In this index, f denotes figure and t denotes table.


accountability, 6t, 9–10, 40

activities, 37

agenda items, 37

alternatives, generating, 88–89, 88f

assumptions/factors affecting success, 39

attendees, right, 37


behavioral skills, 46–51, 159–160

benefits, 6t, 8–9, 85

blame, 22, 46

blocks, 85–87, 86f, 87f

boredom, 44

buy-in, ensuring, 30, 32, 32f, 34


Carousel, The

about, 63, 63f, 69–70

carousel, 65–68, 67f, 68f

design selection example, 157

pre-work, 64–65

report back, 69

setup, 65, 66f

“so what,” 69

summarization, 68

caution, x–xi, 46

challenges, 6t, 9

collaboration, 48

Collapsing Consensus

about, 70–71, 75

collapsing consensus, 73, 74f

design selection example, 157

Las Vegas Vote, with a twist, 74, 75f

nominal technique, 72, 73f

prioritization of ideas in each cluster, 73

setup, 71, 72f

college student attrition example. See 6-Step Problem Solving

conflict, dealing with

about, 121

as behavioral skill, 50

8 and 6 design, 121–130

Paradox, 130–134

Questions, Only Questions, 134–138

Speak Out, 138–143

conflicts, unresolved, 38



compiling, 79–80, 117–118, 118f, 122–124, 124f

organizing, 61, 104

deciding how to decide, 31–32, 32f

decision making, 32–35, 33f, 34f, 35f, 38

denial, leadership, 21–23


as creative act, 35–36

creative versus routine, 39

defined, 27

expedition planning, similarity to, 11–12

factors, 6–11, 6t

selection tool, 154–155, 156–157t, 157–158

vendor selection example, 29–35, 30–35f

virtual facilitation example, 147–148, 149


Carousel, The, 63–70

Collapsing Consensus, 70–75

8 and 6 design, 121–130

Executives and the Common Person, 75–81

Future Search, 56–63

Genie in the Bottle, 98–107

Kings, Queens, and Fairy Tales, 92–98

News Conference, 116–120

Paradox, 130–134

Questions, Only Questions, 134–138

7 in 7 design, 107–116

6-Step Problem Solving, 82–90

Speak Out, 138–143

diagnostic mentality, 26–27, 36–41, 84–85

difficult people, 40

distractions, 44

drill instructor, 13–15, 45


efficiency, obstacles to, viii

8 and 6 design

about, 121–122, 122f, 130

development, 127, 127f, 128f

information gathering, 122–124, 124f

setup, 122, 123f

“so what,” 128–129, 129f

strength sharing, 124–127, 125f, 126f

emotion, dealing with, 87–88

employee satisfaction example, 21–23

engagement, 37–38. See also trust and engagement, building

evaluating meetings, 40

Executives and the Common Person

about, 75–76, 76f, 81

closing loop, 81

data, compiling, 79–80

interviews, 78, 79f

making meaning, 80

setup, 76–78, 77f, 78f

“so what,” 80–81, 80f


facilitation. See intentional facilitation; specific topics

father, angry, x

fear, x–xi, 44–45, 46

feedback, 49. See also Genie in the Bottle

fire-setting behavior, 132–133

first leap

design selection tool, 154–155, 156–157t, 157–158

materials, steps to using, 153–154

next steps, 158

follow-up, 6t, 10–11, 40

force field analysis, 85–87, 86f, 87f

Future Search

about, 56–57, 57f, 62–63

data, organizing, 61

presentation, 61–62

pre-work, 57–58

setup, 58–59, 58f

speed dating, 59–61, 60f


Gallup assessment, 21–22

Genie in the Bottle

about, 98–100, 98f, 99f, 106, 107

data, organizing, 104

feedback, 104–105, 105f

genie, 103, 103f

questions, 102–103

rules, 101–102, 102f

setup, 100, 101f

wrap-up, 105–106, 106f


meaningful, 48–49

process, 27, 28–29, 28f, 30–33f, 30–34, 35f

task, 27, 28, 28f, 34–35, 34f, 35f

Great Chicken Challenge, 3–6, 7

Group Management Questionnaire, 147–148, 149


Hatchel, Sergeant, 13–15, 45

human shields, 19–21


ideas, unique, 61, 104

intentional facilitation. See also specific topics

about, 43–44

behavioral skills, 46–51, 159–160

in everyday meetings, 44–45

Hatchel, Sergeant, 13–15

intentions, good, 45–46

Lakey, George, 19–21

leadership denial and, 21–23

purpose of, ix

Tyler School of Art, 15–18

Interview Design. See Future Search


Kings, Queens, and Fairy Tales

about, 92, 98

creative introduction, 93–95, 94f, 96f

presentations, 96, 97f

setup, 92–93, 93f

“so what,” 96–98, 97f

knowledge, detailed, 30, 31f


Lakey, George, 19–21

Las Vegas Vote, 74, 75f, 81, 97

leadership, 21–23, 159

listening, 48


meeting design. See design


cost of, vi

evaluating, 40

everyday, 44–45

necessity for, 36

memory, 44


News Conference

about, 116–117, 117f, 120

conference, 119–120

information gathering, 117–118, 118f

prioritization, 118, 119f

setup, 117

shuffle, 119

nominal technique, 72, 73f


organizational culture after merger. See Carousel, The



about, 130, 130f, 134

creative response, 133–134, 134f

directions, 133

setup, 131–133, 131f, 133f

performance appraisal, 49–50

physical space, 39

problem solving and priority setting

about, 55–56

as behavioral skill, 49

Carousel, The, 63–70

Collapsing Consensus, 70–75

Executives and the Common Person, 75–81

Future Search, 56–63

6-Step Problem Solving, 82–90

process, 6t, 7–8, 37

process goals, 27, 28–29, 28f, 30–33f, 30–34, 35f


Questions, Only Questions

about, 134–135, 135f, 138

identifying issues, 136

setup, 135–136, 137f

“so what,” 136–138, 138f


reorganization issues example. See Future Search


7 in 7 design

about, 107–110, 107f, 108f, 109f, 110f, 115

digging, 112

example, real-life, 115–116

modeling, 111–112

setup, 110–111, 111f

sharing, 112–114, 112f, 114f

“so what,” 114–115

Shackleton, Ernest, 11–12

shame, 46

situation assessment, 50

6-Step Problem Solving

about, 82–84, 82f, 83f, 84f, 89–90

alternatives, generating, 88–89, 88f

benefits, 85

blocks, 85–87, 86f, 87f

diagnostic, 84–85

emotion, dealing with, 87–88

next steps, 89

Speak Out

about, 138–139, 139f, 142–143

big meeting invite, 140

positioning, 141, 141f

setup, 139–140

sharing, 140

“so what,” 141–142, 142f

Speed Dating. See Future Search

Sri Lanka conflict, 19–21

strength sharing, 124–127, 125f, 126f

students, reluctant, 15–18


Tamil Tigers, 19–21

task goals, 27, 28, 28f, 34–35, 34f, 35f

tasks, 6t, 7

time considerations, 38–39

town hall meetings, 81

trends, 61, 104

trust and engagement, building

about, 91–92

Genie in the Bottle, 98–107

Kings, Queens, and Fairy Tales, 92–98

News Conference, 116–120

7 in 7 design, 107–116

trust levels and design selection, 154–155, 156–157t

truths, 61, 104

Tyler School of Art, 15–18


values, core, 48

variables, 6t, 8

vendor selection example, 29–35, 30–35f

virtual facilitation

challenges, 145–147

design example, 147–148, 149

success in, 148–149


women feeling devalued example. See Speak Out

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