String Functions

A lot of functions can enhance a string’s capabilities. One very common need is to convert an integer into a string. This may happen when you take in an integer from a form and need to add it to part of a string. Fortunately, there is a function that can do this: strval(). Let’s put this in a quick program. Watch what happens if we have the user enter two numbers. The program adds them together and combines the results of strval(). The first page is a simple HTML page. The following code creates a page that looks like Figure 8.8:

Figure 8.8. The phpft08-03.html file.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<title>Putting two numbers together with strval()</title>


<form name="together" action="phpft08-03.php" method="get">

       Enter your first number: <input type="text" name="firstop">
       <p>Enter your second number: <input type="text" name="secondop">
       <p><input type="submit">

Now, let’s take a look at the PHP document:

<title>Using strval()</title>

$a = $_GET['firstop'];
$b = $_GET['secondop'];

echo "Let's take a look at the two results of using your operators.";
echo "<p>Using the addition operator does this: ".( $a + $b);
echo "<br>Adding the numbers using strval produces this: ". strval($a).' '.


This page, with the inputs of 13 and 15, looks like Figure 8.9.

Figure 8.9. The phpft08-03.php file.

You see what this program does? In the echoing section, adding two numbers creates an addition problem. However, using their strval() values, you get a new sentence!

This is only one of the possible string functions, and there are several dozen more. Some are really cool, such as substr(), which lets you search within a string, and soundex(), which lets you find words that have similar pronunciations. I recommend researching and to learn some more useful techniques for strings.

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