Chapter 11. Records

A record is a composite data structure, which means that it is composed of more than one element or component, each with its own value. Records in PL/SQL programs are very similar in concept and structure to the rows of a database table. The record as a whole does not have a value of its own; instead, each individual component or field has a value, and the record gives you a way to store and access these values as a group. Records can greatly simplify your life as a programmer, allowing you to write and manage your code more efficiently by shifting from field-level declarations and manipulation to record-level operations.

Records in PL/SQL

Each row in a table has one or more columns of various datatypes. Similarly, a record is composed of one or more fields. There are three different ways to define a record, but once defined, the same rules apply for referencing and changing fields in a record.

The block below demonstrates the declaration of a record that is based directly on an underlying database table. Suppose that I have defined a table to keep track of my favorite books:

    CREATE TABLE books (
      book_id         INTEGER,
      isbn            VARCHAR2(13),
      title           VARCHAR2(200),
      summary         VARCHAR2(2000),
      author          VARCHAR2(200),
      date_published  DATE,
      page_count      NUMBER

I can then easily create a record based on this table, populate it with a query from the database, and then access the individual columns through the record’s fields:

       my_book   books%ROWTYPE;
       SELECT *
         INTO my_book
         FROM books
        WHERE title = 'Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 4th Edition';
       IF LIKE '%Feuerstein%'
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Our newest ISBN is ' || my_book.isbn);
       END IF;

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using records. Then we’ll examine the different ways to define a record and finish up with examples of using records in your programs.

Benefits of Using Records

The record data structure provides a high-level way of addressing and manipulating data defined inside PL/SQL programs (as opposed to stored in database tables). This approach offers several benefits, described in the following sections.

Data abstraction

When you abstract something, you generalize it, distancing yourself from the nitty-gritty details and concentrating on the big picture. When you create modules, you abstract the individual actions of the module into a name. The name (and program specification) represents those actions.

When you create a record, you abstract all the different attributes or fields of the subject of that record. You establish a relationship between those different attributes and give that relationship a name by defining a record.

Aggregate operations

Once you have stored information in records, you can perform operations on whole blocks of data at a time, rather than on each individual attribute. This kind of aggregate operation reinforces the abstraction of the record. Very often, you are not really interested in making changes to individual components of a record but instead to the object that represents all of those different components.

Suppose that in my job I need to work with companies. I don’t really care about whether a company has two lines of address information or three; instead, I want to work at the level of the company itself, making changes to, deleting, or analyzing the status of a company. In all of these cases I am talking about a whole row in the database, not any specific column. The company record hides all that information from me, yet makes it accessible if and when I need it. This orientation brings you closer to viewing your data as a collection of objects, with rules applied to those objects.

Leaner, cleaner code

Using records also helps you to write cleaner code and less of it. When I use records, I invariably produce programs that have fewer lines of code, are less vulnerable to change, and need fewer comments. Records also cut down on variable sprawl; instead of declaring many individual variables, I declare a single record. This lack of clutter creates aesthetically attractive code that requires fewer resources to maintain.

Use of PL/SQL records can have a dramatic, positive impact on your programs, both in initial development and in ongoing maintenance. To ensure that I get the most out of record structures, I have set the following guidelines for my code development:

Create corresponding cursors and records

Whenever I create a cursor in my programs, I also create a corresponding record (except in the case of cursor FOR loops). I always FETCH into a record, rather than into individual variables. In those few instances when this involves a little extra work, I marvel at the elegance of the approach and compliment myself on my commitment to principle. And starting with Oracle9i Database Release 2, I can even use records with DML statements!

Create table-based records

Whenever I need to store table-based data within my programs, I create a new (or use a predefined) table-based record to store that data. I keep my variable use to a minimum and dynamically link my program data structures to my RDBMS data structures with the %ROWTYPE attribute.

Pass records as parameters

Whenever appropriate, I pass records rather than individual variables as parameters in my procedural interfaces. This way, my procedure calls are less likely to change over time, making my code more stable. There is a downside to this technique, however: if a record is passed as an OUT or IN OUT parameter, its field values are saved by the PL/SQL program in case of a rollback. This can use up memory and consume unnecessary CPU cycles. (Oracle has introduced a NOCOPY parameter hint that may help in some cases. See Chapter 17 for details.)

Declaring Records

You can declare a record in one of three ways:

Table-based record

Use the %ROWTYPE attribute with a table name to declare a record in which each field corresponds to—and has the same name as—a column in a table. In the following example, I declare a record named one_book with the same structure as the books table:

       one_book books%ROWTYPE;
Cursor-based record

Use the %ROWTYPE with an explicit cursor or cursor variable in which each field corresponds to a column or aliased expression in the cursor SELECT statement. In the following example, I declare a record with the same structure as an explicit cursor:

       CURSOR my_books_cur IS
          SELECT * FROM books
           WHERE author LIKE '%FEUERSTEIN%';

       one_SF_book my_books_cur%ROWTYPE;
Programmer-defined record

Use the TYPE RECORD statement to define a record in which each field is defined explicitly (with its name and datatype) in the TYPE statement for that record; a field in a programmer-defined record can even be another record. In the following example, I declare a record TYPE containing some information about my book writing career and an “instance” of that type, a record:

       TYPE book_info_rt IS RECORD (
          category VARCHAR2(100),
          total_page_count POSITIVE);

       steven_as_author book_info_rt;

Notice that when I declare a record based on a record TYPE, I do not use the %ROWTYPE attribute. The book_info_rt element already is a TYPE.

The general format of the %ROWTYPE declaration is:

record_name [schema_name.]object_name%ROWTYPE
       [ DEFAULT|:= compatible_record ];

The schema_name is optional (if not specified, then the schema under which the code is compiled is used to resolve the reference). The object_name can be an explicit cursor, cursor variable, table, view, or synonym. You can provide an optional default value, which would be a record of the same or compatible type.

Here is an example of the creation of a record based on a cursor variable:

       book_cv book_rc;

       one_book book_cv%ROWTYPE;

The other way to declare and use a record is to do so implicitly, with a cursor FOR loop. In the following block, the book_rec record is not defined in the declaration section; PL/SQL automatically declares it for me with the %ROWTYPE attribute against the loop’s query:

       FOR book_rec IN (SELECT * FROM books)
          calculate_total_sales (book_rec);
       END LOOP;

By far the most interesting and complicated way to declare a record is with the TYPE statement , so let’s explore that feature in a bit more detail.

Programmer-Defined Records

Table- and cursor-based records are great when you need to create program data matching those structures. Yet do these kinds of records cover all of our needs for composite data structures? What if I want to create a record that has nothing to do with either a table or a cursor? What if I want to create a record whose structure is derived from several different tables and views? Should I really have to create a “dummy” cursor just so I can end up with a record of the desired structure? For just these kinds of situations, PL/SQL offers programmer-defined records, declared with the TYPE...RECORD statement.

With the programmer-defined record, you have complete control over the number, names, and datatypes of fields in the record. To declare a programmer-defined record, you must perform two distinct steps:

  1. Declare or define a record TYPE containing the structure you want in your record.

  2. Use this record TYPE as the basis for declarations of your own actual records having that structure.

Declaring programmer-defined record TYPEs

You declare a record type with the TYPE statement. The TYPE statement specifies the name of the new record structure, and the components or fields that make up that record. The general syntax of the record TYPE definition is:

    TYPEtype_name IS RECORD
       (field_name1 datatype1,
                     field_name2 datatype2,
                     field_nameN datatypeN

where field_nameN is the name of the Nth field in the record, and datatypeN is the datatype of that Nth field. The datatype of a record’s field can be any of the following:

  • Hardcoded, scalar datatype (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, etc.).

  • Programmer-defined SUBTYPE.

  • Anchored declarations using %TYPE or %ROWTYPE attributes. In the latter case, we have created a nested record —one record inside another.

  • PL/SQL collection type; a field in a record can be a list or even a collection.

  • REF CURSOR, in which case the field contains a cursor variable.

Here is an example of a record TYPE statement:

    TYPE company_rectype IS RECORD
       (comp# company.company_id%TYPE,

You can declare a record TYPE in a local declaration section or in a package specification; the latter approach allows you to globally reference that record type in any PL/SQL block compiled in the schema that owns the package or in the PL/SQL blocks of any schema that has EXECUTE privileges on the package.

Declaring the record

Once you have created your own customized record types, you can use those types in declarations of specific records. The actual record declarations have the following format:

record_name record_type;

where record_name is the name of the record, and record_type is the name of a record type that you have defined with the TYPE...RECORD statement.

To build a customer sales record, for example, I would first establish a record type called customer_sales_rectype, as follows:

    TYPE customer_sales_rectype IS RECORD
       (customer_id   NUMBER (5),
        total_sales   NUMBER (15,2)

This is a three-field record structure that contains the primary key and name information for a customer, as well as a calculated, total amount of sales for the customer. I can then use this new record type to declare records with the same structure as this type:

    prev_customer_sales_rec customer_sales_rectype;
    top_customer_rec customer_sales_rectype;

Notice that I do not need the %ROWTYPE attribute, or any other kind of keyword, to denote this as a record declaration. The %ROWTYPE attribute is needed only for table and cursor records.

In addition to specifying the datatype, you can supply default values for individual fields in a record with the DEFAULT or := syntax. You can also apply constraints to the declaration of a record’s fields. You can specify that a field in a record be NOT NULL (in which case you must also assign a default value). Finally, each field name within a record must be unique.

Examples of programmer-defined record declarations

Suppose that I declare the following subtype, a cursor, and an associative array data structure:[*]

    DECLARE SUBTYPE long_line_type IS VARCHAR2(2000);

    CURSOR company_sales_cur IS
       SELECT name, SUM (order_amount) total_sales
         FROM company c, order o
        WHERE c.company_id = o.company_id;

    TYPE employee_ids_tabletype IS
       TABLE OF employee.employee_id%TYPE

I can then define the following programmer-defined record in that same declaration section:

  • A programmer-defined record that is a subset of the company table, plus a PL/SQL table of employees. I use the %TYPE attribute to link the fields in the record directly to the table. I then add a third field, which is actually an associative array of employee ID numbers.

        TYPE company_rectype IS RECORD
           (company_id    company.company_id%TYPE,
            new_hires_tab employee_ids_tabletype);
  • A mish-mash of a record that demonstrates the different kinds of field declarations in a record, including the NOT NULL constraint, the use of a subtype, the %TYPE attribute, a default value specification, an associative array, and a nested record. These varieties are shown here.

        TYPE mishmash_rectype IS RECORD
           (emp_number NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
            paragraph_text long_line_type,
            total_sales company_sales.total_sales%TYPE := 0,
            new_hires_tab employee_ids_tabletype,
            prefers_nonsmoking_fl BOOLEAN := FALSE,
            new_company_rec company_rectype

As you can see, PL/SQL offers tremendous flexibility in designing your own record structures. Your records can represent tables, views, and SELECT statements in a PL/SQL program. They can also be arbitrarily complex, with fields that are actually records within records or associative arrays.

Working with Records

Regardless of how you define a record (based on a table, cursor, or explicit record TYPE statement), you work with the resulting record in the same ways. You can work with the data in a record at the “record level,” or you can work with individual fields of the record.

Record-level operations

When you work at the record level, you avoid any references to individual fields in the record. Here are the record-level operations currently supported by PL/SQL:

  • You can copy the contents of one record to another (as long as they are compatible in structure, i.e., have the same number of fields and the same or convertible datatypes).

  • You can assign a value of NULL to a record with a simple assignment.

  • You can define and pass the record as an argument in a parameter list.

  • You can RETURN a record back through the interface of a function.

Several record-level operations are not yet supported:

  • You cannot use the IS NULL syntax to see if all fields in the record have NULL values. Instead, you must apply the IS NULL operator to each field individually.

  • You cannot compare two records—for example, you cannot ask if the records (the values of their fields) are the same or different, or if one record is greater than or less than another. Unfortunately, to answer these kinds of questions, you must compare each field individually. We cover this topic and provide a utility that generates such comparison code in the later section “Comparing Records.”

  • Prior to Oracle9i Database Release 2, you cannot insert into a database table with a record. Instead, you must pass each individual field of the record for the appropriate column. For more information on record-based DML, see Chapter 14.

You can perform record-level operations on any records with compatible structures. In other words, the records must have the same number of fields and the same or convertible datatypes, but they don’t have to be the same type. Suppose that I have created the following table:

    CREATE TABLE cust_sales_roundup (
       customer_id NUMBER (5),
       customer_name VARCHAR2 (100),
       total_sales NUMBER (15,2)

Then the three records defined as follows all have compatible structures, and I can “mix-and-match” the data in these records as shown:

       cust_sales_roundup_rec cust_sales_roundup%ROWTYPE;

       CURSOR cust_sales_cur IS SELECT * FROM cust_sales_roundup;
       cust_sales_rec cust_sales_cur%ROWTYPE;

       TYPE customer_sales_rectype IS RECORD
          (customer_id NUMBER(5),
           total_sales NUMBER(15,2)
       prefererred_cust_rec customer_sales_rectype;
       -- Assign one record to another.
       cust_sales_roundup_rec := cust_sales_rec;
       prefererred_cust_rec := cust_sales_rec;

Let’s look at some other examples of record-level operations.

  • In this example, I’ll assign a default value to a record. You can initialize a record at the time of declaration by assigning it another, compatible record. In the following program, I assign an IN argument record to a local variable. I might do this so that I can modify the values of fields in the record:

        PROCEDURE compare_companies
           (prev_company_rec IN company%ROWTYPE)
           curr_company_rec company%ROWTYPE := prev_company_rec;
  • In this next initialization example, I create a new record type and record. I then create a second record type using the first record type as its single column. Finally, I initialize this new record with the previously defined record:

           TYPE first_rectype IS RECORD (
              var1 VARCHAR2(100) := 'WHY NOT'),
           first_rec first_rectype;
           TYPE second_rectype IS RECORD
              (nested_rec first_rectype := first_rec);
  • I can also perform assignments within the execution section, as you might expect. In the following example I declare two different rain_forest_history records and then set the current history information to the previous history record:

           prev_rain_forest_rec rain_forest_history%ROWTYPE;
           curr_rain_forest_rec rain_forest_history%ROWTYPE;
           ... initialize previous year rain forest data ...
           -- Transfer data from previous to current records.
           curr_rain_forest_rec := prev_rain_forest_rec;

    The result of this aggregate assignment is that the value of each field in the current record is set to the value of the corresponding field in the previous record. I could also have accomplished this with individual direct assignments from the previous to current records. This would have required four separate assignments and lots of typing; whenever possible, use record-level operations to save time and make your code less vulnerable to change.

  • I can move data directly from a row in a table to a record in a program by fetching directly into a record. Here are several examples:

           || Declare a cursor and then define a record based on that cursor
           || with the %ROWTYPE attribute.
           CURSOR cust_sales_cur IS
              SELECT customer_id, name, SUM (total_sales) tot_sales
                FROM cust_sales_roundup
               WHERE sold_on < ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, -3)
              GROUP BY customer_id, name;
           cust_sales_rec cust_sales_cur%ROWTYPE;
           /* Move values directly into record by fetching from cursor */
           OPEN cust_sales_cur;
           FETCH cust_sales_cur INTO cust_sales_rec;

    In this next block, I declare a programmer-defined TYPE that matches the data retrieved by the implicit cursor. Then I SELECT directly into a record based on that type.

           TYPE customer_sales_rectype IS RECORD
              (customer_id   NUMBER (5),
               total_sales   NUMBER (15,2)
           top_customer_rec  customer_sales_rectype;
           /* Move values directly into the record: */
           SELECT customer_id, name, SUM (total_sales)
             INTO top_customer_rec
             FROM cust_sales_roundup
            WHERE sold_on < ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, -3)
             GROUP BY customer_id, name;
  • I can declare a function that returns a record and also demonstrate the ability to “null out” a record with a direct assignment.

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION best_seller (
           week_in IN PLS_INTEGER,
           year_in IN PLS_INTEGER)
           RETURN books%ROWTYPE
           return_value books%ROWTYPE;
           SELECT *
             INTO return_value
             FROM books B
            WHERE week_number = week_in
              AND year = year_in
              AND sales = (SELECT MAX (sales) FROM book_sales BS
                           WHERE BS.isbn = B.isbn
                             AND week_number = week_in
                             AND year = year_in);
           RETURN return_value;
              -- Make sure to return NULL.
              return_value := NULL;
              RETURN return_value;
        END best_seller;

Whenever possible, try to work with records at the aggregate level: the record as a whole, and not individual fields. The resulting code is much easier to write and maintain. There are, of course, many situations in which you need to manipulate individual fields of a record. Let’s take a look at how you would do that.

Field-level operations

When you need to access a field within a record (to either read or change its value), you must use dot notation, just as you would when identifying a column from a specific database table. The syntax for such a reference is:


You need to provide a package name only if the record is defined in the specification of a package that is different from the one you are working on at that moment. You need to provide a schema name only if the package is owned by a schema different from that in which you are compiling your code.

Once you have used dot notation to identify a particular field, all the normal rules in PL/SQL apply as to how you can reference and change the value of that field. Let’s take a look at some examples.

The assignment operator (:=) changes the value of a particular field. In the first assignment, total_sales is zeroed out. In the second assignment, a function is called to return a value for the Boolean flag output_generated (it is set to either TRUE or FALSE):

       top_customer_rec.total_sales := 0;

       report_rec.output_generated :=
          check_report_status (report_rec.report_id);

In the next example I create a record based on the rain_forest_history table, populate it with values, and then insert a record into that same table:

       rain_forest_rec rain_forest_history%ROWTYPE;
       /* Set values for the record */
       rain_forest_rec.country_code  := 1005;
       rain_forest_rec.analysis_date :=
          ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE), -3);
       rain_forest_rec.size_in_acres := 32;
       rain_forest_rec.species_lost  := 425;

       /* Insert a row in the table using the record values */
       INSERT INTO rain_forest_history
              (country_code, analysis_date, size_in_acres, species_lost)

Notice that because the analysis_date field is of type DATE, I can assign any valid DATE expression to that field. The same goes for the other fields, and this is even true for more complex structures.

By the way, if you are using releases from Oracle9i Database Release 2 onwards, you can also perform a record-level insert, simplifying the above INSERT statement into nothing more than this:

    INSERT INTO rain_forest_history
       (country_code, analysis_date, size_in_acres, species_lost)
    VALUES rain_forest_rec;

Record-level DML (for both inserts and updates) is covered fully in Chapter 14.

Field-level operations with nested records

Suppose that I have created a nested record structure; that is, one of the fields in my “outer” record is actually another record. In the following example I declare a record TYPE for all the elements of a telephone number (phone_rectype), and then declare a record TYPE that collects all the phone numbers for a person together in a single structure (contact_set_rectype).

       TYPE phone_rectype IS RECORD
          (intl_prefix   VARCHAR2(2),
           area_code     VARCHAR2(3),
           exchange      VARCHAR2(3),
           phn_number    VARCHAR2(4),
           extension     VARCHAR2(4)

       -- Each field is a nested record...
      TYPE contact_set_rectype IS RECORD
          (day_phone#    phone_rectype,
           eve_phone#    phone_rectype,
           fax_phone#    phone_rectype,
           home_phone#   phone_rectype,
           cell_phone#   phone_rectype
       auth_rep_info_rec contact_set_rectype;

Although I still use the dot notation to refer to a field with nested records, now I might have to refer to a field that is nested several layers deep inside the structure. To do this I must include an extra dot for each nested record structure, as shown in the following assignment, which sets the fax phone number’s area code to the home phone number’s area code:

    auth_rep_info_rec.fax_phone#.area_code :=

Field-level operations with package-based records

Finally, here is an example demonstrating references to packaged records (and package-based record TYPEs). Suppose that I want to plan out my summer reading (for all those days I will be lounging about in the sand outside my Caribbean hideaway). I create a package specification as follows:

       TYPE reading_list_rt IS RECORD (
          favorite_author  VARCHAR2 (100),
          title            VARCHAR2 (100),
          finish_by        DATE);

       must_read reading_list_rt;
       wifes_favorite reading_list_rt;
    END summer;

    BEGIN  -- Initialization section
       must_read.favorite_author := 'Tepper, Sheri S.';
       must_read.title := 'Gate to Women''s Country';
    END summer;

With this package compiled in the database, I can then construct my reading list as follows:

       first_book summer.reading_list_rt;
       second_book summer.reading_list_rt;
       summer.must_read.finish_by := TO_DATE ('01-AUG-2002', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),
       first_book := summer.must_read;

       second_book.favorite_author := 'Morris, Benny';
       second_book.title := 'Righteous Victims';
       second_book.finish_by := TO_DATE ('01-SEP-2002', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),

I declare two local book records. I then assign a “finish by” date to the packaged must-read book (notice the package.record.field syntax) and assign that packaged record to my first book of the summer record. I then assign values to individual fields for the second book of the summer.

Note that when you work with the UTL_FILE built-in package for file I/O in PL/SQL, you follow these same rules. The UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE datatype is actually a record TYPE definition. So when you declare a file handle, you are really declaring a record from a package-based TYPE:

       my_file_id UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;

Comparing Records

How can you check to see if two records are equal (i.e., that each corresponding field contains the same value)? It would be wonderful if PL/SQL would allow you to perform a direct comparison, as in:

       first_book summer.reading_list_rt := summer.must_read;
       second_book summer.reading_list_rt := summer.wifes_favorite;
       IF first_book = second_book
       END IF;

Unfortunately, you cannot do that. Instead, to test for record equality, you must write code that compares each field individually. If a record doesn’t have many fields, this isn’t too cumbersome. For the reading list record, you would write something like this:

       first_book summer.reading_list_rt := summer.must_read;
       second_book summer.reading_list_rt := summer.wifes_favorite;
       IF     first_book.favorite_author = second_book.favorite_author
          AND first_book.title = second_book.title
          AND first_book.finish_by = second_book.finish_by
       END IF;

There is one complication to keep in mind. If your requirements indicate that two NULL records are equal (equally NULL), you will have to modify each comparison to something like this:

    (first_book.favorite_author  = second_book.favorite_author
       OR( first_book.favorite_author IS NULL AND
           second_book.favorite_author IS NULL)

Any way you look at it, this is pretty tedious coding. Wouldn’t it be great if we could generate code to do this for us? In fact, it’s not all that difficult to do precisely that—at least if the records you want to compare are defined with %ROWTYPE against a table or view. In this case, you can obtain the names of all fields from the ALL_TAB_COLUMNS data dictionary view and then format the appropriate code out to the screen or to a file.

Better yet, you don’t have to figure all that out yourself. Instead, you can download and run the “records equal” generator designed by Dan Spencer; you will find his package on the book’s web site in the gen_record_comparison.pkg file.

Trigger Pseudo-Records

When you are writing code inside database triggers for a particular table, Oracle makes available to you two structures, OLD and NEW, which are pseudo-records . These structures have the same format as table-based records declared with %ROWTYPE: they have a field for every column in the table:


This pseudo-record shows the values of each column in the table before the current transaction completes.


This pseudo-record reveals the new values of each column about to be placed in the table when the current transaction completes.

When you reference OLD and NEW within the body of the trigger, you must preface those identifiers with a colon; within the WHEN clause, however, do not use the colon. Here is an example:

       AFTER UPDATE OF salary
       ON employee
    WHEN  (OLD.salary != NEW.salary) OR
          (OLD.salary IS NULL AND NEW.salary IS NOT NULL) OR
          (OLD.salary IS NOT NULL AND NEW.salary IS NULL)
       IF :NEW.salary > 100000 THEN ...

Chapter 19 offers a more complete explanation of how you can put the OLD and NEW pseudo-records to use in your database triggers. In particular, that chapter describes the many restrictions on how you can work with OLD and NEW.

[*] Associative array is the name for an index-by table introduced in Oracle9i Database, as explained in some detail in Chapter 12.

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