Time for action – handling device orientation with JavaScript

Execute the following steps:

  1. Open the command-line tool and create a new PhoneGap project named orientationevents, and add the platforms you want to target for this example.
  2. Go to the www folder, open the index.html file, and add div with the #orientation ID inside the main div of the app beneath #deviceready.
    <div class="app">
        <h1>Apache Cordova</h1>
        <div id="deviceready">
        <div id = "orientation">
  3. Go to the css folder and define two new rules inside the index.css file to give to div and its content a border and a bigger font size.
        width: 230px;
        border: 1px solid rgb(10, 1, 1);
    #orientation p{
        font-size: 36px;
        font-weight: bold;
        text-align: center;
  4. Go to the js folder, open the index.js file, and define a new function to easily detect if the device can handle the orientationchange and the deviceorientation events.
    orientationSupported: function(){
        try {
            return 'DeviceOrientationEvent' in window &&
            window['DeviceOrientationEvent'] !== null;
        } catch (e) {
            return false;
  5. In the deviceready function, add two listeners if the device supports the orientationchange and the deviceorientation events.
        window.addEventListener('orientationchange', app.orientationChanged);
        window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', app.updateOrientation);
         navigator.notification.alert('Orientation not supported!',
                                 null, 'Attention!', 'OK'),
  6. Define the orientationChanged event handler and use it to print on screen the current device orientation.
    orientationChanged: function(){
        var element = document.querySelector('#orientation'),
        element.innerHTML = '<p>' + window.orientation + '</p>';
  7. Define the handler for the deviceorientation event and use the information provided by the device's sensor to change the 3D transformation of the orientation div.
    updateOrientation: function(event){
        var alpha = event.alpha,
        beta = event.beta,
        gamma = event.gamma;
        var element = document.querySelector('#orientation'),
        var rotation = 'rotateZ(' + alpha + 'deg) rotate(' + beta + 'deg) rotateY(' + gamma + 'deg)';
    // For brevity the browser prefixes have been removed
        element.style.transform = rotation;
  8. Open the command-line tool again, locate the main project folder, and then compile the app and test it on every platform you previously added.

What just happened?

You handled the orientation events using JavaScript and deployed the result to a device using PhoneGap. The app is able to get the device screen orientation and the current position in real time as shown in the next image:

What just happened?
..................Content has been hidden....................

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