Time for action – configuring the cloud service in Bracket

In order to be able to work with the cloud-based build services, you have to complete the following steps:

  1. Create an account to use the PhoneGap build services here https://build.phonegap.com/plans.
  2. Open a terminal window and locate the user extensions folder in Brackets; for example, on OS X use the following command:
    $ cd /Applications/Brackets Sprint  XX.app/Contents/www/extensions/user

    Where XX is the sprint number of Brackets at the time you will test it.

  3. Clone the GitHub repository containing the brackets-phonegap extension available at https://github.com/adobe/brackets-phonegap:
    $ git clone https: //github.com/adobe/brackets-phonegap.git PGBuild
  4. Reload Brackets using the Ctrl + R or command + R shortcut and log in to your account to access the PhoneGap build service.
    Time for action – configuring the cloud service in Bracket

What just happened?

After you log in to your account, you will see a new menu item, which you can use to handle the build process smoothly.

The main advantage of introducing Brackets in your workflow is the native capability to get a live preview of the changes in Chrome and the capability to integrate with the online build services.


To download Brackets and to stay informed about new features and releases, refer to the GitHub project available at https://github.com/adobe/brackets/.


Eclipse is a multi-language integrated development environment (IDE) comprising a base workspace and an extensible plugin system for customizing the environment. The plugin ecosystem makes Eclipse a tool suitable for most programming languages and development environments. The Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that enhances the IDE and lets you create an application UI, add packages based on the Android Framework API, and debug your applications using the Android SDK tools.

There are several distributions of Eclipse, considering that when working with PhoneGap you use HTML/CSS/JavaScript, a good configuration should be downloading Aptana Studio available at http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/ and installing the ADT plugin. The main advantage of using Eclipse is that it's an open source environment and that there are several tools and plugins to use to speed up your development process (i.e., there are plugins able to integrate the command-line tool in the IDE such as https://code.google.com/p/elt/).

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