The DESCRIBE command is used to display information about a table, a view, an Oracle8 object type, a stored package, a stored procedure, or a stored function. When used against a table or view, DESCRIBE returns a list of columns, including datatypes and lengths. When used against an Oracle8 object type or a stored package, DESCRIBE returns a list of procedures, functions, and variables that are accessible from outside the package or type. Parameters for each function, procedure, and method are listed as well. When used against a stored procedure or function, DESCRIBE returns a list of parameters. In the case of a function, DESCRIBE displays the return type as well. DESCRIBE is discussed in Chapter 6 .

DESC[RIBE] [schema.]object_name[@database_link_name]



Is the command, which may be abbreviated to DESC.


Is the name of the object’s owner. This defaults to your username.


Is the name of the object, often a table or a view, that you want to describe. You can describe any of the following: a table, a view, a stored procedure, a stored function, a stored package, or an Oracle8 object type.


Is the name of a database link pointing to the database where the object exists. You only need to use this if the object you want to describe exists in a database other than the one to which you are currently connected. Your DBA can help create a database link if you need one.

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