Some Basic SQL*Plus Commands

Now that you know how to start SQL*Plus, it’s time to learn a few basic commands. This section will show you how to exit SQL*Plus, how to switch your database connection to another database, how to get help, and how to view a database table definition.


All SQL*Plus commands are case-insensitive; you may enter them using either lowercase or uppercase. In this book, commands are shown in uppercase to make them stand out better in the examples. Be aware, however, that when a filename is used as an argument to a command, it may or may not be case-sensitive, depending on the specific operating system you are using. For example, under Windows NT, filenames are not case-sensitive, but under Unix, they are.


A good place to start, since you’ve just seen how to start SQL*Plus, might be with the EXIT command. The EXIT command terminates your SQL*Plus session, and either closes the SQL*Plus window (GUI version) or returns you to the operating system prompt. Used in its simplest form, the EXIT command looks like this:

Disconnected from Personal Oracle8 Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
PL/SQL Release - Production

There are some optional arguments to the EXIT command, which may be used to return success or failure values to the operating system. These are useful when running scripts in batch mode, and are described fully in Chapter 7.


The PASSWORD command allows you to change your database password.


The PASSWORD command was introduced beginning with SQL*Plus version 8. In prior versions, you need to use the ALTER USER command to change a password. To change other people’s passwords, you need the ALTER USER system privilege.

The syntax for the PASSWORD command is:

PASSWORD [username]



May be abbreviated to PASSW.


Is the user whose password you want to change. Usually only database administrators (DBAs) can change passwords for other users. You do not need to supply a username if you are changing your own password.

Here is an example showing how the PASSWORD command is used:

Changing password for JONATHAN
Old password: *******
New password: *******
Retype new password: *******
Password changed

If you are running a version of SQL*Plus prior to version 8, the PASSWORD command will not be available. Instead, use the ALTER USER command to change your password. Here’s how:


As you can see, the PASSWORD command has the advantage of not showing the new password on the screen.


The HELP command is used to get help on SQL statements, SQL*Plus commands, and PL/SQL commands.


SQL*Plus 8.1, released with Oracle8i, provides help only on SQL*Plus commands. This is because there wasn’t time for Oracle to update the help text to cover all the new functionality in SQL and PL/SQL in time for the 8i release. Subsequent versions of SQL*Plus should reenable SQL and PL/SQL help.

The syntax for HELP is:

HELP [topic]



May not be abbreviated.


Is the help topic you want to read about. Most SQL commands, SQL*Plus commands and PL/SQL statements are valid help topics. There are others as well. Entering HELP MENU will get you a complete list of valid topics.

Help is not available on all implementations. The Windows versions of SQL*Plus simply don’t implement the feature. Under Unix, the HELP command will work only if your DBA has installed that feature in the database. You will know SQL*Plus help has not been installed if you enter the HELP command and get the results shown in this example:

HELP not accessible.

SQL*Plus reads help text from a database table named HELP, owned by the user SYSTEM. You will get the “HELP not accessible” message if that table does not exist, or if SQL*Plus cannot select from it because of some other problem. Assuming the help feature has been installed, you can get a list of the various help topics available by using the HELP MENU command.


Beginning with version 8.1 of SQL*Plus, you need to use HELP INDEX instead of HELP MENU.

Here’s an example of how HELP MENU can be used to get a list of help topics:



 ---------------    ----------------   ----------------    ---------------
 alias              attributes         1 row number        help
 comments           blocks             1 row char          commands
 conditions         commands           conversion          old commands
 data dictionary    cursors            date functions      overview


The HELP command is not available from the Windows versions of SQL*Plus. If you are running in a Windows 95 or NT environment, you will need to refer to the appropriate Oracle manuals for information on SQL*Plus, SQL, and PL/SQL commands. These manuals are available on the distribution CD-ROM, and, beginning with version 7.3.3, are in HTML format.

After identifying a topic of interest, you can get further help by using that topic name as an argument to the HELP command. Here is the information HELP gives you about the DESCRIBE command:



 DESC[RIBE] {[user.]table[@database_link_name] [column] |
 [user.] object[.subobject]}

 DESCRIBE lists the column definitions for a table, view, or synonym,
 or the specifications for a function, procedure, package, or
 package contents.

Entering HELP without an argument will get you help on using HELP.

If you are running under Windows NT or 95, Oracle prefers to point you to the manual set included on the distribution CD-ROM. The HELP command itself will still work; however, you will get the dialog box shown in Figure 2.6, which points you to the documentation on the CD-ROM.

The “No Help” dialog

Figure 2-6. The “No Help” dialog

On most Oracle distribution CD-ROMs, you can get to the HTML documentation by opening a file named INDEX.HTM in the DOC directory.


The DESCRIBE command lists the column definitions for a database table. It can also be used to view procedure, function, package, and object definitions. If you have created and loaded the sample tables described in Chapter 1, you can use the DESCRIBE command to view their column definitions. The following example shows how DESCRIBE is used to list the columns in the EMPLOYEE table:

SQL> DESCRIBE employee
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 EMPLOYEE_ID                     NOT NULL NUMBER
 EMPLOYEE_NAME                            VARCHAR2(40)
 EMPLOYEE_HIRE_DATE                       DATE

As you can see, the command lists three things for each column in the table:

  • The column’s name

  • The column’s datatype, and length if applicable

  • Whether or not the column can be null

See Chapter 6, for more information about DESCRIBE, including examples of its use against procedures, functions, packages, synonyms, and object types.


The CONNECT command lets you log into your database as a different user, or log into a completely different database. It’s useful if you develop against, or manage, more than one database, because you can quickly switch between them when you need to. It’s also quite common for a developer or DBA to have multiple usernames on one database, with each being used for a different purpose. A DBA might log in as SYSTEM in order to create users and manage tablespaces, but might choose to log in with a less privileged username when running reports.

The complete syntax for CONNECT is:

CONNECT [username[/password][@connect]|/|] [AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA}]|[INTERNAL]



May be abbreviated CONN.


Is your database username.


Is your database password.


Is the connect string, or host string, telling SQL*Plus the database to which you want to connect.


Use a forward slash instead of your username, password, and connect string when you want to connect to a local database using operating system authentication.


Tells SQL*Plus that you are connecting in an administrative role.


Tells SQL*Plus that you are connecting as an operator.


Tells SQL*Plus that you are connecting as a database administrator.


Tells SQL*Plus that you want to connect internally.

Everything beginning with the keyword AS applies when you are using SQL*Plus for database administration tasks. Chapter 10 is devoted to that subject, and explains the use of the SYSOPER, SYSDBA, and INTERNAL keywords.

The simplest way to use the CONNECT command is to use it by itself, with no arguments, as shown here:

Enter user-name: jonathan
Enter password: *******

In the case above, SQL*Plus prompted for both a username and a password. Notice, too, that the password characters were echoed back as asterisks. This prevents anyone from looking over your shoulder as you type and stealing your password. SQL*Plus did not prompt for a connect string, and won’t, either, so using the above method only allows you to connect to your default database.

Another form of the CONNECT command allows you to specify the username, password, and connect string all on one line. This is the version I use most frequently as I switch back and forth between databases that I manage. For example:

SQL> CONNECT system/driveway@plum

If you are security conscious (you should be) and happen to have someone looking over your shoulder, you may omit the password and let SQL*Plus prompt you for it. The advantage here is that the password characters will be echoed to the screen as asterisks. For example:

SQL> CONNECT system@oak
Enter password:*******


In at least one version of SQL*Plus version 8.0.4, there is a bug that keeps this from working. You can enter CONNECT with the username as an argument, then enter the password when prompted, but SQL*Plus won’t pass the correct information to the database.

Go ahead and try the CONNECT command a few times, trying the variations shown above. If you only have one username you can use, try reconnecting as yourself just to get the hang of it.


The DISCONNECT command is one I rarely use. It’s the analog of the CONNECT command, and simply disconnects you from the Oracle database while leaving you in SQL*Plus. The syntax is very simple, and looks like this:




May be abbreviated to DISC.

Here is an example of the DISCONNECT command being used:

Disconnected from Personal Oracle8 Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
PL/SQL Release - Production

Any pending transactions are committed before you are disconnected from Oracle. At this point you have three choices:

  1. Reconnect to Oracle using the CONNECT command.

  2. Exit SQL*Plus.

  3. Execute SQL*Plus commands that do not require a database connection. The SET command, for example, does not require you to be connected.

DISCONNECT is useful if you want to leave a SQL*Plus session open for a long period of time, but do not wish to tie up a database connection.

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