
Page numbers in italics refer to tables in the text
aerobic respiration (energy production) 6
age: influence on basal and total metabolic rates 117
alcohol: calories in 47; effects of 47; effects on vitamin and mineral levels 33, 35
amino acids 25, 26; tryptophan 25
anaerobic respiration (energy production) 67, 128
animal fats 21, 23; table of calories 157158
animal proteins 25, 26, 27, 28; table of calories 155156
anorexia athletica 145
anorexia nervosa 145146
antioxidants 2930
artificial additives in food and drink 31, 50, 101102
autonomic nervous system 10
basal (resting) metabolic rate (BMR) 115117, 117; effects of losing weight too quickly 135137
blood sugar level: effects of different carbohydrates 14, 14, 17, 18; effects of high blood sugar 15, 16, 1819; effects of low blood sugar 1516, 1719; hunger attacks 1517; regulation of glucose in the blood 1519; role of insulin 1617, 18
body fat percentage 120123
body fat scales 123
body image: developing healthy attitudes towards 148150
body mass index (BMI) 118120, 125
body temperature: regulation through perspiration 3839
bones: osteoporosis risk 124125; stress fractures 124125
bowel movements: frequency of 10, 78
breads: choice of 5758
breakfast: cold breakfasts 5759; importance for dancers 5657; warm breakfasts 5961
bulimia nervosa 146147
caffeine: drinks containing 4647; effects of 33, 34, 4647
calcium 33, 4243, 77, 125, 162
calories in food: animal fats 157158; animal proteins 155156; carbohydrates 152153; plant fats 156157; plant proteins 153155
calories required by dancers 114118
canned foods 109110
carbohydrates 4; classifications 1314; content per portion of various foods 54; effects on blood sugar level 14, 1519; glycaemic index 17; sources of 15
carbon dioxide in drinks 45, 50
coeliac disease 82
coffee 4647; see also caffeine
comfort foods 73
complex carbohydrates 1314
concentration: lack of 40
constipation 78
cooking: in oil 105, 106107; in water 105106; tips for everyday life 104110
cooking oils 107
co-ordination: lack of 40
copper 2930
cramps see muscle cramps
cravings see food cravings
daily meal plan 9193
daily nutritional requirements: planning your diet 5253
daily routine: difficulty of eating healthy meals 9395; reality of balancing eating and dancing 9395
dairy products 22, 26, 27, 34, 35, 59, 63, 75, 80, 99, 112, 156, 158
dehydration: effects on the body 4041; signs of 4041; thirst and 41;
diet/dieting see weight and diet
dietary supplements 7677
digestion: capacity of the human stomach 13; digestive process 812; hunger signals from the stomach 1213; overeating 1213; role of the parasympathetic nervous system 1012
digestive problems 7783; caused by eating too quickly 10, 11; eating just before dancing 1112; food allergies 79; food intolerances 7983; inhibitors of digestion 7879
digestive tract 89
dinner see main meals
disaccharides (double sugars) 13, 14
drinking 3650; basic drinking needs calculation 38; before, during and after dance activity 4849; dangers of dehydration 4041; hypertonic drinks 45; hypotonic drinks 45; importance of water for dancers 3638; isotonic drinks 44, 45; the right drink 4247; thirst 41
eating before dancing 1112, 8689
eating disorders: and disordered eating 140; causes, risk factors and triggers 140142; dealing with 147148; health consequences 140; risk assessment questionnaire 144; signs of 138139; types of eating disorders 145147; warning signs 142144
eating out 110112
empty calories 55, 73
energy drinks 42; caffeine in 4647
energy production: metabolic pathways 68; role of oxygen 6
energy required by dancers: basic energy needs 114116; energy expenditure (kcal per hour) 118; total energy needs 116117; use of stored energy reserves 56, 1819
energy sources 413; carbohydrates 68, 1319; fat 68, 20; influence of training intensity and duration 68; protein 7, 2324
energy storage systems 46; body fat (adipose tissue) 5, 6; glycogen 45, 1819, 43, 49, 50
essential amino acids 25, 26
fast food 111
fat 4; body fat percentage 120123; content per portion of various foods 55; health problems caused by low body fat 123125; recommended types 22, 23; sources of 22, 2223; types of fats 21, 2123
fat-soluble vitamins 30
fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated 21
Female Athlete Triad 123124
fibre in the diet 4, 10, 14, 15
fluids see drinking
food additives 31, 50, 101102
food allergies 79
food intolerances 7983
food label information 58, 71, 101102
food shopping 96104; writing a shopping list 9799
‘free from’ foods 104
free radicals 2930
frozen foods 109
fructose 13, 14, 81
fructose intolerance 8081
fruit juice drinks 4344
fruits 13, 15, 30, 35, 37, 38, 59, 60, 63, 64, 6566, 67, 70, 75, 81, 103, 108, 109, 153
glucose 13, 14, 1519, 71, 81, 85
gluten intolerance 82
glycaemic index 17
glycogen 7, 14
glycogen storage 45; energy reserves for dance 1819; refilling glycogen stores 19, 43, 49, 50
grains 15, 18, 26, 27, 30, 35, 5860, 75, 82, 98, 152, 154
‘happiness hormone’ (serotonin) 25
healthy fats 21, 23
herbs 108
hidden fats 21
histamine intolerance 83
hormonal imbalances 123125
hunger: effects of physical exertion 89; signals from the stomach 1213
hunger attacks 136; and blood sugar level 1517, 1819
hydration see drinking
hypertonic drinks 45
hypoglycaemia 16
hypotonic drinks 45
immune system 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32, 83, 136
inflammation 21, 22, 32
injuries: effects on eating and weight 132134
insulin: functions of 14, 1617, 1819, 137
iron 32, 33, 34, 77, 163
isotonic drinks 42, 44, 45
lactic acid 7
lactose 13, 14, 80
lactose intolerance 7980
low-carb diets 136
low-fat diets 136
lunch see main meals
macrominerals 4, 3234
macronutrients 4
magnesium 33, 43, 77, 163
main meals 6164
melatonin (‘sleep hormone’) 25
menstruation: irregular or ceased 123125
metabolism 3, 11; basal (resting) metabolic rate (BMR) 114116, 117; effects of dancing 2930; effects of losing weight too quickly 135137; total metabolic rate 116117
micronutrients 4
milk sugar: lactose intolerance 7980
mineral deficiencies 35, 7677
mineral water 4243
minerals 4, 2830, 3234; categories of 3233; functions in the body 3233; important minerals for dancers 3334; sources of 3335, 162164
monosaccharides (simple sugars) 13, 14
mono-unsaturated fats 2022
muesli 5859, 67
muscle building 24, 127
muscle cramps 40, 43
muscle growth: weight gain caused by 127
muscle size reduction 127
nutrient groups 4
oestrogen 20; deficiency 123125
oils used in cooking and cold dishes 107
orthorexia nervosa 145
osteoporosis: prevention 125; risk factors 124125
oxidative stress 2930
oxygen: role in energy production 6
PAL-value (Physical Activity Level) 116
perspiration: loss of minerals 33; temperature regulation system 3839
phytonutrients 4, 2832; sources of 30, 35
plant fats 2122; table of calories 156157
plant proteins 25, 26, 27, 28; table of calories 153155
‘plate of thirds’ method 6364
poly-unsaturated fats 212
porridge 5960, 67
portion sizes and nutritional contents 5455
potassium 33, 163
protein 4; amino acids 25, 26; biological value of different sources 2627; content per portion of various foods 54; functions in the body 2324; healthy sources 27, 28; requirement for dancers 24, 27; sources of 2628; timing of protein consumption 24, 27, 28
protein shakes 28
pulses 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35, 75, 98, 152, 153
ready-made meals 108109
regeneration 19, 28, 29, 32, 42, 44, 51, 62, 9091, 132, 133
salads 63
saturated fats 2122
seeds as toppings 107108
selenium 2930, 33, 164
serotonin (‘happiness hormone’) 25
simple sugars 13, 14
‘sleep hormone’ (melatonin) 25
smoking 32, 35, 125
smoothies 67, 81
snacks 12, 59, 60, 6467, 75, 80, 8788, 89, 9193, 94, 97, 129
sodium 33, 43
spices 108
sports drinks 42, 4446, 50
sprouts 107108
stevia 7172
stomach: capacity of 13; signals of hunger and fullness 1213
stress 3, 12, 35, 73, 76, 94, 115, 126, 131, 137, 142
stress fractures 124125
sucrose 13, 14
sugar-free foods 104
sugar in foods 7073; effects on vitamin and mineral levels 35; ‘hidden sugars’ 73
sunlight: role in vitamin D production 3031
sweating see perspiration
sweeteners: natural and artificial 7173
tables of foods and nutrients 151154
tea 4647
thirst: and dehydration 41
timing of eating 8495; after dancing 9091; before dancing 8689; daily meal plan 9193; eating around a dancer‘s schedule 8691; working evenings 95
trace elements 4, 3233
training breaks: effects on eating and weight 132
trans-fats 20, 2223
tryptophan 25
unhealthy fats 21, 2223
unsaturated fats 2122
urine: indications of hydration level 41; loss of minerals in 33
vacations: effects on eating and weight 132
vegan diet 25, 28
vegetable fats 2122, 157
vegetables 15, 22, 30, 35, 37, 38, 6364, 65, 67, 70, 75, 1011, 103, 105106, 109110, 152, 155, 157
vegetarian diet 25, 28
vitamin A 2930
vitamin B complex 30, 31, 159160; vitamin B1 159; vitamin B2 159; vitamin B6 160; vitamin B12 160
vitamin C 2930, 31, 32, 34, 161
vitamin D 3031, 32, 77, 124, 125
vitamin E 2930, 32, 162
vitamin K 30
vitamins 4, 2832; antioxidants 2930; deficiencies 35, 7677; fat-soluble vitamins 30; important vitamins for dancers 3132; sources of 30, 3132, 35, 159162; water-soluble vitamins 30
water: mineral content of 4243; see also drinking
weight and diet 126134; dieting 134138; dropping weight too quickly 135137; eating disorders 137, 138150; factors influencing weight 126; healthy weight loss 137138
zinc 29, 33, 164
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