
Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements is your personal guide to both external and internal written communication. Announcements should be phrased with care whether they’re written for clients, customers, investors, employees, or anyone else who has a stake in your business or an interest in your products or services. A well-crafted announcement can inform, inspire, motivate, entice, sell, and even shape (or shape shift) your company’s image.

Announce big news, but announce the small news, too, and consider making regular announcements. Keeping your name and news visible will help you stay in the consumer’s mind, and regular announcements to employees will make them feel valued and worth the time and effort to be kept apprised. Sending timely, regular announcements is a tough job, but information access is constant, 24/7, and consumer attention is scattered. The more you put out new information or reminders, even in the smallest tidbits, and the more media choices you use, the more your business name will be recalled by busy minds.

When faced with writing so many company announcements, you may need the perfect phrase in a hurry—and we’re here to help with hundreds of perfect phrases and the means to keep perfect phrasing in mind as you develop and refine new announcements over time.

Who Can Use This Book?

Writing, editing, and proofreading are specialized skills. However, in most small companies and in many larger ones, the job of writing company updates, announcements, and press releases often falls on the shoulders of those who are already carrying heavy loads and are forced to fit the job of promotional writer into “spare” time. Whether you work for a large or small company or you’re self-employed, if you are charged with creating written announcements, you’ll want to use Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements.

Book Map

Part One Sharing Information: The Whys and Hows

Part One covers announcement basics of message and style, from media choices to language matters. These opening chapters explain why you want to get your message out, touch on choices for delivering varied messages to multiple audiences, and offer ideas about how and why to target to your audience and make your messages pop, flow, deliver, and best represent the image you want to project.

Part Two The Perfect Phrase

In Part Two, which comprises the bulk of the book, you will find perfect phrases and the mindsets behind them. Although many of our phrases could apply to multiple situations, we also offer a variety of phrases that would suit specific businesses and circumstances. Many can be altered to fit your needs; others will serve as models. As with all other Perfect Phrases books, the phrases may be the perfect fit or a springboard to your own perfect phrase. The more specific you are, the stronger, more meaningful, and more lasting your message will be.

Part Three Writing Your Perfect Phrases

Whether tweaking our phrases for your unique needs or writing an announcement on a topic not covered here, a few writing basics can help you. We provide two closing chapters to help you create and refine your own phrases and company announcements. Learn what makes a phrase perfect and find suggestions for brainstorming, creating, and evaluating effective announcement phrasing. Even with hundreds of perfect phrases in your hand, you will still need to create, refine, or even translate specialized messages at times. In the two concluding chapters, you’ll find quick tips on crafting phrases, avoiding pitfalls, and polishing the final look of your announcement.

Enter Here

Perfect Phrases for Writing Announcements is an easy-to-carry, easily referenced resource for anyone who must write company announcements. Whatever your business, whatever your goals, both your image and your relationships are essential elements of your success. What do you announce and how? What is the image and style of your company that you want the world to see? What’s your relationship with clients and employees, and how can you maintain contact, inform, excite, motivate, and inspire? If you’re ready to make an announcement, enter here.

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