

!~ operator, 222

! operator, 163

!= operator, 158

$_ (topic variable) function, 9091, 300

$ perldoc DBI, 558

$_ scalar, 223

$ sign, 52

$& variable, 240

$$ variables, 635636

%ENV hash, 137138

%INC hash, 139

%= operator, 151

% (modulo) operator, 166

%SIG hash, 138, 669673

% wildcard, 741742

& (ampersands), 350

&& operator, 163

&= operator, 152

() (parentheses), 92

* (asterisk), 262, 663

**= operator, 151

*= operator, 151

** (exponentiation) operator, 166

* (multiplication) operator, 166

+= operator, 151

+ (addition) operator, 166

-d switch, 718

-= operator, 151

- (subtraction) operator, 166

. (dot) metacharacter, 251252

.= operator, 151

/ (forward slashes), 56, 597

/etc/passwd file, 638

/= operator, 151

/ (division) operator, 166

:: (double colons), 410

; (semicolons), 529, 726

< (less than) operator, 736, 739

<<= operator, 152

<= (less than or equal) operator, 736

<> (not equal to) operator, 736, 737

<=> (space ship) operator, 121, 130, 158

= (equal sign), 86, 503

== operator, 158

=~ operator, 222

= (equal) operator, 151, 736, 737

>>= operator, 152

> (greater than) operator, 736, 739

>= (greater than or equal) operator, 736

? (question mark), 663

? placeholder, 571578

@ARGV array, 333338

@_ array, passing arguments, 352368

@INC array, 418420, 797802

@ISA array, 484486

@ symbol, 52

[] (square brackets), 100, 663

(backslash), 52, 379, 597

^= operator, 152

_ (underscore), 743

{} (curly braces), 100, 265

|= operator, 152

|| operator, 163


abs function, 675

accept function, 675


databases, 521

directories, 608612


arrays, 9597

slicing, 9899

files, modifying, 620621

hash values, 101102

accounts, SAM (Security Accounts Manager), 639

ActivePerl, 8


columns, 554

elements, arrays, 105

entries, 579

multiple records, 573

primary keys, 555

tables, primary keys, 543544

addition (+) operator, 166


blessings, 455

memory, 380, 454

alarm function, 671, 672673, 675


SQL (Structured Query Language), 758

typeglobs, references, 400404

alphanumeric characters, 59

alternation of patterns, 273

alternative characters, 249

alternative quotes, 20, 5559

ALTER TABLE command, 554, 748, 759

American National Standards Institute. See ANSI

ampersands (&), 350

anchored characters, 249, 269271

AND operator, 736, 740

anonymous arrays, 382

anonymous hashes, 383

anonymous pipes, 326333

anonymous subroutines, 393394, 478. See also closures

anonymous variables, 382383

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 723

APIs (application programming interfaces), 530

appending files, 316

application programming interfaces. See APIs

applications (Dancer), 808830


CPAN Minus, 441444

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 560561

modules, 431436, 798799

multiple placeholders, 572

Perlbrew, 441444

PPM (Perl Program Manager), 439441

quotes, 737

architecture, client/server, 521

ARCHIVE attribute, 600


command-line, passing at, 29

methods, passing, 466

passing, 333341

subroutines, passing, 352368

arithmetic functions, 167171

arithmetic operators, 166167

arrays, 17, 8182, 9199

@_, passing arguments, 352368

@ARGV, 333338

@INC, 418420, 797802

@ISA, 484486

anonymous, 382

assigning, 9293

copying, 9899


adding, 105

modifying, 120

referencing, 9597

removing, 106107

replacing, 106107

files, slurping, 302

functions, 105125

chomp function, 111112

chop function, 111112

delete function, 106107

exists function, 124

grep function, 112114

join function, 118119

map function, 119121

pop function, 109110

push function, 105

reverse function, 125

shift function, 110111

sort function, 121124

splice function, 107109

split function, 114118

unshift function, 106

hashes, 104, 387

indexes, checking values, 124

input, assigning, 311312

lists, 385, 386

looping, 9798

multidimensional, 99

naming, 92

output field separators, 9394

range operators, 95

reversing, 125

rows, fetching, 564

sizing, 9495

slicing, 9899

sorting, 121124

times function, 645

transforming, 119121

variables, 92

arrow (±) operator, 382

ascending order, 130, 550

ASCII, 122, 159, 290


arrays, 9293

hashes, 100101


arrays, 311312

hashes, 312313

scalar variables, 307308

numbers, 82

range operators, 95

scalar variables, 88

strings, 82

typeglobs, 412

values, 353355

assignment operators, 151153

assignment statements, 8687

associativity, operators, 149151

asterisk (*), 262, 663

atan2 function, 675

attributes, 448, 525

directories, 599602

files, 599602, 613

Moose, 776795

PrintError, 567

RaiseError, 567

autodecrement operators, 172173

autoincrement operators, 172173

AUTOLOAD function, 369370, 484

$AUTOLOAD function, 486489

automatic error handling, 567

autovivification, 297

awk command, 114


backquotes, 52, 55, 659660

backslash (), 52, 379, 597

barewords, 44, 58

base classes, 484, 489. See also classes

BEGIN block, 371

BETWEEN operator, 736

BETWEEN statement, 743

binary operators, 147. See also operators

bind function, 676


columns, 569

parameters, 571578

runtime, 472476

bind_param() method, 574

bin folders, 532

binmode function, 676

bits, 173174

bitwise logical operators, 173175

bitwise operators, 174175

black boxes, 348

blank lines, formatting, 503

bless function, 455, 676

blessings, 454

blocks, 182187

BEGIN, 371

END, 371

Boolean context, 38

Boolean types, 153

bracket expressions (POSIX), 257258

break statements, 204

build() method, 459

built-in functions, 3, 596

arithmetic, 168

scripts, 3940

bytecode, 2


C, 3

C++, 3

caches, queries, 577578

call-by-references, 353

caller function, 676


functions, 473

methods, 473, 484486

processes, 629

subroutines, 349352, 410

system calls, 595629. See also system calls


patterns, 276279

turning off, 281

Carp module, 665666 module, 428430

case sensitivity, 86

databases, 529

SQL (Structured Query Language), 727

catching signals, 669

categories (Perl), 11

CategoryID key, 756

C dependencies, 805806

CGIs (Common Gateway Interfaces), 522, 585, 807

here documents, 67

modules, 711


alphanumeric, 59

classes, 253256

conversion, 69

delimiters, 220

globbing, 663664

metacharacters, 220, 245296. See also metacharacters

sigils, 85

special, 53

whitespace, 249

char data type, 81

charts, flow, 162

chdir function, 607608, 676

checkers, data, 469

checking syntax, 46

child processes, 629, 649

chmod command, 43

chmod function, 614615, 676

chomp function, 43, 111112, 308309, 676

chop function, 111112, 308309, 677

chown function, 615, 677

chr function, 120, 677

Christianson, Tom, 449

chroot function, 677

classes, 450, 453454, 459

base, 489

characters, 253256

creating, 30

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 558560

defining, 448449

derived, 489496

methods, 457. See also methods

parent, 489

SUPER pseudo, 499501



FROM, 546


JOIN, 551552

LIMIT, 550, 734

ORDER BY, 550, 744

WHERE, 548550, 736


databases, 521522

MySQL, 532

closedir function, 610, 677

close function, 677

closing filehandles, 299


defining, 478480

objects, 481484

clustering patterns, 273275

cmp operator, 132, 159

Cobb, E. F. “Ted,” 723

code, threaded, 2

coercion, 148

columns, 524, 525

adding, 554

binding, 569

dropping, 555

selecting by, 546, 732

combining arrays and hashes, 104


arguments, passing at, 29

MS-DOS, 605. See also Windows

mysql, 724

switches, 4447, 716717

testing, 45

UNIX, 41

commands. See also functions


awk, 114

chmod, 43

cpan, 802803


CREATE TABLE statement, 541543

date, 57

debugging, 720722

DELETE, 552553

DESCRIBE, 543, 730731


drop database, 761


INSERT, 745746

INSERT statement, 544546

interpreters, 45

LIKE, 530

ls, 599

net.exe, 639


pod, 504505

pwd, 55

QUIT, 529

SELECT, 546547, 731745

SHOW, 543, 730731

show, 537

show database, 538

show databases, 728

SQL (Structured Query Language), 539540, 725728

start, 654655

substitution, 53, 659660

system calls, 595

touch, 620

UPDATE, 553554, 746747

USE, 529, 728

WHERE clause, 548550

comments, 16

scripts, 3839

commit() method, 583585

Common Gateway Interfaces. See CGIs

comparing operands, 154

compiler directives, 84. See also pragmas

compiling programs, 412, 421

complex data structures, 104

components of relational databases, 522527

compound statements, 182187

conditional operators, 156157

conditionals, 21

operators, 22

configuring passwords (MySQL), 533

connect function, 677


databases, 521, 561563. See also databases

MySQL, 532533

connect() method, 560, 561562


mysql, 724

MySQL, editing keys, 533

constants, 18, 408. See also literals

constructors, 450, 457, 459

constructors, creating with objects, 458

constructs, 1527

decision-making, 183187

if, 183184

if/else, 156, 184185

if/else/else, 185186

quotes, 55

qw, 92

unless, 186187

contents, viewing modules, 428430


hashes, 139140

operators, 145147

scripts, 38

subroutines, 366368

continue statements, 210212


loops, 25, 204212

structures, 182187

controlling terminals, 630


case sensitivity, 529, 727

naming, 8586

databases, 529

SQL(Structured Query Language), 727

UNC (universal naming convention), 597

conversion characters, 69

converting strings/numbers, 148

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 643

c (complement) option, 289

copying arrays, 9899

CORE namespace, 215

cos function, 677

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), 67, 408

@INC, 797802

DBDs (database driver modules), 558

modules, 436441

cpan command, 802803

CPAN Minus, applying, 441444 module, 437

cpan shells, 438

CPU time, 643, 645. See also time

CREATE DATABASE command, 540541

CREATE INDEX statement, 748

create() method, 459

CREATE TABLE statement, 541543, 748, 751753

cross joins, 756

crypt function, 677

-c switches, 46

curly braces ({}), 100, 265

customizing sorting, 122


Dancer, 585590, 807808

applications, 808830

exercises, 829830

parameters, 818826

POST requests, 826828

resources, 811

templates, 814818

data, packing/unpacking, 624629

database driver modules. See DBDs

Database Independent Interface. See DBI


? placeholder, 571578

case sensitivity, 529


ALTER TABLE command, 554

CREATE TABLE statement, 541543

DELETE command, 552553

DROP DATABASE command, 555

INSERT statement, 544546

JOIN clause, 551552

SELECT command, 546547

UPDATE command, 553554

WHERE clause, 548550

connecting, 561563

disconnecting, 561563

dropping, 538, 555

error messages, 567570

formatting, 538, 748749

interfaces, modules, 713

MySQL, 519594. See also MySQL

naming, 529

schemas, 527

searching, 537538

servers, 523

SQL (Structured Query Language). See also SQL

navigating, 728729

tables, 729731

statements, 579582

syntax, 528530

tables, 523524

adding, 543544

sorting, 550551

transactions, 583590

USE statements, 541

Databases Demystified, 520

data checkers, 469

Data Definition Language. See DDL

Data::Dumper module, 384

data encapsulation, 448, 450

DATA filehandles, 223225

_ _DATA_ _ literal, 63, 64

Data Manipulation Language. See DML

data structures, inodes, 599, 621

data types, 8187

arrays, 9199

assignment statements, 8687

complex data structures, 104

hashes, 99104

naming conventions, 8586

packages, 8285

scalar variables, 8791

scope, 8285

SQL (Structured Query Language), 749750

date and time functions, 766770

date command, 57

DBDs (database driver modules), 556

installing, 556558

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 556578

applying, 560561

class methods, 558560

dbmclose function, 678

dbmopen function, 678

DDL (Data Definition Language), 748761

debugging, 718722

commands, 720722

exiting, 719720

script errors, 4344

starting, 719720

decision-making constructs, 183187


forward declarations, 351

packages, 410

subroutines, 349

default databases, 534. See also databases

defined function, 89, 349, 678


classes, 448449

closures, 478480

lexical variables, 83

methods, 456

objects, 447448

subroutines, 122, 349352

DELETE command, 552553

delete function, 17, 18, 106107, 135136, 678

DELETE statement, 560, 747748


directories, 607


arrays, 121

hashes, 103104

entries, 580

newlines, 111112

delimiters, 220

global change, 232

substitution, modifying, 234

DELIMITER statement, 114, 118

deposit() method, 448

dereferencing pointers, 379

derived classes, 489496

descendants, 629

descending order, 134, 550

DESCRIBE command, 543, 730731

DESTROY method, 476

destructors, 450, 476478

diagnostics, 31

errors, 567

diagnostics pragma, 7677

die function, 299300, 665, 678

digits, metacharacters, 248

digraph operators, 100

directives, compilers, 84. See also pragmas

directories, 597612

accessing, 608612

attributes, 599602

creating, 605607

deleting, 607

modifying, 607608

passwords, 638639

searching, 603605

UNIX, 609

DIRECTORY attribute, 600

disconnecting databases, 561563

disconnect() method, 561, 563

DISTINCT keyword, 733

distributions (Perl), 69

division (/) operator, 166

DML (Data Manipulation Language), 731748


modules, 501508, 596

MySQL, 531, 539

online, 12

Perl, 912

text, translating pod, 506508

documents, here, 19, 6668

do function, 678

do() method, 579

d (delete) option, 288

dot (.) metacharacter, 251252

double colons (::), 410

double data type, 81

double quotes, 52, 5354

do/until loops, 194196

do-while loops, 24

do/while loops, 194196

downloading Perl, 69

DROP DATABASE command, 555

drop database command, 761

DROP INDEX statement, 748


columns, 555

databases, 538, 555

tables, 555

DROP TABLE statement, 748, 761

dump function, 679


arrays, removing, 121

hashes, removing, 103104, 129


each function, 18, 128129, 679

editing, 85

files, 340341

keys, 533


text, selecting, 3435

third-party, 34

types of, 35

effective guids. See guids

effective uids. See euids



adding, 105

modifying, 120

referencing, 9597

removing, 106107

replacing, 106107

values, searching, 112114

e modifier, 238

encapsulation, data, 448, 450

END block, 371

_ _END_ _ literal, 63, 64


adding, 579

deleting, 580

updating, 581

environments, processes, 632633

eof function, 338340, 679

eq operator, 159

equality operators, 157160

equal sign (=), 86, 503

equal to (=) operator, 736, 737

error handling, 664669, 711

error messages

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 585

SQL (Structured Query Language), 567570


scripts, 4344

spelling, 85

syntax, 2

escape sequences, 57

string literals, 6163

-e switches, 45

euids (effective uids), 631

eval function, 666669, 679

evaluating expressions, 147, 150, 238

examples (Moose), 778781

extensions, 785791

inheritance, 791795

exclusive or (xor) operator, 164

exec function, 652, 679

execute() method, 560

execute statement, 571


hashes, 566

last statements, 357

loops, 204

rows, 564

scripts, 4042

SQL (Structured Query Language) statements, 724725

exercises (Dancer), 829830

exists function, 18, 124, 136137, 679

exit function, 654, 679

exiting debugging, 719720

exp function, 679

exponentiation (**) operator, 166

Exporter module, 489 module, 424426, 435

exporting modules, 424426

expressions, 147

bracket (POSIX), 257258

evaluating, 147, 150, 238

regular, 28, 112, 219244. See also regular expressions


languages, modules, 715

.LNK, 617

Moose examples, 785791

passwords, 641

Win32::NetAdmin, 640

EXTRACT command, 769


fat comma operators, 100

fcntl function, 680

feature pragma, 74

features, state, 363

fetch_array() method, 564


results, 563566

values, 569

fields, 524, 525

map function, creating, 303

output field separators, 9394

File::Find module, 603

filehandles. See also files

@ARGV arrays, 333338

closing, 299

DATA, 223225

printing, 4950

processes, 634636

references, typeglobs, 402404

scripts, 3742

special variables, 705


STDIN, 307333, 402


underscore, 622

user-defined, 297307

_ _FILE_ _ literal, 63, 64

filenames, globbing, 663664

fileno function, 680

files, 3, 2627, 297346, 597612

/etc/passwd, 638

accessing, modifying, 620621

arguments, passing, 333341

attributes, 599602, 613

editing, 340341

handling, modules, 711712

hard/soft links, 616620

hashes, loading, 306307, 465

input from, reading, 9091

locking, 317319

opening, 297298

appending, 316

reading, 324325

writing, 313314

packing/unpacking, 624629

passwords, 638639

pattern matching, 241

permissions, 605, 606, 612616

.pm packages, 420423

pod, 502504


opening, 298

scalar assignments, 300305

renaming, 620

scripts, 16

searching, 603605


arrays, 302

into strings with read() function, 304

statistics, 621623

testing, 342343

Win32 binary, 315

File::spec module, 598

file systems, ReFS (Resilient File System), 597

filters, 326. See also pipes

input, 330333

output, 327329

find() function, 603

finish() method, 561

flags, modifiers, 70

float data type, 81

flock function, 317319, 680


charts, 162

loops, 204

folders, bin, 532

foreach loops, 24, 9798, 130, 198202

foreach modifiers, 203204

foreign keys, 755

fork function, 649651, 680

forks, 649

for loops, 24, 196198

format function, 680

format specifiers, 6970


databases, 538, 748749

date and time, 767

directories, 605607

fields, map function, 303

instance methods, 460461

instructions, 503

keys, 753755

lists from scalar variables, 114118

MySQL passwords, 533

objects with constructors, 458

OOP (Object-Oriented Perl), 450451, 464472


printf function, 6974

say function, 7374

sprintf function, 73


UNIX, 649654

Win32, 654657

scripts, 3337, 4244

filehandles, 3742

linebreaks, 3536

numbers, 3637

statements, 3536, 39

strings, 3637

switches, 4447

whitespace, 3536

SQL (Structured Query Language) statements, 528, 725

tables, 751753

formline function, 680

forward declarations, 351

forward slashes (/), 56, 597

frameworks, Dancer, 585590. See also Dancer

free-form languages, 16

FROM clause, 546

full joins, 756

functions, 2526, 347, 675704. See also subroutines

$_ (topic variable), 9091

abs, 675

accept, 675

alarm, 671, 672673, 675

arithmetic, 167171

arrays, 105125

chomp function, 111112

chop function, 111112

delete function, 106107

exists function, 124

grep function, 112114

join function, 118119

map function, 119121

pop function, 109110

push function, 105

reverse function, 125

shift function, 110111

sort function, 121124

splice function, 107109

split function, 114118

unshift function, 106

atan2, 675

AUTOLOAD, 369370, 484

$AUTOLOAD, 486489

bind, 676

binmode, 676

bless, 455, 676

built-in, 3, 3940, 596

caller, 676

calling, 473

chdir, 607608, 676

chmod, 614615, 676

chomp, 43, 308309, 676

chop, 308309, 677

chown, 615, 677

chr, 120, 677

chroot, 677

close, 677

closedir, 610, 677

connect, 677

context, 38

cos, 677

crypt, 677

d, 679

dbmclose, 678

dbmopen, 678

defined, 89, 349, 678

delete, 17, 18, 678

die, 299300, 665, 678

do, 678

dump, 679

each, 18, 679

eof, 338340, 679

eval, 666669, 679

exec, 652, 679

exists, 18, 679

exit, 654, 679

exp, 679

fcntl, 680

fileno, 680

File::spec module, 598

find(), 603

flock, 317319, 680

fork, 649651, 680

format, 680

formline, 680

getc, 311, 680

getgrent, 681

getgrgid, 681

getgrnam, 681

gethostbyaddr, 681

gethostbyname, 681

gethostent, 681

getlogin, 635, 681

getnetbyaddr, 681

getnetbyname, 682

getnetent, 682

getpeername, 682

getpgrp, 682

getppid, 635636, 682

getpriority, 637, 682

getprotobyname, 682

getprotobynumber, 683

getprotoent, 683

getpwent, 641, 683

getpwnam, 642, 683

getpwuid, 643, 683

getservbyname, 683

getservbyport, 684

getservent, 684

getsockname, 684

getsockopt, 684

glob, 663664, 684

gmtime, 646, 684

goto, 684

grep, 685

has, 777778

hashes, 125140

delete function, 135136

each function, 128129

exists function, 136137

map function, 129

values function, 126128

hex, 685

import, 685

index, 685

int, 685

ioctl, 685

join, 685

key, 685

keys, 18

kill, 670671, 685

last, 686

lc, 686

lcfirst, 686

length, 686

link, 618, 686

listen, 686

local, 686

localtime, 648, 686

localtime(), 40, 43, 88

lock, 686

log, 687

lstat, 600, 621623, 687

m, 687

map, 303, 687

mkdir, 605607, 687

msgctl, 687

msgget, 688

msgrcv, 688

msgsnd, 688

my, 688

new, 688

next, 688

no, 688

not, 688

oct, 689

open, 297298, 689

opendir, 609, 689

ord, 689

our, 689

pack, 624629, 690

package, 690

pgrp, 636

pipe, 690

pop, 17, 690

pos, 691

print, 43, 50, 5152, 691

printf, 16, 50, 6974, 691

prototype, 691

push, 17, 691

q, 691

qq, 691

quotemeta, 691

qw, 691

qx, 691

rand, 168, 692

read, 692

read(), 304, 310

readdir, 609, 692

readlink, 619

readlline, 692

readllink, 692

readpipe, 692

recv, 692

redo, 692

ref, 396, 693

remdir, 607

rename, 620, 693

require, 421, 693

reset, 693

return, 349, 693

reverse, 693

rewinddir, 611, 693

rindex, 693

rmdir, 693

s, 694

say, 16, 7374

scalar, 694

seek, 319322, 694

seekdir, 611, 694

select, 317, 694

semctl, 694

semget, 694

semop, 695

send, 695

setpriority, 637638, 695

setsockopt, 695

shift, 17, 695

shmctl, 695

shmget, 695

shmread, 696

shmwrite, 696

shutdown, 696

sin, 696

sleep, 672, 696

socket, 696

socketpair, 696

sort, 17, 132, 697

splice, 17, 697

split, 697

sprintf, 73, 697

SQL (Structured Query Language), 761770

date and time, 766770

numeric, 762764

string, 765

sqrt, 697

srand, 168, 697

stat, 599, 621623, 698

string operators, 175178

study, 698

sub, 698

sub $AUTOLOAD, 486489

subs, 371372

substr, 699

symlink, 619, 699

syscall, 658659, 699

sysopen, 699

sysread, 699

syssek, 699

system, 661662, 700

syswrite, 700

tell, 322324, 700

telldir, 611, 700

tie, 701

tied, 701

time, 702

times, 645, 702

topic variable ($_), 300

tr, 222, 702

truncate, 702

uc, 702

ucfirst, 702

umask, 616, 702

undef, 8990, 702


unlink, 618, 703

unpack, 624629, 703

unshift, 17, 703

untie, 703

use, 421, 703

utime, 620621, 703

values, 18, 703

vec, 704

wait, 653, 704

waitpid, 653, 704

wantarray, 367368, 704

wanted(), 603

warn, 666, 704

Win32::Spawn, 655656

write, 704

y, 704

funny characters. See sigils


garbage collection, 476478

generating random numbers, 168

ge operator, 155

getc function, 311, 680

getgrent function, 681

getgrgid function, 681

getgrnam function, 681

gethostbyaddr function, 681

gethostbyname function, 681

gethostent function, 681

getlogin function, 635, 681

getnetbyaddr function, 681

getnetbyname function, 682

getnetent function, 682

getpeername function, 682

getpgrp function, 682

getppid function, 635636, 682

getpriority function, 637, 682

getprotobyname function, 682

getprotobynumber function, 683

getprotoent function, 683

getpwent function, 641, 683

getpwnam function, 642, 683

getpwuid function, 643, 683

GET requests, 811, 812

getservbyname function, 683

getservbyport function, 684

getservent function, 684

getsockname function, 684

getsockopt function, 684

GET strings, 818

getters, 450

global change, 232

global match modifiers, 229

global special variables, 706708

global variables, 349

globbing, 663664

glob function, 663664, 684

g modifier, 229, 236

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 643

gmtime function, 646, 684

Goldberg, Ian, 168

goto function, 684

goto statements, 205109

grant tables, 536

graphical user tools (MySQL), 534537

greater than (>) operator, 736, 739

greater than or equal (>=) operator, 736

greedy metacharacters, 261, 267268, 280

Greenwich Mean Time. See GMT

grep function, 112114, 685

GROUP BY clause, 763


patterns, 273275

processes, 630

gt operator, 155

guids (effective guids), 631


h2ph scripts, 658659

handlers, verbs, 812

handles, 558

statements, 563566


errors, 664669, 711

files, modules, 711712

quotes, 576577

hard references, 378380

hard/soft links, files, 616620

has function, 777778

hashes, 18, 8182, 99104

%SIG, 669673

anonymous, 383

arrays, 104, 387

assigning, 100101

context, 139140

duplicates, removing, 103104, 129

files, loading, 306307

functions, 125140

delete function, 135136

each function, 128129

exists function, 136137

map function, 129

values function, 126128

hash of, 389

indexes, 100

input, assigning, 312313

references, 603

rows, fetching, 566

slicing, 102103

sorting, 130135

special, 137139

subroutines, passing, 355

values, accessing, 101102

HEAD requests, 812

here documents, 19, 6668

hex function, 685

HIDDEN attribute, 600 file, 465

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) error messages, 585



identifiers, 408

identifying versions, 9

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 34

if constructs, 183184

if/else constructs, 156, 184185

if/else/else constructs, 185186

if/else/else statements, 22

if/else statements, 21

if modifiers, 188189

if statements, 21

i modifier, 230, 237

import function, 685


methods, creating, 435

modules, 424426

Importing module, 426

indexes, 91, 526. See also lists

arrays, checking values, 124

hashes, 100

resource representation, 826

values, searching, 112114

index function, 685

inheritance, 449, 450, 484501

@ISA array, 484486

derived classes, 489496

methods, overriding, 499501

Moose examples, 791795

multiple, 489, 496499

single, 489

init() method, 459

inline subroutines, 124

inner joins, 756

inodes, 599, 600, 621


arrays, assigning, 311312

filters, 330333

hashes, assigning, 312313

scalar variables, assigning, 307308

input from files, reading, 9091

input/output. See I/O

INSERT command, 745746

INSERT statement, 544546, 560


DBDs (database driver modules), 556558


manually, 801802

Perlbrew, 802

MySQL, 531

instance methods, 457

formatting, 460461

invoking, 458

parameters, passing, 467469

instance variables, 466

instantiation, 457

instructions, formatting, 503

int data type, 81

Integrated Development Environments. See IDEs

interaction (user), invoking methods, 462464

interfaces, 595674. See also navigating

APIs (application programming interfaces), 530

CGIs (Common Gateway Interfaces), 522, 585, 807

databases, modules, 713

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 556578

applying, 560561

class methods, 558560

error handling, 664669

here documents, 67

MySQL Query Browser, 534

operating systems, 658664

processes, 629657

Query Browser (MySQL), 725

interpolative context, 38

interpreted languages, overview of, 2


commands, 45

pod, 506

int function, 685


instance methods, 458

methods, 457, 462464

I/O (input/output), printing, 4950

ioctl function, 685

IS [NOT] NULL operator, 736

-i switch, 340341


Java, 3

JavaScript, 2

JOIN clause, 551552

join function, 118119, 685

joins, 756, 757


key function, 685


CategoryID, 756

editing, 533

foreign, 755

formatting, 753755

hashes, 100, 130. See also hashes

primary, 526, 753754

adding, 555

tables, 543544

references, hashes, 603

keys function, 18

keywords, 453


SQL (Structured Query Language), 727

kill function, 670671, 685


labels, 204

nested loops and, 208210

languages, 2

DDL (Data Definition Language), 748761

DML (Data Manipulation Language), 731748

extensions, modules, 715

free-form, 16

SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), 723

SQL (Structured Query Language). See SQL

last function, 686

last statements, 204

last statements, executing, 357

lcfirst function, 686

lc function, 686

left joins, 756

length function, 686

le operator, 155

less than (<) operator, 736, 739

less than or equal (<=) operator, 736

lexagraphical ordering, 155

lexical variables, defining, 83

lib pragma, 420

libraries, 31

modules, applying, 431436

objects, applying, 508512, 245247

standard Perl 5.18 library, 417436

LIKE command, 530

LIKE operator, 736, 741

LIMIT clause, 550, 734

limiting number of lines, 734


scripts, 3536

_ _LINE_ _ literal, 63, 64

lines, limiting number of, 734

link function, 618, 686


hard/soft, files, 616620

symbolic, 617


PPM (Perl Program Manager), 558

system calls, 595

list context, 366

listen function, 686

lists, 91. See also arrays

arrays, 385

of lists, 99, 386

scalar variables, creating, 114118

separators, 93

unordered, 99104. See also hashes

values, returning, 126128

literals, 18

numeric, 6061

printing, 5966

special, 6366

strings, 6163

.LNK extensions, 617

loading files, hashes, 306307

locales, modules, 714

local function, 686

localhost, 523

local operator, 358

local Perl, 801

localtime function, 648, 686

localtime() function, 40, 43, 88

local to block special variables, 705

lock function, 686

locking files, 317319

log function, 687

logical operators, 162164

logical word operators, 164166

login information, 635

look around assertions, 282285


arrays, 9798

modifiers, 202216

loops, 23

for, 24, 196198

control, 25, 204212

do/until, 194196

do-while, 24

do/while, 194196

foreach, 24, 9798, 130, 198202

nested and labels, 208210

repetition, 190202

until, 23, 192194

while, 23, 190192, 223

ls command, 599

lstat function, 600, 621623, 687

lt operator, 155


main package, 82

main packages, 348


RDBMS (relational database management systems), 521

SAM (Security Accounts Manager), 639

managers, package, 800801

man pages, 10

manual error handling, 567

map function, 119121, 129, 303, 687

masks, system, 616


modifiers, 226

patterns, 219244, 261286

% wildcard, 741742

m operator, 225229

quotes, 53, 58

math modules, 713

memory addresses, 380, 454

messages, error, 4344

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 585

SQL (Structured Query Language), 567570

metacharacters, 220, 245296

alternative characters, 249

anchored characters, 249, 269271

digits, 248

dot (.), 251252

look around assertions, 282285

miscellaneous characters, 250

m modifier, 271272 library, 245247

remembered characters, 250, 276279

repeated characters, 249, 261286

single characters, 248, 251258

s modifier, 252

substitution, 285290

Unicode, 290294

whitespace characters, 249, 258261

metasymbols, 248, 253

methods, 347, 448, 450. See also subroutines

arguments, passing, 466

bind_param(), 574

build(), 459

calling, 473, 484486

commit(), 583585

connect(), 560, 561562

constructors, 459

create(), 459

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 558560

defining, 456

deposit(), 448


disconnect(), 561, 563

do(), 579

execute(), 560

fetch_array(), 564

finish(), 561

importing, creating, 435

init(), 459

instance, 457

formatting, 460461

invoking, 458

passing parameters, 467469

invoking, 457, 462464

new(), 456

overriding, 499501

prepare(), 560

rollback(), 583585

set_color(), 460

set_owner(), 456, 460

set_price(), 460

shoot(), 473

speak, 457

startup(), 459

subroutines, 456464, 459

types of, 457

view(), 448

withdraw(), 448

m function, 687

miscellaneous characters, 250

mixing types, 148149

mkdir function, 605607, 687

m modifier, 271272

models, client/server, 521

modes, 606


e, 238

flags, 70

foreach, 203204

g, 229, 236

i, 230, 237

if, 188189

looping, 202216

m, 271272

matching, 226

regular expressions, 221225

s, 252

statements, 188190

substitution, 235

tr, 287

unless, 189190

while, 202203

x, 231


directories, 607608

elements, arrays, 120

expressions, 221

files, accessing, 620621

global change, 232

substitution delimiters, 234

modules, 31, 407446, 710715

applying, 431436, 798799

Carp, 665666, 428430

C dependencies, 805806

CGIs (Common Gateway Interfaces), 711

contents, viewing, 428430

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), 436441

cpan command, 802803

CPAN Minus, applying, 441444, 437

Dancer. See Dancer

database interfaces, 713

Data::Dumper, 384

documentation, 501508, 596

error handling, 711

Exporter, 489, 424426, 435

exporting/importing, 424426

File::Find, 603

file handling, 711712

File::spec, 598

Importing, 426

installing manually, 801802

language extensions, 715

locales, 714

math, 713

networks, 713714

OOP (Object-Oriented Perl), 464472, 714

overview of, 407417

package managers, 800801

Perlbrew, 441444

programming, 710

retrieving, 438

searching, 798, 660661, 426

standard Perl 5.18 library, 417436

terminals, 714

text processing, 712

time, 714

Time::Piece, 644

Win32::File, 600602, 613

Win32::NetAdmin, 640

Win32::Process, 656657

Windows, 806

modulo (%) operator, 166

Moose, 775796

attributes, 776795

examples, 778781

extensions, 785791

inheritance, 791795

has function, 777778

Moo (2/3 Moose), 795

types, 781785

m operator, 225229

MS-DOS command line, 605. See also Windows

msgctl function, 687

msgget function, 688

msgrcv function, 688

msgsnd function, 688

multidimensional arrays, 99

multiple inheritance, 489, 496499

multiple placeholders, 572

multiple records, adding, 573

multiplication (*) operator, 166

my function, 688

my operator, 84, 358361

MySQL, 519594

? placeholder, 571578

commands, 539540

ALTER TABLE command, 554

CREATE DATABASE command, 540541

CREATE TABLE statement, 541543

DELETE command, 552553

DROP DATABASE command, 555

INSERT statement, 544546

JOIN clause, 551552

SELECT command, 546547

UPDATE command, 553554

WHERE clause, 548550

connecting, 532533

consoles, editing keys, 533


connecting, 561563

disconnecting, 561563

DBI (Database Independent Interface), 556578

applying, 560561

class methods, 558560

documentation, 539

error messages, 567570

EXTRACT command, 769

graphical user tools, 534537

installing, 531

navigating, 530555

overview of, 519520

privileges, 536

Query Browser, 534, 725

relational databases, 520530

client/server databases, 521522

components, 522527

searching, 537538

selecting, USE statements, 541

statements, 579582

syntax, 528530


adding, 543544

sorting, 550551

terminology, 531

transactions, 583590

mysql command-line, 724


named parameters, 469

namespaces, 82

CORE, 215

packages, 412

variables, 82


arrays, 92

case sensitivity, 86

databases, 529

modules, 408

scripts, 35

UNC (universal naming convention), 597

naming conventions, 8586, 727


databases, 728729

directories/files, 597612

error handling, 664669

MySQL, 530555

operating systems, 658664

Perl, 595674

processes, 629657

system calls, 595629

negative look behinds, 282

ne operator, 159

nested data structures, 383393

nested loops and labels, 208210

net.exe command, 639

network modules, 713714

new function, 688


deleting, 111112

s modifier, 252

new() method, 456

next function, 688

NICEVALUE value, 638

no function, 688

northwind databases, 524. See also databases; relational databases

not equal to (<>) operator, 736, 737

not function, 688

NOT LIKE command, 530

NOT LIKE operator, 736, 741

NOT NULL, defining as, 543

NOT operator, 736

NULL, 737739

numbers, 19

assigning, 82

inodes, 600

random, generating, 168

scripts, 3637

strings, converting, 148

numeric equality operators, 157158

numeric functions, 762764

numeric literals, 6061

numeric values, relational operators and, 154


Object-Oriented Perl. See OOP

objects, 30, 450

closures, 481484

constructors, creating with, 458

defining, 447448

libraries, applying, 508512

references, 454, 460

oct function, 689

online documentation, 12

OOP (Object-Oriented Perl), 447518

classes, defining, 448449


defining, 478480

objects, 481484

destructors, 476478

formats, 450451

garbage collection, 476478

inheritance, 484501

methods, subroutines, 456464

modules, 714

creating, 464472

documentation, 501508


applying from Perl libraries, 508512

defining, 447448

polymorphism, 472476

programs, 451454

runtime binding, 472476

terminology, 449450

opendir function, 609, 689

open function, 297298, 689


anonymous pipes, 326333

files, 297298

appending, 316

reading, 298, 324325

writing, 313314

operands, 147

comparing, 154

smartmatch operators, 160162

operating systems, interfaces, 658664

operators, 20, 145180. See also specific operators

AND, 736, 740


arithmetic, 166167

arrow (±), 382

assignment, 86, 151153

associativity, 149151

autodecrement, 172173

autoincrement, 172173

backslash (), 379

bitwise, 174175

bitwise logical, 173175

Boolean types, 153

cmp, 132

conditional, 156157

conditionals, 22

context, 38, 145147

digraph, 100

equality, 157160

equal to (=), 736, 737

expressions, evaluating, 147, 150

fat comma, 100

file testing, 342343

greater than (>), 736, 739

greater than or equal (>=), 736

IS [NOT] NULL, 736

less than (<), 736, 739

less than or equal (<=), 736

LIKE, 736, 741

local, 358

logical, 162164

logical word, 164166

my, 84, 358361

NOT, 736

not equal to (<>), 736, 737

NOT LIKE, 736, 741

OR, 736, 740

pattern binding, 222223

precedence, 149151

range, 95, 175

regular expressions, 225242

g modifier, 229

i modifier, 230

m operator, 225229

pattern binding with substitution, 232242

s operator, 232

x modifier, 231

relational, 154155

s, 232

scope, 357361

smartmatch, 160162

SQL (Structured Query Language), 736

state, 358361

strings, 175178

tr, 285290

types, mixing, 148149

XOR, 736

y, 285290

Oppel, Andy, 520


c (complement), 289

command-line, 4447

d (delete), 288

s (squeeze), 290

Oracle, 723

ORDER BY clause, 550, 744

ordered lists, 92. See also lists

ord function, 689

OR operator, 736, 740

our function, 689


filters, 327329

of filters to files, sending to, 329330

output field separators, 9394

overriding methods, 499501

ownership of files, 612616


package function, 690

_ _PACKAGE_ _ literal, 64

packages, 8285, 408411, 453. See also classes

declaring, 410

main, 348

managers, 800801

namespaces, 412

.pm files, 420423

references, 409411

variables, 349, 416

pack function, 624629, 690

packing data, 624629

pages, man, 10


binding, 571578

Dancer, 818826

instance methods, passing, 467469

named, 469

parent classes, 484, 489. See also classes

parentheses (()), 92

parent methods, overriding, 499501

parent process ids. See ppids

Parrot, 46


arguments, 333341

command-line, 29

methods, 466

subroutines, 352368

parameters, instance methods, 467469

references, 394


extensions, 641

files, 638639

getpwent function, 641

MySQL, 533

PATHEXT environment variables, 41

pathnames, 417

pattern binding operators, 222223


alternation, 273

capturing, 276279

clustering, 273275

groups, 273275

matching, 219244, 261286

% wildcard, 741742

m operator, 225229

saving, 230231


categories, 11

documentation, 912

downloading, 69

functions, 675704

local, 801

modules, 710715

navigating, 595674

overview of, 12

pragmas, 708710

Quick Start, 1532

Strawberry, 806

users of, 3

versions, 4

PERL5LIB environment variable, 419420

Perl 6, 46

Perlbrew, 441444, 803805

permissions, files, 605, 606, 612616

pgids (process group ids), 636

pgrp function, 636

phpMyAdmin tool, 535536

pids (positive integers), 629

pipe function, 690

pipes, 27, 326333


?, 571578

multiple, 572

multiple records, adding, 573

.pm files, packages, 420423

pod (Plain Old Documentation), 501508

pointers, 2930, 377, 379. See also references

polymorphism, 450, 472476

pop function, 17, 109110, 690

Portable Operating System Interface. See POSIX

pos function, 691

positive integers. See pids

positive look behinds, 282

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), 257258

POST requests, 812, 826828

ppids (parent process ids), 635636

PPM (Perl Program Manager), 408

applying, 439441

DBDs (database driver modules), installing, 556558

Linux, 558

pragmas, 7478, 417, 422, 708710. See also modules

diagnostics, 7677

feature, 74

lib, 420

strict, 7778, 84, 361364, 400

use locale, 122

warning, 7576

warnings, 85

precedence, operators, 149151, 164

predefined variables, 18

prepare() method, 560

primary keys, 526, 753754

adding, 555

tables, 543544

PrintError attribute, 567

printf function, 16, 50, 691

formatting, 6974

print function, 43, 50, 5152, 691

printing, 16, 4979

filehandles, 4950

here documents, 6668

literals, 5966

numeric, 6061

special, 6366

strings, 6163

pragmas, 7478

diagnostics, 7677

feature, 74

strict, 7778

warning, 7576

printf function, 6974

print function, 5152

quotes, 5259

say function, 7374

sprintf function, 73

words, 51

print statements, 44

priorities of processes, 637638

privacy, 8285

private objects, 448. See also objects

privileges (MySQL), 536

procedures, 347. See also subroutines

processes, 3, 629657

calling, 629

child, 629, 649

environments, 632633

filehandles, 634636

groups, 630

priorities, 637638

servers, 523

signals, sending, 670

text modules, 712

time, 643649

UNIX, 629631, 649654

Win32, 631632, 654657

process group ids. See pgids

programming modules, 710


compiling, 412, 421

methods, calling, 473

Moose. See Moose

OOP (Object-Oriented Perl), 451454

set user ID, 631

properties, 448

prototype function, 691

prototypes, 365366

pseudo classes, SUPER, 499501

pseudo-random numbers, 168

public objects, 448. See also objects

push function, 17, 105, 691

PUT requests, 812

pwd command, 55

Python, 2


q function, 691

qq function, 691

quantifiers, 261

queries, 521, 723. See also databases; MySQL; SQL

caches, 577578

MySQL Query Browser, 534

SQL (Structured Query Language), 725728

Query Browser (MySQL), 725

question mark (?), 663

Quick Start (Perl), 1532

QUIT command, 529

quotemeta function, 691

quotes, 19

alternative, 20, 5559

applying, 737

backquotes, 55

constructs, 55

double, 5354

handling, 576577

here documents, 6668

matching, 53, 58

printing, 5259

rules, 57

single, 54

qw construct, 92

qw function, 691

qx function, 691


RaiseError attribute, 567

Rakudo Perl, 46

rand function, 168, 692

random numbers, generating, 168

range operators, 95, 175

RDBMS (relational database management systems), 521, 522, 530. See also MySQL

readdir function, 609, 692

read function, 692

read() function, 304, 310



opening, 298, 324325

scalar assignments, 300305

input from files, 9091

STDIN filehandle, 307333

readlink function, 619

readlline function, 692

readllink function, 692

READONLY attribute, 600

readpipe function, 692

records, 524, 526

multiple, adding, 573

recv function, 692

redo function, 692

redo statements, 204, 205209

references, 2930, 377405

anonymous variables, 382383

call-by-references, 353

elements, arrays, 9597

filehandles, typeglobs, 402404

hard, 378380

hashes, 603

memory addresses, 454

nested data structures, 383393

objects, 454, 460

overview of, 377378

strict pragma, 400

subroutines, 393396

symbolic, 398400

typeglobs, 400404

variables, packages, 409411

referents, 454, 460

ref function, 396, 693

ReFS (Resilient File System), 597 library, 245247

regular expressions, 28, 112, 219244

metacharacters. See metacharacters

modifiers, 221225

need for, 220221

operators, 225242

g modifier, 229

i modifier, 230

m operator, 225229

pattern binding with substitution, 232242

s operator, 232

x modifier, 231

overview of, 219220

relational database management systems. See RDBMS

relational databases, 520530, 723

client/server databases, 521522

components, 522527

relational operators, 154155

relations, 756

remdir function, 607

remembered characters, 250, 276279


directories, 607


arrays, 121

hashes, 103104, 129

elements, 106107

newlines, 111112

rename function, 620, 693

renaming files, 620

repeated characters, 249

metacharacters, 261286

repeating patterns, matching, 261286

repetition, loops, 190202

replacing elements, arrays, 106107

representation, index resources, 826

requests, 723. See also queries

GET, 811

HEAD, 812

POST, 812, 826828

PUT, 812

require function, 421, 693

reserved words, 453, 529, 727

reset function, 693

Resilient File System. See ReFS

resources, 825

Dancer, 811

index representation, 826

for Perl, 78


fetching, 563566

sorting, ORDER BY clauses, 744

result sets, 525, 530

number of lines, limiting, 734

SQL (Structured Query Language), 728

retrieving modules, 438

return function, 349, 693


lists, 126128

values, 356357

return values, 647. See also values

reverse function, 125, 693


arrays, 125

hashes, sorting, 131

rewinddir function, 611, 693

rindex function, 693

rmdir function, 693

roles, multiple inheritance, 496499

rollback() method, 583585

roots, 631

routines, 347. See also subroutines

rows, 526

rules, quotes, 57


binding, 472476

modules as, 421


SAM (Security Accounts Manager), 639


formatting, sprintf function, 73

patterns, 230231

say function, 16, 7374

scalar context, 139140, 366

scalar function, 694

scalar variables, 17, 29, 8182, 8791, 92

input, assigning, 307308

lists, creating, 114118

scripts, 3738

schemas, 527, 534

Schwartz, Randal, 2

scope, 8285

operators, 357361

of variables, 351352

scripts, 2, 3348

built-in functions, 3940

comments, 3839

context, 38

creating, 3337

errors, 4344

executing, 4042

filehandles, 3742

files, 16

formatting, 4244

h2ph, 658659

linebreaks, 3536

Moose, 776

naming, 35

numbers, 3637

scalar variables, 3738

statements, 3536, 39

strings, 3637

switches, 4447

system calls, 595

text editors, selecting, 3435

whitespace, 3536


databases, 537538

directories, 603605

files, 603605

modules, 798

Security Accounts Manager. See SAM

seekdir function, 611, 694

seek function, 319322, 694

SELECT command, 546547, 731745

SELECT DISTINCT statement, 733

select function, 317, 694


columns, 732

by columns, 546

databases, USE statements, 541

hashes, 566

rows, 564

text editors, 3435

semctl function, 694

semget function, 694

semicolons (;), 529, 726

semop function, 695

send function, 695


output of filters to files, 329330

signals, processes, 670

values to subroutines, 352

separate resources, 825


lists, 93

output field, 9394

SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), 723


escape, 57

operators, associativity, 149151

string literals, 6163

subroutines. See subroutines

server databases, 521522, 523

set_color() method, 460

set_owner() method, 456, 460

set_price() method, 460

setpriority function, 637638, 695

sets, result, 525, 728

setsockopt function, 695

setters, 450

set user ID programs, 631

s function, 694

shebang lines, 41 module, 660661


cpan, 438

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), 442

metacharacters, globbing, 663664

shift function, 17, 110111, 695

shmctl function, 695

shmget function, 695

shmread function, 696

shmwrite function, 696

shoot() method, 473

short-circuit operators, 162164

shortcuts, 617

SHOW command, 543, 730731

show command, 537

show database command, 538

show databases command, 728

shutdown function, 696

sigils, 85


%SIG hash, 669673

catching, 669

processes, sending, 670

simple statements, 188190, 221225

sin function, 696

single characters, metacharacters, 248, 251258

single inheritance, 489

single quotes, 52, 54

single statements, 182

sizing arrays, 9495

sleep function, 672, 696


arrays, 9899

hashes, 102103

slurping files

into arrays, 302

into strings with read() function, 304

smartmatch operators, 160162

s modifier, 252

socket function, 696

socketpair function, 696

soft links, files, 616620 module, 426

s operator, 232

s (squeeze) option, 290

sort function, 17, 121124, 132, 697


arrays, 121124

hashes, 130135

results, ORDER BY clauses, 744

tables, 550551

space ship (<=>) operators, 121, 130, 158

speak method, 457

special characters, 53

special hashes, 137139. See also hashes

%ENV hash, 137138

%INC hash, 139

%SIG hash, 138

special literals, 6366

special process variables, 635

special variables

$&, 240

filehandles, 705

global, 706708

local to block, 705

specifiers, format, 6970

spelling errors, 85

splice function, 17, 107109, 697

split function, 114118, 697

sprintf function, 73, 697

SQL (Structured Query Language), 520. See also MySQL

commands, 539540, 725728

CREATE DATABASE command, 540541


navigating, 728729

syntax, 528530

tables, 729731

data types, 749750



error messages, 567570

functions, 761770

date and time, 766770

numeric, 762764

string, 765

operators, 736

overview of, 723

standards, 724


executing, 724725

formatting, 725

sqrt function, 697

square brackets ([]), 100, 663

srand function, 168, 697

standard Perl 5.18 library, 417436


ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 723

SQL (Structured Query Language), 724

Unicode, 290294

start command, 654655

starting debugging, 719720

startup() method, 459

state feature, 363

statements, 147


ALTER TABLE, 748, 759

assignment, 8687

break, 204

compound, 182187

continue, 210212


CREATE TABLE, 541543, 748, 751753

DELETE, 560, 747748

DELIMITER, 114, 118


DROP TABLE, 748, 761

execute, 571

goto, 205109

handles, 563566

if, 21

if/else, 21

if/else/else, 22

INSERT, 544546

last, 204, 357

modifiers, 188190

MySQL, 579582

print, 44

redo, 204, 205209

regular expressions, 221225

scripts, 3536, 39


simple, 188190

single, 182

SQL (Structured Query Language), 528

executing, 724725

formatting, 725

switch, 212216


USE, 541

state operator, 358361

stat function, 599, 621623, 698

statistics, files, 621623

stat structure, 342

STDERR filehandle, 4950, 402

STDIN filehandle, 4950, 307333, 402

STDOUT filehandle, 4950, 402

Strawberry Perl, 6, 806

streams, 4950

strictness, 8285

strict pragma, 7778, 361364

strict pragmas, 84, 400

strings, 19

assigning, 82

binding, 222223

equality operators, 159

files, slurping, 304

functions, 765

GET, 818

literals, 6163

numbers, converting, 148

operators, 175178

relational operators, 155

scripts, 3637

Structured English Query Language. See SEQUEL

Structured Query Language. See SQL


control, 182187

inodes, 599, 621

nested data, 383393

stat, 342

study function, 698

sub $AUTOLOAD function, 486489

sub function, 698

subprograms, 347, 409411. See also subroutines

subroutines, 2526, 347375, 408

anonymous, 478. See also closures

arguments, passing, 352368

calling, 349352, 410

context, 366368

declaring, 349

defining, 122, 349352

inline, 124

methods, 456464, 459

overview of, 348352

references, 393396, 394

subs function, 371372

substitution, 232

commands, 53, 659660

delimiters, modifying, 234

metacharacters, 285290

modifiers, 235

pattern binding with, 232242

substr function, 699

subtraction (-) operator, 166

superclasses, 489

SUPER pseudo classes, 499501

superusers, 536, 631

switches, 4447

-d, 718

-c, 46

command line, 716717

-e, 45

-i, 340341

-w, 4647

switch feature, 214216

switch statements, 212216

symbolic links, 617

symbolic references, 378, 398400

symbols, 408

exporting, 425

metasymbols, 248, 253

tables, 412417

symlink function, 619, 699

syntax, 1527

errors, 2

MySQL, 528530

shebang lines, 41

syscall function, 658659, 699

sysopen function, 699

sysread function, 699

syssek function, 699

SYSTEM attribute, 600

system calls, 595629

system function, 661662, 700

system masks, 616

syswrite function, 700


tables, 99, 523524

databases, 520. See also databases; MySQL

dropping, 555

formatting, 751753

grant, 536

JOIN clause, 551552

joins, 757

primary keys, adding, 543544

sorting, 550551

SQL (Structured Query Language)

databases, 729731

symbols, 412417

telldir function, 611, 700

tell function, 322324, 700


Dancer, 814818

pack/unpack functions, 624629


controlling, 630

modules, 714

terminating SQL statements, 529, 726


MySQL, 531

OOP (Object-Oriented Perl), 449450

ternary conditional operators, 156157

ternary operators, 147. See also operators


command-lines, 45

files, 342343


comments. See comments

editors, selecting, 3435

processes, modules, 712

third-party editors, 34

threaded code, 2

tied function, 701

tie function, 701


data and time functions, 766770

files, modifying, 620621

modules, 714

processes, 643649

time function, 702

Time::Piece module, 644

times function, 645, 702


dancer, 808

MySQL, 534537

phpMyAdmin, 535536

topic variable ($_) function, 300

topic variables, 9091

touch command, 620

transactions, 583590

transforming arrays, 119121

translating pod documentation into text, 506508

tr function, 222

tr operator, 285290

troubleshooting script errors, 4344. See also error handling

truncate function, 702

turning off

capturing, 281

greedy metacharacters, 267268, 280


assigning, 412

references, 400404


Boolean, 153

of context, 38

data, 8187. See also data types

of editors, 35

of methods, 457

mixing, 148149

Moose, 781785

of references, 378

of time values, 643

typos, 85


ucfirst function, 702

uc function, 702

umask function, 616, 702

unary operators, 147. See also operators

UNC (universal naming convention), 597

undef function, 8990, 702

underscore filehandle, 622

Unicode, metacharacters, 290294

Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs

UNIVERSAL class, 484

UNIVERSAL function, 486489

universal naming convention. See UNC


command-lines, 41

commands. See also commands

ls, 599

touch, 620

directories, 609

attributes, 599600

creating, 605


attributes, 599600

hard/soft links, 616617

ownership/permissions, 612

passwords, 638639, 641

renaming, 620


chmod, 614

chown, 615

link, 618

readlink, 619

symlink, 619

umask, 616

unlink, 618

processes, 629631

creating, 649654

environments, 632633

filehandles, 634636

system calls, 595

times function, 646

unless constructs, 186187

unless modifiers, 189190

unlink function, 618, 703

unordered lists, 99104. See also hashes

unpack function, 624629, 703

unpacking data, 624629

unshift function, 17, 106, 703

untie function, 703

until loops, 23, 192194

UPDATE command, 553554, 746747

UPDATE statement, 560

updating entries, 581

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 811

USE command, 529, 728

use function, 421, 703

use locale pragma, 122

user-defined filehandles, 297307

user interaction, invoking methods, 462464

USE statement, 541

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 643

utime function, 620621, 703



ASCII, 159

assigning, 353355

elements, searching, 112114

fetching, 569

hashes, accessing, 101102


checking arrays, 124

searching, 112114

indexes, searching, 112114

lists, returning, 126128

logical operators, 162

numeric, relational operators and, 154

return, 356357, 647

subroutines, sending, 352

time, 643. See also time

values function, 18, 126128, 703

variables, 17, 408

$$, 635636

$&, 240

anonymous references, 382383

arrays, 92

environments, 632633

error diagnostics, 567

global, 349

hashes. See hashes

instance, 466

namespaces, 82

packages, 349, 409411, 416

PATHEXT environment, 41

PERL5LIB environment, 419420

predefined, 18

scalar, 17, 29, 8182, 8791, 92

creating lists, 114118

scripts, 3738

scope of, 351352


filehandles, 705

global, 706708

local to block, 705

special process, 635

topic, 9091

vec function, 704

verbs (Dancer), 811


identifying, 9

MySQL, 530

Perl, 4

viewing module contents, 428430

view() method, 448

visibility, 409. See also scope

void context, 38


Wagner, David, 168

wait function, 653, 704

waitpid function, 653, 704

Wall, Larry, 1, 2, 3, 478

WAMP, 531

wantarray function, 367368, 704

wanted() function, 603

warn function, 666, 704

warning pragma, 7576

warnings, 4647

warnings pragma, 85

Web servers, 522. See also servers

WHERE clause, 548550, 736

WHICH value, 638

while loops, 23, 190192, 223

while modifiers, 202203


characters, 249

metacharacters, 258261

scripts, 3536

WHO value, 638


%, 741742

_ (underscore), 743


binary files, 315

password extensions, 641

processes, 631632, 654657

Win32::File module, 600602, 613

Win32::NetAdmin module, 640

Win32::Process module, 656657

Win32::Spawn function, 655656


alarm function, 672673


attributes, 600602

creating, 605607


attributes, 600602, 613

hard/soft links, 617620

ownership/permissions, 612616

passwords, 638639

renaming, 620

functions, chmod, 614615

modules, 806

processes, environments, 632633

times function, 646

withdraw() method, 448

words. See also text

logical word operators, 164166

printing, 51

reserved, 529

strict pragma, 7778

write function, 704

writing, 313314. See also reading

-w switches, 4647


XAMPP, 531

x modifier, 231

x= operator, 152

XOR operator, 736

xor (exclusive or) operator, 164


y function, 704

y operator, 285290


zeroes, 631

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