Chapter 11. Working with PhoneGap Plugins

Using web standards and JavaScript to build a native app may have its limitations because apps developed using native code can interact deeply with the operating system. This is only partially true when dealing with PhoneGap apps because its architecture allows developers to extend the framework capabilities with the help of custom plugins.

In this chapter you will:

  • Learn what a PhoneGap plugin is and how to install and configure the plugins you want to use in your project
  • Understand how to manage project plugins and their dependencies using Plugman
  • Discover the components needed to create a custom plugin
  • Learn how to create a custom plugin from the existing source code
  • Discover how to implement push notifications in a PhoneGap-based app

Introduction to plugins

In order to be productive quickly with PhoneGap plugins, it's important to keep in mind how the framework works. A PhoneGap app consists of three main layers:

  • The user interface, developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • The business logic, developed in JavaScript
  • The PhoneGap framework, native code exposed to the business logic through a JavaScript API


Since Version 3.0, all the PhoneGap APIs have been converted to plugins, which means having a deep understanding of the plugins is now even more important for a PhoneGap developer.

The user interface and the business logic are the app's main source code and are the parts on which most developers concentrate their development efforts. The custom plugins are strictly integrated in the framework and are exposed to the user through JavaScript. PhoneGap provides a callback architecture that allows a developer to design a custom plugin and extend its functionalities. You can imagine a plugin as an additional component of the framework that works like all the PhoneGap APIs: it acts as a bridge between the WebView and the native platform on which the app is running.


All the PhoneGap APIs that you have learned so far rely on the same architecture so you can safely consider them as native plugins.

Introduction to plugins

When you plan to write a custom plugin, keep in mind that you have to write the native code from scratch for all the platforms you want to support. Before starting to write a plugin you should check if what you are searching for has been implemented already at This repository is not a comprehensive list but the community around PhoneGap is working hard to keep it up-to-date.

Getting started with plugins

In order to use the features implemented in a custom plugin, you have to install it in your project. Depending on the target platform this involves different steps; most of the time, however, the accompanying file available in the plugin repository will help.

When working on the Android platform the first step is to copy the plugin source code to the platforms/android/src folder of the project and register the plugin by adding it to the config.xml file stored in the folder platforms/android/res/xml. The config.xml file contains several other settings and all the plugins, as an XML node that indicates the name and the package of the plugin:

<plugin name='HelloWorld' value='' />

Depending on the type of the plugin, you should also update the app permissions in the platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml file. For instance, when using a plugin that is able to send SMS you have to explicitly grant permission to the app adding the following XML node to the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>

In order to add a plugin to the iOS platform, manually copy the plugin source code (the .h and .m files only) to the Xcode project by dragging the files on the plugins folder you find in the Xcode project navigator. When you drop the files, a dialog box pops up; check the option to copy the files into the destination group.

Getting started with plugins

When working with the Windows Phone 8 platform, it's enough to add the source code to the platforms/windows/plugins folder and add the plugin to the config.xml file stored in the platforms/windows folder.


When the plugin includes a JavaScript file, you have to store it in the www folder of the target platform and include it in the index.html file after the cordova.js file inclusion.

It's not an easy task to manually manage the plugins in a PhoneGap project; thankfully there is a command-line tool that makes your life easier.

Using plugins with Plugman

The Apache Cordova Plugman project is an open source command-line utility distributed as an npm module to facilitate the installation and uninstallation of plugins. Plugman supports the Android BlackBerry 10 and iOS platforms. The installation process is the same as any other npm module; remember that if you install it globally (using the -g option) you have to run the command as root:

$ npm install plugman -g

Once installed, you can use several commands from your command-line tool to get the source code of a plugin, install and uninstall it, and package the plugin to be distributed with your app (plugman is part of the cordova-cli tool, you don't have to install it if you are already using it).

  • --fetch, retrieves a plugin from a directory, a Git repository, or by name into the specified plugins directory.
    $ plugman --fetch https: // --plugins_dir PATH_TO_YOUR_PLUGINS_DIR
  • --install, installs a plugin for a specific target platform in a PhoneGap project. The plugin can be installed by name or by URL.
    $ plugman --platform android --project PLATFORM_PROJECT_PATH --plugin https:


    The –plugin argument can be the name of the plugin or the path to a Git repository. By default, Plugman launches the install command and fetches the plugin if it doesn't exist in the plugins directory. For this reason the --install argument is optional.

  • --uninstall, uninstalls by name a previously installed plugin.
    $ plugman --uninstall --platform android --project PLATFORM_PROJECT_PATH --plugin PLUGIN_NAME 
  • --list, lists all the plugins previously fetched using Plugman.
  • --prepare, sets up the plugin, properly injecting the needed JavaScript files and defining the appropriate permissions. The --prepare command is implicitly called when you install or uninstall a plugin.

Plugman is integrated into the Cordova command-line tool so that you can achieve similar results using the plugin add, plugin remove, and plugin list commands. In order to add a plugin to your project, it's enough to run the add command from your project folder specifying the path to the plugin. The plugin source files are then copied to the plugins folder.

$ cordova plugin add PATH_TO_THE_PLUGIN

In order to add the plugin to a target platform, you can run the compile command or the prepare command.

When using Plugman as a standalone utility you can specify variables at install time using the --variable argument. Such variables are necessary for plugins requiring API keys or other custom, user-defined parameters.

The anatomy of a plugin

A PhoneGap plugin is a bridge between the WebView and the native platform the app is running on. Plugins are composed of a single JavaScript interface used across all platforms and native implementations following platform-specific plugin interfaces that the JavaScript will call into. There are no restrictions about how to develop the JavaScript interface. The only mandatory implementation is the way to communicate between JavaScript and the native environment using the cordova.exec function.

var arguments = [/* Optional arguments will go here */];
cordova.exec(onSuccess, onError, 'ClassName',  'method', arguments);

The cordova.exec function accepts as arguments a success handler, a failure handler, the name of the native class (i.e., the name specified in the config.xml file previously mentioned), the method to call, and an array with the arguments required by the native code. The success and failure handlers will get back as arguments the parameters returned by the native code.


Due to the asynchronous nature of PhoneGap, most of the time the examples refer to the ClassName argument as the service and to the method one as the action.

When working with Android as the target platform, you have to be familiar with Java to write a custom plugin. A PhoneGap plugin in fact has to extend the CordovaPlugin class and override the execute method.

public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callback) {
   // The calls to private methods will be defined here      
   return false;

This method accepts the following three arguments:

  • action, a string used in order to understand in the native code how to handle the request.
  • args, an ordered sequence of values (i.e., a Java JSONArray
  • callback, an instance of the org.apache.cordova.api.CallbackContext class to use in order to call the success and the failure handlers. It's using the callback argument that you will be able to execute functions inside your JavaScript.

When working with iOS as the target platform, you have to be familiar with Objective-C to write a custom plugin. The native part of your plugin will consist of at least two files: a header file (i.e., a .h file) and a source file (a .m file) which together implement the logic you need. These two files together define a class in Objective-C; more information about Objective-C is available in the online reference at

The plugin interface extends the Cordova CDV.h interface and contains the definition of all the public methods you can call from JavaScript.

#import <Cordova/CDV.h>

@interface MyPluginClass : CDVPlugin

- (void)someMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;


The implementation of the interface completes the class definition in Objective-C and contains the native code that will be executed though the JavaScript layer.

#import 'Plugin.h'
#import 'AppDelegate.h'

@implementation MyPluginClass

- (void)someMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command{

When Windows Phone 8 is your target platform, you have to be familiar with C# to create a custom plugin. In fact, the plugin is a C# class that extends the Cordova BaseCommand class and implements the public methods that can be executed though the JavaScript layer.

using WPCordovaClassLib.Cordova;
using WPCordovaClassLib.Cordova.Commands;
using WPCordovaClassLib.Cordova.JSON;
public class Echo: BaseCommand{
    public void echo(string options)  {
        // The native code to be executed will go here


All the methods exposed by a Windows Phone plugin must have the same signature: public, returning void, and one argument as a string.

Regardless of the native target platform, it's a good habit to organize the source code of a custom plugin following a precise pattern. The contributors of the Plugman project suggest using a folder structure as follows:

|    |---android
|    |     |
|    |---ios
|    |     |-CustomPlugin.h
|    |     |-CustomPlugin.m
|    |---windows
|          |-CustomPlugin.cs

The plugin.xml file is the manifest of the plugin; it's where a developer can specify the name of the plugin, the versions of PhoneGap supported by the plugin, the assets to copy in the www directory of the PhoneGap project during the installation, the supported platforms, and so on. All this information will be used when installing a plugin using the available command-line tools; if you are interested in a complete list of tags allowed in the config.xml file, refer to the online documentation at

A good plugin is always distributed with a very well-organized JavaScript interface. Take a look at the example at, which exposes the plugin API with a JavaScript object and the prototype property.

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