Chapter 6
Internal Announcements to Inform and Inspire

“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”

—Theodore Rubin

Place a high priority on getting your news out internally to keep employees inspired and informed. Internal announcements share news, clarify positions, and provide information about events and company issues. When announcing positive opportunities or events, you can generate or support excitement and a feeling of involvement and pride.

The more you involve your employees, the more they will feel respected and appreciated. Keeping them posted, giving them feedback—and eliciting ideas and feedback from them—creates a sense of ownership in, and a cohesive team that cares about, the company’s success.

Message of the Day / Week / Month

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image In addition to keeping employees posted on important company issues and events, consider sending out a message of the day, week, or month in an online or print newsletter.

Image Your daily, weekly, or monthly message might focus on one area or be different every day.

Image You might choose stock updates, reminders about the current customer service initiative, thoughts of the day, famous or inspirational quotes, positive global or local news that relates to the company, company news, or good news submitted by employees—or you can mix it up and have a message whose only consistency is a positive thought for the day, week, or month.

Image Messages that reinforce your company’s mission and culture keep people focused in the right direction. This kind of message is usually best when it encompasses the current company priority.

Image Never underestimate the power of a light message. Most people are energized by starting the day with a laugh or a smile, and sharing a laugh with coworkers is a great way to begin the day in a positive way.

Image When considering your message, think about what you want it to accomplish and how the message can best promote that goal. Great messages are motivational, insightful, upbeat and inspiring, or just plain fun.

Image Relevant quotes from leaders in your field or beyond can be especially effective.

Image Solicit and include messages from employees, and give them credit for their contributions. You can also select quotes from significant comments employees have made at strategic planning sessions or other company meetings.

Image Whenever you read or hear a great quote, write it down so that when you need a message, you have a store of strong choices. Great quotes are easy to find and will inspire, motivate, or just make people smile. You can plan ahead and have quotes ready to go, and also use timely ones when they fit your current focus.

Image Depending upon your goals and newsletter format, you might want to ask a different department to provide a message for each newsletter.


Image “Good morning! Let’s make it another great day at XYZ Corp!”

Image “Thought for the day / week / month: You are the face of XYZ Corp. Smile!”

Image “Quote of the day / week / month: ‘Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.’—John Updike”

Image “Quote of the day / week / month: ‘What people really need is a good listening to.’ —Mary Lou Casey.”

Image “Quote of the day / week / month: ‘Listen. The simple, quiet act of listening will make you uniquely valued in the world.’ —Linda Eve Diamond”

Image “This week’s message comes from Laura Oats, director of marketing: . . .”

Image “Only one week until our companywide goal-setting event!”

Image “In his groundbreaking 1973 book, Management, Peter Drucker said, ‘Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the business makes possible clear and realistic business objectives.’”

Image “This month’s quote comes from comments made by John Ragle at our recent Good Works forum: . . .”

Image “. . . —comment by an attendee at last month’s Customer Focus Group.”

Image “Our new look reflects our new message.”

Image “Going green will keep our reputation in the pink.”

Image “We’re making changes to take better care of you! Read about our healthcare initiatives.”

Image “When the customers weren’t right, they left. If we want our customers to remain our customers, remember the adage, The customer is always right .”

Internal Newsletters

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image The company newsletter is a valuable communication tool that serves multiple purposes, which may include informing employees about new products, services, and initiatives; sharing good news about promotions; announcing new members to the team; reinforcing commitment to charitable initiatives; announcing or reinforcing a companywide direction change; and motivating employees.

Image Your newsletter can not only announce but also provide strong, ongoing reinforcement of goals, companywide changes, or a commitment to a charitable initiative.

Image Use your company newsletter to announce and reinforce a policy change, product shift, or process improvement.

Image Announce training seminars and other personal improvement or skill enhancement opportunities.

Image The newsletter provides a forum for key issues and a place for visible employee recognition. Newsletters may serve to elicit opinions and ideas for the improvement of processes, products, and services. They can also provide reinforcement for mission, vision, values, and goals.

Image Newsletters are excellent vehicles to fuel community service initiatives such as blood drives, food and clothing collections, and fund-raising walks and runs. The more your employees are enthusiastic and involved, the greater your contribution will be. This translates into better results for your cause, more exposure for your company, and employees who feel proud of their personal contributions and proud to work for you.

Image Include a “family” corner that highlights family events such as the birth of a child or a graduation or other achievement if your company size is conducive to that.

Image Use creative graphics, pay attention to color and style, and include fun photos from events. A newsletter should be informative, but everything doesn’t have to be news—a newsletter can be fun, too.

Image Above all, a newsletter should keep employees informed and motivated. If they are amused or delighted along the way, even better!


Image “Got a Bright Idea? Every team member has creative, innovative, inspired ideas. Do you have thoughts about how to increase visibility or earnings? Save money? Increase customer or employee satisfaction? Post your ideas on the Bright Ideas Forum. We’re listening!”

Image “Thanks to John Burns for his idea in the Bright Ideas Forum! John gave us a great insight on how to gain free advertising on popular podcasts. Thanks for sharing your bright ideas, John! We are pursuing the leads and having success. We’ll keep you posted when we seal a deal!”

Image “Welcome to the team, Shira Patel! Shira is new to our management team. If you’d like to welcome Shira to our team, her e-mail is [email protected].”

Image “Going Green Generates Green! Another customer survey shows that consumers understand that going green may cost slightly more at times, but they’re ready to pay so the environment doesn’t have to.”

Image “You made the difference! Thanks to your generosity, we reached our United Way goal.”

Image “Do good for humanity—and get free cookies and juice. Our Meta Blood Drive is scheduled for January.”

Image “Our We Care food drive brings out the best! Thank you for contributing to our largest food drive yet!”

Image “Smoke Out Program a Huge Success! We thank everyone who participated and congratulate those who used the day as a good start to a lifelong commitment to a smoke-free life. The group that organized the event will continue to have regularly scheduled Smoke-Out events and meetings to provide ongoing support. Also, visit the ‘Success for Quitters’ Forum online.”

Image “Fan mail! We’re positing our positive customer feedback under a new ‘Fan Mail’ tab on the website. You may work behind the scenes, but those fans are cheering for this whole team—they’re cheering for you! Thank you for all that you do.”

Image “Congratulations to Mario Romero and his wife, Annette, on the birth of their second daughter, Julia Romero. Welcome to the world, little Julia!”

Image “Safety Training begins March 15. Be there and be safe!”

Image “Read our ‘Family Corner’ to learn about your colleagues’ personal ‘bragging’ items.”

Image “Our January issue features new products poised for 2011 launch.”

Encouraging Wellness

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Reduce stress and improve productivity by encouraging healthful habits.

Image Offer healthful options beyond bagels and doughnuts to employees.

Image Provide exercise opportunities when possible, and encourage movement during the day.

Image Have walking or standing meetings that save time and burn calories. Small companies may not be able to provide showers, but they can provide an area where employees can freshen up, change clothes, and store towels, deodorant, and a change of clothes should they choose to exercise outdoors during lunch breaks.

Image Suggest walking across the room or hallway rather than shouting, wheeling over on a desk chair, phoning, or sending an e-mail to a coworker.

Image Offer wellness classes or seminars.

Image Encourage healthful habits to protect all employees and to show that you care.

Image A friendly, positive work environment promotes wellness, and open communication reduces stress at work.


Image “We’re taking a break from the ‘pastry break.’ From now on, fruit will be served rather than pastries at our Monthly Report meetings.”

Image “New covered bicycle racks are adjacent to the parking lot!”

Image “Optional tai chi classes will be on Wednesdays at 7:30 A.M. in the conference room.”

Image “Stretch your body, stretch your mind! Whether or not you join us for morning stretches, we encourage stretch breaks. Stand up for a refreshing stretch to the sky, back bend, or toe touch any time—maybe you’ll even start a wave.”

Image “Don’t type your way to carpal tunnel syndrome. Pause regularly to shake out your hands, stretch your fingers, and curl your wrists.”

Image “No internal e-mail Fridays have begun. Our one-floor, four-thousand-foot office is hardly too large to require everyone to walk across the floor to share a message.”

Image “On ‘Bag-It’ Fridays, everyone is invited to bring in lunch for random shifts in the conference room. Rather than hurrying back to work after wolfing down your sandwich, salad, or yogurt, take a full lunch hour to walk, practice tai chi or yoga, or meditate.”

Image “It’s flu season. We care about your health. Please stay home if you have any flu symptoms.”

Image “The American Cancer Society’s Stop Smoking Today campaign kicks off nationwide this week. Those interested in learning about this may attend an informative seminar on Wednesday at 3:00 P.M. in The Lounge.”

Image “Please use the Wellness Suggestion Box to share your ideas for ways we can help you improve your health while at work.”

Image “Attention Smokers: Please do not smoke by the front entrance. This is not only unwelcoming to clients, but presents a health hazard to anyone entering and exiting the building. It also allows smoke into the building. Please use the courtyard. Thank you.”

Image “My door and my mind are always open. Share your ideas and concerns.”

Company Incentives

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Small incentives have a big impact. Consider what kinds of incentives you can offer.

Image Incentive programs may be centered around one area of desired achievement, such as sales goals, or they may take into account a number of areas. Incentive programs can be based on sales, quality, safety, goal achievement, innovative ideas, recruiting, attendance, longevity, or more.

Image Incentives can be material rewards such as bonuses, gift certificates, or small gifts, all of which may or may not be part of a formal incentive program.

Image Incentives can be visible signs of appreciation such as a bulletin board and/or online posting of Employee of the Month.

Image Many online incentive programs provide multiple levels of cash value rewards. Many are based on a points system, which allows you to track employee achievement and allows employees to see what rewards they can enjoy by earning additional points and to make the choice to save points for larger rewards or spend them sooner for immediate ones. Actions that earn points (and how many points each action earns) would be determined by you.

Image Incentives may provide employee recognition awards for service, performance, or achievement. Incentives may also provide recognition rewards for milestones such as years with the company.

Image Incentives may be rewards offered for top sales, highest customer rating, contest winners, service recognition, or any goals you want to encourage employees to achieve.

Image Incentives help motivate employees by giving them something extra to work toward, and they will often help to develop team spirit along the way.

Image Place a poster in a visible place in your office or store announcing and congratulating the Employee of the Month.

Image Create an “Extra Mile” award for those who go significantly beyond expectations, and publicize employees who succeed in going the “Extra Mile.”


Image “We’re proud to announce our new incentive program. Now you can earn even greater rewards for the wonderful work that you do!”

Image “To all employees: Starting in September, senior management will accept one nomination from each department for our Employee of the Month.”

Image “This year, at our Annual Awards Event, GreenCo will introduce the category of the “Extra Mile” award. If you are interested in being on a committee to establish parameters for this award, please e-mail margo@green”

Image “I know that these small pins are only tokens, but they embody my sincere appreciation of everyone in our office. I hope you wear them proudly.”

Image “Enclosed are tickets to the local theater production this weekend. Please accept them as a show of my gratitude for your behind-the-scenes help in that most difficult negotiation.”

Image “We’re offering a new incentive program to reward not only the great work you do, but also the little things you do that are above and beyond expectations.”

Image “We know you all make a point of contributing great ideas and promoting our business. Now you can make a point of it! Our new incentive program lets you build points and use those points for special gifts from our catalogue. Every new idea you contribute that we implement earns you one point; every new customer referred by you earns you two points. Thanks for all you do!”

Image “Go online today to see what your points can earn!”

Congratulations to the Team

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Praise is always welcome. Although you hired employees to do a good job, letting them know you are pleased with their work is always motivational.

Image When you bring in a successful account, launch a new product, or have a great month, remember that you had “wind beneath your wings.”

Image Your most accomplished workers need praise as much as those who are struggling to do better.

Image Congratulating a team, a department, or a division builds everyone’s morale.

Image Don’t bend over too far in singling out one person’s contribution or creating ongoing competition for your kudos. Rather, find a balance: Team efforts and successes deserve congratulations and praise as do individuals.

Image Congratulations can take the form of a letter, an e-mail, a posted announcement (on a wall and/or on the company website), a Post-it on someone’s computer, a handwritten note, or a scheduled luncheon or dinner, to name a few options.

Image Depending on the accomplishment and your company’s style, you can create a certificate or buy a plaque.


Image “Congratulations to our outstanding sales team for landing our largest account to date!”

Image “Congratulations! What an incredible team effort!”

Image “Jimmy, our top earner of the month, brought in a new client demographic.”

Image “Congratulations to Ila, whose marketing plan has won the support of management. Ila will share her newest strategy at our Monday Morning Meeting.”

Image “Congratulations on leading yet another successful marketing campaign.”

Image “We didn’t win the state award for Best Restaurant simply because we have the best chefs, waitstaff, bus crew, bartenders, or hosts—we won because you’re all the best at what you do, and you work as a team to give our customers an outstanding dining experience. Congratulations, everyone—and thank you!”

Image “Congratulations on a great quarter! In honor of everyone’s hard work to achieve our success this quarter, we will have a celebratory lunch at The Downtown Café.”

Image “Please join the management team at Rainbow’s for dinner and a chance to acknowledge our semiannual top sales, service, and support team members.”

Image “I received a letter from Liza Dowling, one of our preferred clients, praising Elise and her team. Congratulations Elise, Damon, and Cheryl—and thank you for another job well done!”

Image “Congratulations to all who contributed to our new look! Visit the website to see your ideas in action. We appreciate your extra efforts to enhance our image.”

Image “We’re losing no time when it comes to safety! Congratulations to the team for another year without one day lost because of a safety issue. More important, we’re glad you’re safe!”

Training Opportunities

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Announcements of training opportunities for staff should sound supportive, not punitive. These announcements should have a positive, inspiring tone.

Image A well-trained staff functions more effectively and efficiently than one that hasn’t developed skills and tools.

Image Employees should know that training opportunities are part of everyone’s development plan.

Image External training companies have staff with the necessary experience and knowledge to make the training valuable. Some people are resistant to outside trainers, so it may be helpful in your announcement to mention some of the positives, such as the background of the company used or the fact that outside resources often bring a fresh perspective.

Image Companies with internal training teams have the advantage of providing training professionals who fully understand the company culture. If you’re announcing internally conducted training to your team, it might be helpful to have a tone that reflects the familiarity of the players.

Image The best training may be one-to-one mentoring or on-the-job training by a supervisor or colleague. These pairs may be formally assigned, or there may be a more informal call to less experienced employees to request guidance and to more experienced employees to reach out and lend insights, advice, and encouragement.

Image An excellent training vehicle is recruiting employees with specialized knowledge to share that with their peers.

Image Encourage teams to develop segments for a company-wide training initiative, drawing on each one’s strengths.

Image Online courses are not only popular, but also effective. They may serve as stand-alone courses or as a good supplement to any training curriculum.


Image “We are changing to a new accounting and billing program that will affect all departments. To make this transition easy on you, we’re providing software training for all who are unfamiliar with the new system. Please see your department manager for the schedule and registration process.”

Image “Learn how work communication can be more effective when fewer texts, e-mails, and instant messages are sent. Please sign up for Communication: Less is More, a seminar to help us streamline and keep our communications on track.”

Image “Our customer service keeps our customers happy—let’s see how we can make them even happier with us! Please sign up for Advanced Customer Service Techniques.”

Image “A number of key skill development courses are now available online. Please consider which options will be most valuable for you. What are your goals? What motivates and inspires you? Where do you hope to be in the company three years from now? Whether you’re interested in moving up or broadening your knowledge and strengthening the skills you already have, speak with your supervisor about creating the best personalized education program for you.”

Image “Attention Team Leaders: Team-Building Workshop Scheduled for February 1! Register today!”

Image “We take pride in promoting our supervisors from within, and we’re proud of the on-the-job skills they develop. We proudly invite all supervisors to a new series of specialized supervisory skill seminars.”

Image “We are interviewing for two summer intern positions next week. If you are interested in mentoring an intern, please e-mail your request to Human Resources by Wednesday.”

Image “Please check the Training for You schedule online for off-site programs that interest you / that your department staff would benefit from / that match your Individual Development Plan.”

Image “To all senior account representatives: July is our slowest month. This is the time to mentor and assist our junior reps to ready them for the fall takeoff.”

Image “The newest Perfect Phrases book is now in our online training library.”

Image “Please recommend that your staff members work through this valuable online training resource.”

Image “Training is a valuable building block for our company. Please review the catalogue listings for our in-house, off-site, and online courses and encourage your staff to become engaged in this process.”

Image “Our newest team member, Ricardo, spent a year working in Indonesia before joining our firm. Ricardo has some excellent insights into the business culture of Southeast Asia. Please join him for a lunchtime discussion on Thursday at noon in the cafeteria.”

Image “Alan’s team in Purchasing has developed an excellent seminar that clarifies Purchasing’s methods and requirements, simplifying the process for all departments.”

Image “Because we believe in you, all training is tuition reimbursed.”

Image “Our training programs are specially designed to inspire, to inform, and to bring us closer as a team.”

Conferences and Expos

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Encouraging employees to attend conferences is positive for both the company and the employee.

Image Out-of-state conferences can be expensive; however, a carefully planned budget might include one or two beneficial opportunities.

Image Encourage employees to belong to associations and organizations related to their work in general and their specific skills.

Image Suggest that employees look for opportunities to conduct workshops or give keynote addresses at conferences. Those options increase exposure and limit costs.

Image Attending conferences with colleagues in the same field offers employees the opportunity to learn what others are doing and to improve their own skills and processes.

Image Send a representative to a conference and have that person later conduct an in-house seminar on the issues raised and methods introduced at the conference.

Image Attending conferences provides an excellent networking opportunity that could increase business.

Image Consider attending conferences aimed at client markets as a vendor. Have a booth to highlight your goods or services.


Image “The National Association of Certified Public Accountants is seeking speakers for its 2012 Conference. For those in Accounting, please consider what you might offer to or gain from this conference. For those in other divisions, please consider what tangential skills you might offer this group.”

Image “Edu-Toys will be at the State Teacher’s Conference again to show our newest educational products.”

Image “Please call Sharon in the PR department if you would like to join her in hosting our booth at the upcoming trade show on September 21. She will explain the responsibilities and benefits of this role, which include the opportunity to earn bonus commissions.”

Image “I am delighted to announce that Lou Scott has been selected to conduct a workshop at the National Association of Engineers conference in Phoenix next year.”

Image “Congratulations to Marc Geller on his selection as keynote speaker at the Annual State Transportation Conference. Mark will talk about his work in building strong teams during a slow economy.”

Image “Please consider applying to speak at the fall sales conference. Your expertise would lend an added dimension to our company’s message.”

Image “Miguel and Richard returned from the conference with some excellent, innovative ideas that they will share with the entire staff at Wednesday’s meeting.”

Company Events

Perfect Announcement Mindsets

Image Company events provide a sense of team cohesion and offer an opportunity for employees to socialize and network without the pressure of workplace responsibilities. Often good work relationships develop and excellent ideas surface from discussions that take place in the relaxed environment of an event.

Image Some events may be for local charities.

Image Events may serve as a thank-you to employees.

Image Some events are company traditions that employees come to anticipate.

Image Some company events include families and others—often for cost containment—do not.

Image Company events are often most appreciated when they are held on company time, though some events are best held on evenings or weekends.

Image When announcing events that are geared toward motivating and inspiring, use motivating, inspiring language to entice people to sign up.


Image “A number of new people have joined our growing company during the past several months. To ensure that both current and new employees have an opportunity to meet each other, we’ll have a Getting to Know You continental breakfast in the second floor conference room Tuesday at 8:30 A.M.”

Image “Join us for dinner! IronWorks has bought a table for the 10th Annual Chamber of Commerce dinner. Please sign up online if you’re interested in attending. We hope to see you there!”

Image “Fitorama’s Lazy Day Luncheon is scheduled for October 20. Take a break and join us!”

Image “Artistic Tile’s Family Fun Day will be in Lenape Park on Saturday, June 16. Come and enjoy games for all ages! Prizes for all children who attend.”

Image “Who says accountants aren’t fun? Our company Beer and Pizza Tax Relief get-together is April 20 at Sorino’s.”

Image “Pharmcore invites all employees and their families to our Holiday Celebration in the cafeteria on November 10 from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. Join us for fun, food, and gifts, but most of all, camaraderie.”

Image “Our team at Hair for You Salon works all year to help people relax and look their best. To show our appreciation to all of you, we will have our annual Spa Day this year at the Red Door on January 10.”

Image “Since our annual company golf tournament has been rained out for the past two years, we are having a bowling tournament this year. Use new muscles! Have great fun!”

Image “Melbourne’s First Friday Jam will be in the cafeteria on Friday, January 6. Bring your musical instruments, your poetry, your singing energy, or your appreciation.”

Image “Bring Your Children to Work Day is September 25. BW Inc. encourages all employees to participate. Nieces and nephews, godchildren and grandchildren are welcome. Join us in making this a special day to educate and inspire children! In addition to learning what you do at work, children can attend a number of work/play sessions.”

Image “This animated / one-of-a-kind / exhilarating speaker has captivated / inspired / motivated / delighted audiences worldwide / nationwide!”

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