The riddle of the tractor



Now you frame it. Even more garbage cans!

Let’s investigate, starting with this tractor scene. The sky is blue, the grass is green, the tractor is red, but the garbage cans are gray, so let’s figure out how to get rid of them!

image Place your cardstock frame on the next page so that it lines up with the black outline. What you get is the picture we see below: nice, but . . . jeepers, those garbage cans! How can we get rid of them?!


  1. 1. What do you have to do so that the ugly intruders—the garbage cans—are not in the picture anymore?
  2. 2. Position the cardstock frame on the book so that the picture you see matches what you are imagining. Can you position the frame so that you can see the tractor in the field, but not the garbage cans?
  3. 3. Now try to find another way of framing the picture that also allows you to see the tractor without the garbage cans. What is the difference between the two ways in which you framed the picture?



Deductions. Moving the frame

In order to get rid of the intruders, you have to move the frame by sliding it across the book!

Here’s what happens when I move the frame to the right in order to get rid of the garbage cans.

First, the ugly intruder is cut in half by the frame: it is half in and half out of the photo (2nd picture). And then, if I move the frame a little farther, our lousy intruder is not in the photo at all anymore (3rd picture)!

image Place your frame on the black outline one more time, then move it to the right until you can see red-and-white post. Now you’ve framed it the same way that I did.


And here’s what we have! A lovely, colorful picture without any ugly elements! The post, with its little bit of red like the tractor, is perfect for the picture!



Oh, but I have another idea! What if I moved the frame upward? Then the garbage cans would disappear below the picture.


Oh shoot, that doesn’t work very well. It looks like the tractor is about to leave the picture too. But on the other hand, there is nothing stopping me from moving the frame to the right AND up!


This way, I get rid of those crummy garbage cans and I also frame my picture in a new way, with hardly any of the road and more of the beautiful blue sky. Not bad, huh?

image Can you do this double-shift of the frame on the picture on page 23 so that you get this neat framing effect? Use the road and the post as guides.


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