electrons may have a higher energy but, as a rule, the secondary electron domain is restricted to those below 50 eV.

Considering this low energy, only the electrons emitted close to the surface may escape (they come from a zone of several nanometers’ depth). Secondary electrons are hence sensitive to surface irregularity, to topography. An electric field can easily deviate them and then a detector may catch them (see Figure 6.6).

In addition, different types of secondary emission may be distinguished:

– "true" secondary emission (also called "type I"), caused by primary incident electrons;

– emissions induced by backscattering electrons, either inside the sample itself (type II), or at level of the polar pieces in the object chamber (type III).

Secondary electronic emission is characterized by its yield, δ (the ratio between primary and secondary electron numbers). Contributions due to secondary electrons coming from primary electrons is narrow, whereas the contribution due to backscattered electrons is spatially wider (see Figure 6.11).

Figure 6.11. Secondary electron emissions areas


Several parameters impact on secondary electronic emission:

– E0 value (or EPE): δ reach a maximum when E0 is close to 300 eV in the case of carbon (main component of photosensitive resists) and then decreases as E0 increases, to finally reach a threshold δs = 0,58 (see Figure 6.12) [FAR 93, SEI 83];

– the incident angle α: if the beam hits a sloping surface, more secondary electrons may come out of the material (see Figure 6.13). δ strongly changes depending on α, approximately as 1/cos α;

– topography: if the beam is directed towards a trench or a hole, less electrons manage to escape, several of them being reabsorbed by the material.

Figure 6.12. Surface electronic yield variation (δ secondary) according to incident electron energy in the case of carbon, the major component of photosensitive resists


Figure 6.13. Beam incident angle influence on secondary electron yield. When the slope increases, the trajectory length where the generated secondary electrons may escape from the material increases


6.3.3. From signal to quantified measurement

Pattern dimensional measurement with CD-SEM is based on this dependence of secondary electron yield on incident angle between beam and surface. If the beam is perpendicular to the surface, steep areas (typically pattern sidewalls) where generated secondary electrons are more numerous appear clear, whereas horizontal areas appear darker (see Figures 6.14(a) and 6.14(b). Based on these contrasts, algorithms lead to dimensional characteristics of the lithographed patterns (average line width, sidewall roughness, etc.). However, images are only in two dimensions and cannot lead to pattern height measurement.

Figure 6.14. Origin of the observed contrast on SEM images of a lithographed pattern


By filtering the intensity profile of secondary electrons so as to reduce signal noise and by applying a threshold algorithm [DAV 95, LOW 96], a characteristic measurement of the line can be obtained, such as in Figure 6.14(b). However, optimization of the threshold level so as to obtain the true pattern CD is very difficult. Indeed there is no physical relation between threshold level and pattern height [DAV 99, VIL 01] as illustrated in Figure 6.15. This is an intrinsic limit for accuracy and consequently a non-negligible drawback of the method for fundamental applications. Indeed, measurement error does not only depend on the chosen threshold but, above all else, on the material composition, and on the profile and height of the measured pattern.

Figure 6.15. Origin of the observed contrast on SEM images of a lithographed pattern


As also shown in Figure 6.16, the top-view imaging of lines leads to dark area when dealing with a negative pattern. Indeed, electrons from the primary beam cannot scan the matter corresponding to the negative profile; hence all the real topographic information is lost. We are here facing the second strong limitation of this technique concerning measurement accuracy. And yet, negative profiles are frequently encountered in lithography, for example when studying a Focus Exposure Matrix (FEM) where height and profile strongly vary.

Figure 6.16. Intrinsic limitation of CD-SEM measurement accuracy


These two intrinsic limitations of the CD-SEM technique may cause important problems when working for upstream R&D in advanced microelectronics. Indeed dimensional constraints governed by Moore's Law set a tolerance on dimensions of 10%. For example, if a lithography process has to be developed today for R&D, targeting a 30 nm pattern (at the bottom of the pattern), dimensions must be guaranteed under ± 3 nm. With a simple trigonometric law (see Figure 6.17), and a typical pattern of 130 nm height and sidewall angle θ = 88°, we should realize that if the algorithm leads to a measure of the top of the pattern, errors on CD will reach 9 nm. CD-SEM measurement has a major difficulty: bright zones, representing the sides of the pattern are not precisely defined at the nanometric scale and can't be defined because all the information on the profile is integrated into the two bright zones along the lines (for example), or more precisely at the edge of any pattern measured.

Figure 6.17. Trigonometric definition of measurement uncertainty, ΔCD


This means that, without an optimum preliminary calibration step for these threshold algorithms, it is nearly impossible to get an accurate measurement with a CD-SEM. Nevertheless, the first two advantages remain: speed of measurement and reproducibility.

Bright or uncertain zones are all the more likely with X-SEM since the tool is manually adjusted and the sample is never precisely facing the beam (see Figure 6.18). However, its main asset lies in the versatility of the sample orientation, which allows observation of lithographed patterns from every angle. CD-SEM and X-SEM are very complementary for R&D and production needs.

Figure 6.18. Significant areas of measurement uncertainty using X-SEM


6.3.4. Provisional conclusion on scanning electron microscopy

The SEM technique is a very powerful and useful technique to assist lithography process development. It allows observation of a pattern (to check the quality of a fabricated pattern) and has very reproducible measurement (in the case of CD-SEM). Nevertheless, for both techniques, measurement accuracy is not guaranteed for two main reasons:

1. CD-SEM gives a 1D integrated imaging of a pattern, suppressing information on height and profile;

2. X-SEM's approximate sample positioning, combined with the need to cleave the sample, leads to large areas of uncertainty.

6.4. 3D atomic force microscopy (AFM 3D)

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was presented in 1986 by G. Binnig, C.F. Quate and C. Gerber, as an application of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) concept dedicated to atomic scale analysis of isolating materials. Since then, this technique has been adapted to various environments such as vacuum, liquids, low temperatures, and magnetic fields and also for chemical and biological applications. This chapter is not intended to present AFM theory but just its fundamental characteristics and, furthermore, how to benefit from a derivative technique called AFM 3D to very precisely measure the CD of lithographed patterns.

6.4.1. AFM principle

The basic principles of atomic force microscopy are probably the easiest to understand among microscopy techniques [BIN 85, MAR 87]. An interesting analogy is the ability of a blind person to mentally construct an image of surrounding objects thanks to their sense of touch. Like the fingers of this person, an AFM is able to give a very detailed picture of the analyzed object, not only in terms of the topography of its surface but also concerning its texture, whether hard or soft, smooth or rough, sticky or slippery.

The AFM tip is mounted on a cantilever, and this is the main element of the system (see Figure 6.19). Thanks to interaction forces, it can produce an image of the analyzed surface. This cantilever is fixed onto a support.

Figure 6.19. SEM image of an AFM tip (zoom × 1000)


The cantilver lets the tip oscillate while it scans the surface. It has a very low stiffness constant thus enabling the AFM to control very precisely the force between the tip and the sample. When the first AFM was first built, a tiny diamond shard was meticulously glued onto a tiny strip of gold foil. Today, the tip–cantilever unit is usually made of silicon or silicon nitride, both hard and wear resistant materials. The cantilevers are mainly classified according to their stiffness constant and resonant frequency. The essential parameters for the tip are its thinness (measured by its curvature radius) and its aspect ratio. Tip thinness determines tool resolution power. To get an order of magnitude, a typical standard tip is a 3 µm long conical tip with a radius of curvature of about 30 nm.

The motion of the tip–cantiler group is performed by piezoelectric transducers. For a piezo-electric gas lighter, stretching of the piezoelectric crystal causes a sufficiently high voltage gap to produce a spark. The opposite effect is used in the AFM: applying a voltage to the piezoelectric ceramic induces a stretching of the latter. This motion is very reproducible with atomic precision, given that the electric pulses are precise enough. There are several possible configurations for the placing of the piezoelectric ceramics. However, a generic configuration is described in Figure 6.20 where the transducer is placed under the probed sample. Sample motion is controlled in the three directions x, y and z, each being assigned to a specific channel of the electronic driver. During measurement, the sample is placed very close to the tip thanks to the z channel, then its surface is scanned line-by-line using the x and y channels.

Figure 6.20. Schematic view of an atomic force microscope


Tip motion must be controlled while scanning the surface. Several systems may perform this control, the one based on a laser beam deflection being the most common (see Figure 6.20). Usually, the back of the cantilever is coated with a thin metal layer to become reflective. A laser beam is directed toward the edge of the cantilever, preferably right above the tip, then reflected toward a detection photodiode. In modern tools, the photodiode consists of four quadrants. As the tip moves, according to the sample topography, the reflected beam angle changes and consequently the laser spot on the photodiode also moves, inducing intensity changes for the four quadrants. Since the cantilever–detector distance is three orders higher than the cantilever length (micrometers compared to millimeters) this detection system greatly amplifies movements and is hence very sensitive. Any intensity difference between the two top quadrants and the two bottom ones accounts for a vertical displacement of the tip. Intensity differences between the right and left pairs accounts for a lateral displacement or torsion of the tip. Consequently, friction phenomena between the tip and the surface may be distinguished from mere topographical information.

Recording effects of interaction forces between the tip and the sample as the probe scans the surface produces images of those effects resulting in cantilever deflection. In the easiest operating mode, cantilever deflection is kept to a given fixed value for each point to be analyzed, thanks to a closed loop control. This closed loop control is the key difference between AFM and former systems using a stylus [BRA 04]. Piezoelectric ceramics

The tube's inner surface (see Figure 6.21) is made of a thin layer of radially polarized piezoelectric ceramic. Electrodes are stuck to the inner and outer wall of the tube. The outer face is divided into segments parallel to the axis.

By applying a voltage difference between the inner electrode and the four outer electrodes, the tube extends or contracts, i.e. moves in the z direction (see Figure 6.21). If the voltage difference is only applied to one of the outer electrodes, the tube bends, i.e. moves in the x or y direction. To accentuate this bending and hence increase the scanning range, outer electrodes are placed opposite each other. Consequently when a +n voltage is applied on one electrode and –n on its opposite, the tube bending is twice as much as if only one electrode had been submitted to a voltage difference.

Figure 6.21. Schematic view of a piezoelectric tube and of a reverse piezoelectric effect on a PZT tube


In spite of the incredible precision of motion of piezoelectric materials, they are not deprived of non-linearity, in all possible geometries. Non-linearity can be neglected for small displacements but becomes critical when scans grow longer. In a tube configuration, the system suffers from hysteresis, as shown in Figure 6.22.

Figure 6.22. Hysteresis loop of a piezoelectric tube

1-254.jpg Tips

The tip is AFM's critical element. Bad quality tips, even mounted on the most sophisticated tools, will only lead to results at best disappointing and, at worse, wrong. Since the beginning of AFM, dedicated, specially fabricated tips were required and "homemade" fabrication was quickly given up [MOR 99].

Techniques, similar to those employed for integrated circuits fabrication, such as optical lithography with a mask, chemical etching or chemical vapor deposition, are used to microfabricate modern tips and cantilevers. Tips and cantilevers are almost always made of silicon, silicon nitride or diamond. They can be conducting or not, and they are often coated with a different element to prevent problems such as wear. When using optical detection, the cantilever is usually coated with a thin layer of gold to improve its reflectivity. If magnetic sensitivity is required, ferromagnetic coating may be applied.

There are two main possible designs for the cantilever on which the tip is mounted (see Figure 6.23). A triangular shape or a V shape is used to minimize torsion and is adapted to purely topographic measurements. The more familiar cantilever with a simple rectangular shape is the best for measuring the friction properties of a sample, since it has a rotational degree of freedom enabling sensitivity to lateral forces.

Figure 6.23. SEM image of AFM cantilevers

1-255.gif Tip shape

Tip shape choice is very important and must be tightly related to the properties of the sample being analyzed.

Standard tips can be classified into two categories: low or high aspect ratio (AR). As illustrated in Figure 6.24, choice depends on the sample and the ratio CD/height of the pattern (when considering the limited case of lithographied patterns to be analyzed with an AFM).

Figure 6.25 presents some images of typical cylindrical tip shapes with different AR according to the desired applications.

Figure 6.24. Conical tip choice according to pattern and tip aspect ratio


Figure 6.25. (a) Low AR cylindrical tip; (b) high AR cylindrical tip

1-257.gif Detection methods

With regards to AFM technique, optical detection thanks to laser beam deflection is the most used. Mechanical amplification principle lies in the fact that very small movements of the reflective surface generate large movements of the light spot on the photodiode quadrants. Amplification depends on cantilever size: the shorter the cantilever, the larger the angular change. This technique is particularly efficient and allows atomic scale displacement detection.

In some cases, interferometry is used as a detection method to follow the tip motion more accurately. This deals more easily with large tip movements and leads to a better signal to noise ratio. However, from a practical point of view, this technique requires a much more rigorous insulation from vibrations. Van der Waals forces and distance–force curves

Even if a material appears neutral for a short period of time, electron distribution over extremely short times may not necessarily be perfectly symmetrical. At a given time, each molecule shows a distinctive charge distribution, and, eventually a different number of electrons; consequently they may interact electrically according to Van der Waals forces existing inside every kind of materials. These interactions also happen between the AFM tip edge and the nearby substrate. Their behavior can be modeled by the Lennard–Jones potential (see Figure 6.26) which allows expression of potential energy variation of an atom of the tip apex (edge of the tip) interacting with an atom of the surface, as a function of distance (r):


for which ε and σ are material dependant constants. σ is approximately equal to the diameter of the atoms involved. The term 1/r12 is responsible for abrupt variations at short distances, that is to say when r < σ. It expresses a strong repulsion at short distance, predicted by the Pauli exclusion principle. The term 1/r6 is responsible for slower variations for larges distances when attractive Van der Waals forces dominate.

Figure 6.26. (a) Schematic representation of Lennard–Jones potential with (E) being the potential energy of a pair of atoms and (r) being the distance between them; (b) three basic AFM modes associated with the previous diagram

1-259.jpg AFM working modes

An AFM has different working modes, differentiated by implied interaction forces. Each mode has drawbacks and advantages. It is more judicious to focus on the complementary nature of the modes, instead of always using the same one as a universal standard, usually leading to measurement aberrations. A standard AFM has three main modes represented in Figure 6.26. These three techniques are located on the Lennard–Jones potential according to their implied forces. These modes work with a tip–surface interaction kept constant, that is to say, the operator has to assign a setting parameter corresponding to a given interaction and hence a given tip height. Each time this setting parameter is not fulfilled, a feedback loop is set off in real time to get back to the initial setting. DC or contact mode

This was the first mode to be developed, in which the tip directly "touches" the surface in a feeler tool way. Interactions are then repulsive. This mode is the easiest to use by far, and can be coupled with simultaneous measurements of adhesion, friction, or contact stiffness. However, wear and deformations generated by the tip may deteriorate image quality for some samples.

In this mode, the operator has to fix a setting force called "setpoint" corresponding to a given cantilever deflection. When the system detects a deflection different from the defined setting, feedback is launched to return the tip to the z position where the setting is respected. Tip altitude z is hence adjusted for each point so as to keep the tip–surface interaction constant. Hence, the iso-force image obtained may be assimilated directly to the surface topography. AC or non-contact modes

Two non-contact modes can be distinguished. The first, a resonant mode, generally considered as the "true" non-contact mode, consists of placing the cantilever quite far away from the surface (from several tens to hundreds of nanometers) and scanning attractive interactions. In this mode, the tip never touches the surface and oscillates close to its resonant frequency with low amplitude. In this case, regulation acts either on the cantilever oscillation frequency or its amplitude. For example, when working at a given excitation frequency, oscillation amplitudes vary and give information on local force gradients. This amplitude is represented by a vertical displacement of the spot on the photodiode. Consequently the operator can define settings amplitudes that will be the reference for the regulation. Displacements made to keep this amplitude constant are recorded to form an iso-gradiant force image. The tip oscillating quite far from the surface, this mode loses some of the advantages of local probe and is usually not used for topographical study. However, it allows analysis of long range, electrical or magnetic forces using conducting or magnetic tips.

The second mode, called a "tapping" mode, or intermittent contact mode, is a non-linear resonant mode where amplitude of oscillations is larger and the average tip position closer to the surface. At each cycle, the tip hits the "wall" made by the surface repulsive forces. This operating mode is harder to analyze than the previous. Here again, the cantilever is excited around its resonant frequency and amplitude variations of the cantilever are monitored.

This mode is frequently employed to study a samples’ topography. Forces involved on the sample can be really soft and the very short contact time hardly induces friction forces on the sample. This prevents deformations on some samples and wear (which is always possible when using a contact mode). The contact area is reduced, even on very deformable samples, hence conferring a very good lateral resolution to this mode.

6.4.2. 3D AFM (AFM 3D) special features

Standard AFM as described above is quite limited if used to measure lithographied patterns. Indeed, the tapping mode would be the most suitable for this kind of measurement, yet two reasons limit its use. First, when using conical tips (see Figure 6.27(a)) it is impossible to measure re-entrant profiles, for example. Consequently CD tips or flared tips have to be used (see Figure 6.27(b)). Second, even with a flared tip in tapping mode, it would be impossible to get enough point density on pattern sidewalls (see Figure 6.28).

Figure 6.27. Illustration of the phenomenon of AFM tip convolution: (a) typical tip shape convolution issue using a conical tip; (b) the problem is solved by using a flared tip


Figure 6.28. (a) Combining tapping mode and flared tip does not allow access to sidewall information; (b) combining CD-mode and flared tip allows access to accurate sidewall information


Figure 6.29. X-SEM images of (a) lithographied pattern with 193 resist and (c) E-Beam resist (c); corresponding AFM 3D profiles are shown in (b) and (d), respectively


Indeed, data recording on pattern sidewalls is almost impossible (except if the sidewall has quite a gentle slope) because the tip feedback loop only works for the y direction. When working with CD mode there is a feedback loop on both x and y directions (see Figure 6.27). Note that the feedback works permanently on the cantilever amplitude for either x or y directions. By combining this CD mode with a CD tip, it is then possible to measure every kind of structure in the 3D, even with re-enterant profiles (see Figure 6.29(b)). Then, every kind of lithographied pattern can be imaged very faithfully (see Figure 6.29). Measuring time

Contrary to received wisdom (an inheritance from classic AFM, with which getting one image could last hours), image acquiring time with 3D AFM is quite fast, between 20s and 1 min according to the precision and accuracy required for the measurement.

Figure 6.30. Resolution can be drastically impacted as a function of the number of scan lines


As shown in Figure 6.30, according to the number of scan lines, three-dimensional resolution will be different. If the operator wants general information on profile and an average CD over a given line length, then they could make an image comprising of in the order of 20 scan lines (typical imaging time: 20s; see Figure 6.30(a)).

On the other hand, if one wants information on line variability (LER and LWR), 80 to 100 scan lines are required for the image (typical imaging time: 1min). In this latter case, the resulting image (see Figure 6.30(c) will have the same qualities as an X-SEM image (Figure 6.30(d)) with the advantage of giving an image plus LER/LWR measurements, which is impossible with X-SEM. CD tips

The introduction of CD tips in 1994 by Martin and Wickramasinghe [MAR 94] triggered a revolution among reference metrological techniques. Tips dedicated to the CD mode have a flared shape, enabling measurement of re-entrant profiles. Typical CD tips and their basic characteristics are represented in Figures 6.31 and 6.32. The five main parameters are:

1) tip diameter (D0), which determines the smallest measurable hole;

2) tip useful length (L1), which sets the highest measurable pattern;

3) tip re-entrant maximum profile (O1), which conditions tip limits to measure re-entrant profiles;

4) tip left and right radius of curvature (Rc), which set the dark area at the bottom of the pattern where no measurement can be made. Typical Rc values are between 10–20 nm, depending on tip model; and

5) re-entrant profile maximum height (H1), which gives access to the maximum height corresponding to the maximum re-entrant profile (O1) of the tip.

These last two parameters are tightly linked and determine the measurement quality of patterns comprising negative profiles.

Figure 6.31. Characteristic dimensions of CDR tips (critical dimension re-entrant profile)


Figure 6.32. Characteristic dimensions of CDR tips (critical dimension re-entrant profile)

1-264-new.gif CD tip characterization

To guarantee measurement accuracy with nanometer precision, tips must be characterized before and after each measurement. Indeed, while imaging with AFM, the rough image is always a convolution of the tip (radius and shape) and the real structure (see Figure 6.33). To have access to real dimensions, one has to deconvolute the size and the shape of the tip via mathematical algorithms which process the deconvolution, step by step [DAH 05]. Measurement uncertainty will be all the more important if this deconvolution is not undertaken. Indeed, during the measurements, the tip may wear off or increase in size by collecting particles. If this size change is not taken into account, it is impossible to guarantee measurements with nanometer precision. Ideally, tip size should not vary more than a few angströms before and after a measurement. In that case, reproducibility and accuracy can be guaranteed better than 1 nm.

To this end, two structures of known shape and dimension are used. The first structure (Figure 6.34) enables measurement of tip size. This structure is made of a silicon line with vertical and quite smooth sidewalls, obtained by a plasma etch. This structure's horizontal dimension (L1) (see Figure 6.34(a)) has first been calibrated thanks to a standard isolated line, which then helps in determining tip width. Indeed, measuring this known L1 line width with a flared tip leads to measurement of an L-width line (see Figure 6.34(b)) which is the sum of the structure width (L1) and the tip real size (L2). One can then derive the absolute tip size: L2 = L L1.

Figure 6.33. SEM image of typical CD tip for AFM 3D


Indeed, if we consider the contact point (p1) between the tip and the structure at z1 height (see Figure 6.34(c)), the x coordinate is the x1 coordinate corresponding to a half-diameter shift compared to the structure edge (the benchmark origin being the tip center). Symmetrically, it is the same on the other side of the structure at the same height z1. By scanning all the calibration structure along x and z directions, one gets at the end of the measurement the convolution of the tip with the structure (see Figure 6.34(d)). The final dimension obtained is L = L1 + L2. Tip size is then deduced: L2 = L L1.

The second structure (see Figures 6.35(a) and 6.35(b)) has a re-entrant profile allowing imaging and characterization of right and left sides of tips with complex shape, and one can hence get access to qualitative information on tip shape thanks to the basic characteristics mentioned before. This structure can either be a line or a trench. To obtain a very precise reconstruction of tip shape, it is very important that all the regions of the tip make contact with the characterization structure. Ideally, this contact point is unique for each side of the tip. The critical step is consequently the realization of these two contact points between the structure and the tip, which allows full characterization of the tip geometry. To get almost two pinpoints as contact points, the edges of the structure are slightly turned upward and thinned to finally obtain curvature radii smaller than 10 nm (see Figure 6.35(b)).

Figure 6.34. Vertical structure for tip width characterization


Figure 6.35. Characterization structure for CD tip shape determination: (a) and (b) re-entrant and ascending structure scheme; (c) tip shape reconstruction principle


Figure 6.35(c) explains the principle of tip shape reconstruction. Considering a contact point pi between the tip and the edge of the characterization structure, this precise point corresponds to the (xi, zi) coordinates. By representing all the coordinate couples obtained by scanning the whole characterization structure with the tip, it is possible to deduce the shape of the left and right side of the tip (see Figure 6.35(c), final drawing).

The edge of the ascending part of the characterization structure, which provides the contact point between the tip and the structure, must be ultra thin so as to get a contact point close to pinpoint, otherwise the quality of the measurement accuracy and the reproducibility will not be good.

For both characterization structures, measurements have to be made with enough sampling (typically one measurement point every 5 Å) to guarantee best measurement accuracy and best measurement reproducibility.

Figure 6.36. Improvements in AFM 3D lateral resolution since its first use


Figure 6.37. Technological evolution of AFM 3D since invention of AFM in 1985


6.4.3. Provisional conclusion on AFM 3D

AFM 3D is considered a reference metrological tool [DIX 07, UKR 05]. It excels in calibrating CD metrological techniques, but also in the development and follow– up of lithography process, thanks to its measurement versatility and its ability to perform in-line measurements, hence being compatible with the most stringent requirements of the semi-conductor industry. It is a recent technique (1994) now offering a 1nm measurement accuracy [DAH 07, MIN 07] (instead of more than 10 nm at the outset; see Figure 6.36) and a measurement reproducibility of around 0.8 nm. Figures 6.36 and 6.37 present basic references and technological progress associated with AFM 3D, which confer this tool with a promising future in the nanotechnology world. In particular, the possibilities of improvement are still very great, notably with new tip development (for example based on carbon nanotubes) or with new scan modes, for example, dedicated to outline metrology to be used in OPC applications.

6.5. Grating optical diffractometry (or scatterometry)

Scatterometry is an indirect optical method to measure geometrical parameters of diffraction gratings. It analyzes their optical reflectivity and compares it to the theoretical reflectivity computed out of modeled gratings. By identifying theoretical and measured reflectivities, parameters of the modeled gratings are regarded as measures of the real parameters.

This technique has been used since the eighties [KLE 80]. Yet, as the usual tools such as optical microscopes and scanning electron microscopes became outdated and unable to answer the always more stringent requirements of metrology (ever more parameters to measure with ever more precision and accuracy) [ITR 07, UKR 07], the development of this technique accelerated. Compared to CD-SEM, scatterometry enables 2D characterization of gratings (height, CD, SWA) faster and more reproducibly than CD-SEM. Consequently, thanks to its precision, reproducibility and the non-destructive nature of its measurement [MIN 98], this technique was met with quite a favorable welcome in the microelectronics industry.

In this chapter, we will see that this technique is very generic and has several execution modalities, not only for the conception of measuring tools but also for methodology of measurement analysis. This is why we would rather focus on methodologies and examples instead of giving an exhaustive view of the subject. For more practical aspects of scatterometry for metrology, readers should refer, for example, to the SEMATECH report [AZO 07].

Finally, after reading this chapter, we would like readers to have the keys to not only understanding scatterometry and determining whether it can be useful for them, but also that they have acquired an objective and critical point of view of this technique. That is why we have focused on the method's limitations, counterbalancing the extensive and optimistic bibliography already available on the subject.

6.5.1. Principle

Scatterometry is an optical measurement technique of object dimensions (usually sub-micron) repeated periodically on a plane substrate. The technique is based on theoretical analysis of the light diffracted by the measured objects. Object lightning

Usually, the light source falling on the object is several microns wide, whereas the periodic objects are about one hundred nanometers. Consequently, the spot illuminates several identical objects (see Figure 6.38).

Figure 6.38. Scatterometry measurement: line lighting scheme. The analysis spot is usually bigger than the measured lines


Since objects are periodical, light rays are diffracted into preferred directions given by diffraction grating law [PET 80]:


with p the diffraction order (relative integer), θinc the ray incident angle compared to surface normal, θdp the diffraction angle for p order.

The number of diffracted orders is the number of relative integers p for which sin θdp ∈ [-1,1]. The number of diffracted orders is all the more important when the wavelength is short or the period Λ is great. Generally, only the order p=0 is analyzed during scatterometric measurement.Furthermore,light may be polychromatic (several wavelengths λ) or with several incidences (several θinc). Making the optical signature

The electromagnetic waves fall on hundreds of objects which should be arranged in a periodic pattern. Each object contributes to the incident light wave's diffraction; the impact on the global reflected signal is multiplied by the number of objects. Moreover, some phenomena of electromagnetic couplings between objects, and of interferences of reflected beams, strengthen or cancel some of the characteristics of the single object diffracted fields. Consequently, if one assumes that all the objects are identical, variation in one detail will noticeably modify the reflected signal. In classical imaging, the numerical aperture (NA) of the optical system and the working wavelength (λ), both set the resolution limit [BOR 99]. Rayleigh criteria give an evaluation of this resolution limit, as ∆x =λ/(2NA). In the visible range, resolution is limited to a few hundred nanometers, which is far below the requirements of metrology for microelectronics.

In scatterometry, the reflected signal comprises information on object details; even those whose dimensions are below the Rayleigh criteria. So, the difference with imaging lies in signal processing. With imaging, the image is built without an a priori knowledge and is consequently limited. By contrast, scatterometry may reach resolutions below one nanometer provided that a priori information on the geometric model of the objects are given to the reconstruction algorithms. Modeling

Usually, an object's fabrication process is known. Not only are the material refractive indexes known, but also the objects shape and rough dimensions. Consequently the object is represented by a shape, the dimensions of which are parameters to be determined, and with materials which are known. A theoretical answer is computed thanks to electromagnetic computation programs for several sets of parameters (usually several thousand), and the answer which is the closest to the observed optical signature is chosen. The parameters values corresponding to the chosen signature are an estimate of the object shape dimensions. Figure 6.39 presents the general principle of scatterometry measurement.

Figure 6.39. General principle of scatterometric measurement. The optical response of the object is measured by an optical system. The object is modeled and its parameters are optimized so as to minimize the difference between the measurement and the electromagnetic simulation of the model


In a nutshell, a theoretical object is modeled and its parameters are adjusted to best match theory and experiment. The best parameters are then called "measurements" (of height, width, sidewall angle, etc.).

6.5.2. Example: ellipsometry characterization of post development lithography

Scatterometry is often used to measure resist line width after lithography and development, and, eventually, after etching. Line patterns periodically repeated are drawn inside squares roughly 50 microns wide (usually in the cutting path of the silicon wafer, that is to say between the useable chips).

Here, in the first place, the simplest geometrical model usually used is a trapezoid line model placed on a Bottom Anti-Reflective Coating (BARC) on top of silicon. Figure 6.40 shows the generally-used geometrical model and the corresponding parameters.

Figure 6.40. Example of modeling: resist lines set into grating on an anti reflective substrate (BARC) on silicon. In this example, the model is determined by five parameters ( h, hbarc, images,θ, Λ)


A distinction must be made between "free" geometrical parameters and "fixed" ones, according to the information level for each. Generally, the pitch parameter Λ (pattern period) is known precisely, the hbarc variable (anti-reflective coating thickness) is usually characterized before resist deposition. These two variables are hence fixed because they are known. By contrast, variables concerning the trapezoid dimensions are unknown. They characterize the lithography process quality. Consequently h (pattern height), images (half-height critical dimension), and θ (sidewall angle) are all free variables. Ellispsometry measurements

The optical measuring tool is usually an ellipsometer working at a fixed angle and with variable wavelength (between 20–800 nm, that is to say, between 1.5– 5.0 eV). This tool is usually used to measure thicknesses of deposited coatings on a given substrate. The ellipsometer enables the measurement of the complex variable related to the ratio of reflectivity amplitude for "p" polarization (rp, perpendicular to the lines) and "s" (rs, parallel to the lines):


Generally, this complex variable is measured thanks to two real variables α and β comprised between -1 and +1:


with A standing for a parameter of the measurement system (position of the ellipsometer analyzer).

Figure 6.41 shows the (α , β) curves fit for a grating of resist lines of 100 nm width, 240 nm period, on an anti-reflective layer of 90 nm on top of silicon. Sensitivity to parameter variations

Ellipsometry has already demonstrated its extreme sensitivity to thickness and refractive index variations of the layers of a given stack. This property is also true when considering variations of a grating's main parameters (lines height and width).

Figure 6.42 shows the variations of the measured signals α and β when one of the parameters images, h or θ varies, that is to say:


with p = (images, h, θ), k{l, 2,3} and ∆p = (1 nm, 1 nm, 1°).

Figure 6.41. Curves fitting between theory and experiment for the ellipsometric answers a and b in the case of a dense resist line pattern on 90nm of BARC on top of silicon (line width images = 100 nm, period Λ=240 nm, sidewall angle θ =90°), according to photon energy (eV)


Figure 6.42. Variations of α and β measurements when grating parameters vary. The modelised grating is the same as in Figure 6.41. The modelised variations are 1 nm for the images parameter, 1nm for the height h and 1° for the sidewall angle θ. The signal variation associated with a parameter variation is strongly linked to the nominal grating parameters


In this example variations are of the order of some 10-3. Generally this value is above the noise level of usual tools; consequently it allows measurement of very small variations (around 1 nm), provided that the chosen geometric model is close enough to the real structure.

Note that the curves in Figure 6.42 are specific to a given structure and to given experimental conditions. Indeed, signal variations depend on parameter values (and not only on parameter variations). Consequently these sensitivity curves are different from one structure to another. In particular, as line dimensions decrease, sensitivity quickly decreases, particularly for the sidewall angle θ.

Sensitivity analysis of an optical configuration for a given object and a given tool is a very complex problem. Section 6.5.4 gives some additional information. Signatures analysis

In this example, signature analysis consists offinding the parameters p* = (images* ,h* , θ*) such that the difference between the measured (αexp, βexp) and the theoretical (αtheo(p*), βexp (p*)) signatures is as small as possible. In most cases, the criteria to minimize is χ2 which, in this case, may be written as:


with σα and σβ representing the noise (or uncertainty) levels for the variables α and β. The χ2 criteria may be understood as an euclidian distance between the theoretical and experimental signals in the wavelength space, weighted by the given confidence level σ.

For this stage, an electromagnetic computation program evaluates the theoretical signatures corresponding to the various parameters, and another module chooses among the tested parameters those producing the lowest χ2. The practical details of these computations are numerous and are partially presented in section 6.5.4. The different optical configurations

As previously mentioned, scatterometry's generic principle may be applied to a great variety of optical configurations. The treatment of the measurements differs because the configuration specificities have to be integrated into any modeling. Instead of making a difference between industrial scatterometers (proposed by major suppliers for microelectronics) and more academic tools, we instead emphasize the different principles involved, their advantages and drawbacks.

Figure 6.43. Left: s and p polarization reflectivities for variable incident angles when observing the grating described in Figure 6.41. Right: variations of these reflectivities when one of the grating parameters varies (line width χ2 height h, sidewall angle θ). Reflectivity is normalized compared to 1


Figure 6.44. Left: s and p reflectivity spectrum for the grating of Figure 6.40. Right: variations of these reflectivities when one of the grating parameters varies (line width χ2, height h, sidewall angle θ). Reflectivity is normalized compared to 1

1-281.gif Spectroscopic and angular configurations

Scatterometers can be classified into two groups: spectroscopic tools and those with angular resolution. At the time of writing, no tool combines the two approaches.

Spectroscopic configurations offer to measure the optical response of the patterns when illuminated by a polychromatic light (usually in the visible-UV range: 250-750 nm) with only one value of incident angle. The optical response may be an ellipsometric signal [α(λ), β(λ)], a reflectometric signal [Rp(λ), Rs(λ)] (Rp and Rs being the reflectivity coefficients for p and s polarizations) or a polarimetric signal M(λ), with M being the Müller matrix of the object illuminated.

On the other side, angular configurations offer to measure the optical response of a pattern for several incident angles. The most frequent tools measure reflectivity for p and s polarizations, that is to say [Rp(θ , ϕ), Rs(θ , ϕ], θ and ϕ respectively standing for the polar and azimuthal angles of the incident waves. Note that some polarimetric tools measure the Müller matrix M(θ,ϕ)according to the incident angles.

Figure 6.43 shows a signature example, concerning a grating with lithography and developed resist and lit with a variable incident angle. Figure 6.44 presents the same variables for a changing wavelength.

In the microelectronics industry, the most widespread techniques are spectroscopic ellipsometry (KLA Tencor, Nanometric) spectroscopic reflectometry (Nanometrics, Nova) and goniometry (variable angle) with a single wavelength (KLA Tencor).

6.5.3. Pros and cons

Performances of the tools, either spectroscopic or angularly resolved, strongly depend on several configuration parameters such as signal to noise ratio, angular or spectral range, etc. They also depend on the targeted application and the optical and geometrical characteristics of the analyzed objects. That is why classification of the existing equipment according to their performances and general criteria is very difficult. Nevertheless, it is still relevant to quote some advantages and drawbacks inherent to each tool category.

Spectroscopic tools have the advantage of being able to distinguish a material difference between two geometrical elements. Indeed, two materials will never have the same refractive index over a large wavelength range. This is not the same when only one wavelength is used.

Nevertheless refractive index characterization for materials is a complex indirect problem and brings its own uncertainties. An imprecise index measurement may have an impact and significant effects on the precision of spectrometric scatterometry (which use refractive index tables). Consequently one-wavelength methods such as angularly resolved scatterometry are easier to implement.

6.5.4. Optical measurements analysis

Scatterometry associates measurements of an optical response to a measurement-computing algorithm. Optical measurement has to be sensitive to the variations of the parameters one wants to measure, and these variations must be distinct for each parameter. The computing algorithm is a compulsory tool. It withdraws information on parameter values out of the optical measurements and provides usable dimensional results.

Today, there is no direct non-iterative algorithm that enables this processing. Generally, the strategy consists of calculating the optical signal (see section for a set of parameters defined by either a sequence (a set of iterations) of fixed parameter values (tabulation of the optical responses; the so-called "library" method) or an adaptative sequence (see section For each iteration, the electromagnetic response is computed and a statistic analysis enables a decision to be taken: either to continue or to stop the sequence (see section In the next sections, we give a quick overview of the techniques of measurements analysis. Electromagnetic modeling

Electromagnetic modeling of patterns illuminated by the tool optical system, consist of calculating the electromagnetic properties of light diffracted by the pattern (the ideal object described by a set of parameters). More precisely, it consists of resolving, with an acceptable computing time, Maxwell's equations (electromagnetic laws) for an incident ray on the considered pattern, hence producing a theoretical signature Rtheo(xi,p), with xi=1...N standing for the illumination conditions (incident angle, wavelength, etc.) and p representing the parameter vector of the studied object.

There is not one single computation technique and its choice will not be discussed in this chapter. Nevertheless, "the coupled wave" technique is preferably chosen for mono-periodic patterns. In the literature, it is often referred to as the "RCWA method" (rigorous coupled wave analysis) or as the "MMFE" (modal method by Fourier expansion).

The RCWA method uses the periodicity of a structure to develop the field and index distribution into Fourier's series. When the structure is not invariant compared to an axis perpendicular to the periodicity axis (which is the case of resist line patterns showed in Figure 6.45, when the sidewall angle is not equal to 90°), the structure is sliced into small rectangular layers (see Figure 6.45).

Figure 6.45. Electromagnetic modeling of the structure from Figure 6.40. When the profile presents non-vertical sidewalls, it is cut into rectangular slices. Computation precision is linked to the number of slices


For each slice, the normal modes of the electromagnetic field are developed into Fourier's series. Then the electromagnetic field is decomposed on the basis of the normal modes. Finally, continuity equations from one slice to another (which define the modes coupling between slices) are applied, hence establishing a complex relation between incident and reflected fields.

The incident field is given by the optical configuration; it is then easy to determinate the field reflected by the structure, which is the result sought.

Computation precision is mainly determined by two criteria: the finite number of Fourier coefficients used for the computation and the number of slices used for structure cutting, which must be as great as possible. Computation time generally varies according to the cubic power of the number of harmonics and linearly with the number of slices. Surprisingly, the computation is all the more precise if the period is short, because less harmonics are required for a good electromagnetic field representation. An empirical formula helps determine the required number of harmonics:


where A(η) is a constant which depends on the required precision η, f is the ratio between the line width and the period Λ, ∆ε is the permittivity contrast between the top and bottom indexes of the grating (air and resist in the case of Figure 6.45).

Figure 6.46. RCWA method convergence plot according to the number of harmonics describing the electromagnetic field in the structure (grating described in Figure 6.40). The curve is only plotted for one incident angle (θinc = 71.6°) and one wavelength (λ = 413 nm)


Figure 6.46 presents the RCWA method's convergence, according to the number of harmonics used to describe the electromagnetic field of the structure. Computing time is also given (in minutes).

Remember that in almost all cases, the electromagnetic field is poly-chromatic or multi-angle (respectively spectroscopic or angularly resolved scatterometers). Consequently the incident field is decomposed into elementary monochromatic and mono-angle ("plane wave") fields. So, computation of a spectroscopic or angular signal requires several computation rounds and computation time is multiplied by the number of analyzed plane waves. Typically, computations take into account one hundred waves.

Other modeling techniques are being studied for monoperiodic and biperiodic cases. One could quote the effective index method for structures whose dimensions are small compared to wavelength [ABD 07], the integral methods based on the development of electromagnetic solutions into Green functions [MAC 02, YEU 01], or the curvilinear coordinates method [CHA 80]. Statistic modeling

Once the electromagnetic computation for one or several ideal pattern is over, the problem consists of comparing it to the measured signals. In most cases, χ2 measures the distance between two signals [WAS 04]:


where N represents the number of points where the signal is recorded, (θii)represent the incident light conditions (incident angle and wavelength) for the experimental point i, Rexp and Rexp are the experimental and theoretical signal vectors, σi is the noise level corresponding to the experimental condition I, and p is the parameters vector for which the χ2 criterion is evaluated.

This criterion choice has consequences because it implies underlying hypotheses concerning the statistical state of the distances between Rexp and Rtheo, indeed their probability density must be Gaussian and uncorrelated. Actually, these hypotheses may be questionable because they are not checked. Nevertheless the χ2 criterion remains the most popular because of its simplicity. Parameters determination

Parameter determination consists of finding the parameters vector p* such that the statistical criterion (usually χ2) is minimal.

This parametric optimization can be extremely difficult because there are usually several parameter sets, p, which are local χ2 minima. The solution sought corresponds to the minimum of these local minima.

These local minima are due to non-linearity of the signals Rtheo(θi, λi, p) considered as a function of the parameter p. Consequently, the number of local minima depends not only on the number of parameters but also on the optical configuration. As an example, ellipsometric signatures have a more pronounced non-linear behavior than goniometric signatures: generally, for ellipsometric measurements, χ2 function will have more local minima.

This distinctive feature has consequences for the numerical methods because non-linear optimization is much more complex and requires much more computation time than linear (or convex) optimization.

When faced with this difficulty, several strategies may be adopted, depending on the application and the complexity of the geometry studied. The first solution consists of finding the global minimum of the χ2 function over the whole space of parameters, thus costing long computation time. The second solution assumes that the zone containing the global minimum is quite precisely known, so that it contains only one local minimum. This local minimum will be found thanks to a local optimization algorithm.

Practically, these two approaches are used complementarily. The first one is used to detect the zone where the global minimum is also local, and the second is used to precisely find the global minimum.

Parametric optimization is an extremely broad subject which will not be dealt with here. Some scatterometric results treated by heuristic and deterministic algorithms are given in [RAY 04]. We will only mention library search (section and Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear regression [PRE 92]. Library search

This method consists of first calculating the theoretical response Rtheo(θ, λ, p) for a great number NL of parameters {p}and then choosing the parameter set p* for which χ2(p) is minimum. All the calculated signatures are called "library" and stocked on a file server. When a measurement is realized, it is compared to the library. The advantage is that once the library is set up, the searching time for p* is very fast.

Regression search consists of finding a sequence of parameter sets pn for n = 1, 2, 3, etc., such that χ2(pn+1) < χ2(Pn). When nis great enough, we find p* such that χ2(P*) is minimum. Compared to the library search, theoretical response Rtheo(θ, λ, pn)computation is made during the solution search, which slows the searching time down but does not require long pre-computations.

In a production environment, the first approach is preferred. Yet the generally accepted solution is a mix of both techniques. Limits

Scatterometry limits are given by statistical criteria and by analysis of the scatterometer parameters and their informative environment. Statistical limits

Supposedly, a chosen geometric model is perfect and the measurement noise is strictly Gaussian (its standard deviation is constant; in the homoskedastic case σi = σ). Consequently parameters follow a Gaussian law with a variance-covariance matrix expressed by:


where the sensitivity matrix [S] is given by:


A geometrical interpretation of the variance-covariance matrix can be found in [UKR 07]. V diagonal contains the squared standard deviation (uncertainty) of the various parameters (σ2pk = Vkk ) and the correlation between two parameters is easily obtained with the relation:


These simple relations enable us to propose some practical rules on parameter uncertainty:

- it is proportional to the measurement noise level σ;

- it is inversely proportional to the square root of the number of measurement points images

- it is inversely proportional to the measurement sensitivity, that is to say the signal variation for a given parameter;

- for two variables, we can establish that it is proportional to images

Consequently, tools are intrinsically limited by measurement noise, the number of points, the measurement sensitivity to parameters variations, and by the correlation of measurements.

Considering this statistical point of view, it is all the more possible to compare different tools and optical configurations, provided that noise and the number of experimental points are given, and the sensitivity calculated [HAZ 07].

Nevertheless, even if this analysis is necessary, it is not satisfactory from many points of view. Indeed, theoretically, parameter uncertainty ([V]) tends toward zero when noise tends towards zero or the number of points tends towards infinity. In practice, this is not observed and parameter variance is always two to ten times (and sometimes more, according to the case) greater than the theoretical variance. Besides, biases are observed, that is to say that the mean value of parameters doesn't tend towards the true value. It comes from the fact that this analysis assumes that the model chosen to represent the measurement is perfect. Practical limits

Of course, the perfect model hypothesis, which is common to all data analysis methods, is, in essence, wrong [HAZ 03]. However, it plays a crucial role in scatterometry for several reasons, which may be linked to the above statistical analysis. On the one hand, measurement noise is usually low; consequently modeling errors are more visible. On the other hand, considering today's microelectronics metrology requirements, measuring tools are at the edge of their sensitivity and, coupled with the increasing number of parameters to determine, sensitivity ([S]) becomes very low. As a consequence, the impact of modeling errors becomes greater and greater.

Modeling error takes several forms and can be split into several terms:

Rexp = Rtheo

+ ε experimental signal noise

+ εM geometric modeling error

+ εI error related to optical indexes uncertainty

+ εT experimental setup modelling error

+ εP sample position and alignment error

The geometric modeling error εM corresponds to the error made when some details of a pattern are not parametered, or when the object is not homogenous, that is to say not identical from one period to another [PUN 07, QUI 05].

Index modeling error happens when the refractive index tables involved are not exact. Generally, indexes are also determined by data inversion techniques and the problems are the same as for scatterometry ("statistical" error, modeling error, etc.).

These two kind of errors concern the characteristics of the object we want to characterize and hence, the a priori knowledge of it. However, partial knowledge of the measuring tool may also induce modeling errors εT: incident beam quality (aperture angle, wavelength), polarizer alignment, beam alignment, calibration files, all being functions of imperfections from fabrication, mechanical element precision, or even knowledge of all the phenomena implied in a measurement.

Positioning error εP concerns the place of a sample compared to the beam. It depends on the alignment precision of the moving stage holding the sample, the sample attitude correction, and also the precision of the polar orientation (compared to the main axes of the optical system) of the diffraction gratings.

Unlike measurement noise, εM, εI and εT errors are systematic (constant). Indeed, the model is generally fixed for a measurement session and the tool remains still during a measurement. By contrast, the εP samples positioning error may be considered to be semi-statistic because it is systematic for one measurement but varies from one plate loading to another.

Practically, variance of the sum of the modeling errors is greater than the measuring noise variance. Consequently, measurement reproducibility is very good but there is a non-negligible measuring bias.

6.5.5. Specificities of scatterometry for CD metrology

As already mentioned, scatterometry is an indirect optical measuring technique and has several differences compared to other more classical metrological techniques. Nondestructive measurement

It has been demonstrated that SEM measurements, which imply an electron flow often quite energetic, may noticeably modify the geometry of exposed elements such as resist lines. By contrast, light involved in scatterometric tools is in the visible and near UV range, that is to say between 250 nm and 750 nm. For wavelengths in this range, photons have low energy and, if the flow remains low (which is the case for common tools), do not noticeably modify a material's properties. Nevertheless, studies are ongoing to extend the spectral range towards shorter wavelengths (for example 150 nm); in these conditions, some materials such as resists may be fatally modified, hence limiting the applications of UV scatterometry. Unlocalization

Scatterometry performs a global measurement of a pattern. Indeed the incident optical beam falling on a grating is usually much larger than the space between lines (typically 25–250 microns). Consequently the measured optical signature corresponds to the diffraction of some hundred to some thousand of lines. The geometrical data retrieved describe an "average" line, a typical sample of a great number of lines. By contrast, atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning electron microscopy (SEM), produce a local measurement, providing an individual line width. Scatterometry calibration through AFM or SEM measurement consists first in evaluating, across a large area, the size of lines for a great number of samples and, second, in comparing their mean value to the one given by scatterometry. This calibration process is very difficult because tools may not be measuring the same data (definition problem of line width when the sidewall angle is not a right angle) and a great number of reference measurements are required to obtain good precision on the mean value of lines characteristic. Indirect measurement

Scatterometric measurement is totally indirect, contrary to AFM or SEM, for which this peculiarity is less pronounced. Measurement processing is complex since it implies electromagnetic computation algorithms along with parametric optimization processes. Consequently, measuring time comprises a non-negligible part of computer treatment. Moreover, the relationship between the measured data (α and β optical responses in the case of ellipsometry) and the measured parameters (width, eight, etc.) is strongly non-linear, and this has several consequences:

– it is very difficult to obtain a rough estimate for the parameters through a quick visual inspection;

– solutions may be multiple, that is to say that sometimes the distinction between two solutions (sets of parameters) may be ambiguous.

Remember that, considering the precision required today in microelectronics, AFM and SEM are also indirect metrologic methods given that in both cases, a signal processing algorithm is necessary to obtain the geometrical characteristics of the objects (deconvolution, thresholding, averaging, and, eventually, Monte Carlo computation). However, rough data are still readable, at least at first sight. Background effects

Spectrometric scatterometry is an optical technique that usually uses visible and near UV light (between 250 nm and 750 nm). For some of these wavelengths, materials employed in microelectronics are either transparent (or semi-transparent) or absorbing, but deposited in thin layers of a few tens of nanometers. Consequently, when an object is lithographed on top of a multilayer stack or on top of another pattern, all the elements of the illuminated structure bring their contribution to the measured signal.

Consequently, during scatterometric measurement, we should take into account all the parameters from the geometry and from the refractive indexes of all the elements implied. For example, in the case of a resist line on top of a BARC, even if this later material is absorbing, it cannot be considered as a semi-infinite medium and the BARC thickness and the silicium index must be integrated in the model.

On the other hand, given the wavelength of the working light, which is often smaller than the characteristic dimensions of the objects or the spaces between objects, the optical response cannot be considered as the sum of uncorrelated contributions coming from isolated objects, and the proximity effects must be integrated in the modeling. For example 100 nm lines with a 200 nm spacing between them will not have the same signature as the same lines with a 700 nm spacing. In the case of periodic structures (usually treated by scatterometry) this can easily be understood by considering the average matter density argument. These proximity effecrs are automatically taken into account in the electromagnetic computation models.

Finally, note that the lighting spot size is usually of a few tens of microns. For a simplified treatment, the measured pattern has to be homogenous across the whole surface of the measuring spot to prevent diffraction phenomena at the edges of the pattern.

6.5.6. Scatterometry implementation: R&D versus production

Today scatterometry is in widespread use over the semi-conductor industry for advanced microelectronic applications. This technique particularly excels in production thanks to two main qualities: its measurement speed (roughly 2s per measurement) and is reproducibility (Sub 0.5 nm at 3σ); for several technological steps, included lithography, scatterometry is unrivalled with regards to these two qualities.

Unfortunately for this technique, the correlation between measured parameters (height, CD, SWA) may sometimes be so important that it involves measurement non-accuracy. This is unacceptable for R&D and potentially for production when working with peculiar materials stacks [UKR 06]. Moreover, the result obtained is a mean value that does not take into account the process variability at the grating scale, and hence generates an additional uncertainty for the final result [GER 07]. R&D

As regards lithography, scatterometry may be a metrological means to define the process windows when working on a focus exposure matrix (FEM) thanks to its measurement speed and its ability to measure steep or re-entrant profiles (which is impossible with CD-SEM).

Unfortunately, this technique presents a main drawback for R&D. When working on a lithography step with varying focus conditions, if comparing measurements from scatterometry (made with fixed-angle ellipsometry) with reference measurements made with AFM 3D, as illustrated in Figure 6.47, correlation between the output parameters of scatterometry generates non-accuracy on the measurement that may involve a wrong choice concerning the optimum process window (see Figures 6.48 and 6.49).

Figure 6.47. Scatterometric and AFM 3D measurements (SWA and CD Middle) for various focus values (193 lithography process)


Figure 6.48. Correlation on measured CD Middle (see Figure 6.47) between scatterometry and AFM 3D


Figure 6.49. Correlation between scatterometry and AFM 3D for the SWA measured in Figure 6.47


In this precise case, focus variation generates, at the same time, sidewall angle (SWA) variations combined with height variation (Figure 6.50) (visible with AFM data). These parameters being correlated by scatterometry, it is then impossible to get measurement accuracy. The tighter the dimensional constraints are, the more this correlation between parameters will have a harmful impact on the process definition. This is one of the most extreme limitations of scatterometry for R&D applications today.

Figure 6.50. AFM 3D height measurements according to focus values

1-292.gif Production

Despite these drawbacks of correlation between output parameters, scatterometry is a very powerful technique in production because of the qualities already mentioned. With stack evolution, in particular the introduction of metals in the gate levels of transistors, scatterometry is again challenged. Indeed, metals’ high reflectivity generates rough measurement signals that are more difficult to analyze, and which consequently disturb measurement quality. Generally, today's trend in the semi-conductor sector consists of complexifying stacks by introducing multiple layers of more or less exotic materials. Eventually, scatterometry has problems in measuring these products. For this kind of application, scatterometry will have to be replaced by other techniques. On the other hand, its easy implementation for simple stacks guarantees good prospects for scatterometry with, today at least, no challengers.

6.5.7. New fields for scatterometry

Given its working principle and its "easy" implementation, scatterometry has multiple prospects for various applications: focus control of optical projection systems for lithography tools [INA 07, LEN 07, SAR 07], real time scatterometry for etching control [SOU 07], mask control [GAL 07], and LER roughness analysis [SHY 07].

6.6. What is the most suitable technique for lithography?

The most judicious answer is non-committal: it depends… In fact, despite what a lot of people wish, there is not and there will never be a universal technique for CD metrology for lithography. Four to five years ago, CD-SEM was the only technique present in the production environment in the semi-conductor field, plus, for R&D, there was X-SEM. Next, due to the technological constraints requiring more morphological parameters such as SWA, and height, scatterometry was introduced in production to complement CD-SEM. Today, technological requirements ask for an exact 3D characterization of the fabricated patterns. AFM 3D is being introduced either in production or R&D, so as to complement the tools already mentioned.

Depending on the needs identified, it is recommended that a hybrid metrological concept (or complementary metrological concept) be followed that takes advantage of each technique's best points, and takes into account each technique's limitations (see Figure 6.51). AFM 3D equipment fulfills theses requirements for CD measurements for lithography.

In the following section we present some typical application examples.

Figure 6.51. Hybrid metrology concept (or complementary metrology)based on metrology reference tool: AFM 3D


Figure 6.52. LER and LWR evaluation with AFM 3D for two resists 193 (1 and 2) according to pattern height. Comparison with CD-SEM images and with a reference silicon sample (3)


6.6.1. Technique correlation

In lithography, R&D studies can be greatly accelerated for example by combining CD-SEM and AFM 3D to reduce resist LER and LWR [FOU 06] (see Figure 6.52). Correlation between two techniques for LER and LWR studies enables a more accurate analysis thanks to AFM 3D, as well as the evolution of these parameters according to pattern height. Variations on LER and LWR values are also decorrelated from the height and profile of the measured features (which is not possible with CD-SEM).

6.6.2. Technique calibration

In order to optimize production techniques such as scatterometry or CD-SEM , it is really easy to take advantages of AFM 3D versatility so as to calibrate or develop the measurement algorithms used by these two techniques [FOU 05]. As shown in Figure 6.53, it is for example possible to optimize CD-SEM measuring thresholds so that they perfectly match the reference measurements obtained with AFM 3D. Once calibration is performed, CD-SEM (which is faster than AFM 3D) can advantageously be used in a production step, for example, and guarantee true measurements, with prospects for better yields. Very importantly, this calibration step is adapted to given material and profile (height and SWA), consequently there are no universal calibration rules.

Figure 6.53. CD measurements on an E-Beam resist. CD increases as the E-Beam dose increases. Only one CD-SEM threshold corresponds to each pattern dimension


6.6.3. Process development

For some lithography needs, instead of using X-SEM which is time consuming, AFM 3D can sometimes be used to totally replace X-SEM, thanks to its measurement accuracy and automization qualities. For example, in the case described by Figure 6.54, AFM 3D enables studies of PEB impact on an E-Beam resist profile. Typically, whereas an X-SEM measurement will last roughly 1 hour for a sample, the same sample can be measured in less than 15 minutes, including mounting and tip characterization. Then, once the first measurement is made, each additional measurement take only 30 seconds because there is no tip-mounting step. The huge time gain is clearly visible compared to X-SEM.

6.6.4. Evaluation of morphological damage generated by the primary electron beam from CD-SEM

Electron–matter interaction is quite important when measuring resist patterns with CD-SEM. It generates morphological damages on the pattern which depend on the measuring conditions (incident energy, intensity, number of integration windows, etc.). AFM 3D can measure these degradations very accurately and quantify them in nanometers. Consequently it is all the more possible to correct the CD-SEM algorithms with these offset values [FOU 05]. Typically, CD-SEM or X-SEM generate several nanometers shrinking in 3D for 193 resist patterns. If the measuring offset is not taken into account, these pattern dimensions are systematically underestimated by several nanometers (see Figure 6.55).

In this precise case, focus was put on the potential degradation on a 193 resist pattern and a silicon pattern. We selected a precise spot on these patterns. First a line portion was measured with AFM 3D (average profile in black), then at the same place, a standard measurement in R&D and in production conditions was made (typically 300eV for resist and 500eV for silicon). Finally a second measurement was made at the same place with AFM 3D (average profile in grey). We observe that the CD-SEM measurement has no impact on the morphology of the silicon pattern whereas the 193 resist pattern has shrunk by 8 nm (4 nm on each side). This is the well-known phenomenon called shrinkage. Given the values at stake, this phenomenon is absolutely not negligible and must be taken into account, for example, in the frame of OPC studies [FOU 09].

Figure 6.54. AFM 3D study of PEB impact on the average profile of a pattern realized with an E-Beam resist exposed with a dose of 150 μC/cm2


Figure 6.55. AFM 3D study of interaction between CD-SEM electron beam and (a) a resist pattern, and with (b) a silicon pattern


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1 Chapter written by Johann FOUCHER and Jérôme HAZART.

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