6. Tidy Data

6.1 Introduction

As mentioned in Chapter 4, Hadley Wickham,1 one of the more prominent members of the R community, introduced the concept of tidy data in a paper in the Journal of Statistical Software.2 Tidy data is a framework to structure data sets so they can be easily analyzed and visualized. It can be thought of as a goal one should aim for when cleaning data. Once you understand what tidy data is, that knowledge will make your data analysis, visualization, and collection much easier.

1. Hadley Wickham: http://hadley.nz/

2. Tidy data paper: http://vita.had.co.nz/papers/tidy-data.pdf

What is tidy data? Hadley Wickham’s paper defines it as meeting the following criteria:

■ Each row is an observation.

■ Each column is a variable.

■ Each type of observational unit forms a table.

This chapter goes through the various ways to tidy data as identified in Wickham’s paper.

Concept Map

Prior knowledge:

a. function and method calls

b. subsetting data

c. loops

d. list comprehension

This chapter:

■ Reshaping data

a. unpivot/melt/gather

b. pivot/cast/spread

c. subsetting

d. combining

1. globbing

2. concatenation


This chapter will cover:

1. Unpivoting/melting/gathering columns into rows

2. Pivoting/casting/spreading rows into columns

3. Normalizing data by separating a dataframe into multiple tables

4. Assembling data from multiple parts

6.2 Columns Contain Values, Not Variables

Data can have columns that contain values instead of variables. This is usually a convenient format for data collection and presentation.

6.2.1 Keep One Column Fixed

We’ll use data on income and religion in the United States from the Pew Research Center to illustrate how to work with columns that contain values, rather than variables.

import pandas as pd
pew = pd.read_csv('../data/pew.csv')

When we look at this data set, we can see that not every column is a variable. The values that relate to income are spread across multiple columns. The format shown is a great choice when presenting data in a table, but for data analytics, the table needs to be reshaped so that we have religion, income, and count variables.

# show only the first few columns
print(pew.iloc[:, 0:6])

                   religion  <$10k  $10-20k  $20-30k  $30-40k  
0                  Agnostic     27       34       60       81
1                   Atheist     12       27       37       52
2                  Buddhist     27       21       30       34
3                  Catholic    418      617      732      670
4        Don't know/refused     15       14       15       11
5          Evangelical Prot    575      869     1064      982
6                     Hindu      1        9        7        9
7   Historically Black Prot    228      244      236      238
8         Jehovah's Witness     20       27       24       24
9                    Jewish     19       19       25       25
10            Mainline Prot    289      495      619      655
11                   Mormon     29       40       48       51
12                   Muslim      6        7        9       10
13                 Orthodox     13       17       23       32
14          Other Christian      9        7       11       13
15             Other Faiths     20       33       40       46
16    Other World Religions      5        2        3        4
17             Unaffiliated    217      299      374      365
0        76
1        35
2        33
3       638
4        10
5       881
6        11
7       197
8        21
9        30
10      651
11       56
12        9
13       32
14       13
15       49
16        2
17      341

This view of the data is also known as “wide” data. To turn it into the “long” tidy data format, we will have to unpivot/melt/gather (depending on which statistical programming language we use) our dataframe. Pandas has a function called melt that will reshape the dataframe into a tidy format. melt takes a few parameters:

id_vars is a container (list, tuple, ndarray) that represents the variables that will remain as is.

value_vars identifies the columns you want to melt down (or unpivot). By default, it will melt all the columns not specified in the id_vars parameter.

var_name is a string for the new column name when the value_vars is melted down. By default, it will be called variable.

value_name is a string for the new column name that represents the values for the var_name. By default, it will be called value.

# we do not need to specify a value_vars since we want to pivot
# all the columns except for the 'religion' column
pew_long = pd.melt(pew, id_vars='religion')


             religion variable  value
0            Agnostic    <$10k     27
1             Atheist    <$10k     12
2            Buddhist    <$10k     27
3            Catholic    <$10k    418
4  Don't know/refused    <$10k     15


                  religion            variable  value
175               Orthodox  Don't know/refused     73
176        Other Christian  Don't know/refused     18
177           Other Faiths  Don't know/refused     71
178  Other World Religions  Don't know/refused      8
179           Unaffiliated  Don't know/refused    597

We can change the defaults so that the melted/unpivoted columns are named.

pew_long = pd.melt(pew,

             religion income  count
0            Agnostic  <$10k     27
1             Atheist  <$10k     12
2            Buddhist  <$10k     27
3            Catholic  <$10k    418
4  Don't know/refused  <$10k     15


                  religion              income  count
175               Orthodox  Don't know/refused     73
176        Other Christian  Don't know/refused     18
177           Other Faiths  Don't know/refused     71
178  Other World Religions  Don't know/refused      8
179           Unaffiliated  Don't know/refused    597

6.2.2 Keep Multiple Columns Fixed

Not every data set will have one column to hold still while you unpivot the rest of the columns. As an example, consider the Billboard data set.

billboard = pd.read_csv('../data/billboard.csv')

# look at the first few rows and columns
print(billboard.iloc[0:5, 0:16])

   year        artist                    track  time date.entered  
0  2000         2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26
1  2000       2Ge+her  The Hardest Part Of ...  3:15   2000-09-02
2  2000  3 Doors Down               Kryptonite  3:53   2000-04-08
3  2000  3 Doors Down                    Loser  4:24   2000-10-21
4  2000      504 Boyz            Wobble Wobble  3:35   2000-04-15

   wk1   wk2   wk3   wk4   wk5   wk6   wk7   wk8   wk9  wk10  wk11
0   87  82.0  72.0  77.0  87.0  94.0  99.0   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
1   91  87.0  92.0   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
2   81  70.0  68.0  67.0  66.0  57.0  54.0  53.0  51.0  51.0  51.0
3   76  76.0  72.0  69.0  67.0  65.0  55.0  59.0  62.0  61.0  61.0
4   57  34.0  25.0  17.0  17.0  31.0  36.0  49.0  53.0  57.0  64.0

You can see here that each week has its own column. Again, there is nothing wrong with this form of data. It may be easy to enter the data in this form, and it is much quicker to understand what it means when the data is presented in a table. However, there may be a time when you will need to melt the data. For example, if you wanted to create a faceted plot of the weekly ratings, the facet variable would need to be a column in the dataframe.

billboard_long = pd.melt(
    id_vars=['year', 'artist', 'track', 'time', 'date.entered'],


   year        artist                    track  time date.entered
0  2000         2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26
1  2000       2Ge+her  The Hardest Part Of ...  3:15   2000-09-02
2  2000  3 Doors Down               Kryptonite  3:53   2000-04-08
3  2000  3 Doors Down                    Loser  4:24   2000-10-21
4  2000      504 Boyz            Wobble Wobble  3:35   2000-04-15

  week  rating
0  wk1    87.0
1  wk1    91.0
2  wk1    81.0
3  wk1    76.0
4  wk1    57.0


       year            artist                    track  time  
24087  2000       Yankee Grey     Another Nine Minutes  3:10
24088  2000  Yearwood, Trisha          Real Live Woman  3:55
24089  2000   Ying Yang Twins  Whistle While You Tw...  4:19
24090  2000     Zombie Nation            Kernkraft 400  3:30
24091  2000   matchbox twenty                     Bent  4:12

      date.entered  week rating
24087   2000-04-29  wk76    NaN
24088   2000-04-01  wk76    NaN
24089   2000-03-18  wk76    NaN
24090   2000-09-02  wk76    NaN
24091   2000-04-29  wk76    NaN

6.3 Columns Contain Multiple Variables

Sometimes columns in a data set may represent multiple variables. This format is commonly seen when working with health data, for example. To illustrate this situation, let’s look at the Ebola data set.

ebola = pd.read_csv('../data/country_timeseries.csv')

Index(['Date', 'Day', 'Cases_Guinea', 'Cases_Liberia',
       'Cases_SierraLeone', 'Cases_Nigeria', 'Cases_Senegal',
       'Cases_UnitedStates', 'Cases_Spain', 'Cases_Mali',
       'Deaths_Guinea', 'Deaths_Liberia', 'Deaths_SierraLeone',
       'Deaths_Nigeria', 'Deaths_Senegal', 'Deaths_UnitedStates',
       'Deaths_Spain', 'Deaths_Mali'],

# print select rows
print(ebola.iloc[:5, [0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11]])

         Date  Day  Cases_Guinea  Cases_Liberia  Deaths_Guinea  
0    1/5/2015  289        2776.0            NaN         1786.0
1    1/4/2015  288        2775.0            NaN         1781.0
2    1/3/2015  287        2769.0         8166.0         1767.0
3    1/2/2015  286           NaN         8157.0            NaN
4  12/31/2014  284        2730.0         8115.0         1739.0

0             NaN
1             NaN
2          3496.0
3          3496.0
4          3471.0

The column names Cases_Guinea and Deaths_Guinea actually contain two variables. The individual status (cases and deaths, respectively) as well as the country name, Guinea. The data is also arranged in a wide format that needs to be unpivoted.

ebola_long = pd.melt(ebola, id_vars=['Date', 'Day'])

         Date  Day      variable   value
0    1/5/2015  289  Cases_Guinea  2776.0
1    1/4/2015  288  Cases_Guinea  2775.0
2    1/3/2015  287  Cases_Guinea  2769.0
3    1/2/2015  286  Cases_Guinea     NaN
4  12/31/2014  284  Cases_Guinea  2730.0


           Date  Day     variable  value
1947  3/27/2014    5  Deaths_Mali    NaN
1948  3/26/2014    4  Deaths_Mali    NaN
1949  3/25/2014    3  Deaths_Mali    NaN
1950  3/24/2014    2  Deaths_Mali    NaN
1951  3/22/2014    0  Deaths_Mali    NaN

6.3.1 Split and Add Columns Individually (Simple Method)

Conceptually, the column of interest can be split based on the underscore in the column name, _. The first part will be the new status column, and the second part will be the new country column. This will require some string parsing and splitting in Python (more on this in Chapter 8). In Python, a string is an object, similar to how Pandas has Series and DataFrame objects. Chapter 2 showed how Series can have method such as mean, and DataFrames can have methods such as to_csv. Strings have methods as well. In this case we will use the split method that takes a string and splits the string up based on a given delimiter. By default, split will split the string based on a space, but we can pass in the underscore, _, in our example. To get access to the string methods, we need to use the str accessor (see Chapter 8 for more on strings). This will give us access to the Python string methods and allow us to work across the entire column.

# get the variable column
# access the string methods
# and split the column based on a delimiter
variable_split = ebola_long.variable.str.split('_')


0    [Cases, Guinea]
1    [Cases, Guinea]
2    [Cases, Guinea]
3    [Cases, Guinea]
4    [Cases, Guinea]
Name: variable, dtype: object


1947    [Deaths, Mali]
1948    [Deaths, Mali]
1949    [Deaths, Mali]
1950    [Deaths, Mali]
1951    [Deaths, Mali]
Name: variable, dtype: object

After we split on the underscore, the values are returned in a list. We know it’s a list because that’s how the split method works,3 but the visual cue is that the results are surrounded by square brackets.

3. String split documentation: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/stdtypes.html#str.split

# the entire container

<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

# the first element in the container

<class 'list'>

Now that the column has been split into the various pieces, the next step is to assign those pieces to a new column. First, however, we need to extract all the 0-index elements for the status column and the 1-index elements for the country column. To do so, we need to access the string methods again, and then use the get method to get the index we want for each row.

status_values = variable_split.str.get(0)
country_values = variable_split.str.get(1)


0    Cases
1    Cases
2    Cases
3    Cases
4    Cases
Name: variable, dtype: object


1947    Deaths
1948    Deaths
1949    Deaths
1950    Deaths
1951    Deaths
Name: variable, dtype: object


0    Guinea
1    Guinea
2    Guinea
3    Guinea
4    Guinea
Name: variable, dtype: object


1947   Mali
1948   Mali
1949   Mali
1950   Mali
1951   Mali
Name: variable, dtype: object

Now that we have the vectors we want, we can add them to our dataframe.

ebola_long['status'] = status_values
ebola_long['country'] = country_values


         Date  Day      variable  value status country
0    1/5/2015  289  Cases_Guinea 2776.0  Cases  Guinea
1    1/4/2015  288  Cases_Guinea 2775.0  Cases  Guinea
2    1/3/2015  287  Cases_Guinea 2769.0  Cases  Guinea
3    1/2/2015  286  Cases_Guinea    NaN  Cases  Guinea
4  12/31/2014  284  Cases_Guinea 2730.0  Cases  Guinea

6.3.2 Split and Combine in a Single Step (Simple Method)

In this subsection, we’ll exploit the fact that the vector returned is in the same order as our data. We can concatenate (see Chapter 4) the new vector or our original data.

variable_split = ebola_long.variable.str.split('_', expand=True)
variable_split.columns = ['status', 'country']
ebola_parsed = pd.concat([ebola_long, variable_split], axis=1)


         Date  Day      variable   value status country status
0    1/5/2015  289  Cases_Guinea  2776.0  Cases  Guinea  Cases
1    1/4/2015  288  Cases_Guinea  2775.0  Cases  Guinea  Cases
2    1/3/2015  287  Cases_Guinea  2769.0  Cases  Guinea  Cases
3    1/2/2015  286  Cases_Guinea     NaN  Cases  Guinea  Cases
4  12/31/2014  284  Cases_Guinea  2730.0  Cases  Guinea  Cases

0  Guinea
1  Guinea
2  Guinea
3  Guinea
4  Guinea


           Date  Day     variable  value  status country  status  
1947  3/27/2014    5  Deaths_Mali    NaN  Deaths    Mali  Deaths
1948  3/26/2014    4  Deaths_Mali    NaN  Deaths    Mali  Deaths
1949  3/25/2014    3  Deaths_Mali    NaN  Deaths    Mali  Deaths
1950  3/24/2014    2  Deaths_Mali    NaN  Deaths    Mali  Deaths
1951  3/22/2014    0  Deaths_Mali    NaN  Deaths    Mali  Deaths

1947    Mali
1948    Mali
1949    Mali
1950    Mali
1951    Mali

6.3.3 Split and Combine in a Single Step (More Complicated Method)

In this subsection, we’ll again exploit the fact that the vector returned is in the same order as our data. We can concatenate (see Chapter 4) the new vector or our original data.

We can accomplish the same result in a single step by taking advantage of the fact that the split results return a list of two elements, where each element is a new column. We can combine the list of split items with the built-in zip function. zip takes a set of iterators (e.g., lists, tuples) and creates a new container that is made of the input iterators, but each new container created has the same index as the input containers. For example, if we have two lists of values,

constants = ['pi', 'e']
values = ['3.14', '2.718']

we can zip the values together:

# we have to call list on the zip function
# to show the contents of the zip object
# in Python 3, zip returns an iterator
print(list(zip(constants, values)))

[('pi', '3.14'), ('e', '2.718')]

Each element now has the constant matched with its corresponding value. Conceptually, each container is like a side of a zipper. When we zip the containers, the indices are matched up and returned.

Another way to visualize what zip is doing is taking each container passed into zip and stacking the containers on top of each other (think about the row-wise concatenation described in Section 4.3.1), thereby creating a dataframe of sorts. zip then returns the values on a column-by-column basis in a tuple.

We can use the same ebola_long.variable.str.split(' ') to split the values in the column. However, since the result is already a container (a Series object), we need to unpack it so that we have the contents of the container (each status–country list), rather than the container itself (the series).

In Python, the asterisk operator, *, is used to unpack containers.4 When we zip the unpacked containers, the effect is the same as when we created the status values and the country values earlier. We can then assign the vectors to the columns simultaneously using multiple assignment (Appendix Q).

4. Unpacking argument lists: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#unpacking-argument-lists

ebola_long['status'], ebola_long['country'] =


         Date  Day      variable   value status country
0    1/5/2015  289  Cases_Guinea  2776.0  Cases  Guinea
1    1/4/2015  288  Cases_Guinea  2775.0  Cases  Guinea
2    1/3/2015  287  Cases_Guinea  2769.0  Cases  Guinea
3    1/2/2015  286  Cases_Guinea     NaN  Cases  Guinea
4  12/31/2014  284  Cases_Guinea  2730.0  Cases  Guinea

6.4 Variables in Both Rows and Columns

At times data will be formatted so that variables are in both rows and columns—that is, in some combination of the formats described in previous sections of this chapter. Most of the methods needed to tidy up such data have already been presented. What is left to show is what happens if a column of data actually holds two variables instead of one variable. In this case, we will have to pivot or cast the variable into separate columns.

weather = pd.read_csv('../data/weather.csv')
print(weather.iloc[:5, :11])

        id  year  month element  d1    d2    d3  d4    d5  d6  d7
0  MX17004  2010      1    tmax NaN   NaN   NaN NaN   NaN NaN NaN
1  MX17004  2010      1    tmin NaN   NaN   NaN NaN   NaN NaN NaN
2  MX17004  2010      2    tmax NaN  27.3  24.1 NaN   NaN NaN NaN
3  MX17004  2010      2    tmin NaN  14.4  14.4 NaN   NaN NaN NaN
4  MX17004  2010      3    tmax NaN   NaN   NaN NaN  32.1 NaN NaN

The weather data include minimum and maximum (tmin and tmax values in the element column, respectively) temperatures recorded for each day (d1, d2, ..., d31)ofthe month (month). The element column contains variables that need to be casted/pivoted to become new columns, and the day variables need to be melted into row values. Again, there is nothing wrong with the data in the current format. It is simply not in a shape amenable to analysis, although this kind of formatting can be helpful when presenting data in reports. Let’s first melt/unpivot the day values.

weather_melt = pd.melt(weather,
                       id_vars=['id', 'year', 'month', 'element'],

        id  year  month element day temp
0  MX17004  2010      1    tmax  d1  NaN
1  MX17004  2010      1    tmin  d1  NaN
2  MX17004  2010      2    tmax  d1  NaN
3  MX17004  2010      2    tmin  d1  NaN
4  MX17004  2010      3    tmax  d1  NaN


          id  year  month element  day  temp
677  MX17004  2010     10    tmin  d31   NaN
678  MX17004  2010     11    tmax  d31   NaN
679  MX17004  2010     11    tmin  d31   NaN
680  MX17004  2010     12    tmax  d31   NaN
681  MX17004  2010     12    tmin  d31   NaN

Next, we need to pivot up the variables stored in the element column. This process is referred to as casting or spreading in other statistical languages. One of the main differences between pivot_table and melt is that melt is a function within Pandas, whereas pivot_table is a method we call on a DataFrame object.

weather_tidy = weather_melt.pivot_table(
    index=['id', 'year', 'month', 'day'],

Looking at the pivoted table, we notice that each value in the element column is now a separate column. We can leave this table in its current state, but we can also flatten the hierarchical columns.

weather_tidy_flat = weather_tidy.reset_index()

element       id  year  month  day  tmax  tmin
0        MX17004  2010      1   d1   NaN   NaN
1        MX17004  2010      1  d10   NaN   NaN
2        MX17004  2010      1  d11   NaN   NaN
3        MX17004  2010      1  d12   NaN   NaN
4        MX17004  2010      1  d13   NaN   NaN

Likewise, we can apply these methods without the intermediate dataframe:

weather_tidy = weather_melt.
         index=['id', 'year', 'month', 'day'],


element       id  year  month  day  tmax  tmin
0        MX17004  2010      1   d1   NaN   NaN
1        MX17004  2010      1  d10   NaN   NaN
2        MX17004  2010      1  d11   NaN   NaN
3        MX17004  2010      1  d12   NaN   NaN
4        MX17004  2010      1  d13   NaN   NaN

6.5 Multiple Observational Units in a Table (Normalization)

One of the simplest ways of knowing whether multiple observational units are represented in a table is by looking at each of the rows, and taking note of any cells or values that are being repeated from row to row. This is very common in government education administration data, where student demographics are reported for each student for each year the student is enrolled.

Let’s look again at the Billboard data we cleaned in Section 6.2.2.


   year        artist                    track  time date.entered  
0  2000         2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26
1  2000       2Ge+her  The Hardest Part Of ...  3:15   2000-09-02
2  2000  3 Doors Down               Kryptonite  3:53   2000-04-08
3  2000  3 Doors Down                    Loser  4:24   2000-10-21
4  2000      504 Boyz            Wobble Wobble  3:35   2000-04-15

  week  rating
0  wk1    87.0
1  wk1    91.0
2  wk1    81.0
3  wk1    76.0
4  wk1    57.0

Suppose we subset (Section 2.4.1) the data based on a particular track:

print(billboard_long[billboard_long.track == 'Loser'].head())

      year        artist  track  time date.entered week rating
3     2000  3 Doors Down  Loser  4:24   2000-10-21  wk1   76.0
320   2000  3 Doors Down  Loser  4:24   2000-10-21  wk2   76.0
637   2000  3 Doors Down  Loser  4:24   2000-10-21  wk3   72.0
954   2000  3 Doors Down  Loser  4:24   2000-10-21  wk4   69.0
1271  2000  3 Doors Down  Loser  4:24   2000-10-21  wk5   67.0

We can see that this table actually holds two types of data: the track information and the weekly ranking. It would be better to store the track information in a separate table. This way, the information stored in the year, artist, track, and time columns would not be repeated in the data set. This consideration is particularly important if the data is manually entered. Repeating the same values over and over during data entry increases the risk of inconsistent data.

What we should do in this case is to place the year, artist, track, time, and date.entered in a new dataframe, with each unique set of values being assigned a unique ID. We can then use this unique ID in a second dataframe that represents a song, date, week number, and ranking. This entire process can be thought of as reversing the steps in concatenating and merging data described in Chapter 4.

billboard_songs = billboard_long[['year', 'artist', 'track', 'time']]

(24092, 4)

We know there are duplicate entries in this dataframe, so we need to drop the duplicate rows.

billboard_songs = billboard_songs.drop_duplicates()

(317, 4)

We can then assign a unique value to each row of data.

billboard_songs['id'] = range(len(billboard_songs))

   year          artist                    track  time  id
0  2000           2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   0
1  2000         2Ge+her  The Hardest Part Of ...  3:15   1
2  2000    3 Doors Down               Kryptonite  3:53   2
3  2000    3 Doors Down                    Loser  4:24   3
4  2000        504 Boyz            Wobble Wobble  3:35   4
5  2000            98^0  Give Me Just One Nig...  3:24   5
6  2000         A*Teens            Dancing Queen  3:44   6
7  2000         Aaliyah            I Don't Wanna  4:15   7
8  2000         Aaliyah                Try Again  4:03   8
9  2000  Adams, Yolanda            Open My Heart  5:30   9

Now that we have a separate dataframe about songs, we can use the newly created id column to match a song to its weekly ranking.

# Merge the song dataframe to the original data set
billboard_ratings = billboard_long.merge(
     billboard_songs, on=['year', 'artist', 'track', 'time'])

(24092, 8)


   year artist                    track  time date.entered week  
0  2000  2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26  wk1
1  2000  2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26  wk2
2  2000  2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26  wk3
3  2000  2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26  wk4
4  2000  2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep...  4:22   2000-02-26  wk5

   rating  id
0    87.0   0
1    82.0   0
2    72.0   0
3    77.0   0
4    87.0   0

Finally, we subset the columns to the ones we want in our ratings dataframe.

billboard_ratings =
    billboard_ratings[['id', 'date.entered', 'week', 'rating']]

   id date.entered week  rating
0   0   2000-02-26  wk1    87.0
1   0   2000-02-26  wk2    82.0
2   0   2000-02-26  wk3    72.0
3   0   2000-02-26  wk4    77.0
4   0   2000-02-26  wk5    87.0

6.6 Observational Units Across Multiple Tables

The last bit of data tidying relates to the situation in which the same type of data is spread across multiple data sets. This issue was also covered in Chapter 4, when we discussed data concatenation and merging. One reason why data might be split across multiple files would be the size of the files. By splitting up data into various parts, each part would be smaller. This may be good when we need to share data on the Internet or via email, since many services limit the size of a file that can be opened or shared. Another reason why a data set might be split into multiple parts would be to account for the data collection process. For example, a separate data set containing stock information could be created for each day.

Since merging and concatenation have already been covered, this section will focus on techniques for quickly loading multiple data sources and assembling them together.

The Unified New York City Taxi and Uber Data is a good choice to illustrate these processes. The entire data set contains data on more than 1.3 billion taxi and Uber trips from New York City, and is organized into more than 140 files. For illustration purposes, we will work with only five of these data files. When the same data is broken into multiple parts, those parts typically have a structured naming pattern associated with them.

First let’s download the data. Do not worry too much about the details in the following block of code. The raw_data_urls.txt file contain a list of URLs where each URL is the download link to a part of the taxi data. We begin by opening and reading the file, and iterating through each line of the file (i.e., each data URL). We download only the first 5 data sets since the files are fairly large. We use some string manipulation (Chapter 8) to create the path where the data will be saved, and use the urllib library to download our data.

import os
import urllib

# code to download the data
# download only the first 5 data sets from the list of files
with open('../data/raw_data_urls.txt', 'r') as data_urls:
    for line, url in enumerate(data_urls):
        if line == 5:
        fn = url.split('/')[-1].strip()
        fp = os.path.join('..', 'data', fn)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fp)

In this example, all of the raw taxi trips have the pattern fhv_tripdata_YYYY_XX.csv, where YYYY represents the year (e.g., 2015), and XX represents the part number. We can use the a simple pattern matching function from the glob library in Python to get a list of all the filenames that match a particular pattern.

import glob
# get a list of the csv files from the nyc-taxi data folder
nyc_taxi_data = glob.glob('../data/fhv_*')


Now that we have a list of filenames we want to load, we can load each file into a dataframe. We can choose to load each file individually, as we have been doing so far.

taxi1 = pd.read_csv(nyc_taxi_data[0])
taxi2 = pd.read_csv(nyc_taxi_data[1])
taxi3 = pd.read_csv(nyc_taxi_data[2])
taxi4 = pd.read_csv(nyc_taxi_data[3])
taxi5 = pd.read_csv(nyc_taxi_data[4])

We can look at our data and see how they can be nicely stacked (concatenated) on top of each other.


  Dispatching_base_num          Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00001  2015-04-01 04:30:00         NaN
1               B00001  2015-04-01 06:00:00         NaN
   Dispatching_base_num         Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00001  2015-05-01 04:30:00         NaN
1               B00001  2015-05-01 05:00:00         NaN
   Dispatching_base_num         Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00029  2015-03-01 00:02:00       213.0
1               B00029  2015-03-01 00:03:00        51.0
   Dispatching_base_num         Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00013  2015-01-01 00:30:00         NaN
1               B00013  2015-01-01 01:22:00         NaN
   Dispatching_base_num         Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00013  2015-02-01 00:00:00         NaN
1               B00013  2015-02-01 00:01:00         NaN

We can concatenate them just as we did in Chapter 4.

# shape of each dataframe

(3917789,  3)
(4296067,  3)
(3281427,  3)
(2746033,  3)
(3126401,  3)

# concatenate the dataframes together
taxi = pd.concat([taxi1, taxi2, taxi3, taxi4, taxi5])

# shape of final concatenated taxi data

(17367717,  3)

However, manually saving each dataframe will get tedious when the data is split into many parts. As an alternative approach, we can automate the process using loops and list comprehensions.

6.6.1 Load Multiple Files Using a Loop

An easier way to load multiple files is to first create an empty list, use a loop to iterate though each of the CSV files, load the CSV files into a Pandas dataframe, and finally append the dataframe to the list. The final type of data we want is a list of dataframes because the concat function takes a list of dataframes to concatenate.

# create an empty list to append to
list_taxi_df = []

# loop though each CSV filename
for csv_filename in nyc_taxi_data:
    # you can choose to print the filename for debugging
    # print(csv_filename)

    # load the CSV file into a dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_filename)

    # append the dataframe to the list that will hold the dataframes

# print the length of the dataframe


# type of the first element

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

# look at the head of the first dataframe

  Dispatching_base_num          Pickup_date  locationID
0               B00001  2015-04-01 04:30:00         NaN
1               B00001  2015-04-01 06:00:00         NaN
2               B00001  2015-04-01 06:00:00         NaN
3               B00001  2015-04-01 06:00:00         NaN
4               B00001  2015-04-01 06:15:00         NaN

Now that we have a list of dataframes, we can concatenate them.

taxi_loop_concat = pd.concat(list_taxi_df)

(17367717, 3)

# Did we get the same results as the manual load and concatenation?


6.6.2 Load Multiple Files Using a List Comprehension

Python has an idiom for looping though something and adding it to a list, called a list comprehension. The loop given previously, which is shown here again without the comments, can be written in a list comprehension (Appendix N).

# the loop code without comments
list_taxi_df = []
for csv_filename in nyc_taxi_data:
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_filename)

# same code in a list comprehension
list_taxi_df_comp = [pd.read_csv(data) for data in nyc_taxi_data]

The result from our list comprehension is a list, just as the earlier loop example.


<class 'list'>

Finally, we can concatenate the results just as we did earlier.

taxi_loop_concat_comp = pd.concat(list_taxi_df_comp)

# are the concatenated dataframes the same?


6.7 Conclusion

This chapter explored how we can reshape data into a format that is conducive tp data analysis, visualization, and collection. We applied the concepts in Hadley Wickham’s Tidy Data paper to show the various functions and methods to reshape our data. This is an important skill because some functions need data to be organized into a certain shape, tidy or not, to work. Knowing how to reshape your data is an important skill for both the data scientist and the analyst.

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