Chapter 8. GUI Building

The first contact that most users have with computers is through GUIs, and the primary means of accessing the most advanced applications by the most sophisticated users is also through GUIs. So it’s natural that building GUIs is one of the first concerns of most new programmers and of many experienced programmers learning a new language like Java or a new tool like NetBeans.

Support for creating GUI applications and components has been essential in NetBeans since its beginning, and it is among its most mature features. But GUI development in NetBeans continues to evolve in response to user requests and technological advances. For example, the serialized objects used in early versions of NetBeans for persistent storage of GUI design details have long since been replaced by XML files. NetBeans is an excellent choice for creating GUIs because its GUI development tools are mature and stable, its GUI development features are easily adaptable to individual preferences, and it has a history of quickly adapting to the needs of the user community.

Creating a GUI Frame or Panel

On the surface GUI building is quite straightforward. Start by creating a container from a template, drag and drop some visual components into it, and then adjust properties for the components as needed. Dig deeper, and you may find some pitfalls. For example, NetBeans translates visually designed forms into automatically generated read-only code, called guarded code . What if the read-only code doesn’t quite do what you want? We’ll talk about ways to make it behave later in this chapter and in the next.

Let’s start by building a very simple GUI class. Our example GUI will concatenate strings in two textfields and then show the result in a third textfield. We won’t build a complete application, but just enough to give you a good start for more complex forms. We’ll start developing the example in this chapter, and then continue through the JavaBeans chapter that follows. Look at the source code example GuiDemoBasic to see the results through the end of this chapter.

First, start NetBeans running, open up a working directory, and create a package for the GUI demo that we’re building:

  1. Launch the IDE.

  2. Click the GUI Editing tab in the main window to switch to the GUI workspace.

  3. Decide what directory that you want use for building the source files. If the directory is already mounted, open up nodes in the Explorer window to expose it. If the directory isn’t mounted, right-click the Filesystems top node, select Mount Directory from the context menu, and mount it. Or start in the main window File menu, select Mount Filesystem, and use the Mount Filesystem wizard. As usual, there’s more than one way to accomplish anything you might want to do.

  4. Right-click the containing directory, select New Java Package. Name the new package GuiDemoBasic. This operation is shown in Figure 8-1.

Creating the GuiDemoBasic package

Figure 8-1. Creating the GuiDemoBasic package

Next, create the GUI container class from a template. We will choose JFrame for this example. The choices include an AWT Applet, Dialog, Frame, or Panel or a Swing JApplet, JDialog, JInternalFrame, JFrame, or JPanel.

  1. Right-click the GuiDemoBasic package and then select New GUI Forms JFrame from the context menu. Or start in the main window File menu and then select New to launch the New Wizard.

  2. Navigate to select the JFrame template. The New Wizard looks a little different, depending on which route you took, but it’s nicely intuitive. Name your new JFrame object AddStrings, as shown in Figure 8-2 and then click Finish.

    Creating the AddStrings JFrame

    Figure 8-2. Creating the AddStrings JFrame

  3. The IDE opens a Source Editor window with Java code for your new JFrame class. It also opens a Form Editor window, which includes the Component Palette panel at the top, the Component Inspector window at the right side, and the Form Editor panel below the Component Palette. We’ll say more about these panels shortly.

Let’s go outside the IDE for a moment to see what’s happening. Look in your working directory with an external file browser. There’s a .java file with the base name that you chose for your new JFrame class. The new .java file contains the Java code that is open in the IDE’s Source Editor.

Java code created with NetBeans can be exported, compiled, and run outside of the IDE in any valid Java environment. And valid Java code developed elsewhere can be imported, modified, compiled, and run in NetBeans. Currently, there is no way to generate a NetBeans .form file from imported code. That means that imported code must be modified by hand, instead of with the Form Editor. Don’t mess up a good .form file, or you’ll be stuck with hand editing the Java code whenever you need to change the GUI.

Adding Components to a GUI Container

The Component Palette at the top of the Form Editor window (shown in Figure 8-3) looks like a large toolbar, but it contains more than action buttons. The tabs on the right of the Component Palette provide categories of components for building up GUI forms. The three buttons on the left are used to set the Form Editor’s mode. We’ll look at these buttons more closely as we progress. For now, make sure the Selection Mode button is pressed.

The NetBeans Form Editor

Figure 8-3. The NetBeans Form Editor

Click the Swing tab in the Component Palette to reveal a selection of basic Swing components. Click the JLabel button, which by default is the first component on the Swing tab. Hold down the shift key and then click three times in the Form Editor for our AddStrings GUI. This adds three JLabel components to the form. If you had not held down the Shift key while clicking in the Form Editor, only one JLabel would have been added. The default behavior is to only drop a component on the first click of the mouse; to have the selected component dropped for successive clicks, hold Shift while clicking in the Form Editor window.

If you’re new to Java, but have had experience building GUIs with other languages, you may be startled to see that the components you drop into the form don’t stay where you clicked to drop them. Component size and position is determined by a layout manager, not by the developer directly, and every Java GUI container has a layout manager. A novice will be tempted to fight the layout manager’s apparent misbehavior. A Java guru knows how to use layout managers to handle the tedious work of GUI layout. We’ll get deeper into layout managers soon. For now, don’t be too concerned about component positioning.

We will use a slightly different procedure for adding the JTextField components. Right-click [JFrame] in the Component Inspector panel on the right. Select Add From Palette in the context menu to get a submenu that matches the Component Palette tabs. Select Swing JTextField. Do this three times, and notice that the components appear in both the Form Editor and Component Inspector panels. This way you don’t need to remember the component icons or hover your mouse pointer to see their names in the tooltip. Once again, there are several ways to get the same result with NetBeans.

We have a quick and easy way to see what a GUI form will look like during actual execution. Check the tooltips to identify the Test Form button in the left end of the Component Palette. Click the button now to see what the form will look like in execution. When you use the Test Form feature, the layout manager works and the GUI components respond to mouse and keyboard activity just as they would during execution, but the components are not connected and event handling code is not executed. The Test Form feature enables you to fine tune your form without compiling it. This gives you a first look at AddStrings from a user’s viewpoint. You should see a window much like that shown in Figure 8-4.

The GuiBasicDemo example being tested

Figure 8-4. The GuiBasicDemo example being tested

So far so good, except that the layout looks terrible. The default layout manager for a JFrame is BorderLayout. Let’s try FlowLayout. There are several ways to change the layout. We could go back to the Component Palette, click the Layouts tab, click the Flow Layout button, and click anywhere inside the JFrame border in the Form Editor. But let’s do something different. Go to the Component Inspector and right-click the JFrame node. Select Set Layout FlowLayout from the context menu and then click the Test Form button again to see how it looks (see Figure 8-5). That’s a little better. Now, at least we can see all the components. But it still isn’t quite what we want. Let’s see what else can be done in the Component Inspector.

Testing the form with a FlowLayout

Figure 8-5. Testing the form with a FlowLayout

Configuring Components

Scroll the Source Editor to show the InitComponents( ) method of AddStrings . Notice that it’s shaded light blue. That identifies guarded code. It’s generated automatically and must not be modified directly. Keep this code visible so you can watch it while we work with the Component Inspector.

  1. Setting Text

    In the Component Inspector select jLabel1. Click the Properties tab and then locate the text property. Change its value from jLabel1 to String A. Notice that the value also changes in the Form Editor and in the guarded code of the Source Editor. Now change the value of the text property for the other components as shown in Table 8-1. While you’re in the properties window, turn off the editable property for jTextField3 because it needs to be a display only field.

    Table 8-1. Text and editable property settings for AddStrings components





    String A



    String B



    String A+B



    A default



    B default





  2. Sizing Components

    Notice that our components changed their size to fit the amount of text. Click the Other Properties tab and then locate the preferredSize property. Change its value for all of our JLabel and JTextField components to [80,30]. Let’s see how it looks so far. Go back to the main window and click the Test Form button in the Form toolbar. It’s nice to see all the components at the same size, but it doesn’t make sense for them all to be on one line. We’ll fix that soon, when we change the layout manager.

  3. Renaming Components

    Let’s give more meaningful names to our components. In the Component Inspector right-click the JLabel and JTextField components and then select Rename from the context menu. Or just click to select the component, pause for the double-click interval to lapse, and then click again to open the name for editing. Rename the components as shown in Table 8-2.

    Table 8-2. Names for AddStrings components

    Original name

    New name













  4. Set Frame Title

    Set the title property of AddStrings [JFrame] to AddStrings 1.0.

Building Menus

Now add a JMenuBar to your AddStrings form. You can select JMenuBar from the Swing component palette and then click anywhere in the Form Editor window to drop it in. Or you can navigate from the context menu for the JFrame component in the Component Inspector through the submenus to select JMenuBar. Initially, the menu bar will have one menu, but no menu items. You could also add a JPopupMenu through a similar procedure.

In the Component Inspector right-click your new JMenuBar and then select Add JMenu from the context menu. What good is a menu without selections? Right-click jMenu1 and then select in the context menu Add JMenuItem. Notice the standard menu item types that are available: JMenuItem, JCheckBoxMenuItem, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JMenu (for submenus), and JSeparator. Move over to jMenu2 and add another JMenuItem, a JSeparator, and a JMenuItem. Rename the JMenu and JMenuItem components, and modify their properties as shown in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3. Menu item properties for AddStrings

Original name

New name


Tooltip text



























We have nice looking menus, but they don’t do anything yet. We’ll take care of that later in this chapter, when we look at event handlers. But first, let’s fix the layout.

Changing a Container’s Layout

We already know how to change the layout manager, because we changed it from the default BorderLayout to FlowLayout. That made it possible to set the size of the visual components, which was much more functional than the default. But we really want the three labels to line up neatly over the three textfields. To accomplish this, we’ll change the layout manager again, this time to GridLayout. By now you know two ways to change a nonvisual component. Either select GridLayout on the Component Palette and then drop it onto the Form Editor, or right-click JFrame or FlowLayout in the Component Inspector and then select GridLayout from the context menu.

Now change the Columns property of your layout manager to 3 and the Rows property to 2. Finally, everything lines up correctly. But you lose some control over the size of the visual components. GridLayout makes every cell the same size, just large enough to accommodate the largest of the visual components. You can see this new layout in action in Figure 8-6.

GuiDemoBasic using GridLayout

Figure 8-6. GuiDemoBasic using GridLayout

Working with Borders

We can add some class to our GUI design by applying a few finishing touches to the visual components. Select our result field tfSum in the Component Inspector and click the Other Properties tab. Notice that its border property defaults to [CompoundBorderUIResource]. Click the value side of the property to get the ... button and then click that button to get the border property editor. Select [BevelBorder], and a property sheet appears. Depending on the border type, you may be able to configure such properties as Highlight Color, Bevel Type, Title, and Insets. Compile and execute your modified form to see how it looks. It should be a bit nicer, with the result field standing out a bit.

Play around with the other components as well. Give each JLabel component a different border type and color, just to see what’s possible. [CompoundBorder] gives you an inside border and an outside border. You can use different border types inside and outside a simple text field.


The following discussion about accessibility digresses somewhat from our main thread, using NetBeans for the GUI building tasks that most developers need. But this is the right time for the discussion, because building in the simplest accessibility features greatly benefits users who have limitations while significantly improving usability for ordinary users. Learn now what little is needed and make a habit of applying the techniques; ordinary users will benefit, users with limitations will be able to use your GUI, and you will meet legal requirements for certain kinds of usage.

Providing accessibility in a computer application means building in features that assistive technologies can use to enable persons with disabilities to use the application easily. For example, when a blind person moves a mouse pointer to a GUI component, an assistive device can generate speech that names and describes the component. Accessibility is required by law in the United States for most computer applications that are available to the public or used for government purposes. It’s worth doing in all GUI applications worldwide, public or private, whether required by law or not.

Building accessibility into the GUI classes that you develop with NetBeans is surprisingly easy, thanks to the Java Accessibility Application Programming Interface (API) that is included with all releases of Java 2. When you know what’s needed, you can write code with little extra effort that automatically provides most of what assistive technologies require. The IDE does not yet provide an accessibility testing tool, but that’s under development and will be available soon. Meanwhile, see the following links for guidelines on providing accessibility manually:

Developing Accessible JFC Applications

Clear explanation of why and how to make Swing classes accessible.(

Java™ Accessibility Quick Tips

Checklist for ensuring that your Swing classes are accessible.(

All Java 2 Swing components implement the Accessible interface, which allows assistive technology devices to retrieve an instance of AccessibleContext with its AccessibleName and AccessibleDescription properties. Assistive devices use a variety of technologies, such as speech synthesis, to communicate the values of these properties, allowing disabled users to work with the GUI. If you just make sure every GUI component has a meaningful value for AccessibleName, you will meet the bare minimum to make your components available to assistive technologies. It’s easy, because the value of AccessibleName defaults to the text property that labels, buttons, menu items, and other components normally show to the user. Always fill in meaningful text, and you will automatically meet the minimum for accessibility.

Sometimes one component identifies another; for example, a JLabel identifies a blank JTextField. In this case set the JLabel.LabelFor property, and the JTextField will set its AccessibleName from the JLabel that identifies it. In our AddStrings example the JLabel lblA identifies the JTextField tfA, so we would add the following:


If the component has a value set for its tooltip, AccessibleDescription defaults to the tooltip value. This is especially important if the AccessibleName does not adequately describe the component. Just make a habit of filling in the tooltip for every visible component, and you will make your application more usable for ordinary users while greatly enhancing its accessibility.

Now we’ll get back to the main thread of GUI building. The sections that we just finished focus on the visual aspect of GUI building—putting the right components in place and setting their visible features correctly. The sections that follow focus more on the code behind the components—making them work the way you want in response to user actions.

Copying a Source Object

You can copy and paste objects in the Explorer window with ease. In fact, you can even copy class members—fields, constructors, methods, and bean patterns—between classes, and you can copy GUI components between forms. Let’s start by copying the example class from the previous chapter:

  1. Create a new package to contain the copy. Right-click the mounted filesystem, select New Java Package, and name the package GuiDemoAdvanced.

  2. Right-click the AddStrings source object in the old GuiDemoBasic package and then select Copy from the context menu.

  3. Right-click the GuiDemoAdvanced package and select Paste Copy from the context menus. Once again we have a context menu that provides every reasonable action for the copied object.

  4. Double-click the copied AddStrings object to open it in the Source Editor and Form Editor windows. Notice that the package name was changed automatically to the new location.

  5. Go to the Component Inspector and set the title property of AddStrings[JFrame] to AddStrings 2.0.

The Connection Wizard

We want the third JTextField, tfSum, to display the concatenation of the other two at all times. If either tfA or tfB fires an ActionEvent, the text property of tfSum must change to show the new result. The Connection Wizard helps us link events fired by one component to actions that belong to another component. The Connection Wizard is enabled by clicking the Connection Mode button in the Component Palette (shown in Figure 8-7), next to the Selection Mode button.

The Connection Mode button

Figure 8-7. The Connection Mode button

Here are the specific steps to link up your events:

  1. Click the Connection Mode button in the Component Palette.

  2. In the Form Editor click the component that will send the ActionEvent. That’s the JTextField named tfA, displaying text “A default.”

  3. Next, click the target component. That’s the JTextField named tfSum, displaying text “result.”

  4. The Connection Wizard will launch. Open the action node, and select actionPerformed. Accept the default method name tfAActionPerformed, and click Next.

  5. In the next pane of the Connection Wizard keep the default operation Set Property, select the property text, and click Next.

  6. In the last pane specify Get Parameter From by pressing the User Code radiobutton. Enter the following in the User Code textfield and then click Finish:

    tfA.getText( ) + tfB.getText( )
  7. Look in the Source Editor window. Notice that a new method tfAActionPerformed was created to handle the ActionEvent fired by the tfA component.

  8. Repeat the procedure for the other input textfield, tfB.

  9. Compile and execute. Change the input textfields to verify that it works. The result textfield, tfSum, will show tfA concatenated with tfB, as illustrated in Figure 8-8.

Testing after linking events

Figure 8-8. Testing after linking events

The GridBagLayout Customizer

What if you want more control over the size and placement of GUI components? Use GridBagLayout. You could use Null Layout (no layout manager), but that would reduce cross-platform portability. Or you could use AbsoluteLayout, a custom layout manager that is included with NetBeans. But that would add complexity to distribution and maintenance of your application. GridBagLayout is a standard Java layout manager that was designed for precise control over GUI components while preserving portability. However, there is a cost for this flexibility. GridBagLayout is complex to configure and tedious to modify. Many developers avoid GridBagLayout because configuring it by hand can take too much time.

But there’s a better way. The GridBagLayout Customizer gives the full power of GridBagLayout to the developer in a visual tool. With the GridBagLayout Customizer you can visually adjust the size and placement of your components and then numerically fine tune them for maximum precision.

We used the GridLayout to divide our AddStrings example into a grid of equally sized rectangular cells. Each cell can hold one visual component. The GridBagLayout also defines a grid, but each component can occupy several cells in a rectangular subarray. Furthermore, the rows and columns in GridBagLayout are not required to be all the same height or width. You can see just such an example in Figure 8-9.

A GridBaglayout example, with three rows and five columns

Figure 8-9. A GridBaglayout example, with three rows and five columns

Here’s a general procedure for building a GUI with GridBagLayout in NetBeans. Let’s follow the procedure with our AddStrings example.

  1. The first step is to add visual components to a GUI container using any layout. In our example we have already done this step.

  2. Change to GridBagLayout. Either drop GridBagLayout from the Component Palette onto the Form Editor or right-click the container node in the Component Inspector and select Set Layout from the context menu.

  3. Start the Customizer. In the Component Inspector window right-click the GridBagLayout node and then select Customize from the context menu to open the Customizer Dialog.

  4. Resize and move the components. Just drag their edges, corners, and centers as needed in the visual pane of the customizer. Create roughly the arrangement that you want. Make the JLabel and JTextField components in our AddStrings example match Figure 8-10.

    • Place the JLabel components in the first column

    • Place the JTextField components in the second column

    GridBagLayout Customizer Dialog

    Figure 8-10. GridBagLayout Customizer Dialog

  5. Fine tune the components. Click a component in the right pane to select it and then make the fine adjustments in the left panes. Either adjust the properties in the upper left, or adjust the visual controls in the lower left.

    In our AddStrings example the only component we need to change is the tfSum JTextField. It should be about double the size of the input fields. Adjust its properties to match Table 8-4 and then close the Customizer, compile, and test.

    Table 8-4. Customizer properties


    New value



    Grid width


    Internal padding X


  6. You can also adjust layout properties without opening the Customizer. Just select any visual component node in the top pane of the Component Inspector and then click the Layout tab at the bottom. You can access the same properties that the Customizer shows.

What are all those properties in the GridBagLayout Customizer? They’re the GridBagConstraints properties. Each visual component has its own set, which tells the GridBagLayout manager how to display the component. Here’s a summary of the properties:


Specifies where to place the component within the free space in the grid cells that it occupies. Values are Center, North, Northeast, and so on. Can also be set by Anchor buttons.


Specifies whether or not the component should fill all the horizontal and vertical space in the grid cells that it occupies. Can also be set by Fill buttons.

Grid Height and Grid Width

Component height as number of rows and width as number of columns. Can also be adjusted by Grid Size buttons in the lower left pane.

Grid X and Grid Y

Row and column location of the component in the grid. Can also be adjusted by dragging the component in the visual pane.


Each number specifies the minimum distance between the edge of the component and its grid cell boundary. Numbers denote pixels. The four numbers apply to the top, left side, bottom, and right side, respectively. Can also be adjusted by Insets buttons.

Internal Padding X and Internal Padding Y

Extends component width and height. Numbers denote pixels, not rows or columns. Can also be adjusted by I-Padding buttons.

Weight X and Weight Y

Specifies the distribution of available space among all the components in a row or column when the container is resized. Components with larger weights get more space. Weights are relative numbers, not pixels or cell counts.

Adding Event Handlers

Let’s take a closer look at the code that the IDE generates to handle GUI events. It automatically creates an event handler method for the windowClosing event. The IDE also supports all possible events for other GUI components and will create a handler method for any event that the developer selects manually. The Connection Wizard includes a step for the developer to select an event and then creates a handler method for it. We will examine several different ways of creating event handler methods.

Locate the exitForm method in the Java source for our AddStrings class, usually just above the main method. This method is the code for the windowClosing event handler that was generated automatically when the initial JFrame container was created. Notice that the first and last lines of exitForm are guarded code (shaded light blue), but the body of the method is not. You are free to modify the body of this method as needed. This is the pattern for event handler methods that the IDE generates. By default the exitForm method for a JFrame contains only the following line, which you are free to replace or augment as needed:


Locate our AddStrings example in the Explorer window. If it isn’t open already, double-click to open it. Then open its nodes all the way to ExitItem, as follows: AddStrings Form AddStrings [JFrame] jMenuBar1 FileMenu ExitItem. Now let’s give that menu item some action. Right-click ExitItem Events Action actionPerformed. This action is shown in progress in Figure 8-11. Now, locate the ExitItemActionPerformed method. It’s an empty method because there is no reasonable default. Copy (or retype) the System.exit(0); line from the exitForm method into ExitItemActionPerformed method.

Generating an ExitItem event

Figure 8-11. Generating an ExitItem event

Remember tfAActionPerformed and tfBActionPerformed? Those event handler methods were created when we used the Connection Wizard to connect actions in the tfA and tfB textfields to results in tfSum. As usual, they were created as empty methods, which we filled in to produce the results we want. However, the two methods have identical code. That’s redundant, so let’s fix it. Select tfB in the Component Inspector and then click the Events tab at the bottom of the window. Here we have yet another approach to creating event handlers, with possible events in the left column and any handler methods in the right. Click tfBActionPerformed at the top of the right column and then click the “...” button. This opens a window that allows you to specify the event handler methods for any event. Remove tfBActionPerformed and add tfAActionPerformed. Click OK to finish, and look at the source. Notice that tfBActionPerformed is no longer needed and has been deleted automatically. Now we have a cleaner, simpler program. This approach makes it easy to mix and match new or existing event handler methods with any number of events.

We’ll finish this section with one more way to create event handlers. Right-click lblA in the Component Inspector. From the context menu select Events Mouse mouseEntered. This creates the lblAMouseEntered( ) method. Insert the following line:


Next, right-click lblA in the Form Editor window. Again, select from the context menu Events Mouse mouseExited as shown in Figure 8-12 to create the lblAMouseExited method. Insert the following line:

Selecting an event handler

Figure 8-12. Selecting an event handler

Compile, test, and behold Figure 8-13. The label changes color when the mouse rolls over it. Also, the Exit selection in the File menu works as expected.

The AddStrings example running

Figure 8-13. The AddStrings example running

Using the Code Generation Properties

In our earlier discussion about configuring components with the Component Inspector we mentioned guarded code, shaded light blue in the Source Editor. By now our AddStrings example has much more blue than white. Guarded code is automatically generated to reflect the GUI design in the Form Editor and property settings in the Component Inspector. The IDE will not allow you to directly modify guarded code in the Source Editor, but you can easily modify it indirectly through the Component Inspector.

It is possible to use an external editor to modify Java code that was created by the IDE, but this is not recommended. You must be very careful not to modify the guarded code. The IDE regenerates guarded code automatically every time you open the source object, so any changes made outside of NetBeans would be lost. You can identify guarded code in an external editor by looking for comments that start with //GEN-. If you insist on using an external editor to modify code, stick to the following rules:


Never externally modify any code on or between lines with these comments.


Never externally modify any code on lines with these comments.

But you might need to modify guarded code for some very good reasons. For example:

Instantiation with parameters

Suppose you want to include a few arguments when you instantiate a component, but the IDE always invokes the default constructor.

Instantiation with factory objects

Suppose you want to recycle objects through a factory, but the IDE always instantiates new objects.

Complex initialization

Suppose you want to add elements to a JList or JTree, but the IDE does not fully support initialization of complex components.

The recommended safe way to modify guarded code is through the Code Generation properties in the Component Inspector. Go to the Component Inspector and select any component, visual or nonvisual, including menu items or the GUI container itself. Then click the Code Generation tab at the bottom of the window. This exposes properties that directly modify the guarded code that NetBeans generates. Play around with them to see what’s affected. Pick any property that is initially empty, fill in a comment, and then look in the Source Editor to see what happened.

For example, select lblA. Modify its Post-Creation Code property by replacing the initially empty value with a comment, as seen in Figure 8-14. Look in the Source Editor window for the text of the comment, and you will see the following lines:

  lblA = new javax.swing.JLabel( );
  /* post lblA create */

Notice that the code you inserted into the Post-Creation Code property appears immediately after the line that creates lblA. If you need to insert some logic immediately after a component is created, you can simply enter that logic into the Post-Creation Code property. In other words, just replace the sample comment that we entered with a snippet of source code to do whatever post-creation work that is necessary.

Adding post-creation code

Figure 8-14. Adding post-creation code

The Custom Creation Code property is especially powerful. You can replace the default constructor for a component with any code that returns a suitable object. This is the place to use a custom component, recycle factory-managed objects, or add parameters to the default empty constructor.

Working Around Code Generation

What if there’s a problem with the generated code? Maybe one of the NetBeans GUI templates or components has a bug, or maybe you want to use an obscure GUI property that NetBeans just doesn’t expose. Here are some workarounds.

The quickest fix is through the Code Generation properties in the Component Inspector. Take a good look at all the properties, and you will probably find the right place to insert the code you need.

A quick and dirty workaround is to insert the code you want after the generated code that you don’t like. You can use the Post-Creation Code and Post-Init Code Code Generation properties. Or you could avoid guarded code altogether by adding a few lines to your GUI class constructor, right after invoking initComponents( );.

Maybe there’s a bug in one of the NetBeans templates or components that you used, or you just want it to work differently. Then make your own. Start with a copy of a NetBeans template or component, modify it, and install it in the IDE.

Here are the steps for making a custom template:

  1. Optionally, create your own template category. Start from the main window Tools Options to open the Options window. Open nodes Source Creation and Management and then Templates. Right-click GUI Forms and then select New Folder. Finally, name this new folder and click Finish. The result of this operation is shown in Figure 8-15.

    Creating a custom template category

    Figure 8-15. Creating a custom template category

  2. Create the source to use for your template. Start with one of the NetBeans templates and modify it to meet your needs, or create completely new source code.

  3. Save the source as a template. Start in the Explorer window, right-click the source, select Save as Template from the context menu, and select the template category from the Save As Template dialog.

And here are the steps for making a custom GUI component:

  1. Optionally, create your own Component Palette tab. From the main window select Tools Options. Open nodes IDE Configuration node and then Look and Feel. Right-click the Component Palette node and then select Add Palette Category from context menu. Name the new category, and click OK.

  2. Create or locate the new component. It’s just a JavaBean. Use an existing bean, or write your own. See the next chapter for more on beans.

  3. Add the new component to the Component Palette and then customize it.

We will take a closer look at adding components to the Component Palette in the next chapter, after creating our own JavaBean component.

Containers Within Containers

A JPanel can contain any number of components. Because a JPanel is itself a component, it can be contained within another JPanel, a JFrame, or any other GUI container. As we will see in the next section, this can be a powerful technique for building complex GUIs. But there’s a potential editing problem with components in containers within containers. If all the components in all the containers were visible at the same time, it could become visually confusing and unmanageable. The Form Editor prevents such confusion by showing only one container with its components at a time and by enabling the developer to choose which container to show. Let’s walk through a short demonstration to see how it works.

Notice the empty space in the upper right corner of our AddStrings example. Let’s fill the space with a JPanel and then put a couple of GUI components into the JPanel just to demonstrate what’s possible. Select the JPanel icon in the Component Pallet and then drop it into the empty corner of AddStrings in the Form Editor. It shows up as a small blue square, much too small to be useful. We’ll fix that by using the GridBag Customizer to adjust the space it occupies. Right-click GridBagLayout in the Component Inspector and then select Customize from the context menu. Select the JPanel in the Customizer Dialog window and then adjust GridWidth to 3 and GridHeight to 2. Close the Customizer and turn your attention back to the Form Editor.

Where’s our JPanel? The little blue square has vanished, and the space just looks blank in the Form Editor. No problem, the JPanel still there in the Component Inspector. Select it in the Component Inspector, and the blue square reappears. The JPanel was just hidden, and selecting it in the Component Inspector brought it to the fore in the Form Editor. Right-click the JPanel in the Component Inspector and then select Design This Container from the context menu. Now the JPanel takes over all the space, and the JFrame disappears.

Drop in a few components from the Component Palette—a JButton or two, maybe a JLabel—whatever you like just to get something visible in the JPanel. Then compile and execute to see what you’ve done. Not fancy, but it opens up a world of possibilities. By allowing the developer to put containers within containers, and by focusing the Form Editor on one container and its components at a time, NetBeans allows unlimited complexity in GUI design and keeps the complexity manageable.

Go back to the Form Editor, which has the JPanel visible. Right-click, and examine the context menu. Now the choices include Design This Container and Design Top Container. This gives you an easy way to switch back and forth with either the JFrame or JPanel in the foreground.

Building Complex GUIs

When you create a complex GUI with many components, it can be difficult to make them behave properly. Trying to control the size and placement of even a few components can be like herding cats; focus your attention on one, and the others run amok. As we have seen, GridBagLayout is often your best hope for managing multiple components in a single container. But there’s another way. Instead of struggling with too many components in one container, use the containers within containers technique to build a GUI that’s many layers deep with just a few components in each layer.

Create a container, say a JPanel, and then add just a few components to the container, few enough that you can easily control their size and placement. Use the container in constructing the next layer of your complex GUI. For greater flexibility in testing and reuse, and for a cleaner design, you may choose to turn the container with its components into a JavaBean. This is exactly where we’re headed with the AddStrings example. We will place a manageable number of components into a JPanel container and then turn the JPanel into a Bean. We will add our new Bean to a JFrame container and use the Bean properties to configure it. Of course, if you’re only creating a Bean as an intermediate component for one project, you won’t need to do everything that will be done in the JavaBeans chapter—create a BeanInfo class, link it to an icon, and add it to your Component Palette. Giving your intermediate containers a few basic Bean features will be enough to greatly simplify your GUI building task.

By now our AddStrings example is looking good and running smoothly. But it’s a standalone application. The only way other users could benefit from using the application would be to install it, launch it every time they wanted to use it, and then explicitly exit when they’re done. If we convert the application into a component that other developers can include in larger applications, it can be used much more widely and easily. So, in the next chapter, we will build a JavaBean around the essential feature of AddStrings. Then anyone using Java to build a complex GUI can drop AddStrings into their form with just a few mouse clicks.

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