Making Accessibility for Everyone Much Easier

It’s just intelligent thinking about your design and just making sure that you’ve considered factors . . . all the needs people will have.

—Wendy Chisholm


Some faculty look on universal design for learning as just another set of technical chores they have to do to stay out of trouble with instructional designers and the administration. This is no surprise when so many technical training sessions push compliance with laws. Indeed, equal access is mandated by laws, grounded in the hope that people actually will have equal access. A few years ago, Coombs (2010) pointed out that not providing equal access to course materials violates civil rights. The US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (2016) has brought home this reality with a number of suits, investigations, and settlements reached with colleges and universities (University of Washington: Accessible Technology). In fact, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires equal access to electronic information sources, Section 504 requires equal opportunity to participate in programs, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act affirms these civil rights and prohibits discrimination in state and local government services ( What is section 504?;, Section 508; ADA).

Compliance, however, is hardly the most noble motive for student-centered design. Most faculty would not want to create barriers for their students to the course content, communication, and activities. We want our students with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities to be able to access the same quality of content and learning experiences. We know that technology itself does not present inherent barriers, but our choices for the use of this technology, particularly in online courses, might (Wentz, Jaeger, & Lazar, 2011). In this context, we cannot make informed choices without knowing how our best intentions and course materials can create barriers. For this reason, this chapter provides the needed guidelines and tools.

Students who do not have disabilities often need or want the same kinds of support as accessibility laws require for students who do have them (Bozarth, 2015). More accessible course materials also facilitate mobile learning. Features that help all students include striking color contrasts, clean and easy-to-read font styles, meaningful headings, well-organized narratives, and descriptive links to websites. Many people are not blind but simply have low vision or trouble distinguishing colors, often seeing a color as gray, yellow, or beige. Others juggle tasks such as reading e-mail on a laptop while making supper in the kitchen, replying to a discussion or e-mail while riding a bus, working under fluorescent lighting that causes jumpy text-on-screen, listening to a podcast while walking across campus or in a noisy space, or studying during a gym workout (Chisholm & May, 2008; Stachowiak, 2009). Besides hearing, visual, or physical limits on their abilities to access materials, some students have dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and course formatting can hinder or help how well they can comprehend your course content.

In this chapter, we think of students’ variations in abilities more like Wendy Chisholm@wendyabc: “Stairs make a building inaccessible, not the wheelchair.” Similarly, a singular print format, not a student’s blindness, makes a textbook inaccessible; an audio podcast without a transcript, not the loss of hearing, makes the content inaccessible; a synchronous conference that requires real-time conversation, not the speech impediment, makes the learning inaccessible. Clark (2002b, Chapter 4, ¶4) puts it this way: “A deaf person cannot stop being deaf . . . a blind person cannot stop being blind . . . a learning disabled person cannot reset the functions of the brain . . . [and] a person with a mobility impairment cannot suddenly be able to move.” When we design courses to be accessible, we really will walk the talk of a fundamental principle of undergraduate education: respecting diverse ways and talents for learning (Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996; Chickering & Gamson, 1987).

Earlier chapters in this book provided the starting point for making your courses accessible: (1) coherence of course design (chapter 3), (2) principles of learning from cognitive science (chapter 4), (3) motivation strategies (chapter 5), and (4) interaction design (chapter 6). The guidelines in these chapters support the three major principles for universal design (CAST, 2008; Dell, Dell, & Blackwell, 2015; National Center on Universal Design for Learning; Ralabate, 2011; UDL Guidelines—Version 2.0):

  1. Provide multiple ways to acquire the course content.
  2. Provide multiple ways to assess what students learn.
  3. Provide multiple motivations to learn and multiple opportunities for engagement, interaction, and challenge.


Many students formerly taught in separate spaces, such as those with sensory disabilities or whose behaviors fall on the autism spectrum, now learn in the same classroom and online spaces as everyone else (Ralabate, 2011; Simpson, 2013). They often experience unreliable and inconsistent access to online materials (Coombs, 2010), even when they use the extra assistive technology designed to make content accessible. Obstacles sometimes reside in the learning management system (LMS). However, Blackboard and Angel have passed basic requirements of accessibility (Accessibility at Blackboard; Angel Learning; National Center on Disability and Access to Education Tips and Tools). Moodle continues to increase accessibility, and Desire2Learn is “committed to accessibility in education” (D2L, ¶1). Recently, certified that Canvas substantially meets web accessibility guidelines (WebAIM Canvas Certification, 2015).

In spite of the viability of such platforms, instructors often block access when they prepare materials incorrectly (Lee, 2016). Ironically, the ease of using technology can contribute to such missteps. For example, instructors often reuse PowerPoint presentations from their brick-and-mortar classrooms for quick content uploads in their online courses. PowerPoint, however, was designed for large-group presentations, and while it may sometimes work for online learning, commonly used features actually block access for many students. Features like text boxes added over built-in slide design layouts, animations, slide transitions, and images without alternative text descriptions get in the way of readability, and assistive technologies typically cannot follow the structure and content of add-on treatments. So why do instructors use PowerPoints in this way for online learning? Most likely they expect the added ornamentation to increase engagement, they know how to use the add-in features, and they trust their reliability without realizing the fallout of their choices.

Formats of test items also can create stumbling blocks, especially when the student must use a screen reader to read the test information aloud. Screen readers can handle multiple-choice and short-answer items fairly well. But students struggle with making sense of matching questions even if they have no discernable disabilities. Other stumbling blocks include not receiving information on what you are testing ahead of time (such as a rubric) and getting tests in only one format when a student needs it in another (Simpson, 2013).

In addition, instructors may use italics or bold to emphasize a word or phrase in a Word document or insert a table with a visually appealing layout. But screen readers cannot read the emphasis or the table layout unless some underlying signals are added. Seeing what looks good, faculty may proceed with good intentions to upload the Word document as is or choose “Save As Adobe PDF” for a more attractive and easy-to-open format. This process takes little thought and time, and it works well enough for sighted students. Then one instructor may tell another, “Oh, it is easy. Just copy your Word file over to a PDF and post that in your course site. This will open faster and won’t kick the student out of the course,” which is true, but this does not provide enough access. Thus, the problem may grow like wildfire over the landscape of multiple course sites. However, both the Word document and the “Save As Adobe PDF” shortcut fail to provide the needed signals to a screen reader to transform text to audio.


Legal complaints against universities are on the rise, including a few against online learning (Dolhansky & Paire, 2016; O’Rourke, 2013; Public Affairs, UC Berkeley, 2016; US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, 2016; University of Washington, 2016). The main consequence of such complaints is the creation of vigorous campus-driven accessibility initiatives and settlement agreements (Resolution Agreement, University of Phoenix, 2015; Settlement between Penn State University and National Federation of the Blind, n.d.). However, other complaints have broader consequences. For example, the University of California at Berkeley will remove its existing educational content (PDFs, video, and audio) from public access and “invest in developing new online content with necessary accessibility features” rather than trying to retrofit materials (Cielo24, 2017; “Campus Announces Restriction of Public Access to Educational Content,” 2017, ¶2).

Universities and colleges now face a backlog of inaccessible files (University Business, 2016). The efforts to undo the variety of compound barriers usually exceed those of building online courses to provide equal access from the start (Wentz et al., 2011). The costs of “undoing” go beyond high legal costs and may include hiring an external company (Goetze, 2016; University Business, 2016). As for other costs, imagine what it takes to go into and fix all the course files on a campus—institutional costs caused by instructor disregard or ignorance of what works. Retrofitting always costs more and tends to meet only minimum legal requirements, falling short of the higher quality that comes from intentional planning (Clark, 2002a; Wentz et al., 2011). For the most part, preparing accessible materials is fairly easy, although some steps do take extra effort (Clark, 2002a). But why wouldn’t we make this commitment? When we care about students and significant learning in our courses, can there be any other choice?

Not only do college and university students need accessible content, but some may need certain accommodations, typically arranged through your campus disabilities services. Such accommodations include alternate exam formats, more exam time, support from readers or note takers, or sign language interpreters. They would never require a change in your course or learning outcomes.

All disabilities services units require documentation of a student’s disability, but as many as two-thirds of students with disabilities simply do not report them (Grasgreen, 2014). As a result, they risk not getting the tools they need to succeed, particularly in the first year of college. Students often fly under the radar because they want to be independent and treated the same as other students (Rodgers, 2015). They may also fear the negative assumptions and perceptions faculty and staff may have about disabilities (Grasgreen, 2014).

Just as with other aspects of teaching online, communicating an instructor’s personal support matters as much as the technology support—for example, saying in the syllabus something like, “Let me know in advance if you think you will need an accommodation for the exam or other activities in this course.” Instructors can also list common tools that all students may use, such as browser settings, along with information about the available assistive technology for students who have disabilities (Stachowiak, 2009). Disabilities services can recommend protocols.

Adam Dircksen illustrates the value of the human touch in his Media Criticism and Analysis class at Purdue University Fort Wayne. A student notified him that although she could recognize colors, she was legally blind and wanted to know if the course requirements would accommodate her. Dircksen informed her that the readings and the Blackboard-based course site were accessible, and while the video lectures clearly used imagery, everything was verbally or orally explained. However, some of the assignment requirements would need modification to meet her needs, especially an assignment that called for students to pick a film and analyze the production techniques being used to help create meaning. These techniques typically encompass camera movements, angles, focus, lighting techniques, editing techniques, and so on. For her paper, she was able to complete the requirements by focusing on her chosen film’s musical score, sound effects, and other post-dubbed sound such as voice-overs, and on how the filmmakers’ color choices affected mood and correlated with the sound she analyzed. Dircksen reports that the student’s paper was excellent and she did very well in the course (A. Dircksen, personal communication, September 15, 2016).

Because of the need for confidentiality, faculty and staff must take care in guiding nondisclosing students to the kinds of support they need. You can start out by listing in your syllabus and on your course site the academic support and disabilities services on campus and any handbook for students with disabilities. Later you can direct specific students toward these services. Whatever your strategy, do not call out a student as having a disability or decide on your own what the student needs. The job of diagnosis resides in the hands of those with expertise and official responsibility.

Working with partners on your campus is one of the best ways to advance greater access in online courses—your office of disability services, instructional design specialists, other faculty who design online courses, information technology specialists, and, if you are fortunate to have the opportunity, students who have disabilities and face challenges in online learning (Simpson, 2013). Regardless of ability or differences in abilities, “the goal for equal access is to make it accessible from the beginning” (Ingeno, 2013, ¶9, citing Denise Wallace, vice president of legal affairs and general counsel at Dillard University). Fortunately, this is generally easy to do.


Students, faculty, and institutions all benefit when we design accessibility from the start. Some basic accessibility guidelines mirror our course design recommendations in chapters 2, 3, and 4, including these (Leavitt & Schneiderman, 2006):

  • Start with statements of your learning outcomes or goals for students.
  • Understand and meet students’ needs.
  • Provide usable content.
  • Build with consistency of structure.
  • Provide feedback when needed.
  • Evaluate your course components for effectiveness.
  • Design for human limitations on working memory.
  • Create a positive first impression for the home page by ensuring it looks like a home page and includes all the major course components.

Let’s first gauge your accessibility knowledge with a few true-or-false questions posed by Vasquez and Johnson (2016, frame 13).

T or F: “All online materials must be made accessible before being posted online.” False: Just-in-time accommodations are acceptable to balance the load, but they require planning and communication.

T or F: “In the absence of a student with a disability, I don’t need to make my course accessible.” False: The emphasis is on advance preparation.

T or F: “Accessibility in online education is primarily a faculty issue.” We hope you know this one is false. While you do need to make the content materials accessible, accommodations for your students may involve many units: your information technology support system, the student disabilities office, your professional development unit, and the library.

Certain features support accessibility and deserve special attention in online courses: consistent design, striking color contrasts, accessible graphics, a modular course structure, a text equivalent for every nontext element, use of captions for multimedia presentations, careful use of color so that color alone does not convey meaning, use of tables only when they are really necessary, and well-written headings and subheadings that meaningfully signal the content to come. You will raise the accessibility value of your materials when you include such features in an organized structure with clearly written documents and apply styles to your text materials, including any tables that you feel are truly needed (Coombs, 2010).

Many institutions call for these specific accessibility requirements, which include Coombs’s features above (Bastedo, Sugar, Swenson, & Vargas, 2013; CAST, n.d.; Frey, Kearns, & King, 2012; GRCC Distance Learning Standards, 2015, section 8; IPFW Online Course Design Standards, 2016, Standard 7; Portland Community College, n.d.; Quality Matters, 2014; Quality Online Course Initiative, section 5; Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT) instrument, section 8; Web Learning @ Penn State, standard 7):

  • The campus accessibility policy statement in the syllabus
  • An explanation of how the instructor supports diverse learning styles and abilities
  • Guidance to students about how to obtain accommodations
  • Ease of navigation within the course
  • Formats that accommodate assistive technologies (such as electronic style names in documents)
  • Meaningful links (embedding hyperlinks within the titles of the source and adding screen tips)
  • Readable materials with a hierarchy of organized content and few, if any, distracting elements
  • Readable fonts
  • Multimodal course materials and multimedia content
  • Information about accessibility of all technologies used in a course
  • Links to software needed for course applications
  • Text-equivalent language (alternative text descriptions) for nontext elements (images and graphs)
  • Captioning for audio and multimedia
  • Features in addition to color to signal emphasis (do not rely only on color)
  • Information on time limits before a student begins an activity or test
  • Appropriate style names identifying row and column headings when tables are used
  • Accessible design for forms

These standards for accessibility align with the requirements in Section 508, 1194.22 Web-based intranet and Internet information and applications (, Quick reference; W3C® Web Accessibility Initiative, n.d.).

Another way of looking at standards and guidelines for accessibility begins with the barriers that students may face with online materials and the strategies that break down these barriers. As exhibit 7.1 shows, some of these strategies address multiple barriers.


On the basic bedrock strategies we have just examined, we add three top priorities for building your online course materials: (1) make a clear path for access, (2) add useful signposts and tips within your files, and (3) use media wisely. We organize the specific ways to ensure accessibility around these goals.

A Clear Path for Access

To make a clear path for access, you need to present course materials in ways that students can perceive them, typically allowing them to see and hear the content. This may seem obvious, but there is more to consider. Ways of scanning documents, the addition of alternative text for images, the use of tables and graphics, and the creation of mathematical symbols can hinder or help a student’s accessibility to course content.

Font Choice

Coombs (2010) recommends avoiding hard-to-read fonts. Exhibit 7.2 provides guidance for font choices.

Organization and Writing Style

Coombs (2010), who has used assistive technology all his life, places additional strong emphasis on writing and style choices. Here are ways to provide readable structure and organization and facilitate students’ use of assistive technologies:

  • Clear organization
  • Prominent placement of critical information
  • Chunking of related content
  • Inclusion of only the necessary content
  • Clear and meaningful headings, titles, and labels
  • Descriptive first sentences; use of active voice and familiar language; and avoidance of rarely used acronyms, abbreviations, or jargon
  • Introductions for lists and placement of listed items in the correct sequence or order of importance
  • Descriptive rows and column headings in tables
  • Emphasis of critical information (avoid use of color alone; avoid screen flicker)
  • 12-point font, familiar fonts, and white space between lines
  • Enough contrast, such as black text on uncluttered, high-contrast background
  • Visual consistency and synchronized multimedia

Scanning Documents

To scan a document to post at your course site, keep in mind that scanning will produce an image rather than readable text unless you have the correct settings on the scan machine.

Word and PowerPoint File Formats

Some common do’s and don’ts of word processing begin with abandoning manual typewriter methods for entering text. Instead, learn how to use these tools (Sutton, 2002):

  • Electronic formatting for hanging indents rather than hitting a space bar or tab
  • Inserting hard page breaks rather than manually hitting an enter key repeatedly
  • Using styles rather than manually formatting a word or phrase as bold or italicized (more on styles in the next section)
  • Avoiding columns

If you are using older file formats, you may find it helpful to copy them over to a newer file format, such as .doc to .docx and .ppt to .pptx, or students may need to download a .docx converter (Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack). With text-based files such as Word, you can go back to make your documents accessible with relative ease, which is not true of other formats.

Alternative Text

When Coombs (2010) and course design standards call for alternative text or text equivalents, they mean adding descriptions of the images, photos, tables, graphs, and other nonnarrative elements. If an image does not load or a student cannot see it, a screen reader can read these descriptions aloud. Sometimes students without visual disabilities also prefer to use settings that skip image viewing and use only the alternative text description so they can move through content more quickly. Exhibit 7.3 explains ways to make images accessible.

Clark (2002c) recommends you write what you actually see—for example, “bright red earphones half the size of a grapefruit” (Chapter 6, ¶40). However, if you display the image of the teaching assistant in a course, you could enter something like “Portrait of _______, Teaching Assistant,” omitting details unless relevant for understanding content, or choose the path of conversational engagement by describing the person’s curly hair, bright smile, and flannel shirt (Clark, 2002c, ¶40). Exhibit 7.4 provides a sample long description for a mathematical diagram.

Tables and Graphic Representations

Instructors often use a tabular format for layout even though the content within the table can easily be provided in a narrative or list form. Instructors also often make densely complex tables or graphic displays of data that cause students cognitive overload, especially multilevel displays. Therefore, use tables and graphic data only when really needed to show data relationships, and keep them as simple as they can be.

More complex tables generally can be broken down into several simpler tables (Coombs, 2010; National Center for Accessible Media, 2009) so that data become easier for all students to interpret. Also, adding an explanation about a table’s format and the type of information the data are intended to show can help blind or low-vision students make sense of the table layout (Coombs, 2010). For true tabular data, Excel often is a better choice because you can tag the headers, rows, and columns. Since instructors tend to make data representations more complex than they need to be, we include the following exhibits to show alternate accessible ways of expressing data. Even in these presentations, students can still be asked to reorder and interpret the data.

  • Exhibit 7.5 shows sample data in a bar chart and the same data in a simple table format.
  • Exhibit 7.6 shows an example of an alternate description for a bar chart with data placed into a list format.
  • Exhibit 7.7 shows examples of two alternate descriptions for a Venn diagram, one brief and easy to understand and the other long and superfluous.

Mathematical Equations

You can make equations accessible in several ways:

  • Mark up math equations with MathML so students can use a reading system to interpret them or an equation editor such as Design Science’s MathType (Design Science, 2016; National Center for Accessible Media, 2009).
  • Use MathSpeak to convert complex equations and formulas to Nemeth Code, which can represent math in Braille (2004 MathSpeak Initiative).
  • Use LaTeX, an open-source typesetting program that transmits to a Braille display. You can locate several LaTeX tutorials with a simple word search such as “LaTeX tutorial” or “Introduction to LaTeX.”

Signposts and Tips

Course files can include useful signposts and tips that you may not yet have considered. For example, the placement of a URL for a link to a website, a table of contents, structure and style treatments for text and headings, and the ways you save files and create forms can help or hinder a student’s accessibility to course content.

URL Placement and Screen Tips

Instead of placing a full URL within the narrative, you can embed it as a hyperlink within a title or key words of the source, allowing the narrative to maintain coherence. Another signpost you might not have noticed is the option to add a “screen tip” or “tool tip” for the hyperlink. This tip should appear in the pop-up panel when inserting a URL to a title. When you select “Screen Tip,” you can enter the text you want to use. For example, you might write a tip to advise students of what to do when they reach the website, such as: “Look for heading ‘Image Description, Examples, and Explanations.’ ” Exhibit 7.8 shows the URL placement and the added screen tip.

Structure and Hidden Characters

You can even add signposts in your course documents, such as a Word file. A simple example from Coombs (2010, p. 36) illustrates the big difference that attention to design detail can make for readers. The left-hand column list of states and cities in exhibit 7.9 has accurate information, but nothing to tell us the state-versus-city relationships. In the list shown in the right-hand column, the relationships become clearer by printing the states in bolded CAPS.

Yet while such treatment may help the reader who has no visual impairment, the bold and capitalization treatment will not be enough for all readers: labels are missing to signal the “state” level, and a read-aloud device is not likely to detect the bold unless you tag it with an underlying style. With this in mind, Goodson and Surface (2016a) explain that when you type on a typewriter or enter text on a computer screen, what you see is generally what you get visually. However, when you input information on a computer, nonprinting characters also become part of the file, even if you cannot see them. Coombs (2010) calls these “under the hood” characters (p. 58). When someone uses a screen reader or other device to read a file aloud, the device will also read those nonprint characters. For example, a screen reader might read “tab, tab, tab, tab” if the tab key manually created the spacing. Students face even more difficulty when using an electronic reading device for an unformatted table. Without clear signals provided by style sets, the screen reader can go off to never-never land and lose the student.

An unstyled narrative document may be readable, but the structure is clearer when you use the tools within Word to apply styles (Coombs, 2010; Goodson & Surface, 2016a). The need for styles becomes apparent when you see the hidden characters. The example of a course schedule from an unstyled syllabus in exhibit 7.10 shows a couple of features that undermine readability. (The hidden characters are not shown.) You can see how the use of two columns creates a problem for both the sighted and unsighted reader: reading across in the wrong order of Unit 1, then Unit 5, rather than in order of Unit 1, Unit 2, and so on. The rollover of the word Insurance under Unit 3, instead of Unit 7, muddies readability even more. A second problem for sighted readers is the underlining of “Course Schedule” because in our electronic files, such underlining typically signals a web link, where in this example none is intended.

A third problem arises when the hidden characters are shown, as in Exhibit 7.11. To reveal them, you can use the Microsoft paragraph symbol (¶) located on the Home ribbon or menu. In the “show” mode, you can see the number of tabs used to manually create the spacing. A student using a read-aloud device such as a screen reader would have to endure not only confusing organization caused by the layout but also hearing “tab” every time the tab mark appeared.

Avoiding such manual typewriter treatments along with using the styles tool in Word works around this problem and improves the document’s appearance for all students. The result is the kind of readable presentation shown in Exhibit 7.12: a heading style applied to “Course Schedule,” the removal of excess nonprint characters, and a clear sequence of topics.

Style Sets

Exhibit 7.13 provides guidelines for how to use style sets built into your LMS and Word (or a similar word processing program). Even without practice, you should find it easy to apply styles to any document.

These are the basic steps for using a style set:

  • Choose a style set.
  • Place the cursor over or highlight the word(s) in the text to which you want to apply one of the “quick styles.”
  • From the list in the style set, click the quick-style name you want to apply (e.g., Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, List, Emphasis).

If a “look” you want is not in the list of style names, you can make a new style by highlighting the word or phrase where you want the new treatment, add the treatment you want, and while highlighted save it as a new style name. For example, Goodson and Surface (2016a) created the “Week Heading” style for the schedule in the syllabus because they wanted a border around it, as shown in Exhibit 7.14. Although they used the style name “Week Heading,” they also indicated within the Style Set that it was based on heading level 5.

In addition to heading levels (such as Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on), they wanted style names that were meaningful for faculty within a syllabus, such as SECTIONS, TOPICS, Topic Paragraphs, and Lists. The syllabus style set also can be used with other course files. You can access the IPFW Syllabus Template at

Table of Contents

For longer documents, you may want to create a table of contents within Word. This can help students find content within a file, which is especially useful when a student wishes to review course content. If you have applied styles, the steps are simple and you can find Word tutorials to give more information:

  • Create a blank line where you want the table of contents to appear and leave your cursor there.
  • Find “Table of Contents” on the Word ribbon and choose the table of contents style that you want to use.

Saving a Word Document

Instructors generally save a Word document as Word.doc or .docx, and often also as a PDF because PDFs are faster and easier for students to open at an online course site. Some instructors upload both the Word and the Adobe PDF formats because students can add notes to the Word file.

When saving to a PDF, keep the styles and structure tags in the file. Doing this correctly requires a few simple basic steps, which exhibit 7.15 shows using screen shots. (Layouts vary with different versions of Word, but steps are essentially the same.)

  1. Begin with a document that already has styles added because they create the “document structure.” Without the style treatment, the PDF copy will provide “flawed” or “weak” accessibility (Karlen Communications, 2013).
  2. Do not choose the “print to PDF” or “save as PDF” shortcuts. Instead, first select “Save As,” and then choose PDF from the pull-down list of file choices, as shown in exhibit 7.15. After that, select “Options” and choose to show “Bookmarks, Tags, and Structure” when you save the file. These options allow a screen reader to “see” the structure of the file (such as Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on), and for a student to easily move around in the document.
  3. When posting files at the online course site, also add the file format to the title, such as “Class Schedule DOCX” or “Class Schedule PDF.” Your LMS should signal the file size, but if not, do add it because size information may be useful to your students.

Fixing Existing PDF files

If you have PDF files that already have been created without saved styles, you can add markups to fix them with tools in Adobe Acrobat Pro or other resources listed in appendix B of this book. Another option is to transform a PDF file to a Word format, apply styles, and resave the file correctly as a PDF.

Accessible Forms

Adobe Acrobat Pro allows you to create forms so that they will be easy for all students to complete. Washington State University provides steps for “Creating Accessible PDF Forms Using Adobe Acrobat Pro” (

Checking Accessibility

To check color treatments, print out a sample page in gray scale to see if the contrast is strong enough. Keep in mind that almost no one has trouble seeing blue, but many people cannot distinguish red and green (Clark, 2002d, ¶24). For PDFs, you can use the read-aloud function and listen to see if the audio makes sense. If you have access, you also can also check with a screen reader; some campuses have this tool installed at computer labs. Ask for help with checking from your information technology services team or from the disabilities services office. The University of Washington provides an Online Course Accessibility Checklist for syllabi, documents, Excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentations, video, and audio (

Using Media Wisely

In general, if you take into account what students of different abilities may and may not be able to do, you can make wise use of media. The decisions you make about how to use asynchronous or synchronous activities, PowerPoints, podcasts, and videos can help or hinder a student’s access to course content. Also keep in mind how well, if at all, any particular media choice enhances instructor presence, course content, or learning activities. As always, pedagogy, not the convenience of technology or media, should drive your choices.

Asynchronous versus Synchronous Activities

Asynchronous activities produce fewer problems than synchronous ones. For example, online discussions, tweets, blogs, wikis, and forums are easier to manage than live chats (Simpson, 2013). In contrast, if you choose to use the whiteboard feature in your LMS, a screen reader probably won’t be able to read it because this feature produces a graphic (Coombs, 2010). Regarding synchronous videoconferencing, several authors give excellent guidelines, but they do not address the needs of students who cannot rapidly enter and read chat entries or who have a schedule conflict (Calix, Prusko, & Thompson, 2015; Gautreau et al., 2012; Simpson, 2013). Here are some best practices to follow:

  • When using a whiteboard, make sure to describe orally what you are drawing or writing.
  • If using slides, add information for unsighted students.
  • If using the chat feature, recognize the overload it can place on some students, and consider whether you really need the feature, sometimes called backchanneling. Or at least organize its timing so that chatting will not take place simultaneously with your presentation.
  • Provide optional assignments for students who have disabilities or scheduling conflicts.
  • Record the session so that all students can access it for future study and review.

To take into account these multiple factors in his online communication courses, Dircksen (2010) offers alternative days and times for a synchronous session, alternative assignments for those who do not participate, and archived recordings of the sessions to allow students to access and review them. In this way, he provides equal opportunity and avoids calling out any student who may have a disability that makes participation difficult.

Multimodal Feedback

Dircksen also provides varied forms of feedback on the more substantial papers in his courses (A. Dircksen, personal communication, September 15, 2016):

  • Students have access to the scoring rubric in the Blackboard grade book where they see both quantitative and qualitative feedback.
  • Students are e-mailed their papers with comments in the margins and the rubric copied at the bottom of each paper.
  • Students are e-mailed a three- to four-minute video recording of Dircksen talking through their papers and giving suggestions on the most important areas he sees.


We have previously mentioned in this chapter some common pitfalls in how instructors use PowerPoint presentations in online courses. Here we address specific production issues to consider when creating an accessible PowerPoint.

Adding Audio

While on the surface it seems like a good practice to add audio to each slide in a PowerPoint presentation (and generally it is), when you think through how a screen reader works, you can foresee some difficulties: a student who uses a screen reader will be hearing any text information on the slide simultaneously with the audio recorded for the slide. As you might imagine, making sense out of these competing audio tracks is difficult. You can still add audio, but the workaround is for the student to turn off the screen reader or for you to also provide a version with NOTES only and no sound. This latter strategy works well only if your NOTES are complete. Use the NOTES section to enter what you would say if you were making the presentation in person to ensure that you thoroughly summarize the slide’s content (Coombs, 2010). Then when you print the PowerPoint with NOTES, you will have your script for recording.

Superfluous Text

Too often, PowerPoint presentations are loaded with long strings of text. If that is the case with your own slides, reconsider the need for that PowerPoint. Would an easy-to-read and appropriately styled Word file converted to PDF work as well? Some online instructors use Word with a simple table layout to add attractive images and narrative, and the product looks as good as or better than a slide. We mention this alternative not to dismiss PowerPoint but to help you make better use of this presentation format.

Visual Design

Create your PowerPoint presentations following good visual design basics for online courses:

  • Choose a slide design with simple organization and good contrast of letters and background.
  • Use the prebuilt placeholders to enter text information. Do not add any more text boxes because screen readers cannot read them.
  • Avoid animations because they tend to interrupt the flow of the presentation and the animations you add can sometimes cause a seizure.
  • Avoid auto-timing because the pace you set may not match a student’s pace of processing information.
  • Use the default font size or one slightly larger to allow clear readability.
  • Write a complete phrase or sentence in the title area of each slide, and create a new phrase or sentence for each succeeding slide. This practice forces you to give a clear content core for each slide and helps you focus your students’ attention.
  • Add ALT Tags or ALT Text behind images. If you need to add a long description for an image, consider putting it inside the placeholder’s text area first and matching the font color to the background or making the image large enough to cover over your description. In this way, a sighted person will not be distracted by the description and an unsighted person will be able to hear it with a reading device.
  • When adding a multimedia presentation within a PowerPoint, set up the slide to have the presentation play automatically.
Saving and Converting PowerPoints

Many instructors save their PowerPoint presentations as a PDF as well as a presentation. PowerPoints can also be saved as flash files or in other formats. Check with your information technology services for best practices for converting PowerPoints.


Podcasts work well in courses such as linguistics or language, and they can add a personal voice to any course. You may create your own or find many excellent ones through a web search. Of course, you will also find poor ones, but you can easily sort the good from the bad.

When making your own, check with technical support on your campus for recommendations and, if needed, the use of equipment for recording and editing. You also need to know your campus guidelines for storing, uploading, and streaming. Consult with your information technology unit, instructional designers, online or distance learning team, or library as appropriate for your campus. Good practices in using podcasts include these:

  • Make sure each podcast has a meaningful title.
  • Keep your recording within brief time limits of seven to eight minutes maximum.
  • Prepare a script, and rehearse before recording.
  • Record in a space with low or no competing noise.
  • Edit out gaps, pauses, and filler sounds.
  • Provide a transcript for your students.
  • Make sure students have the option to turn off the audio.
  • Store and post audio according to your campus protocols.


When you create your own videos, you add a personal touch to your online course, but you also can find many good videos through a web search. Your LMS may be set up with a “mashup” tool that facilitates your web search and shows how the video link will appear at your course site. As with podcasts, check with your technical support team on protocols for recording, storing, and uploading videos. We recommend the following practices:

  • Begin with a plan, such as a shooting script or storyboard for the videos you make yourself, and as noted in previous chapters, plan to keep them short (six to eighteen minutes). Reserve longer videos you select for those that are critical or strongly engaging (such as an engaging TED talk, a historical documentary, or the demonstration of steps in a procedure or movement).
  • Record in a space with good lighting and low or no background noise. Low lighting may introduce flicker into your final video.
  • Audio and visual elements do not speak for themselves. Provide spoken content for the visual elements and subtitles or captioning for the audio elements.
  • Keep audio and visual content aligned with each other. This may seem like a no-brainer, but the alignment can slip when you edit the video. In addition, when you add captions, make sure the words match the visuals.
  • If you cannot add captioning, provide a transcript. Even for students who do not have hearing problems, captioning and transcripts help in focusing on and reviewing content (Linder, 2016). Your campus may have designated captioning providers. For your own videos, you can follow certain procedures for adding captions, and if you start your preproduction with a script (a good practice anyway), you should find it fairly easy to add the captions.

Appendix B to this book provides additional resources for captioning.

HTML in Your LMS

If you are familiar with HTML (hypertext markup language) in web page design, you know the virtues of this platform-independent format. When you enter text in your LMS, it is in HTML, but the LMS hides the markup language so you will not be distracted by it. Most instructors do not notice it because the text editor is a WYSIWYG, pronounced “wiz-ee-wig” and meaning “what you see is what you get.” As you enter content in the LMS, you can see the look of your finished product while the system itself adds the HTML coding “under the hood.” You can see the markup language behind your text by selecting “HTML” on the text editor menu. The HTML may look daunting at first, but knowing some codes can help you to make sense of what you see and, more important, fix some text sections when the WYSIWYG does not work properly:

  • The symbols < > contain the instruction on how something has been coded. For example, <b> indicates that bold font will appear on the word or phrase that follows; <i> indicates italics; <p> indicates a new paragraph; <ul> indicates an unordered list; <li> indicates a listed item.
  • The symbols </> signal where a code ends. For example, </b> indicates where the bold ends; </i> where the italics ends; </li> where an item ends; </ul> where the unordered list ends.
  • The symbol <br> adds an extra line space. You do not have to add </br> to signal the end of the line break.


Dell et al. (2015, p. 175) provide the following steps toward universal design of online courses:


  • Create content first; then design.
  • Provide simple and consistent navigation.
  • Include an accommodation statement.
  • Use color with care.
  • Choose fonts carefully.

Action and Expression

  • Model and teach good discussion board etiquette.

Engagement and Interaction

  • Choose content management system (CMS) tools carefully.
  • Provide accessible document formats.
  • Convert PowerPoint to HTML.
  • If the content is auditory; make it visual.
  • If the content is visual; make it auditory.

Appendix B lists dozens of additional resources that you may wish to use or discuss with your technical support team.

Here are some ways to reduce your workload as you build your online course:

  • Look for course materials among the electronic resources of your campus library. You probably will find resources in accessible formats and for which copyright issues have already been addressed for course use.
  • Search for accessible open educational resources (OERs; see chapter 3) to use as course materials. Piña (2016) reports that using more OERs for online courses also improves learning—most likely because focusing on how well the OERs align with learning outcomes shifts the attention away from alignment with textbook chapters.
  • Add scanned documents with correct settings for readability (OCR, optical character recognition). Otherwise the screen reader will “see” the text as an unreadable graphic and will not be able to read the text aloud to the student.
  • Search for videos that already have the closed captioning (CC) feature.
  • When preparing your own podcasts, voice-overs, or videos, write a script beforehand or as you go to save you time in writing a transcript later.
  • Format for accessibility when initially developing documents and presentations.
  • When selecting a textbook, look for one that is available in digital and print format because using print alone requires scanning all the pages for conversion to a readable format for a student who has low or no vision.


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