Time for action - updating the BookshelfServiceProxyImpl

Edit the BookshelfServiceProxyImpl class. We will walk through the changes step-by-step.

The @Component annotation at class level declares this class as a component definition, and sets its name. The @Provides annotation flags this component as providing a service (in this can it's the BookshelfServiceProxy service).

public class BookshelfServiceProxyImpl
implements BookshelfServiceProxy

We have dropped the BundleContext field, since we're going to have iPOJO inject the BookshelfService instance into this newly added bookshelf field. It is tagged as a requirement of the component:

private BookshelfService bookshelf;

Then, when we define the service properties, those properties will be attached to the service at registration time:

@ServiceProperty(name = "osgi.command.scope", value=SCOPE)
String gogoScope;
name = "osgi.command.function", value=FUNCTIONS_STR)
String[] gogoFunctions;

The FUNCTIONS_STR is a new constant added to the BookshelfServiceProxy interface, with the value "[search]". It is needed because the annotation value for a service property is a String.

The constructor is updated removing its BundleContext parameter and the lookupService() method is updated to return the bookshelf field value.

public BookshelfServiceProxyImpl() {
protected BookshelfService lookupService() {
return this.bookshelf;
// ...

The remainder of the class remains unchanged.

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